My dear children:
Today My Heart desires to make a special request of prayer for the world. I come accompanied by the Celestial Hosts of the Kingdom of God, so that by means of the intervention of your hearts, My angels can go in aid of the nations of the world.
I want to ask you that in a special way you pray for India, for Egypt and for Kenya, that on this day need much help to overcome the threats of the enemy.
I ask that you pray much, so that My Marian missionaries can accomplish the Mission of arriving to India, because their presence does not have the goal of bringing only service and donation, but they also carry My Heart between their hands, so that it is given to those most in need.
My dears, My Immaculate Heart needs to arrive to these nations to consecrate them to My Heart and to protect them from all the evil that is expanding.
Sometimes the ignorance of those who live in the dark does not permit them to see the real spiritual needs, and in this way the enemy takes advantage of the ignorance of My children to close with seven keys the doors of the nations.
If you pray with Love, with Devotion and making to God a true offer of relieving the world, Light can arrive to the hearts that are today in the dark, it can remove the blindfolds from the eyes of My children, so that they can perceive a greater reality, and recognize in My soldiers My Immaculate presence.
Today I ask you to pray also for all the children who live in Kenya, all the little souls that violently balance their debts to God, so that by means of the merciful prayer of your hearts this Unfathomable Source of Mercy can be poured over all these little children and also over those who are to be born.
My dears, the times are being accelerated, the final moment of this purification that the world already lives approaches, and it is urgent that your hearts are placed in prayer.
Trust the Voice that guides you, because My eyes contemplate the needs of the entire world, not only of those who listen to Me. Those who today listen to My Voice must respond with promptness to My Call, so that this Call is expanded throughout the world and arrives to those hearts most forgotten. This is achieved, My children, above all by means of true prayer.
On this Friday of reparation and preparation for the Saturday of Mercy, unite yourself to the Most Holy and Most Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph, so that He helps you and teaches you to be intercessors before God, for the benefit of the entire world.
The nations most distant from My Heart need much help and much prayerful collaboration. For this, together with Saint Joseph, place in your hearts all of Asia, and lift to the Heart of God a merciful request for help, ask Him to send His Hosts of Light, to pour His Piety and His Mercy over these children that so need it.
Pray, pray much so that the Plans of God become a reality, and this world is converted into a luminous world, consecrated to the Heart of the Creator, that responds to His Celestial Will.
I thank you, My dears, for accompanying My Marian Mission for Peace of Earth.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more