Saturday, July 27 of 2013

Weekly Messages


My dears:

May those who aspire to respond to My Call under any circumstances be daily reborn in love and faith. 

Today My Heart descends from the Heavens to strengthen a little more the hearts of the world, above all, the hearts of My Marian groups from the Network of Light.

My children, at request of the All Powerful God I warn you that difficult times will come to your lives as a way of strengthening and maturing your hearts in Faith, in Wisdom, in Discernment and in Love.

To all that may say “yes” to My Heart will come tests sent through Heaven, permitted by the Lord, to confirm the adhesion of your hearts to the Greater Plan of God for this blessed Earth.

My beloved ones, I do not come to cause fear in your hearts, I come however to help you to be more strengthened before the obstacles of life and so that you may know that you can always count on the aid of My Heart.

Many impulses of Light are being sent to the world through My Marian groups, many souls are waking up to the Devotion to My Heart and to a full and concrete trust in the Heart of God.

I want that you know that each step of My groups is accompanied in detail by My eyes and by My Heart and that My hands are ready to arrive in aid every time that you may call Me and that you may ask for My Immaculate Presence.

I Am thankful for the loving answer of the groups of Uruguay that begin a trajectory of union with My Heart and to these children of Mine I say that in a little time you will discover in your inner world a Love that you do not know, a Fire that vivifies all and gives Light to the events of life.

Your souls will have infinite thirst for answering to My Call because each time that a soldier from My army presents itself to provide a service to God, the Lord sends over them an armor of the Holy Spirit and the more they answer and the more their mission expands itself upon the Earth, the greater will be the presence of the Spirit of God to bring to them new tools of Light such as Joy, Love, Faith, Persistence, Wisdom and the Gift of Counsel.

In this way, little by little, step by step, you will become intercessors of God. Together with His Faithful Servant you will be arms of the Lord upon the world in this Mission of awakening souls.

Today, My dears, to all of those who listen to My Voice, one more time I ask that you know how to persevere and that you only clamor for My aid and for the aid of My Son Jesus and that you know that your hearts are being accompanied by the Heart of God. It is only necessary that you be obedient to the indications of Heaven and that you continue to listen to the Voice of the Lord that never stops talking to your heart.

Count on the Fraternity that My presence has constructed in your lives and help, each one the others always, because My Heart also talks to you through the neighbor and My Peace also comes to your lives through the brotherly presence of those who accompany you on this trajectory of Peace.

Continue with Joy and with Peace Always.

I guide your hearts and I thank you for being today with Me.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.