The Flower of the Youth Festival for Peace

My dear youth,

Each Festival concretized in this cycle is like a flower that is manifested to praise the Creator.

Now, through this new Festival in Belo Horizonte, your Heavenly Mother can already tell you that you are entering, as consciousnesses, in a time of greater maturity, where each one of the youth responsible for the manifestation of the Festivals will have the opportunity to take on with consciousness this mission and this spiritual task.

Until this moment, the Festivals were precious and hard-working, they were training to learn to take on with responsibility a part of the Plan which is presented to you by the Hierarchy.

For that reason, the Youth Campaign for Peace should continue expanding and it should continue being enlarged in the Festivals that will come.

Thus, in the previous times, I have delivered to you precious attributes that spiritually will work the consciousness of the coming Festivals. Keeping in mind what each new Festival should express, you will help your creativity and harmony with the essence of each meeting to deepen in you.

Each new Festival will be a goal to reach.

Each effort and the dedication that you place, as you have done lately, will help mature even further your principles and above all your consciousnesses.

The Youth Campaign for Peace, which houses one of its principles that is the Youth Festival for Peace, in this new cycle and after here, Belo Horizonte, should start to work within the universities, colleges and commercial areas so that the greatest number of youth can know the Youth Campaign for Peace.

The praying task of the youth is contributing to the essence of the youth of the planet to have the Grace of awakening and of protecting the new patterns of conduct that will form the consciousness of the New Humanity.

Thus, the participation of the younger ones in the Youth Campaign for Peace will expand the operational field of work and, most importantly, as brothers and sisters, you will learn to awaken a consciousness of greater love for Nature and for the planet.

Each new Festival that takes place in a city indicated by your Heavenly Mother, is a spiritual network that is built in the consciousnesses so that certain spaces of the planet may be protected from interferences and exploitation.

That is why each new Festival, each Youth Campaign for Peace that is realized and spread, helps to elevate the human consciousness so that some day it may find inner healing in its being.

I encourage all My dear youth to have some represent the Youth Campaign for Peace participating, fraternally, in the next World Youth Day to be held in Panama with the company of My beloved son, Pope Francis.

Thus, you will join other youth of the world who also seek the elevation of consciousness and above all, the peace to learn to overcome the obstacles of these times.

Among the youth that form the Youth Campaign for Peace, you will meet, pray and feel, in a spontaneous way, which one will represent in Panama.

May this fraternal unity, among brothers and sisters, build the new consciousness.

May the Festival, based today in Belo Horizonte, bear fruits of maturity to take the upcoming Festival to Buenos Aires and to unite the youth of different nations.

Do not forget, children, to invite the youth of Chile for the next task in Argentina.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you on this day,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To the choir members and musicians of the groups of prayer of Europe

My dear children,

On the eve of the great youth meeting in Cracow, Poland, today I ardently hope that your hearts will join this important Jubilee of the Mercy of God so that from here, in the city of Porto, the first spiritual impulse of awoken humanity may emerge, which will implore with all its heart for the Mercy of God.

My wish is that in this meeting that will take place here today, on the eve of the awaited World Youth Day in Poland and of the first Youth Festival for Peace in Brazil, the inner invocation from each choir member should be sent forth, asking for peace and the Mercy of God.

Dear children, I have very closely followed the whole of your preparation and enthusiasm for giving of your best in honor of the Celestial Father.

On this spiritual gala night, where My angels from Heaven will witness this meeting, I wish that each of My children of Europe should ask for forgiveness and mercy on behalf of all Europeans and for all the acts committed since the colonization and moral, human, natural, and spiritual plundering of the whole of the Americas.

I hope, dear children choir members from Europe, that from your voices blossoms this profound request for pity, so that My angels may have the joy of presenting to the Celestial Father the musical and instrumental offering that today you will offer the whole of humanity.

Children, each one of your spirits has God at its core, so with full trust in the Mercy of God and for the two youth meetings that will take place in Poland and in Brazil, join hands and invoke the power of this infinite Grace that grants, redeems, and heals all.

May the meeting of music tonight serve to expand out from Europe the very powerful flow of the Mercy of My Son.

From the whole Iberian Peninsula may the doors of redemption open for all the consciousnesses that must move through them in this hour.

Dear children, from the Kingdom of the Heavens I will be with each one of you, accompanying this spiritual and divine impulse that will be given today for Portugal and the whole of Europe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united with the song of the holy angels and of My children of Europe,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts!

Today I wish to announce to you that because of the advent of the Sacred Week at the end of March, the next Annual Meeting of the children of Mary will again be held at the Marian Center of Figueira, on the 12th of March of 2016, a time when all of My children consecrated since the year 2013 will have the Grace of participating in some way. We will unite this meeting to the Prayer Vigil for Peace in the nations.

Dear children, I lovingly wish to see all of My children consecrated as children of Mary on the 12th of March at the Marian Center of Figueira; it will be a time for the renewal of vows, and in this way, all will receive My sign of peace for these times.

To those children who will be in other countries and who will not be able to be present on the 12th of March at the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil, at this annual day of the children of Mary, as from now and in plenty of time, I invite you to send to the communication media of Mercy Mary TV greetings of peace and of renewal of vows to the Most Holy Mother.

These greetings will be presented the day of the coming together of the children of Mary. In this way, all of My dear children will be present in a spirit of prayer and of joy during this special day, when Your Heavenly Mother will bless you.

I wish that two choirs be formed for you to sing to Me on the 12th of March at the Annual Meeting of the children of Mary. The first choir will be formed by all the children of Mary, who will offer the Hymn of the children of Mary at the opening of the meeting. The second choir will be formed by the youths of the Communities of Light of the Marian Centers: of Aurora, of the Child King (Menino Rei), of the Holy Spirit (Espíritu Santo), and of Figueira, and Your Mother is especially also inviting the youths of the Nuclei of São Carlos, of Belo Horizonte, of São Paulo, of Rio de Janeiro, and of Fátima, Portugal. The youth choir will offer in Portuguese the Hymn of the World Youth Day that will take place this year in Krakow, Poland.

This meeting is expected to give an impulse of peace and mercy.

It will be in this way that all will unite as good Christians to ask for peace and for mercy in these times.

Good preparation for all!

In the light of the children of Mary, who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Queen of the Hearts,transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children,

Today My most appreciated souls, those souls who suffered the abandonment of this world, are with Me in My Kingdom. Therefore, as Mother of the Holy Rosary, from My maternal Heart I want to thank those who gathered during these days of the Vigil of Prayer for the coming of the Holy Father Francis.

Dear children, when you pray with the heart, other divine and special events are carried out by the angels of Heaven and this helps in the redemption of humanity.

My children, your next step of humility and fraternity will be your presence in the meeting with the Holy Father on World Youth Day.

When souls congregate in the name of God, evil is removed from the world. When all hearts unite without observing the different paths they tread, the infinite Grace descends upon everyone.

Therefore, today I want to demonstrate to you, My little ones, that you and each one of your hearts are instruments in the Hands of God, so that He, in His infinite glory, may fulfill the work of the end of times. Open your hearts without fear, and trust that all is under the loving sight of God.

Dear children, He needs you now, He expects that you love Him, more every day and that you glorify Him. The Heart of God is tired of so many outrages and so much indifference, but His Love for you is inexhaustible. He expects that His beloved children repair Him, help Him. Although His Power is merciful and strong, He waits for the warm prayer of His creatures.

See how God is flagellated through the Plant Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Mineral Kingdom and even the Angelic Kingdom, God is in everything. Therefore, My little ones, it is time for you to become aware of the great service of love and prayer that your lives can realize.

For this, you always have Me, and by faith and Mercy I still descend from Heaven towards your presence to tell you:

" Dear children, the moment of the great step of your beings is now. Christ counts on the new apostles of forgiveness and peace." 

Dear children, you will be in My blessed Immaculate Heart for all eternity. It is time for humanity to become aware that it must unite itself in love and in spirit as one so that the new light may be born in the world.

After being with you, month by month, My loving and fervent Heart repeats in prayer to God before His Heavenly Kingdom:

Oh, New Aurora!
that will emerge as infinite Light
within simple and humble hearts.
Hail, Aurora of the morning!
that will awaken before God
out of love and Mercy.
Beloved Kingdom of the sublime heights,
Sacred Heart of the Lord,
have Mercy and hope for this world.
Oh, beloved Most High God!
My Soul in Heaven glorifies You,
supplicates to You, implores You and asks You in reverence and devotion:
Open Your glorified Eyes, beloved God!
and observe, in the sky of Your created universe,
the redeemed stars
that say yes to Your saving Project.
Oh, beloved Eternal Father!
You are love and compassion,
oh, beloved Lord of the Universe!
You are infinite Light in each being,
remain in Your children,
awaken in them
the powerful strength of Your redemption.
Through the victorious glory of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
may they reach the eternal life of prayer and peace,
now and always.
Because only through You, Lord,
will humanity be one.
Because only through You, Lord,
will Your Holy Spirit
renew the face of the Earth.
Accept the offer of Your children
and pour out Your Mercy
upon those who are fallen and helpless.
Only through You, Lord,
will we experience the Love of Paradise.
That Your Light may always reign
among hearts and souls.
Father, we await
the glorious coming of the universal King.

This is My request of Mercy to God so you will be able to feel how your prayer is so important in these times.

Thanks, dear children, for responding to My calls!

In blessing and light,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
