My beloved and dear children,
In these days, something profoundly anonymous and significant happened for your Father God. It was the selfless and humble service that four of His missionary children rendered for the good and for peace in My beloved nation of Turkey, where your Heavenly Mother lived, in recollection in Ephesus, the synthesis of the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus, after My Son ascended to Heaven.
In this gesture by such young missionaries, representing the code of Love of the Hierarchy in a world and society hypnotized and anesthetized by indifference and material ambition, the anonymous service of My four missionary children elevated the souls of the Middle East to the dignity of redeemable souls.
I want you to understand from the heart what this means, My children, in the face of a desolate scenario in the Middle East, a Middle East destroyed by the use of power, of weapons and by the war that has sacrificed hundreds of innocent people and mainly children.
Do you know what it means for God to hear or see a child die in a war?
How much longer will there be so much impunity and evil, beloved children?
That is why today My Heart is a little relieved to see all that sacrifice for Christ, by only four brothers and sisters, which is worth more than all the money and prestige in the world.
Be aware of this and recognize, once and for all, where you are, filled with Graces, and in the sacred spaces where you are.
Children, no longer allow ingratitude to control you and divert you from the path. The Heart of God is suffering for this cold and cruel world. I invite you to value, out of love, all that you have and to value it for all those who no longer have anything and have lost everything.
This is the time of Judgment, when everything will be shown so that souls may decide which path to follow.
My Heart is the refuge for the afflicted.
In the name of My Son, I am grateful for the courage, resignation and love of My four missionaries of peace in Turkey.
May God bless them always. Let us pray for those who serve in all missions, so that the Love of the Living Christ may be the strength of will in the face of so much desolation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear and beloved children,
Today, it rejoices Me to have you close to My Heart, so that each one of you may feel the maternal warmth of My Sacred Flame of Love.
In this Lent, which is ending, I invite you to come out of the desert to enter the Eternal Paradise of God, which is in the Heavens.
I want to take you with Me, in this coming Holy Week, along the sacred path of the Calvary, so that you may spiritually collect the triumphant codes of the Sorrowful Passion of My Son.
In this time, Our Lord needs for souls to exist that are capable of being depositories of His principles, values and attributes, so that the world may see an eradication of the violence, war, impunity and slavery that many among My children still face day by day.
I wish, as a Mother, that you may offer your lives to God as an example in the face of so many sins in the world.
Dear children, for this reason, My intention as a Mother is to take you by the hands and, above all, within My Heart, along the path of revelation of Christic Love, which is faithfully expressed through the Passion of Christ.
My Son needs witnesses of His Love, in the face of so much cruelty.
My Son needs witnesses of His Mercy, in the face of so much injustice.
My Son needs peacemakers, in the face of so much violence and mistreatment.
Therefore, you must begin the exercise of setting yourselves apart and distancing yourselves from these energies.
For this reason, I come to show you the path, the path that will lead you to My Son, Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
After transmitting the Weekly Message, the Virgin Mary complemented it with the following Words:
My Son thanks you for being here today, and through this Message, which you will soon share(*), you will understand the essence of what He needs in this cycle. Because We hope, and We also pray, for at least a part of humanity to be saved, before it is too late; and mainly for the humanity that will be rescued to hold, in itself and in each heart, the Values and Principles of God, which, from the beginning, gestated the existence of races and peoples, the authentic expression of the divine values of the people of Israel.
My silence comes to comfort you. My prayer comes to rebuild you. My Love comes to elevate you before this spiritual and divine door, which opens to the Sacred Week.
The Church of My Son is ready, because what will shine at Its Altar will be the offering of each one of your hearts, this is what He ardently hopes for. It does not matter that it is imperfect or that it is miserable to you. My Son expects it to be true, with the loyalty that each heart can live, to understand the Call of God, which, in this time, comes to awaken all, because humanity must not fall asleep in its indifference and denial.
Humanity must be the race of the New Christs. And for this cause I also pray every day, just as I faithfully pray by the side of each one who unites to Me in prayer.
I thank you, and encourage you to live a victorious Holy Week, so that Christ, My Beloved Son, may govern each human heart. For this ardent aspiration of the Lord, I give you His Peace, the Peace of Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be Light in the world, so that there may be Mercy.
(*) The Divine Mother refers to the Weekly Message.
Dear children,
In this time of planetary transition, some consciousnesses that serve My Son offer themselves to support, together with the most vulnerable and unprotected, the cross that many souls receive, a weight that is imposed upon them so that they cannot walk freely. That weight has to be transmuted by some, so that the most vulnerable and unprotected may have the Grace of being freed from oppression.
Therefore, this is a time of unknown Armageddon, this is a time in which everything is allowed so that souls define which path they will choose in the time to come.
The relief of the cross of the neighbor opens a silent spiritual door through which the Divine can work to rescue and save the most oppressed.
In this cycle, faced with the great debt of this world, the Divinity needs sacrificed and selfless hearts that are capable of accepting something that does not correspond to them on their spiritual path.
That offer is accepted attentively by the Heavens because it opens the darkest spaces for the angels of God so that Eternal Light can enter and so that this same Light can transmute and transform the most adverse situations and conditions in which the most oppressed souls are.
For this reason, dear children, offering to support and sustain this silent task means more than saying yes so that everything may be resolved. This represents the culminating moment in which Mercy will be able to act instead of Justice and thus rescue the hearts that are imprisoned.
All it takes is being attentive to the call of the Higher Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
As pilgrims of life, follow the sign that is indicated to you on your path, the star that marks the path to My Immaculate Heart, because in My maternal Heart you have a dwelling to return to, every time you need.
This is the time for you to learn to live within My Heart at all possible times.In this way, My children, you will be supported by the power of My Love, by the great celestial shield of My Heart.
My Heart is this great fort where you will be able to be in vigil, attentive to the events of these times, available and whole to enter the field of spiritual battle; because the hour is coming when My soldiers will enter the space of adversity to dispel the harassments and, with me, through prayer, rescue those who remained spiritually lost.
I need you with a different attitude from the one you have had up until now. I need you within the spiritual command of My Son, just as the Guardian Angels, attentive to and waiting for the next convocation, because in this end time that is drawing close, all is permitted, and you must only seek the Light of the Heart of My beloved Son, which will shine unmistakably in the shadows of this world so that, as a safe harbor, souls can arrive upon firm land.
Children, listen attentively, live My Words, practice them, this is the unknown time of the Armageddon, because, in spite of the dark night, in our Messages lies the fortitude for the weak, the breath for the helpless, the faith and the determination for the tepid of heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloveds,
Today My Crown of Stars is illumined by the power and the faith of the prayers offered through the Powerful Novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel.
The Creator Father is withdrawing from the planet, having fulfilled a most important stage in the mission of rescue and liberation of souls within the chain of suffering and illness.
But still, dear children, there is much to do, there are still souls to rescue, to awaken and to place upon the path of return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
During these nine days, those who prayed were able to experience the silent work of transmutation and vibration that the Angelic Hierarchy does, and they were also able to be aware of the great need for help and prayer that the planet has.
So, during these nine days, in which the striving prayer beings carried out the novena, they were able to accompany Saint Raphael the Archangel in his planetary task of healing and reconciliation of humanity.
Opportunities will still be given to all to be able to continue praying from the heart for the end of the pandemic so that humanity may reconsider and recognize its spiritual distancing from God.
So it was, that the Eternal Father Himself sent one of His Archangels so that he could intervene for humanity.
Children, after these nine days of having been placed into contact with the sacred Law of Healing, may your prayers continue arriving to the beloved Heart of God so that more healing and more redemption may embrace the planet.
I thank you for having responded promptly to the call for the healing of humanity!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I come from the heart of the Universe to assist and rescue My children of humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. We are upon a world in ruins and on fire, with a humanity consumed by illusion and indifference.
I come today to attend to various situations of the planet, because within the Armageddon, the human race is not responding to the times of emergency.
For this reason, I come to cry out for awareness and promptitude, because your home, which is this planet, has need of the help and love from all human beings so that the exploitation, the trafficking, the excessive consumption and the massive destruction of the Younger Kingdoms may be reversed, beyond the interests that a small number of people have, which bring about global poverty.
This is the time in which certain powers that the human being believes they have will fall apart, in the same way that a mountain comes down. Nothing will remain in the place believed to be its position. The Hierarchy will intervene so that injustice ends and those who live off of the slave labor of all humanity will be removed.
Humanity cannot imagine the arrival of this moment. Thus, we must pray, pray and pray, so that Justice may be gentle in all it intercepts. Be aware of this and accompany the Hierarchy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
After the Meeting of Music yesterday, Amazonia has been prepared so that, through the Grace of the Divine Son, it may receive all the Light of the Universe that it will need in order to go through the end of times, as a Kingdom.
Aside from that, dear children, today your Divine Mother will prepare, by means of the prayers of Her beloved children, to enter into scenes of humanity where the suffering of the most little and innocent ones becomes worst, day by day.
For this reason, the Mother of God, the Sun of Life, will reach all the little and innocent ones, in different parts of the world, to help them and rescue them from this spiritual, mental and material condition in which hunger, persecution from war, exploitation of children and also undue trafficking of organs are carried out by a part of adult humanity that has completely lost the sense of discernment and the value that family represents.
My children, I not only will go towards those who despair, in these conditions of survival, but also, as Mother of the spiritual healing of humanity, I will come to hospitals and institutes where bodily suffering retains the departure of the little innocent souls that cannot manage to be freed from their incarnation.
Today, by a special Grace and by the sincere prayers of all servers of the Earth, I will concede immediate relief for this inhumane situation.
Therefore, My children, your support and participation, by means of the Vigil of Prayer, will contribute to and grant that the most innocent may find the relief and rest they so much need.
I will also come to the inappropriate and hidden spaces where the future mothers decide, by the interference of the enemy, to remove from their wombs the lives and love that God gave to them.
Within the coming and awaited for meeting, in the Marian Center of the Child King, on September 25th, I will come to ask all the collaborators of this Work of Love not to forget to help and serve the children, adolescents and youth that are in the Community of the New Earth, because they are the reflection of this part of humanity that needs healing, love and understanding.
I will be very grateful if the Planetary Light-Network groups visit and participate periodically and actively within the group and service life of the Community of the New Earth.
In this way, you will consciously be allowing other service groups in the rest of the world, to be able to assume the relief of suffering of other children, adolescents and youth.
May this vigil be the vigil of the heart and of self-surrender.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
God is attentive to the voice of your supplications because this is a time of great spiritual, mental and physical needs.
This is a time when solidarity and the good must penetrate the deepest layers of the consciousness so that, in truth, there may be a change and an awakening.
This is the time to bring to the world this message, which means that it is the moment to consider your neighbor and serve others because this sacred action will allow miracles to take place, and souls that are absolutely lost will be rescued just as you were rescued by the Love of God.
But this moment is crucial and definitive, it is a delicate moment in which every day and in prayer you must ask for wisdom and discernment for all those who make hasty decisions and completely lose the true sense of reality.
As the Mother of the Grace and Mercy of God, I count on each one of My praying soldiers, within this moment of planetary inflection, for everything to remain in its harmony and in its balance.
This is the reason why, in the coming times, situations of inner emergency and external emergency will be attended by means of the pilgrimages.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the support of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Who today lives his retreat, will go to meet the most difficult needs and we will send all of our servers, through indication and inspiration, to attend and aid that which is necessary, as good fathers and good mothers, as impeccable servers and collaborators.
For this reason, My children, all this movement that is approaching, which will be that of an immediate surrender of self, will help you to forget yourselves and place the grave and critical planetary situation within the balance of Divine Justice. Because we cannot permit that this Human Project of God be rejected.
All the effort that was offered during the last years and up until recent days, by many groups of prayer, of adoration and of service, is being used to compensate the gravest debts of humanity incurred upon by abortion, prostitution and exploitation of children, adolescents and adults, by the commerce of slavery, the deforestation of the planet, the extraction of minerals, as well as by the excessive hunting of whales and marine animals.
Everything that happens today needs an enormous amount of untiring prayer so that Divine Justice may not fall upon humanity.
I am now thankful for the consciousness and the opening of your hearts and lives to the call for service from the Mother of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never cease to be the Light of Christ in these times. Let this light, in abundance, fill hearts.
Continue to be this Light of Christ that dissipates darkness and rescues hearts with love.
Be the Light of Christ in these critical times. Let this inner and inextinguishable light reach all who need it.
Be the Light of Christ in each act, as well as in each test. Do not torment yourself or be distressed by anything.
Continue to be the Light of Christ, this light which must triumph and bring peace to the world.
In all things, seek humility so that the Light of Christ may also be able to penetrate the deep spaces of the consciousness.
Be this Light of Christ that encompasses all, that welcomes all and understands all.
Be this inner light that transcends forms and all feelings.
Seek to be the Light of Christ in love and in the good. Let this light surpass the limits and boundaries of the consciousness.
Be this light that carries the Peace and Mercy of God. Let the Light of Christ triumph, every day, so that on Earth, finally, the Kingdom of God may be manifested and accomplished in each redeemed one.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
This is the time to find Jesus within you so that He may rule and reside in your deepest abodes.
This is the time in which Jesus can work and perform wonders within more souls of the world.
This is the time in which Jesus must be present, for a longer time, in your consciousnesses; being the impulse that promotes all things and the joy that renews all things.
This is the time in which Jesus must reign in your hearts so that the promise of His return to the hearts of humankind may be fulfilled.
This is the time in which Jesus can renew all things and can bring the opportunity of redemption to the human consciousness.
This is the time in which Jesus must awaken the last apostles so that in this definitive cycle the rescue mission may be accomplished.
This is the time in which Jesus will show Himself to be active and working through His disciples.
This is the time of the revelation of the Truth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Do not stop rowing this boat of salvation and rescue of the end of times; there are still precious souls to rescue and to reach out your hand towards, so that they may be able to climb into the Boat of the Lord.
Do not stop navigating, because there are still places to redeem and convert for the Glory of God.
Do not stop navigating; there are inner ports that still wait for the reappearance of Christ and want to hear the words of love of His apostles.
Do not stop navigating seaward to meet the shipwrecked, those who lost themselves in the sea of despair and guilt. To all of them God wishes to give His infinite Mercy.
Continue rowing, children, there is still pain to alleviate and healing to give to solitary and sick hearts.
Take in your souls and on your lips the power of the Word of Christ so that, announced to the world, the souls may awaken to the call of the Greater Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To the singers of the heart
My dear children,
In this new stage of Music for Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, may the gifts and talents of your beings awaken and be at the service of the Plan of God so that, through the powerful current of healing provided by music, it may reach more places in the world, places that need love, forgiveness, and redemption.
In this new cycle that begins for each one of you, and after all the enriching experience built through each presentation, may today, your consciousnesses, be able to testify how grandiose the manifestation of elevated music is, when offered to the Creator for the concretion of His Plan of Love.
The meeting of Music for Healing, which gathers groups of souls that are quite different from one another, must now keep deepening its offer, approaching to the stage, new souls that feel the impulse of donating their talents and integrating themselves into this spiritual construction that, month by month, is carried out in each new meeting.
For this reason, the meeting of music must undergo a scenographic, aesthetic and musical renovation so that, in this offering for the healing of humanity, the souls that live the gift of music may feel summoned to participate, in favor of the construction of peace and of the planetary healing.
All the stages, lived previously, demonstrated that it is possible to manifest the different streams of music, through all the impulses that Creation offers, as a means of being able to represent it in material life.
The music itself, the expression of the scenarios and each musical aspect worked, represents the possible means to be able to manifest the Universe of God in humanity.
In this sense, My children, the new cycle of Music for Healing and Upliftment of humanity will be open to the expression of this love for music that exists in each interpreter, who generates the conditions for awakening forgiveness and healing in humanity.
All those who have the gift of being able to express music, as a means of uplifting the consciousness, are invited to contact the organizing team of the meeting so that, monthly, Music for Healing may count on a new guest who will bring, with their musical experience, a stream of the universe of music.
And those who love to sing and express their voices, as an offering to God and to life, will also be welcome so that, month by month, Music for Healing may count on new voices that will express their gratitude to God through singing.
For this new cycle in which singers and musicians are invited to renew themselves, may all receive the spiritual impulse within their souls, knowing that through the new streams that will enter, to be presented in Music for Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, you will have the mission of rescuing souls that are found in different groups of humanity, who must have the grace, someday, of being able to awaken and offer their lives to God, just as you have offered yours in an unconditional way.
On this gala night, may the Gift of God shine in each singer.
May each song uplift the planetary consciousness and may everything be transmuted.
Who accompanies you for this new cycle,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Mary Aparecida, Eternal Patroness of Brazil
My dear children,
On this October 12th, in commemoration of Mary Aparecida and as Mother of all races, I invite you, to each prayerful heart, to re-consecrate Brazil to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that Divine Justice, and not the justice of men, may descend, and so that equality and dignity among peoples may emerge for these times so that Brazil may once again be considered the sacred Eden of South America.
Today, more than ever, your Celestial Mother and Lady of Aparecida collects, with Her hands, the prayers of all of Her children of Brazil and of the world, knowing that in these moments of definition and of tests, nothing will remain hidden.
For this reason, in its re-consecration, as Brazilian people to the Mother of God, the patronage of the Lady of Aparecida and Her celestial guard will be once again be established in the spirit of its country and of its people.
With the prayers of My children, I will imprison My adversary so that, in this final battle for the nations of the world, love and hope may triumph in everybody who trusts in God and in the near coming of His Kingdom.
Dear children, the planet and humanity will purify, that is why I invite you to remain in vigil and in prayer, because the most crucial hour is coming and you must not be taken by surprise when everything is unleashed in the world and on its surface.
For this reason, announce all of your faith and your consoling love for the flagellated Heart of the Mother of God, who is offended by the children who want to banish Her from all cultures and all peoples.
It is in the trust of My prayerful children where the Kingdom of the Mother of God will be established once again, because the permanent exercise of the Rosary will be the instrument that will defeat all lies, falsity and corruption in the nations of the world.
The time has come to make the prodigies of the Mother of God known in the redeemed and converted life of the believers in Christ.
Brazil is a land blessed by God.
All who pray must keep supplicating so that the Divine Justice may descend and the Divine Mercy be the powerful current that will redeem the most sinful, giving them the grace of rescue and of salvation.
On this day, when My children from Brazil recognize the Mother of God, may the altar of the inner temple of each Brazilian be offered so that the atoning Divine Grace may intercede for a country that may live equality and justice, and may once again be the cradle for a new and redeemed humanity.
May the Celestial Peace be present today in Brazil and in the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Sun that lights this world, at its last time, before night.
I am the Trumpet that sounds in the Heavens, warning the souls that the cycle of definition for your lives, as for the whole Universe, has come.
I am the Hand that detains Justice, for there to be a greater time for Mercy for souls. But My Heart cannot transform Laws, if your hearts do not decide to follow Me unconditionally at this time.
I am also part of the Living Word of God for this world, and for the whole Creation. The Voice that sounds beyond the Divine dimensions, and from which the sound of Purity comes, but also Truth. Because it is time for you to know the Truth, not only the Truth that brings you the Graces that descend from Heavens, but also the real awakening, consciousness and definition.
To be part of My Work at this time, children, is more than having a rosary between your hands. It is wanting to be part of the commands of Your Heavenly Mother, who with the Scepter of God in hands will open the path in the darkness to rescue even the last of lost souls. And without fear, nor conditions, She will face the abysses with the support of Divine Will, to establish Her Peace, where it does not exist nowadays.
The seals no longer exist in the books and in the sacred parchments. The moment has come for definition of the souls, and this will be seen in your smallest actions and choices.
I know it is difficult to say “yes” to the Cross of these times. I know that many are called to live what they have never lived before and to give of themselves what they have never given. But, how to renew God Himself but with extreme surrenders, with new Laws, new Life, a new “yes”?
The awakening for this time is unknown, not only for humanity, but for all Life, all Creation, and even for God, who will renew Himself through His children.
For this reason, I tell you: Little is not enough, the known is not enough, the lukewarm is not enough, it is not enough to have affinity with My words.
Those who listen to Me in these times, came here for a reason and their lives were transformed for a reason that transcends themselves. It is not only for you to feel Peace that you are here and listen to Me. The Peace that lives in their hearts is an instrument of strength, for them to live something new, for them to be the Light of the world, set on the tables at the center of the dark nations.
I want to take this Work to a destiny that none of you has ever imagined, My children. And for you to follow Me, it is necessary to define yourselves.
I will lead you in this world, even when darkness seems to have taken over all things. Your strength and wisdom will come from My Heart and will fulfill your hearts and your minds. In a world of confusion, you will not have any doubt because you will be in other Laws, in another time, within the time of this world.
The lost ones will walk beside you and will not understand where the clarity of your paths comes from. The example will speak louder than the thunders and the trumpets of the Apocalypse.
There will be no understanding outside My Mantle, outside of the Laws of the New Life, which I am gestating in those who say “yes” to Me.
My Voice, children, does not bring you a new prophecy, but a reality. I want you to open your eyes to a truth and a need that is beyond your daily needs, your worldly tasks, and everything that up to now you thought was important for our lives.
I do not mean that your lives are not important, but today I place your eyes on Mine, and I show you the real need of this Creation and not only of this small world.
The crevices of the heart are already opening on Earth and all will be permitted. It is only necessary to say “yes” to Me.
May the meanness end today, as well as competitions, the half-surrenders and the lukewarmth in the hearts. My Son will come to place on your forehead the definite seal of His Apostles, and before Him, I come to the world, as a morning star, before the sunrise, to tell you, My children: define yourselves and awaken.
It is time for your lives not to be yours anymore, but to be placed at the feet of God, as a true offering, and to there be nothing more important than to fulfill His Plan, not even your own lives.
To some God will ask for everything, but these will be the real heirs of His Kingdom, the carriers of His legacy, the pioneers of the New Life beyond this world, renewed parts of the Divine Consciousness, as healing cells in the wounded and sick consciousness of Creation, which degenerated by its own choice and its paths.
You are called to be part of a New Law, precursors of the New Life. Define yourselves and let yourselves be led. The unrestricted obedience and the absolute adhesion in your hearts and your consciousnesses will reflect in your actions and will speak to the world.
Those who have ears, let them listen to the Voice of the Mother of God, who in the name of the Creator and of Her Son, speaks to the world.
I bless you and thank you for awakening and for defining yourselves at this time.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
My Son comes to the world in Spirit and Divinity to justify before the universe the salvation of the current humanity.
The Lord descends in His Glory on these dates to demonstrate that it is possible to reverse all that this race generated in these last times.
Only the essence of love and compassion will allow something to change quickly in order that souls may perceive that the path of rescue is different, which is now being lovingly offered by the sacrifice of the Son of God.
The union of each being with the Love of Christ will allow those sacred bases of salvation to be strengthened in a world that remains at the same point of indifference as it was two thousand years ago.
Thus, My beloved Son now comes with the power of His Divine Mercy to awaken the apostolate for this task of the end of times, in those who in other times, have united with His meek Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am that Bird of Light that comes to announce peace to the world.
I am that Bird of Light that comes to guide Her children on the path of love and of the good.
I am that Bird of Light that circles the spaces to bring wisdom to a civilization that needs it very much.
I am that Bird of Light that brings hope and renewal to consciousnesses.
I am that Bird of Light that helps to raise the spirit of each being so that all may meet with the Father.
I am that Bird of Light that descends to the abysses of the Earth to rescue each one of the children of God.
I am that Bird of Light that awakens devotion in the hearts so that divine communion may be established.
I am the Bird of light that takes care of and protects the essences that surrender in trust into the arms of the Celestial Mother.
I am that Bird of Light that concedes pardon and reconciliation with the Divine.
I am that Bird of Light of mercy, and I hope all My Children will live this powerful gift of liberation.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Before the Venerable Heart of Saint Joseph, may your hearts be filled with love, so that forever the truth may reign and you may liberate yourselves from past suffering.
Dear children, Saint Joseph is the Father of all essences, and in your essences are life, origin and the beginning of all.
Your essences are the ones that are able to fulfill the Purpose of God, because through your essences the goals of Creation are fulfilled.
I need, dear children, that your essences be humble and resplendent to the Eyes of God.
In your essences is the synthesis of your journey through the Universe and through this planet. Your essences are able to be this portal so that at the end of times, souls may avail themselves of them.
In you, dear children, is this potential to be able to love more each day. I need, My children, that your inner worlds serve as a relief to the great planetary pain.
Through service, in the humanitarian missions, a history of love, of forgiveness, and of mercy is rewritten.
Be essentially the example that the Universe needs to be able to carry out this last phase of the rescue operation in humanity.
The Sacred Hearts expose Their inner temples to all with the end that you may approach the Kingdom of God, the one that also inhabits the sublime worlds.
Open your eyes to the true reality because thus you will be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who loves you infinitely,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The New Earth will be rebuilt among a few, and from them will be born the relief for all that was created. Thus, in this cycle the efforts will be great and the steps that must be taken will be ever larger than the possibilities of everyone.
The time has come to take that leap toward a greater trust in God. The Father and His beloved Son will never forsake Their disciples, for in this way, you will be able to take the steps that will cause the human consciousness to ascend on many planes.
Atavism must be defeated, and for this, concentration and patience will be the keys that will allow a solid fortress to be built in each soldier, which will make of them, at each stage, a fulfilled server in the Hands of God.
Abysses must be crossed, hells of the consciousness must be closed. But above all that, there will be the guiding hand of Those Who in the beginning guided the stars. We are at the point where the scales are shown so that each one may define themselves and place their weight on one of the plates.
Grace will make great conversions out of impossible things. But the disciple of Christ must not lower their arms before it is time. Everything will be allowed, and from the choices of their peers, many will learn to love what they have never managed to love.
Valor, courage, patience, and above all, love in the consciousness will help in going through this planetary time of instability.
May those who still persist know that We are with them. The Celestial Father sends Us from the most High of the universe to cause those who accept the final rescue to rise. Forward!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who contemplates you and gives you impulse,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First will come My Beloved Son to pour out the Mercy needed by the most lost souls.
Afterwards will come your Heavenly Mother to reaffirm in this people the Kingdom of God, and so that the seekers and non-seekers of My Heart may at least receive the Grace of final atonement.
Why do I tell you this?
Because the time of definition is already happening, and My most lost children will have the opportunity of not condemning themselves.
It is in this way that the Father sends us to assist Central America and so that at least a spark of light amongst so much darkness can be rekindled, and in the name of many, can achieve redemption.
That is why the last time for repentance is approaching and will catch many of My inattentive children by surprise.
We come here to be able to repair something on time; the hour indicates a greater rescue and all will be at stake.
But while your hearts are united to Mine, nothing will happen to you; you will be able to stand before the great planetary and human chaos and My sword will defend you.
Be brave and persist; you still do not know how much I am doing through the extreme efforts of My servants.
I greet a nation in need of the true and pure love of the heart.
I am always with you and I help you.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who gathers you together in the Lord,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this sacred mission for peace in Uruguay, on Sunday, the Lord has entrusted me with igniting all the mirrors of prayer of Uruguay so that, above all things, His Plan of redemption may triumph throughout Uruguay and the world.
It will be through the prayer of all the self-summoned that your Heavenly Mother will be able to create new bases of faith, of devotion and of cooperation, within a nation very far from that.
Thus, dear children, united with Me, let us unite with the Heart of the Celestial Father because, in truth, it is His Heart that is taking care of everything, even in the smallest details.
I ask, My children, that all the groups of prayer of the world, which will be lovingly supporting this mission of peace in Uruguay, connect inwardly with the majesty of the Mirrors of light of Aurora; because it will be through My Marian Center of Aurora and the prayer of the nineteen departments, at the same time and at the same hour, that the celestial universe of Brotherhood will be able to move forward with an important task of rescue and liberation of the indifferent Uruguayan peoples.
This work, which is formed by each one of you, is possible when there is a response and promptness, for, in this time, children, the Hierarchy assembles all those who pray so that, in awareness and love, they may help in transcending and freeing the debts of the nations and of their people, as is the case with Uruguay.
From here forward, I will be very grateful for the adherence of everyone.
United in the mission of peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Thirty-Three
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more