Dear Children,
The times that are approaching will be different from the times that have already passed. The creation of the Universe will have its maximum performance during the culminating moment of Armageddon.
Dear children, the Eternal Father will send His Angels to help the planet and the Messengers from the Heights will come to battle against the beast of seven heads.
Children, the moment is already something else, nothing will be as it has been until now, for this in silence and prayer I have been preparing your consciousnesses so that they may participate in a mission never known before.
Dear children, humanity is submerging day by day and My armies on Earth are no longer bearing the friction of the times. For this your hearts are worked so that the true task and the important mission of each server may be fulfilled.
Dear children, the time is already setting new events, the way out is found in prayer and in the profound union with My Son. But the Higher Angels will come to help you when your Heavenly Mother has to take care of the other part of humanity.
Children, the time of the great change and the profound experience with the Higher Universes has already come; this will no longer be distant from all, it will be very close in order to awaken the true science of all things.
While everything is about to happen, vigil united to Me; thus you will not miss the opportunity of growing internally. The Father needs your sincere act of love.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who awakens you to the Higher Life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of all the peoples, of all the nations, of all the races. Independently of recognition of My children, I will take care of you and will always try to lead you to return to the Heart of God.
I am the Queen of Peace and of all the attributes that lead you to God, because from My maternal womb comes all the beauty and perfection that you must manifest to the creatures in this world.
Turn to Me in order to live the Plan of God, pray with Me for the manifestation of a new world. The Heart of the Celestial Father never loses hope of seeing in His children the manifestation of His perfection and, no matter how injured and insulted by the human actions it may be, the Heart of the Lord is fixed on those who can express what they truly are.
Beloved children, the Mother Earth is about to have a planetary birth labor; She will give birth to a new civilization, renewing those who disposed themselves to be others and to discover truths that are opposite to the reality of humanity. Its contractions will lead the world to shiver inside and outside of the beings, because – before the true principle for life upon the Earth is born – all that is not corresponding to the Plans of God must be purified and expurgated from the planetary body.
My Immaculate Heart awaits to be able to shelter the largest amount of souls possible; because of this I advise you and I speak not only to those who follow Me, but also to the whole world.
Many will awaken late, but a true act of love and compassion might place them in the correct path, so that they may retake their posts in the army of the Lord and may proclaim the thousand years of peace.
My words are symbolic and literal at the same time. Those who meditate on what I say will know how to find the limits of symbolism and reality.
I ask you to not be alarmed and not to be precipitated in your actions, to only take responsibility for all that you know and to fulfill your own mission.
My Immaculate Heart will try to balance the planetary situation in many ways; therefore, do not think that I ask you many things, because all that I place in your paths is for the urgency of the world and you must fulfill all that I ask you.
Unite yourselves to manifest all of the works that the Sacred Hearts have been ordering for you because in a near future, the puzzle will be assembled before your eyes and then you will understand why We asked you so many things.
I love you and I thank you for trying to materialize My Work of Salvation, which is the Work that precedes the manifestation of the Return of Christ and of the Plans of the Creator.
I love you today and always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Listen to the following revelation and request that today from Heaven Your Most Holy Mother comes to make you.
Today listen to the voice of My Heart and not only to the words. Today listen to the supplication of Your Dear Mother to this humanity.
I profoundly wish, My dear children, that a new humanitarian mission be taken forward by the missionaries of Peace of My Immaculate Heart. This time the protected destiny of the mission will be the border between Turkey and Syria, to give spiritual and humanitarian help to the children without parents that are living the horror of a war and of an endless exile, that have no house to live and no food to eat.
Now, My beloved children, do you comprehend the sorrow of My Immaculate Heart?
I will also send My servers of Peace in a sacred mission to Hungary, which has become the secondary focus of an endless battle among injured refugees, decimated families and social revolutions because of the non acceptance of immigrants.
The boat of humanity is rapidly swamping and just a few manage to have the consciousness that if something is not rapidly avoided, something surprising may happen with this part of humanity. For this I am inviting My children so that out of Mercy and Piety you leave aside your important preferences and accompany with your prayers and donations to Your Heavenly Mother and My missionaries of Peace.
Dear children, as it has never happened before, the Middle East has become the most serious point of conflict of the planet and it is the loving work of everyone to stop this war which is destructive of the human dignity.
Dear children, with supplication of Mercy today I come to this Marian Center to call you to a profound reflection of charity and brotherhood. This mission to Turkey will have as a task the spiritual, prayerful and service treatment of the families in the refugee camps, and in Hungary, the moral and food care, as the health care for the families that come to these countries, thirsty for help and peace after having traveled paths and borders for days.
No one in the Middle East is being saved from this conflict against peace. My plans through your prayerful hearts will be to help and rescue the greatest number of essences that are suffering all the time.
Children of Mine, with the scale of the Justice of God in My hand, I hope that your efforts, as the efforts of the whole world, be immediate and truthful. The axis of the planet is in danger and this is because of the extermination of the Kingdoms of Nature and of Humanity itself. Thus, you have forgotten that you all are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father, this afflicts the Sacred Hearts.
This mission will happen when the action of all the collaborators be made in group and the means for this important mission may be manifested.
The key of Grace is in your hands. Who will open the door?
I thank you all for answering to My call of Piety and Mercy!
Who calls you from Heaven,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Warning: the 14 missionaries that offer themselves to this mission will be surrendering their lives in the Hands of God.
Dear children:
The times that are approaching will not be as the times of the past, and this will awaken in many consciousnesses the primary motive to seek God and His eternal Kingdom.
Humanity cannot live without the Heavenly Father, it would be like a small rebellious child who does not want to listen, being at the edge of great danger. Humanity is this way, blind in all it does and practices, without spiritual foundations that could nourish and awaken it to higher realities.
The sorrow of the Sacred Hearts is to see a humanity that lacks gratitude and love for all it has received. Therefore, the Lord, our God, will remove by surprise some things from the path so that some consciousnesses react and perceive that these are no longer times of normality or pleasure.
The human race has decided to distance itself from God, and from nature, which is loyal to higher Laws; this separation is shown during the planetary birth.
The Earth, as a consciousness, suffers every day what its children do without consciousness or wisdom.
All will be put in its place. Therefore, remember the words of My Son: "Stone will not remain upon stone." He wanted to say that within each soul and on the whole planet nothing will remain as before. Therefore, the prayer of the heart will be the torch that will illuminate the times of darkness that humanity is going through.
You will see things that you will not be able to believe, but that will be as real as they are true, that will be the reflection of the lack of love that humanity has for God.
Blessed are those who persevere and do not stop in the face of the events, because the Kingdom of God will be the ardent aspiration to find peace. Be bearers of My Peace and follow My steps, the time is approaching for all and you must be strengthened.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to the Truth of the times,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I would like to tell you, My children, that the situations of the world are precipitating and have no limits, for humanity itself generates the conditions for this to happen.
However there is a part of souls that spiritually struggle to repair the serious outrages that the majority perpetrate, and even though all of this is not enough, the Divinity helps the consequent so that at least a part of humanity may become rescuable and redeemable.
The weight of the spiritual debt of humanity is very great and souls at this moment are suffering the consequences of what the majority does. This awakens the anger of God, which is not a punishment, but rather a supreme fiery tension that tries to stop the descent of the Law, of which the majority of humankind is ignorant.
The events of these end times frame the coming moral and spiritual change of humanity, and what most increases the anger of God is unconsciousness and the way in which planetary life is carried out.
In all this reality, The Kingdoms of Nature also suffer the consequences of humanity. They, being part of the same end, will have an action within the cycle of the great purification.
Mother Nature, who is wise and pure, will show her power to humanity. All this would not be necessary if from the beginning human dignity and the created Kingdoms had been respected.
The consciousness of humanity, My children, is more delayed than the first settlers of the Earth. This causes the Heart of God to shudder on seeing that discernment and wisdom disappear from the consciousness of those who say they are ordering the nations.
For this reason, the Love of God will be able to move through the barriers of that precariousness that today's human being created through their actions.
The new paradise, the New Earth, will be free of all these influences, because the project was that this race should be fraternal and equitable in all states of being; which was changed. That is the concern of the universe in face of the reality of this humanity.
Values do not exist, and if they do, they are all manipulated, which causes the true purpose of the life of the soul and the spirit to be lost, and many souls fall prey of the adversary, which is the main governor of some regions.
Let us pray without ceasing and without thinking, something will have to change, the time indicates this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Spokesperson of the Universe
The great grief of My Immaculate Heart is due to the cruelty and the lack of love that exist among the beings on Earth.
And that, children of Mine, is not due to lack of proof or witnesses of the power of love. Jesus Christ was and will be the most truthful proof of love that overcame all in order to take the leap to the universal consciousness.
For this, Your Mother of Heaven comes to remind you about the Love of God manifested through His Beloved Son. Humanity no longer feels the need to love, but to conquer, judge and above all, destroy the spiritual and moral dignity of others.
That increases the sorrow that the Heart of God feels by seeing His children created in full captivity and shipwreck.
But the power of the Love of God transcends all barriers and although in this time there are souls that do not want to love, but to harm and hurt others, Your Mother of Justice holds the scale that is about to break down due to the weight of sin, omission and martyrdom.
This time would come; the majority of humanity chose the pleasures of material life and the ambition for everything, thus, day after day, separated itself from God until replacing Him for the modernities and false gods that it assumed as its own.
The prophecy of John, the Apostle, is fulfilled as it was written but before everything happens your faithfulness to the designs of God will make the difference between walking to Paradise or towards hell on Earth.
Children, sorry for My profound statement because the glass not only overflows but it spills and poisons many hearts. Now this glass is about to break by the impact of the Angel of the Justice of God.
Help Me! Help Me and pray! The fraternal power of My Immaculate Heart will help humanity.
Thank you for answering to My pleas for peace!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Spokesperson of the Universe
While the Doors to Heaven are opening by the prayers of all of My children, other doors are opening towards the abysms to make the souls get lost.
The doors of the evil are opened by the alliances of the enemies with others consciousness, which changes abruptly the destiny of humanity.
All of the beings of the Earth are responsible for this to happen, but the powerful flow of prayer does not permit these realities to expand through the world. Prayer, Communion and the Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ prevent many more souls to compromise with that reality which makes the world lose its spirit of purity.
My Heart clamors every day to all those who pray, to lovingly help Me to close the doors of lie, of superstition, of the false power and of a conquest of the planet that is excessive and petty.
I would like, My dear children, to recognize in each one who prays, the internal flame that, despite the difficult times, must never extinguish. I wish that from now on, you be My soldiers of peace, that your lives be examples of the teachings of Christ, and that, no longer being the same, you be depositaries of flows of the Redeemer’s Mercy.
If such answer is not given, humanity itself, the race itself, will have to learn and start again, after witnessing its own destruction. The atomic bomb in those times was the most severe result of the lack of conciseness, love and pity towards humanity.
The crisis in the Middle East, before the eyes of the world, is the most severe situation of annihilation and destruction of the spirit of the families.
Until when will this keep happening?
For that reason I come again to intercede for the world before God. But this time I come to intercede for the innocents and not for the unjust. The punishment of God will be great for those who keep modifying the Creation.
The world as a whole does not know the power of the Universe, it does not know the descent of the Law over the Earth. Before that happens, I come to try to prevent humanity to self-destruct again, which would leave the planet in a different state.
I would like that everyone, without exception of creed, race or nation, could support this celestial call for peace.
I hope you have understood the clamor of My Heart. The cup is not only exceeding its limit, but now its poison is compromising other nations.
I thank you for searching for Peace!
In permanent petition and plea,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Kneel every day before the altar of God and clamor for Piety and Mercy. Ask the Lord to awaken humanity from the dream that it lives and to be willing to follow His Celestials Designs, no matter what they are.Son of Mine, Daughter of Mine, listen to the voice of God that speaks directly to your heart, inviting your soul to take a new step and consecrate itself to a superior life. I ask you to be worthy of living the Project of the Creator, and through your transformation, allow other souls to find a path to Redemption.
Child, if you listen to the voice of Your Celestial Mother, it is because time has arrived to surrender yourself before God. Wait no longer for the suffering of life to bring an insuperable learning to your spirit so that your soul may realize that it was walking through paths that did not lead to God.
Look, the world around you agonizes and your siblings suffer, day by day, the submission to darkness. Many are in the bitterness of the wars, with the fear of death and with the impossibility of even having a dignified life according to the laws of the world. And you, son of Mine, daughter of Mine, I have called to be by My side, and it was not by chance.
My voice pronounces itself before your eyes and speaks directly to your heart, because you have made a commitment with God for humanity and for the kingdoms of nature, for the evolution of this world and of many others.
Know, My beloved child, that the time of learning through love has already arrived for you, because the time of the true suffering for humanity is still approaching and its cycle has recently started. You still have time to learn to love and to forgive, to be a server or servant of God. But be brave and not delay in responding, because the clock time is no longer being counted in the same way. Then hands accelerate and a minute has no longer sixty seconds.
I am your Mother, the Universal Queen, the bearer of a Peace that transcends any sorrow and suffering and that can persevere in the hearts of those who accompany Me, regardless of the events of the world.
For this, son and daughter, feel in My voice the urgency of the times and in My calm the last possibility of awakening humanity.
Your Celestial Mother has already shed Her tears before God and has offered Herself for your salvation and for the salvation of your brothers and sisters; but the Lord is Righteous and expects from humanity the initiative of transforming life on the planet.
The human beings must become worthy children of God, and that, My beloved ones, your Heavenly Mother cannot do for you.
I wish, son and daughter, that My love alone would touch your heart and remove you from the ignorance of the material life in order to lead you to the sacred and to the consciousness that these are times of emergency.
I wish I would make you understand, with My Holy Peace, that this, which I give to you, as blessings and graces, must be poured, through your prayers, over the souls lost in the world.
I wish, son and daughter, that the events that make your brothers and sisters agonize were enough to make you come out of yourself and serve those that you have beside you, to make you forgive what you still have not forgiven in the others and in yourself, and reconcile with God.
Listen, My beloved son, My beloved daughter, because today I speak directly to you: awake and unite to My Peace Army, because your Divine Mother no longer knows how to warn the world, and clamors to the hearts of the humanity that accepts living the Redemption.
Today I leave you My Peace and I thank you for coming to meet Me, although you know that many of those that I have summoned are not here.
Disseminate My Message of Peace, announce My Presence. Do not allow your brothers and sisters to lose themselves. If I am here, it is to take you to God.
I love you and I bless you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With My blue eyes of Light, placed upon the world, I deeply pray for all of humanity, for those who are consequent and also for the unaware, so that soon, through Supreme Grace, all My children may be able to go through the definitive time of acute purification.
The Grace of God will be the fortitude for those hearts that humbly pray from the heart and unite, above all, with all My plans of Peace.
Dear children, from Heaven, your Heavenly Mother still sees error spread like a poison throughout the hearts of ungrateful hearts, which seek to satiate their wills and satisfy their desires. But this will soon end.
The prayer of the Holy Rosary proclaimed by My children of the world is stopping the anger of God from being provoked, and in spite of everything continuing the same, a sort of universal conciliation is taking place among good souls and subjected souls.
It is through the Spirit of My maternal Love that the doors of the Celestial Universe are opening to help the sick world.
My children, continue to pray, with greater effort now, because in the repetition of the Hail Mary lies the celestial formula of Light that allows to placate the power of the Laws and to open the source of Mercy of your Most Holy Mother.
It is through the powerful decree of the Hail Mary that the words of the Archangel Gabriel become subtle vibrations, capable of relating the material universe with the spiritual universe.
It is through this ancient formula that the Purity and the Grace of the Mother of God descend over the world, over a region, or even over a sinning consciousness, to awaken the compassion of God and open a sincere path towards repentance and contrition as an act of redemption.
Dear children, today I leave you these keys because I know that many of you need more understanding.
If through the Hail Mary you recognize yourselves as sinners, this does not mean that you will sin again, but rather it reminds you of the importance of living Universal Laws and of never transgressing them.
Beloved children, when you recognize your sins or debts, you are affirming the need for reversing your fear of failure, damnation or abandonment of the spiritual path.
It is through My divine intervention that your eyes will open to clearly see the path of transformation and of fusion with peace.
If humanity should see prayers with a universal spirit, in truth, the effects of the words would substitute errors and would transform tests into great lessons.
For this reason, I ask that you truly pray and do so without haste; in this way, your sacred invocations of My Immaculate Heart will cause My plans of Peace and of Mercy to triumph.
I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart!
Who elevates you to the consciousness of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Prayer
Within small sacrifices, you will find the solution for the severe problems of humanity.
Sacrifice is an act of renunciation and, at the same time, of liberation of the forms that oppress the consciousness of humanity. Through sacrifices, the Universal Laws act and what seemed impossible to be reversed changes by the realization of a small sacrifice.
The act of sacrifice must be bathed by the humility of accepting something beyond each being’s capacity. Fasting is the path that leads you to find the sacrifice which humanity has forgotten to live so as to be able to repair faults.
Sacrifice is a law of liberation and at the same time it allows us to become aware of gratitude and the good.
Dear children, the maladjustment of humanity in these times is due to the lack of sacrifice, which does not mean omission, severity or punishment. A great sacrifice that the world could make is to remain in silence so that everyone would understand how much human life is out of control, violent and perverted.
If silence were made, much would be solved, everything would be healed, the world would be able to dispel the constant noise that dwells in the consciousness of My children and everything would be rebuilt as it was in the beginning.
One of the causes of My cry is the lack of silence within beings; this separates you from the internal strength, strength which permits you to truly pray, since the absence of silence leads to a lack of peace.
Dear children, My Heart continues to be hurt. The cup is now not only filled to the brim, but now it is overflowing. From everything that happens in the world today, something must be learned internally.
Dear children, I open for you the doors to the Heart of God so that you may enter.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who elevates you to the Consciousness of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When we reached the fifth sorrowful mystery we saw Our Lady appear, we made the sign of the cross and She showed Herself as Our Lady of Fatima.
Seconds later we began to feel a strong pain in the heart, a deep pain that was invading our whole consciousness, something unexplainable. Surrounded by angels of light, Our Lady came very close to us and we saw Her face wounded with a cut in each cheek. Her face expressed a lot of pain and She was crying as if nothing could stop Her constant tears.
After that we saw that the Immaculate Heart of Mary was pierced by a dark thorn that was about three or four inches long. Her Heart was surrounded by a crown of thorns and it appeared to be very inflamed, bleeding all over.
The Divine Mother was pointing to the wounded Heart with Her right hand and raising Her left hand, blessing us. In this state of deep sorrow, the Virgin Mary showed us the whole world and She especially took us towards the Middle East. She showed us the spiritual reality of the refugee camps and She took us to the seas of that region in order to reveal the spiritual and grave situation of the submerged boats of the immigrants. Her crying did not cease as She was transmitting to us each one of Her words.
Then Our Lady showed us the Celestial Universe and we saw a choir of angels. Among them stood out, the main one whom Mary called the Angel of the Justice of God. He was carrying between his hands a spear of burning fire, which he was about to throw towards the Earth. After that, as She cried, Our Lady made the following revelation and request for all of us:
From a great thorn that pierces My Immaculate Heart, today I feel the sorrow of the world, of the souls that are condemned by the unpunished own hands of the adversary.
I will not be able to explain to you, My children, what is the meaning of the sorrow of humanity, that which is ungrateful to God and especially to all of Creation. In reality, children, the world is spiritually ill and humanity has lost its innocence and the true love among brothers and sisters.
The innocent are condemned. Those who claim to be powerful work against the Plan of the Redeemer. Humanity has condemned itself and condemns My children day by day.
Today I come showing to the world My Most Pure Heart, wounded, bleeding for the grave and endless sins of the world. Children, it is necessary to change and not allow yourselves to be lost because of the little superficial things. As you breathe, others die for lack of Light. As you sleep, others do not have a place to rest. As you live in My Heart of protection, others look for a way out and escape the death that is generated by the humanity conquered by evil. This causes the Heart of God to shudder, by seeing the world in a war of all against all.
We have come here to remind you about the Peace and the Love of God. In order to relieve My pierced Heart and My face gashed by the wounds that brothers and sisters cause to their brothers and sisters; to calm the perpetual crying of My eyes, I come to ask all prayer groups of the world and all the members of the Network of Light to pray two mysteries of the Holy Rosary for consecutive thirty-three days so that your Heavenly Mother may have the bliss of interceding before the Universal Justice.
If the situation in the Middle East is not reverted, Justice may be brought about and turn the human temples into the dust of the entire desert.
For the Angel of the Wrath of God may not pour the ray of Justice, My children, I come to ask for prayer from all of you. If the answer is insufficient , you will see the result of a human degeneration, that which already floats in the seas.
Pray with Me and do not detain yourselves; My offended Heart will rescue whoever truly invokes Me without limitations.
Children, spread out this message, because the utmost critical time is approaching, the first major night of worldwide darkness. If you pray with Me you will be under My mantle of Light.
At the end of each mystery you shall repeat:
Supplication to the Mother of the World
Beloved Mother of the World,
incandescent and universal Star,
pour Your powerful rays upon the whole world,
pour the codes of the Precious Blood of Christ
so that all may be purified
and we may be worthy of living
in the Kingdom of Abba.
I thank you for consoling My wounded Heart!
Who opens the eyes of Truth for you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Every day I come from Heaven to call the apostles of Light, the unconditional servers of My beloved Son, for the urgency of having servant souls requires going beyond the knowledge and training received.
Thus, every day, through the prayer of the heart that I have taught you, I come to awaken the gifts that still sleep within your souls, souls suffocated by the pressure of the times, by modernities, by sin, because of forgetting God.
My co-redemptive Plan of salvation, in this apocalyptic time, is directed at the immediate rescue of essences under the control of the adversary.
For this to be possible, in the face of the emergency experienced by humanity, My Heart comes to call the apostles of Light, so that through service, prayer and the missions of charity, you may help the most unprotected and ignorant of heart, who are in need of relief, healing and Mercy.
Dear children, the time for showing your gifts and placing them at the service of the Plan has now come. There is much to do and humanity does not want to hear or see out of shame, since the planetary reality that is overwhelming it, obliges it to forcibly change.
But meek and prayerful hearts in these times can be the example of a consecrated and happy life in the Arms of the Celestial Father.
It is time to take care of the planet; it is time that the warriors of Christ awaken to the call and come out of their homes to serve; Pity and Mercy will fill all needs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
One Who educates you in service to Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
Today I have come to speak to you about a spiritual and prayerful community consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.
On this holy day, I wish you to understand, dear children, that at this moment and in this place blessed by God, you are forming part of His Aspiration that here, through the offering of service, giving of self and charity you have carried out, you may be able to establish the Kingdom of God in your hearts, to then radiate it to your fellow beings.
You know, My children, that there are many spiritual communities, both Christian and Eastern, in the world, but in these times only a few obediently manage to follow the Will of God through the sincere and non-profitable service of their members.
Imagine those communities also created for a Higher Purpose, but that do not live prayer, nor form oratories, bridges of elevation and of contact with the Celestial Universe.
Dear children, I am your Mother, and I hope that all My children, regardless of whether they accept Me or not, may be able to hear the call to prayer, to supplication, to a true union with God.
My Light-Communities must work every day for that sacred Purpose, and each member who tries to live a consecration to the Plan of God is responsible, before My presence and before the Presence of My Son, for this fiery aspiration to be fulfilled.
Children, I ask that every day you renew your vows made to the Celestial Hierarchy; this will motivate other consciousnesses to also awaken and abandon this material life subject to property, to power and to unlimited competition.
I come from Heaven to ask you to imitate the Community of Nazareth, which was formed by Saint Joseph, by the little Child Jesus and by your Heavenly Mother.
Each Community in this time must represent that inner Temple, so that the angels may find spaces of companionship and of guidance for all the souls offered to the Plan.
It is for this reason that My Immaculate Heart suffers for the souls that have a true aspiration to live for God and who are deceived, disregarded by the ones who guide those flocks.
The results of those situations, in the loss of souls, are irreparable. This is why, since the beginning, I instituted spaces of prayer and of communion with Christ so that nothing would stray from the path, since My adversary always wants to impose obstacles as a way of hindering the life of those who take small steps.
Humanity should already be one single community, and even if this seems impossible to happen, that is the original Will of your Heavenly Father, according to what is expressed in Genesis.
Dear children, I leave you with this reflection so that as from now you may recognize where you are and by whom you are being guided, in the name of Grace and of Mercy, an opportunity that the majority does not have because they are not obedient or simple.
The project is one of humility, of beauty and of fraternity. All are invited to be an example and constant testimony of the Sacred Family.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I want to make use of the merciful heart of My children, to mitigate the Justice that rains down over the world. I ask you to pray with fervor, so that the ray of My Redemption penetrates the world and passes through the heart of those of My little ones who, out of ignorance and vanity, have been taken by the shrewdness of My adversary.
I want to dissipate evil with the emergence of the Absolute Light of God. I want to dissipate sorrow through the living of the Sovereign Peace of My Immaculate Heart. I want to expel hatred from the hearts, through the reigning of love in those who, brave in spirit, allow themselves to be transformed, in order to fulfill the Perfect Project of God for this world.
If you want to see the establishment of Peace in the world, be peaceful in your lives. If you do not want faith to be lost from the heart of humanity, do not lose yourselves the opportunity of praying and strengthening your own faith, in order to take it in essence to the ones in most need.
My children, the world agonizes and humanity, by its actions, harms the Sacred Body of God, which expresses itself in all the Creation. To repair this suffering that you cause to the Father, I come to deliver to you the sublime knowledge about the cosmos and the infinite, and thus, ennoble the human consciousness and take it out of the darkness in which it lives. But the majority of humanity encloses itself in the conveniences of the life in this world and refuses to recognize life in other universes. They prefer to disbelieve My presence rather than to transform themselves in order to enter, in essence and spirit, into the balm of the celestial truth.
Do not become comfortable in the ignorance, because I do not come to deliver to you this universal knowledge only to transform your way of thinking, nor to spread an esoteric thought throughout the world. Do not confuse the celestial words with human concepts, My beloved ones, because when chaos grows throughout the world and the Divine Justice descends to stop it, only the certainty of the existence of the realities beyond this life and the certainty that everything you live has a superior purpose will strengthen your hearts and will allow you to walk in faith and help those who are letting the flame of the heart be extinguished.
Everything in Heaven as well as on Earth has its time. Throughout the centuries, I let Myself be known to humanity, so that you could trust My love and My guidance; and now, My dear ones, I want to reveal to you the true existence of the universe and announce to you that there is life far beyond this one; that there are entire civilizations waiting for the growth of your spirits and, in hope, they expect you to reach the likeness to the One that came to be the example for the all of humanity and who now reigns in the cosmos, as the Perfect Principle of God, an example for the whole of Creation.
My Children, I want to announce to this planet, the existence of many other worlds, created by the angels and archangels of God, the so called Creator Fathers, who have an infinite power of creation and who create and recreate the entirety life, giving to the Lord the possibility of expressing Himself in various ways.
It was pride and vanity what locked humanity up in the thought that the universal life does not exist, and that beyond this Earth there could be Heaven and hell, at the most. Today I tell you that there are more than seven Heavens, where saints and angels continue their path of evolution, and that there are more than seven hells, where the consciousnesses that have not followed the divine principles and let themselves get absorbed by darkness, wait for mercy to permeate and rescue them. One of those hells is a reality on the surface of this world and is distributed in many degrees, according to the reigning of chaos and to the submission that it causes to the souls.
For the redemption of that darkness, I come to the world everyday. And I want you to know that the awakening of a few, which are yourselves, the ones who listen to Me, is what will cause the salvation of this race which is not the only one in the universe and which is so contaminated that, even being the cradle for the King of Creation, is in danger of disappearing from this infinite Cosmos, because of the self destruction which is not only physical but also spiritual.
It is for the redemption of that darkness, that I come to the world everyday. And I want you to know that the awakening of a few, which are yourselves, the ones who listen to Me, is what will bring about the salvation of this race which is not the only one in the universe and which is so contaminated that, even being the cradle for the King of Creation, is in danger of disappearing from this infinite Cosmos, because of the self destruction which is not only physical but also spiritual.
My beloved ones, if humanity does not answer to the Call of God, His Creation will still continue its evolution in the universe, but a perfect learning of love will no longer be brought to all the creatures who await being able to meet the Father.
Listen to My voice and far beyond comprehending Me or not, allow one ray of My Heart, imprinted in this word, to pass through your souls and awaken them from the sleep they live in the illusions of matter.
Redemption, salvation and mercy for the planet.
Awakening and reconciliation with God and with His Plan of Love for those who listen to Me.
I bless you, by the power that God has granted Me.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
Yesterday you found out about one of the mysteries of Heaven, which few consciousnesses know, through your inner union with the Kingdom of God.
Today, dear children, we will talk about the reach of the Mirrors of Heaven from the spiritual plane, which is where they emerge for all of Creation into the material plane, which is the closest reality to yours, and which receives the impulses of light of these instruments of universal harmony.
The Mirrors of Heaven are receptacles of Divine Light that radiate principles of higher life to the whole cosmos. There is no star or planet of this solar system or another, nor galaxy, which does not receive the universal impulse of the Mirrors. They remind us of the Purpose for planetary life and for all the Universe; we are referring to the Purpose of the constant elevation of matter through the principle of purity.
From the beginning, your Heavenly Mother knew about these instruments coming from the Universe of God, which are guided and accompanied by the angels, who revealed the existence of those instruments of Peace to your Most Holy Mother.
A Mirror is an immutable instrument. The Mirror of Heaven always fulfills the same purpose and radiates this principle to all of Creation.
In the case of the current process of humanity, the Mirrors of Heaven are mobilizing more and more because of the process of densification of human beings and, mainly, due to the mass transgressions of the Laws that govern all the Kingdoms created by God.
As everything is moving towards a serious psychic and emotional imbalance in humanity, because of the innumerable amount of debts and sins, the Mirrors of Heaven are now assisting, in collaboration with the angels, so that there can be at least a little bit of balance existing on the axis of the Earth and, especially, in the sleeping and abused consciousness of the current humanity.
The Archangels, called Fathers of Creation, are intervening in the Project of this race through the essence and the matrix of the Mirrors.
For you, My children, what would be a matrix of a Celestial Mirror?
It represents what is purest among the pure; we would say, what is fundamental and essential in all of Creation, what you once knew as the Rays of the Universe. They are the universal currents of Creation that, through the Mirrors of Heaven, are bringing humanity some spiritual resources that are capable of substituting an error with a state of peace.
The Mirrors of Heaven are not only attributes manifested in Creation that help in the constant upliftment of the consciousness, but are capable of acquiring and retransmitting principles of higher spiritual life, which are totally unknown to the consciousness of humanity.
We said that the Archangels are closely following this Universal Project of humanity; what was established by Creator Law since the last world war, which was prophesied in Fatima; a war that as a result, brought about the destruction of planetary spiritual life.
For this reason, the Mirrors of Heaven, since the beginning of the existence of humankind, created in image and likeness to God, have always radiated sources of higher life that place the planet within universal harmony.
Throughout the ages, the commitment of humanity to the adversities of the enemy rapidly moved it away from the Purpose and the Will of God until reaching this cruel moment of the race.
The interventions of the Messengers of God and the warnings throughout time never ceased to be stated. Diverse forms of celestial messages have been transmitted through different visionaries in different parts of the world and in pressing times.
Receptivity to the Call of God has been scarce; humanity went on pilgrimage to Marian Centers to find relief and received it. The majority of souls that do not know of the existence of higher life received a healing, but continued to live in the same way, without changing anything.
This quickly delayed humanity and the Heavenly Hierarchy had to hold back on the impulses of the Plans of Redemption of the Eternal Father among a few consciousnesses, among the least prepared.
Up to now, this continues thus, and a real change, which is imperative, could reverse the absence of the spiritual life in humanity. Your Father knows that humanity does not do enough to change, because the terrestrial consciousness of human beings adopted ways and forms of involutionary life which, in the majority of cases, has erased an awareness of the soul.
What to do?
The most awake to the life of prayer must do twice as much spiritual and evolutionary work for the rest of humanity that does not do it. But everything will fall to the ground by its own weight and the time of Universal Judgment will come to reconfigure and transmute the planet and, in this way, prepare it for the thousand years of peace.
While everything is about to happen, prayerful souls of the planet must remember the presence of the Mirrors of Heaven and, through their prayers, receive the impulses of Light that emanate from them for all of the universe.
If your response to higher life were positive and true to Creation, the impact toward the universe would be greater than what Christ generated when he defeated death on the Cross.
Everything begins in love; thus, it is the first thing the adversary causes to disappear from the heart of humankind.
Fight for the New Humanity and do not give up. Your Mother accompanies you in union with the Mirrors of Heaven. Bring about the re-establishment of the Kingdom of God in this world.
I thank you for responding to My plans of Peace!
Who awakens you to the life of the spirit,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In times of crises, may consolation and reconciliation reign. May your hearts continue to strive every day to find the peace of the heart.
I am your Mother and I am in every place and moment, contemplating from My Most Pure Heart, each step that you take towards the redemption of life and consciousness.
Dear children, today your hearts are discovering the power that an act of humility has and how it opens the doors so that the souls may reform their lives and thus, the greater purpose may be fulfilled.
You will get to know, on the path of purification, many inner aspects of yourselves. Some will be conscious and others, you will get to know little by little, because for the Plan of your Celestial Father it is essential that humanity lives redemption of everything through love. An act of reconciliation is an act that marks the redemption and the conciliation with the Laws of the Heights.
Children, in this way your Heavenly Mother follows your steps through this path towards the holiness which some of you are beginning to traverse. Remember today the arrival of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph and the pathway that His Heart has opened to the world in the hope that something may truly change.
Read His words and thus you will see the blessed work of the Heavenly Messengers. In truth, those are the last ones for that humanity that may wish to be spiritually saved. The humility poured by Saint Joseph will be the master key to cross the end of the times.
I thank you for answering to My call!
In union with the chaste work of Saint Joseph Worker of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
With a joy that moves My maternal Heart, I invite you to seek on this day the true fusion with the Holy Spirit, so that under this Sacred Presence, full of love and of truth, you can walk towards the discovery of this Grace that comes from beyond the spiritual plane and that is born from the Divine Source.
Saint Joseph knew together with Mary the expansion of these Gifts, gifts of humility, of charity and of wisdom which brought to the world the Mercy of God and the good for all souls.
At the doors of this sacred knowledge, dear children, I invite you to seek the truth that dwells in the Heart of God.
Each time you ask the Chaste Heart to intercede for humanity, you are simply calling uponthe inner merits that Saint Joseph attained as a man of this Earth and, in the same way, your prayers attract the infinite gifts of the Holy Spirit of Joseph, as was the gift of consecration that He lived out of love for the project of humanity.
Dear children, open the doors of your hearts to find this divine reality and embrace this path towards the discovery of the true essence of all things.
Saint Joseph wants to help you to be simple, humble and good. There will be no other inner path nor other divine philosophy that you can follow, other than the holy path that Saint Joseph lived for all.
Christ is unique and there will be no other Messiah like Him, who has lived and preached among you. Christ is Glory and Divinity, and He will now only return to the heart of the one who, being a sinner, asks for His Divine Mercy to be forgiven.
Children, emulate the path of the Sacred Hearts, but do not want to be something that in truth you are not, be humble, serve and embrace with love the cross that My Son gives you. Follow Him, pray with fervor for this decadent humanity and replace in your minds all the ideas of a spiritualized life for your true self.
Your Heavenly Mother, Saint Joseph, the Worker of the poor, and Christ, your Lord, who is seated at the right of Abba, wish to inspire you to live a life of holiness. If at least somebody were holy and silent, the world would change and the path of humanity would be safe.
Believe, feel and see that Christ, the Glorified King, Holy Mary of Aurora and Saint Joseph the Worker visit you in this house as in other places of the world, that are today Centers and Marian Sanctuaries of Grace and of Mercy.
Recognize the Work of the Celestial Messengers, to which you are called to participate in humility and without realizations. The only miracle for your beings is the loving offer of Heaven on the path of forgiveness, redemption and conversion.
I thank you for having responded to the call of the Divine Messengers!
Who unites you to the only celestial truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In the time that comes I want to invite you to live the spirit of love and of peace, something you must always seek through your prayers and communion with My Beloved Son.
With this purpose I come from Heaven to announce to you that peace is possible on these times, despite the serious condition in which the world is found.
My children, I bring to you the possibility of finding the state of silence such as the peace of heart. Day by day I want to see you strong and humbler so that you may be able to face such decisive times that will place all of humanity before the judgment of the Divine Law and Justice, something that no one can image how will happen.
But I open the doors of My Heart so that you may be able to feel, in every moment, that you are in My lap, despite the spiritual battles that humanity will face in the last cycle of the final time.
Children, I reveal to you the only path of peace because if you are in My Peace, in spite of all, you will be able to see the Face of My Beloved Son shining in you little hearts.
Children, the time has come to act according to the indications of the Will of God. As the Mother of all, I know that the majority follow other paths. For this, day by day I come, through these messages, to guide you and mainly for you to value the Word of God.
If that happens at least in a small part of the humanity, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who takes you to the consciousness of Truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, My message of Peace and of inner preparation for all.
At the doors of a new time, My Heart continues to guide you through the path of redemption, a path that all have been called to live before the beginning of the Armageddon.
My Heart is donated to you like a flower when it opens itself to the rays of the sun. My sole purpose is to make you aware of the truth that very few live in this cycle; a truth that is hidden by the impure hands of a few people of the Earth.
For this, I come outside the Church in order to recover and to rescue the dignity and the affiliation of all of the souls with the One and Only Celestial Father. In the Church of Christ, My voice was pronounced many times and is still doing so through Medjugorje in this time, but for My children it seems that many years of warning and of messages are not sufficient.
So that you may not waste the precious time that God gives you in this moment, I come so that on this 8th of August you may learn to love the Word of the Heavenly Hierarchy, which as life and vibration, guides you and shows you the way.
Children, the present time indicates a decadent reality in the life of humanity, and it will not be necessary that I talk about this today, because you already see that around you.
It is for this reason, as well as for many others, that My Son comes in this cycle to ask you for the consecration to His Most Sacred and Blessed Heart, so that your lives in matter may represent at least ten percent of the materialization of the Plan of God for this humanity.
Children, the state of the world and the consciousness of this humanity is in this way because the omission of the majority blinds you completely and does not let you see the graveness of a world that burns in flames all of the time.
For this, as your Mother of the Apocalypse, I come to warn you over the importance of having, in the coming times, a spirit of peace, of neutrality, and above all, of love and of hope.
When a consciousness resists changing certain habits of life, those which broadly influence in the atrocious conquest of the forces opposing the Plan of God, the essence misses the cycle and then it must wait for the next opportunity.
But My Grace is infinite and it is such sublime Grace of God that reunites all under the same goal and the same spiritual proposition. I come to save the last roses from the wildfires of this world; I come to awake the consciousness to the higher realities, where the Sacred Purpose of God reigns and dwells.
I come to remind you of the scared path of prayer, and at the same time I come to remove the blindfolds from your eyes again and again, and in this way you will be able to see what My blessed Eyes can see about the destiny of this world.
I come so that the scripture of John the Evangelist will be fulfilled, in the same way as once Jesus fulfilled it by being the Messiah of Israel.
Now, all has already been said, it is time for acting from the heart but without haste; the need of Light and of Mercy is great for you and for the kingdoms of nature that are the target of great disasters, human errors that are irreparable in the Heart of God.
When your attitude is fair, the Universe shows its balance. When your action is precipitated, falsely powerful and petty, the Universe will be fair in all of the levels of consciousness.
Enter in the new cycle with a greater expansion of your hearts and with a little less of your own ideas. God needs you complete, humble, and blissful so that you may finally become columns of a Plan that is in danger of not being accomplished. It will be enough to pray, pray and pray, and to be a collaborator of the Heavenly Hierarchy, cooperating with the development of the mission of all of the Heavenly Brotherhood.
I bless this day that has come at last, so that all will be purified, and in love will consecrate themselves to the Holy Spirit of God.
I thank you for answering to My final call!
Who unites you to the Divine Principle of the Supreme Will,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Heart’s rays of healing, which I bring for the souls, are poured over the beings that open themselves to this sacred knowledge.
The rays of healing are the currents of light that flow through all the spaces, bringing a source of renewal and hope to where they do not exist.
Children, I am your Healer Mother, I am the sacred tributary in which God places His Gifts so that they may be transmitted to humanity. In the universes of healing, the hearts can find the perfect reason for fulfilling the Will of God above themselves.
Dear children, on this day I come to bring the currents of spiritual healing that humanity needs; thus, My Heart gives you the gift of Faith, so that this source may spring inside of you, without having to wait very long.
Today, My children, I donate healing to you, the healing that needs to be awakened in you in order to be at service of Christ.
I thank you for answering to My Call!
Who elevates you to the Source of Internal Healing,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more