Monthly Messages

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

By the infinite Mercy of My Heart, I descend to the lowest places of the Earth, to bring the Light of God to the world, that Divine Light which will redeem all consciousnesses and all spaces, the powerful Light of God that will redeem all times and all epochs, all facts and all events, so that the humanity of the surface may have a new opportunity and may know how to benefit from it.

Therefore, your Lord and Redeemer visits the most complex nations of the Earth where apparently nothing happens but, within the inner planes, they suffer much the consequence of their acts and errors. Errors that have not been forgiven yet, acts that have not been redeemed yet, and that only in this current time and within this final time will they begin to be liberated by the prayer of those who cry for God, by those who build toward Heaven the nonmaterial Churches through their profession of faith and through their daily prayer, their mantralization with the Heights, with infinity, with the Universe.

Only My merciful Heart can deposit here in Hungary a new opportunity, like also in the other nations that are witnesses of past errors that still have not converted, nor been forgiven.

But My intention is not to step back, it is not to remember the past nor the history. My intention is to liberate you from the chains, from the oppressions, from everything that makes you follow an involutionary course, from everything that makes you lose peace and hope in God.

Only the Son of God and no other consciousness, not even an angelic one, can take charge of this situation, however much the angels of the Universe may participate in this within the inner planes, and are removing the hells of the Earth so that they may be finally closed before the Second Coming of your Master and Redeemer. It will be the Son of the Supreme, the Son of the Creator, the one who is at the right side of the Father who will come to unite the religions into one belief, the belief of love and of compassion.

Therefore, companions, everything that will happen here in Hungary, everything that happens in Romania with the Holy Father, at this moment, everything has a sense and a spiritual reason that impels the Divine Fount of Creation to try to recover the planet at least through faith, faith in the celestial, faith in the divine, in the nonmaterial.

God sends His Son as a means of salvation for humanity, and the Son announces the Word of the Father that is Holy and Sacred so that the inner ears may listen to the good news of the time of liberation and of the time of peace.

But it will be necessary to yield and to humble, to surrender and to trust, so that what is in the Universe can descend to the Earth and make of the new nations a new Eden with redeemed creatures, forgiven and reconciled by the Spirit of the Love of God.

By means of the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy, you will offer to the Father your prayers for the nations of the world, especially for those nations that still keep deep inner wounds, which no one has manged to heal, not even through charity nor through love.

Therefore, this message must become conscious within each one of you, knowing that you not only take care of your homes, of your groups or of your works, but now you must take care for those who do not take care of themselves, who do not love themselves and who do not reconcile with God, and in millions of cases die without seeing the Light, the Light of God, and remain in the dark.

I want to put anend to the darkness of the world, which humanity itself generates with its actions and acts, with its feelings and thoughts. The psychic and mental plane of the Earth must be transmuted by all, through the collaboration of all, although the situations accelerate more each day.

You must not lose peace, nor the certainty that you are building the Plan of the Return of Christ to the Earth. You must always be within My Heart to be in the Divine Protection and in the fortitude of My spiritual Temple, of My Celestial Church, which congregates everyone so that you may drink of the Water of Life, of the Fount of Love and of the renewal that I bring to you, time and again.

My Heart contemplates all necessities of the Earth and My Spirit elevates all intentions of the children of God, including those intentions that are not pure and that you have as conveniences, but I purify all intentions because I know that the inner worlds need an opportunity in order to be able to reconsider and truly love.

Therefore, I welcome all needs, I receive all requests, I hear all supplications. This is the time when the Heart of God is attentive and open to feel the voice of your supplications, because no one on the surface of this Earth will be able to miss the opportunity of awakening and of truly uniting to God.

Therefore, everything you do will be for something that must happen after and before I return to the world, under the Glory of God and the splendor of all the Universe. On the surface of the Earth there are still many fallen stars that must find again the path of redemption, and these fallen stars are within the nations and also within the religions.

Fraternity will be this basis that will build the Temple of Redemption for all these fallen stars that must resume their commitment with God and recover their faith in the Light of Christ. For this reason, I offer Myself directly to you and to the world as a Door to the House of God, our Father, so that His Divine Attributes may be among you and may fill you.

I make you apostles of the times of tribulation so that you may learn to win as I won in the silence of the Cross and in the true and deep Love that exorcised all the hells of the Earth at that time.

The world needs a high and incalculable Love and you can be instruments so that this Love may come here and build new things in the world, for peace to reign in all spaces.

Eastern Europe must be a people renewed in faith and in the trust in God. And this work has just begun through the self-summoned, those who are internally called by Christ, your Master and Lord, to serve Him in His Plan of Redemption and of Love.

Celebrate this Marathon as an opportunity of living the apostleship of these times, regardless of the place or of the necessity, intention or cause, because I will place you where I need you, however it may be or however much it takes. I will place you in the place where love, healing and forgiveness is most needed. I will put you where the Light has never descended.

The work of the apostleship will prepare the Return of Christ. For this reason, union among religions will be important; the union in love, in human fraternity, in faith and in charity will impel the world to become aware that it must make a great change before the last day of the final transition comes, when your King Himself, the Christ, and the Archangel Gabriel will judge that fallen angel that has caused everything throughout the times and the centuries.

Everything that is done now is for these times that will come. The Fount of My Mercy is still open to the whole world, just place yourselves under My Light with the intention of the heart and the consciousness to be able to be purified and transmuted, to be able to be consecrated as My Apostle of Peace.

I thank you for your reception and response to My call!

My Mercy still springs as an infinite Fount from My Heart to the most lost and suffering souls of the whole world.

I bless you,


Daily Message received in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

While more souls enter My Universe of Light, more events from the past are dissolved by Christic Love, and thus I triumph again in the face of darkness, and souls recover their spiritual meaning of being here in order to stop being disoriented.

Souls walk towards the inner planes to have an encounter with your Master and Lord. Even though it may not seem so, this is what happened with the souls of Croatia and is also what may happen with the souls of Hungary, strategically imprisoned in a system of human self-destruction.

But My Mercy shall reach all those who wish to receive it, and even more.

My Mercy shall fill all spaces when My arrival is announced, just as the arrival of your Heavenly Mother to Croatia was announced through the diffusion of the heart, which was to share Christic Love.

This is the last time in which souls will unexpectedly receive the impulse of awakening directly from the Source so that each one may take on their commitment with the Celestial Father and be a part of the soldiers of Christ of the end of times.

But this impulse shall happen only once and will not be repeated.

Therefore, the more the diffusion group is aware of the work it performs on the inner planes, the greater will be the effects for the Work of the Hierarchy in the whole world.

I thank you for all the efforts made; I thank you for keeping My words and impulses in your heart.

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


My dear children,

Opening the doors of Heaven towards the planet, your Heavenly Mother gathers you today, in the oratory of Her Immaculate Heart, to pray and implore for Peace and Mercy for the whole world.

Dear children, Your Mother of Heaven prepares everyone and, especially the future missionaries of peace, to face the human terrors and the continuous flagellation of hearts, of sibling souls who suffer every day from the result of a great error without end.

Dear children, the humanitarian mission in Hungary and Turkey will be very important. You will see two parallel realities that are on the same level, in the same planetary situation: the lack of peace.

My children, the mission in Africa was an important preparation for this next mission that must be fulfilled in this critical time. Despite its suffering that has still not been healed, Africa experiences, deep inside, a true love that is slowly recovering, through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation.

The Middle East has forgotten about God and, despite the beliefs, the Universe would never propose to hurt anyone nor impose any spiritual or religious doctrine. God teaches us, dear children, that everything begins and ends in Love; without Love nothing is possible.

In this time, souls seek happiness in their fellow beings and, although this human love exists, true happiness is found in the Heart of God, which will always impel you to find hope and transcend fears.

Through the conflicts of this time, souls that are subdued by terror lose the memory and the feeling of loving God and their fellow beings. This makes consciousness totally  forget that Divine Love and Compassion exists; which generates hatred, mortality and martyrdom, only for the sake of conquering a Kingdom which belongs to no one, only to Creation.

Dearest children, for this reason, I come to ask you for prayer, rosaries and novenas. If souls and conscious servers do not put forth effort, through offers and small sacrifices, hatred and ambition might embrace the whole of humanity and material life would acquire more importance than the Eternal Father himself.

The concern of the whole universe is that ignorance and false authority prevail, to create a human kingdom of lies and of ambitions.

But in the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph within hearts that have always been witnesses of the Presence of the mercy of Christ in the world. It will be this inner testimony, of faith and hope, that My missionaries of peace must take within their hearts. This testimony will be the imperious and loving call that will guide you before the great darkness and human calamity.

But know, My children, that My Grace will be your strength, and when you step on the ground of Turkey and Hungary, it will be your Lord Jesus Christ who will touch the earth with His luminous Graces.

Let us pray, because the war of ambition has still not ended.

May Peace be present within your hearts.

I thank all My children for concretizing this sacred mission!

I bless you, from now on, for this sacred task of Peace and Mercy,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Listen to the following revelation and request that today from Heaven Your Most Holy Mother comes to make you.

Today listen to the voice of My Heart and not only to the words.   Today listen to the supplication of Your Dear Mother to this humanity.

I profoundly wish, My dear children, that a new humanitarian mission be taken forward by the missionaries of Peace of My Immaculate Heart.  This time the protected destiny of the mission will be the border between Turkey and Syria, to give spiritual and humanitarian help to the children without parents that are living the horror of a war and of an endless exile, that have no house to live and no food to eat.

Now, My beloved children, do you comprehend the sorrow of My Immaculate Heart?

I will also send My servers of Peace in a sacred mission to Hungary, which has become the secondary focus of an endless battle among injured refugees, decimated families and social revolutions because of the non acceptance of immigrants.

The boat of humanity is rapidly swamping and just a few manage to have the consciousness that if something is not rapidly avoided, something surprising may happen with this part of humanity.  For this I am inviting My children so that out of Mercy and Piety you leave aside your important preferences and accompany with your prayers and donations to Your Heavenly Mother and My missionaries of Peace.

Dear children, as it has never happened before, the Middle East has become the most serious point of conflict of the planet and it is the loving work of everyone to stop this war which is destructive of the human dignity.

Dear children, with supplication of Mercy today I come to this Marian Center to call you to a profound reflection of charity and brotherhood.  This mission to Turkey will have as a task the spiritual, prayerful and service treatment of the families in the refugee camps, and in Hungary, the moral and food care, as the health care for the families that come to these countries, thirsty for help and peace after having traveled paths and borders for days.

No one in the Middle East is being saved from this conflict against peace.  My plans through your prayerful hearts will be to help and rescue the greatest number of essences that are suffering all the time.

Children of Mine, with the scale of the Justice of God in My hand, I hope that your efforts, as the efforts of the whole world, be immediate and truthful.  The axis of the planet is in danger and this is because of the extermination of the Kingdoms of Nature and of Humanity itself.  Thus, you have forgotten that you all are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father, this afflicts the Sacred Hearts.

This mission will happen when the action of all the collaborators be made in group and the means for this important mission may be manifested.

The key of Grace is in your hands.  Who will open the door?

I thank  you all for answering to My call of Piety and Mercy!

Who calls you from Heaven,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Warning: the 14 missionaries that offer themselves to this mission will be surrendering their lives in the Hands of God.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
