Special message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Bethlehem, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Fray Elías

Dear children,

My maternal voice is unmistakable among the universes. For this reason, I always come from Heaven to announce the eternal state of My Peace.

With joy and blessings, today I want the bells and bowls to ring for three minutes of your time and before the beginning of the vigil of prayer, because this gesture of celebration will announce the coming of the inner Christ to your little hearts.

Today My Immaculate Heart comes back to Her second house of prayer in the world, because the first house of prayer in the world is the Kingdom of Medjugorje.

In truth, My beloveds, in My Heart there are no differences, there is only a great mission to fulfill, a mission that I lovingly share with some of the self-summoned for the planetary service, for by this sacred answer the world is still able to sustain itself.

Dear children, today I come to your encounter as the Lady of Bethlehem, I want that all My beloved children, during this night, return interiorly in heart and soul to the great moment of the birth of Christ.

If you are able to experience this mystery as true and important, your souls will open the doors of the heart so that the Christic codes may be preciously cultivated in your hearts.

God wants to rescue the day of the Birth of His favorite Child within the spiritual heart of humanity, for the enemy has not been able to destroy the true love that He created through good actions, for some attributes, which a part of humanity expresses nowadays on Earth, allowed to safeguard the world from its self-destruction.

Dear children, I wish for My message to reach the heart of all of those who listen. My Son hopes that today you can live it as something sacred and devout.

Each time in the world a date is celebrated fraternally about some event of the Sacred Family, opportunities for special Graces are opened in Heaven to be poured upon the world as a source.

May this night be of Peace for all and may you offer to God this unusual peace of the end times for those who do not live in peace and for those who experience great suffering in their lives.

I thank you for this gesture of love and reverence before the Manger of Bethlehem.

I am grateful for the good inner response of the pilgrims for being able to concretize the mission of the pilgrim omnibus of Divine Mother a reality, for behind every heavenly request, there is the holy Will of the Father.

Rejoice and sing lovingly to Christ, because He will hear you today throughout the world. Let us thus reverse the evil upon Earth through the love of the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you on this special day,

Your Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Star of Bethlehem


Message for the Apparition of Mary, Queen of Peace and Reconciliation, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Once again I beg you to follow all My Messages with your heart, because it is now the time for you to live My Words; they have tried to build something unbreakable within your beings. Now, God has requested that, after all I have given My dear children, I give Him the fruits of what I placed in each one of your hearts.

For this reason, My maternal consciousness manifests itself through spiritual impulses to all those who open to receive the knowledge of other Laws, Laws that are not present in your beings, but Laws to which you can be united.

My Work is a work of peace, of fraternity, and of brotherhood.

All the pieces that I shape day after day are then given to My Son, so that He may direct them toward their final mission. But some of these pieces, which are part of the All, are difficult to polish. For this reason, My Love is profound and true for all of you; it tries to banish that which should now die so that the new spirit may be born.

Throughout the centuries, I have always warned humanity that if it did not change its attitude, difficult times would come to the door of the life of each being. Now, these times have come, times of wrong actions in abortions, suicide, lies, power, and dishonor, which in some hearts overflow more than a river.

But My Heart, which is patient and meek, wants to lead you into finding the Truth, the Truth of God for your lives, because it will be through your transparency and your prayer that you will transform into that which God so expects, and in this way, you as part of all this unique humanity, will help it to quickly change.

Do not forget, My dear children, that what was written in the Sacred Bible is being fulfilled, in a way that many do not perceive because of being full of other things instead of holding tight to the powers of prayer.

If the world truly wanted to be in the Kingdom of God, it would no longer commit certain actions that always harm the most helpless and the poor.

Thus, My Love enters the world as a new Law so that My children react; these are no longer times for experiencing small insignificant matters, but rather it is time to acquire a greater strength through the Holy Spirit so as to help the Plans of God.

Through Grace and Mercy, I know that you will be able to accompany Me and will take the mature steps toward the change that will cause you to live freedom. Today, more than ever, the flocks of Christ must be a single one, so that through prayer, you create a protective wall that separates you from evil and unites you more with the Almighty God.

Dear children, I have wanted to be faithful to you in light of the planetary situation, for it is time to live life from another inner posture; because your inner universe in this time must collaborate with the Plan of the universe. You must be carriers of the new Christic codes that My Son is pouring into those that said 'yes' to Him.

Thus, it is time to remove the old from you, that which hurts in the depths of your hearts, so that in prayer, you may achieve the precious strength that radiates forgiveness.

Dear children, I want to prepare you and instruct you, because the Woman Clothed with the Sun is announcing Herself to the world for the last time before the birth of the New Humanity.

I thank you for maturing in faith and trust in God!

Who blesses you always,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of Reconciliation


Weekly message, transmitted by the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to Mother Shimani

My beloved children of the world:

Glorified and blessed be Christ Jesus among you!

Today I come to visit as your loving Queen of Heaven and Earth to bring you the good news that My children in the world have started to fill their souls through the Portal* that you, My children, collaborate with so much love on a daily basis.

Through this means, many solitary and suffering souls have met Me and, thus, this Voice and Echo of My Heart has reached places where My maternal Love has been able to enter into hearts that were distant from God.

For this reason, beloved children, I want you, with the same love that you have placed in this instrument of peace and redemption until today, to begin to cultivate the idea of expanding this task, because in this instrument I will pour out more instructions for a future time that will come.

It will be necessary, as you must have perceived, that the loving instructions of My Son, Jesus Christ, have a special space, as well as the ones of the Most Chaste Joseph, who will instruct this humanity about how to recover the original project that God the Father designed for the human race.

Through this instrument, renewed in light and love, the Divine Messengers who are arriving today in the world to bring peace and hope, we can be closer to this humanity that needs, at this time, to be accompanied very closely in the definitive steps towards salvation.

This instrument that can do so much damage to the consciousnesses when it is used with banal and destructive intentions, has been able to bring a light to the whole world, in the midst of so much darkness, through the task it performs for the Universal Mother and the Redeemer.

My children, soon we will be working together to concretize the steps, for the new Face of My Son who returns to the world to be known by all and for His Mercy to enter into the hardest hearts, until there are no hearts left that do not know the infinite Love that God, Our Lord, has for His creatures.

Rest today in My Peace, because starting tomorrow there will be much to be done.

I keep you within My Immaculate Heart. I love and bless your wills, that have surrendered for love and in love to the redemptive task of My Son, Christ Jesus.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother of God and yours, My little children


(*) The Divine Mother is referring to the webpage Voz y Eco de los Mensajeros Divinos


Special Message for the Apparition of the Most Holy Queen of the Holy Rosary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

I am the Blessed Virgin Mary, I am the one Who speaks to you, I am the one Who communicates with you, I am the one Who guides you, I am the one Who loves you, I am the one Who adores you, I am the one Who pacifies you and I am the one Who tempers your hearts.

Dear children, a year ago I was with you in Aurora, Uruguay, and today, after so many events, My Immaculate Heart is with all humanity.

My children, My call is special because My Heart asks you to reignite the flame of devotion in your hearts.

Dear children, it is time for you to awake from the dream, so that you may perceive that you are in a different time.

Now, the only thing the flocks of My Son need to do is to follow in the footsteps of the Lady Clothed with the Sun, because She has already launched towards the Earth the twelve stars of salvation for the world.

They who have eyes to see, let them see, they who have a humble heart to feel, let them feel. It is time to give one's own life to God, to entirely surrender oneself to the Plans of the Most High, and this begins from the feelings and projects in life.

Dear children, through the power of prayer you will perceive that you, like so many other children of Mine, are in the last spiritual ship that is conducted by the Morning Star, Star that for the second time, announces the coming of the Son of God.

Dear children, with your hearts open and your hands in prayer, you will support the greater step that the world must take. Thus, with love, watch over all that you have built with faith during this time, walk with confidence, and be renewed every day with the sublime life of prayer.

My children, the Mother of Heaven accompanies you, blesses you and prays for you. I pray so that the world may now perceive where it is. I pray to the Holy Spirit so that wisdom may awaken in the hearts of My children. I pray crying out to My Son for an opportunity. I pray for those who day after day are diverted from the path of redemption by the action of sin.

Dear children, you must pray with Me without commitments or delays, because prayer is the nourishment for your lives, prayer must give life to your spirits.

My children, who will give everything of themselves so that the world may be saved?

My call wants to reverberate within your hearts, but the call still gets lost in some of you.

Pray to God and love Him. He is greatly offended by human wills at this time. Alleviate the burdens that the world generates for Him, live God in love and truth.

Dear children, pray so that the Father may give you His loving Mercy. If you want the world to change, you must pray for peace, because peace must first occur in your hearts, so that afterwards there may be peace in the whole world. The time that humanity is going through will demand a greater sacrifice of your lives, so that thus the Plans of the Father may be accomplished.

I embrace each one of your hearts, but everything can change when you simply prepare the way for the new through prayer.

Be examples of holiness and faith, be humble and simple, for it will be necessary that many of My children convert to the One and Only God through the prayer of the heart and charity.

Beloved children, I only want you to be in My Peace longer and that from that point, you may live in peace so that others may also live it.

Children, your lives are already growing after all that has been granted to you by the Lady of Heaven during the last years.

Now, the new shepherds, the shepherds of prayer, the shepherds of faith, the shepherds of Mercy, the shepherds who are trained by the Church of My Son Jesus must reorder the life and path of souls.

Pray so that the shepherds of My Son may be guided by the Holy Spirit. Support them, for in their hands lies the path of many souls to Paradise.

Let us unite, in love and prayer, with the shepherds of Christ the Redeemer.

I thank you, dear children, for receiving Me with devotion on this blessed day of Grace!

I bless you, praised be Jesus!

Thank you for listening to My last call for this time.

Mary, Lady of the blessed and most holy Rosary of Peace



My beloved children of the world,

In this time, in which humanity has forgotten about God, the Creator sends again His Messengers so that His children can find the path they have lost.

Few in this world believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary speaks with Her children. Few believe in the Second Coming of the Redeemer. Few live a true life of the spirit.

Thus, humanity has lost its connection with the divine and eternal, with the true and the wise. This humanity, asleep and ignorant of the mysteries of this life of the spirit, clings more to their material conquests than to the cry pronounced by their soul, imprisoned within the prison of the personality.

My children, My announcement in this time is for everyone, so that once again you may set your eyes on the High and seek God Almighty in your hearts.

The Second Coming of Christ is already a reality in the Heavens and will be a reality soon on Earth. Those who believe in none of this will see the signs that will announce His Return in the skies and thus the souls will awaken. All will see, especially those who do not believe.

Together let us wait for the new time, for everything that I tell you will become a reality in this world.

I love you and protect you.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Queen of Peace



In My arms I hold the world. In My Heart I keep humanity.

In My prayer I help humanity and thus I aid all souls. With

My eyes I contemplate the joy of some hearts and the pain of the wounded hearts.

Therefore, My mission is to bring Heaven to Earth through the prayers of My soldiers. My Graces are poured hour by hour, second by second over this world in need. My hands pray perpetually for you. My Immaculate Heart rises to the celestial throne of God to ask, as mediator, for all humanity.

While time, the changes and the events pass quickly in the life of all souls, My Heart wants to take you to a deep state of peace. I want to reveal to My little ones the essence of the Divine Mercy of Jesus. I want that My little ones learn to be with My Son without fearing for anything and thus to walk in joy towards the encounter with His Merciful Heart.

As Mother I protect the hearts and I awaken the power of faith for life. As the morning I bring hope, the renovation in Jesus, the beginning of a new path towards God.

Day by day I contemplate that the need of humanity increas- es; for this reason, from the Heavens of God, the Most High sends Me towards My children to help them to find the Love of the Creator.

Little souls of God the Father, today as the Mother of Divine Mercy I pour once more the Ray of Forgiveness and of Repa- ration upon your hearts. But so that your lives may feel the unfathomable source of reconciliation, you must say “yes” to God, to the Father of Love and Compassion.

Dear children, today I am calling you to convert your lives into forgiveness, into peace, into eternal Mercy for all.

Today I am calling you to do something for this humanity, because, through its own actions, it separates itself from the Peace of God.

Today I am calling you to reinforce the power of prayer in your lives.

Today I am calling you to fasting and to meditation on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

Today I ask you that your hearts become merciful and humble so that Jesus may manifest Himself in each one of His disciples.

Today I am calling you to awaken from the slumber of this humanity.

Today I am calling you to be active servers of God for your neighbor, in your families, for your dearest friends and for all humanity.

Because today My Heart calls you to be in Christ the Savior so that the Grace of God may aid the world.

Today I call you to open your eyes to the reality of humanity and to commit yourselves with the perpetual prayer for all the causes that need the Mercy of the Redeemer.

Dear children, today I ask you to ignite the Flame of the Holy Spirit in your hearts so that My Immaculate Peace may propagate itself throughout the world, because at the end of everything, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Continue to pray every day because the supplication of humanity is being heard.

My children,

With all of you in the center of My Immaculate Heart, today I call you to prepare yourselves by means of the vigil of prayer that all My children are being called to carry out tomorrow, on the 11th.

Dear children, God is receiving true impulses of love from all of you. I invite you to continue praying for the world. My Immaculate Heart elevates the pleas of all My children, and God, in His Infinite Mercy, contemplates the love of all His children.

Dear children, go forward, go forward! And do not stop the victorious art of prayer. This is the time to share, your prayer is equivalent to the charity of many hands. With the coming of My Son everyone will be able to be touched by the Mercy of the Redeemer.

It is time to propagate the importance of praying with love for the redemption of all My children. You, My little ones, have received the greatest instrument from the Universe of God and this instrument is called the “prayer of the heart.”

And today, extending My merciful arms and My Mantle of Light on all who need it, I ask you to continue through the Christian path that is being built from your hearts.

My Son, under the High Glory of God, contemplates you with His Eyes of compassion. He invites you to work for Celestial Peace and, in the name of this Celestial Peace, it is time to help the world, the Kingdoms and humanity.

May the Holy Spirit be the flame of wisdom in the hearts of all My children. I will accompany you always, and whenever you allow Me to, because I love you.

In the Merciful Love, praised be the Redeemer!

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
