Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

While the doors of Lys-Fatima slowly open to give the great impulse to humanity, let your hearts and lives prepare in awareness, love and faith to receive the impulse which will be given by your Celestial Mother to all Her children of the world.

Today once again, Heaven will descend to Earth, to a planet with wounds, hurt by your actions and darkened by your errors.

In this way, if each child of Mine should give the best of themselves on May 13, I assure you that something very serious could be reversed overnight.

With resolve, bravery and courage, I invite you, dear children, to overcome your inner limitations, so that something truly changes in the conscious level and the inner self of this current humanity.

I will especially be united with the Holy Father; thus, I ask you to be inwardly united with Him, as a member of the Church that must be healed, restored and redeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and prepares you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The Law is there to be fulfilled, yet souls prefer not to fulfill it and suffer. In this way, they all enter the interminable circle of suffering and despair.

On the other hand, a prayer spoken with the heart draws consciousnesses closer to the living of the Law that protects them always and leads them on the good path.

But humanity has separated itself from the true Law; thus, it is in decline and in some places, on the point of self-destruction. For this reason, in this spiritual battle to conquer the Kingdom in this world, the spiritual Hierarchy makes use of all instruments to generate the expected victory of the universe in humanity.

Universal Laws placate possible human errors, because they stop souls from falling into a sea of conflicts and suffering.

The Law comes to free the world from unpayable debts; and experiencing these Laws is being offered to everyone, without exception, so that no creature lacks the opportunity of reversing their individual or collective process.

As Mother of the Law, I call on My Children to follow Me, in order to generate in humanity a bridge of peace and reconciliation with all the universe and Creation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When the Plan of God is not lovingly accepted, just as the universe of Higher Will presents it, humanity inwardly responds that it is stepping away from Grace and the opportunity for redemption which forgiveness grants it. But when the Plan of God is not accepted by those beings that are more aware, this is the answer though which the entire Purpose will begin to be erased.

This completely superficial and small-minded attitude of the human being limits the development of that Greater Plan, which only seeks a group benefit for all creatures.

For this reason, in this time, a non-acceptance and lack of adherence to all that is being planned through the Spiritual Hierarchy, affirms and confirms, on the part of the human collective, the living of or the experience of a violent and irresistible purification, since that inexplicable opportunity is not being considered, nor is the Grace of living a different Law that could, on its higher level, transform many things.

Thus, the participation or the absence of those within the Plan of Love will bring consequences and results in all senses.

Each soul is responsible for everything coming out in an evolutionary way.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, with Mercy,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



While My Beloved Son made of each town He visited a new point of light for the planet, the miracles of life and conversion did not stop happening.

When My Son still had permission from the Celestial Father to work and attract more Mercy for the souls, in spite of the spiritual conditions of that time, His Sacred Heart did not cease to penetrate with His Light and His Mystery all souls He met on His simple paths.

Jesus taught His apostles while they visited the cities around Jerusalem that they should cultivate within themselves not only the spirit of faith, but also the persistence before all that would come.

At various moments My Beloved Son revealed to His followers and disciples that His awaited hour was approaching and, although the Lord would live one of the greatest sacrifices for humanity and for the Project of the Most High, He never ceased to show the inner power of His faith.

The faith of Jesus at that time was everything, and it meant the fundamental Purpose for the sinful and non-sinful souls to feed from the Divine Source.

In the faith of Jesus, the apostles and followers found the possibility of regaining the reconciliation with God and above all the confidence that would make each soul, at that time, worthy of the Mercy that was shed through the Presence of the Son of God.

Thus, Jesus tried through all spiritual and inner means that humanity recovered something so elevated as faith is; because this faith would place it again, as race, on the path it had lost.

In Jesus the power of His Faith was revealed, in silence. A faith that liberated the souls or that approached them again to the Divine Existence.

In those days, the Sacred Master prepared the human consciousness so that during the Passion of Christ it would recognize, at the least expected moment, who in truth was this consciousness and how much humanity should surrender to God to achieve redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

To transcend the human condition in these times will be a challenge to be overcome through love and determination.

With courage, look to see how much there is to still be transformed and break the barrier that separates you from the truth. That barrier is formed by preferences, desires and gratifications and, day after day, it is consolidated by the collective of humanity itself.

Every human condition can be worked on when compassion awakens within you, capable of going past the limits and abysses in which the human consciousness frequently decides to be.

In this hour, in which all lessons are allowed, I ask you, dear children, to unite with what you truly are, without looking into the past, because everything can easily influence you.

I invite you to penetrate the mystery of love, for in that love you will find Christ and you will be protected.

The Source of Divine Love awaits you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Every day, I gently look at you and, through your souls, I try to see the precious Presence of Christ.

In this way, I draw closer to the most lost of humanity to guide it to the purpose it has lost sight of.

Every day, I look at the world and see that many times you repeat all your errors. As in a vicious state, humanity does not manage to get out of its own abysses on its own.

For this reason, time and again, the Lord sends consciousnesses so that they may unconditionally serve Him on this planet, so that they transmute and endure sufferings similar to that which Jesus experienced.

The Lord calls those saints of the last days, souls that will experience a great sacrifice for many more and will do this in a most profound silence; so this will not be news anywhere.

In this way My eyes contemplate them and, as a Mother, I accompany each step those souls will take out of love for God. To the rest of the children, it will be enough to pray for these souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, to the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Every day I wish to convert you into a model of love and of compassion, in likeness to or equal to My Son.

This will help the planet and humanity to able to count on souls that live in love and in Christic compassion, which will awaken a small flow of New Christs in the race, so that now and always, humanity will no longer be lost from the Path of God.

Opening My arms and extending My hands to My children, I invite you to be within the great Universe of the Love of God, so that many situations may be healed and guided by the Light of My Heart.

In this way, dear children, I call on you to awaken to the deepest and truest that exists in you so that finally, this planet may be rebuilt by love and hope.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the venerated and most gentle Lady of Schoenstatt, the Mother thrice admirable for Her Grace, for Her Love, and for Her intercession.

The Lady of Schoenstatt is a divine invocation and an inspiration of a faithful devotee of Mary.

In Mary of Schoenstatt, My children find the opportunity to be favored by three divine intercessions of Our Lady; that is to say, by the authority of Her Grace, by the authority of Her Love, and by the power of Her intercession before the Celestial Father for all of humanity.

Happy are those who invoke the power of Mary of Schoenstatt, for they will be entering in consciousness into a profound state of Grace and of Mercy.

May Mary of Schoenstatt be the model and the way for finding the conversion and the redemption of your life.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the ever admirable and honorable Virgin Who watches over and protects each child who surrenders into Her maternal arms.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the mediator, a model for non-spiritualized humanity. In Her can be found the hope and the receptacle where the aspiration for remaining in perpetual communion with Christ may blossom.

The reason Mary of Schoenstatt holds the Divine Son in Her arms is to remind the world that every path of love and of understanding begins through Mary of Schoenstatt. 

Let the adorable Virgen be the model for achieving inner peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When the soul is in the emptiness of self, it can take new steps and open the doors to new lessons.

In this time, to be in the emptiness of self also means to renounce and with great joy, accept what the universe sends as a test.

Emptiness of self is not a state of suffering nor of detachment, it is more than that; it is the possibility to embrace the Will that comes from Above with determination, and thus, live it with infinite gratitude.

In these times, souls will be placed in this experience so that they may define whether their lives will be closer or further away from My Son.

This cycle, which all humanity is facing, is definitive and will make the difference whether the Plan manifests or delays in being consciously in the life of all servers.

The emptiness of self is a step toward an unknown and immense trust.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

So that a Divine Work may be realized and continued on the planet, with your hearts, you must follow the changes that are drawing closer and not fear experiencing them or have them taken up by new consciousnesses.

The Divine Plan is not archaic nor transitory but rather endures throughout the cycles of renewal that it goes through, time after time.

It will be enough to experience inner union with the Plan of God for it to begin to materialize on the surface of the Earth, and fundamental to this is adherence.

It is important that hearts feel that the cycle truly changed and that there are other needs approaching in this end time.

Thus, with your consciousnesses elevated and your eyes fixed on the Purpose, you will be able to follow this cycle that the whole of humanity is going through and that only needs to be experienced from your deep understanding.

This new cycle comes to renew the spaces of the subconscious and beyond, it comes to take it out of human inertia.

To live the Plan of God also means to raise your arms to receive the gifts that will prepare each server for experiencing the changes, from the moment in which they give their 'yes' to the universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

With the love of My children, I can carry out the Work of God on Earth.

It is the love of My children that gives impulse to the holy angels to carry out their unconditional service to humanity.

The love of My children helps to reverse impossible causes, because that love is united with the Source.

The love of My children builds the great bridges of light between the abysses and, your Mother, walking upon them, can go and rescue the souls submerged in those realities.

The love of My children can elevate the planetary consciousness; thus, all that weighs in humanity is also elevated and transmuted.

With the love of My children, the immaterial universes can draw closer to humanity, and thus is establish a communion with them.

In the love of My children lies the potential of the New Christs; of those souls that in other times and in other universes, were prepared for this cycle and for accomplishing this mission.

In the love of My children, I can work and make of this race a redeemed race.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you in the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come to offer to the world the healing of its heart, the liberation of its prisons, the redemption of consciousness.

As its Mother, I come to offer to the world the true freedom of life and the awakening to more profound Laws that will make of each being a disciple of Christ.

I come to offer to the world the path of true light, the perfect alliance with the Love of the Father, and the favorite union with My Beloved Son.

I come to offer to humanity the way out from its captivity, the meaning of living on this planet, the opportunity to internally grow following the examples and the teachings of Christ.

I come to offer to souls everything that they still have not been able to achieve in their spiritual journey, the possibility of being in perpetual communion with the Divine and Supreme Source.

I come to offer to humanity the patterns it has never incarnated, the values of a christic life, the pathway to be able to meet with the Redeemer.

I offer all of this to souls once and again; few have been able to swim in these mysteries and to penetrate the ocean of the Mercy of God.

I come to make of your consciousnesses new and renewed beings at the service of the Plan of God.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I bring a message of peace to the world, in order that souls of the Earth not forget God.

Because of this, from time to time I come to help humanity grow in consciousness and to awaken the Mercy of God in creatures.

Through My children I accomplish My work, and I give a sacred mission to each soul so that throughout their life they may manifest, fulfill, and accomplish it through daily effort and dedication.

In this way, I form new instruments so that My Son and His Father may count on the souls that are conscious of service to the greater Purpose.

Each stage of the Divine Plan that is fulfilled on this planet with the help of everyone permits the doors to Grace to be kept open.

Through the service that each instrument of God carries out, I help souls so that they may know how to purify, transcend, and redeem themselves through the tests and the confirmations that the Universe sends them.

Thus, each step that is taken for the concretion of that Divine Plan in humanity will benefit not only the planet, but also the souls that at some moment on the path will awaken from the dream of this world. Each soul of the Earth is in charge of a part of the Plan of God.

Thus, it is time for humanity to be aware of this.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you in the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With the light of the Mirrors of the Primordial Source, I illumine the planet, and especially those focal points where fire purifies consciousnesses.

The time and the hour have come to face reality and not of wanting to hide it. Humanity is living its Judgment and this may weigh with many.

But in this difficult moment for these regions of the planet may faith prevail, because in faith it is possible to regenerate all things and thus renew them.

Because of this, with a spirit of service and of selfless love, dear children, prepare your consciousnesses for greater tasks, of which your Father God will avail Himself, because He will make of each service an opportunity to redeem consciousnesses.

Live this cycle as the beginning of an Armageddon that is unknown to this humanity, which faces it for the first time.

We said in a previous cycle that incredible things would be seen; that moment has now come when Divine Justice will put in its correct place all that is perverted and disordered.

This is why I ask you that there be no thought of complaint; let the Law express itself from the Universe, and do not stop it, do not try to modify it.

Each area of the planet will be purified; the world and its surface race must not go on as they are, as if nothing were happening.

So that everything may be renewed, and a more responsible and reverent humanity may arise, prayer will be necessary, so that the foundations of the awakening and of harmony may come into being first in the heart and then in the consciousness.

It is time to face the reality that was and is generated from a place of injustice and of human indifference.

Seek the Love of God that, full of Mercy, still waits to be poured out over all the souls that seek it wholeheartedly.

Thus, the principle of the mirrors of the Primordial Source will be refracted in these consistent and loving souls.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses and prays for you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The ship of Light sails decisively through South America and is carried out to sea by the great currents of the universe.

It is crewed by new disciples that respond to the Great Captain, Who directs it with the movement of His Consciousness.

It will never shipwreck, its resistance and form are millenarian, for it has been built by the hands of the Great Laborers.

The ship goes toward new ports, after having visited other ports throughout the world.

Now it is going toward new destinations because the crew has been called to give of itself through new and great services.

For this reason, the ship sails rapidly, and the currents of the universe move it along, more quickly than expected.

It is guided by a greater impulse that makes it strong and invincible so that the Purpose may be accomplished.

Who will see it go by along the coasts of the great oceans?

It is characterized by the potent Light it emanates because its great sails reflect the Light of the Hierarchy.

Wherever it goes, a purpose is fulfilled, and in each port that it visits, it invites new crew members to come aboard.

What will the initiates find within this mysterious ship?

In essence, something that many have been forgotten: love and brotherhood. This is what makes the ship travel among the spaces of this humanity.

There is no other mystery to reveal. The ship travels in search of the self-summoned so they awaken to their sacred mission.

While the world and humanity are shaken, the ship of Light will go to meet those who awaken so that people of other nations also fulfill the call.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


My Son comes to bring the spiritual relief that hearts need so that a positive hope may be reborn within them.

Your Heavenly Mother accompanies you, to motivate you to continue forward with joy and rejoicing, because this will help hearts to be able to spiritually heal themselves.

It is in this way, dear children, that on this day, a ray of Grace descends over this region of the United States to consolidate within the spirits an opportunity for redemption and the elevation of consciousness.

The planetary reality makes of this humanity a race much in need of spiritual and moral balance. 

For this reason, the Divine Messengers arrive in the United States to call hearts to the truth, to the recognition of the human condition, in which many are to be found today.

For this, the Hierarchy carries out a work of miracles with the goal of preparing all consciousnesses ahead of time, for the expected return of Christ.

At this moment, each effort will be important, because this will build the alliance of sleeping consciousnesses with the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you on this day of mercy,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Nativity of Jesus

In that time, when the presence of Christ was fundamental for the redemption of humanity, the Sacred Family, after spending three days in Bethlehem, at the request of God, went to Nazareth, where the Divine Family would prepare to accompany the first and important years of the life of Jesus.

At the moment of the birth of Christ, after the visit of the kings of the East, the Sacred Family was also sought by other consciousnesses, who, as pilgrims of God, came to meet the little child in Nazareth.

We remember that the prophecy about the birth of the Messiah was also confirmed by the sacred star of Bethlehem and by all the angels who announced the birth of Christ in different towns throughout the whole of Israel.

So important was the coming of the Messiah, that even those most distant from the truth and from love would become aware through dreams that an infinite light had come to the planet.

The Sacred Family always remained austere, humble and simple, this was its main mission, to show itself as it truly is so that the principles of the Mercy of the Universe might reach humanity through Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

Remember, dear children, that more than two thousand years ago, humanity was on the verge of self-destruction and of definitely leaving the Plan of the Creator, because it might have entered into a deep decay.

The birth of Jesus brought to the world the possibility of reintegrating its spiritual bond and its filiation with the Father, something that was being corrupted by the actions of humankind.

Jesus, in Nazareth, while still a boy, worked on the first inner steps for the redemption of humanity and in the building of a new consciousness on Earth through re-orientation of the Divine Source.

The Grace of God was always present, especially in Nazareth, when the Sacred Family lived a stage of deeper union with the Creator which came from the presence of Jesus as the little Savior.

As a boy, Jesus was aware of the urgency of rescuing humanity. When the Little Child was three years old, with love and simplicity He embraced the manifestation of this Purpose that the Father would confer upon Him at the age of thirty three.

Even as a boy, Jesus worked together with the angels that surrounded Him, within the inner worlds of humanity.

Let us see an example of this:

I can tell you, dear children, that, at the age of three, Jesus already offered, with His little consciousness, some sacrifices that were very visible to all, such as that of not drinking water nor eating for days.

We knew, as part of His Family, that the Father in that time was already fulfilling His Designs, because the whole life of Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit, it was God Himself made man and human consciousness Who was coming to rescue the consciousness of humanity.

As a child, Jesus was developing spiritual and supernatural actions at the moment of making contact with the Source of the Father, which, with love and gentleness, sprang from His little Heart.

The Boy Jesus granted many Graces, states for the consciousnesses that allowed the human condition and its debt before the Law to revert. The Little Child worked silently, and, in spite of being so little, the Archangels oftentimes worked through Him. For example, at one stage in the life of Jesus, the Archangel Gabriel granted a certain kind of miracle to souls, which not only transformed their lives, but also liberated the bonds that they had upon having made contact with the Little Child Jesus.

The Sacred Family dedicated the first years of the life of Jesus to carrying out service, and one of the main occupations of Saint Joseph was what you know aof s carpentry, which, in truth, the humble carpentry of Saint Joseph was the temple of miracles and conversions.

The service that the Sacred Family physically offered to humanity, in the first years of the life of Jesus, was to reestablish within the human consciousness the necessity of serving others, a fellow being, with the purpose of reactivating the spirit of charity and fraternity.

Saint Joseph committed Himself so that this simple carpentry in Nazareth would be capable of receiving suffering souls, to convert them into souls filled by the relief of the Lord.

While Saint Joseph was carrying out His work in carpentry, at the same time, He would teach the children of Nazareth to build something evolutionary in their small consciousnesses. Thus, Jesus, on many occasions, would participate in these meetings, and the union and the love that existed between Jesus and Saint Joseph were capable of turning this carpentry into a moment of elevation and devotion to God, to the point that, in an inexplicable way, the works of carpentry were miraculously finished by the angels.

The Sacred Family, through the essence of service, was able to help reverse human spiritual precariousness with a powerful energy of love and charity.

The Most Holy Mother would dedicate Her moments of prayer to engage in a deeper union with God and also to relive within Her Spirit the sacrifice that Her Beloved Son would live and a moment of which, through the revelation of the Archangel Gabriel, Mary was already aware of.

By the time Jesus reached the age of twelve, the holy archangels showed the Holy Mother the spiritual and conscious preparation that the Divine Son would live in that time.

From that moment, the Holy Mother became resigned as a slave before Her Eternal Father, leaving the young Jesus in complete and humble freedom, so that His mission might be fulfilled, just as the sacred prophecy indicated.

Throughout this first stage of the life of Jesus, the Sacred Family was being guided by the holy angels towards the needs that had to be provided for in the consciousness of humanity. In this sense, the Sacred Family gave to the human consciousness the opportunity of being reintegrated into the Project of the Creator through the sacrifice of Christ.

Many were the Gifts and the Graces during the first stage of the life of Jesus, which created the main basis for all that the Small Child would live in His holy adulthood.

Since the birth of Jesus, humanity had the opportunity of connecting with the essence of love, even after Christ made His final surrender on the Cross.

In this time, in which the values of the Sacred Family have lost the attention of the humankind of the surface, the Celestial Messengers come to this meeting, to a meeting with a humanity once again precarious in all senses, so that, through love and mercy, it may awaken from the deep sleep of illusion and remember that it must love its fellow beings, that it must serve them and help them to heal their consciousnesses through acts of fraternity and brotherhood.

The Sacred Family draws closer to humanity for the purpose of repairing the human consciousness and removing it from all the mistakes that it commits through wars, conflicts and indifference, as well as the destruction and domination of the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Sacred Family invites all, so that, on this Christmas, the Inner Christ may be born from an intimate communion with the Creator, thus, the Earth will be polarized to the Light that has been lost.

I thank you for responding to My call.

For all those that will make an effort to fulfill this last part of the pilgrimage, I will be very grateful.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today My sacred spouse Saint Joseph places upon the chest of each one of you a lily of light and chastity, with the goal that you may humbly hold it within your essences as the sacred energy of the Instructor, so that your consciousnesses may transform into the redeeming model that Christ expects from each soul.

Because of this, children, with the strength of faith, your Heavenly Mother pleads with the Eternal Father so that His children of humanity may convert into what the divine Purpose established for this planet and for this humanity.

Saint Joseph, as a human heart, learned to love truth, the truth of being able to see his own difficulties and of transcending them, one by one, under the inner impulse of love.

It is for this reason that, in this hour, Saint Joseph comes into your lives so that you may open to the knowledge of humility, so that you may know Him as the Father of humility that offers Himself to work directly with the human condition.

In this cycle, Saint Joseph comes to the world as a Divine Messenger to remove hearts from ignorance and hypnotism, from all that leads the human being into being miserable in spirit and matter.

Saint Joseph, as a Guardian of hearts and protector of all souls, is eternally willing to help beings come to know and  transcend the human condition, which being immature and imperfect, prevents the evolution of consciousnesses and deep awakening.

Dear children, this is how, in this time, Saint Joseph offers Himself to humanity, to teach you how to overcome your difficulties so that souls may trust in the Grace of the Father and His Infinite Mercy.

Saint Joseph, as a server and missionary, tries in this cycle to withdraw consciousnesses from themselves so that they may embrace the cross and the victory of service, and, because of this, His Chaste Heart that is prodigious and humble may always inspire you to do what is correct, true and authentic, without entering into arrogance or human pride.

Just as Saint Joseph entrusts souls to My Immaculate Heart, today I entrust you all to the Chaste Heart so that you may learn to love the Divine Will of not being anything and not wanting anything for yourselves.

Your Heavenly Mother does not come here today to Mount Shasta to see your deepest miseries, but rather your Mother of Love comes to remind you every day of your essential purity.

Attaining this purity, the human condition will no longer take first place in the world, and, at last, the soul will rule planetary life, and the Plan will be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who is united to the responsible and to the simple,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While a part of humanity experiences abundance, there is another part that experiences inequality and hunger. Placing this in consciousness, I want to lead all of My children into living in the spirit of collaboration and of charity, so that these situations do not overburden so few and that humanity be the agent of the inner balance that is fundamental in these times.

When you pray with the heart, that inequality and that poverty, created by humanity of the surface, will begin to come into balance and everything that is not equitable will undergo an intense transformation.

Having as a premise the importance of balance in the consciousness, this will help all inequality to disappear from it, and knowledge, peace, and confraternity to reign.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today My Maternal and Divine Consciousness descends to the world as a great Mirror of Universal Light to reflect on it, and especially on human beings, all the divine attributes that this race does not yet manage to live or practice.

It is thus that through each prayer pronounced every day by My prayerful children, your Heavenly Mother has the permission to help souls find not only the path to peace but also the essence of their existence.

My children, knowing that humanity lives today one of its great failures due to the lack of true higher love, your Mother, as the humble servant, kneels before Her Beloved Creator to offer Herself as victim and mediator before all the outrages that the Heart of God Himself receives.

Thus, through an inexplicable Grace, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth can succor and help the ignorant souls that are most in need. When you truly pray, I can be that Mirror that through your hearts and lives can reflect the essence of the Love of God to the world. In this way, so simple and sincere, many situations can be avoided.

It will be more difficult and arduous for those souls that, being in the illusion of life and that do not seek God, miss the opportunity of knowing the true love that arises from the Heart of their Master. It is this Love of Christ, dear children, that brings Me here every day to help the suffering world and still indifferent humanity.

It is in this way that, through your hearts, I can establish the Kingdom of God so that more souls may find it again in this hour, in which absolutely everything, from spirit to matter, is at stake.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
