Just as My Son, I renew all things.

Just as the dawn renews the day, the cycles of life and the very life of all beings, I renew you at each new meeting, at each new appeal of true prayer.

Just as fire revives the embers and gives new meaning to that which was dead, turning degenerate matter into fertilizing ash, so the Divine Messengers come to this world to transform it.

Many are dead in life and have not realized it, but if you let yourselves be burned by the Divine Fire that descends on Earth, first you will become glowing embers, then ash and dust, and you will seem to be good for nothing; but He who knows ash and knows dust - as a great celestial farmer - will use this powder to fertilize new trees, new flowers, new life. And you will see before your eyes how you are reborn from the nothing you have become and how, from that moment, you will truly know what life is, because only after being fruitful matter in the hands of God, children, you will know the essence of human existence.

When the embers that burned in you goes out, do not worry and do not fear; let the heart and the spirit become humble ash and dust, delivered at the feet of God, so that He may collect them and revive them at the right time.

With all the diverted paths of humanity, My beloveds, the time will come for everyone to be nothing, then to be in everything and to be everything.

If you are in My Heart and allow each cycle to be fulfilled according to the celestial laws, you will live in peace each one of these steps and even when you seem to be dying, you will know that it is like this so that one day you may be reborn in the celestial garden, giving life to many trees that will bear fruit and new seeds. This is how the Kingdom of God is established in this world.

When you, My beloveds, surrender to God, many others will be able to eat the of fruits of your surrender and also leave the new seeds of life for those who come after and who will not need to live what you have lived, because the soil will be already fertile and fruitful .

My dear children of Brazil and of the whole world, with simplicity and love I call you to trust your Celestial Mother, and in this humble way and without many secrets, I bring you close to the Heart of God, so that you will recognize your own mission and feel you are participants in the Plan of the Creator in this world.

Children, as of now, give up the old life , the old man, and allow the fire of My love to burn you and change you forever.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Sun


My dear children,

In order for the Campaign for Peace to be a true reality in the world, peace must first be present in your hearts.

The Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to have its birth in the city of Florianópolis, but the expectation is that this campaign will immediately be disseminated to the States of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, which together with the State of Santa Catarina, will be the epicenter of this campaign, that will later expand through the whole of Brazil, Latin America, and finally throughout the whole world.

As from the beginning of the Campaign for Peace with the Youth Festival for Peace, and when all the youths of Brazil congregate in Florianópolis for the first meeting, it will be the moment, My children, when it will be disseminated to the different regional universities of Santa Catarina, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul; from the student body will spring forth the first impulse that later will spread to the rest of the universities of Brazil.

This is how, dear children, that the first Youth Festival to be held in the month of July in the city of Florianópolis will have moments of service to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature; also moments of art and of music, sources of expression for the youth, which must express fraternity, harmony, and love for the planet.

When the first Youth Festival takes place, it being an ecumenical meeting that will be sponsored by companies that can contribute for the Youth Campaign for Peace, through the youths that will participate in these meetings, the universities of Brazil will be able to extend this invitation for peace to other universities in the world.

It will be in this way that the first Youth Festival for Peace will have its own recording label, so that all that is created by the youths may be disseminated to other places on the planet; this recording label will be the same that the Association Mary will found to support the musical art created.

This impulse of the Youth campaign for Peace expects to reach unbelieving hearts so that they may believe in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is in union with the spirit of the young,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children who are present,

With Archangel Michael in your presence, today I especially address those who have never had the Grace to know Me because, on this day, Your Mother of the Universe comes to meet with you to pave the way for conversion, mercy and forgiveness.

Each one of you present here, children, up to now have lived a path in this life; now, the Father of the whole Universe calls you to an inner awakening and to again find a true spiritual life through the sublime impulses of prayer, service and fraternity.

On this day, My Grace of a Mother gathers you to teach you the way to your true freedom, and thus, before the Sacred Son of the Universe, you will learn to love and again smile at life, far from inner suffering.

It is for this reason, My children, that Your Mother has chosen each one of you so that you may become consecrated to My Immaculate Heart; a pure and good Heart that gives Itself to you to take you out of the prison of material life, of deceit and error.

Beloved children, on this day in which the Universe has opened a door of freedom and peace in this place, I call upon you to take that sacred step in the name of all the youth of the world that are led along the path of perdition and false reality.

I adore you all as souls, My beloved youth; in this acute time of the Earth, allow the Christic seed of love and redemption to definitively awaken within you.

You, by taking this first step that I ask of you, will know the true light of Heaven that today has lovingly touched this place because of a blessed and full Mercy.

I do not want to convert you, My children. I want to lead you to the truth, service and surrender for humanity.

May My consolation be upon you so that, encouraged by Me, you may attain peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

At the end of the message, the Divine Mother, in the presence of Saint Joseph, asked that in this place called “Pedra Branca,” a small grotto be built in the forest with the image of the Queen of Peace. The Divine Mother also asked that the floor of this place of prayer be built with the help on the Light-Network and that the Light-Network itself continue to support the task of prayer with the groups of youth.

Our Lady said to the youths present:

“Dear children, here I will be the Mother of all those who are lost. I wish to have mediators of prayer between Heaven and Earth here.”



My dear missionary children,

After your hearts and consciousnesses came to know the serious reality of the refugees, of those escaping by boat to Greece in search of a better life, now, your Heavenly Mother will lead you to meet new and profound needs of spiritual and internal service.

I mean by this, dear children, that all the refugees, as well as the children that you met in this mission, reflect in their eyes the result of a total spiritual, moral and physical abandonment in each of their lives.

Thus, missionary children, you are before a spiritual situation of the refugees that will not only be solved with service and with words of affection, you are before a sea of internal and external complications; you are before the visible result of what the human being on the surface, without consciousness and without love, can do with the life of others.

It is at this point and in this non-evolutionary step that humanity finds itself today, very insensitive to the suffering of others and quickly forgetting humanitarian needs; a situation that humanity only sees as world news.

At this moment the insensitivity to the migratory crisis of millions of refugees can no longer be hidden; it is a situation that becomes more extreme every day and because it is so serious, the end of it is not known.

Dear children, that is why I have brought you to Turkey, so that with your eyes and hearts, you could see and feel something human, something of your fellow human beings that is unexplainable.

At this moment the humanitarian mission in Turkey will experience a spiritual deepening, and even though some of My missionaries face, with their pains, the pain of millions of Syrian refugees, My hand will not cease to be upon you to radiate and help you until the end of the mission.

Dear missionary children, I beg you to ask God for forgiveness every time you find a situation of suffering, which is the result of this civil war.

Ask for Mercy and do not tire of asking, so that I may also relieve the lonely hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to the Greater Consciousness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


When Mary came, She showed me an image of the Universe, and in a way which I do not know how to explain, I saw the Consciousness of God. He was withdrawing into a profound silence that, in spite of being silence, resounded across the whole cosmos and was causing the inner being of all creatures in Heaven to shudder. God held within Himself that first Thought that He had when creating the human project. He concentrated on the perfection of His Original Idea for humankind, and thus meditated.

Mary showed us that many councils gathered together, but not knowing how to assist humanity; just observing so that, in the unpredictability of the human heart, some possibilities of guiding humankind to the fulfillment of the Plans of God could emerge. Our Lady said that for all of the universe, in this moment, the destiny of the Earth is unforeseeable. She said that only God knew what would happen, but He stayed silent and concentrated all of His Love toward the essence of each human being.

It was as if, in that moment, God was not using any intermediary, for He Himself, in His silence, was attempting to reach the essence of all human beings to reveal His Mystery directly to those hearts that might perceive His Presence.

Mary explained to us that in the midst of all of the chaos and the evil in the world, the Creator Himself began to take action on Earth, trying to show the human heart the greatness of His Plan for humanity, the unique possibility that the human being holds for uniting with Him, perfectly and absolutely; the one love that is found latent within of all of us. All of this God is trying to show to us.

Then Mary invited us so that, by ourselves and in silence, we might enter into our own hearts in order to try to feel God, to search for Him inside of ourselves, and to discover what He wants to reveal to us in His silence.


Dear children,

While the world agonizes, the Heart of the Most High God goes silent, and the Creator concentrates His Divine Spirit on the true purpose of His Creation.

In these times, when humanity is at the peak of their deviation from the reason for their existence as part of a Divine Project, the Lord is trying to keep alive within Himself that divine aspiration that one day left His Consciousness to renew all of the Universe.

When He accepted the experience of the human project, God knew all the risks, but He also knew the power of the love placed as a latent possibility within each human being, in their deepest essence.

The Most High Creator allowed His Creation to run a great risk: that creatures apparently so small would have the possibility of carrying all of the material universe manifested by Him to an extreme of evolution or of involution.

Children, now in face of all that occurs in the world and that transcends the atrocities of the material life, with truly dangerous repercussions that are destructive to the life of the spirit, the Lord just observes the world and is in silence.

All of the creatures created by God are attentive to His silence, which reverberates as a great mystery within all of Creation.

The Lord knows that this is a definitive moment, even for His Divine Consciousness. The silence of God holds within itself a certainty of His triumph, in spite of making all creatures inwardly tremble.

When God is in silence it is because only He knows what will happen. The universe, however, only attentively observes the movements of humanity and waits, second by second, for the way in which it can guide it on the best path.

While the councils gather, and the masters and guides, among the Blessed, renew their plans, God just is in silence.

I say this to you today so that you may feel the silence of God; so that you may feel His Eyes set on your hearts all the time. Not only the intercessors for humanity pray for the awakening of the human heart; God too, in His silence, concentrates all the Power of His Creative Consciousness to safeguard, within Himself, the perfect archetype of humanity.

In the silence of the Creator, He unites with the essence of all the creatures of Earth that aspire to fulfill His Plan. Therefore, children, if you hear these words today, meditate for an instant on what I tell you and unite with the silence of God.

Observe your own essences as a true and pure connection with the Most High. Find within yourselves the union with the Father, and thanks to this union, allow the Creator to awaken in you that unique thought that He has for each one of you.

In the center of the universe, God is in silence, and in His silence, He multiplies Himself in the center of each creature.

I know that what is taking place in the world disturbs many hearts and also the consciousnesses of those who know of the gravity of the times; however, My beloved ones, if you truly want to help humanity, feel God in your own inner being. Imagine the Creator of all things in His deep silence, which reverberates loudly within all beings.

The Universe comes to a halt before the power of the silence of God. He is trying to make Himself heard by His children; He is concentrating the power of His Love for humanity and for the infinite cosmos with the intention of letting you know the truth. For this reason, in spite of all that afflicts your hearts today, allow your consciousnesses to uplift beyond matter; that at the same time, you enter into your own inner being and travel to the center of Creation, finding, inside of yourselves, a silent God Who stretches out His Hands to you and shows you the truth of His Plan.

While the intention of God with His silence is mysterious for all of the cosmos, He wants to enter the inner being of human beings in order to directly reveal to them the truth of His Love.

Children, will you embrace the greatness of what I say to you? Will you open yourselves to the mystery of receiving within yourselves a Creator so immense, Who makes Himself small in order to speak to your heart?

Discover today the only and perfect union between human beings and God, because the Lord is in silence in this time in order to let humankind know about the greatest mystery of His Creation, which is the unique possibility of the perfect union with the Most High.

While miseries emerge from within all, and chaos makes use of all of its strategies for conquest, God aspires to reveal His Greatness to you.

Who will open to this Truth?

I bless you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The times ahead will be times of purification, although also in an extraordinary way, they will be times of Grace. I hope that each one of you, after coming to know the work of My Immaculate Heart, will feel encouraged to fully trust in this Mystery born from My Motherly Spirit.

The Grace of God will be the strength; Divine Grace will be what will help this humanity to take the steps so awaited by My Son.

The Grace of God comes from Divine Mercy and it will be full Grace that will defeat all the deadly sins in which humanity is living today in such a dissolute way and with no foundation; they are creations stimulating the perdition of souls on the path of the Purpose.

My children, surrender to the Grace of God on time so that the indomitable strength of original purity can also cause the true principles of the evolution of humanity to grow in your lives.

Do not cease defending you inner unity with Christ, because My adversary will try to destroy it; but if you call for the Grace of Your Heavenly Mother, you will be able to be protected by the invisible mantle of light of the Mother of the World.

Dear children, through the messages I always give you a little of My Grace, that which comforts and supports you in moving forward.

Do not become afraid, the Kingdom of God comes to help those who beg for it. You are not alone.

I thank you for responding My call!

Who takes you to the Source of the Grace of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The School of humility of the Virgin Mary: The humility to be able to listen

Dear children,

In My school of humility it is essential to be able and learn how to listen to spiritual instruction. For this, the spirit of humility must permeate your consciousnesses so that you learn how to listen to everything which is needful to be heard. If your hearts listen, you will be humble, and in this time you will be able to understand what will allow the transformation to happen.

To find the spirit of humility and of surrender, first you must banish everything that your consciousnesses listen to in themselves. If you do not do this internally, you will never be able to generate the space needed in the consciousness for humility to act and have you be part of the inner transformation.

Dear children, consecration to God is not enough; the Father needs for you to learn to detach from your own forms and modalities, which have made of humanity a civilization without true instruction. For this reason, through the school of humility, you must gradually detach from every inner thought or feeling which opposes the higher action of humility. To achieve this detachment, you must recognize and accept the lack of humility existing in you, thus opening the heart so that it may govern above every mental or intellectual form.

Humility as essence is a powerful tool which allows doors to be opened to the healing of the heart and the deepest wounds, wounds which in most souls are caused by a state of incomprehension, and above all, by a lack of peace.

Every adversity or disappointment generated by the personal consciousness is the reflection of not feeling loved as one believes one should be, and of a lack of closeness to the higher principle of humility.

The school of humility allows the consciousness to recognize itself as it is and to see its difficulties as a possibility for exchanging them for attributes it has never experienced. The lack of humility generates a void in the inner world of beings, which cannot be filled by anything, not even by love. This happens because of permanence or the resistance to some true changes.

The lack of humility generates states of frustration or lack of concretization of goals in the material life in the consciousness. Therefore, for higher humility to draw closer, the consciousness must humble itself, and that is what arrogance and pride do not want to do from the moment in which they must be deposed from their power.

The invocation of humility presupposes facing some aspects of life that must die. When this search is honest, the Grace of God intervenes to dissolve the permanent difficulties. In humility there exists a door that leads straight to peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you in the essence of humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the end, the war and the persecution of humanity will finish when the majority of the men and women of the world repent from the heart and confess to God all of their sins.  Until this happens My Immaculate Heart will not triumph.

For this I lovingly ask all of My children that listen to Me and that answer to My designs to continue to pray, so that peace will not only be reached, but also so that peace will not disappear from the human heart.

Every material war is a consequence of a spiritual and involutionary conflict; every war between humans and between nations is fomented by pride and by power that time and again attempt to defeat the human civilization.

For this, children of Mine, raising My hands to Heaven in sign of prayer and of piety, I implore to each one of you, creatures of the Earth, that you transform your arrogance into love, that you exchange your wrath for peace.  Thus, in little time, the Father will have in His sight enough examples and testimonies for the world to receive a great amnesty and not to self-destroy.

Be one with your Guardian Angels.  Be one consciousness, one mind and one heart in the times to come.  In an extraordinary way, the Sacred Hearts are gathered in prayer in the Celestial Universe for all of you and for the whole project of the Earth.

I need, dear children, that you become conscious of what that means for these times of spiritual Armageddon.  May your hearts be very united to Mine so that no force contrary to the Light of God will continue dominating the planetary consciousness.

I ask all of the praying beings of the world for an answer for all of humanity, that must be immediate enough before the Celestial Universe of Your Father.

The great abyss that once was seen by John the Apostle is already being opened.  In truth, dear children, no one could ever interpret well the Book of Revelations.  There has not been any erudite or religious person that has achieved it, and this is so because the symbols reveal themselves as a message by means of the heart.

In face of the lack of truly understanding that these are no longer normal times, but rather Apocalyptic moments, dear children, under the divine authority that has been entrusted to Me through the full state of My Grace, I will be assisting you in interpreting each one of the signs of the Apocalypse.

Many will be opposed in the face of this, but when Your Heavenly Mother, who comes from the Greater Universe begins to speak, everything will occur as it was seen by John.

No longer believe that all that is being prophesized will happen in another moment of humanity; the race is gravely condemned to a severe Final Judgment and the angels have been preparing themselves for a long time for this moment.

But finally the Immaculate Heart will triumph in the life of all those who will have transformed and redeemed themselves, giving thus space to the powerful divine intervention that is given at this time.

Dear children, while the hands of the clock indicate the passage of time, all is precipitated quickly.  This is the cause of so many guidelines and requests for prayer.  Your offerings will be lovingly welcome.

The Americas will have to face the greatest oppression in order to materialize the project of the Promised Earth, for this your spirits are summoned by Me.

I thank you for embracing My call with faith!

Who shelters you in face of the times of spiritual battle,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The School of Humility of the Virgin Mary

Dear children,

Every day I offer you My simple humility for you to incarnate it in your spirits and to be able to find your own inner humility. I give you this impulse so that you may decide to discover this attribute of salvation, which has become very forgotten in recent times.

Dear children, during this time of planetary crisis, God needs a greater number of humble hearts so that the whole Earth may be repopulated with the attributes which may revert all the evils that have been generated by humanity.

Dear children, this is how God will ask the brave ones to become conscious and face all the aspects of human life, those that act against the evolution of the attributes of the Universal Mother. For this, beloved children, you will have to invoke the holy spirit of humility every day so that it may protect you from yourselves and from all tests.

My children, finally, it will be through the power of My holy humility, the Humility of God, that your hearts will be able to take such expected steps and thus evil will be removed from this arrogant planet.

Dear children, humanity has disfigured the true mission and conception of this planet. That is why you, as seekers of holy humility, not only will help the world and yourselves, but this will also reflect within all hearts that have already condemned themselves due to lack of humility.

I lovingly encourage you to walk in faith and to persevere.

In My school of humility, divine Purposes exist, that conduct you towards the goal of inner divestment. Walk towards this task.

I thank you for responding to My call!

From the school of humility, Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In this month of December that is beginning, your hearts must only seek to reestablish this inner and spiritual union with Christ, through the advent of the sacred Birth of Jesus.

It will be important during the days of December, before the 24th, when you celebrate the eve of the blessed Birth of My Son Jesus, that your consciousness be placed on the real need of bringing to the world the Spirit of Peace that no longer exists.

In truth, this Christmas that approaches will be different for the whole world, because humanity is facing a cycle of high resistance to change, a change that is so awaited by the whole universe.

December will be a month in which everything will strengthen, from the inside to the outside, and this can not be avoided; but if your hearts, through prayer, will prepare this path of purification and transcendence, it will allow the process of change to be a little lighter.

If hearts place their attention on the mystery of the Birth of Christ, in truth, they will open many doors towards the path that everyone needs to fulfill and carry forward. 

My children, when I say that this Christmas will be different, it is because, in truth, it is urgent that the consciousness of humanity adheres to experience a deep transformation that reflects the balance so necessary for this planet and the whole race.

Starting from December 8, the day dedicated to your Blessed Mother, divine intervention will be descending over the planet and will be pouring impulses into those hearts that will be in prayer and in tune with the Celestial Universe.

A form of amnesty will be granted as a Grace to those souls who in truth make a plea, an act of repentance and forgiveness.

Your Heavenly Mother will have a special mission on this day. Therefore, from today, with love and consciousness, prepare the path so that Christ may return to you on December 24, thus the planet will have a little more time of peace and serenity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, in preparation and prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am the Rose of Peace. I am the spiritual Flower opening in your hearts so that My children find the beauty of Creation.

I am the essence of Life. I am Who in Her purest womb gestates the new principles of humanity. Thus, I ask that you open to My universal Rose so you may come to know the inner beauty that God left stored in each human heart. It is the essence of Love that will cause you to live the Will of God.

I am the Rose of Peace so that My children may be witnesses that there truly is a sacred path to walk along, and all are invited to discover it through prayer.

There is a way for you to purify yourselves every day without suffering or frustration. That is why, on this day I show you the Rose of Peace, so that you learn to express the same beauty of My Heart. 

Find encouragement in everything I say to you; we deeply desire the new soldiers of Christ to ignite the attributes in their hearts, so the spiritually sick planet may be filled with the gift of God's Love through His children.

Simply seek to reflect the kindness of your spirits; this way, you will be able to stand before the doors of redemption without any fear.

Trust in My humble hand which I lovingly hold out to you, so you may see it is possible to unite to My maternal Heart and walk together in the faith that one day everything will be different. 

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who gathers you together in the essence of My Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The times of purification are promising deep changes for all as long as from now on there may exist enough openness to carry out these changes.

Therefore, Your Heavenly Mother descends to the world to teach you this path, this path of purification, which is so necessary to be fulfilled.  In all this journey you will find the roots that will always deviate the souls from the path of God.

With braveness and joy for living this transformation, dear children, I wish every day for you to learn to walk through this pathway that will lead you to strive to banish the currents which have always led to the great failure of humanity.

As Your Mother who loves you and who longs for the best in each one, I encourage you to discover without fear or suffering everything inside of you which has come to the time to die.  For this you count on the plenitude of My prayers and of My Graces, states that allow to conduct the few flocks of Christ in these times.

Dear children, unite through this moment, I know it is difficult but it is not impossible. Constant renunciation and acceptance will help you to keep yourselves in the path of this so expected transformation. Do not forget that I am with you and that I pray every day so that the 144,000 new apostles of Christ may awaken from this Earthly dream and enter in the true final work.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses you under the Light of the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May peace reign in times of purification. May transcendence of all of your beings predominate in times of consecration, always with the help of the Beloved Jesus; He will show you the blessed path for your lives to finally find the internal union with the Kingdom of God.

Dear children, may all the diseased be consoled through the ray of My maternal healing, may the deep wounds of the consciousness be healed through the blessed love delivered to you by My Heart. Blessed are those who suffer for humanity and who help the Plan to be fulfilled in spite of the times of adversity.

Dear children, I am calling the new apostles of My Son to fulfill the part of the Plan of salvation that the Lord needs to accomplish, such as it was with other consciousnesses who sanctified their lives in the past.

Every day, lovingly I come to show you the path to the consecration to God, a deep surrender which will be performed on behalf of all those souls that, having a commitment to Christ, have moved away from the true purpose.

I show you in this hour the sacred path towards the Purpose. I call you to be cooperators of this important Plan of Redemption, which is guided by Christ, Your Lord.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses you and heals you spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Porto Alegre to the city of Quaraí, Rio Grade do Sul, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

While war lives and is reproduced in the heart and in the consciousness of humankind, peace will not exist in the world.

God knows of the bad intentions of some of His children, intentions that generate rash and unconscionable actions, leading the whole race to a constant failure. For this reason, it is necessary that hearts united in faith implore to the Almighty for the enemies of all so that they, at least, have the Grace of being considered as possibly redeemed in other points of the universe and the principle and law of rehabilitation may be fulfilled in these consciousnesses distanced from God.

My beloved ones, everything can be alleviated just by praying with the heart for peace and for help so that the terrible and unjust ideas of generating wars and a dependence on weapons may soon come to an end, for the strength that the power of prayer has is immeasurable.

Thus, opening your hearts to take in the urgent needs of today's world, collaborate, My little ones, so that the causes of the world disorder may not escalate.

From the whole universe, My children, we know that humanity suffers a lot, and that the most innocent continue to be prey to the attack of the beasts that live in the hard hearts of many human beings. But remember that the strength of the Love of God has no limits, and that this infinite and cosmic Love will be the one that will allow the life on this planet and the peace to be reestablished all over the Earth.

Dear children, without tiring, without delay, without distraction, do not cease to ask the Almighty and Our Lord to compassionately intervene for all the wounds that have already been inflicted and that hurt the hearts of many souls.

With a spirit of love and of hope, do not stop opening the doors toward the Heavens. Thus, the Universe will come to your encounter and, in spite of the reigning darkness, the Love of God will have Its great triumph through those who pray and testify to the Presence of Christ in their hearts. We deeply believe that this life testimony will help to redeem all of the Earth. But remember, it is time to work for peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who nurtures you with the divine sap,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the world unconsciously provokes the Wrath of God, the voice of the innocent and of their families is listened by Your God, and the Heart of the Eternal Father trembles when seeing the horrors that the humankind of the surface of the Earth generates.

Nevertheless, the supplications of the just could revert the constant aggressions that the humans generate among themselves in order to obtain power and their own benefit.

God needs the more awake to become conscious of the end of the times that humanity is crossing, and of the lack of preparation and of prayer that exists in the majority of the souls in the world.  This lack of consciousness and of preparation awakens fear and increases the disunion among the creatures.

You Mother who is in Heaven begs for this whole moral and social transgression to end.  She deeply wishes all of the groups of prayer to convert themselves into true islands of salvation for the souls, who must be received by means of the powerful flow of prayer and of peace that must be established in the life of each one of them.

Dear children, the times are degenerating more rapidly than what it seems to, and this is provoked by the bloody horrors that humanity lives today.

Dear children, the sacred life that God gave you is being broken by the hasty actions that are being taken.  If in truth, children, the strength of prayer were not more intense than all that which happens, the whole world would go into its great spiritual and planetary failure.

In order to prevent the consequences of the disasters that humanity itself generates, Your Heavenly Mother comes from the Universe to ask that you live in peace, and that you consider this worldwide situation as having the importance that it deserves.

Dear children, let us pray so that the inner nuclei of all of the groups of prayer may correspond, and in this way revert this current and malefic planetary crisis.

May the inner mercy awake in you, because many souls will have to be tended and sheltered by the prayer and by the heart of each one; thus you will at least open a very small door so that the Light of God may enter a world full of darkness and horrors.

Pray continuously for all those who suffer,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace


When a soul emerges from the Source of God, it is sent as an emanation of a cosmic experience towards some place in the universe. When it finally reaches its thought destination, it begins to evolve as divinity, then as spirit, and finally as soul.

The soul of each being is the expression of that divine life that is gestated in the greater universe, and it is the cosmic experience of this soul that enriches the life of the whole cosmos and that of other consciousnesses, just as Jesus ennobled the universe through His Presence in the world.

The soul that travels through the cosmos from experience to experience always finds something to learn throughout time until it finally cannot avoid passing through the main school of love that is this planet, where the Son of God taught about higher love.

It is because of this that each wayfaring soul of the cosmos reaches this sacred planet to learn about love and carry it back as a testimony of redemption to its greater origins. Every soul that goes through this school comes here to forgive and to learn something; there is no consciousness in this world that should not ask for forgiveness and redemption.

The Consciousness of Your Heavenly Mother brings all from different points of the universe so that the hearts may learn in the school of forgiveness and of love. Centuries may go by, as they already have, but until the soul learns to love as Christ loved, it cannot leave this planet. The Law of love is a precious one, because everything that is impossible to forgive, heal, or transcend becomes possible through the school of this love.

Thus, My children, if any part of your inner or outer being does not manifest love, reconciliation or forgiveness, it is because it has not yet learned to love as God needs it to. An essential key is patience, the science of peace, something which the majority of human beings does not pay attention to.

The lack of peace leads to error, to the excessive impulse of precipitate actions and decisions. But if through the power of prayer the Love of God is invoked, little by little all that wounds within and generates chaos will be healed.

It is the lack of real love that is placing humanity upon a dangerous precipice. It is because of this that the Mother of God is again drawing closer to the world to tell you:

“Children, do not love with arrogance, or possessively; search within yourselves for the pure love that God gave you. Humanity suffers and condemns itself daily, and My Son, filled with mercy, cannot pour out His liberating fount. Therefore, search above every error or sin for union with the Eternal; thus you will open the path for Grace to be able to convert the hard hearts.”

I thank you for answering My call!

Who loves you, just as Christ loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Something exists between souls and God that the adversary will never manage to break: the love between God and His creatures, this divine essence that unites and concretizes the Works of the Father throughout this universe.

Dear children, do not allow this love entrusted in all that He carries out to be dissipated; open your hearts to be able to find this love and to bring to this planet all the peace and the love that is lacking within the planetary consciousness.

With My sword of Light in hand, your Heavenly and Warrior Mother battles so that love can triumph even more in humanity, in spite of its errors and all its sins.

Children, in times of alert, do not allow inertia or distraction to take away from you the possibility of perceiving the safest path through which you should be walking, because, through that ardent vigilance, you will know what path to travel.

We are fully engaged in a spiritual battle and few believe that all this can influence material life. See yourselves upon this board where the whole Hierarchy constantly coordinates strategies so that their soldiers are not knocked down.

Everything will be asked for, so that the Kingdom of God may triumph. Who is awakened, with their gaze focused upon the whole of the reality of these times, will be able to know that the time has now come for being very alert so as to not lose the battle.

In this way, day and night, I take care of My children, because a truce has not yet been called so that the plans can change. Prayer will be the impenetrable shield to all attempts at influence or disturbance.

Your union is in the Heavens and to the Heavens, you must respond, so that the world may someday learn to respond to Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In vigilance and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May Peace be in this place and in the heart of all of the beings who invoke the Holy Name of the Creator.

Blessed are the constant and the persevering in the conversion of the heart because they will not lose themselves and they will find God everywhere.  Be joyful, full and holy; may your lives testify the path traveled towards the finding of redemption of these times.

Dear children, today I come to teach you about the path of redemption which is being forgotten by all of the souls, but if you accept this path of transformation and surrender, the Lord, Your God will always shelter you.

You know deeply inside that I am Your Mother and that I love you, as well as I Love humanity eternally.

Dear children, if your lives do not change as God needs, the world will not be able to change.  Your step will be decisive in order for the Divine Will to be able to manifest itself.  It is for this that the Lord, Your Father that is in the Heavens, makes the sincere offer to each child of this planet.  As long as there are wars, conflicts and disagreements, the world will not have Peace. It is for this, children, that before the cycle of Peace ends, I come to ask you for the consecration of your lives to the Perfect Plan of the Most High.

Dear children, as your Mother I come to bring a possible solution for a sick, malign and blind humanity that has lost the true union with the whole universe.  My children, there is still much to do in this world, there is still much to serve and to give so that all can be reversed.

Dear children, if your souls do not do something soon, something that may move the Heart of God so that He may pour out His infinite and powerful Mercy, I will not be able to tell you how everything will end.  This is My call to you: Bear witness to Christ in you in order for My Beloved Son, offended by the horrors of the world, be seen in the hearts who accept redemption.

Children, I am with you and with all of those who implore to the Celestial Father for a greater help.  Evil will never win but it may do a lot of harm.  Evil does not know love and does not know how one feels neither how one lives.  You, My children of Latin America, know the Love of God because you have already felt it and lived it in each prayer, in each communion and in each canticle.  Be diffusers of the Love of God and of the unbreakable unit between the souls and God, thus you will also make My Immaculate Heart triumph.

I thank you for listening to Me with attention!

Who unites you to the beginning of the Whole: to the Universal and Divine Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

My Spirit is the Holy Ark that gathers you together to unite all of the divine principles of Creation with humanity. I am that Holy Ark that brings the sacred principles of the cosmos so that all of its creatures may benefit from the maximum and divine Presence of God. It is through the Holy Ark of My Spirit that hearts can avail themselves of the universal and celestial source that I offer them in honor of the Heart of the Almighty.

I am that Holy Ark that gathers the chosen ones together.

I am that spiritual presence that transfigures and renews everything it touches through wise love. I am that Ark that holds the principles of purity and Grace; It conceives everything that exists.

I am the sacred Feminine Spirit that unites what is separate within each being.

I am the Mediator and Intercessor between error, sin, mercy and redemption. Who lives through My Spirit lacks nothing; they are always in the living fullness of My Heart.

I am that valued Treasure of the Universe that permeates the consecrated life.

I am the Ark that brings new Graces for those who have lost them.

I am the Star and the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity that conceives new principles.

I am the refuge for souls and the breath for those who are desperate.

I am the Ark of the Holy Covenant, because the three persons of the Holy Trinity live in My heart: the Father Who manifests His Power, the Son Who concretizes and carries it out, and the Holy Spirit that allows all things to be possible.

Happy are they who invoke the power of My Ark; they will soon be freed from themselves, and they will find the path that they have always searched for.

Be firm and Christify your lives in the name of My holy Ark. Who enters the Ark of My Heart will be saved and will abandon the world, tainted by everything, and thus merge into the Holy Covenant of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am the Portal of Peace; I am the Sacred Covenant between souls and God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to divine life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While peace is so needed in the world, today you are in the Kingdom of Peace.  May this peace, which is indispensable, radiate like a sun to the whole Earth so at least those in most need of peace may find comfort.

Dear children, thanks for being accomplishing the requests of prayer that My Immaculate Heart clamored to you yesterday.   In these times of darkness and lies, I invite you to be My ambassadors of prayer and peace wherever you go, thus My Heart, which is full of Grace and Pity, will hope to pour those gifts in the despairing hearts.

The nonbelievers are now facing their own purification.  I ask you, My beloved ones, to live the prayer for the planet and not only for yourselves.

Many of My soldiers will be keepers of the sorrow that many are living.  Many of My visionaries will be receptacles to calm the suffering that drowns the world, and thus they will share with Your Heavenly Mother the sorrow of the whole humanity.

I invite you to become deeply conscious about the decisive times that humanity is crossing and to which it does not give the minimum importance before the lack of peace in the world.

My dear children, the promise is very big, for this, the effort will have to be bigger so that the Kingdom of God will be fulfilled in the hearts that must enter in the dwelling of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, remain by My side and vivify this moment, such as My Son lived on the Cross for all of you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who guides you towards the Supreme Truth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
