Dear children,
While war lives and is reproduced in the heart and in the consciousness of humankind, peace will not exist in the world.
God knows of the bad intentions of some of His children, intentions that generate rash and unconscionable actions, leading the whole race to a constant failure. For this reason, it is necessary that hearts united in faith implore to the Almighty for the enemies of all so that they, at least, have the Grace of being considered as possibly redeemed in other points of the universe and the principle and law of rehabilitation may be fulfilled in these consciousnesses distanced from God.
My beloved ones, everything can be alleviated just by praying with the heart for peace and for help so that the terrible and unjust ideas of generating wars and a dependence on weapons may soon come to an end, for the strength that the power of prayer has is immeasurable.
Thus, opening your hearts to take in the urgent needs of today's world, collaborate, My little ones, so that the causes of the world disorder may not escalate.
From the whole universe, My children, we know that humanity suffers a lot, and that the most innocent continue to be prey to the attack of the beasts that live in the hard hearts of many human beings. But remember that the strength of the Love of God has no limits, and that this infinite and cosmic Love will be the one that will allow the life on this planet and the peace to be reestablished all over the Earth.
Dear children, without tiring, without delay, without distraction, do not cease to ask the Almighty and Our Lord to compassionately intervene for all the wounds that have already been inflicted and that hurt the hearts of many souls.
With a spirit of love and of hope, do not stop opening the doors toward the Heavens. Thus, the Universe will come to your encounter and, in spite of the reigning darkness, the Love of God will have Its great triumph through those who pray and testify to the Presence of Christ in their hearts. We deeply believe that this life testimony will help to redeem all of the Earth. But remember, it is time to work for peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who nurtures you with the divine sap,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more