I am the Lady of Adoration.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharistic Body of My Son.
Within My Heart, I contemplate the deeds and the merits achieved by Jesus, for all humanity.
Before the Adoration of the Sacred Eucharistic Body of My Son, your Heavenly Mother is present in vigil and in prayer, carrying adoring souls towards the spiritual Tabernacle of My Son, so that souls may receive the fruit of conversion and Mercy, to become dignified in Christ, and, through Christ, they may recover their filiation with the Celestial Father.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharistic Body of My Son, and, through constant prayer, the Adoration of souls to the Body of Christ becomes invincible; it is like hundreds of angels that are drawn to the light of Adoration to help dissolve the roots of evil and perdition of souls.
The Guardian of the Eucharistic Body of Christ silently accompanies the defeat of the hells and the spiritual rescue of sinful souls.
Through the Adoration of the Sacred Body of Christ, each adorer reaffirms their union with the Supreme Will so that, beyond the self, it can be accomplished.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharistic Body of Christ and, in each new Adoration, the mysteries of the Resurrection of Christ Christify those who adore.
I thank you for adoring the Eucharistic Jesus!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When a nation cries out, listen to its clamor and pray for peace.
Sometimes, children, it is not only the souls of a nation that cry out for help, for liberation and for peace. Each nation has a spiritual life, a divine principle which was given to it, to guide its expression and the mission of its people.
The spirit of the nation is the consciousness that includes all life inhabited there, on different levels. It is the spiritual space that holds the purpose of God for all different peoples that inhabit the Earth. It is a living state of consciousness which keeps, protects and supports the evolution of nations.
The spirit of a nation assists its growth and influences the inner steps of the people who live there. Yet, in the same way, it is also influenced by the life of beings and by all that happens in that nation.
When peoples experience conflicts and, little by little, beings destroy their own essences by means of hatred and of the fear generated in wars, the spirit of this nation also gradually dies and distances from its purpose.
When a people chooses the path of darkness through its customs, habits and ways of living, the spirit of that nation is also influenced. For this reason, when the Creator can intervene in the planet through the prayers of His children, His Eyes also lie on the spirits of nations. When a people cries out through the souls who ask for help, the spirit of that nation cries out even louder.
The spirits of nations are parts of the spirit of the planet, they are bodies of that spiritual consciousness of the Earth, and all this is part of the science of Divine Creation. All this is part of the Plan of God for the evolution of His children.
In the beginning, when the Father created lands and seas, He also created the spirits of those lands and the spirit of seas. Everything within the Divine Creation is life. Therefore, children, learn to listen with your inner ears to the clamor that arises from the depths of nations, and unite to that request of peace and of redemption of the planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your heart hurts and is filled with anguish, go to the foot of the Cross, touch with your hands the Feet of Your Lord, and remain there.
Put your hands on the Hands of Christ and begin to feel His Wounds. Close your eyes, allow the living memory of His Passion to be shown to you, and remain there.
Let your silence lead you to the Heart of Your Lord and may your prayer, silenced, become an offering of reparation.
You will feel, in your chest, pain greater than yours. This is the pain of Christ, a drop of the infinite ocean that He assumed in order to save you. Learn thus, child, to convert your burden into prayer, your petition into an offering and your silence into a balm that welcomes the Heart of Your Lord.
Your anguish will become small before the anguish of Christ for the world. Your sorrow will disappear inside of His sorrow for souls.
Allow your tears to become a bridge to rescue those who are lost. Offer your silence for those who do not know how to listen to God. If you are not able to pray, let your prayer be the act of holding the hands of Christ and, at a given moment, you will perceive that your hands, which had come to ask, will be there to support, and your pain will transform into an offering. Seeking healing, you will repair the Heart of God.
Your tears will unite in the ocean of His Grace and, even though you thought that you were here to ask, you will be serving this world.
On this day of reparation, learn to make, of everything in your life, an opportunity to repair the Heart of God and relieve the suffering of the souls of this world.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter into dialogue with God every day, place yourself before the Father in confession and ask to remain in His Grace.
Child, human beings are on their way to express what they truly are, during an intense purification of centuries of existence, almost always permeated by illusion and deceit.
Do not allow your being to remain immersed in the superficialities and miseries when you have the possibility to transmute and sublimate these energies, if only you are willing to be humble before God.
Talk to your Creator. Look for the perfect thought that He emanated by idealizing your being. Feel the sublime Love of the Father and the perfect purpose that He still expects you to express.
Be willing to find within yourself the Divine Will. May the presence of God, His Universe, His Infinite, no longer be mere theories and knowledge for you.
Let your being experience that which cannot be explained and which is not in any sacred book, because those who have experienced it, can only be silenced.
It is time to deepen and not to regress. It is time to decide to take the steps in the right direction and not to follow the known paths that give you a false sense of security.
In this time, everything must be new. The unknown awaits for you to reveal its mysteries. And that which has always been silent in your heart will finally be able to express its truth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the tests of each day help you to grow in spiritual maturity, in faith, in love to your brothers and sisters, in trust in God.
May the tests of each day forge your discernment so that, in the acute moments of the planet, you may know how to unite to the Spirit of God to think and act.
May the tests of this time demonstrate to you the presence and the accompaniment of God so that, in times when most of humanity will lose their faith, your hearts may be filled with the certainty of His Presence.
May the tests of today make you strengthened in spirit, and may this fortitude reflect in your human condition so that you may learn to be humble and know that nothing happens out of the Divine Will when the hearts live under His Laws and fulfill His Plan.
Each day, children, God builds within you a little of what you must become. This happens in different ways, with graces, but also with difficulties, with miracles and with human frustrations so that, gradually, you may abandon your most profound roots of the retrograde condition and express the true essence of what a human being is.
Live each day with gratitude and live each test with the consciousness of the Presence of God. Thus, you will know how to let yourselves be guided by His Holy Heart.
I bless you today and always.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Knock on the Doors of Heaven with your prayers and cry out for Mercy.
With your verb and your intentions, just ask God to have compassion of those who get lost in the illusions and the deceptions of the world so that, in the time of their awakening, they may know Peace, and not anguish and despair.
Knock on the Doors of Heaven with your prayers and beg the Father that, with His Hands extended to the world, He rescues those who are in the abysses and do not have strength, faith or hope to cry out for themselves. Be the voice of those who repent from their sins, but whose pride and fear were greater than their capacity to ask for forgiveness and redemption to God.
Knock on the Doors of Heaven and stay in reverence at the Feet of God, recognizing yourself as small, imperfect and as a sinner, and cry out to the Father to wash you with His purity, so that this same purity that you receive from God may be poured like a rain of glory and of graces over all of the beings of the Earth.
Knock on the Doors of Heaven and offer your heart and your prayers for the rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature. Do not get tired of crying out to God for this world because, until the last instant of time of redemption and of purification of the Earth, Mercy and Grace will be necessary.
Be a bearer of Mercy. Be a multiplier of Grace. Be an intercessor between God and humanity.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With My hands, I untie the knots and break the chains that imprison the consciousnesses of My children.
As a Mother, I slide My Sword of Light between the shackles so that they break, and souls feel liberated from captivity.
I come as Co-Redeemer to help My Son in the redemption and in the salvation of souls.
Therefore I offer God the Gifts that He Himself gave Me to be able to rescue His creatures from the different abysses of the Earth; thus, I renew the Divine Project in humanity.
As a Mother, I remove the veils of human blindness so that My children, for a moment, may see their spiritual reality, and through Me, they may encourage themselves to vanquish and transcend the different aspects of life, even though the purification of some of them may be painful.
However, despite the storms, I have My children triumph through the luminous strength of prayer and the unconditional service to souls. In this way, I generate a state of healing and spiritual restoration when I draw close to My children daily, so that they may feel supported and encouraged in their faith to continue their transformation in Christ.
I thank you for keeping My words with love, because love is what I offer you!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
When your Heavenly Mother has the happiness of visiting the house of Her children, in the inner world this trust in God is strengthened and faith manifests like a flower in the rays of the Sun.
Through My Visitation to the homes of the families, the Mother of God finds shelter and rest; thus, the Heavenly Mother regains inner strength to continue walking in this world, to search for and to rescue Her most lost children.
For this reason, when your Heavenly Mother is received with great love, Her angels in Heaven, who descend with Her, transform the spaces into sacred precincts of prayer and of vibration, as an offering of devotion to God.
The Visitation of Mary to the families of the world represents the possibility of reconfirming that spiritual and inner affiliation which each child of Mine has with the Mother of God.
In the face of the predominant lack of union in hundreds of families in the world through a lack of love and solidarity, the fact that the Mother of God visits this simple house today means the spiritual opportunity to intercede, in a planetary manner, for thousands of families.
As from now, I thank you for this reception, because on this day the wounded bosom of families is being healed by the balm of the Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
For this new novena that will start next 14th of June, I would like you to dedicate each day of it to a certain group of souls, so that My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may penetrate in the abysms of these consciousnesses and, thus, grant them the maximum Grace of expiation of their sins and those of the whole world, by means of the merits reached by the Precious Blood shed by the Lamb of God on the Cross.
Thus on the first novena day you will submerge in the great Ocean of My Mercy the souls that live the mortal sin or the moral fault in their lives, so that the Source of My Mercy may relieve their spiritual and inner suffering.
On the second day, you will submerge in the Ocean of My Mercy the adulterous souls, especially all of those that take revenge and outrage My Heart with hate, lie and impunity. You will put all of them in the inner lakes of My Unfathomable Mercy so that they may be purified and repaired.
On the third day of the novena, you will submerge in the great Source of My Mercy all the lonely souls, especially the souls that are mistreated in the asylums, hospitals, orphanages and institutes for minors, so that the Grace of Divine Mercy may grant them peace and the hope of being loved.
On the fourth day, you will submerge in the Universe of My Mercy all the oppressors, refugees and people who traffic in human beings in the whole world, so that the greater state of My Justice and My Mercy may be witnesses and supreme justification of their sins before the Celestial Father, for that souls, condemned to the fire of hell, may be rescued by the very powerful Love of My meek Heart.
On the fifth day, you will submerge in the Ocean of My Mercy all the mothers of the world, especially those mothers that suffer for their children’s death or imprisonment. You will make enter in My Infinite Piety and Mercy the mothers who are slaves of abortion and instruments of evil in the world to promote genetic insemination and perverted maternity projects. You will take all of them to My Mercy so that I can intercede and grant forgiveness.
On the sixth day, you will submerge in My Mercy all souls that foment wars, persecution and hunger in the world and, especially, you will bring before My Mercy all souls that sign harmful agreements and carry out projects that transgress the peace and unity among nations and peoples. With immense piety, you will place all of them at the feet of the Altar of My Mercy so that they may be forgiven and redeemed.
On the seventh day, you will bring to the Source of Light of My Mercy all souls that are spiritually imprisoned and are object of mental and psychic torture, so that the powerful fire of My Mercy may help them and release them of this constant condemnation.
On the eighth day, you will leave inside of the universe of My Mercy all souls that suffer terminal disease or sufferings. You will submerge all of them in the Ocean of My Mercy so that I can heal them.
On the ninth day, you will leave inside the infinite universe of My Mercy all souls that follow Me and, especially, the clergy of My Church so that they may be purified and may be up to the events that will come, knowing that I need deep transparence and illumined truth to carry forward the preparation of the return of Your Master and Lord. I wish maximum fidelity from the Church, but especially I aspire for the conversion of those are in My Church and offend My Works, so that they may be redeemed.
During nine days, you will bring all of these souls to My Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy so that the whole world someday can repent and convert to the Love of My Glorious Heart .
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My dear children,
Awaken! See your Heavenly Mother in a great planetary mission with the missionaries of peace, those who together with Me prepare themselves to meet the greatest needs of love and service in Turkey.
Therefore, your Heavenly Mother, with the missionaries of peace, head toward one of the farthest places in the Middle East to carry out an important, essential rescue of souls, that need to know My Peace.
This way, My children, the missionaries of peace must radiate the spirit of paternity and maternity towards the smallest and most forgotten,
In the upcoming second phase of the humanitarian mission, My missionaries will start to enter the true camp of refugees, the one that is projected in the planetary consciousness of the helpless and those who are marginalized because, in reality, dear children, the total abandonment and exile lives in the spirit of each being.
This next phase will demand that the missionaries of peace face the internal results of human cruelty, something that they will be discovering under My holy guidance as the mission takes place throughout different regions of Turkey.
Istanbul will be the final and hardest phase because My missionaries will see the apex of great human exile.
The service to the children will require spiritual, moral and physical attention to the little ones, those who, through wars or the loss of their families, have lost the joy of living or the purpose of being in this world.
The paternal and maternal love of each missionary is essential, therefore, dear children, I invite all of you to consider this part of the mission as important, because the missionaries must unite themselves to the inner Christ of each little child of Mine, so I will be showing you, My missionary daughters of peace, where lies the need of the greatest maternal love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees
Dear children,
Every day I come from Heaven to call the apostles of Light, the unconditional servers of My beloved Son, for the urgency of having servant souls requires going beyond the knowledge and training received.
Thus, every day, through the prayer of the heart that I have taught you, I come to awaken the gifts that still sleep within your souls, souls suffocated by the pressure of the times, by modernities, by sin, because of forgetting God.
My co-redemptive Plan of salvation, in this apocalyptic time, is directed at the immediate rescue of essences under the control of the adversary.
For this to be possible, in the face of the emergency experienced by humanity, My Heart comes to call the apostles of Light, so that through service, prayer and the missions of charity, you may help the most unprotected and ignorant of heart, who are in need of relief, healing and Mercy.
Dear children, the time for showing your gifts and placing them at the service of the Plan has now come. There is much to do and humanity does not want to hear or see out of shame, since the planetary reality that is overwhelming it, obliges it to forcibly change.
But meek and prayerful hearts in these times can be the example of a consecrated and happy life in the Arms of the Celestial Father.
It is time to take care of the planet; it is time that the warriors of Christ awaken to the call and come out of their homes to serve; Pity and Mercy will fill all needs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
One Who educates you in service to Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more