My dearest children:

At this next Marian gathering of the 1,000 Hail Marys, may your untiring voices rise again in supplication to the Creator, so that the long-awaited world peace may be established.

For this, dear children, may your guardian angels and the guardian angels of all those who pray intercede between you and God at this next meeting of the 1,000 Hail Marys, raising in offering to the Heavens the most sincere and honest prayers.

I would like that in each new bead of the Hail Mary that you offer, the divine fire of prayer may be kindled in you; so that, as at Pentecost, as in the Holy Cenacle, the Holy Spirit of God may descend upon you, which will work through blessings and graces upon all those who self-summon to this next meeting of prayer.

Remember, My children, that your Most Holy and Divine Mother avails Herself, at the end of each month, of the planetary oratory of the 1,000 Hail Marys to intercede for the very painful and very serious situations that all humanity is facing and going through today.

May your true prayers embrace the most vulnerable.

May your honest prayers give light and understanding to all those who make the decisions.

May your prayers stop the horror of wars and the shedding of the blood of the innocent.

May your prayers sustain the balance of the Earth's axis.

Therefore, My children, I ask that, at this next Marian gathering, your voices join the voices of all the angels, and especially the voice of your guardian angels, so that the doors of evil may be closed once and for all, and so that the most vulnerable and disadvantaged may be protected, as well as the life of all the Kingdoms of Nature may also be protected. 

Once again, I will be attentive to the voice of supplications.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


With My great Celestial Consciousness, from the thirteenth dimension of the spiritual plane, every day at three o'clock in the afternoon, I fully descend for a period in order to establish the divine codes of My Glorification in the deep consciousness of awakened humanity.

Despite the fact that at this time humanity is submerged in an appalling material battle, your Master and Lord, from the thirteenth dimension of the One Divine Consciousness, descends in splendor and in light to pour out unalterable states of peace in certain places of the world, which will allow the planet to still be kept on its axis and in balance.

I come every day from that higher dimension, without restriction and without obstacles, to prepare those of Mine for the great and awaited moment in which the Son of the Father will return among the clouds, to bring the captivity of humanity to an end.

While what is most serious is still to take place, from the thirteenth dimension of the Divine Consciousness, your Master brings all the luminous and ascendant impulses to the inner universes of beings that you will need to be able to faithfully represent Me in humanity, in this time.

For this, in a short while, I will introduce those of Mine to the true Aspect of your Master and Lord. And when that Aspect is revealed to the whole world at the most critical moment of the Earth, none will be able reject it or deny it. On the contrary, the higher revelation will be so strong and intense that there will be no believer or atheist able to resist.

Thus, Your Master and Lord activates important events in this area of the planet’s hemisphere, preparing this part of the race as a witness to the coming of Christ to the Earth.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who paternally blesses you,

Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus


The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors

In the vast Universe, where infinite life expresses itself, there are specific areas within the material universe such as yours, where networks of Mirrors act as re-transmitters of divine energy currents, as well as of impulses generated through the first seven Rays.

In this huge communication network, evolutionary life manages to communicate within itself, and at the same time, all universal life spiritually and internally receives the impulses that such a network generates.

We understand a network to be an extensive group of spiritual instruments of the Heavenly Hierarchy that is used to keep all evolutionary life in communication with the principles of God, which in this humanity is known as Divine Will.

It is this Divine Will that comes from the Fount of Abba, which is universally re-transmitted through the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors.

Just as in the material universe there are Mirrors of light that fulfill specific tasks, the network of all Mirrors interrelates with itself, and each of these instruments brings to universal life the possibility to expand its knowledge as well as that of working in service to the Creator.

The mirrors are formed by subtle emanations of love of the Creator Fathers, of the Elohim. In the beginning, when the universes were created, the first way to keep all universal life in communication was through what we call Heavenly Mirrors.

Thus it was that the Creator Fathers asked Their angelic armies to create, with their higher mental power, great pools of light in the material universe, which later and throughout time would be converted into the so-called Heavenly Mirrors.

The Heavenly Mirrors were created from the fusion they experienced with the divine codes of love and unity; it was the essential base that would allow all beings living in the Love of the Father to enter into contact with the spiritual treasures kept in the communication network of the Mirrors.

At the request of the Archangel Uriel, the creator angelic armies generated the first network of the Heavenly Mirrors in the material universe, known as the first Heaven. Later on, when the Mirrors had already been created by the spiritual currents that the angels had brought, the same Mirrors were unfolded on six planes or six Heavens, so that they then could be present in all universes; that is to say, in the material, mental, and spiritual universe.

The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors is present between the first seven Heavens; it is in this way that a great spiritual, mental, and material communication is established in all universal life, and each consciousness that forms part of the Creation of God is integrated into this very potent flow of knowledge and evolution.

It was the Archangel Uriel who entrusted His angels with sowing the essence of love and unity in the Heavenly Mirrors; later on, the Archangel Rafael sent His legions to pour out principles of healing and redemption in the whole material universe. After Archangel Rafael, the Archangel Gabriel sent His messenger angels to place in all the Mirrors the sacred knowledge of Creation, so that some day it may be revealed, as it is today.

Lastly, to protect this divine legacy, the Archangel Michael sent His hosts of light so that for all eternity they may be the doorkeepers of the Mirrors, who would unconditionally and in service to God protect the relics of Creation.

Thus it was that when the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors was formed by the intervention of the Creator Fathers and by Their hosts of light, Abba decided to send a potent impulse of divine and universal Love to the material universe and it was through the Sacred Feminine Energy, through the Father-Mother Essence that He would deposit the principles of Mercy and Pity over the network of the Mirrors.

The Archangel Gabriel tells us that when this event took place, all universal hosts were prostrate during three days of divine time to thank God for having made rise from within Himself the feminine aspect of Creation, today known as the Spirit of the Universal Mother or the Mother of the World.

In that time all Creation was being ordered and prepared for the first evolutionary experiences.

In that time, Abba Father universally considered that created life would need a Maternal Consciousness sufficiently loving and merciful to the point that the Father would send Her to Earth to incarnate as the Mother of the Messiah of Israel.

This act of universal mercy also allowed the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors to be supported and accompanied by the Mother Consciousness of God.

The first revelations about the Mirrors appeared in the 1970s through 1980s, when the Celestial Hierarchy decided to reveal this divine secret that has been present and living for millions of years, after humanity was at the brink of self destruction several times.

The Father granted the Grace that the human consciousness remember its mission in the Plan, and the Universe granted that humanity might awaken to the truth from which, out of ignorance, it had separated for many centuries.

The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors has allowed this planet to continue to exist in Creation, and above all, the Mirrors have generated the equilibrium of the axis on the Earth and of the poles.

If this silent intervention had not taken place, the race would already have self-destructed, and this unconditional help from the Mirrors has come from the moment in which the aspect of the Firstborn Son of God arrived in the world to save it on all planes of consciousness.

So the awakening is being granted to all, irrespective of the degree of debts. The Plan of rescue of Christ is already active and all will have the last Grace of being able to respond to it.

May the network of the Heavenly Mirrors represent for all the opportunity to remember within themselves that they are consciousnesses created by God, and that they can learn how to love and mirror unity to the entire Universe without the overbearing need to destroy the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united to the mirror of each praying heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Listen to the following revelation and request that today from Heaven Your Most Holy Mother comes to make you.

Today listen to the voice of My Heart and not only to the words.   Today listen to the supplication of Your Dear Mother to this humanity.

I profoundly wish, My dear children, that a new humanitarian mission be taken forward by the missionaries of Peace of My Immaculate Heart.  This time the protected destiny of the mission will be the border between Turkey and Syria, to give spiritual and humanitarian help to the children without parents that are living the horror of a war and of an endless exile, that have no house to live and no food to eat.

Now, My beloved children, do you comprehend the sorrow of My Immaculate Heart?

I will also send My servers of Peace in a sacred mission to Hungary, which has become the secondary focus of an endless battle among injured refugees, decimated families and social revolutions because of the non acceptance of immigrants.

The boat of humanity is rapidly swamping and just a few manage to have the consciousness that if something is not rapidly avoided, something surprising may happen with this part of humanity.  For this I am inviting My children so that out of Mercy and Piety you leave aside your important preferences and accompany with your prayers and donations to Your Heavenly Mother and My missionaries of Peace.

Dear children, as it has never happened before, the Middle East has become the most serious point of conflict of the planet and it is the loving work of everyone to stop this war which is destructive of the human dignity.

Dear children, with supplication of Mercy today I come to this Marian Center to call you to a profound reflection of charity and brotherhood.  This mission to Turkey will have as a task the spiritual, prayerful and service treatment of the families in the refugee camps, and in Hungary, the moral and food care, as the health care for the families that come to these countries, thirsty for help and peace after having traveled paths and borders for days.

No one in the Middle East is being saved from this conflict against peace.  My plans through your prayerful hearts will be to help and rescue the greatest number of essences that are suffering all the time.

Children of Mine, with the scale of the Justice of God in My hand, I hope that your efforts, as the efforts of the whole world, be immediate and truthful.  The axis of the planet is in danger and this is because of the extermination of the Kingdoms of Nature and of Humanity itself.  Thus, you have forgotten that you all are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father, this afflicts the Sacred Hearts.

This mission will happen when the action of all the collaborators be made in group and the means for this important mission may be manifested.

The key of Grace is in your hands.  Who will open the door?

I thank  you all for answering to My call of Piety and Mercy!

Who calls you from Heaven,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Warning: the 14 missionaries that offer themselves to this mission will be surrendering their lives in the Hands of God.


One month since the last marathon in the blessed City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, My Christic Consciousness returns to the origin of the origin, returns to the place where you have seen Me walking between the orange trees as was prophesized.

May this fourth marathon represent the perfect harmony for the hearts that pray the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy because the lack of harmony in humanity, in the continents, in the oceans and principally in the Kingdoms is leading to a disequilibrium of the axis of the planet.

But the Infinite Source of My Mercy perfectly harmonizes and aligns everyday all of the axes of the Earth and this is always possible when the prayerful ones call Me in prayer.

This fourth marathon that will be realized for the second time at the Marian Center of Aurora will have the purely spiritual aim of being able to repair extremely grave situations that have been gestated in the consciousness of humanity.

For this, through the Kingdom of Aurora and through the Lady of Aurora all of the prayers will be elevated to Heaven during this marathon so that they may be presented before the Thrones of God.  In this way Your Mother, by means of the loving intercession of Her Son Jesus, will ask for more Peace and for more Mercy for the whole world.

My principle intention for this fourth marathon will be the spiritual unity between the four Marian Centers, the one of Aurora, the one of Figueira, the one of the Holy Spirit and the one of the Child King.  This will permit the great celestial spheres to be radiated from the universe towards the Earth and once again that humanity be relieved.

All of the groups of prayer that follow the inner construction of these marathons will also be able to be united under the impulse of merciful prayer.

The Kingdom of Aurora expects that by the end of the 13th day of November Heaven will have complied with the task of redeeming the souls of this world.  Each new encounter with Me promises a change in the consciousness, in the life and in the cells of the physical body for those who open themselves in trust to My Redeeming Call.

With joy Heaven will be united again with the sacred lands of Aurora and this will be possible because of your fellowship with Christ.

I will thank in advance the effort of all of the marathon participants for taking part in this fourth marathon.  During the 5th Marathon of the Divine Mercy that will take place in the city of Londrina, the State of Paraná, Brazil, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will carry out a regional blessing for all of the South of Brazil with the aim of complying with the divine request of peace and of unity among all of the people from Brazil.

My companions,

Today My Heart approaches you to encourage you to go ahead.  Do not fear for the graveness of your faults or for them to occur, fear whenever you are not able to recognize that you need My Mercy, as most souls do not direct their problems to My Wise Heart.

I Am among you to make you grow up and love.  I wait for you in the communion of the heart.  

A good day of praying for all the marathon participants!

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Eternal Heart of Love!

Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
