Never tire of fixing your consciousness in God, beyond everything that happens within you or around you.
That spiritual attitude will allow the higher Laws to come to the aid of your consciousness and any situation, spiritual or interior, may be resolved.
Trust absolutely in the nonmaterial purpose that God created for your existence and, based on that truth, carry forward this life full of challenges and trials.
But never get discouraged nor fall asleep. Make every moment count as if it were the last; make each stage of life result in the learning of love and of forgiveness.
God does not seek the perfect things within you because He already knows everything, He already knows everything that you do not know within yourself.
Therefore, the Celestial Father is waiting for the right moment to ask His children for new steps. But those steps will be taken and delivered as you love detachment in your lives.
Because, in truth, few will be those who will give everything to the Lord for the constitution of His Purpose and for the divine realization of His Will.
Therefore, as a Mother, I know what it means to divest oneself and how much that causes pain, delays and stagnation. But the light of the spirit of faith will prevail. Be calm and trust, there is no obstacle or barrier of consciousness that cannot be overcome.
Do not stop rowing until you can find the safe harbor of the Lord's Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May your faith be fervent so that in these definitive times faith may be the perfect balm that strengthens your souls and hearts.
Being in faith, you will be in love, and will have the necessary consciousness to be able to understand and live the last events of humanity.
May your faith be inviolable and unalterable; may it be a faith capable of transcending fears and all attachments.
In you, through prayer and service, may a mature faith awaken, capable of standing the times and of transcending the mental limits of consciousness.
May faith guide you to love so that in love you may live forgiveness, so necessary for yourselves and for all who surround you.
In this final time, may faith strengthen your trust in God, in the path of an incessant quest for the life of the spirit.
In faith may the inner peace be established, knowing that it is time to fulfill the mission that the Father and the Universe ordered for each being.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Divested of the world, walk with confidence towards the encounter with Christ and come before the Master with all of your flaws and imperfections, because he will do something with all of this and transform the sorrowful Earth.
Before the Lord of the Universe, yield and surrender into His Arms; thus, your mind will not wander, but rather will find the answer it needs to follow the steps of Christ.
Transform according to the times and the cycles. Do not try to resolve something that will take you months or years; just trust in the divine purpose that touches your heart.
Rebuild humanity with the ardent spirit of living in God and leave behind tepidness or the belief that you will not be able to respond.
Through your faith, overcome all barriers and transcend all cycles.
Just open up to know the seed of peace within you, which was once planted by Christ Himself.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Trust in God and in His Plan beyond all things. Seek the foundation and renewal of love within yourself above all events, inside and outside of yourself.
The planet has already begun its period of purification, and your inner world will also see emerge those things that you have not wanted to see and alter within yourself.
Know that everything will happen for a higher good, for the establishment of a new life. And simply let your heart flow with the Laws that will begin to establish themselves in the world, in spite of their being invisible to the human eye, because they come from a universal and divine reality.
May this cycle be marked by faith and by the love for the Plan of God, in the certainty that every transformation occurs so that this Will may be accomplished.
Do not lose sight of this Greater Love, this purpose that comes from the Father and, with gratitude, focus your living heart on the present, going through each instant without losing the aspiration to love, without losing the hope that love is the first Law that will govern life on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
A repented heart is a heart that is approaching the truth because it puts in evidence all that it lived and experienced beyond the wrongdoings and rightdoings.
A truly repented heart is a heart that opens itself to conversion and, in this way, the Pardon of God is granted to it.
This repented heart can again journey the path of trust and renewal. It is a heart that learns to lose its most unknown fears because it faces and works them in a conscious way, to transform every experience of life, of suffering and of pain.
A truly repented heart listens once again to what it once resisted and conflicted because repentance itself leads to the fall of structures of the consciousness to give place to the task and mission of the inner world, which must bring to the Plan of God the talents that led it to fulfill the purpose of its incarnation.
A repented heart is able to establish peace inside of itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the eve of the beginning of the powerful novena of the Mystery of the Rosary for the families of the world*, I ask you, my children, to bear in mind that, in each new offering of the Mystery of the Rosary that you will perform, I, as Mother of the families of the world, will be there, next to each praying heart that will be responding to My call for love and mercy.
The inner meaning of this next novena will not only be to place the divided and distracted families of the whole world in the Merciful Heart of God, but also to prepare those who pray and the devotees for the day of the sacred Christmas Eve; the moment when the Divine Son will impart His sacerdotal blessing over all from the spiritual plane, specially over the families of the whole world, so that the Attributes of God, those that were in the Holy Family of Nazareth, may be present again in the families of today.
For this reason, My children, have absolute confidence that your prayers will remove the families, who are in danger, from dark and unpleasant situations that affect the support of marriages, as well as the emotional and psychic stability of children.
This next novena will try to be a balm of light and love that will expand through the praying word, through the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
May the graces of unity in the family, strength in the marriages and peace for all the children of each family descend through this loving novena of the Rosary for the families of the whole world so that the guardian angels may safeguard the steps of each family member.
For this response, that all who pray will be giving to the Most Pure Mother of God, I now thank you for responding to My call!
Remember, my children, to recite, only once, after the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, the prayer to the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Who blesses you for this sacred spiritual task,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
*Spiritual exercise to perform in front of the Nativity manger, during nine days, from December 16 to December 24, 2018.
From the Universe to Earth is mirrored the opportunity of help for all of humanity.
But the request for help and for divine intervention must be heard in the very heights of the Universe so that global inequality may be dissipated and the common good among creatures may be established.
Divine intervention will always be within reach of all those who open their hearts to God and faithfully follow Him, in this way, fulfilling His Commandments.
This is the time for asking the Highest for immense Mercy so that all those that have not received it may be deserving of the divine power of Grace, that life may be transmuted and purified in the time foreseen.
The request of sincere hearts will help and will save the hearts of those whose inner worlds are closed, and they will be able to be reborn in the trust and in the faith that they have never been alone.
Mercy can still perform miracles in human life.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To persevere spiritually is not to struggle against the world for the establishment of one's own dreams and aspirations. To persevere spiritually is to surrender to God and stay surrendered, in spite of all difficulties, desires, and temptations that emerge from the heart, the body, and the mind.
To persevere spiritually is to kneel when you feel safe and bow down when you feel firm, for there is no safety or firmness except in God. There is no safer place than the Heart of the Father.
To persevere spiritually is to cry out for Mercy even when you feel your heart to be clean, in the certainty that there is always something unknown to redeem, in one's own consciousness or in the human consciousness.
To persevere spiritually is to know the vastness of the Universe and the infinitude of the Divine Creation, and thus, always deepen the union and the knowledge of God, because the Father always has something new to reveal and teach His children.
To persevere spiritually is to trust in the promises of God through Christ and to be certain that, whatever may happen in this world, someday His Words will be fulfilled, and His promises will be life.
To persevere spiritually is to walk toward being nothing, more each day, discovering and loving humility, learning and allowing oneself to transform through renunciation, discovering a communication with God in the mystery of silence and solitude.
Persevere spiritually, children, because this is the time to be sustained and to be firm in God, until the fulfillment of His promises.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
First Message
The Sacred Gardener of Space comes today, showing His Aspect of Transfiguration, to announce to the world the time of the great changes.
The hour is approaching, this moment is drawing near. For this reason, I come today to the Earth through the portal of the great Sun that rules this Local Universe and this system of life.
I come to bring you the Laws of Transfiguration, those Laws that were applied during the Transfiguration of the Divine Son on Mount Tabor.
You will need these principles in order to be able to live the changes and everything that the new time will announce.
As you are in a moment of transition, these principles come to your aid because they will make of your consciousnesses beings in greater contact with the Divinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This is part of a divine intervention, of a possibility and an opportunity that the flow of My Mercy brings to the souls of this world.
And although everything is precipitating in all spaces of the Earth, you must still trust in Me, because I will give you the sustenance that you need to be able to go through these times of tribulation and of great definitions.
I bring you the opportunity of uplifting your consciousness, and, in this upliftment, attaining the purpose that each one of you has come to fulfill in this humanity and within this planet.
The time is approaching to announce My true Aspect, that Aspect that I once showed to some of My Apostles and that, in truth, until the current days, is only a mystery. But the door to the great revelation is opening little by little. Time is forging this moment and also the planetary need.
The awakening of consciousnesses will be fundamental, through this impulse that I Myself will give from the Universe to the Earth.
The transfiguration of your consciousnesses will allow you to simplify your lives, order your movements and be in attunement with on High, which is the most important thing for these times.
Perhaps you will feel that what I tell you today is something abstract, but it will be something close to your lives and consciousnesses, because, by My being closer to humanity, souls will be able to capture My impulses and manifest them on Earth through experiences of love and service to humanity.
The change of consciousness will not be a formula nor a practice; it will take place through the degrees of love and the constancy in their experience.
Thus, I will be able to reflect onto the surface of the Earth the New Christs, those who will have to govern with Me in love and in humility, based on the simplicity of life.
Many, little by little, are approaching this path, but still more efforts will be necessary to be able to balance the maladjustments of humanity and of the planet, of everything that is violent which is carried out by the human being of these times and of all the transgressions that are committed, day by day, to life and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
The awakening of these Christs of the new time will begin within you, by means of the intervention of the Law of Transfiguration and of all its principles that will try to transform the human consciousness, leading it to a state of a new consciousness, which will begin with the living of the message of the Hierarchy and of all of its attributes.
The portal towards this opportunity is opening to all, but someone will have to cross it. Or at least some will have to cross it.
When this moment draws close, it will be a definitive moment, not only for these consciousnesses that will take this step for many more, but also for the planet, that will be on its greatest apex of definition and transition.
In truth, it does not matter who takes this step, but rather that this step be taken for all, just as I once took it for each one of you.
You must keep in mind that this is the moment that was so expected by all the inner beings; the moment of being able, in truth, to do what they have come to do and what they have come to fulfill, beyond the circumstances and the tests, the confrontations or the challenges.
The Lord of the Universe comes with His Law of Transfiguration so as to be able to change it all and so that, definitely, the Plan may be fulfilled, at least in some beings.
For this reason the Universe articulates itself for a great movement and unites for a great task, to carry out a mission on the planet and in humanity, which will go beyond any human situation or any event.
This event will not be announced, it will just take place, and many will be able to benefit from it, because it will be a help that will come from the Divine and from the Source, in order to reinforce the commitments of the apostles of Christ and of the last apostles of the last days.
Today, the Gardener of the Universal Space again waters the Sacred Tree with His Water of Life so that its roots may penetrate the earth even more and its tree crown of light may be strengthened with the fruits of knowledge and Instruction.
Because, once more, the Sacred Tree will bear its fruits so that all may be able to avail themselves and, spiritually, be nourished by its impulses and gifts.
Those who have eaten from the Tree and its fruits and did not know how to benefit from it, will feel pity in their hearts for not having been humble, for not having humiliated themselves, for not having recognized their ignorance and for not truly having asked for help.
But those who were left behind, I will route them, just as I route the sheep that are not ready to take the steps that I demand in this time.
Because everything has a meaning, beyond the material and the spiritual. Everything is part of a Purpose and of a plan of manifestation for this humanity.
May this Ray of Transfiguration give you the impulse to the change of daily life so that the spirit of each one of you can enter into your consciousnesses and carry out its task and its mission for these times, leaving behind the instability and the disharmony, living the eternal present and the operative mission with the Hierarchy of Light.
Thus, the portals of the Universe will remain open and, in spite of the confrontations, the universal help will not lack. Because everything that happens has a meaning, is part of a school and a learning experience; this causes the New Christs to awaken to the path of love and service, to the unconditional experience for others.
May this Marathon represent this opportunity of transfiguring your consciousnesses and lives, and of doing it in truth, committing yourselves at each moment of prayer and offering that you will make to the Universe; knowing that all of this will also have a repercussion in Brazil, which needs it so much for the next months.
And all this moment of prayer will stop unnecessary events and difficult tests for this dear people that is alive in the center of My Heart.
I will thank as from now for the offering of each Brazilian and also of each praying being of the Earth, because this is not only restricted to a country or a people.
Each situation that is lived in each part of the Earth is part of all of humanity, because humanity is only one, it is the same family that has become sick and distanced itself from God for different reasons, and for all of this and for all consciousnesses, will need to come the Ray of Transfiguration and Healing, so promising for these critical times.
Celebrate this Marathon with Me, in joy and bliss.
May the faces of those who live upon this Inner Sanctuary be of joy and not of sadness, because the one who accepts the invitation will be helped and will be transformed.
Embrace, then, My great call and the assistance of the Universe, which will come to Earth and will be within your reach.
I offer you My Experience as a demonstration that it is possible to live the Transfiguration, and that this Transfiguration begins in the small and also in the invisible; from there is built the true inner temple that is offered to God as an act of great surrender.
I wish you a most beautiful Marathon and a joyful day, because the apostles, untiringly, will have to announce the triumph of Christ in each human heart.
From the great Sun that rules this Milky Way, in union to the center of the Universe and the great Star of the Brotherhood that governs all the worlds, and in union with the Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, where God is, and is invincible, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because those attributes will allow you to go through the end of times.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because from there will come the assistance that you may need.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God for grace will draw closer into your life.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because better times will come and everything will blossom again as it does in the Spring.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because His Mercy will always be active when you simply invoke It.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, from His Kingdom, will come the impulse for renewal and for transformation.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, from the Universe, doors will open so that souls may enter the Eternal Kingdom of God.
Never lose your trust and faith in the Kingdom of God because, in the next cycle, Christ will come and will transform hearts and lives so that all may begin again.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not allow, on any account or reason, that the tree of the fruits of the Wisdom of God dries up and that its roots stop penetrating into the depths of the earth, so that, in this way, the tree may stay strong.
From time to time, storms, deserts, droughts or heavy rains will come; but I will not allow anything to knock you down.
Trust in Me. I Am the Tree of Life and whoever lives in Me will not perish.
I have everything to give you, just as I have the power to take everything away from you.
Throughout time, I will place you in scenarios never experienced before because I will need you to suffer for Me, or that you be glad for Me, in each moment.
Let the sap of My Wisdom run through every part of your being like water that purifies but at the same time calms.
Do not despair nor be anguished because, in the greatest inner void, just like in the greatest desert, there I Am. Firmly take My Hand and just say to Me: "Come, Lord Jesus", and there I will be.
I Am the refuge of the distressed. I Am the hope of those who despair. I Am the motive and the reason for every stage of life.
Do not fail to say to Me: "Lord, I trust in You", and I will give you My Trust, again and again, as I have already given it to you, so that you may feel comforted and firm for the coming steps to be taken.
Nourish yourself from the Tree of Life and take the fruits and the gifts that My Heart yields.
Come to Me and all will be at peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Rest in My arms so that My sweet maternal gaze may contemplate you, asleep and surrendered to the Love of the Mother of God.
From My Heart and My Soul receive a warm restoration for your spirit, and thus, find peace once more.
Lie in the arms of The Divine Mother and feel how everything will always be well.
Stay in the arms of the Divine Mother as long as you need. I am here for what you may require and need.
Be silent and surrender yourself to Me in prayer, so that you may feel the maternal caress of your Most Holy Mother.
Let me have you feel the power of the Love of God poured out in each word spoken, in each gesture shared, in each plea heard by the Mother of God.
Thus, strengthen your faith in my trust and feel how I lighten your cross, a cross that the world also carries.
Stay in my arms and sustain yourself in Me.
At this moment, feel the consolation of My Heart and the protective shelter of My Soul.
I am here and I Am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Everything that will be seen in these end times must not surprise anyone, because inconceivable situations will show themselves overnight and, as a result from them, many consciousnesses will define their destiny.
Let it be enough to be in God and seek His Kingdom at each moment so that what will show itself before everyone does not bother anyone, nor provoke undesirable decisions.
We still come to the world at the express request of the Creator Father because humanity is distracted and seduced by all the material conditions and the spiritual life, which is what sustains the consciousness, has been put into second place.
But we also come for all those who persist in faith and in trust, knowing that some day they will know the Kingdom of God and will become part of it.
In this time, everything that will happen will be extreme; there will be no half measures. This will place the souls where they choose to be, because nobody will be obligated to seek God, but yes, they will be called to pay attention.
This is a time in which everything will be in motion. I know it seems little encouraging, but it is the truth.
The planet, as a consequence, can no longer sustain two polarities, two forms of life. Either the planet is purified or the planet self-destructs.
Let us continue working for the purification of humanity and for the salvation of all of the Kingdoms, beyond all consequences.
Let us proclaim our faith and let us decree the coming of the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus
Eighth day
Today, although it may seem impossible to do, remove from My Heart the thorn of infidelity and of grievance.
How many souls in the world are unfaithful to Me daily! And this is so rooted in the human consciousness that it is now considered something normal.
The infidelity of those who wound My Heart is so unbearable that the Fire of Love that I hold in My Heart is in agony, because souls lose their fidelity and trust in the Master.
Ask the Celestial Father for all those who have been and will be unfaithful to Me someday.
I offer to open My Heart so that souls may enter My Temple to commune of the Truth and free themselves from suffering.
You should know that one of the causes of infidelity is the distraction and the world illusion of these times.
Plead to the Supreme Father for all unfaithful souls so that someday they may receive the grace of being immersed in the spiritual ocean of My Mercy, in order to receive a new opportunity.
There is still time to avoid the mass destruction of many hearts.
Now, recognize your possible infidelity in word, in feelings and in action; but do not see it as a torment; look at it as a constant practice of correction and of persistence so that you may receive healing by means of the science of faith.
Affirm your consciousness as part of My Consciousness, and in this inviolable and infinite union, consecrate yourself to My Heart of Thorns so that the roses of love and of fidelity may be born from My wounded Chest.
I thank you for your efforts because in the small is built the large, and in the humble is built the unalterable and the eternal.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear and beloved children,
In these severe times of purification of consciousness, know that God does not expect immediate perfection in humankind, but rather the simplicity and the truth of the heart.
God invites you to, through simplicity, let the Love of God be born in you, again and again; a Love that will comfort you, a Love that will not abandon you, a worthy and faithful Love.
Do not rest your attention only on the defects of human life because it will be through a redeemed imperfection that the new being will be born, who will be the bearer of hope and trust in God.
For this reason, My children, embrace each new stage of purification with humility and simplicity.
Through prayer, you will always have My consolation and guidance, and in the culminating moments of your purification, you will be able to count on My assistance; because I love you, and as a mother, I know the inner need of each child of Mine.
Stop feeling that emptiness that does not lead you to anything. Stop submerging yourselves in this arid desert of life.
Through My Words, I bring you the Fount that will quench your thirst.
Children, do not despair, do not be perturbed, do not punish yourselves any longer. You came to participate in a transition that has just begun.
Have faith; the power of the Love of My Heart will be your constant strength.
Today, God grants you His Forgiveness and His Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
The time has come for you to see, within yourself, the reality of your true being and do not fear to purify it, because freeing yourself from the chains of the past, you may be able to take firm and secure steps towards the concretization of the Plan of God on the surface.
With neutrality, love, and harmony, let your story written in the Universe emerge from within you and show itself so that your consciousness and your life can make a synthesis, and everything, absolutely everything, is forgiven.
Pour your hope and your faith into My Heart, because thus I, as your Mother, will teach you to be different, from the moment in which you confirm within yourself that you no longer accept to carry so many mistakes commited.
Trust in the infinite power of the Mercy of My Son, because it will be His Divine Mercy that will guide you toward the path of redemption and of rehabilitation.
I understand that it is not easy to see the inner reality as it is, but encourage yourself to surpass the barriers of suffering so that the powerful energy of grace may act in everything, and thus, again, you overcome in the Love of Christ.
As of now, decide to change your destiny so that the Hand of God may lead you to His House.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Keep your faith firm so that it may raise you towards the Heights; thus, you will be united heart and soul to the Kingdom of God.
Keep your faith firm, because nothing and no one will be able to make you fail. All the living of experiences is transitory and nothing is forever.
Keep your faith firm so that you may continue learning about love and so that, in confidence, you may build in yourself the path of return to your true origin.
Keep your faith firm so that the light of faith may accompany you and guide your steps towards the Divine Purpose.
Child, let your faith never disappear; continue to feed it with the fire of prayer. In this way, everything will continue to purify and to be transcended so that, one day, you may attain the infinite unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Keep your faith firm so that you may learn that everything will pass away, but the spirit will remain ignited in the joy of living God.
Your firm faith will save you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Trust that My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need to know how to go through the end of times. But you must know that not everything will be destroyed, because the Law corrects, but it does not hurt. The law uplifts and brings clarity to the consciousness about reality.
Thus, trust that My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to go through the end of times. Because, in spite of most souls abruptly awakening to what they had always been asleep to, this will cause humanity to experience a process of change that in some cases will be intense.
But My Immaculate Heart, that bears everything, will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to move through the end of times.
Be willing to walk by My side, tightly holding My Hand, and with the other hand, hold the rosary with the prayer of the heart, without expecting results, only doing it out of love, in a patient awaiting of Divine Will.
In this surrender, which is unconditional and sincere, you will also experience this change in your consciousness.
Trust, because My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to move through the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If souls believed that I am already here among you, the world would change.
If souls believed that I am already returning and that I come from the Universe with all the power of My Grace, the world would change.
For this reason, the trust of the hearts in My Presence will be fundamental to carry out the Work of Redemption.
Today I come for a world that is suffering and that, day by day, opens new wounds in the Kingdoms of Nature, in humanity and in the consciousness of the planet.
Humanity cannot see nor feel many of these wounds because they are internal. In this, the Hierarchy works untiringly so that chaos may not be reproduced nor be regenerated by the action of humankind.
I come for a Brazil that needs Me very much as well as it needs My Mother and Saint Joseph and, in spite of the ruling chaos, the internal and spiritual presence of Our Hearts allows to sustain the souls that have faith in Me.
Through the Sacraments that we will impart during these days, souls will be able to be spiritually renewed and healed; but there is a part that corresponds to each being, there is a part that the consciousness will have to assume for its transformation and redemption.
The Grace of God, through the Sacraments, comes to help you, as a spiritual basis, to generate and concede this transformation, so awaited by the Eternal Father, in each one of His children.
In the same way, through the Sacraments that we will impart these days, the legacy that I left to humanity will be renewed again.
For this reason, not only souls will benefit from them but also My Celestial Church will descend to the Earth in order to unite the souls with God, in essence and in spirit.
The Sacraments that I can impart to the souls that request them are means to reach My Celestial Church, they are paths to reach the Center of My Being, the Temple of My Spirit; of this Divine Spirit, Pure and Immaculate, created by God, that descended to the Earth in order to bring to the world an opportunity of love, an opportunity of light and an opportunity of hope.
Although My Church on Earth is very lowered, I revive the spiritual legacy once delivered to the Apostles, through the New Christs, through the last apostles of the last days that I am calling to serve Me.
Because My gaze is not placed on miseries, on imperfections or in faults.
My gaze is placed on the transparency that each serving heart can give Me.
It is this transparency that you can give Me and this trust that you can deliver to Me that will make the Work of Mercy and of Redemption happen in Brazil and in humanity.
There is no more place on Earth that is free from evil or from sin; you know this, because you can see it.
Only in certain sacred spaces, where the Spiritual Hierarchy concentrates in its profound silence and contemplation, will you find the doors to cross towards the consciousness of the Great Universe and commune with the Supreme Fountain.
In these spaces of South America there are sacred precincts in which humanity, silently and in prayer, can find itself again, in its essence, in its origin, in its state of light and of transcendence.
But while these sacred spaces, which are not visible to physical eyes, are not protected and respected, this Fountain will close.
All souls in the world need this spiritual nourishment, although they do not know these sacred places.
But you, who are conscious of this reality, foster, through Mercy, this approximation of souls to this state of consciousness which is something internal and sublime, it is where they will be able to be in communion with the Hierarchy and find again this path that humanity has lost toward Truth.
For this reason, My Merciful Heart does not cease to pour out graces, goodness and light, although It is in silence and in reflection, just as the Eternal Father is at the moment.
The Universe contemplates this moment in which God withdraws from Creation.
A new time comes, a new revelation will be manifested.
All the Universes are concentrated on this state which God has entered a few days ago.
You, through prayer and mercy, must be part of that movement so that you can perceive what the Universe will make descend in the next cycle, when the Hierarchies of Light are in more silence, in a deeper and more internal silence.
As you know, companions, I will not carry out My Work of redemption with multitudes but with few disciples, as it was in the past.
If only eleven consciousnesses, in spite of their imperfections, managed to carry out My Plan and testify My Presence as Son of God in the world and in the four corners of the Earth, what could more than eleven consciousnesses do in this final time?
All spiritual life is congregating and uniting.
All the force from the Immaterial and Divine Universe is uniting to impel in spirits the concretion of the Plan so that at least a part of the Earth may become rescuable and may turn into an Island of Salvation.
On this afternoon, I could say many more things for your hearts, but I know that the human being still needs some time to understand the Hierarchy.
Know that Our trust, as Celestial Brotherhood, is placed in everything we do because Our Mission, in the name of the Heavenly Father, goes beyond the forms and humanity, it embraces an infinity of universal consciousnesses and spaces, because there is a Project to be fulfilled and to be manifested.
I hope that, with the consciousness and discernment of Brazil, which could someday awaken, this land may be part of the Eden of God again and, thus, the New Race may be able to express as God has wanted so much.
I invite you to live this Marathon as a step for your consciousnesses, without leaving behind any Word of the Hierarchy, knowing that everything we say has an objective, a principle and a mission, knowing that it is time to understand the Creation as God needs and not as men believe.
If humanity began to respect the Laws of Creation, many situations would not happen.
The transgressions and faults are very great before the Law of Divine Justice, but I come to place My Heart as intercessor and not as a judge, as mediator and as advocate of all souls that in truth want to repent and transform.
Because the most beautiful thing that could happen to your lives is to live in God, is to feel God and is to commune with God all the time.
May My Passion, once lived on the Cross, in Calvary, in each moment that your Master and Lord suffered, be revived as a means for the salvation and the redemption of humanity.
We have come to the south of Brazil because Brazil needs it very much. It is the country, it is the nation, it is the people that will have to keep its heart open so that it may always know how to hear God.
I bless you and invite you to the reconsecration of your homeland, on the 5th and 6th, to My Sacred Heart, during six months.
If this consecration is true, in response and adhesion, you will give Me the authority to intercede in very serious situations of your people.
I love you and bless you with the Light of My Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will always give you and bring you My sovereign inner Strength so that you may be sustained, despite the hardships, the difficulties or the great challenges.
If you truly believe in Me and live Me, you will manage to accomplish My designs and the Universe will always assist you whenever you need it.
If you trust Me, only Divine Love will prevail.
There is nothing greater than Love, there is nothing that can oppose the Will of the Father, even if you experience moments of great tension.
Love is one of the Gifts of God that puts things in their place because it is a real Love, impersonal and neutral.
In Divine Love you will always find that key that will open the doors of communication between the souls and God and, from that point, everything can take place.
Therefore, if you trust Me, you should not fear anything, no matter how great or difficult it seems, for there is nothing that can oppose the powerful stream of Divine Love.
Always remember all of this because it will be the fundamental key for the Love of God to always echo in your lives.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more