Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Just as you are, you must come to Me.
Just as you feel, you must come to Me.
Just as you speak, you must come to Me; for I will not judge you nor will I condemn you, for the flaws exist to be transformed, the imperfections live in your consciousness to be transcended.
But do not move too far ahead, follow the time of the heart, therein lies every answer.
Be humble and accept yourself as you are; when you do so, you will know what is beyond you, you will know the value of your soul and spirit.
Do not want to be something you will never be, everyone has their own cross and you must carry that cross without complaining or reproaching yourself.
Assume the part that corresponds to you in this trajectory.
Humble yourself if necessary, but without being pitiful.
Remember to become empty of yourself."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Withdraw from your weaknesses the strength of the spirit, and let your spirit lead and guide you to the fulfilment of the Spiritual Purpose.
Rise from your falls as many times as necessary, but do not set yourself up as a victim, but as being responsible for your own actions.
Allow the power of Divine Mercy to transform all your miseries, so that you can be freed from yourself, from your own resistances.
Everything can be renewed, remember this. Nothing is fixed or permanent, the universe is dynamic and changes all the time.
Be brave enough to recognise your shortcomings, but do not punish yourself with your thoughts.
Be determined to achieve the inner freedom that I offer you. The desert is for the brave of heart, it is for those who are not afraid to be others."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"On the path of the desert, My Rays will illuminate the dark pathways that you may find within your own consciousness. But may your admiration not be upon the shortcomings of life, but upon the power of My Grace which time and again can bless and consecrate your life.
Learn to separate yourself from the aspects of your consciousness.
Remain in neutrality, so that you may know how to act according to the Law, because if you are within the Law, it will always protect you.
I Am close to you."
Christ Jesus
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart simply to confess your deepest miseries, like a child who can divest themselves of their shame with their father.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart to present your defects and difficulties to Me, the vices you have not overcome, your most entrenched fears, your lacks of understanding most difficult for you to shape, your resistances hardest to break, your walls, your limits.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and, even though you cannot manage to say anything, offer Me your silence, your incapacity to surrender, of letting go of the reins of your life, of exposing your heart and feeling yourself to be weak and small.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and show Me your sorrows, but also your joys, tell Me about your defeats and also your victories, so that I, child, may dissolve your illusions with My Love, strengthen your virtues with My Grace, and show you in the mirror of the Reliquary of My Heart that to be human is more than what you have discovered about yourself up to now.
Let Me show you your truth, what hides beyond your appearances, what is hidden beyond your confessed weaknesses. Human beings are not just a mixture of miseries and virtues, of flesh and spirit, but they are the spirit, overlaid and hidden in what until now you believe is your only truth.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart not to find Me, but rather to find you, and in you, God.
You have My blessing for that.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Your defects are not important to Me; what is important to Me is your true and sincere effort. If this does not exist between you and I, it will be difficult for you to love unconditionally.
Therefore, your effort must come first rather than your immediate comfort. In this attitude of effort and of unconditional surrender, you will be demonstrating to Me all the time that you accept My Will and that you inwardly understand My requests and designs.
I will never let you reach the most extreme in your life, because a good Shepherd always takes care of and protects His sheep.
Therefore, dare to look within, to be able to be aware of how much you are still lacking in deepening into your true effort.
I am not akin to the souls that prefer the fast and the quick; each stage has a foreseen timing, each moment has its place within the events.
I know that perhaps this unconditional effort that I need may not emerge immediately within you; I know that you are a human being in redemption; but never forget to be sincere with Me in the smallest detail, because it is in this that the concretization of the Plan moves forward.
This is the moment and the hour for you to perceive that the need of humanity is very great and that the time has come for delegating new responsibilities.
Continue forward.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Who will give you something bigger than what I can give you?
Who could be more than what I have been and what I Am?
I Am everything for you, without limits nor rules, without conditions nor clauses.
I have all the time to attend you, to listen to you and to welcome you.
I have something very special for your being and for all of your consciousness.
I have been by your side since you were born, wherever you went and wherever you decided to pilgrimage to, everything is under My Sight.
Nevertheless, I do not judge your acts, miseries or defects. I accompany, with ardor in the heart, every new step towards the redemption and the elevation of your being.
I know it is not easy for you to live on this planet with all of your miseries and, above all, to be here in this cycle.
But all effort, renunciation and surrender that you make to My Heart will always be well received, and wherever you are and wherever you go, you will be blessed by My Spirit of love and of charity.
Feel yourself on the path of transformation, of renovation and of healing.
This is the time to discover within yourself the Grace that God has given you to continue acting in your life.
Go ahead and rely on My Faith.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Open your heart to perceive that which God aspires for you. Always receive His words, placing them within your own being, for them to transform you as a living witness of the Divine Presence.
Not only listen to the Words of God, but, child, allow them to transform you into what you truly are. Allow them to liberate the covers of your illusion and arrogance so that you may see the truth that is hidden under your human condition.
Listen to each message as a dialogue of God with you and do not fear to deepen into what He tells you. This is how you will truly transform yourself, and your transformation will be a service to the planet.
The inner life of beings - their transformation and their contact with God - can be an incalculable service for the human consciousness and the planet, with all life that inhabits it. But for this, child, your heart must always be sincere and transparent, and in this way, when the moment to correct and transform yourself arrives, may you look more to yourself than to others. Look at your fellow being only if your gaze is compassionate and merciful, and if within you there is the firm aspiration to serve your brothers and sisters, and not to search for their defects
Why am I telling you this today? Because the planet agonizes, souls agonize, the Kingdoms of Nature agonize and the hearts are still awakening, very slowly, to this planetary reality.
Do not lose your time and your word. Pray for your fellow beings and for the planet, and transform and purify your heart. My child, make yourself a true disciple of Christ, so that when He calls you "companion", He will not only be referring to your spirit, but to everything that you are.
Receive My Words with love and hope, knowing that you can serve and change the destiny of this world, wherever you are. You only need to look within yourself and make the decision of definitely expressing what God wants from you, of finally becoming what God expects from your heart
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Find within yourself the Kingdom of God and confirm His victory within you every day.
Trust in the greatness of His Mercy and in the infinity of His Grace, these are the sources that reach your spiritual life again and again.
Do not stop at the defects, the difficulties or the imperfections. Work all the time so that the Kingdom of God may be a victory every day of your life.
Build within yourself that strength and that faith that has no limits and, through the Sacraments of Christ and through prayer, participate in a perfect communion with the Kingdom of God.
This is the Kingdom that some want to see defeated, or at least stop it from being expressed.
Live the Kingdom of God every day, knowing that your transformation and persistence will be the victory that the Father needs to renew Creation.
Follow the footsteps of Jesus and you will always find the Kingdom of God within you.
Continue on, trusting that one day you will manage to be a New Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Divested of the world, walk with confidence towards the encounter with Christ and come before the Master with all of your flaws and imperfections, because he will do something with all of this and transform the sorrowful Earth.
Before the Lord of the Universe, yield and surrender into His Arms; thus, your mind will not wander, but rather will find the answer it needs to follow the steps of Christ.
Transform according to the times and the cycles. Do not try to resolve something that will take you months or years; just trust in the divine purpose that touches your heart.
Rebuild humanity with the ardent spirit of living in God and leave behind tepidness or the belief that you will not be able to respond.
Through your faith, overcome all barriers and transcend all cycles.
Just open up to know the seed of peace within you, which was once planted by Christ Himself.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I know each one of those who are Mine from the inside out.
This knowledge I have about each one of My disciples, beyond the defects or imperfections, is what allows Me to help them so that, day by day, they get dare to continue transforming themselves until they reach the plan of love I have designed for each one.
Each time you pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, and you really do it, I can help you until I am able to erase any sign of sin or of offense, because no one knows more than I do what it is to be a human being, all that they can do right or wrong.
The most important thing is sincerity and honesty in prayer, this allows that the divine grace descends to continue blessing the hearts and to support them during different cycles of purification.
Receive this message today with much hope, knowing that the day of your redemption will soon come.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself and not only the situations of human life.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to know how you react to the stimuli of the world and how you respond to the impulses of God.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself more more profoundly and do not be deceived by believing you are something that you are not.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness with love, with peace, with the simple intention of knowing who you are, how you act, how you live, so that thus, child, you may become aware of everything that you should transform.
May your eyes not only be in Heaven, or in the shortcomings and virtues of your neighbor. Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, opening to a true self-knowledge. In this way, you will open the doors to deepen into the science of life and you will allow God not only to transform you but also to show your true being, impelling you to reach what in truth you are.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to not deceive yourself and so that, in these times of illusions and mirages, your eyes may be fixed on the Truth and, knowing who you are and what you are not, you can thus find what God expects from you, since the beginning.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Joyfully fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to you, the mission of living on Earth, the principles that come from the Heavens and the manifesting a New Humanity in the world.
Many wonder every day if they are doing that which they are supposed to be doing as souls and as spirits; they wonder where they should be, with whom they should be, and doing what. But few, very few are striving to truly open their hearts to attract an archetype of life that does not yet exist on the surface of the planet.
If you want to live that which God has thought of for you, then begin by making your heart available for something new. Seek within you that which must be forgiven and that which you must forgive. Seek within for the strength to overcome yourself and become meeker, humbler, more helpful and peacemaking.
Seek to break the barriers within you which separate yourself from your neighbor, and work within you all that which you judge in others. Have the mirror of your heart turned towards yourself every day, and before you become angry or criticize something you see in others, observe the mirror of your heart and see yourself reflected in that defect which you cannot bear.
Seek to understand others as you understand yourself: just as you know that you have infinite difficulties and miseries, others also have them. Just as you try to take steps and strive with a good heart, others also do so.
It is only mutual understanding that opens the heart to experience love.
If you do not succeed in controlling the reactions of your mind and your emotions, do not worry so much, but let them be short-lived, and may energies such as anger, envy, greed, or even the feeling of superiority not keep your permission to remain within you.
Child, if you love the Plan of God or at least if you want to love it, then always reflect on the fact that the Creator needs a race of Christs, and not just one, and it will not be enough that you be Christified. Remember that you do not need to be better or worse than anyone else, but that both you and the one you have by your side must reach the goal of union with God.
This is the great mystery of human existence, and for this reason, you came as a spirit to this place, to heal past mistakes in the universe.
For the Plan of God to be fulfilled, human beings must help one another. Child, remember this every day, and before setting traps along your path, by wishing that this or that person would disappear from the Earth, remember that, without them, your life has no meaning either.
Remember that it does not matter how imperfect you or others are because there is something within each being that makes them in likeness to God and opens the portals between dimensions so that all Creation may be united with the Father.
If you want your spirit to draw closer and your soul to guide you along the path of the Will of the Creator, first open up to transformation, to the experience of love and fraternity, and then the universe itself will lead your steps and you will not have to be so concerned about yourself.
Listen carefully to My words and listen to them, again and again, because it is much easier to forget them than to be truly transformed by them since your humanity is not used to seeking the Divine, but only that which magnifies them and affirms them as matter.
The illusion of illusions is not to seek to be nothing as humanity, believing that life begins and ends in you. You do not know what it is to truly be a human being in likeness to the Father, because, for this, child, you must live unity with Him: die to yourself and be born again within the Creator.
I leave you My peace and My blessing so that you may discover the truth about yourself, forgetting that which you think you are.
Open to be nothing and there you will find Everything.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions and servants of Christ,
Today I want to teach you something that I learned from My Son Jesus, when He was still a child.
Jesus began to discover the essence of the Divine Plan of God for humanity at five years old and He was capable of seeing in the hearts of humanity the Perfect Thought of God to each one of them. That was how the little Jesus would seek seeing in each being only their perfection and, even if this being resembled in nothing the Thought of God to him or her, Jesus would only see the Divine Thought. And it was so much love that would be born in Jesus on seeing the Perfection of God in each creature, that this love, by itself, would start to expel from the hearts of humanity that which was separating them from God.
To this mystery, I want to invite you today, because, throughout the centuries, humanity only responded to the capital stimuli and very little to the divine ones, and it was in this way that in the human heart only grew the habit of always searching for the worst in the neighbor, as a way of feeling better than the others.
For this reason, the beings do not known the Love of God for His creatures, because the consciousness that only glimpses the miseries of each being cannot understand how God loves such miserable beings, and wonders from where the redeemed humanity will emerge, if everyone around is lost in shrotcomings.
Today I tell you that inside of each soul are latent the Perfection of God and the possibility of living and manifesting that perfection. You must learn to seek what of the most wonderful a consciousness expresses, because there are the eyes of God.
It is because of this possibility of uniting to the principles of the Creator that He aspires incessantly that from this humanity be born the new man and the new woman, capable of transforming all of His Creation.
Learn to banish from your own interior the need of observing and seeking the shortcomings of others, but, on the contrary, rejoice with the manifestation of a virtue in the neighbor and imitate them on what they express with perfection.
Find in the attribute that each being manifests the possibility of the emergence of a new race and aspire from all your heart that each one be able to grow in virtue. Help each other so that you may mature under the spirit of fraternity and love, and erase from your own consciousness and from the human consciousness the evil of the permanent competition.
If you follow such simple examples, little by little you will learn all that Christ taught the Sacred Family and you will be able to attract the Christic Spirit to the planet.
I love you and bless you, under My Divine Humility, so that you may be fulfilled by this celestial balm and may understand and live what I tell you.
Your Father and Companion, Saint Joseph, Humble and Chaste Worker of God
If you lose the peace of your heart, you will soon know that you are lacking in love; for this do not permit that the hardships, the tests and the unachievable challenges that I send you with so much love, may take away your infinite patience. Now, in another degree of maturity of consciousness, all that God gives His children has the goal of liberating, each time more, the evil and the sin of humanity.
For this, in truth, those who are with Me until the end are always very few; the quantity of disciples who are encouraged to be burned by the Divine Fire of purification is the minimum.
Now, in a time of emergencies, the universe is served by the virtues and the faults of those who are Mine, so that in time they may revert all the causes that oppress the total consciousness of humanity.
In the path of suffering there exists transformation and the partial purification of that which many carry on their shoulders. But who in truth will risk to live it out of love?
While the clock of the world sets the moment of purification for all, I will support My disciples, those who are encouraged to carry a cross similar to Mine. Know that I will not leave you alone, because I know what it means for you to live the consecration in a time of chaos.
Under the Light of God, be blessed.
Thank you for persevering through My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Sometimes I allow you to swim against the current because only in this way will you know how to confront the headwinds. Whenever you do not find a positive answer on the part of a brother or sister, it will be the greatest moment, that in which you must become merciful.
The universe of imperfections and errors surrounds the planetary life and only through good actions of reparation and of mercy will the defects of your fellow humans be healed in the inner. Never wait for great answers from anyone because your true answer is found only in the Love of the Lord.
Now you are facing the time of great contrary currents. As My light approaches to the world, greater will be the power of tribulation that will anticipate the time of the Universal Judgment.
For this dedicate time to works of charity so that at least those who sleep in the illusions may be able to wake up and recognize that it is time to live fraternity.
But something I want to tell you: Mercy will have some time to be poured upon the world because afterwards will be poured the Divine Justice. Examine your consciousnesses day and night so that always pure thoughts and attitudes may emerge from you. Go ahead.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My Message in the inner!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more