
Today I bless you all in the name of My Son because in truth I say to you that it will be through Him that you will find the way out and the immediate solution for your issues of the material life.

There is nothing more special than to live in the Love of the Kingdom of God, because in the journey of this pathway are found the master keys for transformation, which are the keys for purification and for redemption.

You, following with obedience the path that My Son indicates to you, will be able to discover in time each aspect of life that needs rehabilitation.  For this reason, I come everyday from Heaven so that your lives may be able witness the transformation that My Immaculate Heart has made in each one of you.

My little ones, now, with the gaze on the horizon of the rebirth of hope you will find the needed inner strength to go ahead.  Today I say to you, children of Mine, that each one of you is a part of My plan of redemption, a plan that prepares the next coming of Christ to the world.

And if your hearts give true testimony of the love for My Son, you will have the possibility that your souls may be led to the discovery of the spiritual mission.   Everything that may happen in your minds and hearts are states and times of purification.  For this, offer it with love to the Eternal Father so that He, in His Supreme Glory, may take pity on all of those who do not want to listen to His last call.

I bring you the opportunity of carefully reconsidering your own actions.  For this, as your Heavenly Mother, I promise you to always show you the truth so that you may grow up in humility and in faith.

I thank you, children, for having answered to My call in Brasilia!

A new light has awakened in the simple and fervent hearts.

Who unites you to the cenacle of the Heart of Jesus,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  

Daily Messages

May the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens be opened and the sublime and celestial spheres descent in Glory to the kingdom of this world to transform and awaken all of the creatures of this blessed Earth.

My beloveds, may you all rejoice and be glad because I am descending in an extraordinary way to the world in order to pour, once again, a river of Graces upon humanity.

While the world sleeps, may those who are awake love sacrifice and the absolute surrender.

While the world let extinguish its own inner flame and faith fades from the consciousness of humanity, may those who are by My side be unshakable, and may not be any doubts from others that may take away from them the faith that I placed in their hearts.

While anguish and fear take over the hearts of those who do not fulfill the designs of the Creator, may My soldiers rejoice and, even in face of the great planetary tribulation, may they be strong, firm and confident in the fulfillment of the Celestial Plans.

While the world fears the collapse of a material system, may the disciples of Christ only wait entrusted to His return and observe each event as the true sign that this return is approaching.

While the world worries about the time that passes and the death that comes, may those who accompany Me open their consciousnesses in order to transcend the times and to enter into the infinite time, in which there is only eternity, the unity with God and with all of His creation.

My beloveds, I come to invite you today to transcend the laws of this world and all of its tendencies.  I invite you to withdraw the heart from the earthly and material loves, that embrace only what this world offers you, so that in this way you may get to know a sublime love, that knows all in depth, that lives and loves to fulfill the Plans of God and to manifest His Creation, such as He thought in His Most Sacred Spirit.

My dear ones, these are times to leave the common living and fight with the heart in order to persevere in a path that, in a short time and in an absolute way, will go against all the tendencies and the energies of this world.

You must be strengthened by the power of the word of the Divine Messengers and never let yourselves be shaken by the internal processes that others will live or by the purification of the planet itself.

Open the eyes to a reality that the majority of humanity is not able to see, and know that behind all the tests of this world there is a Great Purpose that tries to strengthen you and confirm your spirits in the adhesion to the Most Sacred Spirit of God Almighty.

May the faith in your hearts never dissipate itself.  May the hope in the return of My Son only strengthen and grow as an imperishable truth within His disciples and apostles.

Many will only believe in His return by seeing Him cross the Sky and put His Feet on the ground of this Earth, such as it was in His resurrection.  However, blessed will be those who know that He lives, such as they knew that He was the Messiah, and know that He will return, such as they knew that He would defeat death.  These are the ones who will perpetuate His Presence in the world.

Raise today to the Heavens the endless gratitude of your spirits, for being directly guided by God and by those who are the echo of His Voice and the spiritual manifestation of His Will for the entire Universe.

My beloved children, I leave you my blessing and My most precious Graces so that, with love and bravery, you may transit through the tests that will come.

May My beloved daughter that today renew herself in My Heart, be strengthened by the power of My Love.

Unite and love each other always.  Live the principles of the Kingdom of God.

I love you and I hope to find you with faith and inner peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Message
Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the city of Brasilia, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, on the occasion of the 22nd Marathon of Divine Mercy

Look at the sky and as from now, see the glorious descent of your King.

Look at the firmament in the distance and see how the stars radiate the first signs of My Return.

Look into your inner worlds and perceive how I have made, of your lives, a present for God.

Release your difficulties and smile at the life the universe has given you.

Look at your brothers and sisters and feel how God works and carries out His miracles of Love and of Redemption.

In this time, look into My Eyes and see the hope and the faith that My luminous Countenance reflects.

You know that humanity is weak, poor, and needy. Thus, look at the skies and see the Rays that combine the universes so that, on this day, I may be here pouring out My Mercy instead of pouring out sovereign Justice.

Children, I have decided to come to Brasilia in Glory, because just like in Maceió, I found apostles of Mine awake to the supreme convocation for peace and the liberation of the world.

Children, each part of the Earth, each corner of this precious planet has need of My unfathomable and most pure Mercy so that, although you are not yet prepared, you at least build the Cenacle before My return to the world.

At each point on the Earth, I hear the supplications for pity and for peace, and in your hearts, I find the reason to trust and carry out My preparatory Works in the good spirits that await My Return.

In this sacred Marathon, may all the souls of the world, especially My companions of Maceió and of Brasilia, at least feel united under the same celestial Purpose. In this way, you will allow My sacred omnipresence to work not only in Maceió, but also in all of Brazil.

It is time for greater prayer and work; thus, follow the footsteps that My Designs leave, which are the divine Designs of the Creator and that, on this day, your goal for this Marathon is the inner renewal of the commitment that you made to Me with voice and heart.

Today I give everybody My sublime and divine patience that will comfort you when faced with a divided humanity, ignorant and lost through the actions of the adversary.

From Heaven, I call a part of humanity so that, through each marathon, the effort of each one and the union among you all may be ever stronger, and may this unite you evermore to the Will of My Heart.

I give My Peace to all My children of Brazil, because also through them, My Works, the most important of the end of time, can be accomplished.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you, My apostles of Brasilia, for having responded and welcomed My Call.

Your Lord, Who speaks to you,

Christ Jesus


Dear children,

On the eve of the great moment that My Son lived on the Cross, today I invite you to prepare your hearts on the path of perseverance and faith, attributes that were lived by Jesus moments before His surrender on the Cross, before everything was consummated.

Thus, My children, entering the school of faith and perseverance, you will find the path of constancy and fortitude so that, before the tests, you may be confirmed in the Plan of the Celestial Father and He, through Mercy, may be able to carry out His Works throughout the world through your spirits.

In this time of preparation, your Master is already in Jerusalem, working intensely for the redemption of souls, which in these times do not even receive the opportunity of experiencing the love of the heart.

May this Sacred Week lead you into understanding the mystery of the Love of God through the sacrifice of Christ, for, in this way, you will be holders of the essence of Life that created the bases for transcending the Passion of the Lord.

Children, on this day, we walk together in the Will of the Lord, which renews us and encourages us to live the surrender of life and of the heart. Stay always upon My lap; I have prepared a space of inner fortitude that is capable of leading you into living the Gifts of the Creator.

Dear children, from Heaven, I will accompany you during this Sacred Week; thus, you will perceive how important it is for these times to remember the Passion of Christ as a primary key to be able to transcend the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with the Water of Life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Almighty God proclaims the power of His Word through My Immaculate Heart.  This Sovereign Power shelters you in the favorite bosom of His Most Pure Heart.

Children, through the magnitude of the Divine and Creator Word forms are constructed and thus, the divine and superior life is expressed by means of the existence of the creatures of this vast universe.

It is through the souls that Adonai accomplishes His Magnanimous and Infinite Work because, in every spiritual science, the life of all souls and essences is the main reason for the existence of the Plan of the Creator.

It is through the divine intervention of the creator and celestial angels that the Divine Thought is manifested throughout the dwellings of all the Heavens.  From there comes the fundamental essence and the major principle that allow the accomplishing of the projects thought by God.

And the souls of the Earth, how do they participate in the origin of this principle?

It is enough, children, that you simply recognize yourselves every day as worthy children of God and that you fulfill the commands that come directly from the Creator Mind towards your hearts.

You, My children, are a very important and a remarkable part of the indispensable attainment of this project.  Since the beginning of this humanity, God thought about concreting His most intimate wishes through the manifestation of the soul of creatures. 

Your soul is the direct bridge that will unite you to the infinite dwellings where are expressed the life of the spirit and the sublime experience with the law of Love and Unity.

From your roots and your origins emerges the principle of The Whole and from this Whole is born the will to perform tasks that never end.  Because in the Heart of the Celestial Father, you are in first place of His Most Pure Purpose and, without you, souls in redemption and rehabilitation, the coming of the New Humanity and of the new soul will not be able to awaken.

You, My beloved, are at the exact moment of a transition that has not started yet.  Embrace in your interior the Grace of belonging to the Plan of God and, being aware of the divine laws which rule you every day, be thankful.  In this way you will be worthy and deserving of waiting for My Beloved Son in some corner of your consciousnesses and souls.

Through My Divinized Spirit, I let you know about the existence and the reality that gathers you and expects to find you prepared to testify that now you are faithful children of the Creator. 

Opening the doors of the Infinite Heavens, last opportunities will be poured out as Graces into the hearts of the righteous and of the sages.  Be like Moses, who was faithful to the requests of the Lord, and who, in spite of his walk in the desert for 40 years, never lost faith and hope.

Despite everything, Moses did not feel abandoned and he built in his inner self the prefect union which led him to find the Plan of God above every difficulty.   The unbreakable faith of Moses maintained the peoples of God united in the origin and in the principle of their lineage and of their purpose.

It was this faith, which Jesus once lived for all, and the hope, that permitted to accomplish, in spite of all evils, the primary objective: the future emerging of a New Humanity.

In this way, My silent and calm Heart learned that in the absolute faith there are no barriers to concretize what God requests even though it may seem impossible.

Now, children, you are before a spiritual science that invites you, by means of prayer, to awaken to all that exists in the dwelling of God.  If the world opened to recognize its true identity with the Universe, the whole race would already be at the school for the New Christs.

I thank you for opening to discover your own and true call from God.  The Universe shelters you always!

Who gathers you at the Cenacle of the Angels of Light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  



I give you My Peace and I deliver to you the Peace of God.

The time of your resistance shall end so that the true self and the true consciousness may finally emerge.  Keep praying with the heart, invoking the Celestial Father and asking Him for your redemption.  Thus, once the soul humiliates itself and recognizes that it is the smallest of all, you will be able to take the steps.

Children, I give you to know the essence of humility of your Celestial Mother.  For this, the hour has come: imitate Me! Just as the apostles did in the past.  Do not try to force yourselves into humility because it is not born from conflicts or from the constant struggles.  Humility springs like a font, which gives all to drink from its pure and fresh water.

Dear children, may the dedication and the effort of seeking the holy humility never end.  Pray with the heart, and openly ask My Son to transfigure you.  If in this way many souls were truly humble, facing these critical times you are living today, much greater will be the possibilities for the Divine Mercy to widely pour itself over those who condemn entire lives and entire peoples.

Become bearers and searchers of this humility, My children.  Your first step will be to recognize yourself as the smallest of all, but also as the one who is ready and available to serve, without distinctions nor rewards.

The science of the Divine Humility has, as its foundations, faith and perseverance in the moments of transcending the obstacles, falls and even the deceptions of the being.  Humility is gestated by means of the truth and the detachment from one's own principles and ideas, those which feed My adversary.

The school of humility is the first path for the new apostles of My Son, and is Jesus Christ who shall always remind you that the holy humility has the self-renunciation, the forgetfulness of your own preferences and needs, as its primordial foundation.

While gazing into your hearts, your Celestial Mother invites you all to meditate on this message.  To some, humility seems to not be the school for all, but the learning of a few.

In truth I tell you, My children, that if there is no permanent work with the holy humility in this world, and specially in this humanity, you will not be able to recover the innocence that you have already lost.

For this, children, be brave and fulfill that role that corresponds to you.  The Project of God needs the imperfect ones, so that they may be soon converted into an essence of humility to the world.  Thus, My Beloved Son shall find a place to rest His tired Heart, exhausted from working for this humanity.

The primordial key to live humility is peace, for without peace one cannot be humble.  Your Celestial Mother wants to see you well trained, so that when the great moment of facing the redemption of My adversary arrives, none of My beloved children may keep within themselves something that parts them from God, just as humanity has been doing for the past two thousand years.

If humble hearts existed in this humanity, then it would become rescuable, and a greater time of peace would come to all.

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who wants to see you humble and joyful,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May in times of Apocalypse, you only live in the faith of the heart.

For this, children, may your souls confirm to the Celestial Father the absolute feeling of trust and love, that each one of you has for the Creator.

Today I pour over your spirits the Creative power of the Love of God, something that humanity forgets to search and to practice with the heart.

In these times, the Living Love of God will be what will help you to bear the cycle of internal changes, which will come for all without exception.

My children, seek the Love of God through the Love that Christ tirelessly offers you every day.  For this, My hands touch your hearts today to ignite them in the Light of the Love of the Creator, in the love that trusts, in the patient love, in the renewing love.

Take in your hands the rosary and pray with love, because that will liberate you from all evil and you will not fall in the ambush of the enemy’s trap.

With your hearts in faith you will bear every test and disturbance and when the time to face your purification comes, the power of your prayers will have made you meek and peacemakers in the Heart of Christ.

Allow, My beloved children, your debts to be alleviated and forgiven.

Always trust in the Mercy of God and do not waste time in the superficial problems.

Despite the serious situations that humanity lives, I bring you the definitive opportunity of being able to reach the inner sanctification.

Everything indicates that something must happen in these times.  The Universal laws that spring from the Heart of your Celestial Father are combining so that the harmony that is lacking in this world may be able to manifest.

Only through determination you will open the right door so that the whole of humanity do not miss the opportunity of receiving the Mercy of My Son.

I always shelter you with My Love.

Your Mother prays for you, so that someday you may be what you came to be: worthy in the Lord and in His Unfathomable Love.

Pray for those that, influenced all the time by the modernities, are imprisoned in the technologies and lose the inner thread of light that unites them with the Love of God.

Be what My Son expects: be apostles of love and of redemption.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who calls you to love with the heart and with the soul,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine, that in your time of purification may only exist the reason to serve God and His Universal Plan, above yourselves.

Today I invite you, little of Mine, to see the sprouts from the seeds of Christic light that with so much love and effort were placed into the tabernacle of your hearts.

Do not fail to look upon the greatness and the transformation that My Son has realized in you.  With spirit of faith and determination live the cycle of your purification, offering to the Eternal Father all of your sorrows and discomforts, for those souls that are here on the Earth and that not even deign to look at God neither remember Him as something primordial for this time.

For this I say to you, children of Mine, have compassion for those hearts, that subjected to luxury and modernity, lose the path that leads to believe in God.  God the Father entrusts you certain tests in order that, by delivering them to His Heart of living Love, the world may be relieved again.

To those hearts who do not hear the Celestial Mother, it will only be left to live and suffer the result of their own choices in life.

Children, the path is one and only, there are not two anymore, it is with Christ or it is without His Higher Will.  May you be bearers of Grace for this cycle, may you represent the new redeeming apostolate of My Son and give testimony of His next and second coming to the world.

With your little spirits in the highest of Heaven, may you receive today, children, the consolation and the peace to live your purification as an offer of constant sacrifice and reparation.  Do not get tired before the expected time, Heaven waits for your maturity and redemption in order that the Kingdom of God may at least be established in the souls transformed by Christ.

In peace you will find the inner strength in order to face the end of a time destroyed and deteriorated by the consciousness of humanity.

You, My dears, by becoming apostles of My Son and professing your constant faith, will achieve the Grace of always having Me by your side, even in the moments of greatest tribulation.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special message received of the Blessed Mother of God, transmitted in the city of Santo Tome, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elias

In these times of trials, confirmations and surrenders, I invite you to the path of overcoming. Your Eternal Father contemplates with attention the certain and sure steps that all His beloved children are taking in this time of spiritual and material crisis.

I come on this day to announce to you a new cycle, after all these years shared with Me through the sacred Instructions from Heaven that I have delivered to you.

Dear children, I have come on pilgrimage to Santa Fe, to remind humanity that in these times, only faith and the path of permanent prayer will save you.

Now, God has asked me that His beloved children learn how to discover the universe of inner growth, through trials and experiences.

Before the enemy wants to take you out of the path, I have come to rescue you, bringing you this important message of preparation for the end of times.

You, My beloved children, are called to form an army of prayer and light, capable of being a vessel of divine and supreme energies.

But for that to be possible, I have come to announce to you, as a spiritual synthesis, the time of your transformation and purification.

All humanity is hypnotized and sleepwalking due to the harmful effect of modernities and human advances. I ask you, in the name of My Son, not to be afraid to let go of those artificial things that hurt you within, may your true communication be with God and the entire Higher Universe.

If souls would truly seek union with the High and the Supreme, many circumstances would not happen in the material life of My children. In this final cycle, as I have already told you, I come to untie the great knot of unconsciousness and lack of attention.

As your Celestial Mother, I wish you to take the steps towards the awakening of a new life united to all the universal Creation to which you belong. My urgency is to bring you out of the sleep generated by modernities and the lack of connection with the supreme Laws.

You were all born to live in happiness and love. The disorder of the world and the lack of balance generated irreversible effects in the lives of My children and many were led, by themselves, on the path of sadness, pain and illness.

God has asked me to tell you, for the last time, that Heaven will open to receive you all, He will shed Graces and blessings upon all those who do not deserve them.

Therefore, children, courageously face this last cycle of hard trials and confirmations so that the Light of Christ may bloom within you.

Day and night, I wait for you and, from Heaven, I pray for everyone so that the majority of My dear children may understand that the time has come to stop thinking of yourselves, to begin thinking of the world and the need of service and prayer for this last humanity.

In this way, My Heart is offered to you, so that with awareness and surrender you may recognize the Voice of God, which resounds in the universe and calls you to awaken.

In this last monthly Message, I invite you to make a compilation of all the Messages so that you may live and practice them, so that you may be prepared for that which is to come.

For this meeting with God, let us remain united in prayer, for these moments.

Thank you for your inner attention, 

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace


Special message received of the Blessed Mother of God, transmitted in the city of Santo Tome, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elias

In these times of trials, confirmations and surrenders, I invite you to the path of overcoming. Your Eternal Father contemplates with attention the certain and sure steps that all His beloved children are taking in this time of spiritual and material crisis.

I come on this day to announce to you a new cycle, after all these years shared with Me through the sacred Instructions from Heaven that I have delivered to you.

Dear children, I have come on pilgrimage to Santa Fe, to remind humanity that in these times, only faith and the path of permanent prayer will save you.

Now, God has asked me that His beloved children learn how to discover the universe of inner growth, through trials and experiences.

Before the enemy wants to take you out of the path, I have come to rescue you, bringing you this important message of preparation for the end of times.

You, My beloved children, are called to form an army of prayer and light, capable of being a vessel of divine and supreme energies.

But for that to be possible, I have come to announce to you, as a spiritual synthesis, the time of your transformation and purification.

All humanity is hypnotized and sleepwalking due to the harmful effect of modernities and human advances. I ask you, in the name of My Son, not to be afraid to let go of those artificial things that hurt you within, may your true communication be with God and the entire Higher Universe.

If souls would truly seek union with the High and the Supreme, many circumstances would not happen in the material life of My children. In this final cycle, as I have already told you, I come to untie the great knot of unconsciousness and lack of attention.

As your Celestial Mother, I wish you to take the steps towards the awakening of a new life united to all the universal Creation to which you belong. My urgency is to bring you out of the sleep generated by modernities and the lack of connection with the supreme Laws.

You were all born to live in happiness and love. The disorder of the world and the lack of balance generated irreversible effects in the lives of My children and many were led, by themselves, on the path of sadness, pain and illness.

God has asked me to tell you, for the last time, that Heaven will open to receive you all, He will shed Graces and blessings upon all those who do not deserve them.

Therefore, children, courageously face this last cycle of hard trials and confirmations so that the Light of Christ may bloom within you.

Day and night, I wait for you and, from Heaven, I pray for everyone so that the majority of My dear children may understand that the time has come to stop thinking of yourselves, to begin thinking of the world and the need of service and prayer for this last humanity.

In this way, My Heart is offered to you, so that with awareness and surrender you may recognize the Voice of God, which resounds in the universe and calls you to awaken.

In this last monthly Message, I invite you to make a compilation of all the Messages so that you may live and practice them, so that you may be prepared for that which is to come.

For this meeting with God, let us remain united in prayer, for these moments.

Thank you for your inner attention, 

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace


WEEKLY MESSAGE OF the Glorified CHRIST JESUS, TRANSMITTED IN THE Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

If you still do not dare to walk barefoot by yourself, follow the simple path that I am indicating to you; for I will wait for you by the ocean of Mercy, to remove your shoes from yourself and wash your feet through My Forgiveness. Do not turn your back on Me.

I am calling you to truly go on pilgrimage with Me through the apostolate and the word. It is not a parable that I bring you today; it is the true mission which My Heart reveals to you in this end time.

I know that you are already tired of yourself and also of so much suffering. There are greater sorrows that I have not yet made known to you. Therefore, surrender and listen humbly to what I tell you today.

Do not seek to understand all things, the true fruits are kept in the simplest of hearts. They lack nothing.

If you want to be My beloved disciple, be like John the apostle, surrender in trust to the power of faith and allow Me to remove all your secure structures.

What will you lose when you stand before Me? What will you gain if you remain resistant?

I Am the Greater Light that sprang from the Heart of God. I Am that Spring of Life that never ends.

Keep me in your heart and you will be another consciousness. 

It is no longer time to wait to mature, it is time to transfigure your little cells. 

I have the power to set you free. I have the cure for your shortcomings. Just make sure you are following the right path.

I call you one by one, so that, one by one, you may respond to Me.

Under the Grace of God, be My apostles.

Thank you for transfiguring your lives!

The Glorified Christ Jesus



I speak directly to your heart, because I know it will always know how to respond to Me.

I am present in all the Blessed Sacraments of the Earth, waiting for many more to decide to know Me in the silence.

If souls truly surrendered a little more to My Heart, I could solve all the problems you experience; but the enemy always articulates its game to confuse those who are Mine; it just has to touch the open wound for the miseries that many experience to begin to show.

Child, you must know that in the Blessed Sacrament, your consciousness will expand, and you will soon know, through Adoration, how to discern My Infinite Will.

Through Adoration, you will be able to feel the path to be trodden.

You will know how to distinguish when I desire that you do some things but not others, when you must be attentive and silent.

Those who risked becoming immediately consecrated to My Heart and proposed to live the vows that daily reformulate selfless life, all of them will have double the work of controlling, in themselves, the needs and ideas that may emerge in their consciousnesses, because a completely consecrated being waits every day for the sign that comes from the Heights.

Of all of them, I will always expect a little more, to the point of their being prepared to seek Me and find Me in their inner heart. In them I pour out My Celestial Graces. By them and through them, when they truly respond to Me, I can work and make life miracles happen.

Now, let your focus concentrate on the power of Adoration; through it many tempests will dissolve, and you will find the remedy to heal spiritual ills.

I became a Living and Glorified Body so that souls, through the Eucharist, where I am always present, could physically unite with the universe and the spring of My Mercy.

In truth, today I suffer for those who are deceived and lose the strength of sanctification. I long to be able to find apostles trained for this end time. They will be sought like sheep among wolves, but My shepherding is true and will lead them on the path of redemption.

Thus, seek Me through Adoration. You will thus be confirming My Presence throughout the Earth, because in Adoration, a bridge of union is established with the Heavens, and the soul communes with Divine Principles unknown to it, but which are placed in its heart.

When you are alone, restless or weak, find Me in Adoration. My Heart is the Blessed Sacrament for the world, and all must penetrate the dimensions through contemplation. It will be the shield that will free you of all evil. It will be the star that will illuminate the next dark night.

But in truth, the majority of souls are adoring modernities and great electromagnetic discharges hypnotize the lower consciousness. Because of the influence of these involutionary means, Heaven cannot open over the dome of each spirit and a great distance is established between matter and the very divinity of each being.

I am observing how many are deceived; the prophecy of the Apocalypse is unfolding with strength and determination over the planet, but only the wise of heart will perceive these things. In them, I place the power of My Trust, but I know they will always be more tempted than those hypnotized.

Whomever concentrates their heart and their gaze on the Blessed Sacrament will not be lost, they will know how to distinguish the seeming from the real and will have spiritual tools to overcome the time of deception.

It will not be necessary to be surprised by what I tell you; this is only a small sample of the current illusion of humanity. No matter how confused the times seem, I am present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth and the soul that thirsts for Me will just come toward Me. In this way, it will not deviate from the path, will be freed from being tempted by the demons of sensuality and pleasure, which in this cycle will be creating sub-levels of malice and of conquest in good souls.

But whomever observes carefully will be able to know and will be able to feel what is correct and what is incorrect. I have the Divine Authority to dissolve all the cruelties of space. It will be enough that more hearts bow down at My Most Holy Sacrament so that, in profound honoring and Adoration, I may uproot the influences of evil and more souls, which die from such a bitter thirst, may be revived by My Water of Life.

These are no longer remote times; they are times of battle. Heaven and hell play for the reign of the Earth. The more temptation, the more the weakness; the more Adoration, the greater will be the unwavering strength of the spirit.

For the consecrated there is no salt other than Me. I am the only complement to life which will not fail you and will not cause you to suffer. For this reason, in seeking the salt of this world, many orders are weakened and buried in the arid sands of the Earth, without finding a way out.

I aspire that those who listen to Me be intelligent. I tell you these things to avoid new falls in you.

Faith will be the instrument of your Adoration and elevation to My Kingdom. You cannot image how many times I have called at the door of hearts and have only seen the results of long passions that blind and distance those who are Mine from My Eternal Heart.

God, your Father, allowed Me to give you these warnings, because you are now ready so that in the next month, seven years of abnormal and infinite Graces will have been accomplished. I say abnormal because only the Virginal Purity of My Mother made it possible to put out seeds in the deserts without water.

Now that many have blossomed through Divine Love, give of your human love so that, through My Heart, it may be purified and sublimated in the Greater Kingdom.

Pay attention; I am not asking you for the impossible; now, in this era, this would be of no use. I come to reactivate the final Message which I once gave in Rwanda. Aurora, the inner dawn, will be the bridge of redemption of all those who once were deported to Earth by God.

I come to rescue the unrescuable.

I come to give life to that which is already dead.

Woe be to those who will not repent! It will be late for them to recognize My Glorious Countenance at the moment of the Return.

While everything happens, seek the spirit of holiness. In this way, you will please Me all the time and I will be able to rest in your hearts.

In Christic Love, I always bless you.

Do not be discouraged, you will be able to do everything through My Heart of Peace.

The Glorified Christ Jesus


When the soul finds the path of devotion and of faith in its life, it also finds the plenitude of My Kingdom.  Devotion opens one by one the doors that humanity closed and that unite it to God.  Devotion is one of the manifestations of the soul that, full of joy, finds in God courage and its refuge of Peace.

Children of Mine, let yourselves be permeated and overcome by the devotion that enters into your lives.  Permit that this manifestation of love be greater than the earthly forces of shame and fear, because God contemplates the sincere intentions of the hearts and knows that which truly goes on in each interior.

Devotion is the manifestation of the love of the soul and each soul has a precious form of expressing itself when it is before God.  Let that your hearts be free in this expression of love and thus allow a holy madness to enter into your lives and to impel you to realize great surrenders of your inner, sincere acts of service to your neighbor, and self-sacrificing service to your little brothers and sisters of the kingdoms of nature.

My beloveds, the devotion that you begin to feel in the heart will open the door so that God will construct in your souls an unshakeable fortress of faith and courage, because through devotion you meet with states of purity that are hidden in your inner world and this, which is pure and that is kept in your essences, reveals to your hearts that which in truth they are, and in this way, strengthened by the truth, nothing is able to deter you on the path to the spirit. Notwithstanding your facing hard trials and powerful enemies, the faith in the truth will always be more powerful, and will pulse to the rhythm of the heart that already fully trusts in God.

Children of Mine, do you understand then My plans for Peace?

My soldiers discover in pure devotion the entry into the great fortress of the spirit.  My Plan is silently manifested in the life of the beings.  To those that open themselves up to live with intensity that which is granted to them to live, a transformation will come without their realizing it, children of Mine, as a result of the grand action of the universal love.

As Mother and Lady of this sacred Figueira I say to you that My plans begin to be manifested in the interior of My little soldiers because the Marian Center, which is the expression of My Love for the beings of the Earth, now begins to spiritually merge itself with the essences of those that walk with Me.

If you walk trusting in My Heart; responding one by one to the celestial indications; you shall understand how our Lord works secretly in your souls and, through you, in all the souls of the world.

On this day I thank you, dear children, for truly opening to Me the doors of the heart, and for allowing that many evils be liberated from your lives and thus from the entire world.

Today I ask you that with greater fervor you accompany Me because My Heart, united to the Kingdoms of Love that pulse in this planet, will liberate a great evil of the world, and will alleviate the suffering of many souls.

Know today that on this hill lives a great channel of planetary liberation that you must sustain through true prayer and the unconditional love of your hearts, so that, in addition to My direct presence in this place, the world will keep being liberated from all the evils because endless is the necessity for liberation of this Earth.

Thus I count on your hearts to be the living extension of My Immaculate Heart in this world.

I love you deeply, I bless you, and thank you for responding each day more to My Call.

Mary, Mother and Lady of the Most Sacred Figueira

Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Children of Mary are the expression of My Love for humanity; they are the ones who must be a living testimony of My Presence in the world, souls that committed themselves to Me a long time ago, to be part of this Marian army.

The formal consecration of a Child of Mary does not mean the expression of a preference. It is an impulse that God sends to the monads of some of His children and, in this way, also gives an impulse to all of humanity.

 All are potential Children of Mary, but some have the commitment to express this consecration in a formal manner because they will be the reference for many in the end of this time. This is a form of consecration requested by God for these souls that are called to activate the Marian Spirit.

To be a Child of Mary is not a material commitment; it is a purely spiritual commitment that souls have to My Marian task. Upon them, I will build the foundations of the temple that I will erect throughout all of humanity.

These are souls that were willing to face great tests, which they will experience in the end of times, and yet, they ardently persevere in their love for My Heart. They are called slowly, because each soul has its moment of confirmation, and only God knows when that moment has come.

Let those who are not called to specifically fulfill this task not be distressed, because if that does not happen, it means that it is not yet time, or that another part of the Plan of God is theirs to fulfill; a part that only their soul will be able to accomplish, and which will be a fundamental piece in this great work of God.

My children, do not wish to guide the Plans of the Lord, which are hidden and mysterious. Simply surrender your souls and your lives into His Arms and allow Him to place you in the correct and necessary place for this time. Later you will know what is yours to do if, with trust, you do what I tell you.

I love you all and I thank you for having faith in My Heart.

Your beloved Mother, the Virgin Mary


My dears,

I come again to the world in order to remind you of the importance of living in the faith of the heart.  Who professes their faith for these difficult and definitive times will be able to look to the supreme help of God the Father. 

Dear children, today I come to Santa Fe in order to institute My Kingship of Faith and of Peace in all of the souls, those that need mercy and forgiveness in this cycle.  My Beloved Son has sent Me with the hope that I, Your Sacred Mother of Heaven, may lead you to rehabilitate yourselves in the Spirit of the Faith of God.

Dear children, do you, in truth, know the power of the Faith of God?  Today I will lovingly tell you:  those souls that confirm their lives in God will never lose faith because faith is the flame and the favorite gift of Your Eternal Father.

I need you to enter into the Universe of the Faith of God because the Faith of God has enabled the creation of all of the forms of life and of evolution.  The Faith of the Father has enabled the existence of Divine Love, the Faith of God has sown in all of the essences the promise of the coming of Christ.  Christ sowed the Faith of God in all of the souls that sought forgiveness and peace. 

My beloved children, great and infinite is the Faith of the Father.  The Faith is the perfect gift that will always allow you to take the steps towards transformation and towards conversion.

Today My Heart ennobles itself for the faith that all of the dear children from Santa Fe and from Argentina have lovingly expressed to Me.  As an answer to the letter that all of My children from Argentina have sent Me I say:

“Dear children, a new Argentina must be born through the Christic love that your hearts may be able to radiate and the perpetual prayer will be the path that will fulfill the promise so that My Beloved Son Jesus may be among you in some moment of His awaited return.  Prepare the path for His arrival and it will begin in the daily union of your lives with His Pious and Merciful Most Sacred Heart” .

Beloved children of Santa Fe, My Maternal and Healing Light is poured today upon you with the hope that new groups of prayer be born so that they may be mirrors of love and of mercy in all of Argentina.

Dear children, I will come to this nation every time that God allows it as the Father has a precious project for you.

For all that you have given to God, I thank you!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady and Queen of the Most Holy Faith


My beloved and little children,

May the Peace of Jesus Christ live and reign amongst your little hearts.

As Mother and Queen of all the beings of this world and of the Celestial Kingdom, I come in this moment to instruct you and conduct you through a path of Peace and Redemption, a path that will lead you to the encounter with My Son, the King of kings, and which will make you return in Glory to the Celestial Dwelling from which you came.

My beloveds, My words come to bring to the world the Peace that it needs, but so that they may expand and accomplish the mission for which they have arrived I need hearts disposed to be the echo of My Voice; disposed to bring to all the corners of the world this Word that cannot yet be hidden among the few that have opened themselves to answer to My Call.

I need in this moment that My maternal Voice may reach the souls most lost and enveloped by darkness.  I need that My Light may arrive to the most forgotten places of the world, so that all the beings of this Earth may receive in their hearts the awakening of Hope and of Faith.

My beloveds, I want to nourish those who are hungry and thirsty of Spirit.  I want to lift those who are fallen.  I want to meet those who are lost and strengthen those who only suffer throughout the centuries the consequences of the unforgivable actions of humanity.

I come to bring Forgiveness to the world, which will touch all the essences that open themselves to this Powerful Grace, and even the sinner most committed to evil will receive from God the Light to be liberated from the situation in which they find themselves.

I only need that voices sincere and full of Faith may be the pure echo of My Voice and that strong arms, full of the Spirit of God, may be My arms in the world, welcoming all of those who do not have love and who do not know hope.

Today I come to teach you the virtue of maternity, because I want to build in all of those who listen to Me the mirrors of My presence, that may reflect in life the meeting with Me, and that through the actions, the feelings and the thoughts may express the Love that they have received from the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother.

My children, I call those who are full of bravery, to traverse the world from north to south and from east to west, bringing the Good News of the return of My Son and of the presence of the Messengers of God in the world.

Do not fear the judgments, the critics, the persecutions and the curses that you may suffer on this path, because thus it happened with My Son, who overcame evil through the pure Love for His enemies and thus taught them to bring the Good News of hope to the world.

Make yourselves heard in all the corners by the good and by the bad hearts.  Let that Love awaken those who sleep, convert those who deny you and embrace all, in a Divine embrace, that in which God will put His Arms.

Know that the merits of this life may be found only in Paradise, but I say to you that seeing the world from My Kingdom and reading the stories of your lives, you will know that all pain and all suffering, all anguish and sadness and all the struggle that you have lived, were too little to be worth such Light that will enter, not just in this world, but in all of the Universe.

I thank you profoundly for the persistence in being united with My Heart and I invite you to continue always, tirelessly.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My beloveds,

In this time of conflict and chaos in which evil wants to carry the souls towards uncertain and infernal places, the unity among the apostles of My Son will be the key to sustain this end of times.

We have journeyed through long paths, we have traversed mountains and valleys, pathways of light that together you and I have marked on this Earth and in the heart of many souls that have turned themselves to God, and that today wait anxiously for the return of the Savior.

We still have many paths to traverse together, building this Marian map upon the face of this planet so that one day the peoples, the races, the religions and all of the nations, when looking towards the Heights to receive the Divine Mercy and Justice, will be only one movement of a new order for all the creatures.

Today I come to My children to relieve them from the weight of the path so that they may know that in the face of the tests that are to come I will be more than ever with all of you.

In spite of what seems to be happening in this world and at times among My soldiers, we are building within the consciousnesses a fortress that you still do not know. 

When you encourage one another to carry on walking in the faith that My Son teaches you, when you understand and forgive the faults of your brothers and sisters of path, when you elevate each other in spite of the tiredness and the inner loneliness, you are forming in your consciousnesses great towers that watch over your spirit so that the enemy may not be able to approach.

Do not forget that when you definitively surrender yourselves to the Will of the Divine, evil will no longer pursue you internally, because in your dwellings shall live the One and Only and True King, Christ, the Great Shepherd.

On this day My little ones, fear will be converted into an unknown love, into a greater strength that will give you an impulse directly towards God.  On this day, dear children, there will no longer exist doubts, inner sorrow, the absolute peace will reign in your lives and you will be blessed in life, as loyal examples of the Love of God upon the Earth.

My little beloveds who today are kneeling before Me as My children, know that these brief moments in which I Am able to caress your souls are precious moments for Me because in this time these instants are unique in the universe.  In these moments of union of your hearts with Mine in which I Am able to approach Myself to cover you with My mantle of light, My Heart of Mother overflows with love and joy.

Perceive, My beloved ones, how My Immaculate Heart fills you with light, with this light that God has permitted Me to bring to the world.  Feel, little ones, how My Love of Mother, the love of your little Mother enters each one of you.

I will always take care of you, I will caress you with My holy hands as I have done with Jesus so that you may never be discouraged. 

Know, dear children, that the path that remains will be intense and difficult for some, but if all raise their swords and their voices to pledge fidelity to the Redeemer, the Light of God will descend upon you and it will cover you with divine protection.   

Always bear in mind that His Beloved and Little Children are the ones who He chose to accompany His Firstborn Son, the Savior.

I Am with you, within your hearts.  I Am your Mother, the Queen of the Heaven and of the Earth.

Thank you for being today with Me.

I love you,

Mary, your Mother


Dear children:

Do not fear for anything anymore!  Because behind every circumstance or difficulty is found the supreme support of My Heart.  See this time as a moment of sacrifice and of permanent effort to accomplish the Plan of God on Earth.

Despite the fact that the Marian soldiers are very few, on them falls the greater degree of service and responsibility; through these servers who are not indifferent, but helpful and abnegated, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I want on this day to encourage you to continue on the path of faith and renunciation.  In this way, My little ones, you will permit that the Lord of the Universe may accomplish His great works through His children, especially those who live the apostolate of Christ.

By means of constant prayer, nothing that is outside the light will disturb you.  Know that My Mantle is over you daily, and that only I may permit that in this time of chaos your souls may know the judgment is being lived by the evil.

God wants to establish over Latin America the true devotion to My Immaculate Heart; if this gesture of love and devotion were exercised by all My children through the Holy Rosary, future social, political and family confrontations would be avoided.

Those who do not pray with heart and soul in this time, will not be able to stand the involutionary game that the enemy intends to create in the hearts, such as discord, lack of unity and, above all, the absence of love.

But humanity still does not want to recognize that the end of the times is happening and that the Woman Dressed of the Sun and crowned with the twelve stars of salvation is proclaiming to the world the last saving and redeeming call; a call that Christ will be accomplishing before the great judgment.

It is time, dear children for your eyes to see a little more beyond the normal life, because while some nations of the Americas open the doors to chaos and to the plans of the enemy, I beg of you: Pray! Pray! and only pray!  Be mediators between the world and God, because over the course of this time I have already taught you how to open the Doors of Heaven through holy prayer.

If the Americas do not achieve a praying, fervent action, many families will suffer the subjugation of those who believe that they make good works.  I want to say today, before anything, that I do not come to instill fear, but I come from Heaven having decided to rescue and save those who are submerged in the abysses and in the illusions of this world.

Pray, My dear devotees, so that vices and consumerism that deteriorate the souls of the Earth, may be liberated by the Mercy of Jesus.

It has already been some centuries since My Immaculate Heart descended in Mexico, over Mount Tepeyac, to announce through Saint Juan Diego, a time of peace and reconciliation between the indigenous civilization and the white civilization; this stopped the continuous slavery of good souls and permitted that this human slavery did not continue from generation to generation.

A long time ago the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe brought between Her hands the perfect revelation of union between the peoples and God.

Today, the Queen of Peace cries out so that Her children may awaken in consciousness to that which is happening in the whole world.

Dear children, whoever truly lives prayer will have the shield of My Mantle upon their being.  Whoever lives the prayer of the heart in truth will be able to protect themselves and their families; God has given them an instrument of elevation that is much feared by the enemy.

For this today I say to you that it is already time to grow and to mature; I beg you to support Me, and that you dedicate to Me the help that I need from you, to go on pilgrimage throughout the countries of the Americas.  Even though God granted the Faithful Servant the power of manifestation, Mother Mary today gives you the opportunity to dedicate a part of your lives to the Plan of God.

Now redemption of the world must be brought forward by the effort of all; My Son will not be crucified again by human cruelty because He will return victorious for the second time to pour His Mercy over the world.

Accept the offer and the call that I give you, forever and forever I will be eternally grateful to you!

Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Protector of hearts

At the end of the strong revelation that the Virgin Mary today announced to us through the message, She gave us the following prayer dedicated especially to the Indigenous Consciousness; for this day of December 12 of 2013, on which the date of the Apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico is celebrated.


Saving Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the Indigenous Consciousness

Dear Mother of all the races,
Sacred Mirror of the Divine Justice,
Virginal Chalice that pours out
upon us the Most Precious
Redeeming Blood of Christ.

We now beg of You,
of mind, soul and heart,
Mother and Queen of Guadalupe:
unite that which is separated between our consciousnesses,
liberate the human condition with Your celestial rays.

O Holy Mother of the New Race!
open the Doors to the Sacred Heart of God for us
so that, in the times to come,
all of humanity may see the Promised Land
be born for the absolute good of all.

In Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



In the serenity of My Merciful Heart lies your comfort.

In the Mercy of My Spirit lies the breath and faith to be able to continue.

On the path of the apostolate, you may find broken bridges to cross and hard stones in your paths.

Before all of these obstacles, I ask you to sustain the ardent fire of your faith united to the Heights. From Heaven you will receive the Grace to be able to overcome, without difficulties, all these tests.

Remember, that all My disciples come from different schools, just as it was with the Apostles. In some of My apprentices you may find promptness, in others, slowness, in others you may find spiritual maturity in training and in others, deficiencies in the spirit.

But in spite of all of the imperfections, I call you to enter into My Mercy, for whoever in truth makes an effort and works for their own transformation, this effort will be considered as merit in Heaven.

Do not lose hope of getting liberated from yourselves. My Heart will accompany the steps of those who are only willing to follow the simple instructions that I bring in these times. Take advantage, with wisdom, of the source that I give to you today, be worthy to be with Me.

Under the Powerful Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words and maturing them in the heart!

Christ Jesus


I Am the Great Priest and you are My apprentices so that you may be able to learn about love and about the truth.

I Am the Great Master and you are My beloved disciples so that you may be able to learn to live in the law.

In each one of My ones I pour My celestial gifts so that in the next time they may wake up to the service of the current humanity.

Every disciple must revere the instruction of His or Her Master because if it were not this way the disciple would not be born straight, as tree does when it directs its crown towards the High. Each teaching and learning has a question and an answer for your lives. Without the experiences of faith and of forgiveness it will not be possible to gestate the new humanity.

Today I call you to live in My Shepherd School because it is necessary that the new apostles wake up to the missionary call of love and of peace. In your essences is found the true being and in your hearts is found the truth for your lives. Never allow for the lie or the ignorance of the world to separate you from the Master of Truth. Try every day to be clear and transparent like the waters of the ocean. In this way you will be able to transmit the message of peace that many souls need.

The most important for this time is to participate in the Sacred Communion with Me. In this way the ignorance or the art of the enemy will not knock on your door. You must only seek Me day and night, in joy or in pain.

I Am everywhere when you simply feel Me in prayer. It is time to use the instruments of protection, such as prayer, communion and fasting. In this way nothing will knock you down, but you will have the understanding about things because I will give you the strength of My Redeeming Love. I Am with you.  Go ahead!

Under the Supreme Will of God, be blessed.

Thank you for imparting eternal love to the entire world!

Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

