My dear children,

My caress is like the passing of a soft wind.

My bosom is like receiving the warm heat of the sun in wintertime.

My Love is like the tenderness of a mother with her little child.

My prayer is like the rain that constantly falls.

My hope is like the flower that opens to sunrays.

My faith is like the celestial dome at night.

My supplication is like the call of the Universe to all beings.

My devotion is like the fire of the night.

My peace is like the waves that harmoniously strike the oceans.

My healing is like the sunray that penetrates the dark earth.

My unity is like the balance and harmony of the Local Universe.

My light is like the Sun at dawn until it reaches the highest point.

My happiness is the consecration of the children of God.

My joy is the concretion of priestly life.

My patience is like the fruit that slowly ripens in the tree.

My sweetness is like the sweetest fruit of the planet.

My mission is like the selfless service of those who tirelessly serve God.

And how are your virtues, My child?

Have you found the similarity of your actions in the Creation?

Let this principle of the Gift of God flow in you.

Allow the talents of these times to awaken, so that the Earth may be repopulated with simple, but true values.

Dare to say “yes” to the virtue of the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In the name of the Infinite Light of the Creator, I descend upon the world and My Maternal Spirit visits the whole nation of Colombia in order to pour from My powerful and humble hands, the rays of hope and relief that many hearts of Mine need.

Dear children, I wish, on this day,  that you universally remember Me as the Mother of Guadalupe, as the Mother of all of the peoples, those, that separated, must unite again through My Holy Heart in order to achieve the state of peace.

But today I will not only come to bless you and to thank all of My children from Colombia and from the sister nations that made this sacred encounter for peace possible.  Today I will come in the sovereign company of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who is your Bigger Brother, who calls you to work as new apostles of His Work of Redemption.

Dear children,  today lovingly surrender  to Your Lady of Guadalupe all of the faults and errors made throughout the times by the non-redeemed hearts so that the Great Sun of Christ may reopen the doors to rehabilitation and to the Forgiveness of God for a race that is still in transformation.

Children of Mine, today I come to announce to you that you are on My path, on the favorite path of My Heart.  As Your Mother, I hope that through these days of encounter, great part of My Peace be deposited in your hearts because if peace is in your lives, the world will have the opportunity for an extra time of peace.

I piously come to call you to redemption, because the time has come for your consciousnesses, in absolute surrender to the Almighty, receive the Grace of redeeming the past and walk freely as one only people of God.

Today I am The Eagle of Light that sings in the mountains, the sacred condor announces that the Mercy of God is coming for the hearts that in repentance and faith surrender themselves to the Ocean of Love of the Creator;  thus the souls that have been imprisoned in error and submission for centuries, will be liberated, will be elevated to the Kingdom of Peace of the Lord.

For this, My much beloved children of Colombia, I come to awaken in each one the potential for loving prayer each day more, because in prayer you will close the doors to perdition and you will open the Heavens in order for the Glory of the Celestial Father to descend.

I thank you all for having answered to one part of My Plan of Salvation!

Who blesses you and who loves you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Guadalupe


Dear children,

As a whisper of the Holy Spirit of God, I have come here to inspire within your lives the search for peace and goodness for the world.

The praying voice of the mothers of the world already resonates in My maternal Heart, and this makes it possible for the spirit of virginity and female purity to be preserved within the world. Even this, My children, is not sufficient, because the debt of humanity is more than spiritual, it has become universal.

Therefore, your Heavenly Mother unites you in the oratory of Her Heart of Light so that, united to all mothers, the planet in these times reaches a higher degree of love, beyond any error.

If the mothers loved as I love, prayed as I pray, and cried out as I cry out, I assure you, dear mothers, that the victory of My Immaculate Heart would be visible in all your hearts.

I only wish to teach you, dear mothers, the simple things of My maternity: to be patient, persevering and to love all My children as I love you, without conditions nor judgments.

If that is the case, your souls will soon be united to Mine, and we will be only one wellspring, only one feminine life expressed throughout the cosmos for the love to God, Our Lord.

Mothers, continue praying constantly and continue walking by My side, together we will pass this transition, and, in the end, the maternal love will triumph, and the planet will heal from the lack of maternal love. The world as a whole must accept the maternal spirit so that souls may find consolation and be reborn in life.

I thank all the praying mothers for responding to My call!

Peace be in the heart of all innocent mothers,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Children of Mary are the expression of My Love for humanity; they are the ones who must be a living testimony of My Presence in the world, souls that committed themselves to Me a long time ago, to be part of this Marian army.

The formal consecration of a Child of Mary does not mean the expression of a preference. It is an impulse that God sends to the monads of some of His children and, in this way, also gives an impulse to all of humanity.

 All are potential Children of Mary, but some have the commitment to express this consecration in a formal manner because they will be the reference for many in the end of this time. This is a form of consecration requested by God for these souls that are called to activate the Marian Spirit.

To be a Child of Mary is not a material commitment; it is a purely spiritual commitment that souls have to My Marian task. Upon them, I will build the foundations of the temple that I will erect throughout all of humanity.

These are souls that were willing to face great tests, which they will experience in the end of times, and yet, they ardently persevere in their love for My Heart. They are called slowly, because each soul has its moment of confirmation, and only God knows when that moment has come.

Let those who are not called to specifically fulfill this task not be distressed, because if that does not happen, it means that it is not yet time, or that another part of the Plan of God is theirs to fulfill; a part that only their soul will be able to accomplish, and which will be a fundamental piece in this great work of God.

My children, do not wish to guide the Plans of the Lord, which are hidden and mysterious. Simply surrender your souls and your lives into His Arms and allow Him to place you in the correct and necessary place for this time. Later you will know what is yours to do if, with trust, you do what I tell you.

I love you all and I thank you for having faith in My Heart.

Your beloved Mother, the Virgin Mary


I am the universal Source of the Grace of God manifested to the entire universe. I am Mary, the Mother of Graces, who on this Saturday of Glory, again comes to meet with the children of the Most High.

As of now, I am grateful for the sincere Grace that those of Mine, My dear children from New Earth, have caused to emerge like a spring in this sacred place, because here too the Heaven of the Father touched the New Earth with His hands to today consecrate it to My Immaculate Heart.

My maternal Immaculate Spirit is full of supreme joy!

My dear ones, accept My supreme Grace, which will free you from evil and heal you completely, which will renew you, as in the origin, and thus you will be good spirits of Creation.

My dears, live in this world, without peace, through My supreme Grace, which will cleanse you completely like a spring.

I am the Blessed One full of Grace, I am Who intercedes for you both day and night, I am the Mother of Graces, I am Who pours out the state of Mercy and Pity on you through My most loved maternal Heart.

I am Who by a Greater Grace intercedes for you before My Son Jesus, so that you may receive the gifts of His infinite Mercy.

For all of you, I am the miraculous Mother, I am Who takes away the blindfold of damnation from your eyes so that you are able to see divine compassion upon the horizon.

I am the Mother of Divine Grace, I am Who will free you from the final judgment so that you may enter, through My Heart, the sacred paradise. 

I am universal Grace, I am Who provides you with the mystery of your faith, I am Who offers and radiates hope to you, I am the Mother builder of the New Humanity of the heart.

Today, this supreme Grace descends upon your lives and calms your hearts, bringing you peace, healing and redemption. As the Archangel Gabriel said in his profound humility: "Hail Mary, full of Grace are You, the Lord is with You...", and today I say to you: "And blessed in My womb is the fruit of the New Humanity, for it will emerge through the intercession of My Grace, by the same Grace that God poured upon My Being."

Dear children, beloved children of the New Earth, as I have promised you, on this special day, I will descend from Heaven to be very close to My children and to confirm that it is possible to rescue the lost humanity, a humanity that is without God. 

Thus, today I will come to this sacred place through My Grace, a Grace that I want and desire for you to love and aspire to incarnate in your hearts.

I am filled with joy and love when the Mother of Heaven is among Her littlest children, because My Grace reminds Me of Jesus in My arms. Be like the little Jesus, meek, simple, humble and loving, that today My arms be able to cradle all of humanity in need of love.

I thank you, now and always, for having opened the spring of My Grace through the humble manifestation of this grotto, because it reminds Me of My old dwelling on Earth. The grotto reminds Me of the Most Chaste Joseph, when with His hands He built the simple home for Jesus, in Nazareth.

With this aim, I ask for grottos, so that souls may withdraw inside of the Sacred Family.

Who blesses you, loves you, and thanks you for this loving reception.

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Graces

Message for the apparition of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, trasmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay to the visionary Sister Lucía

Enter into My Peace to discover the truths of Heaven and to know the most ancient mysteries of the heart.

Enter into My Peace, so that your heart may become quiet and find a secure path to follow towards My Son.

Enter into My Peace, so that your consciousness may understand My Presence and your heart recognize My Spirit.

Enter into My Peace, so that your souls may draw near, and your spirits may live united to your heart, helping you to consolidate the steps of consciousness.

Enter into My Peace, because only within it you will know God and His Celestial Kingdom.

Enter into My Peace, because within it you will be free from all tribulations of the world, and your heart will not get involved with what lives outside My Heart.

Enter into My Peace to be under My Mantle and, from there, to be the intercessor of the souls most in need.

Enter into My Peace to know silence. Enter into silence to know My Peace.

Enter into My Peace, the one that My Presence deposits in the hearts and radiates throughout the world.

To be in My Peace, you must be in My Presence and, to attract My Presence, you must be in perpetual prayer.

Be in My Peace by living in prayer. Radiate My Peace by living in prayer. Be My Peace by being the prayer.

My children, to be in peace is a great need in the world, because peace has died in the hearts of human beings and I count on the fingers of My hands those of My Children who today can experience eternal peace, because they experience eternal prayer.

Therefore, pray, pray a lot. Dissolve in prayer the afflictions of your Heart and the afflictions of the world. Remove from your heart the pain through the joy of living in God and fulfilling His Divine Will.

Place at my feet, day by day, that which hinders you from experiencing peace, and through prayer, strengthen this peace in the world and radiate peace to the consciousnesses.

No longer raise conflicts, criticisms, judgments; do not unite with your neighbor to feed evil, to judge, to destroy, to attract discord among the hearts.

Cut the evil impulses that live in the human cells, do not feed the mundane forces that live in the hearts, but rather, as Marian Soldiers, experience the first battle, which is within yourselves, to remove evil and implant peace.

Pray, My dear ones, pray a lot, because the world needs it.

Do not allow yourselves to emit a word that does not build Light, and if the will to do so is greater than the power of peace in your hearts, be silent, be silent and enter into prayer.

It is time to create with consciousness, it is time to experience love among creatures. I invite you to dissolve in My Heart all that you have been until this moment, to experience My universal Purpose of Peace.

As in Fatima, I awaken the hearts of the world so that they may be reborn in My Eternal Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
