Make of humiliations an opportunity for your consciousness to understand what really is meaningful and valuable in life.
You are not on Earth to be honored, elevated or glorified by the eyes of humankind; but rather you are on Earth to experience a love that transcends understanding and the senses, that transcends logic and limitations, that transcend all love reached within the world and beyond it.
For this reason, when you are humiliated, let any need for recognition for glory, for a human response for your efforts, for your love, be broken down within you. Allow your heart to be placed in what is real, in what is eternal, in the Love of God, which is not based on human merits, and remain there, in the experience of humility that each situation in life leads you to experience.
Through your example, let the world come to know the Love of God. Follow in the footsteps of your Lord, Who, as a response to the scourging and the Cross, poured out Blood and Water, forgiveness, redemption and Mercy, for all beings, without distinctions. That is your eternal example; do not want another.
Do not seek to be elevated like the saints in the eyes of humankind, because what brings about sanctity in beings is not the opinion of humankind, but rather the sacrifice, the love and the unity with God, many times experienced in anonymity, in the ignorance of the world.
Thus, take your cross, embrace that cross with love; pray and ask for the Grace of knowing how to be in the likeness of your Lord, each day. And when you are humiliated, do not look to the thrones of the world, attained by human glory. Look to the Throne of Heaven, upon which is seated He, Who was abused, misunderstood, humiliated, scourged and died on the Cross, but He rose, not because of what He received from beings, but from the unfathomable Love that emerged from His own Heart.
Christ returned to the Father, not because of what He received from the world, but because of what He knew how to give, for He gave everything, all of Himself, for love. This is your Way, your Truth and your Life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Happy are those who, aspiring to deeply know the Universe and the Creation of God, do not fear to know themselves and enter the depths of their human condition to transform it.
Happy are those who recognize the grandeur of Creation, and thirsting for its mysteries, know that, in order to enter the infinite Cosmos, they must first enter into themselves in order to transform it.
Happy are those who show themselves to be firm before the world, fearless and faithful before God, but who, above all, use this virtue to transform themselves, so as to not fall into their own traps, to not succumb to the errors they already know they must overcome.
Happy are those who aspire to the new human being and to the new time and do not look for it in their fellow being, but rather within themselves.
Happy are those who know that the renewal of love begins within themselves and love this mystery enough to surrender to God everything that, in themselves, does not know love and refuses to love.
Happy are those who are willing to be instruments of God, rather than of themselves; those who want to build the Celestial Kingdom on Earth, rather than the human kingdom, and know that the first who must learn to be servants of God are themselves.
Happy are those who find their joy in service, in sacrifice, and in self-transformation, for these will be worthy, until the end, of being called companions of Christ. In their surrender, the Love of God will be renewed; in their void, the New Church of Christ will rise; in their nothingness, the grandeur of the Creator will be revealed to the world.
Choose to be happy before God and full of His Spirit. Thus, you will know peace, even in times of transition.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the Word of God be Heard by open and simple hearts so that the attributes of the Universe and the Gifts of Heaven may be sown within them.
May the Word of God enrich the spirit and sanctify the consciousness that attentively listens to the Decrees of God.
May the Sacred Word of God impregnate all spaces, all forms, and all principles so that the Gift of Wisdom and of Understanding may reign.
May the Word of God be present in each labor, in each work, and in each heart, so that Light and discernment may exist in everything.
May the Word of God be full within hearts and alive within consciousnesses that listen to God.
May the Word of God be recognized and valued by the nations of the world so that peace may be established.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Through the spiritual, educational, and academic formation of My Order, consecrated almost nine years ago, I will be able to be accepted, in a civilized manner, by the world and by cultured human beings, who do not believe that within My new apostles, there may be a source of instruction.
When I asked Peter to found My Church for future times I also asked him to form himself; this was for the purpose that he was to represent Me on Earth as a successor of Christ.
Today, in these very accelerated times, I come to ask for a continuity of the spiritual, educational and academic formation of the entire Order, in order that when I can no longer be present amongst you, the nations, the governments, the diplomats, the presidents and the religions of the world may provide a spiritual and physical space so that those who are Mine may testify to My Presence and that, within the laws of the Earth, there may exist a true acceptance of the spiritual mission that I have come to fulfill amongst you during these years.
For this reason, it is of great importance to Me that My faithful collaborators and followers help in the formation of those consecrated in this time and, above all, facilitate the means and the material resources so that these siblings of yours may be able to represent me in a dignified manner, in the coming future.
This will be of great help so that the Work of Mercy that I carry forward in this place of the world, and by means of the Marian Centers, may be recognized as a favorable and safe place for the devotion, prayer, and communion of souls within My Sacred and Glorified Heart.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Stay in My Arms and do not think about yourself anymore.
Stay in My Arms and simply let Your Heavenly Mother remain in you.
Stay in My Arms and calm your heart and your mind in the renewing Fount of My Grace.
Stay in My Arms so that I may embrace you with My Light.
Stay in My Arms and only trust in what I ask of you.
Stay in My Arms and only think of God.
Stay in My Arms so that a greater miracle may occur in you.
Stay in My Arms so that at each new step you feel that I am there.
Stay in My Arms and live the present, forget the past, and aspire to the future Plan of God.
Stay in My Arms and I will put peace in your heart.
Stay in My Arms and only affirm the victory of the faith in God.
Stay in My Arms and you will see that everything will pass.
Stay in My Arms and only accept with faith what I ask of you.
Stay in My Arms and you will not lose hope.
Stay in My Arms and you will recognize Christ in each brother, in the gaze of each being.
Stay in My Arms and you will be impregnated by My Perfection.
Stay in My Arms and I will free you from the enemy, of its ideas, of its projections and threats; because if you only accept to be in My Arms, I will be able to protect you with My mantle, give you the warmth of My lap, and make you sleep in peace with My Fondness.
Stay in My Arms and all that is unreal will disappear.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the peace and the spirit of temperance abound, because in this way, you will be able to recognize God in your heart and in your life.
May the peace that comes from the Universe expand like a beam of light and touch wounded hearts. That will be possible because of the constancy of your prayer and your supplication.
Thus, receive in this hour the spirit of peace, which will make you invincible, immovable, and neutral. Let this peace be expressed in your way of looking, acting, walking, and breathing.
May this inner peace be recognized, so that souls may, through the prayer of the heart, learn to live it and adopt it as something fundamental, precious and worthy.
May peace strengthen the consciousness and spirit so that the New Christs may soon be born in this humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not forget to think in the planet more than in yourself. The one who aspires to know all sciences and forgets the most important of all – which is the love of neighbor and of the Plan of God – will never find the path that leads to Christ.
Then concentrate your attention every day on the life of The One who came to the world to be your example. Revive His Gospel, not seeking to be a Messiah, but rather living the Teaching He brought to the world. There was only one Messiah and there will always be only one because that is a single mission, which will finish to be fulfilled in the return of Christ. The state of Christ is what must be multiplied. It is on the experience of this Teaching that your attention must be. Remember that Jesus reached Christification on the cross when, alone with His humanity, He was able to forgive and love the humankind, the planet and the Plans of His Father, more than His own life.
I will not ask you, child, to die on the cross in order to learn to love, but rather to die a little more every day because each time you die a little, you learn about true love, the Christic love.
Renounce all glory on Earth, all recognition, all honor, even when this honor will be given to you by the humankind out of the admiration of seeing you virtuous and adhered to the Plans of God.
Jesus could have descended from the cross and convinced humankind of His Power. If He had done so, maybe many people would have honored Him and believed that He truly was the Messiah, but the Teaching of Christ was also a learning for Himself: from His birth till His death, He should demonstrate to humanity that it is not through glory, through aggrandizement or through the use of power that you reach God, but only through the simple humility and resignation before the Father.
Jesus knew that all powers He had belonged to His Father, and these powers were taken away from Him on the cross so that He would learn from the maximum power that comes from having or being nothing: Love and Mercy.
It was like this that Christ renovated the human consciousness and even the universal life because not only on Earth but in the whole universe power and the use of forces and energies were valued.
All the Creation lived a learning with the example of Christ because after having renounced Himself and His life, He made His Body be reborn and regained the life of His Cells only with the power of the love achieved on the cross. There was no science, substance, energy or vibration that, in a laboratory, would revive the Body of Christ: it was pure love, renovated by the renunciation and by the surrender of Jesus, which made He regain life.
Thus learn, child, to renovate once more the human condition with this living example of Christ within and before you. Imitate Him, overcoming the fear that humanly torments your heart, and open yourself to be nothing.
The one who, in humility, was nothing and achieved everything, your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the essence of human beings are found all the potentials to be developed in the awakening of love and fraternity. The essence is the tabernacle of one of the greatest mysteries of the Universal Creation because there, is what God created of the most perfect, to be developed and manifested in favor of the evolution of all creatures, much beyond this world.
This treasure that inhabits inside of each one of you is silent and humble and it will never show itself if you do not leave in search for it.
All you need in order to express with perfection what you truly are is found inside each one of you. What happens is that you are always very busy in showing to the world something you are not and that you place all your effort in not moving, not even a little, from this position, in order to not lose the appearances that you have already achieved, the respect you have gained and the example you have became in their lives.
Each time you try to appear to be something in order to delight others, more you distance yourselves from what you are in essence, because the more you achieve good appearances, the more you lose interest to seek what you must be and that is found in the opposite of what the human being learned to manifest.
Do not be afraid of not being recognized, because the less recognition and more anonymity, the more freedom you will have to distance yourselves from the old humanity and dive into your own inner world, seeking for the essential truths of the existence of humanity.
The human beings are entangled in their own traps and travel leagues away, seeking a truth that lies in their own interior, only for the fear of finding themselves alone with their own selves.
Dear companions, God allowed Me to bring to the world great truths with simple words and lead you to humility without hurting your hearts. You just need to penetrate deeply into the love that I deposit in each phrase and let yourselves be permeated in the discovery of the inner world that I am revealing to you.
With love and patience, take each impulse and try to live something different each day, even if you never come to realize the results of your own transformation.
I love you and leave you My blessing, My peace and My serenity, so that you may progress in the discovery of your own inner truth.
Saint Joseph, Father and Instructor of all souls that walk towards the Heart of Christ
The Almighty God proclaims the power of His Word through My Immaculate Heart. This Sovereign Power shelters you in the favorite bosom of His Most Pure Heart.
Children, through the magnitude of the Divine and Creator Word forms are constructed and thus, the divine and superior life is expressed by means of the existence of the creatures of this vast universe.
It is through the souls that Adonai accomplishes His Magnanimous and Infinite Work because, in every spiritual science, the life of all souls and essences is the main reason for the existence of the Plan of the Creator.
It is through the divine intervention of the creator and celestial angels that the Divine Thought is manifested throughout the dwellings of all the Heavens. From there comes the fundamental essence and the major principle that allow the accomplishing of the projects thought by God.
And the souls of the Earth, how do they participate in the origin of this principle?
It is enough, children, that you simply recognize yourselves every day as worthy children of God and that you fulfill the commands that come directly from the Creator Mind towards your hearts.
You, My children, are a very important and a remarkable part of the indispensable attainment of this project. Since the beginning of this humanity, God thought about concreting His most intimate wishes through the manifestation of the soul of creatures.
Your soul is the direct bridge that will unite you to the infinite dwellings where are expressed the life of the spirit and the sublime experience with the law of Love and Unity.
From your roots and your origins emerges the principle of The Whole and from this Whole is born the will to perform tasks that never end. Because in the Heart of the Celestial Father, you are in first place of His Most Pure Purpose and, without you, souls in redemption and rehabilitation, the coming of the New Humanity and of the new soul will not be able to awaken.
You, My beloved, are at the exact moment of a transition that has not started yet. Embrace in your interior the Grace of belonging to the Plan of God and, being aware of the divine laws which rule you every day, be thankful. In this way you will be worthy and deserving of waiting for My Beloved Son in some corner of your consciousnesses and souls.
Through My Divinized Spirit, I let you know about the existence and the reality that gathers you and expects to find you prepared to testify that now you are faithful children of the Creator.
Opening the doors of the Infinite Heavens, last opportunities will be poured out as Graces into the hearts of the righteous and of the sages. Be like Moses, who was faithful to the requests of the Lord, and who, in spite of his walk in the desert for 40 years, never lost faith and hope.
Despite everything, Moses did not feel abandoned and he built in his inner self the prefect union which led him to find the Plan of God above every difficulty. The unbreakable faith of Moses maintained the peoples of God united in the origin and in the principle of their lineage and of their purpose.
It was this faith, which Jesus once lived for all, and the hope, that permitted to accomplish, in spite of all evils, the primary objective: the future emerging of a New Humanity.
In this way, My silent and calm Heart learned that in the absolute faith there are no barriers to concretize what God requests even though it may seem impossible.
Now, children, you are before a spiritual science that invites you, by means of prayer, to awaken to all that exists in the dwelling of God. If the world opened to recognize its true identity with the Universe, the whole race would already be at the school for the New Christs.
I thank you for opening to discover your own and true call from God. The Universe shelters you always!
Who gathers you at the Cenacle of the Angels of Light,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Most dear companions,
May the coming of this Christmas mean for the good souls the inner reunion of the new apostles of Christ.
May in the course of the next year your hearts prepare themselves ardently and with faith to celebrate, together with the King of Humility, the anniversary of the daily messages when a year will be completed, I mean, the 5th of January of 2014.
On this day a new cycle of precise instructions will come for all, and more sleeping hearts will wake up when they only get to know that I have been among My ones during 365 continuous days.
For this today I call you so that in this Sacred Christmas your lives try to live the sacrament of humility and the sacrament of faith. In this way I will be able to realize My Works among the pure and simple hearts.
I want to leave today a pastoral hug, an affection of Master to disciple and of Friend to companion, because I know what it represents for the souls to be consoled and understood. But I ask you to not fear, but to keep ignited the flame of devotion, the unquenchable spirit that will give you the necessary strength to cross the bridges towards paradise, between abysses and chaos.
The time is approaching in which, in some places of the world, I will be able to be seen and found as happened before My Celestial Ascension. The open heart will know how to distinguish the true Master from the fake master because My Love will always be unmistakable, it will bring to you the peace and the confidence to know that whoever is in Me will lack nothing.
Now I leave you for you to listen to the warm and sweet voice of the Celestial Mother.
Go ahead because while the fire burns in the depths, new cells of spiritual life awaken in the Christic humanity.
Now we will listen to the Voice of Our Lady:
Dear children,
Today I specially announce Myself together with My Beloved Son.
After Jesus was born in the inner manger of each being, the Holy Spirit hopes to find pure dwellings in the human hearts. Let that in this Christmas Day the Sacred Hearts radiate the principles of the new universal life. This will occur after your yes to the universe.
In the path of prayer you will find the retreat and the protection that you need in order to defeat your own inner evil and the evil of humanity. The Holy Spirit wishes for this Christmas to be the new Pentecost that may prepare in each missionary heart the task and the mission to be fulfilled before the Celestial Father.
Pray lovingly for the Church and for the Holy Father so that they may recognize soon the great Marian task that My Immaculate Heart has been realizing for 32 years in Medjugorje and for 6 years in the Americas.
I wish for the believing humanity to wake up and to see the union of the times that I Am realizing between Heaven and Earth. New and unknown laws are helping humanity so that it may not get lost amongst chaos and pain.
My Heart promises the spiritual salvation of those who may truly want to listen to My Spiritual Voice. I wanted that after so many Christic years shared with My children, that you could grow up to receive a greater knowledge because the Mother of the World, the Solar Star announces coming and fruitful times for those who may only obey His call.
The Redeeming Grace will be available for all. I will always be at your side to accompany you and to make you grow in simplicity.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you now and always,
Christ Jesus, the Master of Forgiveness and Your Mother Mary, Queen of the Hearts
I will always be among those who most need My Love and in a special way My Omniscient Divine Mind is projected peacefully upon those who in truth invoke My Greater Name.
I Am the Son of the God of Humility. Those who come to Me find a safe path to reconciliation and to peace. In My Merciful Heart exists no deserts, there only exists the Source of Life that will nourish you and will quench your inner thirst.
Today I want to dedicate My Gratitude and Blessings to those who pray because it will be only through them that I will be able to reach the sick humanity in spirit and in consciousness. It is by means of the praying souls that My Flocks are gathered in this time to silently prepare in the depths of My Heart the return that each child has been waiting for, for such a long time.
Some will see Me coming in Glory, others will recognize Me through inner dialogue, but those who do not listen to Me, who will help them?
For this in this era in which you live, an era advanced in matter but slow in spirit, My Heart wants to provide you with gifts that may help you to awaken the talents of the spirit.
Some will awaken the talent of joy that will heal the sadness of those who live in the desert of loneliness. Others will awaken the talent of charity, that which will balance the lack of donation among brothers and sisters of a same divine project. In other beings will be awakened the talent of fidelity and of supreme will, that which will serve to order and evolve the future humanity. And an unforgettable talent for My Heart is the talent of the true love, that which spiritually builds all that seems to be separated and that repairs the hearts that feel dissatisfied in soul and in life.
Before My Return, the Holy Spirit of God will reveal these talents, those that will permit to dissolve the evil in the heart of humanity and that will raise again all of those who, by their own actions, have fallen into the abysm of the Earth.
Give thanks day and night for being able to be conscious in this great spiritual moment that today you live with Me, because in your name many have today received Mercy and Pity. I Am present in the heart that trusts, in the meek, loving and the peacemaker. I Am returning to the dwelling of the pure ones and of those who are willing to tell Me: “Yes Lord, come to me and stay in my heart”.
May in this hour of Infinite Mercy spring from your beings the eternal gratitude to your God of Love.
Under the Greater Good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more