My dear and beloved children,
Today, it rejoices Me to have you close to My Heart, so that each one of you may feel the maternal warmth of My Sacred Flame of Love.
In this Lent, which is ending, I invite you to come out of the desert to enter the Eternal Paradise of God, which is in the Heavens.
I want to take you with Me, in this coming Holy Week, along the sacred path of the Calvary, so that you may spiritually collect the triumphant codes of the Sorrowful Passion of My Son.
In this time, Our Lord needs for souls to exist that are capable of being depositories of His principles, values and attributes, so that the world may see an eradication of the violence, war, impunity and slavery that many among My children still face day by day.
I wish, as a Mother, that you may offer your lives to God as an example in the face of so many sins in the world.
Dear children, for this reason, My intention as a Mother is to take you by the hands and, above all, within My Heart, along the path of revelation of Christic Love, which is faithfully expressed through the Passion of Christ.
My Son needs witnesses of His Love, in the face of so much cruelty.
My Son needs witnesses of His Mercy, in the face of so much injustice.
My Son needs peacemakers, in the face of so much violence and mistreatment.
Therefore, you must begin the exercise of setting yourselves apart and distancing yourselves from these energies.
For this reason, I come to show you the path, the path that will lead you to My Son, Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
After transmitting the Weekly Message, the Virgin Mary complemented it with the following Words:
My Son thanks you for being here today, and through this Message, which you will soon share(*), you will understand the essence of what He needs in this cycle. Because We hope, and We also pray, for at least a part of humanity to be saved, before it is too late; and mainly for the humanity that will be rescued to hold, in itself and in each heart, the Values and Principles of God, which, from the beginning, gestated the existence of races and peoples, the authentic expression of the divine values of the people of Israel.
My silence comes to comfort you. My prayer comes to rebuild you. My Love comes to elevate you before this spiritual and divine door, which opens to the Sacred Week.
The Church of My Son is ready, because what will shine at Its Altar will be the offering of each one of your hearts, this is what He ardently hopes for. It does not matter that it is imperfect or that it is miserable to you. My Son expects it to be true, with the loyalty that each heart can live, to understand the Call of God, which, in this time, comes to awaken all, because humanity must not fall asleep in its indifference and denial.
Humanity must be the race of the New Christs. And for this cause I also pray every day, just as I faithfully pray by the side of each one who unites to Me in prayer.
I thank you, and encourage you to live a victorious Holy Week, so that Christ, My Beloved Son, may govern each human heart. For this ardent aspiration of the Lord, I give you His Peace, the Peace of Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be Light in the world, so that there may be Mercy.
(*) The Divine Mother refers to the Weekly Message.
Dear children:
After the coming of My Beloved Son to Argentina, as Mother of all and Lady of Lujan, I come to bless you for the last time.
I will continue praying for you, My children of Argentina. In this way, despite the traumatic social scenario of the country, your hearts may be comforted by the Love that My Motherly Heart offers you at this time.
My beloved children of Argentina, I wish that you carry in your hearts all the impulses you received in these last days, as part of the merciful and compassionate gesture of God for an Argentina that must already prepare itself for the Return of Christ.
Meanwhile, I encourage you, My children, to perform works of charity and good deeds, and to think that every moment of service to those who suffer, you will be doing it as a true act of reparation; thus, violence and mistreatment among the members of the human family may be eradicated from Argentina and hope, strength and faith, which has already dissolved in many hearts, may return to Argentina.
My children, your Mother and Lady of Luján asks you to be forerunners of the hope and joy that the Gospel gives you, because in this way more needy hearts in Argentina will have the Grace to be reborn in love and goodness.
I thank you, My children of Argentina, for having accompanied each of the steps of Our Sacred Hearts.
Go forward, My children of Argentina!
Who thanks you and blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján
Dear children,
After the Words pronounced yesterday by My Son, Spain, as a nation, is before the door of its last opportunity. An opportunity that might place this whole nation on the definitive path to fulfill the promising Plan of God.
For this reason, I invite you now, dear children, to be aware of this, so that your lives may be a faithful reflection of a concretized redemption.
I will be praying, as I have been doing for this nation for a long time.
My Heart of a Mother has a favorite Love for this nation and all its people because, in other times, Spain received Me, when your Mother went on pilgrimage in these lands of beautiful prairies, deep valleys and crystalline waters.
Spain is also My aspiration, just as it is the aspiration of My Beloved Son.
I thank you in advance for continuing to pray with Me, for the unity of Spain so that, someday, this dear country may celebrate the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Sacred Protective Mantle of My Son, at this moment, heal and protect all those who continue to go through this pandemic.
My consolation and love of a Mother are within each heart that, at this moment, experiences disease and suffering.
This is why I ask, in a special way, that the Sacred Mantle of Christ may heal and relieve those who need spiritual and physical help, because souls must come out strengthened after this experience with the pandemic.
My Heart and My Life pray for you at every moment, asking and begging the Father to send His healing angels so that they may be by the side of the sick people and so that, through the angelic help, souls may have enough strength to go through this new school that all of humanity, since two years ago, has been facing.
As a Mother, I also pray for other causes that aggravate the situation of the planet and humanity. I pray for all the movement that nature fiercely carries out so that, in the inner planes, order and peace may be established, for climate change to no longer be the reason or cause for thousands of this who are displaced and underprivileged.
I also beg God for the most vulnerable and I ask for the Blessed Protective Mantle of Christ to protect and safeguard those who violently experience the end of times.
This moment, dear children, leads everyone to consider and think of others, not as a problem, but rather as the need to bring them love, support and, not only spiritual, but also material refuge.
When a fraternal consciousness really exists in this humanity, I assure you that many situations will be solved, meanwhile, the most vulnerable are subjected by those who take advantage of the chaos and disseminate it throughout the world.
Let us pray with greater fervor. May God hear the prayers of all His children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Only a mother knows and feels what it means to lose a child.
A good mother knows beyond the appearance or the senses what it means to lose a child spiritually or materially.
Only a mother is capable of understanding and following what it means to lose a child, in some sense.
Only a good mother is able to see what it means to not have her child on the right path, which is the path of light and consecration.
Only a good mother is capable of sustaining with her maternal love what it means to lose a child and watch their departure.
A good mother who gestated her children knows that which represents a spiritual or human loss.
The good mother knows what it means to no longer have on her path, they who were born from her womb.
That is why the mother is the one who endures and suffers the most because she only desires the good to be fulfilled in those who she has brought up and loved with such care and dedication.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Grace and Mercy of God be within you so that Mercy and Grace may be withn the world.
Receive the Maternal Love from My Heart so that your consciousnesses strengthen in Christ during this cycle of transition.
May you never lack the momentum and joy of serving the Lord so that His Work of Mercy may continue to be fulfilled within humanity.
Never stop seeking the Lord, to call him, to implore His Sacred Name, because this way you will be in contact and in union with the essence of His Purpose.
May the Works of God be fulfilled in humanity and in all beings so that souls may be more aware of that which, in truth, it is necessary to change, heal and redeem.
Praise God and all His Sacred Names.
May Heaven descend to Earth and may the Earth be reconsecrated to the principles of the Primordial Source.
May the presence of the Love of God be in everything so that humanity may be rebuilt.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Rest in My arms so that My sweet maternal gaze may contemplate you, asleep and surrendered to the Love of the Mother of God.
From My Heart and My Soul receive a warm restoration for your spirit, and thus, find peace once more.
Lie in the arms of The Divine Mother and feel how everything will always be well.
Stay in the arms of the Divine Mother as long as you need. I am here for what you may require and need.
Be silent and surrender yourself to Me in prayer, so that you may feel the maternal caress of your Most Holy Mother.
Let me have you feel the power of the Love of God poured out in each word spoken, in each gesture shared, in each plea heard by the Mother of God.
Thus, strengthen your faith in my trust and feel how I lighten your cross, a cross that the world also carries.
Stay in my arms and sustain yourself in Me.
At this moment, feel the consolation of My Heart and the protective shelter of My Soul.
I am here and I Am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not let failure invade your heart, because it does not exist.
Cleanse your consciousness and purify your heart in the Restoring Fountain of My Grace.
Allow the Love of God to reign in you so that the doorways to change may be opened.
Sustain yourself through the faith that My Heart can express to you, and do not forget that I Am Your Mother and that I love you.
Rejoice in My Son, again and again, because the hour of your redemption will come and you will remember all the experiences you had; thus, you will be transcending your human and terrestrial story.
Believe, above all, in the healing power of love, so that the Holy Spirit may always fill you and in this way, you may be able to surrender to God more each day.
The time will come for duality to be overcome and the human being will set aside suffering and start living the true happiness of being in God.
Participate every day in the powerful current of Mercy and be part of the great moment of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I will always have ears to hear you, dear children, because the sweet prayer that is born of the heart is wholly real and pure.
Today I come with joy from Heaven, bringing the Maternal Love of God for the souls that most need it.
But I also come to share with you, dear children, the joy that My Immaculate Heart feels for having dedicated this space for me.
You know, My children, that we are in critical and difficult times and that the prayer of the heart in your lives, the selfless service to others and to the Kingdoms of Nature, will help you to change your hearts in the Plan that God has envisioned from the beginning, but you can also count on My protective Mantle for your lives.
Today I come with a universal message for humanity.
Today I am pregnant, dear children, on the point of giving birth to the New Humanity.
That important moment for the world is approaching; meanwhile, the Woman of the Sun is in the desert, giving refuge to all of Her children under Her Mantle.
The seals of the Apocalypse are still opening, to show humanity the time of the great change.
Today My womb of Light wants to gestate each one of your consciousnesses.
Today it wants to bring to the world a regeneration and a healing for humanity.
The new being must be born in you, so that the old human may be left behind and a new consciousness emerge that will be in communion with life and Creation, so as to be in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature.
Today, your hearts and the Kingdoms that are here were able to reflect to God the gratitude so expected for the Celestial Father, for all He has created and manifested since the Genesis.
Today the Marine Kingdoms were able to reflect to the Celestial Universe the gratitude and the Love they feel for being with God.
And in this perfect unity and attunement, the Laws of Healing descended to Earth, not only to regenerate the consciousness of humankind, but also of all the living beings that inhabit this place.
My maternal womb is about to give birth to the New Human. You must prepare with Me for this moment, because the hour will indicate a great change in the consciousness of humanity, a change that will come without warning and without registering the time.
That is why you must be prepared and attentive, vigilant, always in prayer, to hear that inner call from our hearts.
The joy that has brought Me here is immense, for having valued the Kingdoms of Nature and giving them the space they deserve within this Universal Creation.
Today I am also the Mother of Nature, which through Her Mantle of Light shows the whole Creator Universe, the Divine Thought that generated life, the universes and the stars and all that exists beyond this local universe.
Therefore I can be here among you, dear children, so that you are not only in communion with the Non-material Source, something that is indispensable for your lives at this time, but that through here, from this simple place, from this natural sanctuary of God, what humanity needs can be radiated to the world so as to be able to recover the values and the dignity, the attributes that will cause all beings on Earth to be redeemed and will make them worthy in the Lord.
My womb of light also gestates the new times, that which will be forthcoming for all and that will show itself in the next cycle. Something that is not tangible yet for the human consciousness, but that your hearts can indeed feel, because by being in communion with the Mother of God, you are in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, repairing the Laws of Creation that the human being of the surface has transgressed again and again.
Thus, My children, today not only your spirits are benefited by the Non-material Source of Creation, but also the whole planet, faraway places in the world that experience chaos through the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature.
A bridge has been established between the spiritual universe and the material universe, simply because of your fervent and sincere prayer of the heart.
So the Mother of the World, the Mother of Humanity and the Mother of Nature can still govern in humanity, and through the Higher Laws, redeem the beings of Earth and regenerate the healing in essences that have been lost for having distanced themselves from God.
Today the Law of death stops in the world, because immortality, a non-material law, has won.
For a moment and in this instant, God grants His Grace and Mercy instead of His Justice in light of the serious outrages that the world has committed in the Kingdoms of Nature.
But this does not mean, My children, that human suffering will stop or be dissolved.
I invite your hearts and the hearts of the world to get out of this vicious circle, to set aside the suffering and the pain and thus enter into the happiness and the healing that God grants all your essences.
These times allow all events, that is why we are in the cycle of great opportunities, in which the Higher Universe can intercede for humanity and all the sacred places on the planet, invisible to physical eyes; they can also intercede for this humanity and for this Earth.
Open your inner senses and let your hearts listen to the Law of the Hierarchy, to all the beings of the Light, angels and archangels that are acting at this moment for the restoration of humanity, while your Heavenly Mother is present here with you, still pregnant, about to give birth to the New Human.
The Woman of the Light is pregnant and announces a new cycle to the world, the last cycle of redemption, in which all souls and all beings will have the door of Mercy opened so as to be able to enter and submerge themselves in the Ocean of the Grace of God, so that all that is mortal and all sin may be purified and all suffering may be dissolved in consciousnesses, so that spirits may be reborn in Christ.
Celebrate this time of great opportunities, in which the children of the Mother of the Sun hear the voice of the Heavenly Hierarchy, which calls them to work for the redemption of humanity and for the healing of all miserable beings.
Continue working like this for the times to come. Continue praying for the nations of the world as you have been doing and I, My children, together with Jesus and Saint Joseph, will be able to give you new supplications to be prayed, that Grace may descend on the world, so that everybody may have a great opportunity.
My wish is that just as I gestate the New Human, the new is gestated in your consciousnesses through the attributes of prayer, of unconditional service, and the love that you are able to express and expand in these times, so that all may be repaired.
I tell you again that My Heart feels a deep joy in this moment for being here with you today, and in communion with all of Creation through the Kingdoms of Nature.
I have especially come to Camboriú to change this natural sanctuary into a natural Marian Center, which benefits all humankind through its angels and devas, so that the human consciousness may be redeemed.
My wish is that, without any transgression, the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation be established, so that souls may find their origin here through Mother Nature and Father Creator, by the intercession of all its angels and all its devas, so that the human consciousness may be healed.
My wish is that a House of Prayer be established here in My honor that follows the principles of Nature without transgressing the Kingdom that is present here, because Nature itself will be the same manifestation of God that each pilgrim who comes here may find, to enter into communion with life and with the universe.
This Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation will foster the care of the Kingdoms of Nature, an awareness about life, and the protection of all that God has manifested through the Younger Kingdoms.
It will be a place in which all the Kingdoms will be able to pray as a single consciousness and as a single spirit.
My wish is that a fountain to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph be located here, placing his holy image near the rising spring that is here, without altering anything, so that souls may wash and purify themselves of their deepest spiritual wounds.
And lastly, for this Marian Center I wish for a new Blue Cross, so that the bridge between the spiritual universe and the material universe may be established.
A Cross of Blue Light that will illumine the consciousness of the Kingdoms, so that the human consciousness may be illumined and become aware of and have respect for everything that God has given you through the Creation.
The guardians of this place will be My children of the Order, as well as the sisters who have granted this space for the manifestation of the Kingdoms of Nature.
This intangible asset that descends to the material universe is a patrimony (heritage) of all, for the redemption of souls and the healing of hearts through the intersession of the Younger Kingdoms.
I also want this small island of salvation to have a house for the pilgrims, so that they may have an opportunity to withdraw into silence and prayer in this place, to be able to listen to God and implore Him for mercy for the world, for all the Kingdoms of Nature that daily suffer the perversions of humanity.
This point of light will expand through the consciousness of all who adhere to it.
It will be a space to meet oneself, one's origin, with the Source and with God.
It will be a space to experience healing though service to the Kingdoms.
It will be a place in which souls can find forgiveness in a perfect solitude with God.
I will thank you for fulfilling this request, because it is already descending.
And now, in the face of all that God has created for His children, I will consecrate those who today will unite with My Heart, offering themselves as My children, on the path of prayer and of service.
Let those who will be consecrated today approach, and while you start to play the song of your consecration, I invite all the rest of My children of the world to place this burning desire in your heart, so that the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation may be raised, and its ardent foundations, its spiritual foundations be present in this world.
Children, you are the first that will help in this manifestation. Your souls have applied on this day for this moment and to take on this commitment with My Immaculate Heart.
My first request is that you pray together as many times you can, so that the manifestation of the Marian Center may take place, to honor Our Lady Aparecida and so that Brazil may finally be the Eden of God for these times.
Now place your requests in My Heart, and in the silence of your spirits, offer your souls to God for the conversion of humanity and the reparation of the Kingdoms of Nature, so that life on the whole surface of the Earth may continue regenerating.
Enter now into My womb of light, so that I may be able to help you to experience the change of consciousness, dissolving pain, alleviating suffering, and awakening healing in your hearts.
You, My children, are the first beings in this humanity who have offered to pray for the manifestation of this Marian Center, and especially for the worldwide healing of all the Kingdoms of Nature.
Your commitment will also be to pray the Mystery of the Rosary weekly for the Kingdoms of Nature and the devas, and so the angels of the nations may continue to intercede for each people and each race of this world.
Today you are before a great and infinite opportunity. This is the work of My Grace, of the Grace of God, that emerges from His Fount for all His creatures.
I thank Camboriú for having responded to My call.
In this place may souls always find peace.
May it be so.
I consecrate you, I bless you, and I declare My Love to you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All sing the hymn of your consecration.
I thank you!
Like a Bird of Light, I travel through the world to relieve it of its pain and suffering.
Through the prayers of My children for the nations, I can support the peoples and the races in spite of the difficult situations that countries face today.
On the spiritual plane, with My Light I nurture, and with My Love I heal those who are most in need, and from Heaven I attract the divine help so that certain regions of the Earth can maintain their spiritual equilibrium and stability. All of this forms part of a planetary task.
Through each Mystery of the Rosary, prayed for peace in the nations of the world, My praying children and servants accompany the Mother of God in these definitive times.
The outcome of prayer is indescribable because the universal power that it has is still unknown and, as in the prayer of the Rosary for Peace in the Nations, all the work, if dedicated with love and devotion, has greater effects and reaches cosmic levels.
Thus, My only aspiration is that, in spite of what may happen with each one or with the world, never cease praying, never fail to keep Heaven and Earth united and to keep the spirit of each one united with the Holy Spirit of God.
Never desist, even though many may desist.
Never let go of the hand of the Mother of God because, within this unbreakable union, love will triumph and the nations of the world will not suffer as much as has been foreseen.
Unite, day after day, with My Rosary of Light.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you in this mission,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A Good Mother - Part II
I wish you could remember the moment when you were in the arms of your earthly mother in an act so similar, like when the little Jesus was in My Arms.
What a treasure God gives us through you, when once when you were little, you could be in the arms of your mother!
What a special and intimate moment God granted us, that you could feel the maternal warmth of your mother, and your mother could feel the unconditional surrender of her little child!
In this relationship, of mother and child, is built the true spirit of the family and it is this spirit that allows, in later experiences, to build love and solidarity among beings.
Today, as Mother of all mothers, I come with this example because we are facing a humanity that completely lost the spiritual values of motherhood.
But if by means of prayer, today and the days to come, all the mothers of the world unite to Me, under the feminine spirit of the Holy Motherhood, they will allow the great Mother, among all the mothers, to intercede for the young mothers who today gestate their children and are tempted by the adversary to get rid of life.
If together, as spiritual mothers and mothers of all our children, we unite in this perfect alliance of mothers of God, one day we will generate that consciousness so necessary to respect, love and protect the new life that is arriving.
Today I only ask for mothers to remember their first delivery and the preparation for that moment.
How important it is for the Creation to bring life to the world, just as I brought Jesus as a light for humanity!
May today, be born again, that blessed spirit of motherhood that God conceived in each feminine being and that in these crucial times will be indispensable, because many more hearts will seek the comfort and affection of a mother on Earth.
I invite you, dear mothers, to the renewal of that intimate feminine principle of Creation.
A good mother keeps in her interior the purpose of the life she once gestated, and she is the keeper and guardian for this purpose to be fulfilled in the soul that she once brought into the world.
The spiritual mission of mothers, united to God, is a broad mission, more than it seems, because a good mother is that intermediary consciousness between her children and God. God granted that authority to the Virgin Mary and, consequently, to all mothers who are sincerely united to Her Maternal Heart.
In these times, all children of God must remember the mission that each earthly mother has fulfilled before the Universe when she brought her own child into the world.
This is reason to rekindle in souls the spirit of Motherhood, which will protect the children from the attacks of the adversary.
I want to leave you, to finish, the words that little Jesus once expressed to Me in His first years of life, words that affirmed in My interior that I should, as Mother of all, do what is possible and impossible to save My children from perdition.
And Jesus, once, being a child declared to Me the following words as a simple prayer:
Oh sweet Mother!
tender Comforter of those who are afflicted.
Tireless servant who donated and delivered
Your Most Pure Virgin Womb to Creation.
Oh kind Mother!
Who welcomes those who suffer,
Who perseveres in Your pure Faith,
Who does not rest until You can have
the last of Your children in your arms.
Oh Mother of charity!
Who does good wherever You go,
Who performs miracles and grants
graces to all of Your children.
From now, Purest Mother,
You will be the Queen and the Lady of all mothers,
so that in this humanity
all learn, one day,
for the work of Your Grace, to truly love,
just as You love us unconditionally.
With these words I thank you for responding to My maternal call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A Good Mother - Part I
A true mother is able to give everything to her children, no matter if her children correspond to her or not.
A true mother does everything in silence, and in this silence many times she is silent in order not to challenge the contrariness of these times.
A true mother shelters the suffering of the others and makes it part of herself.
A true mother knows the immaturity and stubbornness of her children, and even so, a true mother will always show the reality and the good side of the history and of the whole experience.
A good mother does not complain, but yes she indicates; she does not submit nor control, but warns, suggests and guides, because her maternal and feminine heart will always dictate many things.
A good mother will always give good to her children, and a little more.
A good mother is one who always says yes and who cries in her solitude.
She waits for her children will find the way to maturity, kindness, and transparency.
A good and true mother fears for the perdition of her children, and when her children do not listen to her, it grieves her heart.
That is why the Father gave you a mother, no matter if she is right or wrong. God gave you an earthly mother and a Spiritual Mother.
These mothers expect that their children never forget them, to carry them engraved with fire in their hearts, because a mother is the intermediate thread that will unite them to God, in Her feminine aspect.
All those who, in the consecrated life, had the grace of having a spiritual mother, is to recognize her, especially the youth. Because in these moments to be on the lap of a mother will be like being in the Arms of God.
A lot of humility and confidence is necessary to understand, feel, and realize what a good mother feels for her children.
I invite you to relive the hearts of mothers, for all the mothers of the world who agonize day and night because they cannot help their children.
God gave you His greatest universal treasure: to have a mother close to you, just as Jesus had Me, so that in the most difficult and arid moments I would support Him.
A true mother always has a place for her children, because her children are the first reason for her existence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
My caress is like the passing of a soft wind.
My bosom is like receiving the warm heat of the sun in wintertime.
My Love is like the tenderness of a mother with her little child.
My prayer is like the rain that constantly falls.
My hope is like the flower that opens to sunrays.
My faith is like the celestial dome at night.
My supplication is like the call of the Universe to all beings.
My devotion is like the fire of the night.
My peace is like the waves that harmoniously strike the oceans.
My healing is like the sunray that penetrates the dark earth.
My unity is like the balance and harmony of the Local Universe.
My light is like the Sun at dawn until it reaches the highest point.
My happiness is the consecration of the children of God.
My joy is the concretion of priestly life.
My patience is like the fruit that slowly ripens in the tree.
My sweetness is like the sweetest fruit of the planet.
My mission is like the selfless service of those who tirelessly serve God.
And how are your virtues, My child?
Have you found the similarity of your actions in the Creation?
Let this principle of the Gift of God flow in you.
Allow the talents of these times to awaken, so that the Earth may be repopulated with simple, but true values.
Dare to say “yes” to the virtue of the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Enter into My Heart of Peace so that your steps to God may be safe.
Enter into My Heart of Peace so that I lead you to that perfect Will that the Creator emanated by thinking of your little heart.
Enter into My Heart of Peace so that there is peace in your little life, and the conflicts, obstacles and difficulties are dissolved.
Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I teach you to be a peacemaker on Earth.
Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I transform you into an announcer of the Presence of Christ in this world, a living witness of His Eternal Presence, and of His coming return.
Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I may teach you, in My silence, many things and may My Love supply you and nourish your spirit, so that you do not seek in the world or outside of yourself, what only God can give you.
Enter into My Heart of Peace in a sincere prayer, in a true prayer, in a confession between Mother and child, because, as your Universal Heavenly Mother, here I am to listen to you, to understand you, to correct you and to shelter you.
Enter into My Heart of Peace in a true dialogue with Me, because I love you, My child, and I hope that your heart returns to the safe harbor of My Spirit, where I can sustain you, so that you, in a permanent service and in donation, sustain others, who could not manage and did not know how to reach Me.
Do not forget to enter into My Immaculate Heart of Peace, do not forget to be in Me. In My silence, I have the answer and the encouragement for all of your doubts and difficulties; in My embrace, I have comfort for your spirit and renewal for your soul.
Do not remain in the world hopeless and without peace if you have a Heavenly Mother who has been given to you by God, at the Cross of His Son, at the height of His Love and His Mercy.
My Child, when everything seemed lost to the companions of Christ, who saw Him suffer on the Cross, He gave them an eternal and kind Mother, and in the same way, He does it again, when souls are lost for forgetting that they have a Celestial Mother who will support them whenever they elevate their eyes to the Heavens, and their hearts to God.
I simply wait for you to call Me and pray with Me.
The world, My child, will go through greater difficulties and tests that will seem insurmountable. Thus, learn today to enter into My Heart of Peace; build today the path that leads to My Mantle, and when this world is most in need, you will be a guide for lost souls, for you will know the way to find Me.
With love in My Heart and Grace in My arms, I extend them into the world to speak directly to the heart of each one of My children: enter into My Heart of Peace and find Me there, so that I may tell you what I most want from you in this time, and help you to fulfill your mission.
On this day I bless you, and thank you for listening to My Words and entering without fear into My Heart of Peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
As Mother of Austria and Germany, on this day, I also go on pilgrimage in these lands to dissolve the very serious and sad decisions that were made in the last century, that affected and transgressed millions of souls in the world.
Therefore, children, today My aspiration through this pilgrimage to Slovakia and Austria is to be able to enter into the heart of each Slovakian and Austrian, so that My maternal and divine Love can repair on deep levels what has been kept in the consciousness of My children and that has generated terrible human pain.
As My Son will visit Slovakia to grant it Peace once again, his Heavenly Mother, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, Patroness of this pilgrimage, will be present from the inner planes, working and laboring to dissolve the roots of evil, power and perversion, so that these human actions may be reversed by Mercy, Love and Forgiveness.
Therefore, children, to all who follow Me sincerely in this mission, from here or from any place in the world, I call You, children, to follow the inner steps of the Mother of God, who avails Herself of the present conjuncture of work to help the nation of Austria and especially its Regent Angel.
With the rosary in My hand, My children, I invite you to continue penetrating the powerful mystery of the prayer of the heart, so that not only the souls that suffer the most be helped, but also the nations may be permeated with new values and principles of Love that My Immaculate Heart wants to pour out.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you with the Light from Heaven,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In truth, My children, there exists nothing that can prevent Me from approaching you, because when I come, Heaven comes after Me with all the Graces of the universe, especially those Graces that the greatest sinners need in order to attain forgiveness and conversion.
For this reason, before chaos or calm, before agitation or the deepest silence, there exists nothing nor nobody that can prevent Me from being close to My children, because My wish as a Mother is that every day, into eternity, you may learn to be in God despite any circumstances or event, just as I am.
Through prayer and Communion with Christ, I encourage you to overcome and transcend the world chaos of the end of times; but not with indifference, but rather with intelligence, so that, in the intelligence of God, your lives may reach the possibility of attracting Peace on Earth in spite of all circumstances.
Dare to cross this threshold of chaos to enter into the perfect refuge of the Heart of God, for in this way, many more will be led on the same path of liberation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Cathedral of Peace – Part II
And elevate all of humanity with your prayer. By means of your prayer, lead specially all refugees to the Greater Altar of the Cathedral of Peace.
Pave the way so that those most in need of spiritual and inner help may receive the maternal embrace of the Mother of God, and the divine consolation of the Immaculate Heart.
Elevate the souls of the world to the Cathedral of Peace, so that they may awaken to their true purpose and may thus enter in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Inside the Cathedral of Peace, the neediest souls are sacramented by the imperious action of the Holy Spirit, they receive the spiritual baptism, the inner confirmation and the communion with the Immolated Lamb, the Redeemer.
In the Cathedral of Peace the souls find, by means of the spiritual Sacraments, the Gifts of God and they can see within themselves the virtues that Heaven needs to awaken in each being, so that the creatures may learn to live the Divine Will.
For this reason, those who participate in the Sacred Cathedral of Peace are inspired and motivated by the guardian angels to live their inner mission and, at the same time, to be participants in the spiritual communion that is manifested in its Greater Altar.
The Cathedral of Peace infuses in souls the spiritual power of the divine Sacraments, so that each being can find its Gift and thus offer themselves for the unconditional service for humanity and for the planet.
The Cathedral of Peace helps us recognize our inner universe, that is, the truth that we are inside the divine existence and inside the spiritual Source whence we come, inside the vast universality of the Creation.
For this reason, the Mother of the World is the intercessor of the souls inside the Cathedral of Peace, so that more hearts may know the power of Grace, of Mercy and of Forgiveness, and thus everything may be reversed and once again conducted to the path of the Greater Purpose.
Human consciousness can keep in its heart the sublime Cathedral of Peace, so that it may always remember its filiation with the High, and may specially live the Attributes of God, which will make of this planet a redeemed humanity, forgiven by the most potent flow of the Love of God.
May every being on the surface of the planet feel motivated to enter the Cathedral of Peace, so that, together with the Heavenly Mother, they may be led to the union with the Celestial Father, granting to the souls the experience of the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Cathedral of Peace
Open the door to Me, My son, My daughter, because I will enter into your spiritual prison and remove you from there and free you from the constant captivity.
Let My Heart dissolve the chains that keep you imprisoned.
Today I come to give you the inner freedom that you seek so much.
Do not believe nor think that you will stay there forever. Dare to disconnect from your daily routines, from all the aspects of superficial life, from those that lead you into error.
Believe in the power of reconciliation and in the power of healing. Accept with gratitude this inner freedom that My Immaculate Heart can offer you.
Let your Heavenly Mother tear down the existence of that old prison of the consciousness and from there begin to fly high until you reach the last Heaven where you will find Jesus, seated at the table of the Eucharistic Celebration; so that, thus, you receive His Body and His Blood as a symbol of inner restoration and of the strengthening of the alliance with His Divine Spirit.
Receive then, His most loving blessing and imitate Him so that in this coming time, all may be renewed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, may the Gifts of God awaken in your souls, and may the inner roses which express an infinite love for the Creator and His Creation open in your hearts; so that in your lives, consecrated to eternal prayer, the divine wonders the Father hopes to reveal today to your lives in redemption may be accomplished through this meeting.
May the caress of My Motherly Hands sanctify each of you and bless you at this sacred moment, so that in these difficult times you experience and remember your transformation, as an important step for humanity and your suffering blue planet.
Thus, My beloveds, let the doors of your inner worlds open so that in your essences, you may conceive the Purpose that God has destined for your lives in this time.
Holding on to My Hands so that I may guide you, dear children, walk confidently by My side, for in this way, I will fortify you on the pathway of sacrifice and eternal hope, which must be reflected on your countenances, so God may place His Graces in all of humanity.
Today, I bless you from Heaven and the Heaven of God I bring you, so that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be finally established in your lives.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Through My Presence and My Words, I purify your life and your wholes consciousness, and what would seem impossible to transform is dissolved by My maternal Love.
In this way, you will have your feet free from all ties so as to be able to walk toward My beloved Son, and He will wait for you, full of His Divine Mercy, to pour It out as a balm over you.
Feel that it is possible to be redeemed and live all the Gifts of Heaven in these difficult times.
Today I caress your face, place your head on My chest and have you know the Love of God, which heals and closes the wound of any situation.
Hold My Mantle tightly, and everything will pass. Only God is enough for the simple hearts that live the prayer of the heart.
Do not worry, God is above everything, and He, Who is powerful, will free you from all evil.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and absolves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more