May your woes be forgiven and may the ties be freed so that Jesus may finally reign within you with all of His Power and Majesty.
May your anguish be dissolved and your agony disappear so that Jesus may finally reign in you, with all of His Power and Majesty.
The consecration of a soul is eternal, as the consecration of the one who lives it in emptiness and humility is eternal.
For this reason, child, in this time of great tempests, confirmations, and tests, may Jesus finally reign so that He, with all of His Power and Majesty, may make of your soul an instrument of His Plan and a light in the greatest darkness.
Have courage and continue trying to live daily renunciation to all that most satisfies you and brings you gratification.
Continue the struggle, in the name of the Power of Jesus, so that from this human race New Christs may emerge, free of the prisons of life and full of the Holy Spirit.
Absolutely believe that you are in a transition that has not yet ended.
Believe that with each test and challenge you transcend, you will achieve the Plan of the Redeemer and thus participate in His Work of Mercy.
I am here to give you the impulse. I am here because I Am your Gentle Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My child:
At every moment, seek to live the charity of the heart and do not allow anything or anybody to force this inner virtue, nor that they demand you to give of yourself, because charity of the heart must spring forth and arise like you breathe.
At each new step that you are called to take, may the charity of the heart emerge from within you so that you may learn to find spiritual piety, a principle that will lead you to someday love the sacrifice of giving your life and your unconditional service for others.
May the charity of the heart not be a thought formula. May your soul impel you through intuition to be charitable at each moment and to center your purpose on the realization of good for others.
It awakens in you the charity of heart and it is something spontaneous, something that leads you to understand that the Mercy of God is also found in service; thus you will be confirming your vow of true union with Christ.
Within the charity of the heart may you find the meaning of evolving because in the charity of the heart you will develop degrees of love, more than in self-attunement or in the redundant human inertia.
May the charity of the heart be the essence of the New Christs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If a part of your being still does not believe that I am here, why are you still here?
By chance, am I not here, Who is your Mother?
Firstly, be grateful for everything that you live and for everything that you experience.
Do not try to escape any longer from the reality that surrounds you, because truly, child, you will be escaping from yourself, and where you choose to be, you will always be with yourself, carrying the same cross everywhere.
Have the inner awareness that you will not be able to change the world, and not even people, overnight.
Accept with joyful resignation the test that Heaven sends you in this time.
You will not be better or worse by being away from the reality that could be disturbing your heart.
Live each experience as a unique possibility for expanding your love and your renunciation.
Do not allow your mind and My adversary to deceive you.
Distrust everything that comes from you and what your mind processes, because if you stay in that place, you will always find a great obstacle.
Start by making the change that you expect so much, first inside of you, and do not try, in any way, to change the Plan, the destiny, nor the events.
Do not believe that in this world you will find perfect things. Be truly intelligent, and do not allow doubts to erase and dissipate the faith of your heart.
Accept, above yourself, the destiny in which the Universe has placed you. And if you want so much that people and things be perfect, as you need them, begin by being the example in patience, in effort, and in service, without wanting to escape or hide from the true need so as not to feel tired.
Live your Gethsemane with intelligence and let only the constant love of your fellow beings invade you, a deep love that you have never lived before.
Search, child, for the truth in what is simple and easy, and not in what would delight you as perfect and complete. If you have surrendered your life into the Hands of God, His own Hands put you in this place, where you must serve unconditionally; and today your Mother from Heaven tells you this, I declare it without intermediaries.
Have gratitude and expand it, so that others may recognize in you a New Christ who accepts, understands, and loves beyond self and of any expectation.
Work every day for your redemption based on profound acts of love and of service, and I assure you that the doubts, or even the disagreements, will no longer be in you; but they will die in the mouth of the one who utters them: My rival.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
When you see winds coming that are contrary to the life of the spirit, it is a sign that something grand is about to transcend. Keep your faith and your trust in the Father, because He already knows your exiles, your deserts, and all the voids of your soul.
Certain tests, at this time, reach the life of the apostles to confirm them on the path of Christification and of inner transformation.
Do not fear to see yourself naked, and to find yourself before the greatest miseries of your human life. My Son has taught you to persevere in love and in unity with the Kingdom of the Heavens.
The innumerable battles and disagreements with the inner part of your being no longer matter; now it is primordial to continue struggling every day to learn to overcome yourself, and so to show the Universe that the new and peacemaker Christs are on their way.
Be strong in your trust in God. His Love will help you even if everything is too difficult.
God bless you now and always!
Who follows you in soul and heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the peace and the spirit of temperance abound, because in this way, you will be able to recognize God in your heart and in your life.
May the peace that comes from the Universe expand like a beam of light and touch wounded hearts. That will be possible because of the constancy of your prayer and your supplication.
Thus, receive in this hour the spirit of peace, which will make you invincible, immovable, and neutral. Let this peace be expressed in your way of looking, acting, walking, and breathing.
May this inner peace be recognized, so that souls may, through the prayer of the heart, learn to live it and adopt it as something fundamental, precious and worthy.
May peace strengthen the consciousness and spirit so that the New Christs may soon be born in this humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Time to step out of the world illusion
The time has come, My children, to step out of the world illusion and to begin to face reality, first within you, and then to recognize it outside.
The world will not wait for you to mature so that it lives its purification and the transition of the times, which will mark the before and after between the old and the new man. The changes are already precipitating over the Earth and are expressed through the imbalance of the elements of nature, through men, through young people, through wars between nations, races and religions. Thus, children, the “end”, that many do not want to see because they believe that everything is where it should be, is shaped.
Today, as yesterday, I come as the Mother of Truth, the Lady of Divine Sincerity, so that nothing more may be hidden from your eyes and all warnings may be given to you in time, so that you may transform your lives and your souls awaken.
My beloved, amidst a world that is lost in its own ignorance, I come to build an example of transformation in this place. If you open the door to Me and say “yes” to Me, I will demonstrate to the world that it is possible to convert ignorance into wisdom and naivety into a true purity of heart.
I would like all My children of this town to come to meet Me, so that I may awaken them to the will that God has for this people.
Children, I want to build here a model of respect, equality and hope; a place where souls come to find again the dignity they have lost because of surrendering to illusion.
I know that the enemy of God will do everything to prevent this Plan from being fulfilled and souls from uniting to build this purpose. But today I ask you, beloved children, to just place your hearts on the goal of expressing to the world a hope of life, which it has lost.
I want to help you rebuild your families; I want to teach you to grow and respect the different expressions of the human heart. I want religions here to unite in service and prayer, for a world of peace. May respect and the consciousness that only One God exists, He Who gathers you, make it possible to erase from your hearts the prejudice and the feelings of superiority with respect to your brothers and sisters. I want you to see one another as unique essences of God, deeply loved by He Who created them. And, in this way, you may open to learn one with each other.
It is not much that I ask of you, My children. I want to root out violence through the awakening of the spirit. Because a heart that yields to darkness, is one which does not truly know God and has not found a meaning for its life. I come to give you this meaning and to open in your hearts that space which the Creator must occupy, so that one day, My beloved, you may express the likeness to the Father.
For the nations of the world, this is a distant and nearly impossible goal, but to the one who is in Me and allows himself to be guided by My Heart, nothing is impossible. Allow Me, children, to establish peace through your hearts. Allow Me to build the impossible in your lives.
I just want you to respect one another, to serve one another and to collaborate in the building of a world in greater peace. For the planet agonizes and the wars outrage the hearts of My children, due to the inability of men to live true love and conscious respect.
For this reason, children, I will ask you to accompany Me and to allow Me to transform this place into an example of a new life, where it is possible to respect, collaborate, admire the best of one’s fellow being, and thus live in communion.
If you allow Me to do it, and if you let yourselves be guided by Me, in a short while you will see My words manifested in the transformation of your lives.
Carry this message of Mine to the four corners of this town and let it echo in the hearts. Call My children to come and meet Me. It is time to awaken and to step out of the world illusion.
I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The University of Higher Love
Dear children:
Today I come to you with thematernal intention ofyour souls attending, in these times, the University of Higher Love.
A School and College that will place you in the precise moment and in the true need that must be provided by all serving souls.
The University of Love is a spiritual place within the Celestial Universe, where the angels, the blessed, and souls that haveascended to the Heavens through merits, learn to develop within themselves the Gifts of God, mainlythe Gift of Love.
Without this Gift of Love in the life of the beings of the surface and in the souls of Heaven, it is ultimately not possible to enter the Christic School.
The University of Higher Love offers the opportunity of givingoneself to the Plan of God and to fulfill it by the means of actions of charity, of service, and of the permanent giving of self.
If these three foundationsare not learnedby the students, it is not possible to acquire a spirit of greater knowledge of the essential life, a profound discernment at the moment of makingdecisions, and a consciousness of wisdom during all phases of life.
The University of Higher Love exists in order to be able to dispel from the unconscious and subconscious world what we believe of ourselves, or of how important our presence within the Plan would be.
It is true, God loves us, but He needs that in this life, as in the Higher Universes, we live a principle of humility and of surrender that until now humanity has not achieved.
The University of Love exists in order that we may know, from the beginning, that we must continuetransforming and transcending our spirits and consciousness, so that someday, in the evolutionary chain, we maybe true representatives of the Plan of God in some part of the Universe.
The presence of this University of the Love of God also reminds us that we must not rest or settle ourselves in what we feel, think, or do within the practical or spiritual task that we may be carrying out, nor believe that we ourselves offer everything that is enough or too much in our understanding.
The Christic School comes after the University of Higher Love. While we are incarnated onthis planet, we will begetting in touch with afirst basic part of the extensionof the University of Higher Love on this surface; this means, My children, that there isstill much to go through and to learn, that the static or sedentary life is not the purpose that Christ seeks for the Christs of the New Time.
The Project of the Master for this surface is very broadand still unknown tohumanity.
All the plans of service, of charity, or of consecration that are experienced on this planet and in these times are elementary, very elementary, for souls.
That is why the true attitude of the server, of the collaborator, or of the consecrated to Christ, must be the response of service and an extremely unconditional surrender, without rules, conditions, or clauses onthe part of the consciousness. That will show that the being is in the University of Higher Love and has understood which is the true area of work for the Spiritual Hierarchy.
When incarnated souls pretend to be distracted, omitting or not accepting to take onany mission or task that the Universe presents for their lives, they will beresponding that they havenot accepted entering the University of Higher Love.
Thus, it is important to know that no onecan hide from God, nor lie to themselvesin these times. The greaterresponsibilities, as well as the lesser ones, will be the keynoteof this period. Responsibilities that will grant anexpansion of the consciousness, according to the conscious acceptance or rejection of each being to Divine Will; middle paths will no longer exist so that we can hesitate or make our mission into a petty one.
The Universe calls on you to define, in this time and under these circumstances, which School you will choose to experience: that of the planet, which is lagging, slow, and heavy, or that of the Universe, which is dynamic, infinite, and constant.
The decision is inyour hands.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses and makes you aware,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In these times, the Spirit of Peace will lead you into concretizing things that once seemed impossible. For this reason, your alliance with the Eternal Father, worked on daily, builds this bridge that is capable of bringing the principles of healing from the universe.
The Holy Spirit of Peace acts on all planes of consciousness and brings understanding at the moment of making important decisions.
It will be this Holy Spirit of Peace, which comes to you time and again, that will nourish your presence with precious gifts that will build a new consciousness and a new being.
In this way, the Holy Spirit of Peace will fill you and allow you to understand universal mysteries that are far from those who are ambitious and proud.
It is this Holy Spirit of Peace that will bring you a sacred humility to live in daily resignation and in absolute surrender under the governance of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
Know that through the fraternal union of this Work with international organisms that provide humanitarian services of health and equity, Fraternidade will be considered one of the most noteworthy hands in the service of healing pain through love.
That will come about, first of all, through the spiritual formation acquired in the last thirty years. Secondly, through the integration and the experience of the community life and the group life in its different phases of work. Thirdly, through the inner and intuitive capacity of spiritually understanding the reality of the planet and of its humanity, principles given by the Spiritual Hierarchy in these times.
These three characteristics, which through the years have formed the Fraternidade -International Humanitarian Federation, are the future standards that international organisms will need, in the end of these times, to establish new humanitarian and social foundations that may help in the rebalancing of humanity through love, service, and equality towards those most in need.
The mission of the Fraternidade is to represent, on the surface of the Earth, a cultural, social, environmental, and global model that helps humanity to become aware about the importance of reversing certain worldwide factors that lead to the self-destruction of the race itself.
Disinterested and true service will be the spirit of peace of the Fraternidade, and it will seek no benefits, but rather world collaborators who sincerely support the causes and the needs of the different human groups that experience wars, hunger, exile and homelessness generated by the different nations in conflict.
Through a universal alliance with international organisms, the Fraternidade will be able to acquire a way of discharging the social and philosophical values given by the Hierarchy, seeking to teach and to establish the archetype of a new humanity.
It will be the constant exercising of unconditional service on the part of each server that will build an opportunity for each people, culture and society of this planet, for finding a path of hope to reverse the global imbalance and inequality among the different races and nations.
In this way, the humanitarian and philosophical contributions of the Fraternidade, without reference to a religion or creed, will help international organisms to eradicate the spiritual and physical poverty at a planetary level, and thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy may convey healing and relief to the millions of souls of humanity that are in inner and outer danger.
For that reason, the consciousness of this Work of love for the redemption of humanity must be very open in order to be able to accept work of a planetary scope, which will shift each server from their habitual setting, and will be called on to be an operative branch in the Inner Plan of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not fear; I am here and if I am here, so is God and all His angelic and archangelic universes.
If the beast is agitated, it is because it is losing the battle and its evil plans sink as if in quicksand.
Its defeat is near and all its plans will fall apart; nothing that comes from it will reign.
Your Mother spreads Her Mantle and, under it, shows you Her fourteen Swords, which will cut and dissolve the fourteen aspects of the adversary.
The Creator Fathers will use the fourteen Swords to defeat the enemy, and all of its invading kingdom on the surface will destroy itself, because the love of hearts will reign, and swords will no longer oppose swords.
The new Goliath will be defeated and thrown into the abyss, until the time of its universal judgment arrives.
Meanwhile, I will give My Crown of Stars to those who follow Me unconditionally, and My Crown of Light will guide you on the paths and towards the virtues of the New Jerusalem. In this way, you may come to know the Gifts that God will give to the new world, finally freed from the evil one and its constant condemnation.
The planet will be born again and the Christs, together with My Son, will fulfill the prophecy of the thousand years of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Fifth day of the novena:
"For the Presence of Christ in our inner worlds and for being part of His Work of Mercy."
Dear children,
It is Mercy to be part of the Work of the Divine Messengers because the emergence of a new humanity is gestated through it. Therefore, in these times, to belong to the Work of God is also a supreme Grace that descends upon this humanity to fill it with new gifts, gifts that will generate in this race the birth and awakening of the New Christs.
Children, being present in Christ and Christ being present in your inner worlds means the possibility for the beloved King of the Universe to concretize His Plan of Redemption and Mercy in humanity.
The soul that is in Christ will be able to train itself as His apostle of love from time to time, and this will begin with the learning to love their fellow beings every day so that the new patterns of behavior can materialize in this civilization.
When incarnating and experiencing these patterns, humanity will draw near to the Divinity of Christ and this will help souls in the inner worlds prepare themselves to live the awaited Return of Christ.
The inner world of each being is precious and immaculate, in essence, it holds the divine life, a mystery that is going to be revealed to the souls that commune with the Lord in these times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I still spiritually govern this world in order for the one thousand years of peace and of healing to be established, after the intense purification of the Earth.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I obey, in supreme humility, the designs of My beloved Son, and thus comply with the Sacred Promises made before our Eternal Creator.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I impel a change in human consciousness, so that this race may take part in a new cycle and in a new state of greater consideration for the planet, for its Minor Kingdoms and for all that exists on it.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I attract to the world the Principle of Renewal, in order for the New Christs to awaken and, finally, abandon the resistance of old. Thus, everything can be transformed.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I decree the Designs of the Divinity and, in this way, My Consciousness acts between the greater and smaller Universes, so that everything remains in sacred harmony.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I keep My children from the capital forces of perdition, ignorance and indifference, allowing the Kingdom of Love and of Truth to reign.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I gather the 144.000 and call them by their names, at the request of My Son, in order for them to prepare their inner dwellings for the great moment of the Return of the Lord.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I summon, in this hour, all the angels, devas and elementals of the planet so that they may unite as a single positive and spiritual force and thus help the whole world in its agony and purify humanity soon.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, your Heavenly Mother mobilizes the Light of the Mirrors of the Universes, in order for them to capture the sublime codes, and radiate to the great oceans of the planet the positive currents of purification and of peace, so that the world´s conversion may be established.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I make the Light of God descend and thus dissolve, little by little, the dark spaces of the planet where millions of souls are lost and submerge in illusion.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I remove from the hells of the Earth the fallen souls that have received the sacred atonement of being forgiven and raised to the Heavens.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I attract the power of the twelve Rays and I unite these cosmic impulses with the spirits. Thus, I establish the Gifts, missions and tasks in the souls that awaken to the infinite power of Universal Life.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I open the doors of the Heavens for the solar angels to descend and to internally announce to humanity that a change in consciousness is urgent, necessary and immediate.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I elevate the prayerful ones towards divine states of peace so that they may help Me concretize the co-redeeming Work alongside My beloved Son, the Christ.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I help consciousnesses liberate themselves from the eternal chain of their cosmic errors so that the Principle of Redemption may be born in these spirits.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I unite the consciousness of all nations and prepare the continents and races to receive the arrival of the great Solar Son.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I sanctify the imperfect, consecrate the unredeemed and vivify the spirit that was dead.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I bring My children closer to the celestial Truth.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I gather the Archangels to reevaluate the Plan of the Creator and do whatever it takes for His Divine Plan of Love to be fulfilled, for as long as there are two or more souls who respond to this Plan, the Plan will continue, no matter what.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and encourages you, always, in Divine Faith,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
You will never lose the inner strength to do things if your life is in the Hands of God. You may lose material strength through sacrifice, but you must know that what you will be losing will be the potency and the action of capital sin.
Strive without fear, because I will take care of the rest. Nobody will be outside of the Purpose if they always joyfully fulfill that which so much pleases the Lord.
Sacrifice, surrender and silence are not liked by those who are influenced by the world. Avoid the outer from calling you; just concentrate on the inner richness and you will be on the correct path.
Teach your fellow beings the power of transformation, and, in this way, the first New Christs will be born within the planetary consciousness.
Simply allow the power of Faith and the Will of God to fill you; in this way, you will learn about the existence of other worlds that are also filled by the Wisdom of God.
In spite of everything, do not give up. I am here and, through you, I will perform wonders throughout the Universes of God.
Worship the Son, the Only Begotten, and everything will always be in peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While My beloved Son was preparing to face the most cruel moment of His sacrifice for humanity, the holy women spiritually entered into seclusion and prayer to accompany their Holy Lord in their heart.
The sufferings and sadness that My beloved Son would face for an ungrateful humanity, would help to uplift it to a level of consciousness it had never reached up to that time.
Jesus came to the world to renew everything and make of this race a rescuable project, in order that the New Christs would awaken, throughout the ages, to continue the Work of the change and redemption of humanity.
My Son came to surrender Himself completely, so that humanity could learn to truly love and be free of expectations and results.
Jesus opened the door of humility to the world through His Sacred Passion. What He experienced in that time allowed other spiritual realities to manifest in this period.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Every day I wish to convert you into a model of love and of compassion, in likeness to or equal to My Son.
This will help the planet and humanity to able to count on souls that live in love and in Christic compassion, which will awaken a small flow of New Christs in the race, so that now and always, humanity will no longer be lost from the Path of God.
Opening My arms and extending My hands to My children, I invite you to be within the great Universe of the Love of God, so that many situations may be healed and guided by the Light of My Heart.
In this way, dear children, I call on you to awaken to the deepest and truest that exists in you so that finally, this planet may be rebuilt by love and hope.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Free yourself from all that oppresses your heart through the imperative strength of faith and your love for God.
He is on your paths to guide you towards the concretization of His Divine Purpose.
Detach from all that prevents your soul from walking towards an emptiness of self and humbly conquer the Kingdom of God.
Let each divine word resonate in your depths and, in this way, the sacred alliance with that which is most High may be built in the spirit.
God has mercy on the world and on all its servers. The doors of His Kingdom are open so that the consciousnesses of the Earth can go through them.
Have the courage to transcend yourself and affirm in yourself the divine help of the Breath of Spirit.
It is time to be able to live in inner freedom, and to finally make of the incarnation a precious triumph for Creation, for in this way, the New Christs will be born.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who spiritually encourages you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With the love of My children, I can carry out the Work of God on Earth.
It is the love of My children that gives impulse to the holy angels to carry out their unconditional service to humanity.
The love of My children helps to reverse impossible causes, because that love is united with the Source.
The love of My children builds the great bridges of light between the abysses and, your Mother, walking upon them, can go and rescue the souls submerged in those realities.
The love of My children can elevate the planetary consciousness; thus, all that weighs in humanity is also elevated and transmuted.
With the love of My children, the immaterial universes can draw closer to humanity, and thus is establish a communion with them.
In the love of My children lies the potential of the New Christs; of those souls that in other times and in other universes, were prepared for this cycle and for accomplishing this mission.
In the love of My children, I can work and make of this race a redeemed race.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you in the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Most Blessed among all women was proclaimed the Servant of God! Mother of all creatures, Mother of all life, because She gestated, within Her womb, The One that represents all things.
Beloved children, the memory of the birth of Jesus must be renewed in each heart, in each consciousness, because, in truth, every year, when you are before this sacred day, you are faced with the opportunity of moving deeper into the greatest mystery of Creation: when God became life in His creatures, crossing the celestial dimensions and all universal existence, to reach that which is most dense, of all that was created.
You are faced with the opportunity of renewing this divine creation and to perceive that the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was not only a historical and universal fact, in reality, My children, it was a symbol sent by God so that, from that moment on, He could be alive in all humankind.
The Creator came to awaken in the human heart the perfect resemblance to His Most Sacred and Blessed Heart, because His perfection could not remain hidden in the hearts of His children while they were becoming lost and self-degenerating, due to them not knowing this, due to them not discovering this within themselves.
My Beloved Son is still alive, and, at each Christmas, He renews the mystery of the divine presence in the hearts of human beings.
God the Father, from the Center of Creation, observes humanity in silence and allows His Son to go through the homes, the streets, the abysses, the churches, the basements… wherever there is a human heart, there will He be, in omnipresence, waiting for one of His companions to remember, with sincerity, His birth, and to ardently aspire to see Him return.
The Creator, dear children, gives humankind infinite gifts and the possibilities of evolving and reaching perfection, but His children are distracted, and, in everything, they become involved with matter, forgetting to look toward Heaven.
On this day of Glory and rejoicing, few are those who truly thank God for having made Himself flesh among humankind; for having made of Himself a Son, when He is the Father of all life.
Where are the humble mangers so that Christ may be reborn? Did anyone remember to prepare it within their own spirits?
My Son awaits you, He waits so that you may understand that He will not arrive at the inns of Bethlehem, where comfort and ambition reign. He will want to withdraw from the world, to retreat into silence, in a simple and humble place, where unity with all Kingdoms of Nature lives.
Search for this space, beloved children, within yourselves. Ask the Star of Bethlehem to guide you and show you the path, because the Light is ready to return to the world. Within you and in the consciousness of the planet, the contractions of the purification for a universal birth have already begun, in which the old will give way to the new human being.
Cry out to Christ, that He may make you reborn, and cry out for His birth within each one of you. Aspire to let the old human being end its cycle within you so that the Gifts of the Spirit of God may awaken, those that will make you similar to Him.
Christ is reborn today in the hearts that say yes to Him, and He will be reborn every day in those who open the doors of their inner beings to Him, because, in Eternity, where time does not exist, every day is a day for a new Christ to be born.
I love you and I bless you, with My Son in My arms, so that through Him I may embrace all creatures.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, in which from Aurora, you live the renewal and the beginning of a new cycle, I would like to invite you to accompany this new path which many of you were encouraged to walk, the path of the awakening of consciousness and the act of living the Plan of God.
After so many years of instruction, in this meeting, here in Aurora, My maternal eyes, for the first time, observe the steps which some consciousnesses are being encouraged to take for the sake of this humanity and the evolution of this planet.
My eyes see the New Christs emerge from their inner beings, which will not be known, but will be contemplated by the Creation which has guided them since the beginning.
Today, I retreat from Aurora and from this house to rise to Heaven and announce to My Son that part of this inner project is now fulfilled.
I will continue praying, just as in all times, so that My children, determined to love the Plan of God, may have the inner strength of all the angels and archangels of Heaven.
In this time of inner definition and battle, may My beloved children count on the intercession of all the angels of the universe, who will come out of love to help you, whenever you need it.
Seeing the concretion and realization of this Work of Redemption within the hearts is an infinite joy; because from now on the Celestial Father observes from His Kingdom that His smallest and most imperfect creatures open their hearts to finally experience His Divine Purpose, His Holy Will.
Thus you will learn, dear children, to be that to which you so aspire, to be servers of My Son, to be faithful witnesses that it is possible to feel and experience the Love of God and of the whole universe.
The Grace of God has filled you in these days, as spiritual healings have occurred in the consciousnesses in need.
Today, a new spiritual brotherhood is formed among the spirits gathered by Christ for this important mission of being suns that illuminate the end of times, being stars that reveal to the world the message of peace and redemption.
Today, your Mother accompanies you from the sacred Heaven of Aurora and announces that the doors towards Peace remain open here so that, when you return to this House of God, you may re-encounter the essence that has saved you and has formed you as soldiers of the Plan.
Now, go with joy and take the same experience of love and brotherhood which you experienced here, from the first days of August. Transmit the essence of Love and Truth to the vast majority of My children who are asleep in this world.
Do not tire of being My arms and hands on this planet, so that I can work through your small hearts. Do not tire of being My feet, so that I continue sowing Light in this humanity in need.
Lastly, My beloved children, I leave you My gratitude for opening your consciousnesses to the transformation and transfiguration of your lives, because in this pace you can keep the flame of your hearts ignited so that you may be in the plenitude of God all the time.
I have filled your consciousnesses with new Graces, just as My Son has asked of Me. I have left within your essences a greater commitment, which will impel you to experience something divine in your lives.
I poured over Aurora the last part of the Purpose that God asked Me to deposit in this place, and now, all those who are present are participants of this living part of the Plan which little by little begins to materialize.
It will remain as a mission, in this spiritual work, the prompt manifestation of the Auditorium of Mercy which, for the reality of these times, will be the same as the one found here. This auditorium will remind everyone that it will be the house of the Sacred Family.
I hope to see the walls of it raised this year. The foundations of this simple auditorium will be founded by Me and I hope you will accompany Me.
From this Heaven of Aurora, I allow the light of your hearts to shine so that the Father can see that humanity is not lost.
I leave you all My Peace and My Love of a Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Beast of the End Times and the Woman of All Times
An imminent sign will precipitate over the world and it will clearly reveal to all that the end times have come.
This sign that will arrive in the world will open the last and great abyss, and the raging beast, which was imprisoned in its hells, will come to the surface. The world will not see a material beast because, with its cunning, it is already conquering many innocent hearts.
This sign, that will come to the world from the Universe, will reveal to all who pray how much the beast has reigned in the main consciousnesses of this planet. Its great ostentation is to lead hearts into constant sin, this is why the beast, which is still in its abyss, is strengthened by the desires that all humankind experiences in this material life.
But the beast does not desire souls that are more aware, but rather, with its cunning, it sows indifference and omission.
It does not give up seeking the bravest, its claws are on the great governments of the world, which, as a result, defeats the dignity of souls and their evolution.
When the beast emerges from its abyss, all capital sins will be greatly and decadently exacerbated. As many know, everything will be allowed, even debauchery and superstition.
The beast feeds upon the failure of its fellow beings, but it does not know that prayer makes souls invisible and disengages them from its claws. The beast develops its fury through conflicts, and all that live in conflict draw to themselves the fury of the beast itself.
On the other hand, the soul that prays builds and elevates itself, it knows how to sustain itself and the planet, and is freed from decay. But the beast already knows it must go in search of the children of the Sun.
Because of this, at this hour, the Woman Clothed of the Sun is running to the desert and signaling to Her beloved children that it is time to work intelligently.
The beast will not only try to keep any Christ from being born, but, with its false power, it will try to destroy everything that a consciousness of the Light has inwardly built. To be protected from these clashes of the beast, you must be attentive and vigilant about all the external stimuli that will cause you to lose true Christic codes.
From where it reigns, the beast manipulates the nations, and, at the same time, their governors. One who is truly not in God will not manage to escape these sharp claws, because the beast creates and recreates itself in the capital sins that, in truth, are the roots of evil and the damnation of millions of souls throughout the world.
Each time a consciousness opens the door of its being to these temptations, even if sporadically, the beast is satisfied by these energies, and this consciousness enters the kingdom of the beast consciously.
The beast that subjugates the world is generated time and again by humankind, and humankind itself receives all its punishment from the beast. But a hopeful Light descends from the universe and the Mother of God, the Woman of all times, battles with the beast in another way in order to dispel it more and more from the consciousness of the planet.
The beast knows that it has little time left, but in the time it has left, it will want to carry to its abyss the greatest number of fallen and non-fallen stars. Because of this, the children of the Blessed Woman must not sleep, because in the face of any sly movement of the beast, the battle could be lost.
May the intelligence of the soldiers be vigilant over their desires and expectations as the beast wallows like a pig within superficial and mediocre things.
To weaken the beast, which humanity itself has created and which is now uncontrollable, it will be necessary to love the Plan of God and live it as if it were the main thing in your lives because the beast does not know the inner love of creatures, it does not know the love that Christ teaches, that love that makes the beast weak and sickens it to the point of making it oftentimes immobile.
If this love were always sufficiently great and true, the beast would no longer have its reign in the Middle East.
May the school of the Love of Christ motivate consciousnesses to abandon illusion because while your consciousnesses are on two paths, you will be opening the door for the beast to enter. Be wise and, by your prayer, may the beast be deactivated.
The Woman of all times again points out and marks the path for you so that the majority of souls do not deviate from the path of Light.
But to defeat the beast, the Woman will have to physically and spiritually count on consecrated soldiers so that, at a universal level, this act of consecration will testify and confirm that the beast will be expelled from the planet.
Humanity itself must generate the conditions for everything to be reversed. While uncontrolled desire and capital sins continue to feed the beast, the planet will have no peace.
Therefore, with more awareness and intelligence than the beast itself, help me defeat it through love and unity, which humanity has not yet experienced.
Take refuge every day in the desert of the Holy Woman in order to be protected, because the beast does not know the emptiness of self, it does not even know what that is.
Because of this, without outer motivations, which are the things that attract the beast to the surface of this planet, work in this time to create evolutionary conditions that are the opposite of the conditions that you have always experienced in this humanity.
May My children at this hour perceive that we are now in another time, and that it is urgent to truly change your behavior, for, in this way, the mask of illusion and blindness will fall from many faces that are still asleep and not able to see the Light of Divine Mercy.
I would like to see My soldiers wide awake and not inert because the beast feeds on and also becomes stationed within convenience and minimal effort; it is repelled by sacrifice.
The beast fears the New Christs.
I thank you for accompanying in consciousness the end and awaited times!
Who guides you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more