Fix your gaze and your heart on God so that neither hatred, fear, insecurity nor lack of faith consumes you.
Fix your gaze and your heart on God so that you consolidate, within yourself, that which will sustain you on the planet as a seed of a new life, unchangeable in its love, even before the Divine Justice or the chaos attracted and generated by human beings.
Fix your gaze and your heart in God, so that being real and truthful to your union with the Father, you can guide, raise and sustain others who have not known how to keep themselves on the right path, when everything was given to them.
Fix your gaze and your heart on God and not so much on the chaos and ignorance of the world. You need to make of your heart a wise and pure heart in love and of your spirit a firm and full spirit in truth.
Therefore, child, see what happens in the world, pray and learn with the mistakes and errors of humanity, but, above all, fix your gaze and your heart in God, so that, thus, you are in peace and attract peace to Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children:
Know that through the fraternal union of this Work with international organisms that provide humanitarian services of health and equity, Fraternidade will be considered one of the most noteworthy hands in the service of healing pain through love.
That will come about, first of all, through the spiritual formation acquired in the last thirty years. Secondly, through the integration and the experience of the community life and the group life in its different phases of work. Thirdly, through the inner and intuitive capacity of spiritually understanding the reality of the planet and of its humanity, principles given by the Spiritual Hierarchy in these times.
These three characteristics, which through the years have formed the Fraternidade -International Humanitarian Federation, are the future standards that international organisms will need, in the end of these times, to establish new humanitarian and social foundations that may help in the rebalancing of humanity through love, service, and equality towards those most in need.
The mission of the Fraternidade is to represent, on the surface of the Earth, a cultural, social, environmental, and global model that helps humanity to become aware about the importance of reversing certain worldwide factors that lead to the self-destruction of the race itself.
Disinterested and true service will be the spirit of peace of the Fraternidade, and it will seek no benefits, but rather world collaborators who sincerely support the causes and the needs of the different human groups that experience wars, hunger, exile and homelessness generated by the different nations in conflict.
Through a universal alliance with international organisms, the Fraternidade will be able to acquire a way of discharging the social and philosophical values given by the Hierarchy, seeking to teach and to establish the archetype of a new humanity.
It will be the constant exercising of unconditional service on the part of each server that will build an opportunity for each people, culture and society of this planet, for finding a path of hope to reverse the global imbalance and inequality among the different races and nations.
In this way, the humanitarian and philosophical contributions of the Fraternidade, without reference to a religion or creed, will help international organisms to eradicate the spiritual and physical poverty at a planetary level, and thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy may convey healing and relief to the millions of souls of humanity that are in inner and outer danger.
For that reason, the consciousness of this Work of love for the redemption of humanity must be very open in order to be able to accept work of a planetary scope, which will shift each server from their habitual setting, and will be called on to be an operative branch in the Inner Plan of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Enter the precinct of your heart to understand that, in these times, the first law is love; love above all imperfections, defects, disagreements, prides and vanities.
The only tool that will be able to protect you from evil, child of Mine, is love; love to the neighbor, love to the Kingdoms of Nature, love to the Plan of God.
If you do not open your heart to learn loving things as they are – and thus, lead them to be transformed into what they truly must be –, you will submerge in the misunderstanding, in arrogance and in the permanent competition. You have before you two outstretched hands so that you choose a path to follow. There are no other options: one is the hand of God and the other, the hand of chaos.
Many have already chosen the hand of chaos and today they are found in the midst of a dark battle without rules; but you, child, have before you the conscious option of transcending the darkness of your interior through the triumph of love in your heart. That is why I call you to ask for forgiveness, to overcome your pride and to discover the grace of being humble and fulfill the designs of the Creator.
I ask you to reconcile yourself with the neighbor, in offer to the Middle East1, but also with your own heart, which in its immaturity and ignorance, has not learned how to love.
I ask you these things, Child of Mine, because you no longer have so much time to plant seeds in the flowerbed of your existence and of the human life as a whole. Soon the time will come in which you will only harvest what you have sown, and you will eat from the fruits of the trees that have grown in your garden.
When I tell you to ask for forgiveness and register what you have done, it is in order for you to deepen yourself into your exercise of humility and reveal to everyone your imperfections, so that thus, you give an example to humanity of how simple it is to take a step towards love.
Today I tell you, child, that I will not ask you only that. I will also ask you not to only make an act of forgiveness, if every day you live far away from fraternity. This act of forgiveness of yours must be permanent, constant and eternal, because the closer the Armageddon gets to the planet, the more you will have to forgive what happens in and outside of you.
That is why I need that you keep on forgiving, that you keep on giving examples of love and forgiveness to humanity, so that these examples may reach all those of your brothers and sisters who need an inspiration to take their steps. But do not only be an example recorded on a video in the social networks: be yourself, child of Mine, a daily, permanent example, who let yourself be humbled by yourself and ask for forgiveness each time that your heart is separated from the God that inhabits in your brothers and sisters.
Do not be afraid of doing what I ask you, because – when the time passes by, and you may no longer be able do it – it will not be enough to regret for not having done it.
I leave, in your heart, My blessing and My impulse so that you move forward.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1 Saint Joseph refers to the Campaign “Sowing Love in Humanity”.
While the world is in agony, I ask you to no longer live in an ordinary way. That in each instant you cry out to the Father so that His Mercy be greater than His Justice and that those who are blind in the world be able to awaken.
I ask that there no longer be any tiredness in your bodies that will stop you from fulfilling a request of prayer from the Divine Messengers. God is giving you everything, including His Son, so that the doors of redemption may be opened for humanity.
My dear ones, the terror, the fear, the hatred and the resentment among humankind continue to spread throughout the world like a great plague in hearts. Who of you are responding to My request of forgiving and being reconciled with your neighbor? Who is defeating resentment in their own heart to dispel that evil from humanity?
While you are distracted and so easily forget the requests of the Divine Messengers, the enemy does not rest and does not forget its goal of causing the possibility for loving to disappear from human hearts.
I ask that you be more attentive and do not allow any resentment to be greater than the love in your hearts. May the love poured out by God within you always be powerful and impel you to continue forward, struggling so that once and for all you may learn to love and to forgive.
When I asked you for the campaign to dispel the hate of human hearts, it was not just so that you could have a beautiful experience and that you symbolically could send your love to your brothers and sisters of the Middle East. I asked you this campaign because the Plans of God are at risk when love is being erased in the human consciousness.
Love is the essence of life on Earth; if there is no love, there is no reason for the existence of humanity.
What today is happening on the planet is spreading hate, anger and resentment very rapidly in all the creatures of the whole world. And the involutive impulse of the enemy are so strong that hate dissolves the possibility for loving from the hearts.
For this reason, today I not only ask you, but I beg you to forgive one another, that you be reconciled, that you be merciful, that you mutually serve each other, that you love each other! Love each other as humanity, as a creation of God, as a living part of His Sacred Heart.
Do not allow the enemy to have you believe that the terror he imprints in the world is greater than your possibility for loving, because true love banishes evil and causes it to disappear.
Trust in your potential for loving and transform it into a living celestial virtue within all of you.
I love you and, for this reason, I am here. I trust in humanity as a project of God. I trust in the love that dwells in your hearts and that is unknown to you. It is time to learn to love.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My beloved companions and seekers of the celestial truth, today My Chaste Heart only comes to ask you to carry on deepening yourselves in the path of prayer and surrender.
I ask you to not forget of the campaign to which I invited you some time ago, and remember the sacred mission that the missionaries of Mary must carry out as soon as it is possible.
Know that the adversary of God will do everything in order that the missionaries are not able to reach the destination set by the Lord; for this, from now on, as praying soldiers of God who live to fulfill His Plans, place in your prayers and in your hearts this sacred mission, in order that, thus, the paths may be opened and the obstacles imposed by the evil may be dissolved.
For the Sacred Hearts, this mission is of vital importance as well as the campaign to sow the Love in humanity, because – if you fulfill these two purposes – humanity will be sending a sign to Heaven that it ardently aims that Light descends to the world and that evil be dissipated.
Today I tell you that, for all the evil that humanity causes to the planet, to God and to their own fellow humans be dissipated, it is not enough to want; you must pray, act and make many efforts and sacrifices. You know that the greatest sacrifice of the human being is not the martyrdom of the body, but rather the living experience of humility. It is for this reason that I send you in order that you will ask for forgiveness and will live the reconciliation, because in this way you will overcome what humanity has always nourished, which is pride and vanity, in favor of the fulfillment of a Superior Plan.
All the conflicts of the world are based on the pride ingrained in the human heart; for this, in order to establish Peace, be humble of heart.
I love you because I know about the greatness of your hearts once you express the truth that is latent in your own interior.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If I ask you for a Campaign to sow love in humanity, do not worry about the tree that will grow or about the fruit that it may give or not.
My beloved ones, do not think of the results of your actions, because you must learn to sow as God sows in the vast Universe of His Creation. The Lord sends impulses by means of the different Divine Messengers and Instruments that take you to all that has been created. He only gives from Himself for the growth of His creatures.
You must act like God, never losing the hope that love grows and gives its fruit in the human consciousness, but not seeking the results according to what you understand must happen in response to your actions.
Instead of asking for forgiveness, you must give forgiveness and give it to all of humanity; you will give acts of forgiveness and love.
As much you feel you will not obtain any result, only understand that, if you are true and simple and do not seek anything for yourselves, the seed will remain in the human consciousness.
Many times, you are afraid of acting, because you want to act for yourselves. You cannot ask forgiveness for someone seeking a miracle or for a great action to publish on the internet. Remember that you must be pure of heart and that the only reason for the existence of this Campaign is to sow love in humanity and, thus, to dissipate hatred from the human heart. You must have this purpose clear. And never forget of the children of Middle East who await your actions and your prayers in order that they may generate merits for the salvation of these little souls.
Therefore, go without fear; forgive, reconcile yourself with your neighbor, serve and love, for the salvation of your brothers and sisters in the whole world.
I love you and lead you to the essence of a true service.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of all souls
Dear companions,
It is very important, for the manifestation of the Mission in Turkey and in Hungary and in order that such a Mission has the correct repercussion in the planetary consciousness, that all of you, servants of God, give your adherence to the Campaign1 of My Chaste Heart. Do not forget that this is a work that is being guided so that a Higher Plan may be fulfilled and, for this, we need true action from all.
In recent days, the planetary consciousness received a great impulse, thanks to the answer of all to the Call of God, but this impulse needs to keep growing and deepening within each one of you, manifesting in this way the transformation of your lives and, as a consequence, of all humanity.
You must trust in this: that each one of your acts are valued before the universe and that, with each one of your steps towards the light, we can change the destiny of humanity.
The Victory of God in a group of consciousnesses will dictate the course of evolution of all of Divine Creation. It is for this that, amongst so many worlds and such a vast manifested universe, the Consciousness of God is so close to your lives, with all of His Attributes.
The Creator intends to send increasing impulses to the planetary consciousness and to deliver all that which is most precious that exists in the Cosmos, in such a way as to lead you to express your potential as a Divine Creation.
In these definitive times, the Creator will deliver all to humanity in order so that you will also deliver all to God and so that you may be in accord with what He has thought for each one.
My beloved ones, I speak every day to those who, awake in the heart and in the spirit, will follow My Steps and, in the simplicity of My instructions, will find the greatness and the Perfection of God.
To know and understand what I tell you, it is necessary that you experiment by yourselves. It is for this reason that I ask you for this Campaign1, which is so simple, but so great in the eyes of God. If you truly follow it and offer your actions to God, they will have incalculable planetary repercussions.
I love you and guide you to a greater transformation.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1Campaign “Sowing Love in Humanity”,
requested in the message of the 23rd of September of 2015.
In order for hatred to not be established in the souls, it is necessary to live love.
Today My Chaste Heart shows you the sorrow that it feels for what is being sown in the interior of all of the children that, without comprehending, suffer the terror of the wars in the world.
Only the experience of a profound and true love is capable of balancing these actions of humanity. For this, today I ask you that, as an act of peace for humanity and, above all, for the children of the world, you dissolve the hatred in your hearts and love those who you know that keep some kind of rancor in their hearts.
Either as a service, going to a place that needs much love, or inside your families, defeat pride and fear, and perform an act of love as your hearts may indicate.
I ask you to be truthful and to not act based on emotions, but based on the profound feeling of the heart.
However much you feel that what you live is not connected to what happens in other regions of the world, you will see that, by performing a true act of love, you will erase from a part of the human consciousness, the hatred that exists and also this one that is being sown by the current wars in the world.
I invite you to a campaign that is going to be called “Sowing Love in Humanity”. The experiences of everyone may be registered as each one feels and they will be put together and taken to the children who emigrate from their countries in the Middle East and that today need to see that a part of humanity is doing something to balance the sorrow of their hearts.
It will be a simple act, but it will take the beginning of a cure to many hearts.
Spread this call as a great network of love and service in order to erase hatred from human beings.
I love you and I will accompany you in this mission.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more