While the world is in agony, I ask you to no longer live in an ordinary way. That in each instant you cry out to the Father so that His Mercy be greater than His Justice and that those who are blind in the world be able to awaken.
I ask that there no longer be any tiredness in your bodies that will stop you from fulfilling a request of prayer from the Divine Messengers. God is giving you everything, including His Son, so that the doors of redemption may be opened for humanity.
My dear ones, the terror, the fear, the hatred and the resentment among humankind continue to spread throughout the world like a great plague in hearts. Who of you are responding to My request of forgiving and being reconciled with your neighbor? Who is defeating resentment in their own heart to dispel that evil from humanity?
While you are distracted and so easily forget the requests of the Divine Messengers, the enemy does not rest and does not forget its goal of causing the possibility for loving to disappear from human hearts.
I ask that you be more attentive and do not allow any resentment to be greater than the love in your hearts. May the love poured out by God within you always be powerful and impel you to continue forward, struggling so that once and for all you may learn to love and to forgive.
When I asked you for the campaign to dispel the hate of human hearts, it was not just so that you could have a beautiful experience and that you symbolically could send your love to your brothers and sisters of the Middle East. I asked you this campaign because the Plans of God are at risk when love is being erased in the human consciousness.
Love is the essence of life on Earth; if there is no love, there is no reason for the existence of humanity.
What today is happening on the planet is spreading hate, anger and resentment very rapidly in all the creatures of the whole world. And the involutive impulse of the enemy are so strong that hate dissolves the possibility for loving from the hearts.
For this reason, today I not only ask you, but I beg you to forgive one another, that you be reconciled, that you be merciful, that you mutually serve each other, that you love each other! Love each other as humanity, as a creation of God, as a living part of His Sacred Heart.
Do not allow the enemy to have you believe that the terror he imprints in the world is greater than your possibility for loving, because true love banishes evil and causes it to disappear.
Trust in your potential for loving and transform it into a living celestial virtue within all of you.
I love you and, for this reason, I am here. I trust in humanity as a project of God. I trust in the love that dwells in your hearts and that is unknown to you. It is time to learn to love.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more