Most Sweet Mother of humanity

Here is the Mother of all peoples, of all nations, and of all cultures.

Here is the Mother of the simple and the Mother of the poor.

The Mother who listens to the prayers of the meek and who feels the heart of the peacemakers of Christ.

Here is the Mother who cures and the Mother who heals the deepest wounds of the heart.

Here is the tireless Mother who guides souls onto the good path.

Here is the Mother of the Church and the Mother of the Apostles, Mother of the Missionaries, Mother of the Servants of the Light.

Here is the Mother of Grace and of Mercy, the Mother who consoles, the Redeeming Mother.

Here is the Mother of Peace, the Mother of Hope, the Mother who envisages the Truth in those who seek It.

Here is the Mother of the Purity that purifies Her children in order to consecrate

them to the Heart of God.

Here is the Mother who releases from captivity those who are imprisoned in themselves.

Here is the Mother who builds in hearts and in souls the bridges towards God.

Here is the Mother of the humble and the Mother of those who are simple, Mother of those who love, Mother of those who surrender themselves and of those who consecrate themselves to God.

Here is the Mother of Goodness and the Mother of Justice, Mother who unconditionally intercedes for all of Her children.

Mother of the Carmel, Mother of all those who aspire to the path of the spirit.

Here is the Mother of the Light and the Mother of the helpless, Mother of those who are imprisoned, Mother of the suffering.

Here is the Mother of Wisdom and the Mother of Discernment, the Mother of the Law and Mediator Mother before the Celestial Father.

Here is the Mother of the Renounced, Mother of the Surrendered, Mother of all the Consecrated.

Here is the Mother of Redemption, Mother of Liberation, Mother of the Swords of the Light.

Here is the Mother of Defense and the Mother of Intercession.

Here is the Mother of the poorest, Mother of the forgotten in the world.

Here is the Mother of the True, Mother of the Honest, Mother of all those who open their hearts to God.

Here is the Mother of the Pilgrims, Mother of the Walkers, Mother of all those who are tireless.

Here is the Mother of Honesty, Mother of Transparency, Mother of the Original Essence.

Here is the Mother of the Sun, Mother of the Stars, Mother of Spring, Mother of Nature.

Here is the Mother of all the sublime Mirrors, Mother of Knowledge, Mother of the spiritual awakening.

Here is the Mother of all those who seek Christ, Mother of those who commune of the Eucharistic Body of Christ.

Here and now is the Lady of Peace, who comes to this meeting today to be with Her simplest children, to listen to the voice of their prayers, to bless them all in the name of love.

Here, children, is the Mother that always hears you, the Mother who comes to your aid to remove you from any suffering and pain.

Here is the always Virgin Mary, the One Who descends from Heaven to be rejoicing together with Her children, to give each soul what it needs.

Here is the Mother of the Holy Rosary, the One Who stretches out Her arms to you so that you may hold on tight and raise your consciousness to God.

Here is the Mother who eternally loves you, the Mother who awaits you every day in prayer.

Here is the Mother who shepherds you and guides you on the path of forgiveness and of reconciliation.

May this day be a celestial party, may the Portals of Light and of Healing open over this city and may no soul lose the Grace of liberating themselves from their self forever.

May we, all together, build over this town of Carmo da Cachoeira the arc of Peace and of the Mercy of God.

May the angels of the light descend to fill the hearts with all possible Graces.

May the alliance between souls and Christ be established.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Jesus Christ during the 49th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Jesus Christ:

Today I come to proclaim My advent, but also My thanks for the good, honest and sincere souls, that have congregated here to celebrate with their Lord the triumph of His Kingdom in humanity. This event is part of My celestial Victory on the planet.

Do not fear companions, neither here nor in any part of the world, because My rival is agitated, it is a sign that his defeat is near.

Today I also come for the souls that suffer and are not here, present like you are, participating in this intimate Communion with My merciful Heart.

Through your prayers in these two days, a great number of souls could be immersed in the Ocean of My Mercy. The most indelible and unforgiving sins were dissolved by the celestial Flame of My Grace.

Now see, My companions, My soldiers, My disciples, what is the real task for the end of these times. Do not search for greater results through this Work. This will happen if My Father wishes so.

I invite you to always live in love and in truth, because you will always know how to be free from the prisons of this planet and of all the worldly illusions.

Today your souls opened the eyes of the consciousness.

Today your hearts opened the doors to the infinite. And this is part of My Grace, of all that My Sacred Heart grants to the souls, after having experienced the sorrowful Passion, a long time ago.

Today you have made My Cross lighter. Therefore, I am here together with the angels of the universe, to celebrate with you this new Supper, today the Supper of joy. Hope is very necessary in these times. Your hearts can never lose hope, because your brothers and sisters will come to look for hope in you and in each example of love and charity.

So, I come to pour upon you My Gifts, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Flame of God, which builds the evolutionary consciousness, transcendence and ascension. 

Today I come to talk to you, through the Law of Ascension, that Law that the Universe applied to raise My Consciousness to the Universe, more than two thousand years ago. This Law allows you to experience the transcendence of all that is corrupt, only when you open your hearts, as you have opened them in these two days.

The Law is broken under its own weight, and the souls no longer have unpayable burdens to experience. The chains are liberated, the ties are untied and the Ray of Will-Power is manifested in all that is planetary life.

Although the waters of the world and the nations are muddy, know that I will not abandon you. I fulfill the promises that I make, as I have fulfilled them with My apostles, with all the Christians, throughout times and by means of all miracles.

Today I come from the Heaven of My Celestial Church. May the doors open for the angels of the universe to descend and so we will praise the All Mighty, the Creator, for making humanity worthy so many Graces.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let us listen to the song "Praise be to God, Glorious His Kingdom. Hallelujah, Hallelujah."

All together. Opening the doors to the Celestial Church.

And now, at the request of Christ, let us open the doors to the angelical and archangelical universe. Let us sing the melodic Kodoish, united to our Guardian Angels, following the exercise that Our Lord is doing.

Let us worship, together with the angels, our Creator.

Let us be accompanied by Christ before the Primordial Source.

Let us visualize, through our hearts, this luminous Presence of the Father that approaches humanity by means of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His Sacred Heart.

Let us see how our Master, within His Celestial Church, opens the door that will lead us to the encounter with the Creator.

Let us visualize through this portal of light that Christ opens to us, a great ocean of light, deep blue. Above it, we see a great sphere of golden light, more luminous than many suns and above it, we see our Eternal Father in His aspect of Wisdom and Discernment, of Goodness, of Love and of Mercy.

Let us see around our Father the different angelic winged consciousnesses that kneel before our Father and slightly bowing our heads, we will greet our Father, the Creator. Abba.

Jesus has taken us to Him so that we will hear Him, we will hear the Voice of our Father, just as the Voice of our Father has spoken to His beloved Son, many times.

In this recollection and adoration before the Primordial Source and before this Spiritual Universe, of which Christ invites us to fully commune, let us perform, at His request, an act of forgiveness and reconciliation.

And before the Primordial Source, let us deposit our feelings, our thoughts, our errors, our misunderstandings, our deviations, in order to serve the Father through Christ, from the Source of His Mercy.

Let us put our hands in a sign of reception, resting them on our legs. Let us relax our physical body for the Spiritual Energy of the Creator to enter our consciousness, through our head and towards the whole body, reaching the center of our heart.

At this moment, before the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the angels and the Archangels and our Heavenly Father, let us issue this act of pardon and of reconciliation, liberating our hearts from any bitterness, from any disturbance or any affliction that ties us, that limits us on our spiritual path.

In the silence of our heart and of our consciousness, let us put in the hands of Christ our miseries and let us receive from Christ what He will withdraw from the Source and hand us in a profound emptiness, without intention nor expectation, in a profound nothingness.

Let us surrender at the Feet of the Heavenly Father, let us see His kind and merciful Gaze, let us see how He holds out to us His Arms and His Hands as a Father who embraces His little child, and let us be in peace, in communion with the universal life.

Creator Father:

Listen, children, to the Voice of your Father. Humanity, listen to the Voice of your Creator Father.

Straighten your paths. Place your hearts in the Hands of your Lord because the innocence of the world is being lost and the darkness is advancing, distancing all My creatures from the Source of My Love.

Receive from My Celestial Kingdom the healing for your consciousnesses, the Light for your renewal, the Love for your ascension, the redemption for your liberation.

Enter My celestial Church and say to all your brothers and sisters that the time has come of the return of the Father, to give witness of what you have learned on this planet.

Today a synthesis is taking place in your lives and a new spiritual cycle starts in your small consciousnesses.

Children of this Creation, let your loving Father deposit His Gifts in your hearts and, finally, in the name of Love be others, on this planet that suffers so much, that agonizes so much and that suffers persecution of this race and the destruction of all that I have created in image and likeness of My Consciousness. 

Feel the pain of Mother Earth and the request of Her Mercy. Feel the pain of the Kingdoms and Their request for redemption. Feel nature, that asks for peace. Feel the consciousness of this planet, the Great Crystal at the center of Earth that, in silence, asks for piety.

You are part of this world and of this Creator Universe. You are part of a Life that does not belong to you. You are part of an origin, a beginning and  an end, thought of by My fatherly Heart.

In this profound emptiness, that I invite you to experience today, in the Arms of your Eternal Father and in a profound surrender, of love and unity, I ask you, children, to help My universal Plan, all My angels, all the Archangels, My beloved Son and My blessed Mother.

Receive from the Source, the most Holy Trinity and commune, in My Celestial Church, with these Principles. May your cells awaken to the newness, may your feelings be raised and may your fears be dissolved; the time of the Great Judgement of Love has arrived, where I will come to ask you, children, all that I have given you, from My immaterial universe.

Before My Source, and before the Universe of My Love, find in it the Divine Purity. Believe that it is possible to recover it, because if I Am your Father  in Heaven, nothing will ever be impossible for His children, when it is My Divine Will.

Today receive in your inner worlds, a small spark from the Source of Original Purity and make it grow within you, as a flower grows to praise to the Creation.

Now put your hand on your chest and see how a flower of light opens itself in your inner worlds, and the reconciliation is established between the spiritual universe and the material universe.

There is no evil that opposes this, because if My Will, children, is that I am in you, it is also My Will that you be in Me, as My Son is in Me and I am in Him, in perfect unity.

With this exercise of the purest Love of your Creator, I dispel some darkness on Earth and I bring Grace, on this afternoon, of the awakening of new consciousnesses.

Children, be My Columns, so that I may erect My Temple over you and keep within it all those who suffer.

I leave you with My Son, because in My Son is Life, as part of My divine Emanation and of My sublime Consciousness in all the universes of Creation.

Today, in this place, a cosmic Law is fulfilled and Grace manifests itself to a great number of consciousnesses. This is a work of the Love that I feel for My children, but more so those who distanced themselves from Me and are lost.

Be the mirror of God in the world and My Light will be able to refract itself in humanity. Believe that it is possible, because in this way you will not recognize yourselves.

Jesus Christ:

If My Father had not sent me to the world, I would never have learned to love, because through My enemies is the experience of love and the expression of My Divine Mercy. 

Today I have brought you here, to the Source and before My Celestial Father, for you to listen, to experience and to feel Him, just as I feel Him every second of life and in each breath.

May the world turn its eyes to the universe, for it to recover its affiliation with God. May the world not offend God anymore, because the Father feels very offended by so much indifference, so much evil, so much cruelty.

Be the bearers of the Mercy of God and you will reach the Kingdom of Heaven, as you have experienced today the Kingdom of Heaven for a moment.

God has pronounced Himself, after His Silence. Blessed are those who opened their ears without being able to see, because they will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

I would like the world to experience the sublime universes, but I know that My enemy has put himself in charge of distancing humanity from its true consciousness.

Today, after you have learned to connect yourselves to God, imitate My example and do it for your brothers and sisters, for all those who are asleep.

I come to close this meeting through this union with the Creator. I come to officiate these Sacraments as one more gift for the souls. I ask you not to lose these inner treasures. May nothing or anyone takes them away, because they belong to the Creator for the experience of the souls.

Now, My angels will transubstantiate the elements and substances, for them to serve as healing, joy and bliss to the simple souls. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us stand up, at the request of Our Lord, for the consecration of the elements.

Jesus Christ:

Now, receive from My Heat the blessing of Love, the eternal gratitude for this meeting. And as this is part of the rejoicing of God and of the work of His Grace, today I want the nations of the world, beyond Brazil and the Southern Cone, to receive from their hearts the Ray of Hope, the one that opens the doors for the healing of humanity.

I rise to Heaven, listening to "Hope Color." May your voices sing for the world, for the hearts to heal from their spiritual pain.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, God, for all You give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord.


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

First day of the Novena:

“For the opportunity of loving one another more as souls in service to God.”


Dear children, love is everything for these times, because without love the work is hollow and cannot be accomplished.

Love is the fundamental matrix for life on the surface.

It is love, above all, that allows creatures to love one another, leaving behind what is superficial and apparent.

Love is a great healing and redeeming key because unconditional love unties the knots and bindings of consciousnesses.

Love revitalizes and grows within those who truly embrace it without prejudices.

It is love that impels souls to experience service and, afterwards, a surrender to God without conditions.

Love supersedes anger.

Love replaces pride.

Love is placed above all arrogance.

Love unifies and spiritually multiplies the flow of Grace.

Love nourishes the spirit and sensitizes the consciousness to all that is similar.

Love builds a spirit of service for the planet and its humanity.

It is love that, in these times, provides the opportunity for souls to love one another as God loves all His creatures.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Free your heart from all the tiredness and surrender with confidence into My arms, so that your tireless spirit may rest in Me.

Leave behind all bitterness and detach from within you all that is not love, because by my beloved Son having suffered all the martyrdoms, the Lord has shown you the unconditional path to find fortitude.

I come to ask you to surrender to Me and allow My Heart to work through you, for I still have to calm the despair of the world.

Submerge yourself promptly in the ocean of My Grace and you will be able to be near My Son, feeling His unfathomable Heart and fully living His Divine Consciousness.

Surrender into My arms, and you will know what to do, with wisdom and discernment.

Withdraw from fear, and day by day draw closer to the Love that is born in the Primordial Source.

The triumph of My Son is in the redemption of your life and in the conquest of your heart, so that He may dwell within you.

Cultivate a spirit of meekness and, in this way, you will receive from Above the keys of Heaven, just as Peter received them when he trustingly surrendered his life into the Hands of the Lord. And you will not only be a part of the Fisher of people, but also a part of a fraternal community formed by the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Go forward! And leave discouragement behind, do it for Me. Hope is possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When your prayer is true, My Immaculate Heart will guide you and I will be able to accompany you, carrying My Message to the ends of Earth.

My Heart is ennobled when souls truly pray, it is a bliss unknown to the world, it is a joy that allows opening the doors towards the Mercy of God, and thus, souls do not hold any sin and purify themselves through the power of prayer. 

In this way, the Celestial Kingdom approaches, and all is renewed to the point of touching the depth of the consciousness in each particle, in each essence.

The Lord transforms and vivifies His children in His Kingdom, when souls truly pray, the hearts are alleviated, calm comes and peace is established by the simples act of praying with the humility of the heart.

Therefore, each time a child of Mine reaches this state of prayer, I can pour out My Graces and they will no longer be kept in the Heavens, they will be within all hearts that pray with full sincerity and truth to My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and protects you in this new stage,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace

Monthly Messages

Here is the Sacred Ark of God, which holds the greatest treasures of the Universe.

It will return with Me to the Earth to institute the new Plan of God at the moment of the emergence of a new humanity.

I will return more brilliant than a sun and more luminous than hundreds of stars.

My Spirit will be as fleeting as the wind and similar to the force of the oceans and of all the seas.

A Portal of the Universe will open on the Earth, and the one hundred and forty-four thousand will feel it because they will hear My Voice in their hearts and they will know that the hour is approaching.

It will be the moment in which God will have declared His Justice over the world, and the unbelievers, the unjust will know it.

This is why I come to offer this Sacred Ark as a last salvation for humanity.

Within it I have placed My Sacred Heart full of thorns so that it may be venerated, adored, and restored by humanity.

The angels will participate in this event of the Coming of the Son of Man, and there will be no consciousness that will remain unaware, because God is already putting an end to human injustices, to all that is sin, and to all that is lost.

As I did more than two thousand years ago in the Holy Land, I come to offer My Heart as a symbol of universal atonement so that souls may find a safe refuge and know how to act in the coming times, without losing the possibility of being guided.

With all of this, I come to reveal to you the mysteries of My Sacred Heart, which are not truly contemplated nor sought by all in these times.

I have chosen this place to do it, because one of Mine has come here; they have come in My Name to leave something that humanity has not understood and has changed that opportunity into a perdition for many souls.

But My Mercy is infinite, greater than all the oceans and all of the Universe.

My Fount of Grace will never stop flowing, but I must be obedient to My Father, just as you must be obedient to the Law and to Justice.

My Grace will not end, but I must have it cease at some point. Because of this, in these times, I come to strengthen you to try to make your lives new instruments that can respond to the need of My Plan and of My urgent return to the world.

While the world is unjust to all that I have given it through My Sacrifice and the Cross, through a profaning of the Word, of the Divine Verb, and of the Eucharist, it will still suffer more than it expects.

This is why I come with so few to change the events and make of your incarnations a moment of renewal and of hope for the world.

I would like you pray to Me every day as you have prayed today.

I would like you to walk towards the Portal of Peace every day as you have walked today, in simplicity, in love, and in attunement.

This has allowed Me to come here to gather up the purgatories that exist in all of Europe.

When your feet walk with determination and firmness toward My Portal of Peace, I can do many things through you; and all those that I can do are very unknown to humanity.

Today you have allowed My Father to grant the bringing of the Ark of the Sacred Covenant here, under the deep veneration of My Sacred Heart, which is within it as essence and energy.

I want your eyes to observe the horizon of My Heart, the Universe of My Love, and the Divinity of My Consciousness, and that you are able to believe that beyond all this there is something greater and more real, which the world still does not know.

Today I was able to leave in your hearts the Dwellings of My Father, those dwellings of which I have spoken in the Gospels, in the New Testament.

I want you to pray not only for yourselves, but also for the unfaithful and selfish world; for those who use My Name and the Name of My Mother to promote themselves and have many consciousnesses believe that all of it is true.

You do not know how much My Heart feels when you distort things, as purpose and as celestial design.

I have nothing else to give you but My Heart and My Life, My Soul and My Divinity.

I aspire to be in Mine much more than what I Am.

I aspire to be able to convert what I am not yet allowed.

I aspire to be able to liberate what is still resistant within you, out of fear or shame.

My Eyes of Mercy do not come to see what is not right, but rather they come to see what My Father has created in the depths of your consciousnesses, from the Beginning.

It is for the essence of the souls of the world that I pray every day, at the foot of a luminous cross similar to this one, which is beside My altar.

On this Cross I gave everything for all, and much more than what humanity knows through stories or tales, through experiences or visions.

God will never completely reveal His Mystery, because He knows that humanity is weak in the flesh and in temptation.

But yes, He can give all His treasures and what exists beyond this Universe to those who have faith in Him, to those who believe His Word, to those who live in His Will and respect it, to those who fully trust in His Merciful Love.

The world is very sick in body, in mind, and in spirit.

Who will assist this wounded world full of injuries?

A world that suffers as a consciousness, through humanity and the Kingdoms that My Father has created for its benefit, for the benefit of His creatures.

I am like a tree, waiting for you to contemplate Me.

I am like the birds, waiting to be praised.

I am like the sea, so that you seek Me in the silence.

I am in the wind, so that you may recognize the caress of My Love in all that has been created.

My Love, which is the Love of My Father, is in everything, awaiting reparation and healing.

May the brave feel encouraged to follow Me.

May the persevering not become weary of following in My footsteps. 

May the imperfect not become frightened.

May the sick believe in the Power of My Healing, and may the peacemakers not cease to bring peace, no matter what happens.

Because in truth I tell you, happy will be those who do greater things than the ones I did, because in Heaven they will be crowned for living and seeking My Humility; because in the Universe they will be recognized as My servants of the end of times, and as the saints of the last days.

Offer your little sufferings for those who suffer the most.

The planet as a whole, as consciousness, is the greatest pain for this Universe.

I will return in Glory to correct this human project and this great idea, divine and immaculate, that My Father emanated from His Heart into Infinity.

When you see that evil makes everything tremble and that the greatest difficulties of the Work present themselves, know that My enemy is uneasy, because I am taking firm steps on the path to My Return.

May the torches of the New Christs come alight. 

May the banners of rehabilitation be raised. 

May the flags of peace be seen at the top of the hills, because the end is coming, although many do not believe. 

Take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. 

Pray, worship, and wait in silence, because a significant sign will come to pass, and you must not be distracted and unable to see it.

This sign will indicate the end of the very end and the arrival of the Omega to humanity. 

The Sacred Books will finish being written because the Woman Clothed with the Sun will open the new coffer, where the most precious pearls of redemption will be presented before the Thrones of Our Lord. 

The Archangel Gabriel will announce to His angels the moment of My arrival, and the last trumpet in the Celestial Universe will be heard. Woe to those that do not do penance!

Justice will be very great for what humanity has done, but My Mercy will save the one who truly surrenders for themselves and for their brothers and sisters. 

Search no longer for the chaff in someone else’s eye. Judge no longer, criticize no longer. 

Be merciful as I Am, until the end of the cross, until you are pierced by the spear of the Love of Our Father.

Even at that time, do not give up, because even though I am apparently not present, My Divine Spirit will always be in the one who believes and experiences My Trust. 

May this Ark be the symbol of the newly redeemed that peacefully venerate My Sacred Heart, and do it for a lost and indifferent race. 

Happy will be those who do so, because they will never lack faith. 

The Kingdom of God draws near to pour out His Justice, and I will do everything possible and a little more for the fallen. So be it. 

I will pray in these days along with you so that these roses that you have brought to My Altar may be blessed, and on the third day of this meeting you take them as a gift of light from My Sacred Heart, and as part of the donation of the Kingdoms of Nature to humanity, an unconditional donation. 

In this Marathon let us pray for those that do not live My Commandments, for those who violate the Laws of the Universe every day, for those who are religious and spiritual and are not true, so that the Holy Spirit open their eyes and break the locks of their hearts; so that the Grace of My Merciful Heart descends and souls be rescued from their abysses. Amen.

While I rise up to the Universe with all the pleas received, in this hour I need you to ease My Heart of all that It sees, day to day, in this world.

And I am here for those who listen to Me, for those who live Me, for those who search for Me, for those who believe in their Divine Lord. 

I need you to restore My Heart today with a song, so deep for Me. 

I am here with you, and through this song you will say: Lord, You are here always. 

I bless you with the saving power of the Cross, with the luminous sign of redemption and of peace, so that impure spirits may be liberated, and so that souls may find peace, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Feast of Saint John the Baptist

Dear children,

May humanity renew on this day its spiritual baptism, and not its habits.

On the Feast of Saint John, may souls remember the message of this holy man, cousin of Jesus.

May all return to the Kingdom of God, which is much forgotten.

May the majority of souls unite again with God and not with all that is lived and fostered on the surface of this world.

On this festive day of Saint John, may the consciousnesses of this planet celebrate the Sacrament that Saint John brought to the world: the possibility of being renewed by the Father, by the Son, and by the Holy Spirit.

On this day may you not only remember your baptism, bestowed by the priest through water, but also remember the spiritual blessing bestowed by the Holy Spirit.

In truth, the purpose of the feast of Saint John, as of the other saints, was distorted by My adversary; he was able to draw the attention of all souls toward something external, mediocre, and superficial.

Instead, on this day, Saint John brings the message that, at each new year, souls may be renewed in faith, remembering the Sacrament of their baptism and confirming themselves before God and before His Divine Will.

Baptism is the blessing that the soul receives directly from the Source of Grace and of Mercy that allows it to be liberated from stains and all sins.

The purpose of the Feast of Saint John was that souls that communed on this day could renew their baptism through an act of faith and of union with Christ.

Nowadays, this intention is far from the attention of souls, and many of them, instead of renewing themselves, condemn themselves to Purgatory without even realizing it.

Thus, your Mother, the Queen of Peace, on a 24th of June in 1981, descended to Medjugorje at the Feast of Saint John, to try to reverse this human custom that, up to today and after 35 years of Apparitions, continues to carry many souls to the precipice.

The choice is in the hands of each soul.

Your Mother, the Queen of Peace, came to Medjugorje to unite again a people that had been destroyed and separated by war.

My Son asked that on the Feast of His cousin Saint John, His Heavenly Mother appear to remind the world of the time that it still has for returning to the Heart of God and cease offending Him.

After 35 years in Medjugorje and almost 10 years being present in South America, the Mother of God comes to warn Her children that it is urgent to convert and to surrender as soon as possible to the Love of God, in order to not lose inner peace when the world is violently purified.

Thus, today the Queen of Peace descends to confirm one more year of Her maternal and loving Presence among Her children who love Her and that invoke Her.

The Celestial Father hopes that, as soon as possible, all may look within themselves to perceive how urgent it is that there be a change in humanity, before the definite door to Holy and Divine Justice opens.

Today, on the Feast of Saint John, your Celestial Mother comes to awaken many hearts from the earthly dream and from a hypnotism, who are far from the Kingdom of God and walk towards suffering.

Through the work of Grace, the Queen of Peace invites all Her children to renew today their baptism and that they also do it for those that no longer remember this spiritual blessing.

On this day of prayer for peace in the nations, let us remember the coming of Mary, Queen of Peace, to Medjugorje, so that the human consciousness may be elevated and purified.

Your Heavenly Mother returns to Barcelona, because there exists here an open path to begin to live this change that Gods so expects to see manifested in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you, renewing the Sacrament of Baptism,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May today My Words be received by humble hearts, so that they may sow within themselves the Gifts of God, and awaken them to live the great planetary service.

May today My Words find only dwelling and rest, so that they may bring clarity and understanding to souls in need of much guidance.

May today My Words be received and considered, so that they may generate in the consciousness the condition to be able to live redemption.

May today My Words be contemplated by those who need them most to live their inner change and to attract to the planet the Grace of opportunity.

May today My Words be heard with love, for this will transform consciousnesses and will make them strong at the moment of experiencing the new cycles.

May today My Words be considered by the world, for in them lies the instruction and the way out for the great inner changes.

May My Words be kept as a light for the moments of solitude, of surrender and of renunciation..

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to reignite your commitment to the Celestial Father.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to reignite the attributes that will be part of the New Humanity.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to substitute the old codes for new codes.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to exchange the faults for extraordinary Graces.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to withdraw those who wait for liberation from the abysses.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to establish a time of more inner peace.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to pour out the Gifts of God over the world.

With My illuminated Crown of twelve Stars, I come to finally gather together the twelve tribes of Israel.

With My Crown of twelve Stars, I ignite the Sublime Mirrors so that the race may be transmuted.

With My Crown of twelve Stars, I offer the Father the prayers of My children, and in this way, He grants Me a spiritual expiation for those who do not deserve it.

With My Crown of twelve Stars, I bring the Mercy of God to the world.

I thank you for responding to My call with perseverance!

Who loves you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Avila, Castilla y León, Spain to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

With the Eucharistic Body of My Son, exposed upon My Immaculate Heart, today your Heavenly Mother celebrates the Feast of the Sacred Body of Christ with you and with all those who pray throughout the world, in which Heaven offers an indulgence to all those who commune of this most precious Body of the Lord.

It is in this way that the Communion with Christ must be considered special and renowned since My beloved Son, from the Heavens, will be granting those who commune with devotion, the Grace of dissolving any fault, debt or action committed against His Sacred and unfathomable Heart.

That Grace will gain greater strength and amplify within if souls adore this Sacred Eucharistic Body for a few minutes. Just by simply looking upon the value of the Sacred Body of Christ, souls will balance their errors and become free of them all, which had led them into being separate from the path of love.

This act, which can be offered by each soul, will attract an inexhaustible flow of Grace to humanity and for all causes that generate war, death and the persecution of Christians and non-Christians.

The Grace will be for all if the majority contemplates the Sacred Body of Christ, present in the Eucharist.

I thank you for adoring My Son with your heart, for this allows His Mercy to expand throughout the world.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Avila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May in these days, you be able to drink, as from a fountain, the spirituality and the religiosity of Saint Theresa of Jesus.

May your souls be able to experience inner transverberation, and in this way, be able to feel the conversion of the heart.

The Holy Spirit will offer the Grace of liberation from a terrestrial and human aspect. For this reason, unite to Saint Theresa of Jesus, ask for Her intercession so that this liberation may proceed.

Today, I offer to all those consecrated, with My rosary of Light,  the devotional to Saint Theresa of Jesus, so that it may be prayed by hearts, seekers of inner transverberation.

This devotional, which you already know, will bring you closer to the essence of the spirituality of Saint Theresa of Jesus. In this way, your consciousnesses will be helped by the humble intercession of the Servant Theresa of Jesus.

Let the paths of Theresa of Jesus be your paths and let your lives someday achieve the spirit of simplicity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The second part of the New Prophecy

And you will see that those who say they have the power of religion in their hands will lose control of everything overnight.

Their spiritual blindness and ambition will be as great as also well known.

You will then see the sign of the end time reveal itself, a sign that will indicate the last culminating phase of the fall of the false temple.

Wailing will be heard, so similar to the wailing wall.

The ambitious will no longer have their own refuge, because the Great Spirit will have moved and will only be with the simplest. 

This will be the hour of the great test of the patriarchy because neither leaders nor nations will be able to stop it, for the Divine Will that will move with the strength of the Holy Justice will show everything.

There, not one stone will be left upon another, the false power will fight with its own ambition and the great crisis of religions will take place.

Because, as it was said, the keys will be taken away and, those,  will not be able to open the doors to enter the House of the Father.

Those who have hidden the truth and were not transparent or crystal clear as water, will soon get dirty. Their social life clothing will be torn because the wolves’skin, that was hidden under good sheep’s clothing before, will come out. 

At this hour, everyone, as a believing humanity, will have the opportunity to unite with or to separate further from the Hand of God.

Like in the blowing of a very strong wind, the structures of the temple will fall, just as the temple of the pharisees fell at the moment of the death of the Only-begotten Son at the Cross.

And more revelations will come.

The boat of the old temple will be shaken by the rage of the great seas.

A storm will fall upon the boat at the time when it will be expurgating all its evils.

There, faith will be in proof and the poor hearts of thousands of sinners will have to confirm themselves before the Law.

They will have the Grace of remaining above all, or they will have the disgrace of remaining submerged in the terrible purifying turmoil.

But in this hour of great uprisings, the Lord will send His angels to succor the one who, with a poor name, will have the foundations of the old temple shaken.

This is why you must pray for this shepherd, seen as the great opponent of all times and as the interference of all nations that live materially, without God.

Thus, Justice will come as a strong blow of light, which the divine hammer will give at the hour of the final sentence.

The Beloved Son, Who knows all things, will, one by one, the words of His Holy Wisdom into the ears of the humble shepherd and will give him more courage and strength through the anonymous ones that pray, who, like in the past, helped the Holy Mother give a worthy burial to Christ.

The Great Shepherd and his flocks, which are not from that temple, will be wrapped up as in cloths of protection, so that nothing similar or invisible may touch them.

They will be much protected, just as Christ kept His Wounds protected by the linens of the Holy Schroud.

There will be no mind or intellect that remains clear and discerning in this hour of tearing down the old temple and of purifying the old boat.

The soul that does not soon go to the heart, will be disturbed all the time.

Therefore, run quickly, and enter the dwelling of the heart before it is too late.

Because the adversary, with its dirty intelligence, will confuse all those who seek for or aspire to mental answers.

Move forward before the time and invoke the Grace of being able to feel the dwelling place of the heart.

There the enemy does not know the Kingdom, nor will it know how to cross the desert, where the Woman of the Light will protect Her children.

Before the temple is shaken, run to the temple of the heart, where God has His true Church, His Existence and His Eternal Presence.

Everything will begin again in the New Church from the heart, and from there everything will be done as was thought and meditated since the Beginning by God, the Creator.

And, even though the wolves show themselves furious and tear off the false sheep’s clothing with their hands, do not be frightened, this will be the sign that, in truth, the change is coming.

The hour to come indicates the arrival of the renewal and the true children of Eve will finally lose the bondage with the Original Sin; they will be free from all the errors of the past.

Thus, the new temple, free from the ambitious and boasters, will be worthy of receiving, at its High Altar, the One, Who has always reigned, the very Christ Himself, your Lord.

Make simple penance for those who do not convert and for all those who only crave for power, and more power.

Live and practice the commandments, because God will send Moses again, in his new aspect, to tell the world how much it has moved away from the Law and has not complied with it.

Live the Laws, on behalf of those who will not live them and for those who proclaim them at the altars and do not comply with them.

May your center be the Divine Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, there you will be safe from those who do not speak the truth.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Assisi to San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The power of faith is capable of conceiving in hearts high degrees of devotion and of trust in the Creator, because faith conceives a state of unity with the Supreme Source of Creation.

Faith is capable of drawing to itself a state of Grace that allows converting and redeeming all things. In this sense, faith goes hand in hand with the energy of Grace, because the two principles represent the possibility for the human being to achieve union with their inner universe every day.

Faith also is the bearer of the essence of love, because the spiritual foundation of faith is to be found in love and unity. In this way, faith, as an energy, permits the correction of corrupt states of consciousness and places the soul on the path of peacemaking, the good and the positive.

Faith allows the generation of a condition of upliftment of the consciousness and balances the lack of trust in Divine Will.

Faith is everything for planetary life, since faith, as an attribute, lifts up the human consciousness again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Assisi, Perugia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

The path of the prayer of the heart will always lead you to experience a great change in consciousness and a great change within your life. Prayer will allow you to feel your true existence, and, in this way, you will find the meaning for being here in this definitive time.

Everything that the prayer of the heart can do in the life of a sincerely devout soul is indescribable. It is thus that, in these times, the prayer of the heart can open the doors to the universe of Grace, Mercy and Healing for the hearts of the world.

Prayer is capable of avoiding planetary catastrophe and can lead souls that are in danger and need to enter the path of protection.

Thus, prayer is a great mystery to be unveiled as within its essence lies the path for simply living new things.

Prayer represents a dialogue that souls must have with God at the moment of entering into communion with His Divine Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always on this path of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

God has Mercy on those who persist on His Divine Path and those who aspire every day to be better in love, unconditionality and kindness.

God has Mercy and Compassion for those who follow Him in spite of tripping, of being wounded by themselves and of falling from the path.

God has immense Mercy on those who repent from their heart and those who give Him their life so He may accomplish His Will.

God has Mercy on those who try every day to practice, one by one, the Words with which He instructs, by inspiring the Sacred Hearts to pronounce them.

God has Mercy on those who recognize themselves as unworthy, imperfect and full of error.

God has Mercy on those who work every day to be humble and honest with themselves and with their brothers and sisters on the path.

God has great Mercy on those who consecrate themselves and those who have left a life of consecration, for His deep and ardent desire is that humanity respond to His Son, the Christ.

God has Mercy on those who fear feeling separated from Him, on some plane of consciousness or far from His Love.

God has Mercy on those who surrender to the end and those who want nothing more for themselves, but rather only live in His eternal Grace, in His divine Faith and in His powerful Love.

God has so much Mercy to give that the majority of His children forget to go and find the Water of Life from the non-material Fount of His Creation.

God waits every day for you to simply look up to Heaven and say: "Father, here am I, may Your eternal Will be done rather than mine. Make me in likeness to Your Son, free me from ties, from the faults that imprison me, so that only Your Peace and Your Truth abound."

Simply with just these words, the Kingdom of God will be descending to the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and always consecrates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


All that you receive in this time has an incalculable value for the life of souls. For this reason, it will be necessary to appreciate it, so that all which is received has a profound effect on the inner consciousness of humanity.

Thus, My children, each Grace received represents an opportunity for loving the Plan of God more and of understanding It within the self a little more each day.

Everything received from the Universe of God can have a broader effect in the consciousness, from the moment in which the consciousness accepts it with maturity, discernment and love.

Each Grace received is infinite, is capable of working beyond the consciousness, and of being able to embrace more regions of the planet, which also have need of this Grace and this spiritual help.

In that sense, everything received is part of a purpose designed and thought of by God, in order to spiritually benefit souls; so that each day, you take more steps toward the spiritual consecration of your consciousnesses and lives to the Plan of the Creator.

Everything received attempts to transform the destiny of the lives of souls, in order that hearts may find the most direct path toward the Kingdom of God.

The Lord grants all Graces, even though humanity does not deserve them, because the purpose is that the whole race may live the love and true joy of being in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

When I come to ask you to pray for the oceans and seas, I also ask that you pray for the continents and nations; in this way, all of Creation will be spiritually included in this proposal for redemption and Grace for this planet.

It will be in this way that all the Kingdoms, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom, will be assisted by the powerful stream of prayer and of peace.

I would like all My praying children to be able to penetrate this mystery of the universe of prayer, because each time you activate the prayerful verb, you are allowing the Divine Source to descend and draw closer to the whole human race.

With the prayer for the oceans and for the Kingdoms of Nature, your Heavenly Mother can intercede in a broader way, and although humanity continues to commit offenses against Creation, My Grace today grants you an opportunity for more souls to awaken and feel within themselves the need for a change toward the good and peace.

While the planet and your race are spiritually congested, your Heavenly Mother comes with aid and with love to rescue you, and in this way, establish a state of greater fraternity, wisdom and love in the human race, even though the majority of My children have lost everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and prays for you every day,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The breath of the Divine Spirit

Dear children,

May on this day the breath of the Spirit be in all of you in order that, in these times, the Gifts and the Graces that humanity have lost can return to the world.

With this I ardently wish that, on this day, My children recover what they lost by the action of the material and superficial life.

Today, your Heavenly Mother offers to everyone the breath of the Spirit of God so that, in this time, the planetary consciousness and the human race be restored and thus, regain the codes of the divine essence.

Your Majesty and Lady comes to Europe for the souls that live arrested under the condition of the material life; souls that not even draw near to the unconditionality of the spirit.

Activating the great Mirror of Her humble Heart, Your Heavenly Mother irradiates, for this part of humanity, the codes of light and of redemption that will make, in these times, that the race reintegrate to its consciousness what, some day, will make it dignified and worthy of the Kingdom of God.

At this time, humanity of surface must have consciousness of the need of changing its lifestyle, seeking the common and fraternal good among their fellow human beings and among nations.

In this way, not only Portugal but also all Europe will come out of this regional indifference and can achieve, through faith and Grace, a state of greater purity and of solidarity with the neighbor.

If Europe, or at least a part of the its nations, could live what I ask them, with all the supplication of My Heart, the Father will grant, by the intercession of His Lady, the profound Grace of a greater awakening and more time of peace, so needed for the inner worlds, which still are not prepared to experience their own purification.

I have come on this day to bring to Europe the breath of the Spirit of God, so that the consciousness of the Europeans enter, definitely, into a degree of greater charity, service and unconditionality for all the planetary need.

This will prepare the conditions so that the Messengers of God get to Africa next time and so that, through love and Grace, the wounds that Europe had left in the continent and in the African people may be mercifully healed by the balsam of healing that the Angels of the Father could pour out upon My children of Africa.

I hope, always hope, that every prayerful heart and every servant soul accompanies their Heavenly Mother in this sacred mission.

From this moment, and before time, I thank all who will collaborate to provide My so desired and divine visit to Africa.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Oporto, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I come every day with the profound aspiration of turning the mind of the human being into an instrument of God through the imperative power of the love of the heart.

I come every day with the purpose of stopping the wars and the destruction of the human race, so that souls may be saved from the captivity in which many nations place their peoples.

I come every day for the Divine purpose of making every human being an important piece of the Plan of God, so that in this way, many may awaken to christic life, to the path of ascension, and permanently abandon the materialistic and superficial life.

I come from the universe with the mission of opening the eyes of those who have them closed to the Truth that My Son announced many times, the Truth of being able to be like Him in Love and Mercy.

I come every day to calm the agitation that religions are experiencing and to dissolve the connections that exist between true spirituality and materialism; for My desire is that all attain the Grace they do not yet deserve and that they make of their lives great treasures of redemption and conversion, as a form of purification and of preparation for the second Coming of Christ.

I come to grant peace where it no longer exists, by means of prayerful hearts that make enter into the apostleship of prayer and the experience of the divine.

I come to draw everyone closer to the portal of Divine Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

With the moon at My feet, I announce the new time to you, the time of a new spiritual and divine Grace, which this time Europe will receive in the next Pilgrimage for Peace.

The angels are also preparing to descend from Heaven, so that souls may awaken to the great convocation of these times.

It will be this moon of the new time that will bring special announcements to humanity, and that will help hearts, through Grace, to be ready to receive the Mercy of God.

Your Heavenly Mother offers atonement to the most sinful souls, and when the doors of the inner Fatima open on May 13th, it will be the moment for a great beginning of a new cycle for humanity.

Your Heavenly Mother accompanies the whole pilgrim group today, which by Her side, will concretize the most ardent desires for a good work of peace and of light.

The Pilgrim Mary walks by your side, taking you by the hand to the Marian Center of Fatima.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
