Dear son, dear daughter,
Rise from the ground with My help, just as I did with Jesus on the path to Calvary.
Rise from the ground with My help and I will show you the new path to follow.
Rise from the ground with My help and your wounds will be healed.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will learn to accept your cross, as Jesus accepted it in perpetual resignation.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will regain the joy of serving Christ.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will overcome all the traumas that were lived.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will come to understand the meaning of the cross.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will know how to go through the challenges of these times.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will recognize in yourself the suffering Christ of humanity.
Rise from the ground with My help and you will receive the supernatural strength to cross the obstacles and the limits of your own consciousness.
Rise from the ground with My help, so that the rest of humanity may be liberated.
Accept that there are falls and there are personal defeats, but get up from the ground with My help and along the way you will find the Grace and Mercy of My Son.
Learn from Jesus, who overcame all difficulties and transcended all errors, and at no time did He go backwards or stop advancing, but as a Christ He rose, renewed and redeemed the entire human race, leaving in His place the Holy Spirit so that, through His gifts, He could guide the followers and apostles of Christ.
Rise from the ground, just as Jesus did the three times He fell on Calvary.
Accept the door I offer you for the Christification of consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
While your voices, once again, unite to the infinite flow of the Mercy of My Son, the celestial powers can intercede once again for the urgent causes, mainly when through the recitation of the Divine Mercy the spiritual portals remain open, and help souls and all the situations that they live, by means of an expiatory Grace that grants liberation from the chains and prisons of evil.
But this does not mean, dear children, that everything will end. Because in this time of spiritual battle, the angels of the Lord, especially the angels of Mercy, intervene so that, by the merits attained by the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, as many souls as possible may be considered as rescuable souls before God.
Dear children, understand in this way that, at each moment or instance in which you may gather to pray, you must keep in mind that not only the opportunity spiritually opens for the Kingdom of the Heavens to intercede, but also that your own inner situations may find a path of peace to be resolved.
Dear children, all this is possible by the infinite merits that My Beloved Son achieved through the inexplicable power of His shed Blood and of His Life surrendered for the redemption of all the human race.
Uniting to the flow of Mercy is liberating oneself significantly from all possible spiritual judgment, whether personal or planetary, because the merits of Christ justify the errors committed and liberate the consciousnesses from any human-spiritual condition.
This is the moment for each one of My children to understand and, above all, to live the merits that Christ has granted to humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Mercy
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this month of May, I invite you to return to My Immaculate Heart so that, together with Me and in prayer, you may contemplate for a moment that which the Celestial Mother contemplates of the wounded and martyred humanity.
I desire that you enter into My Heart so that, through Me, you may grow in love for the life of the spirit, and especially for the life of service.
It is at this crucial moment that My dear children must remember that they must come out of themselves in order to recognize the reality for themselves; that same reality that the Sacred Hearts recognize in these times.
Therefore, My children, in this month of May in which the seeds are being planted, after the offering of My Son to each of you, you must know where you will sow the seeds you received from the Redeemer, and if these seeds, which are gifts and Graces at the same time, will be deposited in the right place.
Dear children, this is important: in this time of so many transgressions against human life and the inner life of souls, it is necessary to keep in mind that nothing is lost or wasted, because these are the last impulses that come from Heaven.
As a Mother, I am here to accompany you, to be able to lead you towards Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved children,
Under My Mantle, I hold today the most urgent causes of the planet, which have gravely wounded the Heart of God in this 2023, a moment when humanity is confused and lost, in which intolerance and violence prevail, rather than love, truth and justice.
Behold, under My Mantle, each one of the situations that the Hierarchy attends to, although such situations also bring it a sense of urgency.
Behold the clamor of all peoples, nations, families and those who cry out for help.
Behold, children, the great need of humanity and of the whole planet.
Today, I come here to show you this, so that you may contemplate it with Me in prayer and, even more, in supplication, because the world needs an immediate solution. And know that not only My Heart, but also the Hearts of all the Hierarchies, are attentive to each moment and each situation.
I come to hold each one of the urgent causes under My Mantle, because the world and humanity cannot find a way out, can no longer see the path of peace and harmony.
This is why, children, despite the seriousness of the situation, all those who have prayed in the year that is now concluding, have sustained, together with the Mother of God, each one of the causes of the souls that cry out and ask for help.
This is why God, the Father, once again sends His holy angels to Earth, so that, through His legions and all His commands, they may help humanity, which is losing the values of loyalty, unity and understanding, which are essential foundations for human fraternity and the common good.
I want you to know, My children, that the true prayerful beings committed in daily life and throughout the ages, have helped the Mother of God very much in all that which your Heavenly Mother attends to at this crucial moment of humanity.
My children, I am here, at the doors of the last day of 2023, so that a new year of greater love, greater justice and hope may begin, because souls, peoples and nations must no longer continue to break the Law, and thus distance themselves from the Truth and the Wisdom that God can give them.
Therefore, this is the time and the hour to sustain the bridge that is breaking, so that this union between Heaven and Earth may be re-established at every moment and in every need.
Do not allow love to die in you or in your brothers and sisters.
In the name of My Son Jesus, the King of the Universe, I tell you again to love one another as He loved and still loves you. There is no other way out, My children, because many, many among My children in the world have lost the essence of Love.
And this essence of Love, which is the essence of life and of all creation, needs to re-emerge in the hearts that have distanced themselves from God, in the hearts that have closed and do not open to listen to the Good News of the Return of Christ, because they have lost faith, because they have lost love, because they have lost hope.
Tomorrow, December 31st, the last day of 2023, I ask souls, in the inner worlds, not to forget the Higher Universes that will be attentive, once again, to the voice of supplications.
Great Mercy is needed. Souls need Grace and they need to recover love, to be reborn in Christ, who is arriving.
Children, once again I will be with you tomorrow, as the Aurora that announces what is new, as the dawn that brings life and renewal, as the Breath of God that announces the Advent of Christ.
On the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Altars of God will be open, because the angels will open their doors to welcome the offerings of hearts and, above all, of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, which will be offered for a higher goal, for a higher good, for a higher purpose.
May 2024, a year that foretells the Return of Christ, be a year of greater mercy and peace, greater fraternity and justice in the world, especially for the most innocent and for families.
Behold the Mother and Lady of the impossible causes, your Advocate, Mediator between souls and God, Consolation for the afflicted, Hope of the poor, Refuge of families, the Mirror of the Justice of God.
I wish the good for everyone. I am here and I Am your Mother, the Mother who does not stop, and does not take rest, the Queen of Peace.
I thank all those who respond to the Call of God in these critical times.
My blessing is upon the just and the unjust. My blessing is upon the servers, but also upon the sinners. My Son wants the salvation of the whole world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children:
In this month of the Nativity of the Lord, may you, like the shepherds of Bethlehem, receive with joy the announcement of the arrival and birth of the Inner Christ.
This event, which happens year after year, should be considered special and unique by souls; because, even the families see themselves in the internal and spiritual opportunity to renew their vows as a family; and also each member of the family, regardless of the age, knows that spiritually they will be able to be before their own Inner Christ and, through Him, closer to the spiritual Purpose of their life.
For this reason, in the month of December, the Nativity of the Lord also grants you an amnesty for the errors committed and in turn grants souls the Grace of re-dimensioning their internal perspectives, so that all aspiration may be under the protection of God and His Will.
The Birth of Christ is more than a historical event, which is remembered by all, it is a moment in which the Sacred Spirit of God's Love and Peace can bring relief, acceptance, clarity and understanding in all situations of life.
This is the main spiritual reason why the families of the world are called to pray at the foot of the Holy Manger, so that the members of each family may be under the same protection and shelter as was the Holy Family of Nazareth.
It represents and means the possibility of receiving the same sanctifying Graces that the Holy Family received; namely: the Grace of fidelity to God's Plan, the Grace of unity, the Grace of selfless service, the Grace of compassion and the Grace of love for one's neighbor.
These Graces worked in the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, so that our people could be the example of the Divine Presence on Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Once again, I invite all of you to prepare, in your homes, for the coming of Christ into every human heart in this coming Nativity.
I invite you, in a special way, to prepare your mangers so that, like the Holy Family of Nazareth, you may await the coming of the Child God.
This loving gesture of My children, by dedicating a space to prepare the manger, will allow the celestial doors to open internally on the planet so that all of humanity can be helped.
Therefore, in the name of the Nativity of the Lord and out of love for all families, I wish that in the preparation of the manger in every home the Light of the Holy Star of Bethlehem may begin to shine.
This union with the spiritual symbol of the Holy Manger will help millions of families in the world; families that, as cells of the Project of God, in these times go through countless painful situations and learnings that need the balm of peace and God's relief.
In the preparation of the different mangers, in the homes of the world, the members of each family will be granted, for a moment, the spiritual grace of being before one of the most important acts of Love and Mercy in the history of humanity.
I would like, as a Mother, that this coming Nativity of the Lord be celebrated in reconciliation and forgiveness for all families going through the horror of war in their peoples and nations, as well as those going through war in their own families, so that the Holy Spirit of Peace, of that Peace which filled the Grotto of Bethlehem, may be present in these times in all families.
Remember, My children, that families are the future of the New Humanity. Therefore, we must pray for families so that each family may reach the expression of God's burning desire.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day of Mercy, may your deepest prayers keep being elevated to Heaven so that the world and, above all, the nations that are most oppressed and chastised by war and conflicts may recover peace, because no human being is capable of living without peace, as peace is to be in contact with God and the universe.
My children, on this day of merciful prayer, I call upon you to pray for those places in the world where there is no peace and where chaos reigns, because, as the Queen of Peace, I need, through your prayers, to reach the spaces in this world where hundreds of My children suffer hopelessness and lack of love.
Just as, in this month of August, you will be able to feel the Heart of My Son, I would like many more children to feel My Heart, and your true prayers are the bridge that will allow Me to find My most suffering and desperate children.
For this reason, My beloveds, recognize the Rays of My Grace, the Grace that, being inexhaustible and justifiable before God, has been filling you for more than fifteen years.
It is My wish that My Graces, the Graces granted to My Maternal Heart, may reach all, especially those who have condemned themselves to hell.
I am thankful to you in advance for the bravery and effort that you might dedicate to Me through the prayer of the heart, because prayer must permeate the world.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
At this moment, My Immaculate Heart still finds itself united to the essential Hearts of each little child of Africa, so that these small souls may achieve the spiritual and moral relief they need.
In an ardent way, I wish that, in Africa, the door of My Grace may open, a grace of opportunities and hope for the adolescents and youth, so that My children of Africa may know that it is possible to live a different experience upon the surface of the Earth.
An experience that may allow for the awakening of their spiritual and inner values, values that will help them to be good people, just as they are good and simple in spirit, something that all My children of the world should learn to acknowledge.
Africa must be itself, as it was at its origins, from its deepest roots of union with the Divine and that which is Cosmic.
Therefore, through the current humanitarian mission in progress, the three Divine Messengers are preparing another inner scenario, so that the external scenario may be improved, harmonized and corrected, so that all My children may have the dignity they lost, not only as human beings, but also the dignity of recognizing themselves and feeling as worthy children of God.
Thus, in Africa, the gifts of hope, the opportunities and the New Earth have just begun to be gestated.
My Africa, you are a part of My Heart, you are My aspiration of the new cradle of the New Humanity.
Let us pray so that Africa may be itself and no longer belong to exploiters and bandits.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear Children,
With joy and bliss, I come from Heaven, once again. This time for this awaited meeting between My Heart and yours.
Your Heavenly Mother is now here, with all of Angola and all of Africa.
Today, I come as the Mother of Africa. I come for a continent stigmatized throughout the times. I come for a race that is discriminated against and exploited.
I am here and I Am your Mother. Come to My Arms so that, once again, I may console you and embrace you in My Arms of a Mother.
Today I come full of Grace, Love and Mercy.
These Graces, promised to My children of Saint Isabel's House and to all of Africa, today I pour them out upon your hearts so that the heavy chains of indifference, impunity and mistreatment may be broken by the precise blow of the powerful sword of Saint Michael the Archangel.
My children, have faith and believe. The end of captivity is near because My Son will return and He in His Glory will first return for you, for all of My dear and beloved Africa.
Throughout the days to come, I will keep coming, just as I once arrived at Kibeho, to tell the world that Africa is in My Maternal Heart.
I thank you for having responded to My call!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all of Africa
Dear children,
Today, My prayers are directed to all those who continue to go through this pandemic and especially to those who lost their lives due to it, in a way unexpected for all.
Today, I ask you, more than ever, to join Me in prayer so that your Celestial Mother can free from the earthly plane those who were imprisoned and were unable to continue their ascension path.
Therefore, My beloveds, the prayer of the heart, made with love, is the great key that opens all doors and that grants not only peace, but also the liberation of souls from spiritual prison.
I would like, at this time, for all the relatives who have lost a dear and loved one to be at peace and seek relief in My Heart of a Mother, because My promise is to intercede for the souls who traumatically suffered from this pandemic.
I ask you to be obedient and take care of yourselves so that, little by little, this planetary situation may be appeased, and so that such precious souls of this world may no longer be allowed to be removed from their earthly path due to unexpected consequences generated by this pandemic.
My dear children, may faith never weaken within you. May faith and trust in the Heavenly Father grant you the much-needed Grace of healing.
Remember that I am here, and I am your Mother, the Mother who loves you eternally.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Now, from the Sanctuary of Fatima, the Celestial Father sends His faithful Servant to diffuse the renewal of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary throughout the world.
In this renewal of the commitment to the consecration of all Children of Mary, which will be a simple interior practice, you will allow your Celestial Mother to intercede for situations in Europe and the world to a greater extent.
Now, more than ever, your hearts, My children, must be united to Mine every day so that certain situations in humanity are avoided and other situations can be dissolved because My aspiration and desire as the Celestial Mother is that you no longer suffer.
Therefore, dear children, by reliving the renewal of your devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you will grant the extraordinary Grace that your souls be partakers in the praying armies of the Light, of these times.
I want this devotion of your lives for Me to be able to placate any situation at this time, and that the doors of Divine Justice not open, but rather that the great door of the merciful Heart of My beloved Son be able to neutralize or transmute everything which is against the common good and peace.
In this school that the Kingdom of Fatima offers you, I call upon you, so that the mirror of the heart of each child of Mine may be that inner star that illuminates the world and attracts the sacred Spirit of Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this month of May that now begins, may the prayer of the Rosary be the preamble and also the inner preparation for the upcoming events.
May your faith be fixed upon My Immaculate Heart, a maternal Heart that opens a spiritual door for all My children to pass through and, thus, enter the House of the Heavenly Father.
This is the time that My soldiers of prayer must already live in the contemplative state.
May the daily exercise, through the prayerful word, be the way to awaken the mirror heart within you, so that I may have the permission for your souls to receive from Heaven the impulses of Redemption and Mercy that are kept in My great inner network of Celestial Mirrors.
This is the great moment for each of My servants to broaden their consciousnesses and to actively participate together with the Celestial Mother in Her great intercessions for humanity and for the planet.
To be in contemplation is to be in silence, but it is also to practice the life of prayer so that your hearts are blessed receptacles of the Graces that My hands wait to pour out upon all of humanity.
By awakening your mirror heart, you will be more sensitized by the difficult planetary situation, and your consciousnesses will rise to unite in spirit to My great spiritual network of supplication that exists in the great Celestial Kingdom, from where I come to deliver My Words of Love to you.
Dear children, I invite you once again to place your minds and especially your hearts in the Heights, in Heaven, in the Universe, because that is where you will find inner peace.
I thank you for postulating to be part of My Praying and Supplicating Armies of Heaven!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Be firm in My Son. He expects from each of your hearts the necessary response for the fulfillment of His Plan.
Now, in this pause that the world is experiencing due to the pandemic, I invite you, My children, to take advantage of the time and to reconsider. Thus, you will have the impulse to continue taking steps in the consecration of your lives to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, take on the part that corresponds to you and do it well, express Love and Mercy at every moment.
Give your souls the opportunity to make the spiritual commitment with the Celestial Father that you have come to fulfill.
Do not be mistaken, My children: May the flame of faith guide you along the uncertain paths that humanity is today going through.
Recognize the Grace that you received and value the meaning of what it represents to serve My Son at this time.
Beloved children, there is no longer time to throw away your life in common and banal experiences.
Raise your consciousnesses, through understanding and openheartedness, to the primary reason for responding to the Call of God.
I ardently wish that you not lose the Grace of recognizing the only Truth, the Truth that is My Son, that congregates you at this time to prepare His Return within the suffering and enslaved hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
May your hearts prepare to receive within the coming of the Celestial Church, because all will need it.
Before the Spiritual Church of My Son, may your lives be in offering and in praise, so that all the intentions may reach the Feet of the Creator.
It is at this culminating moment of humanity that My Son will make His Celestial Church descend, so that the greatest number of souls may be assisted.
The need for the healing of humanity is very great. For this reason, I call you, My children, so that as from now, your consciousnesses may be in an action of a loving offering, so that the planet may also be benefited.
The Celestial Church will descend in its geometric and divine way.
It will be with its descent that souls will have the presence of the Gifts and Virtues of God available, so that the life of the servers may be completed with the inner impulse of love that the Holy Spirit will also bring.
It will be during those days, with the presence of the Church of My Son, that the planet will be able to be contemplated with Mercy, and humanity will be able to amend many of its errors through an act of sincere and true repentance.
Thus, the doors of the Heavens will remain open so that the angels may intervene in the impossible causes of these times, and for the penitent, they may bring the Graces of the Spiritual Universe as a balm of forgiveness and inner reconciliation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child,
Be anointed by the luminous sign of the Cross so that your soul may be in peace, knowing that this is the most difficult time for humanity and the planet.
Be anointed by the divine Light of the Sacraments. May everything within your consciousness be renewed so that your soul may be in service to the Plan of Love of Christ.
Be anointed by the merciful Love of God so that your steps of effort and surrender may continue to be taken in the direction of the reencounter with your original purity, with that which you truly are rather than what you seem to be.
Be anointed by the Grace that comes from My Heart so that in this cycle you may continue to risk walking through the impulse of the faith and the trust that may be latent within you, without you having to doubt it.
Be anointed by the Compassion of Christ so that in this moment of unpredictable situations, your heart and your life may be under the protection of God, so that your consciousness may be within the great consciousness of the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Be anointed by My Peace and all shall pass. Let the Love of God resonate within your soul, because His Love will free you from all evil.
Be anointed by the Sacred Word of My Son, for there you will find the support at this time.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
With your faith and dedication to the the Holy Rosary you will reach, little by little, the celestial spheres, and each day that goes by, your souls will be in pilgrimage toward the Celestial Church.
Motivate other souls to dedicate a space for the prayer of the Holy Rosary, to assume this commitment with Me so that when the day comes, in which the doors of the Celestial Church may open in the month of August, the majority of My Children in the world may have the deserved Grace of being able to enter and to participate in this important spiritual and celestial event.
You must, one day, come to feel thirst for the Holy Rosary because, through it, many situations become stable and other unforeseeable situations do not happen.
You will only know the powerful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary when your lives become the Rosary itself in infinite offering to God and to His Kingdom.
Dear children, I wish that many more of My children become motivated to prepare themselves consciously through the Holy Rosary for the month of August because in these twelves years that will be fulfilled you must finish your inner synthesis.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Unknown and new situations will come to the world, mysteries that will be revealed in order to raise awareness and redeem the human consciousness. But most people will not be very attentive to perceive that moment. The most awakened will recognize the coming of that experience.
All of this will place humanity before the truth; no one will be able to hide it or make it disappear, no manipulation will prevent it, because the time has come for the human mind to be overflown, by revealing impulses that will define an entire cycle.
Therefore, you must be attentive to the signs, to everything that Heaven will show and leave as symbols of its revelation. Now, it is time that you may first recognize it, and then understand it. Consciousnesses will have the Grace of knowing it and identifying it.
Prepare your hearts without expectations.
A long story that seemed to have no end, will finalize.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Let your miseries be transformed into Mercy.
Let the spiritual power of the Blood of My Son remove the impurities from your consciousness so that the Divine Light of His Sacred Heart may find deep spaces to enter and transform you.
Miseries are accumulated residues from sins, mistakes, indifference.
Allow the redeeming Grace of the Water of Christ to wash and purify you because, for something new to enter, something old must leave.
You are, at this moment, at the doors of the surrender of your being and your consciousness.
Let the transforming and merciful impulse of My Son redeem your being and make of you a new vase.
Let the infinite Mercy consecrate you definitively and convert you into the aspiration that God has for your being.
I am by your side to accompany you. This is the great moment, for this to take place.
Your faith must be unwavering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this special day of Mercy and Redemption, may the Rays that spring forth from the Heart of Christ pour out upon the souls that cry out and ask for Mercy.
On the eve of the end of the Work of the Sacred Hearts, may your lives be able to recognize the transformative power of each Grace that has been received, and in this painful hour of humanity, may non-believers have the impulse of awakening and of conversion.
My Heart, which is the safe doorway to God, wishes that many more hearts may cross through it in time, and thus be within the Kingdom of Heaven.
Through the merciful prayer of this day, may souls carry out a spiritual synthesis of everything that has been lived, together with My Son, throughout these recent years.
Dear children, on the eve of the end of Our messages and Words, remain in the Heart of My Son, so that you will someday be prepared to receive Him, because He will arrive in His Heavenly Glory.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more