The Ministry of Faith

As a Gift of God that arises in the human heart, I come to awaken in you, My children, the Ministry of Faith, so that you may be participants in these times as instruments of the Creator, supporters of souls and of His Plan for the Earth.

I want you, in these times, to live the Ministry of Faith, which is born from trust in the Divine Purpose, and from the devotion that souls awaken when praying with the heart.

Faith is the universal attribute that will cause beings to stay away from illusion and from human confusion.

Faith will keep you within the truth, when most souls will doubt the events they are experiencing, even knowing that chaos is precipitating over the Earth.

Faith is the stronghold of the spirit and the sustainment of the soul; it is what clears eyes blurred by fear and by suffering, so that they may see God.

Faith transforms your way of understanding life, and what was formerly a punishment becomes justice; what was suffering, becomes joy and divine triumph; what was renunciation, becomes divine victory in the soul that understands that defeat in human eyes is the victory of the Heart of God.

I come to awaken in your lives, children, the true Faith, so that you may believe in My words and live them with the heart. I come to strengthen you in the higher understanding of these times, dispelling fear and uncertainty from your hearts.

I want you to cling to the power of Faith and the certainty that I am here and that I instruct you and sustain you so that you may fulfill the Plans of God in these times of greater chaos.

Divine justice is only just approaching this world, but anointed by the power of Faith, you will be able to move past the obstacles characteristic of these moments of tribulation, and even though it may not be possible to prevent the learning that humanity in general must experience, you may be those whose fortitude will inspire others and who will sustain this world, when your brothers and sisters are not able to bear it.

If you feel that Faith has not been born and has not yet awoken in your hearts, children, surrender to the Power of God and renounce your own opinion, because in order to live Faith, it is necessary to renounce all control of your own life. The one who fears to lose control and doubts the Power of God, with a distrust of surrendering to something unknown, does not live Faith. Fear of Faith and of surrender is the same fear that prevents you from loving and opening the heart. Therefore, children, renounce this millenary fear that attaches the human consciousness to itself, and surrender your own control to God; in this way, you will be able to count on each word that I speak to you to prepare your souls for what will come, and you will not be analyzing if what I state is true, because of fearing what will come if what I prophesy is reality.

Awaken to the power of Faith, surrendering your fears to God. Do not fear losing yourselves and the control of your own life, because in fact you will never control something that belongs to God.

If you keep the fear of surrendering to the Divine, you will only be resisting something that escapes human control and you will greatly suffer for not being able to adhere to the Plan of God, because you will not find peace when you need it the most.

This is the exact moment to surrender and to say yes; this is the moment to develop Faith and surrender to God.

Ask for the grace to awaken this Divine Gift in your spirits and consciousnesses, because in this way, the test that precipitates over the Earth will not matter; your spirits will stand firm, and you will know to listen to the voice of God and to let yourselves be guided by the Creator.

Today, children, I bless you and I ask you to live in the Ministry of Faith, and that with your examples and transparency in the surrender to God, you may inspire other hearts to live this surrender.

My Faith permeates you today.

I love you and I thank you for responding to My Call and for living in the Faith of the heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

As the Mother of all the people and all the races I will still continue in pilgrimage in Mexico to be able to heal most of the pain possible that My children live at this time.

It is so that from Heaven I light the Mirrors of prayer for them to radiate very potent streams of love, healing and liberation.

In this way, children, your Heavenly Mother will be able to penetrate with Her Divine Consciousness the spaces with most suffering in Mexico and in the world, and with the inner strength of all Her praying children She can carry out the co-redemptive work with Her Beloved Son.

Therefore, beloved children, humanity will see itself liberated from millennial mistakes by means of the Mirrors of prayer that each soul lights in the moment of simply offering Me the prayer of heart.

It is in this last cycle that the Divinity of the Son of God will allow many consciousnesses to enter the inner planes, the spaces of love, where the angels of Heaven can spiritually take care of them; this is in truth a state of Grace generated by the “yes” of all of the servers.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unites you to God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Managua, Nicaragua, to Mexico City, Mexico, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Feel the trust, for in My Heart all will always be well, because it is the Will of the Eternal Father.

On this day, My Divine Consciousness rests over Mexico so that it may once again be blessed by My Grace and My Love, on finding devoted hearts open to praise Me in love and in simplicity.

It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother prepares you for this third part of the mission, with the purpose of offering Mexico and the world the inner relief that they need so much.

I will call you one by one so that you, My missionaries, may stand before the sacred Face of the Mother of Guadalupe. This gesture of gratitude and thankfulness on your part for all that has been possible in this Marian pilgrimage, dear children, will spiritually allow your hearts and those of your brothers and sisters to receive My Graces when the last part of the pilgrimage to Honduras is accomplished, thus closing a cycle of great spiritual and planetary balance for Central America.

With My open arms I receive you, dear children, and I thank you for once again responding to My call.

Who protects you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


It is through all the efforts of My children that I can carry out My co-redemptive Work in the Americas and in the world.

It is this soul and soulful effort that allows for the balancing of great injustices in humanity, for there is so much inequality among peoples and nations, between those who have more and those who have nothing.

This is why every day, dear children, your Heavenly Mother offers to the Creator these sacrifices, which are highly valued by My Son in this final cycle.

I wish that, beyond what you experience, feel or think, you could understand what all the sincere efforts that His children can make mean to God.

Loving this call to sacrifice, without perceiving it, your lives will lose the vice, pride and arrogance which drowns so many souls in the illusion of material life.

I invite you once again, dear children, to live these times as the times they are, responding to the call to experience transmutation and liberation of the nations as a great relief for all.

Thus, little by little, the chains will begin to break and many consciousnesses, which were imprisoned by human systems, will achieve the inner freedom of their souls and their lives.

Thus, I bring you the Grace to have your consciousnesses expanded and your hearts even more, for this Work that will only offer you great efforts.

I thank you for accompanying Me!

Who blesses you in this sacred mission,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Each time that I visit some nation to pour My extraordinary Graces over it, first I must liberate it from the greater forces that have imprisoned it for a long time.

For that, My children, your Heavenly Mother uses the Mirrors of prayer, those that open each time souls sincerely unite with Me.

In this way, a great portal is established through which all that is impure and malignant is transmuted and elevated in dimension, far from the planet.

This task, which is occult and deeply spiritual, is done through the human instruments that I have chosen for this purpose; it is a mission that goes beyond the understanding of the consciousness; in turn, the soul that is chosen by Me to help Me in this spiritual task can no longer have personal will, because in that being, in that soul, non-material laws are in action.

It is in this way, dear children, that today I teach you to value the sacrifice and the renunciation for which you will never receive a reward or merit, since it is a task of absolute surrender to the Plan of God.

It is the same case as those consciousnesses that receive stigmata from My Son to fulfill a mission of redemption for humanity.

Open to this mystery, dear children, at this time I invite you to offer all that satisfies you and that promotes human freedom. My wish is that My apostles, on living the sacrifice of their lives, know that they will lose nothing, but on the contrary, will be able to be inwardly closer to Divine Will, something that humanity does not live and for which it suffers and suffers.

Today I leave you this reflection so that you may renew yourselves through it every day.

The server of Christ is where they are called, and above all, where they are needed.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the prayers, I clean the hells of this world and remove from those places whomever cries out for My help.

Through the prayers, I help the lower Kingdoms and relieve all the suffering they undergo.

Through the prayers, I guide souls so that they may find the Purpose and so that, above all, they may live Divine Will.

Through the prayers, I open the doors to Grace, and consciousnesses that would not deserve such an intercession have the opportunity of correcting and straightening their paths.

Through the prayers, the planet is relieved, and at least in a small percentage, its consciousness is protected.

Through the prayers, I can establish the Kingdom of God in hearts so that you always remember it and thus love it deeply.

Through the prayers, My Immaculate Heart is strengthened and this inner strength is radiated toward all who pray with their heart.

Thus everything is kept within a minimum balance, and the planet as a consciousness can breathe and endure.

All this will prepare it for its next transition and all those who have denied the life of the spirit and of transforming prayer will realize too late that they have missed the opportunity of reconciling with the Father and there will no longer be a return.

I thank you all for having prayed to My Beloved Son today.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

I feel that you are worthy children of God when you pray with the heart to My Son, just as you did today. This represents evidence to the Father that all is not yet lost.

It is for this reason that every day I teach you to pray to God and to talk to Him so that when these moments of prayer and of sharing the spiritual task come up, you move forward, taking meaningful steps.

I am at your side to give you the impulse to live the Plan of God and so that you fulfill it from the heart, and for all of humanity.

When every day you unite with this Purpose, you will allow Divine Grace to reach many consciousnesses, a Grace that they would not deserve.

It is in this way, dear children, that the grave destiny of humanity is modified a little, each time that a consciousness takes a new step and undertakes living the prayer of the heart.

And it is in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, and especially in Central America, that this sacred opportunity is given to all.

With a spirit of faith and full of gratitude, continue working on this goal, so that holy atonement may reach beyond Central America and more sleeping hearts are touched.

I thank you for bringing healthy joy to the world.

In reverence and love, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Peace, only peace, in this way, peace will be established between nations.

For this reason, My children, I visit nations to pour out My holy Peace over them, the Peace which flows out from My Heart and from My Soul, the one which I wish you to live through My Divine Consciousness.

Today I remind you of that divine Peace, because My children of Central America and of Mexico will seek It and will also proclaim It.

Feel peace and you will be instruments of peace in the world; this will bring the inner harmony that is needed so much by the entire world.

Today I observe your effort to always be in God, and this effort is recognized by My Immaculate Heart because through effort many souls, especially those who surround you in this moment, are touched by My spiritual Grace and by My Maternal Love.

Dear children, when you touch the ground of each nation, remember to confirm My Peace, because in this way I will be able to leave My Maternal Light in each soul.

I am happy and I pray for this pilgrimage, which has already started to work in the inner and spiritual planes; this greatly helps the consciousness of the nations, especially the nations that I will visit.

Dear children, once again I leave you My Peace so that you may live It.

Onward, My little ones!

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To My beloved and hurting Venezuela

My beloved and suffering children of Venezuela,

With the voice of My Immaculate Heart, in the highest and most elevated Heaven, your Heavenly Mother implores for Mercy and Pity for all the leaders of that nation.

The universe implores for Mercy and consolation on seeing so much suffering, hunger and pain in all My children of Venezuela.

The door to Grace and happiness was closed in Venezuela and the angels pray at all the borders of this beloved country, to support the crisis generated by the surface human being.

Do not forget that I appeared in Beatnik and there, at one time, all Venezuelans could find me and I asked all your people for real order and true social justice.

Venezuela is one of the first nations of America that is going through the most severe cycle of the tribulation, in which everything is in play.

I request that sister nations welcome all My children of Venezuela into their cities, towns, homes and farms who are escaping from the national hell placed there by My eternal rival.

Know, My children of Venezuela, that I am praying to My Son for those who are still present there, who are thousands of souls, so that He does not impose His Sovereign Justice in this loved country that always welcomed Me.

It is time, My children, for all the Servers of the Plan of God on Earth to provide refuge, living space, food, and most especially all your love, to calm this continuous and very hard suffering.

With My Eyes full of tears, I do not cease to see the crying of those who cry out for Mercy and Pity.

Venezuela is the representation of human chaos, placed through a lack of love and equality.

Dear children, with profound love, embrace all those who are refugees on the border with Brazil. Help them and do not demand anything from them. Those souls, at all times, know only despair and horror.

I ask the Venezuelans who still survive in their country, that you come together more often to pray for everything happening to you and beyond yourselves. I ask that you consecrate an altar to My Heart in your homes and that, at the foot of this, implore without ceasing together with your Heavenly Mother.

If there were a great stream of charity between Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Paraguay, many things could be avoided.

I am inviting you, from now on, to be a spiritual family that comes together to transcend the end of times.

Pray, pray for all those who suffer from the chaos, May the Grace that many of you receive today be multiplied and poured out upon all.

To My children of Venezuela, I say that I share the pain and suffering that each one is experiencing through bad human actions.

May the Mercy of God illumine you and may Holy Peace finally be established.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prays without ceasing,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Where I am called, there I am present, because I am the Mother of the Divine Omnipresence.

I am the Teacher of prayer that guides consciousnesses to a permanent remembrance of their purpose before God.

It is in this way that the Universe manifests through the presence of the Heavenly Mother, so that souls may recognize their important task in this hour.

Your Heavenly Mother gathers you together in this meeting so that all may receive the impulses that will manifest from the moment in which the servers step towards God.

From the Celestial Universe the angels of Light gather together all the spiritual impulses so that these may descend upon consciousnesses and so that you may live them on the material plane.

In this last cycle, your Heavenly Mother finds a special opening that repercussions upon consciousnesses, and also in the Universe; thus a spiritual communion is established that, little by little, they will perceive inwardly when they maintain themselves in an act of prayer.

The Holy Spirit also emanates Its Gifts so that these might manifest in simple and humble hearts, which will be able to draw towards the planet the unity and the love that are so necessary in these grave times.

It is in this way that the Holy Spirit, by means of impulses, will be able to be present in consciousnesses that open to recognize God in themselves, a fundamental occurrence so that humanity may be guided towards its last stage of redemption and of purification.

Your Heavenly Mother accompanies these moments because the Plan is in a phase of recovery and is being guided along a new path that the human consciousness does not yet know.

Thus the Divinity, the Eternal Father, is attentive to the opening of humble hearts. At this moment, a deep awakening in most consciousnesses might regenerate the creative consciousness that humanity has destroyed.

Grace is bringing an unknown atonement.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gives you impulse into the Greater Consciousness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the times that will come, dear children, the ultimate times, the Law of purification will be the tonic point.

It will be the means through which all will be liberated for the consciousnesses to be more prepared to receive the new codes of Christ.

That is why, dear children, you do not need to fear this Law, because it will always place you on the correct path to be able to find in everything the Love of God.

In this last cycle, the souls that are in prayer will be able to help other souls that, still living the life of the world, must purify themselves intensely to receive at the time and at this moment the Grace of help that they need so much.

The Law of purification is an autonomous law, that is, as it comes from the Divine Source, it acts in a more direct form, as it has acted on humanity in other times.

May your hearts open themselves to know this Law, because it is the formula of the end of times that will expurgate all that the human beings have lived outside the law, bringing the Grace of reinsertion onto the Christic path.

The Law of purification will bring to the consciousnesses the possibility to evaluate oneself again, that is, to rethink their actions and take the decision to change, and at the same time, renew the vows before the Creator.

The Law of purification will allow the human heart to place itself in the mission and in the personal and group purpose that it has come to fulfill.

This Law generates the opportunity to once more conceive the Christic principles, to once more approach yourself to the path of rehabilitation, because it does not only purify, but redeems from time to time the hidden aspects of the consciousness.

The permanent prayer will allow the Law of purification to be more balanced at the moment it enters into the consciousness.

Let us pray for all souls, who in the illusion of the world and without having God in first place, will purify themselves, as the planet will be purified so that everything may enter into a new state of consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who accompanies humanity in its purification, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The inexplicable cycle of peace that I have already spoken about to you, dear children, began on the last eighth of August, and new opportunities for redemption will be opening up for the consciousnesses that most need this.

In this planetary hour, some souls among all those that exist will have the opportunity of receiving a special Grace that will lessen their sins and their faults.

That hour which I refer to is the hour in which the Mercy of My Son will go through a great universal expansion that will draw to itself the most miserable in spirit so they may achieve redemption and be re-inserted upon the path of spiritual evolution.

It is for this reason, My children, that your Heavenly Mother works untiringly so that the greatest number of souls possible recognize the only Kingdom of God and so they draw closer to it as the self-summoned of the Plan.

I ask that, in the same way that you became aware of your awakening, that you have enough love for those souls that will come to straighten their paths toward the Light after having been lost in this world.

Thus, once again, My Son goes in search of those who, for various reasons and circumstances, remained behind, imprisoned in the hands of My adversary.

Now that this cycle of Peace and Grace for granting many things has come, children, I invite you to follow the steps of the last global events that will place humanity upon its axis and consciousness, after all that it has done, deviating throughout these times.

I ask you for that great spirit of peacefulness in order to be able to follow along with your purification and the final purification of your fellow beings, for if you do this, My dear children, it will be the test that you have understood and knew how to live in the Love of God in these times.

I thank you, now and always, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


An Invocation of the Soul

My Lord, purify my soul and every part of my consciousness so that being transformed by You, I may find the fortress and the healing for life.

Pour, Lord, Your Holy Spirit and illuminate each atom and particle of this consciousness, so that in Your Grace, I may vivify Your Love and Your Peace in me. 

Help me, Lord, to correspond to Your Holy Will and soon, empty me completely to the point that I will not want anything for myself.

Show me, Lord, Your holy Humility and teach me to resign myself before Your universal Majesty, that is present in each one of my fellow beings and companions on the path. 

May Your paternal gaze not cease to observe me, but when I am about to fall in the abyss of my poor ignorance, send me, Lord, Your Holy Angels to help and assist me in all adversity.

Teach me to live in the poverty of Your Spirit, in the Love of Your words, in the Mercy of Your Heart.

Unveil Yourself, Lord, and show me Your merciful Face in each soul on Earth and reveal Yourself in compassion for each brother and sister on the path.

Allow me, Lord, to know Your profound Love and pull out with Your hands the pride of my person. Naked before You of all property, pride and error, make me, Lord, Your instrument of peace on Earth.

Show me the values of Your Sacred Sovereignty of humility and leave me empty so that nothing of my own will dwell in me, but only You, Lord, who gives strength to the weak ones, and surrenders Your Peace to the disturbed ones and who sheds Your Mercy to those who are blind and lost.

Teach me, Lord, the science of Your Divine Love and establish the Gift of Your Grace in this consciousness.

Remove one by one the human aspects that condemn me and make me free and pure like the birds in the sky.

I wish with all my heart not to be lost from Your blessed Path, keep me in Your Arms until Your holy Will sends me out as one of Your disciples.

No longer allow, Lord, my blindness to dazzle me, but may the light and love of Your Holy Spirit resurrect me forever.

Make me the smallest among my brothers and sisters, make me the most donated and sacrificed in the absolute silence.

Do not allow, Lord, anything that comes from me to show itself, hide me in Your Heart, so that in the nothingness I will be the receptacle of Your silent work and of Your repairing Grace.

Forgive me, Lord, for what I have not done well; deliver me Your Divine Piety because I need it. 

Pour Your Love so that I may strengthen myself until the end of days, when after this life we will be one in Your Divine Eternity.

Let it be so.


Dear children, I leave this invocation for all the souls that may feel encouraged to live their sacred transformation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals and redeems you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When My Mother Heart visits every house on Earth and they open the door of their inner home to receive Me, I pour out all the Graces of Heaven and I establish in the hearts that receive Me, the Gifts of My holy Peace.

Every house I visit, I consecrate it, sanctify it and establish a point of Light for the world, a place where prayer can be found and where souls will be strengthened after I have gone through there.

Thus, dear children, in every house that I visit I create an oratory of Peace for the world and I pour out a Gift that will invisibly sustain all the lost consciousnesses in need of it.

This way, My dear children, through all the houses that I have visited in the world, I can create a great network of Light and of prayer that radiates the fruitful principles of goodness and peace through its potent energy.

Thus, every day, when My children pray in their consecrated houses, this flow of Grace and Redemption is spiritually reactivated for the whole planetary consciousness.

I establish in each spirit that opens the door of their house to Me, an inner consecration that is distinguished by the angels of the universe who, together with the souls, work to sow the peace so necessary in these times.

The oratories that I create for My children are spaces where My Divine Consciousness can be present to work in their own family and in all those who need it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



The Soul: A Beauty of God's Creation

Dear children,

Each time a soul, aware of its mission and of its path in Christ, celebrates a new birthday, on this day a bridge of unity between the spirit and the soul of this being is established.

The soul that celebrates its birthday on Earth has the Grace of receiving an impulse of expansion in consciousness so that the personality may take a greater step in its transformation.

My adversary, with his astuteness and intelligence, has erased this important event from the human consciousness, in which the soul receives the Grace of being able to emit an impulse to the whole being and of expressing the potential of its beauty. Thus, My enemy created parties and entertainment on birthdays of each soul so that this would be able to happen.

The millions of consciousnesses that exist and that experience these festivities do not allow for a new spiritual impulse to descend in response to the movement that everyone's soul carries forward.

This impulse that is generated internally by the soul itself during the time that elapses between one birthday and the next can bring to each being, if the consciousness receives the Grace, the following spiritual benefits:

First, the soul receives the opportunity to reposition the state of its incarnation and, as a result, this has repercussions in the material life.

Second, the soul can conceive states of expansion of consciousness with each new birthday.

Third, the soul can decide upon a surrender and a deepening of its spiritual path within the Plan of God and thus define itself.

Fourth, the soul can prepare to receive new revelations from its consciousness and become aware of its origin.

Fifth, the soul can balance the states of its universal debts and receive spiritual impulses of Mercy.

Sixth, the soul perceives in the whole of its being the purpose that placed it upon the spiritual path, which it has come to fulfill.

Seventh, on its birthday the soul has the Grace of being before God and of contemplating Him in His beauty, thus receiving an important impulse that will lead it into living ever-greater degrees of love and surrender.

If each soul became aware of this and, above all, waited for this sacred moment, the Divinity would recognize the true honesty of each being.

When the soul celebrates its birthday, it spiritually receives the divine impulse of being able to mature and grow in awareness.

For God, the soul is one of the principal beauties of Creation, because from it comes the experiences of living love and the school of forgiveness. All souls are emanations of this Divine Love, and the soul lives its maturity in different stages, depending on the steps of the human consciousness.

Because of this, the soul has a priceless value, and it is this divine treasure, conceived by each soul, that is sought after constantly by My adversary until it generates the decay of souls.

But as Mother of all souls, I establish My legacy of love in each one of them, in all the hearts that follow My steps, and I instantly fight so that all souls may attain inner enlightenment and become transfigured in Christ.

Today I pour out My Love upon My daughter, Lucía de Jesús, who represents that living example of conversion for all the young souls that incarnate at this time to fulfill their mission.

I pour out My Light upon My daughter, Lucía de Jesús, and I strengthen her for the new times, in union with My sanctified husband Saint Joseph.

Take care, My children, of the beauty of your souls!

I thank you for responding to My Call!

In union with the day of this soul,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When souls pray, the doors to rehabilitation open and everything that seems impossible to resolve and is impregnated with error is dissolved as it receives the Light of the Spirit of God. This rehabilitation offers humanity the chance of living its conversion and of rediscovering the path towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.

In this time, My children, the Sacred Hearts open the doors of the Universe of love so that souls can enter and rehabilitate their lives and consciousnesses. This present opportunity is the last one of this cycle; this is why I ask you, children, to be aware of this Grace so you can be part of it during the time remaining.

May your rehabilitation in this cycle help the rehabilitation of the planet and of humanity so that finally, the errors will be corrected and everything moves toward the path of the light and of redemption; also, live it for all the Kingdoms of Nature so that they also may be participants in this important spiritual rehabilitation that Heaven is offering to all souls of this world.

In this way, dear children, the age-old errors will be corrected and new opportunities will be given to those consciousnesses that do not deserve them in these times.

Your inner rehabilitation will begin through love, the giving of self, and through the absolute surrender that you can give to the Celestial Father; in this way, the promised and awaited Earth will manifest after the cycle of purification of the planet and of humanity.

That spiritual rehabilitation was granted by Christ Himself when He died on the Cross for each one of you.

My children, accept this call. Redeem your lives in Christ and for Christ; thus the planet will be liberated.

I thank you for responding to My call!

For the rehabilitation of humanity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of the oceans and through them I mirror the inner light upon the world.

I am the Lady of the oceans and through them I radiate the codes of renovation.

In the great oceans there are points of light that form a large net that communicates with the fountains of Grace. The oceans capture the principles of these fountains, and the prayers of all those who unite themselves to Me are deposited in these places to generate states of peace, harmony and mercy.

I am the Mother of the oceans and through them I unify the consciousnesses with the Purposes of God.

I am the Mother of the oceans and protect during the trips those who cross them.

I do not cease to take care of the light that exists in the oceans because it helps humanity widely.

Through the great oceans the Will of God is established, and all those who unite themselves to the consciousness of the oceans can feel the inner peace.

Thanks for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the principle of All,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Blindness of humanity starts with the indifference and omission of the souls towards the sacred Kingdom of God. Thus the souls uninterested in knowing their real purpose lose the total vision of their horizon and of their inner universe.

At this time the Celestial Hierarchy tries to sow new codes as seeds of light in arid deserts, and it is the prayer of all those who correspond to the Plan that allows all to be balanced.

Thus, Your Heavenly Mother knits upon the planetary consciousness a network of light capable of supporting the currents that will come in aid to the entire humanity.

This universal action generated by groups of prayer that have contact with this cosmic frequency allows the Laws to change and the foreseen events not to take place on Earth before their time, in spite of the great mental and spiritual indifference that might exist.

Dear children, the Celestial Father rejoices when the major part of the consciousnesses respond to the celestial Call and do it with sincerity and truth. This also generates an inexplicable fusion between the spiritual and human planes. Thus, codes of light from the seventh celestial Universe descend and provide that all the planet receives an undeserved Grace.

The open and available heart is allowed to go through the thick layers of the global indifference with its prayer, and makes all the Creation, from now onwards, to count on spirits decided to fulfill the Plan.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In union with all the servers of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

I come from Heaven on this day full of Grace to proclaim the victory of the hearts redeemed by Christ.

I come to declare the triumph of the Plan of God in souls that responded from the beginning to My call.

I come to reveal the incalculable value of the transformation of hearts that surrender in trust to God, and how the doors of the Kingdom of God open themselves upon each one of them.

I come to show you, My children, the power of reconciliation among consciousnesses that once made a mistake and closed their hearts to God. Therefore, as the Mother of Divine Reconciliation, I concede this Grace for souls to liberate themselves from the chain of constant mistakes.

Through the spiritual union of each child of Mine to My higher Grace, liberation from the past and total renewal of the consciousness that was previously spiritually apart from God are established.

Dear children, on this day I bring you awareness that before everything happens to humanity, souls can be free from their sufferings and, thus, be prepared to enter the commands of Christ, Your King and Lord.

My children, when your hearts open themselves, other opportunities can arise; the Universe helps you to take this great step towards surrendering to God and to His divine Plan.

I would like, My children, that every day you live the reconciliation of the heart so that many more souls receive the Grace of finding redemption. This will first start in your families and afterward in humanity.

I urge you to walk by My side because I love you and wish the best for each child of Mine.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and reconciles you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted on the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Feel within your hands the warmth of My Immaculate Heart, which transmits and radiates the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Feel within your hands the pulsation of My Heart, and contemplate it in devotion.

Feel within your hands the Light of My Immaculate Heart, a Light that is poured out over the world for each soul on Earth.

Feel within your hands the fire of My Heart, and observe how much it still shines in offering to the Celestial Father for each of His children.

Feel within your hands the Love of My Immaculate Heart, and pour it out with gratitude over your brothers and sisters of the path.

Feel within your hands the humility of My Immaculate Heart, and adore the poverty with which it has saved the world during the incarnation of the Son of God.

Feel within your hands the pain of My Heart, from which, for each word of prayer, a thorn is removed.

Feel within your hands the roses of My Immaculate Heart, which open to emanate the subtle scents of Creation.

Feel within your hands the purity of My Heart, which ignites and reflects like a universal mirror of redemption.

Feel within your hands the kindness of My Immaculate Heart, a kindness that intercedes for you all the time so that you finally wake up.

Feel the rejoicing of My Immaculate Heart, so that you may open and discover that the Plan of God is perfect.

Upon your chest, embrace the splendor of the Love of My Immaculate Heart, for in this way, I will help you to overcome the fears and manifest the apostleship of the New Christs.

In your soul feel the Grace of My Heart, so that it may transform and purify all your past, and in this way, you become a teraphim on the altars of the Creator.

Carry My Light to the world and unite with My Heart, which today is between your hands to offer you conversion.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In spiritual maternity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
