28 Special Message of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity transmitted in the National Sanctuary of Aparecida, São Paulo, Brazil, TO THE VISIONARY FRIAR ELÍAS DEL SAGRADO CORAZÓN

As the Lady Aparecida I give you My Peace and My Blessing from the Merciful Heart of My Resurrected Son.

Today I call you, dear children, to live the flame of redemption through this day of prayer and peace that is necessary for these times in order to live a true conversion. Today also, My little children, I thank you for having responded to My call, because God Omnipotent, by means of the presence of My Immaculate Heart, sends you the plenitude of Forgiveness and Grace for reencountering the path through the call of the Faithful Servant of God.

I want to tell you, My children, that the Lord Christ, through the response of all, is pouring His Infinite and Divine Mercy over some nations that need absolute forgiveness. Through the “yes” of all My dear children and through the intercession of My Immaculate Heart, I have received the faithful permission before God so that millions of lost souls, throughout this final time, may be touched by the Light of My Maternal Heart.

Dear children, because of the response of this part of humanity, My Plans of Peace are descending upon the world. This means, My children, that the sincere prayer of all of you and of all the faithful to My Immaculate Heart has allowed, once more, the victory of My Immaculate Heart and the triumph of the Plan of God in this cycle of tribulation.

Because of all this, dearest children, I call you to visit time and again and according to the possibilities of each heart, this Sanctuary of Aparecida, dedicated to the humble honor of My Immaculate Heart.

Come to Me through the Sanctuary of Aparecida, because on this path you will be collaborating in the salvation of those who are most lost and far from God.

Unite to the consoling principle of My Heart so that in renovated faith of all My children, hearts may arrive towards the Kingdom of the Father, which is equal and humble for all, where the Love of My Son reigns.

Carry in your lives the strength of My Heart and may this attribute give you the opportunity to live the eternal state of forgiveness.

Thank you, little children, for responding to My call.

I thank your hearts, in the Peace of My Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity,

the Blessed Aparecida of Brazil


Dear children,

Loneliness and the lack of the True Love of God in some hearts may awaken fear. This is why, dear children, as instruments of prayer, you must love God the Father above all situations, feelings and thoughts so that in this way your consciousness may be guided towards the path of the perfect Light of God.

Beloved children, many souls need peace in life and in the heart. These souls, that are My children, live confused with little wisdom to take their steps. For this reason, My children, I call you urgently to the prayer of the heart. In this way My Son will be able to flood you with His Mercy and His Graces in these final times.

Dear children, the world is still blind before the Love of God. For this reason I ask you to awaken in your brothers and sisters the compassion and the forgiveness that are so necessary for humanity to redeem itself. All souls in these times are in their cycle of definition and judgment. Pray, dear children, with much love, so that God may listen to you and may pour His Mercies over the world.

Humanity still lives in the illusion that everything will contin- ue to be the same. I tell you, My children: wake up! Wake up because My Son is returning to the world and the world must ask God for much forgiveness.

Live daily in the love for others. Thus the Light that so many souls await will be able to be the flame that My Son will deliver to each one of your hearts.

Pray! Pray! Do not tire of praying because it is necessary in this time of Judgment.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Light for the path of the souls.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Peace will be reached in the devotion to My Immaculate Heart, and the world will live some more time of Grace. See emerging from your hearts the presence of My Maternal Love and your lives will be closer to God the Father.

Dear children, My Heart cries out for the redemption of the world and of so many children that your little hands could not count them. My beloved ones, the universe to which your hearts belong is full of Light and Grace, but little has humanity learned how to live from God. For this reason, raise your eyes always towards the Kingdom of the Most Holy Father so that on the path that you are traveling you may see My Son at your side. He is the One who returns for Love, Redemption and Peace. Find God in your lives through prayer.

Dear children, accept to enter the path of My Peace so that My Heart may guide and protect you. While the world still believes that it is living well in the way that it has been formed through generations, I tell you that all souls must surrender themselves before the throne of the Creator so that He may see them with eyes of Mercy.

Beloved children, fulfill the promise that your hearts have made to My Son. First of all, live in Him perpetually so that later, drinking from the Fount of His Heart, you may merge yourselves with His Holy Spirit of Love.

Today I invite your consciousnesses to return to the union with My Son that each one of your lives had in the beginning. For this, dear children, reach the redemption of your lives through prayer, through communion with Christ and through the reconciliation with the Most High.

In each new conversion you will be helping to alleviate the world so that the Eternal Love of the Heavens may reign over the sorrowful Earth.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Divine Mercy for those who have not yet achieved it.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Collect the Graces that My Heart has poured at your feet.

A Special Grace is the true encounter of each one of you with Faith. Today I invite you to witness the flame of My Faith so that in prayer your souls may recognize My Peace.

The path of Faith, dear children, is constructed through complete trust in God. This Faith, which is Divine, will give you strength to overcome the tests and the challenges in life. Faith will prepare you for the time that will come to humanity. For this reason, My little children, I call you to contemplate the Faith of the heart, which lives in each one of you.

Dear children, this celestial sign of Faith will lead you to the presence of My Son. Remember, little children, that I, the Lady of Faith, will lead you by the hand to the throne of My Father.

My dear ones, in the encounter with Faith everyone will be able to strengthen the Light of their hearts. Faith is the pro- tecting shield in these times. Therefore, dear children, I will accompany you throughout this path of pilgrimage towards the encounter with My Son, the Redeemer.

If you knew how important it is to live in the Faith of the heart, you would discover the purity of this heart. Faith prepares you for the path of the pure intentions of the heart, and this begins by means of the exercise of prayer. Prayer will bring you clarity to life. Prayer will awaken peace in you.

Now, My little children, you are wayfarers and seekers of Faith. I invite you to imitate My path as Guardian of Faith, as the Faithful Mother to each heart.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Receive My call with your hearts and arms open. I am the Mother, Relief and Help*, that comes to the world to shelter the little hearts. There are still many places through which My Heart must pass in order to alleviate pain.

I only ask of you today, My dear children, that in face of all the inner suffering, you remain in My Immaculate Heart. In this hour of surrender and renunciation I will be there to support the steps of your hearts. Here on Earth there is still much to restore and forgive, but the most urgent is that we must pray so that the last Celestial Graces may descend.

Dear children, in truth I say to you that My Heart of Mother is humble, simple and open to each one of you. My Love will never separate Itself from the hearts that have been consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. For this reason, little ones, you must live with the utmost joy the suffering that the Lord sends to your hearts so that this pain, permeated by love, may liberate the evil that the world lives.

I conduct you through the path that My Son promised you to live. He is the Path, the Truth and the Life for all the hearts that accept to live it. There is a path by which to go. There is a truth about your existences as souls and hearts, and there is a new life, that through My Son, you will discover on the pathway of prayer. Only aspire, My little ones, to find day by day the path towards Christ. He will strengthen your hearts during the hours of testing.

The most essential of all, My dear children, is that your hearts may not lose the joy of serving and of smiling because such is the will of the Lord in these moments: He wants to see your hearts full of gratitude and joy.

The mission of all My children in the world will be to con- vert their hearts to the Will of the Lord without any fear. For this reason, My little ones, I am among you announcing the upcoming time of peace for the world.

Let us pray.

Thank you for responding to My call.

May joy reign in your hearts. Peace for the Earth.

Who loves you eternally,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


* Tr: “Mother, Relief and Help” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”


Trust in My Maternal Love and you shall be saved. Com- mune with My divine presence so that your hearts may be liberated of all pain and may be reborn as little lights for the Lord.

Dear children, the Lord needs to avail Himself of you every day in this life and during all the time that passes by. Therefore, My little hearts, hold tightly to My Mantle of Light so that under My humble feet you may see the path that I will indicate to the throne of the Lord.

Let us pray for peace in the world and especially let us pray for all those hearts that live day after day suffocated by suffering and that are lost in the confusion of the heart. To alleviate all these ills, My little ones, I am in perpetual need of your prayers. Thus, My dear ones, many hearts that in this final time are lost may be rescued from the twilight of life and of the world, and thus be saved.

The Lord, who is worthy, wondrous and merciful wants, through My Maternal Presence, to safeguard all the hearts that, without perceiving it are distanced from His Heart of Love. Now, My soldiers, the time has come to give everything out of love to the Supreme Father. This will help in the liber- ation of the great faults that many people commit unjustly against the Heart of God.

To you, My little ones, who as servants of prayer respond to My call of Peace, I say: I, the Queen of Peace, count on the beating of your hearts that, full of prayer and of Mercy, will assist in the harmonization of many blind hearts.

My Divine Light, light that monthly I am bringing to your hearts, is the same that must be radiated to your brothers and sisters, those who wait to rest in My maternal arms. For this reason, My dear children, each day of service that passes is the equivalent of years to rescue the hearts that are absent from the Most Beloved Lord of the Heavens.

My little ones, we are in times of Special and Unique Graces that, by means of My Immaculate Heart, are being conceded to the hearts that would not deserve them. And as My Love is great and immense for each one of you, you will be able to understand that My Divine Heart of Mother and Servant is working in honor of all My children in need of My Love.

I am preparing your hearts daily for the times that will come. I will listen to you and will meet you in the inner exercise of prayer, because, I assure you and I confirm to you that My Immaculate Heart will be inside your little hearts.

It is time, My beloved ones, that the Love that springs from My Divine Heart be an expression of life, for each one of your souls.

May the Lord at each moment bless all of you, My children. Who adores you and shelters you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
