Tuesday, June 13 of 2017

Daily Messages

The second part of the New Prophecy

And you will see that those who say they have the power of religion in their hands will lose control of everything overnight.

Their spiritual blindness and ambition will be as great as also well known.

You will then see the sign of the end time reveal itself, a sign that will indicate the last culminating phase of the fall of the false temple.

Wailing will be heard, so similar to the wailing wall.

The ambitious will no longer have their own refuge, because the Great Spirit will have moved and will only be with the simplest. 

This will be the hour of the great test of the patriarchy because neither leaders nor nations will be able to stop it, for the Divine Will that will move with the strength of the Holy Justice will show everything.

There, not one stone will be left upon another, the false power will fight with its own ambition and the great crisis of religions will take place.

Because, as it was said, the keys will be taken away and, those,  will not be able to open the doors to enter the House of the Father.

Those who have hidden the truth and were not transparent or crystal clear as water, will soon get dirty. Their social life clothing will be torn because the wolves’skin, that was hidden under good sheep’s clothing before, will come out. 

At this hour, everyone, as a believing humanity, will have the opportunity to unite with or to separate further from the Hand of God.

Like in the blowing of a very strong wind, the structures of the temple will fall, just as the temple of the pharisees fell at the moment of the death of the Only-begotten Son at the Cross.

And more revelations will come.

The boat of the old temple will be shaken by the rage of the great seas.

A storm will fall upon the boat at the time when it will be expurgating all its evils.

There, faith will be in proof and the poor hearts of thousands of sinners will have to confirm themselves before the Law.

They will have the Grace of remaining above all, or they will have the disgrace of remaining submerged in the terrible purifying turmoil.

But in this hour of great uprisings, the Lord will send His angels to succor the one who, with a poor name, will have the foundations of the old temple shaken.

This is why you must pray for this shepherd, seen as the great opponent of all times and as the interference of all nations that live materially, without God.

Thus, Justice will come as a strong blow of light, which the divine hammer will give at the hour of the final sentence.

The Beloved Son, Who knows all things, will, one by one, the words of His Holy Wisdom into the ears of the humble shepherd and will give him more courage and strength through the anonymous ones that pray, who, like in the past, helped the Holy Mother give a worthy burial to Christ.

The Great Shepherd and his flocks, which are not from that temple, will be wrapped up as in cloths of protection, so that nothing similar or invisible may touch them.

They will be much protected, just as Christ kept His Wounds protected by the linens of the Holy Schroud.

There will be no mind or intellect that remains clear and discerning in this hour of tearing down the old temple and of purifying the old boat.

The soul that does not soon go to the heart, will be disturbed all the time.

Therefore, run quickly, and enter the dwelling of the heart before it is too late.

Because the adversary, with its dirty intelligence, will confuse all those who seek for or aspire to mental answers.

Move forward before the time and invoke the Grace of being able to feel the dwelling place of the heart.

There the enemy does not know the Kingdom, nor will it know how to cross the desert, where the Woman of the Light will protect Her children.

Before the temple is shaken, run to the temple of the heart, where God has His true Church, His Existence and His Eternal Presence.

Everything will begin again in the New Church from the heart, and from there everything will be done as was thought and meditated since the Beginning by God, the Creator.

And, even though the wolves show themselves furious and tear off the false sheep’s clothing with their hands, do not be frightened, this will be the sign that, in truth, the change is coming.

The hour to come indicates the arrival of the renewal and the true children of Eve will finally lose the bondage with the Original Sin; they will be free from all the errors of the past.

Thus, the new temple, free from the ambitious and boasters, will be worthy of receiving, at its High Altar, the One, Who has always reigned, the very Christ Himself, your Lord.

Make simple penance for those who do not convert and for all those who only crave for power, and more power.

Live and practice the commandments, because God will send Moses again, in his new aspect, to tell the world how much it has moved away from the Law and has not complied with it.

Live the Laws, on behalf of those who will not live them and for those who proclaim them at the altars and do not comply with them.

May your center be the Divine Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, there you will be safe from those who do not speak the truth.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace