Dear Children,

The victory of the Kingdom of God in the world will take place through the sublime power of prayer.  For this, I lead you along this path, so that your souls may open out like the birds, to be able to fly and reach the Kingdom of the Creator.

Each prayer pronounced brings new codes to all, divine essence that begins to incarnate in spirit of truth and compassion.

My children, your lives are attending a school of prayer that is unknown to you.  And as now you have accepted to be part of My army of light through the daily rhythms of prayers, I train you to be able to face the world and help it spiritually.

For this I conceive in each one a mirror of prayer that reflects the principles of the divine life, the eternal states of peace.

Dear children, I wish you to accompany Me in this long walk in the search for the lost souls and the wounded hearts that must redeem themselves in the name of love.

Dear children, do not detain yourselves, build the Church of Christ by means of your prayers, which are the sacred unions with the Celestial Father.

Children, the time already marks a crucial moment for the world, in which the Universal Judgment shall establish itself and all will be spiritually evaluated.  Pray, pray and pray.  Thus the merit of your prayers will fill the Heart of God and open the doors of love so that all may be redeemed.

I thank you answering to My call!

Who unifies you in the essence of Peace

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dearest children of Mine,

May on this day, your voices and the voices of all of the praying beings of the world proclaim the Love of God and the coming of His Glorious Kingdom of Mercy upon the reality of this world.

Dear children, today My maternal request is that you fulfill the Designs of the Celestial Father in your little lives so that soon all the evil generated by the world may end and the redemption and the reconciliation among humans and God be established.

Dear children, may, today, your voices pray united to the great voice of My Son, that pronounces itself on this holy day in order to remove evil from some places of the Earth.   With courage and love, dear children, open the doors of your hearts so that the expected change in your lives may be materialized in these times.

Beloved children, Your Heavenly Mother is working extensively so that the souls may go through the pathway of the new life, that which Christ will bring to this lost planet.  The voice of your prayers must not stop now and neither the loving offer that the groups from the Network of Light provide Me in these times of crisis.  I expect from everyone, the best achievements in the life of prayer.

Children, there is no other path but only the prayer of every day; a prayer that will keep you firm and safe on the Christic path, even in the moment of your purification.   I help you all to walk in the Faith and in the Love of My Son, this will always encourage you to find Light on your paths.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the fount of the Universe of Prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

The times that are approaching will be different from the times that have already passed.  The creation of the Universe will have its maximum performance during the culminating moment of Armageddon.

Dear children, the Eternal Father will send His Angels to help the planet and the Messengers from the Heights will come to battle against the beast of seven heads.

Children,  the moment is already something else, nothing will be as it has been until now, for this in silence and prayer I have been preparing your consciousnesses so that they may participate in a mission never known before.

Dear children, humanity is submerging day by day and My armies on Earth are no longer bearing the friction of the times.  For this your hearts are worked so that the true task and the important mission of each server may be fulfilled.

Dear children, the time is already setting new events, the way out is found in prayer and in the profound union with My Son.  But the Higher Angels will come to help you when your Heavenly Mother has to take care of the other part of humanity.

Children, the time of the great change and the profound experience with the Higher Universes has already come; this will no longer be distant from all, it will be very close in order to awaken the true science of all things.

While everything is about to happen, vigil united to Me; thus you will not miss the opportunity of growing internally.  The Father needs your sincere act of love.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who awakens you to the Higher Life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I deeply rejoice for finding you here today, reunited in this beloved oratory of My Heart, because all of the praying families are favored before the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, today I would like to tell you from the depths of My Heavenly Soul that higher and eternal life exists after this life.  Many among you, of those who have already left, learn close to My Heart about the power of prayer which rescues and liberates other souls.

For this, you must rejoice, and each day love the Will of the Creator who wants to see you mature and be firm on this path, which will finally also lead you to find your own dwelling in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

My children, death is a deep step of purification and detachment: in this way, the soul lives a stage of surrender of everything that it lived on the surface of the Earth.  If your souls pray with trust to My Immaculate Heart, you will fear nothing, Your Heavenly Mother takes care and protects each one of Her children who are following the Will of God in obedience, and their brothers and sisters.

You will see, in these times, My beloved ones, that the world will purify quickly, this is not a punishment of God, it is the movement of truly living a change within the consciousness, in order to be able to reach the consecration to the Kingdom of God.

If you are here today, it is because I love you, and will always give thanks for your prayers, for the Plan of the Most High and for this suffering planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to a Higher Life, after this life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In times without peace, may your deepest desire be to do all that is possible so that the spiritual Peace that comes from God may be expressed in your lives.

Every day, through the effort of living the prayer of the heart and of being the living prayer, you will manage to reflect that which your Celestial Father so much expects.

Dear children, open the way so that Peace may always reign, like a torch of light that is never extinguished.  In the time of your purification you will live inner encounters with peace, and it will be able to be reflected to all of the planetary life.

Children of Mine, be the messengers of peace by means of your good deeds, because the majority of the souls lose themselves for not being able to find the path of peace that I have been showing you and teaching you.

I thank you for answering to My proposal of peacemaking!

Who finds you in the Source of Peace,

You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


​​Dearest children of Mine,

I come tonight as the Lady of Peace and the Guardian of the souls, because Your Heavenly Mother prays ardently for all during the evening hours.

At those times, the neutrality, the spiritual introspection and the silence of Your Mother perpetuate themselves throughout the Universe.  It is the time for retreat and quietness to be able to meditate and contemplate the next steps of the Plan of God for humanity.

That is why the night is the moment of vigil of Your Mother, it is the time when the Angelical Heaven enters the sphere of the Earth in order to save the fallen souls.

Dear children, in the next times your lives may be united to My universal life because it will be the moment of adoring and praying for the world when it enters the most acute phase of its transition.

Children, I am the Lady of the Night and I reveal to you the principle of My universal vigilance that comes from concentration and silence.

Children, accompany Your Mother in this sacred task.  The day and the time will come when the apostles of My beloved Son will become guardians of the spaces and keepers of the Sacred Centers of all the oratories of the Earth.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who guides you to a greater vigilance,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Opening the doors of Heaven towards the planet, your Heavenly Mother gathers you today, in the oratory of Her Immaculate Heart, to pray and implore for Peace and Mercy for the whole world.

Dear children, Your Mother of Heaven prepares everyone and, especially the future missionaries of peace, to face the human terrors and the continuous flagellation of hearts, of sibling souls who suffer every day from the result of a great error without end.

Dear children, the humanitarian mission in Hungary and Turkey will be very important. You will see two parallel realities that are on the same level, in the same planetary situation: the lack of peace.

My children, the mission in Africa was an important preparation for this next mission that must be fulfilled in this critical time. Despite its suffering that has still not been healed, Africa experiences, deep inside, a true love that is slowly recovering, through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation.

The Middle East has forgotten about God and, despite the beliefs, the Universe would never propose to hurt anyone nor impose any spiritual or religious doctrine. God teaches us, dear children, that everything begins and ends in Love; without Love nothing is possible.

In this time, souls seek happiness in their fellow beings and, although this human love exists, true happiness is found in the Heart of God, which will always impel you to find hope and transcend fears.

Through the conflicts of this time, souls that are subdued by terror lose the memory and the feeling of loving God and their fellow beings. This makes consciousness totally  forget that Divine Love and Compassion exists; which generates hatred, mortality and martyrdom, only for the sake of conquering a Kingdom which belongs to no one, only to Creation.

Dearest children, for this reason, I come to ask you for prayer, rosaries and novenas. If souls and conscious servers do not put forth effort, through offers and small sacrifices, hatred and ambition might embrace the whole of humanity and material life would acquire more importance than the Eternal Father himself.

The concern of the whole universe is that ignorance and false authority prevail, to create a human kingdom of lies and of ambitions.

But in the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph within hearts that have always been witnesses of the Presence of the mercy of Christ in the world. It will be this inner testimony, of faith and hope, that My missionaries of peace must take within their hearts. This testimony will be the imperious and loving call that will guide you before the great darkness and human calamity.

But know, My children, that My Grace will be your strength, and when you step on the ground of Turkey and Hungary, it will be your Lord Jesus Christ who will touch the earth with His luminous Graces.

Let us pray, because the war of ambition has still not ended.

May Peace be present within your hearts.

I thank all My children for concretizing this sacred mission!

I bless you, from now on, for this sacred task of Peace and Mercy,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As the flowers that reopen under the spring sun, I hope that your hearts keep transforming themselves like precious roses in the maternal garden of My Heart.  In this way, My children, you will help the whole world to recover the beauty with witch it was created.

Ignorance, mistreatment and imposition have made of this world a deserted garden, in which not even the Water of Life can spring in the hearts of humans.  I come to recover in humanity the feeling of loving life and respecting it above all.

Children, your prayers can please God and at the same time, help in the liberation of the cruel and unfaithful world.  The light of My powerful rays ignites the lost souls and conduces them until they find the way towards the Celestial Father.

Day and night, without time or delay, Your Heavenly Mother prays for you so that humanity and the hearts do not lose the path towards the reencounter with love and the supreme truth.

For this, children, I wish to have you in My arms, I hope to see you mature to begin to traverse the path which will take you to a total consecration of life and spirit before the Eyes of the Creator.

Dear children, I hope to have you by My side all the time, I hope to see you prepared so that together with Your Mother from Heaven, we may live the final challenges of consecrating the planet to the Blessed Heart of God, in this way everything will change.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who elevates you to the Heart of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In these moments, the voice of the Heart of God is proclaimed through the Sacred Hearts in order to ask for peace throughout the entire Earth.  God wishes you to no longer harm the hearts but reestablish love in this world.

In the Universe, we know that it is difficult, but we count on the help of all those who pray so that at least evil may be erased from the cruel hearts.

My children, the Universe is present in all these events of the planet; many souls are suffering the result of a conquest without limit, which embraces many nations.  They flaunt gaining a kingdom that does not belong to them, and they really forget that life is the most precious of all.

This endless war must finalize; for this reason, the sources of prayer that can spring from your hearts will allow the angels of Heaven to intervene for this humanity.  The values of life have been lost and many innocent beings are living the consequences of the actions generated by others.  In this way, everyone makes the Heart of God tremble, by losing the consciousness and the true sense of that which is sacred and pure.

For this reason, I come every day to ask My children for prayers; it will be through your true offering that the Celestial Father will pour Mercy out upon the hearts most in need.

Dear children, Your Heavenly Mother is already found working upon the planet.  I have come in Glory and Divinity in order to prevent the errors from spreading like poison within the hearts of humanity.

As you will see, My dearest children, we are in times of emergency, in which your purpose and path must be very clear; in this way, you will help Me, out of love, so that everything passes as soon as possible.  Universal Justice will not fail to act and humanity does not know about this.

I thank you for being with Me in times of emergency!

For Peace in the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace,

After the daily message Our Lady transmitted to all the following spiritual exercise of praying.  She said:

“To prevent the Wrath of God upon the world and to intercede for the souls of the innocent children, for the Celestial Peace to be established in the poor hearts of the world, I give you the Rosary for the Peace of the Children in War”.

By request of Our Lady this Rosary must be prayed during the next three years.

With love, you shall implore to God.

Union bead
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Source of all prodigies,
pour Your Mercy over the conflicts of the world.

First decade
For the Angel of Peace,
we implore to God,
calm the suffering of the little ones.

Second decade
For the Angel of Love,
we implore to God,
satisfy the hunger of the orphans.

Third decade
For the Angel of Healing,
we implore to God,
restore the wounds of the innocent.

Fourth decade
For the Angel of Light,  
we implore to God,
illuminate the paths of the children of the world
so that they may find the Love of the Mother of God.

Fifth decade
For the Angel of Mercy,
we implore to God,
keep in Your Heart, Lord,
the emigrants and those missing.

Supplication to the Sacred Hearts
Prayer to be recited three times at the end of the Rosary

Most Pure Heart of Mary,
Mother and Queen of Peace,
Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
Worker and Custodian of souls,
Sacred and Divine Heart of Jesus,
we implore to You, in the name of humanity,
may the Kingdom of God be established
until the one thousand years of peace are fulfilled.


This rosary will permit Your Heavenly Mother to intercede, together with Saint Joseph, for the conflicts of the world, and especially for the souls of the innocent beings and for the children in war.

Peace and Prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In decisive times such as these, the spiritual war will have its respite, but this will be possible when your hearts, ready to serve the Plan of God, live the path of true prayer, which we teach you every day out of love for Creation.

Dear children, the souls of the world are assembled for redemption and peace so that you not lose sight of the path toward the Purpose of the Celestial Father.

The difficult time you are experiencing is called the Armageddon and, as Celestial Hierarchies, we know that many of you do not know how to face the traversing of the times. This is not the first time that the planet has experienced this; humanity has already gone through various times, and one of them was when Jesus incarnated in Israel.

Humanity was faced with its errors after the Crucifixion of Jesus, and even more so after His Resurrection. This brought about consequences up until today, and only a small part of the race adopted the call of Christ as faithful and true. It is for this reason that My Son, minutes before dying, gave Me to you; and as from that moment, Heaven, the Will of God, and the Earth, which is to say, the experience of redemption of souls, were fused so as to allow Forgiveness and Mercy to awaken.

Now that Our Most Pure Divinity descends from the universe to bring the world a new warning, humanity is at a greater turning point than it seems. This generates insecurity in the spiritual life of souls because they do not know how to find God in the middle of the chaos. 

The chaos is generated by humanity; it is a deviant current that triggers fear, panic and apprehension. But the principles of Love and of Truth are the gifts that the Divine Messengers are pouring out meeting after meeting, as a last lifeline. In this way, in redeemed hearts, the Celestial Hierarchy generates the possibility of again finding the path of the sacred and the pure among the horrors that many souls are living today.

God wants the world to not self-destruct and lose the Grace of being reborn in the Promised New Earth. The doors are open for those that want to submerge in the ocean of the Mercy of God. For this to be possible, and so the codes of the Most Holy Divinity may be sown in your spirits, you cannot keep the vows or commitments made with the realities of these times.

My beloved children, you must be collaborators in a magnificent work that is being done through your essences rather than through your skills. That attitude of true surrender and of a profound union with the Purpose of God will be the difference between being close to or far from Universal Will.

All are called to rebuild the Earth. All are assembled to prepare for the glorious second Coming of Christ in their inner beings and on the whole planet. It is for this reason that Our divine words will not tire of being poured out in your lives and consciousnesses until somebody manages to represent, in soul and body, the Kingdom of God. This will prevent the Project from failing through malice, folly and sorrow.

We thank you from Heaven for praying together with the Spokespersons of the Universe!

Who blesses you now and always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, in the sacred presence of Her Chaste husband Saint Joseph, Laborer of God and of all souls


While the Doors to Heaven are opening by the prayers of all of My children, other doors are opening towards the abysms to make the souls get lost.

The doors of the evil are opened by the alliances of the enemies with others consciousness, which changes abruptly the destiny of humanity.

All of the beings of the Earth are responsible for this to happen, but the powerful flow of prayer does not permit these realities to expand through the world.  Prayer, Communion and the Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ prevent many more souls to compromise with that reality which makes the world lose its spirit of purity.

My Heart clamors every day to all those who pray, to lovingly help Me to close the doors of lie, of superstition, of the false power and of a conquest of the planet that is excessive and petty.

I would like, My dear children, to recognize in each one who prays, the internal flame that, despite the difficult times, must never extinguish.  I wish that from now on, you be My soldiers of peace, that your lives be examples of the teachings of Christ, and that, no longer being the same, you be depositaries of flows of the Redeemer’s Mercy.

If such answer is not given, humanity itself, the race itself, will have to learn and start again, after witnessing its own destruction.  The atomic bomb in those times was the most severe result of the lack of conciseness, love and pity towards humanity.

The crisis in the Middle East, before the eyes of the world, is the most severe situation of annihilation and destruction of the spirit of the families.

Until when will this keep happening?

For that reason I come again to intercede for the world before God.  But this time I come to intercede for the innocents and not for the unjust.  The punishment of God will be great for those who keep modifying the Creation.

The world as a whole does not know the power of the Universe, it does not know the descent of the Law over the Earth.  Before that happens, I come to try to prevent humanity to self-destruct again, which would leave the planet in a different state.

I would like that everyone, without exception of creed, race or nation, could support this celestial call for peace.

I hope you have understood the clamor of My Heart.  The cup is not only exceeding its limit, but now its poison is compromising other nations.

I thank you for searching for Peace!

In permanent petition and plea,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Kneel every day before the altar of God and clamor for Piety and Mercy.  Ask the Lord to awaken humanity from the dream that it lives and to be willing to follow His Celestials Designs, no matter what they are.Son of Mine, Daughter of Mine, listen to the voice of God that speaks directly to your heart, inviting your soul to take a new step and consecrate itself to a superior life.  I ask you to be worthy of living the Project of the Creator, and through your transformation, allow other souls to find a path to Redemption.

Child, if you listen to the voice of Your Celestial Mother, it is because time has arrived to surrender yourself before God.  Wait no longer for the suffering of life to bring an insuperable learning to your spirit so that your soul may realize that it was walking through paths that did not lead to God.

Look, the world around you agonizes and your siblings suffer, day by day, the submission to darkness.  Many are in the bitterness of the wars, with the fear of death and with the impossibility of even having a dignified life according to the laws of the world.  And you, son of Mine, daughter of Mine, I have called to be by My side, and it was not by chance.

My voice pronounces itself before your eyes and speaks directly to your heart, because you have made a commitment with God for humanity and for the kingdoms of nature, for the evolution of this world and of many others.

Know, My beloved child, that the time of learning through love has already arrived for you, because the time of the true suffering for humanity is still approaching and its cycle has recently started.  You still have time to learn to love and to forgive, to be a server or servant of God.  But be brave and not delay in responding, because the clock time is no longer being counted in the same way.  Then hands accelerate and a minute has no longer sixty seconds.

I am your Mother, the Universal Queen, the bearer of a Peace that transcends any sorrow and suffering and that can persevere in the hearts of those who accompany Me, regardless of the events of the world.

For this, son and daughter, feel in My voice the urgency of the times and in My calm the last possibility of awakening humanity.

Your Celestial Mother has already shed Her tears before God and has offered Herself for your salvation and for the salvation of your brothers and sisters; but the Lord is Righteous and expects from humanity the initiative of transforming life on the planet.

The human beings must become worthy children of God, and that, My beloved ones, your Heavenly Mother cannot do for you.

I wish, son and daughter, that My love alone would touch your heart and remove you from the ignorance of the material life in order to lead you to the sacred and to the consciousness that these are times of emergency.

I wish I would make you understand, with My Holy Peace, that this, which I give to you, as blessings and graces, must be poured, through your prayers, over the souls lost in the world.

I wish, son and daughter, that the events that make your brothers and sisters agonize were enough to make you come out of yourself and serve those that you have beside you, to make you forgive what you still have not forgiven in the others and in yourself, and reconcile with God.

Listen, My beloved son, My beloved daughter, because today I speak directly to you: awake and unite to My Peace Army, because your Divine Mother no longer knows how to warn the world, and clamors to the hearts of the humanity that accepts living the Redemption.

Today I leave you My Peace and I thank you for coming to meet Me, although you know that many of those that I have summoned are not here.

Disseminate My Message of Peace, announce My Presence.  Do not allow your brothers and sisters to lose themselves. If I am here, it is to take you to God.

I love you and I bless you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted at the Sacred House of Mary, Mother Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

My eyes light up when they see the radiance of a life redeemed and changed by the power of the prayer of the heart.

My children, today I descend from Heaven to ask you for prayer for the children of Syria and the Middle East, for the smallest ones suffer the main punishment and injustice.

It is for this sacred cause, My children, that I come to implore that through the thirty-three days of prayer, you hold the intention of interceding for the children of Syria. They experience the consequences of exile, hunger,  rejection and  failure.

As your Lady of Graces, I come to rebuild this humanity, which has lost the values of reverence and sacredness, of fraternity and peace.

My eyes also cry for the smallest and most innocent ones, because the simplest families are the focus of the destruction of unity and love among beings.

The family is a Project of God; it is through family that the values of fraternity, cooperation and peace must be generated. The family can be the main group of prayer; like a mirror, it can reflect the essence of change and redemption to the Universe of God.

Dear children, that is why the Most Chaste Saint Joseph also descends from Heaven every day to help humanity, so that through His Chaste Heart, the values of the Sacred Family may be sown again. 

I descend every day to teach you to truly love, to motivate you to change the habits of a material life that deteriorates the families of each one of you.

That is why, My children, I come to beg you to pray; prayer must be the epicenter of the family. The Project of God in the families of the world must be realized. If the union in families should disappear, the inner and spiritual values that allow all creatures to evolve would disappear.

That is why Abraham, Moses and the Sacred Family of Nazareth worked for the sacred values of the Project of God, which was to have the whole of humanity become a true spiritual family. But the influences of these times, the modernities and the personal projects have distanced families from the Love of God.

That is why Saint Joseph will try to impart His holy spiritual help for all of the Middle East, with the aim that these important values be reintegrated into the heart of all beings.

My children, think of and feel what I am saying to you; each one of you is called in this time to protect and take care of the spirit of the family through good customs, fraternal acts and expressions of universal love.

Let us pray for the consciousness of the universal family that is this humanity. Let us pray for this project to be accomplished.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united with the praying families of the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I have come to ask you to continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, because just as I said it in Fatima, the wrath of God may be appeased through the loving prayer of all.

In this time, My children, this will not prevent all of humanity from being purified, because many of My children in the world still associate with the paths of evil.  It is due to this extraordinary cause of salvation that Your Heavenly Mother suffers the pain and the ingratitude of the world, and at the same time, these feelings of perdition are transmuted by the instruments that the Mother of God chose, just as it was in all the Apparitions from the past. 

Once again I come to Brazil, to collect from meek hearts all of the prayers and novenas that they are able to humbly offer Me.  It will be through this sincere offering from all of My dear children that I will be able to intercede or at least alleviate the fear of death that many consciousnesses are suffering in these times of no peace. 

For this reason, My children of Brazil, Your Heavenly Mother descends from Heaven, like in Fatima, to awaken the rays of devotion and of peace through the prayer of the Holy Rosary.  

Children, in this cycle, may your lives be prayer, because if they are pure prayer, you will be devotion, and through holy devotion, the world will achieve the essence of peace.

With My right hand over My Immaculate Heart and My left hand reaching out to the world, I come to simply offer the path of the ray of devotion to all of My praying children. Your hearts can express that devotion, just like a flower that opens to receive the rays of the sun. 

Dear children, My wish is that through the Rosary, your lives may already be different, filled by the streams of this ray of devotion; streams that spring from the Heart of Your Heavenly Mother, just as compassion, peace, elevation, hope and healing do.

My Children, do not fear the things of the world; the time has come for you to be My true servants of prayer; in this way, at least a part of humanity will not perish.  

Let us continue to pray, always praying; Grace and Mercy are urgent for the world. 

I love you.  I contemplate you.  I thank you for praying to My wounded Heart.

May Peace be in your beings,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My Maternal Heart still grieves for the lack of consciousness and love of the sinners of the world.

I ask you that you do not be confused with the false messages that only attempt to deviate the souls from My purpose of Peace.

Listen with attention to My words, and only believe in that which your Heavenly Mother daily dictates to you.  My adversary will use the half-truths in order to confuse the praying ones; to bring anguish and inner unrest.

I wish you to solely share with Me the sorrow of My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that continues to be offended by all humans when they outrage the feminine consciousness of humanity.

I ask to all of the mothers of the world, to the praying beings, to the believers and the devotees of the Most Sacred Hearts, to offer Me for nine days a novena to the Powerful Mother of the Perpetual Help, so that your Mother of Heaven may have the Grace of protecting the spirit of maternity in the world, that which is disappearing from the maternal womb of the mothers from the East. 

Mothers, if you also unite with Me by means of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Angel of Peace promises to protect the guardian angels of all of the good souls.  In order to prevent the guardian angels of the Middle East from disappearing from the nations, I lovingly come to ask the novena to all of the mothers of the world.  If all of the mothers unite with Me, I will be able to establish a longer time of peace in the Americas, that are the next focus of My adversary.

In order to establish the Mercy of God each soul of the Earth must do their part until the end of days.  If the prayer requests fall from their hands, such as fall the fruits from a tree, humanity will face a great spiritual trial. 

is for this that Heaven is descending to the chaos of the planet, as to avoid more innocent to be condemned and Christianity to disappear from the heart of the beings due to fear, terror or disturbance.

I would like all of My praying children to become conscious of the planetary reality, and each soul to commit to the mission that they have come to realize.

Now, not only My Heart is hurt, but also My pure tunics have been torn by the people who outrage the mothers of the East.

Come to Jesus and implore, do not stop imploring; we already are in the ultimate and definite worldly time.

I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart.

May peace not disapeare from the womb of humanity.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When you truly pray, the Laws change, and the world, in spite of everything, gains the Grace of a greater time of peace.

But the revenge that My adversary projects into ungrateful hearts is the recurring thought for concretizing his opposing plans. This will be disarmed because the persistence of those who pray will become stronger than all cruelty.

The Kingdom of God will be visible in the hearts of the simple and, in this way, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Follow the path of peace that I bring you in this time, and be bearers of My maternal Love so that it may be radiated from your hearts to the world.

Dear children, I bring you the Grace of awakening in time and of experiencing, without fear, the cycle of your purification.

Know that, through your life and your purified consciousnesses, you will have the happiness of receiving new celestial impulses that will reconfigure your lives and all planetary life.

Woe to those that do not listen to God and who do not purify themselves! In truth, many will come to regret not having changed.

Thus, accept the cross and follow Christ. In His pious Heart, you will find liberation from matter.

Children, be happy while you purify yourselves; everything can be offered to God without fear.

In your hearts, there are divine merits for being with Me today.

Pour out love, pour out truth, pour out the inner purity of the divine essence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who helps you walk in absolute faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

As your Mother of Help, I open the doors of My Heart to shelter in these times the souls lost for the illusions of the world.   Along with My Son Jesus I work for the redemption of humanity and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, those which in the past decades have been subject to an excessive manipulation which led to the deterioration of the spirit of the Kingdoms.

For this I come as the Mother of Help, looking for the hearts that may repent soon and may not waste time on material things.  Many of My children in the world live for themselves and do not live for God and in their lives they face, as a result, loneliness, abandonment and lack of love and inner faith.

But I come from Heaven everyday to teach you for the last time the path of return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.  That is why My final work will be supported by My disciples and children consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart.  It will be in this way that your Heavenly Mother will make the last attempt to remove from the hell on Earth those who submerge themselves day by day in the sea of despair and sin.

Those who live in prayer will be safe, and their homes will be like the arch of Noah, thus your homes will be living temples in the middle of the tribulation that the souls live, far from God and from His Eternal Love.

I receive all of you in My Heart because I love you.  My work will end when the majority has found the Kingdom of God.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who leads you to the consciousness of the spiritual awakening,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

The world has delivered all of its senses, mainly the inner senses, to the destructive hands of My adversary.  It is because of this that throughout the times I have been announcing the importance of the prayer of the heart and of the constant search for peace so that at least the most lost essences may find the path towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.

My Son sends Me in Glory, to spiritually demonstrate that the Universe is the true source of union with the Will of God.  As the Mother and Advocate of Peace, I come to try to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of My children, those which have led them to the darkening of the heart and the spiritual death of the soul.

Dear children, I bring you My Grace so that, by opening My arms to the world, souls may be protected in the Sacred Temple of My Heart.  But most souls are strongly handcuffed to the illusions of a material fulfillment that is capable of breaking the union between the families and God.

As a Conciliator of the poor of spirit, I bring the Kingdom of Jesus Christ to the world for the last time, because there are still many souls that will have to awaken their inner senses, those which are asleep by the plan of the enemy.

Meanwhile, My children in Christ, pray for your brothers and sisters who are hypnotized by the ideas of the world.  I receive in My Maternal Heart the true consolation of being able to continue coming to work as the Co-redeemer of humanity.

Pray, pray for those who day by day lose their inner senses and thus forget about God and His invincible Kingdom of Love.

Children, let us pray together, let us pray in the name of peace and sacred silence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you in the most pure source of the Heart of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When your hearts open, the Eternal Paradise comes to meet you and the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as flames of light, descend in order to merge into the depth of your spirits.

When your souls contact with one of the Gifts for only a few seconds of fervent prayer, the Grace of the Celestial Father converts what was irredeemable before; this is possible because your Heavenly Mother finds your hearts open, willing to accept the Will of the Eternal Father.

Dear children, when a heart simply opens to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, I can assure you that My plan of peace is made possible because there is a spiritual receptivity.  Thus, My deified Soul, which glorifies the Lord, rejoices and the spiritual joy, the bliss, is great for all in the Universal Heaven.

Do not allow, children, your hearts to close; love, forgive and live in the name of God the path of conversion towards finding Peace.  Feel in everything, the blessed hand of God working and doing wonders in situations that did not have solution.

My Heart thanks all the pilgrims that will accompany with the heart the work of the Divine Messengers during this month of September, through the immediate answer that you will give.

My Immaculate Heart shall triumph!

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who raises you to the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Light-Community of the Brotherhood, Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My children,

Today I have come to speak to you about a spiritual and prayerful community consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. 

On this holy day, I wish you to understand, dear children, that at this moment and in this place blessed by God, you are forming part of His Aspiration that here, through the offering of service, giving of self and charity you have carried out, you may be able to establish the Kingdom of God in your hearts, to then radiate it to your fellow beings. 

You know, My children, that there are many spiritual communities, both Christian and Eastern, in the world, but in these times only a few obediently manage to follow the Will of God through the sincere and non-profitable service of their members.

Imagine those communities also created for a Higher Purpose, but that do not live prayer, nor form oratories, bridges of elevation and of contact with the Celestial Universe. 

Dear children, I am your Mother, and I hope that all My children, regardless of whether they accept Me or not, may be able to hear the call to prayer, to supplication, to a true union with God. 

My Light-Communities must work every day for that sacred Purpose, and each member who tries to live a consecration to the Plan of God is responsible, before My presence and before the Presence of My Son, for this fiery aspiration to be fulfilled. 

Children, I ask that every day you renew your vows made to the Celestial Hierarchy; this will motivate other consciousnesses to also awaken and abandon this material life subject to property, to power and to unlimited competition. 

I come from Heaven to ask you to imitate the Community of Nazareth, which was formed by Saint Joseph, by the little Child Jesus and by your Heavenly Mother. 

Each Community in this time must represent that inner Temple, so that the angels may find spaces of companionship and of guidance for all the souls offered to the Plan.

It is for this reason that My Immaculate Heart suffers for the souls that have a true aspiration to live for God and who are deceived, disregarded by the ones who guide those flocks.

The results of those situations, in the loss of souls, are irreparable. This is why, since the beginning, I instituted spaces of prayer and of communion with Christ so that nothing would stray from the path, since My adversary always wants to impose obstacles as a way of hindering the life of those who take small steps. 

Humanity should already be one single community, and even if this seems impossible to happen, that is the original Will of your Heavenly Father, according to what is expressed in Genesis. 

Dear children, I leave you with this reflection so that as from now you may recognize where you are and by whom you are being guided, in the name of Grace and of Mercy, an opportunity that the majority does not have because they are not obedient or simple.

The project is one of humility, of beauty and of fraternity. All are invited to be an example and constant testimony of the Sacred Family. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
