To My beloved and hurting Venezuela

My beloved and suffering children of Venezuela,

With the voice of My Immaculate Heart, in the highest and most elevated Heaven, your Heavenly Mother implores for Mercy and Pity for all the leaders of that nation.

The universe implores for Mercy and consolation on seeing so much suffering, hunger and pain in all My children of Venezuela.

The door to Grace and happiness was closed in Venezuela and the angels pray at all the borders of this beloved country, to support the crisis generated by the surface human being.

Do not forget that I appeared in Beatnik and there, at one time, all Venezuelans could find me and I asked all your people for real order and true social justice.

Venezuela is one of the first nations of America that is going through the most severe cycle of the tribulation, in which everything is in play.

I request that sister nations welcome all My children of Venezuela into their cities, towns, homes and farms who are escaping from the national hell placed there by My eternal rival.

Know, My children of Venezuela, that I am praying to My Son for those who are still present there, who are thousands of souls, so that He does not impose His Sovereign Justice in this loved country that always welcomed Me.

It is time, My children, for all the Servers of the Plan of God on Earth to provide refuge, living space, food, and most especially all your love, to calm this continuous and very hard suffering.

With My Eyes full of tears, I do not cease to see the crying of those who cry out for Mercy and Pity.

Venezuela is the representation of human chaos, placed through a lack of love and equality.

Dear children, with profound love, embrace all those who are refugees on the border with Brazil. Help them and do not demand anything from them. Those souls, at all times, know only despair and horror.

I ask the Venezuelans who still survive in their country, that you come together more often to pray for everything happening to you and beyond yourselves. I ask that you consecrate an altar to My Heart in your homes and that, at the foot of this, implore without ceasing together with your Heavenly Mother.

If there were a great stream of charity between Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Paraguay, many things could be avoided.

I am inviting you, from now on, to be a spiritual family that comes together to transcend the end of times.

Pray, pray for all those who suffer from the chaos, May the Grace that many of you receive today be multiplied and poured out upon all.

To My children of Venezuela, I say that I share the pain and suffering that each one is experiencing through bad human actions.

May the Mercy of God illumine you and may Holy Peace finally be established.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prays without ceasing,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When a spiritual and deep sorrow is healed, a liberation from the past and all its codes is established, thanks to the intercession of the Spiritual Laws of Healing.

Through the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering, I wish to establish a home where souls that have not yet found God within themselves are able to find Him through the charitable hands which will give of themselves to accompany that moment.

In this, My next Project, I would like a work of healing and of spiritual prayer to be experienced at the current nucleus with the souls that, in spiritual or physical convalescence, will need recovery.

For this reason, dear children, a second house for the relief of suffering and physical transition toward corporeal death must be founded.

I need, dear children, that this second house be called the House of Saint Lazarus, so that souls which will be experiencing their last days on Earth there, will be able to be resurrected to eternal life.

For this reason, My little ones, this task will gradually be gestated, with the hope that the servers of San Carlos and the surrounding cities, in prayer and in service, take on this important mission for the souls that do not know healing nor eternal life after death.

I need everybody to be trained, educated and prepared for that mission.

The purpose of the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus is a part of all people of São Paulo, which will be affiliated with the mother house of the Immaculate Mother  for the Alleviation of Suffering.

I also wish to be present, as the Lady of Graces, at the entryway of the House of Saint Lazarus.

This house will shelter many souls, and in the future will go through an expansion, because My design is that the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering have other houses in other cities of São Paulo, because this task will be done so that souls may feel loved and protected at the moment of their death.

Dear children, if the people of São Paulo should take on this task of healing and of the transition of souls into the Kingdom of the Heavens, I assure you that the city of São Paulo will not need to go through so many purifications.

Once again, I invite you to embrace My aspiration.

I thank you for accompanying Me!

Who brings relief to you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


I return to your lives as the Mystic Rose for you to honor My Immaculate Heart and for you to yearn for it every day.

I return to your lives for you to help Me to remove, with your prayers and sacrifices, the thorns nailed on My chest and the swords that the world has placed in Me with all its offenses.

Dear children, I come to sanctify you and so that from now and forever My religious ones may be an example of Heaven on Earth.

I come to help and liberate you from the abysses that My adversary imposes with each test that he plans.

As the Mystic Rose I return for you to contemplate My Heart and all the mystery of Its Love that is kept within it.

Dear children, I return on this day for you to feel the Mystic Face of your Mother, the one that contemplates you and prays for your salvation and redemption.

At this hour, I come to distance My children from the danger and the harassments that My adversary projects with the intention of destroying all of My plans.

Remember that I am this Mystic Rose that shows itself to you as the only true and natural, spiritual and divine beauty for the souls.

I come to banish hatred, rage and temptation from the consciousnesses.

As the Mystic Rose, I return to help you to establish the Divine Peace.

I thank you for receiving Me.

Who sanctifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mystic Rose


In the times that will come, dear children, the ultimate times, the Law of purification will be the tonic point.

It will be the means through which all will be liberated for the consciousnesses to be more prepared to receive the new codes of Christ.

That is why, dear children, you do not need to fear this Law, because it will always place you on the correct path to be able to find in everything the Love of God.

In this last cycle, the souls that are in prayer will be able to help other souls that, still living the life of the world, must purify themselves intensely to receive at the time and at this moment the Grace of help that they need so much.

The Law of purification is an autonomous law, that is, as it comes from the Divine Source, it acts in a more direct form, as it has acted on humanity in other times.

May your hearts open themselves to know this Law, because it is the formula of the end of times that will expurgate all that the human beings have lived outside the law, bringing the Grace of reinsertion onto the Christic path.

The Law of purification will bring to the consciousnesses the possibility to evaluate oneself again, that is, to rethink their actions and take the decision to change, and at the same time, renew the vows before the Creator.

The Law of purification will allow the human heart to place itself in the mission and in the personal and group purpose that it has come to fulfill.

This Law generates the opportunity to once more conceive the Christic principles, to once more approach yourself to the path of rehabilitation, because it does not only purify, but redeems from time to time the hidden aspects of the consciousness.

The permanent prayer will allow the Law of purification to be more balanced at the moment it enters into the consciousness.

Let us pray for all souls, who in the illusion of the world and without having God in first place, will purify themselves, as the planet will be purified so that everything may enter into a new state of consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who accompanies humanity in its purification, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When a heart that was oppressed and in evil is liberated– as you say here on this planet – this has a price. Because of this, dear children, My soldiers face hard battles in these times, but prayer will make you invincible before any harassment.

Know, My children, that My Plan of peace shall triumph every day of life and that you, through Me, will be able to concretize and fulfill the Will of God. You will never lack courage to fulfill the Designs of the Father, in order for His Kingdom to be finally established on the planet.

The reason for so many battles is the definition of the times and the moment of making love triumph above all.

Dear children, for this I protect you and make you stronger than you could be, because those who live in My Heart shall not perish.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you and sustains you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

The Love of God is the source that nourishes the whole of Creation and life. Towards this source you must go so that your spirits are in the Lord. This source of Love also expresses itself in different ways and degrees in all of Its children; but some consciousnesses take possession of this source and it neither fulfills nor carries out the mission that it has come to accomplish.

The Love of God manifests in creatures in different degrees, according to the inner work done by each consciousness in order to awaken it.

In this time, love is used in favor of and at the convenience of many, which sooner or later, My children, causes the soul to discover its spiritual failure, to discover the unreal world that it has created by its own means.

The Love of God is much broader and it cannot be restricted to a consciousness or a form. The Love of God is a Spirit of Peace and of harmony that impels consciousnesses to become united with one another even though they manifest different degrees of love.

Human love is the other pole of Divine Love; it was a false current created by the adversary so that souls would feel ever more full of themselves and benefited through their own gains. But at some point this false love collapses through its own weight and the soul becomes consciousness of how much it has been deceived.

True Love has neither price nor limits; it is a fountain that renews, comprehends, and accepts human imperfection. When souls do not seek this love nor are able to see it reflected in their brothers and sisters beyond themselves, they live the misfortune of fictional love. This causes them enter an unreal emptiness and they constantly create conditions to seek benefits and conveniences.

We must pray for these souls, because Divine Love is neither a choice nor a prize. The Love of God is found when the soul opens its heart and in repentance, asks for the presence of this love.

The Love of God defeats the powerful and those who believe themselves to be more than others. When Love touches the depths, it is invincible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to live the Love of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When the Grace of God, which is My Grace, touches the hearts of humankind, everything may revert and all may happen. It is only enough that such a Grace, which redeems and saves all things, be accepted with the greatest humility and gratitude of the heart.

Sincere prayer will always bring you closer to this perfect state of gratitude and of love for all that has been received. Hearts that pray must not get used to receiving Graces as if They were bread delivered into their hands.

The Grace of God is something greater, which goes beyond human understanding and reason.

The Grace of God is an extremely powerful balm of reparation and of healing of impossible causes.

That is why the Father consecrated Me as the Lady and Dispenser of all Graces, so that My children in all eras of the Earth and in all the stages of humanity do not forget that there is a greater Grace above all adversity, a Grace that My enemy does not know and fears.

My children, may your hearts be searchers for the Grace of God, not only for yourselves, but also for the world, which greatly needs It at this moment.

As the Mother of Grace, I give you knowledge of the power of this flow of the Grace of God, which is not well understood by all human beings; but if It were properly loved, miracles would keep on happening like rain falling from the sky.

Dear children, the Grace of God, just as the Grace that comes from the Most Holy Son, can vindicate souls and save them from their constant errors.

Grace is a Fount that synthesizes the powers of mercy, piety, and compassion, expressed in this case through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

May the Grace of God always shelter and fulfill you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who dispenses upon the world all possible Graces,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Sant Esteve Sesrovires, province of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón

Write your true story of love and purity in the depths of your heart and keep each experience as an unforgettable richness.

Through prayer, allow every space of your being to be illuminated and build, through constancy, the path towards the infinite Heart of Jesus.

Do not lose the strength of your spirit because of what is happening around you, but seek all the time that your transformation may be the example and model of holiness for others.

Find, in every dialogue with God, the reason to continue and let the Breath of His Divine Spirit transfigure every aspect of your being. For this to happen, the doors of the heart must be open and thus everything will be wonderfully transformed.

For the Lord, there is no wound that cannot be healed. For God, there is no obstacle that cannot be transcended. There is no separation that can disunite hearts if there is true love first.

Therefore, find in each new experience an opportunity to grow and let resistance fade from the consciousness.

Grow in humility, in holiness and in service. 

Use every moment of life to fulfill the Plans of the Creator.

Perform every service as if it were your last. Love your neighbor as if it were the last time. Do not fail to express what you truly are and say no to pride and human indifference.

Love with the Love of Jesus and expand the light of your spirit.

Let the angels guide you on your paths to the sacred Temple of the Heart of Jesus; there you will find the purpose of your life and that of all humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

With joy My maternal and pilgrim Heart returns to Europe to gather in the name of love and peace all My children from the Northern hemisphere.

In this way, in this time what I once told you is fulfilled: “I will send the visionaries on a mission to each continent.” This shows, dear children, that times have changed and that the needs of the planet and of humanity are urgent.

I count on each praying being of this world to help Me to fulfill the plans of peace that are altered by the arts of My enemy. Anyway, beloved children, Your Heavenly Mother strengthens the life of those who consecrated themselves to the Plan, and this fortress, that is forged by sacrifice and love, makes it possible for the plan to be fulfilled by means of all those who respond to Me.

Dear children, in this way I am preparing you for what will come, the time that is approaching is unknown to all, and only prayer and unrestrictive service to God will allow that nothing gets lost within you, but rather that the Attributes of My Son flourish, the gifts that God hopes to see available for the service of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of the oceans and through them I mirror the inner light upon the world.

I am the Lady of the oceans and through them I radiate the codes of renovation.

In the great oceans there are points of light that form a large net that communicates with the fountains of Grace. The oceans capture the principles of these fountains, and the prayers of all those who unite themselves to Me are deposited in these places to generate states of peace, harmony and mercy.

I am the Mother of the oceans and through them I unify the consciousnesses with the Purposes of God.

I am the Mother of the oceans and protect during the trips those who cross them.

I do not cease to take care of the light that exists in the oceans because it helps humanity widely.

Through the great oceans the Will of God is established, and all those who unite themselves to the consciousness of the oceans can feel the inner peace.

Thanks for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the principle of All,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As Lady of the Thirty-Three and Mother of Uruguay, I prepare on this day, together with My children of this country, to move forward with an important task of prayer and of peace on this coming Sunday for all of Uruguay.

It will be through the meeting that will be done in the nineteen departments of Uruguay that your Heavenly Mother will be able to allow the Laws of Mercy to descend from the universe. I will be under the Ray of Omnipresence, accompanying the task of prayer and of peace that will be done in the nineteen departments at the same time.

Together with the angels, My Aurora will shine forth again in the consciousness, and relief and healing will be emerging for all.

Uruguay, as a spiritual nation and through this work of prayer, will be given an important opportunity. In this way, dear children, the Lady of the Thirty-Three will establish the emblem of the Confederation between souls and the Brotherhood among hearts in the consciousness of the country.

My children, all are invited to participate, from your groups of prayer and from your countries, in this important and unique meeting of peace for Uruguay.

Dear children, I ask that you direct all the prayers of May 29 to Heaven for all of Uruguay and its population; in this way, I will be able to intercede again for a very asleep and indifferent nation. Thus, the Grace of God will be with those who will be self-summoned for the mission of prayer for Uruguay on that day.

From the universe, your Mother from Heaven will descend to impart a special blessing for the Uruguayan people.

All those who pray on the planet are invited to be in prayer, vigil and union on the Uruguayan midday of May 29, 2016; at this time, your Mother will also establish an opportunity for the unredeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In a mission of peace for Uruguay and the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children:

Each new vigil of prayer is not the same as the previous one; therefore may your hearts ignite themselves so that the Love of God will be able awaken and Grace will be poured out wherever it is most necessary.

At each new vigil of prayer souls are called to remain more attentive and prompt for the requests of Your Heavenly Mother because at each new vigil of prayer planetary processes and even cosmic ones are unveiled and healed by the Light of My Heart.

When a praying soul offers its word to God through the vigil of prayer, it is confirming once more that the Plan of the Father and of all His Creation can be fulfilled and the soul that emits this confirmation is self-summoning itself for whatever may be necessary.

It is this awakening that the Uruguayans must live at this time, without half words and with an adhesion ready to serve the Hierarchy in whatever may be necessary.

In the vigil of prayer that you have shared with Me for four years, children, a very potent epicenter of divine Light has been built, the one that activates itself and descends as a flow upon a planetary or human situation in need of a source of liberation or healing.

All the divine possibilities can present themselves through each new vigil of prayer; everything will depend on the attitude of the praying being or of the disciple of Mary before the monthly call for prayer that is taking place. Therefore, at this time the Divine Hierarchy needs that the non-believing humanity may recognize the transmuting effect and power of prayer.

If to this effect of prayer one adds, for example, fasting, the results of a group work of prayer reverberate not only in these consciousnesses, but also in the Laws of Nature modifying the foreseen events.

Today, My children, I tell you all of this due to the urgency that you feel and understand in what you are participating vigil after vigil of prayer and what is the real spiritual result that this work of prayer reaches through the unconditional support of each one of you and of all the Heavenly Hierarchy.

Dear children, the vigils of prayer for peace in the nations will continue, not only to establish the universal positive chain of peace in the world, but also so that your inner beings and humanity, through prayer, will gradually be able to transform the aspects of the ego that corrode the consciousness and its full awakening.

All those who were born in this Project of God, as you know, bring the essence of the so-called “original sin,” a fault committed in the beginning by Adam and Eve for not having fulfilled the Law of obedience.

It has been since this moment that all of humanity throughout the ages has carried this event in its cells; in this way all the souls incarnated here have had and have to learn to overcome and redeem the human condition, which is the ongoing struggle against the own human ego that leads to perdition.

By means of the vigils of prayer, the very potent Marian channel tries to correct and to redeem the mistakes committed from the beginning of Adam to the near future.

This bridge towards liberation and redemption of the mistakes has been made by Christ through the Divine Mercy, He was the one who, for you, conquered evil and made the Love of God triumph. It is for this reason that in each vigil of prayer, not only the nations are worked on spiritually, but humanity, that has lost the Christic codes and continues committing mistakes is helped through the impulse of the vigil of prayer.

This field of praying energy that is created in each new meeting influences positively in the action of the Universal Laws and in the present process of the purification of all consciousnesses. So each of My children must have the consciousness sufficiently awaken to know that not only they will be seated on the chair praying, but that they will be representing eight thousand million people of the whole world who are not aware of these processes.

I hope to see My soldiers in each vigil, willing and perceptive so that through prayer you may capture the inner impulses of the Mirrors, and the planet can be transformed and thus may not lose itself. This will depend on the attitude of each disciple because Grace will come to this consciousness in addition.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who keeps vigil for all,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message for the Extraordinary Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of America, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Dear children,

To consecrate America to My Immaculate Heart I need the effort and the definitive awakening of all My soldiers.

Not all nations are willing, spiritually, to receive Me, because the spirit of illusion and numbness involves the creatures in pleasures and false spiritual searches that do not exist for the benefit of the evolution of the planet, but only for the material well-being of individuals.

Today, My Beloved Ones, the Creator calls you to a spiritual life that transcends material well-being and often does not include it because He is trying to awaken you to the present planetary situation in which imbalance has become a law and peace an exception in the hearts of a few.

Today, children, the Creator calls you to the  permanent sacrifice and effort, because not all of those who committed themselves to His Plans in the beginning are responding to His Call.

There are many nations that depend on the balance generated by others in order to not disappear, because of the consciousness of these nations, as a whole, decided to remain in darkness.

My beloved ones, understand that what I come to offer you is not suffering, because this is the result of human imbalance and the actions of the forces of chaos. What I offer you is sacrifice, an act of doing not only your own part but also a little more, on behalf of those who did not answer.

Suffering is the result of illusion, it is something used by those forces that want to leave you asleep and tied to yourselves and to your own pains. Sacrifice is full of God, because the soul is willing to consciously serve to generate the correct balance, including to relieve the pain from those who suffer.

Children, I come to ask you once more that you pray with Me and that you listen to My Call. I come to ask you to pray for America and that you do it for all who are in perdition and deceit.

At this moment, those who are willing to really walk at My side are carrying a burden that often exceeds the sacrifice that corresponds to them experience. And it is not the Will of God, children, that the imbalance is also present among His own, because not everyone is responding correctly.

It is necessary that among the soldiers of the Creator there is an equitable and balanced surrender, so that the weight of the human imbalance not to be sustained by a few.

My beloved ones, meditate on what I say and search in your life for the correct balance. If you still have not surrendered to what to do or if you still have not responded to My Call as you should, review your life and be willing to start again.

For the balance in humanity and in the servers of God, I ask you for these things.

Today I bless My little son who, to respond to My call, tries to surpass himself every day.

Today, I will not only ask you to pray for My visionaries. I will also ask you to work together with them for the institution of a new world full of peace. I will ask you to fight together with them for the consecration of America to My Immaculate Heart and, for this, take your rosaries and pray, pray and do not forget to respond to My call.

I blessed you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of America

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the Americas and the intercessor before God for all lost and distracted hearts.

I am the Governor and Lady of celestial majesty.

I am the One Who allows the liberation of all evil to be generated through the angels of the universe.

My Heart beats in all the Americas and makes Itself felt within those who invoke the Presence of the Universal Mother.

On this day, may all uncertain doors be closed and may undefined souls take the step toward inner ascension.

Today, may everything that prevents the awakening of hearts be liberated and removed from the universe. For this, children, may the inner conditions be created through prayer, faith, and the love of all consciousnesses.

I am the Mother of the Americas and there will be no government nor governor greater than Our Celestial Father.

May the fearful, the unjust and the false be exiled far from this humanity, so that the peoples may be free and gestate the New Humanity.

There is still time for hearts to repent and for the governments of the Earth to change their attitude, and in this way, truth may emerge and no one else will be condemned.

I am the Mother of the Americas and I give to My children a river of peace.

Let no one fear in this time, for I will be beside the one who trusts in Me; for nothing shall separate you from God, neither government nor nation nor state; everything is under the Gaze of God. 

Arise, Americans, and decree the triumph of the Mercy of Christ!

Love so as to learn to forgive. Forgive so as to learn to be reconciled, and in this way, you will once and for all be healed.

I am the Mother of the Americas and I protect all the flocks of My Son. My universal Star guides you towards the Purpose. My Love leads you to the portals of Peace.

Do not fear those who bestow false power. Pray for your enemies so that on the Day of the Final Judgment, they are not removed from this universe.

This planet and this universe are the perfect school of love and forgiveness. Those who do not go through this academy of redemption will take a long time to learn to serve and love. Thus, the Sacred Hearts have come to the world to confirm that this universe is one of redemption and forgiveness. Here, the experience of reconciliation and of peace is still being lived.

This world survives, at this time, because it must accomplish the Creator's Project through all those who are self-summoned. All humanity has already gone through the portal towards its purification; the inner and outer structures shake; but those who redeem themselves, love and dignify themselves before God will not perish.

Open the doors of your hearts even more, so that, in the time that remains, the spring of infinite Grace can be poured out over you and the world.

Let the Marian armies of prayer position themselves on the field of the final battle; let them take up their shields of faith and their swords of love and make the Plan of redemption triumph.

I am with you and will be with you as long as you allow Me to.

I am the Mother of the Americas, and here will be born the new Eden for the world.

So be it. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who summons you for the Plan of awakening,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am that Rose of Light that emanates the subtle aromas of love for hearts.

I am that Rose of Light that turns pain into joy and suffering into healing.

I am that Rose of Light that shines during the night to guide My children.

I am that Rose of Light that blossoms again and again when My children are making an offering and are in prayer.

I am that Rose of Light that inspires souls to live the path of peace and of love.

I am that Rose of Light created in the universe to be the Mother of humanity, in service and love for all.

I am that Rose of Light that was once a humble human heart that was in service to the Lord, in praise and in joy.

I am that Rose of Light that brought to the world the most important thing it had lost, its original purity.

I am that Rose of Light that opens so that all may come to know the love of My Original Purity.

I hope that after this journey on the planet, your hearts will change as Mine did, into roses of light that are in offering and redemption at the Feet of the Creator.

I hope that one day you may be roses of light that reflect the inner purity of the soul that was worked on and purified through service and love for God.

I hope that you may be roses of light that wake up other roses, so they may blossom and manifest a true 'yes' to the Creator.

I hope, children, that you may be roses of light so that you may confirm that life can be divinized through union with the Celestial Father.

When your hearts change into roses of light, you will no longer be the same as always, for in you will awaken the unique talent that My Son left in the essence of each human heart.

Be roses of light to glorify the Father and praise Him forever in gratitude.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prepares you for your change,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children,

Today My Rosary extends all over the world and, from the Inner Center of Fátima, where purity lives, I make each bead of My Most Holy Rosary travel through the abysses of the planet, through the nations in conflict, through the homes without peace and in the hearts of all those who unite with Me in prayer.

My beloved ones, I come as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary so that humanity recovers the purity which it lost from its heart, through the simple prayer of the Holy Rosary.

I come as your Holy Mother of Fátima to tell you that it is in the exercise of prayer that the heart strengthens and prepares itself to enter into the celestial mysteries. When you pray with the heart and abandon the worries of this world to dedicate yourselves only to pray, with your whole being, your hearts become mirrors of light that capture the peace that I wish to radiate to the world from My Universe of love, and reflect it as a spiritual attribute to all the planet.

Many of My children have forgotten the life of prayer, and even though they do not find peace and admit the degeneration in which this world is found, they prefer to proudly unite with chaos than humbly surrender to the life of prayer.

Children, those who pray discover the truth because they unite to the Truth itself that is the Consciousness of the Higher God, and in this way cause the illusion, which was blinding them, to fade away.

There is no mystery that cannot be revealed to the heart that prays with sincerity because this heart knows the non-limitation of God and does not reduce the expressions of the Creator and the greatness of His Creation to the small human comprehension. Therefore, children, I wish that you pray each time more deeply, so that your hearts are ready to find the reality that until today was invisible to the majority of the human beings.

I want you to strengthen yourselves not only to face chaos with bravery and in union with the Divine Purpose: I also want you to strengthen yourselves in order to enter into a reality that transcends all the material life and that in no way resembles what you know today.

I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of Fátima lighted and to read the true history of humanity in them.

I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of your hearts lighted and see reflected on them the truth of your spirits, because just as chaos reveals itself to the world and the atrocities are no longer hidden, are no longer a secret, in the same way, children, the true history of this humanity will also be revealed, and not just a few will recognize it. Every living being and all those who died in ignorance will see before them this history reflected on the mirrors and it will be the moment to define their own evolution, to embrace the Divine Purpose, or to step back and remain in the absolute illusion that was involving you.

My children, prayer is more than an instrument of peace and redemption: prayer is a door to the Universe of God, it is the bridge that removes you from human blindness and leads you to the horizon of truth. That is why, children, as Queen of the Holy Rosary, today I ask you to pray with Me so I can awaken for the higher life, on this day, as many as those who pray and search for peace.

Pray so that your brothers and sisters will remember My Immaculate Heart and, so that, with a simple thought sent to Me, I can work the miracle of awakening them to love.

Pray, children, for the peace among humankind, and in the Kingdoms of Nature.

Pray for the establishing of My Kingdom and so you can be worthy to see this Kingdom emerge on the surface of the Earth.

I bless you today and always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima


Dear Children,

Today, together with you, I celebrate the divine opportunity of having descended from Heaven to the Earth to ask you for prayers for peace, as was once done in Fatima.

Today, with My Immaculate Heart exposed as light to the world, I come back here after ninety-nine years to tirelessly repeat the same request to you: let us pray for peace and for the end of wars.

At that time, Lis-Fátima awakened and brought to humanity the Mercy and the Purity that it had lost, and Your Heavenly Mother came to request from all of you the consecration of nations to the Immaculate Heart, a mission that is still in force for the whole of humanity.

Today, Lis-Fátima shows to the world the purity of its Inner Sanctuary, so that hearts remember that they must awaken to their original purity and live that.

On this day, dear children, when My eyes observe the world, and at the same time, observe the great spiritual and divine task of the Center of Fátima, I wish your lives to be in true offering and given to the fulfillment of My Marian plans in these times.

I bring the angelic presence to you, the incalculable source of love and of peace for an indifferent world. Hence, My children, repair My Heart and thus you will repair the Heart of God of all offenses and acts of indifference committed by those who do not hear and by those who deny My divine call.

Work with Me as soldiers of prayer, and through the uplifted word, close the doors to the hells of this world. Be My witnesses in these times and confirm your cooperation with the Plan of God; there is still much to be done and there is no time left.

Open of heart, relieve the Heart of Your Mother of so much ingratitude. United to Me, proclaim the victory of My Sacred Heart in the whole planet.

The gardens of Lis are still waiting for you so that you may enter and renew your consciousnesses at the source of original purity.

My Grace will manifest today in each pilgrim, in each soul that lights their candle here in this Center of Love(1), as well as in the Sanctuary of Fátima, to thus respond to the plan of peace and affirm their faith before the Lord.

As on May 13, 1917, dear children, today I am calling you to a service of love for the planet and for humanity. My request is that you hear and respond to the plans that Your Mother manifests for you in these times. For this, children, the gardens of Lis manifest their beauty and their essential purity so that you, in prayer and praise, declare to the world that the Queen of Heaven will come again.

Allow your lives, children, to finally be healed and that you be reborn by the Marian impulse of My Spirit so that you may be formed as soldiers of peace.

All the bell towers of Lis-Fátima will be rung by the angels of Heaven. Today all of the doors of the Universe of God will be open to receive the offertory of each praying heart.

I will be with My children in prayer and maternal union; I will be with the souls that will shelter Lis-Fátima in their hearts.

Contemplate My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who from the Sacred Center of Fátima prays with you for the world and for peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary


(1)Virgin Mary refers to the Marian Center of Aurora,
        in the city of Paysandu, Uruguay


Dear children:

On the eve of the fulfillment of the ninety-nine years of My Apparitions in Fatima, I would like to lead you through Lis for you to find the Mercy of God.

I would like your souls to search for the perfect union with each one of the inner gardens of Lis-Fatima, and at the same time, to find the source of the original purity not only for yourselves but also for the world.

I come, children, on this day of vigil of prayer for us to continue praying for peace, without getting tired of pronouncing the blessed prayer of the Hail Mary.

In this month of May I want to see you full in the prayer as in the inner union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Therefore, dear children, once more the doors of the Kingdom of Lis-Fatima, of the Inner Sanctuary open themselves through the hands of the holy angels that welcome and receive those who, day by day, walk without delay through the path of transformation.

United to the Inner Sanctuary of Lis-Fatima, dear children, believe in this original purity that God deposited since the beginning of your existences, and be united to others, be these blazing flames of love for humanity.

Repeat today with joy “Hail Mary,” because the Grace of the Father will be the one that will make you worthy to be able to enter in consciousness and devotion into the inner garden of Lis. In this Heaven of Fatima where the inner gardens reveal themselves, you, dear children, will find the history written on Its mirrors about the Love of Your Heavenly Mother for humanity.

When the doors open themselves to the time of purification, My children, allow that the sacred flame of Lis goes through your hearts, and that your consciousnesses be touched by the Love of God. So, children, you will allow Lis to reemerge in you as if it were the first time; allow that all its Sacred and Angelical Center shows itself to the essences still not redeemed.

Walk free of yourselves through these inner gardens and let your essences be bathed by the Light of the Kingdom of Lis. United on this day of prayer, pray, My children, feeling the presence of the Kingdom of Lis in your lives and in each one of your prayers. In this way you will find Your inner mirrors and will reflect from this Center the purity that humanity needs nowadays.

As disciples of God and servants of the Queen, appeal profoundly and in devotion for the golden crown of Your Mother and Her twelve stars of attributes of love to radiate to all the world, and from the Center of Lis, to emanate the rays that will ennoble those who awaken.

May today the love of Lis-Fatima be shared among all, since Your Solar Queen is in command of the great moment of rescue. Smile at the life that God has given you and look with mercy at those miserable of spirit for them to be touched someday by the Love of Your Mother.

Prepare the altar for the encounter with Lis-Fatima because a sacred opportunity will be presented to all My children of Europe, a sacred knowledge will define yourselves forever as servants of Your Queen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

From the purity of Lis, Inner Sanctuary,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Two days before the 99th anniversary of My Apparitions in Fatima, I ask you to pray with Me for humanity to recover its essential purity, a purity that will lead it find peace.

Facing so much adversity in the world, facing so much hate and rancor, search in this month of May for the divine flame of My Immaculate Heart, the one that not only will warm and shelter you, but the flame of My Heart that will also guide your paths.

Dear children, I want you to remember My Apparitions in Fatima, the universal and divine event in which humanity was called to recover the compassion of the heart and so embrace the redemption of life.

As a response to this call, few were able to penetrate the mystery that Your Lady of the Rosary was indicating to you at that time. Now, dear children, with your hearts a little more open, come with Me to the “Cave of Iria” on the following May 13 to pray for peace and for the end of suffering that the terrestrial being themselves creates.

Enter in My Immaculate Heart in vigil and be conscious of what I ask you, pray the Holy Rosary and proclaim the triumph of My Heart in the whole world.

My children, thus you will be able to approach the essential purity that I poured in Fatima through the testimony of the three little shepherds of Aljustrel.

In union with your guardian angels, dear children, feel in this moment the call of My Heart so that more lives on Earth reach the Kingdom of God.

I will thank you for corresponding.

Thanks for responding to My call!

Who unites you to Heart of God,

Your Mother, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Open the eyes of the heart today and also the ears to see and hear the call for peace. This call supposes an effort from everyone to materialize the plans of peace of Your Heavenly Mother. To fulfill this important call will demand from you not only time, but sufficient love to face the battles.

For the devotees of Aurora there will be no lack of motivation because the own ray of the Sacred Center will shape the consciousnesses as the first soldiers at service of the Plan and of its evolution.

To be a warrior at this time means to fight only with the forces that come from love and freedom, to be able to perform the task.

Aurora establishes its commands of prayer through the sacred instruction and the confluence of impulses that lead to fulfill this purpose of peace. Therefore, the self-summoned to Aurora must appear and present themselves to receive the due instructions; in this way their hearts and minds will be prepared to respond to the call of the Universe.

So it is, dear children, that the Light of Aurora reflects its rays upon the consciousnesses that open themselves in humility and service to receive them, and they mirror them as support for aid and redemption of the hearts. The Light of Aurora expresses itself as a flame of prayer for those who invoke it with their soul and without interest. This Light of Aurora will guide you and place you on a secure path to respond to the call for peace.

It is therefore that all the soldiers, awakened or asleep, start to hear the warm vibration of the call, because the time has come for all the disciples to line up for the missions they must fulfill. In this way, the planet and humanity will be protected and helped before the great moment of their purification.

I thank all the praying soldiers who respond to My call!

Who awakens you to the celestial commands,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
