While only some advance toward a spiritual victory, others completely fail, totally forgetting the principles and rules that I once gave you.
This not only refers to a specific action that was not performed well, but also refers to a greater situation that on various planes compromises the purpose of the evolution of these souls that are under the astute pressure of My adversary.
What can we do?
Liberation from the chains and from personal human passions is only achieved through a true act of love for God and His Divine Plan.
If this were not present, everything would be a failure. The love for the Plan of God and for its accomplishment is not a passing experience or a volatile feeling as some believe.
The love for the Purpose of God is to, with all strength, determination and faith of the heart until death, assume the same that your Redeemer assumed for you, even while faced with a distressing scenario of adversity, injustice and treachery, only so that the Will of God could be fulfilled beyond the human aspect of Christ.
To assume the Plan of Love is to be aware every day that a Greater Will exists, that rules you and gives you an impulse each day to live and experience the ardent wish of God.
Those who, through their actions, waste this great and unique opportunity, only step back, and their destiny is changed forever, left to the fate of today's world.
Thus, the Heart of your Redeemer shakes when somebody is against the wish of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I come to give you My time because you need it, because you need to find the truth, which goes beyond forms and appearances.
You and many other human beings belonged to the ancient people of Israel, who with Moses traveled the path of freedom from spiritual and material slavery.
But the task was not finished. You, just like your brothers and sisters of the path, returned to the Earth to finish what was missing, and each one of you, and each one of the groups, were assigned a spiritual and material task, which, in the face of the Lords of Law, you were to fulfill, as dictated within the Heart of My Father.
Today I come to bring you the clarity of My Words, because the Hierarchy no longer has time, and that meaning is not symbolic.
The Plan of God was given out among beings and all creatures that, over the course of time, and even after the Ascension of your Master and Lord, were to accomplish this Project, thought of by the Father.
You who are here are to accomplish a part of this Plan, beyond your human, mental or spiritual condition; and God's appeal is that this should be concretized, that each of you should make your effort, with your surrender and your dedication, knowing that this whole Plan does not end only in what is material, but also in the concretization of that which comes from what is spiritual, and gives you the impulse to experience great changes.
I know that sometimes, or in many cases, you do not understand why brothers and sisters of the path have suddenly left.
The Will of God is happiness for all beings; it is not a condemnation or a punishment. God accepts the offerings of those who inwardly and silently surrender to God through the giving of self and through truth, and of these offerings, He makes miracles. And if it were necessary to take them with Him, to His Kingdom, is that something sad?
The joy of your hearts must be in the triumph of your brothers and sisters, and the victory of Love over evil. But you must appease your hearts, placate your spirits and, in this moment, receive the Love of God, Who wishes to lift you up to a Greater Life, toward an understanding of His Purpose and toward everything that the Father still must fulfill through you and your brothers and sisters, as long as you follow His Law and His Commandments.
You know that humanity is perverted and the planet suffers more each day through the Kingdoms of Nature.
Who will carry this heavy wood of the Cross on their backs that I today want to share with My companions?
Who will risk overcoming themselves in order to live a cosmic life and be able to embody the Gifts of God, which must urgently descend to Earth and to the human consciousness so that, as it was, much more than two thousand years ago, the people of Israel, who once walked in the desert, may finish what they came to fulfill at this time?
God will not ask the impossible of you. God will ask each one of you what you can truly give Him, this offering of your hearts and lives for a Greater Life, which cannot disappear from the consciousness of the men and women of the Earth; for if in this time spiritual life were to become disconnected from the human being, everything would be lost.
But even though many situations occur in the world, which are completely unknown to you, we still have time to build that which the Hierarchy needs and elevate to the Heavens the aspirations of each human heart, which, with compassion and fraternity, trustingly surrenders into the Hands of God.
Today, I come to bring you this message of the Father, because I made a commitment to Him, to tell you the truth and so that I can forge a spiritual and physical maturity within you that is necessary in these times, and which will help you to move forward with the Plan, without setbacks or delays; because what each one can give in this moment will help another brother or sisters in the world who is in darkness and who must achieve the Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens in order to live redemption and find peace, the peace that I bring you today, which is unchangeable.
Think of the possibility of this Grace. Meditate upon the opportunity that God gives you. Your paths can be full of many blessings and Graces, but you must be maturely responsive.
This is the time of planetary emergency. This is the time to fill everything with Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I speak not only to you but also to the world.
I waited for time to pass and some days for this moment to come, to be able to find you truly in union with gratitude, because gratitude is an expression of the merciful Love of God. And when I saw that gratitude in you today, I could confidently approach to speak to you.
You are a part of the Plan of your Master and Lord, of a Plan that cannot break down or fail, because behind you there are many, many souls and consciousnesses that have still to come to drink of My Fount, to be nurtured by My Message.
The time is coming to an end, which is why the emergencies are so great and the commitments are also so great.
In the key of gratitude and of love you will be able to understand everything that I ask of you and thus unite with My Consciousness.
I see a world suffering because of indifference and because of error.
I need you to be amenders of My Mercy, I need that you can compensate for and bring into balance what humanity does not do well in this time, for the risks that are run, day after day.
Thus I come with the Light of My Wounds, to entrust you with a deepening of this mission, and of this task which is of the Hierarchy and yours, of your inner beings with the participation of your souls.
That is why it is necessary to correct, in order to improve and to grow. Everything said by the voice of the Hierarchy is because of love, rather than for some other cause.
Souls sometimes resist hearing and understanding because their heart is closed, but you have learned to open your heart to Me. This is why I speak so directly to you, because we can no longer waste time in what is not necessary, but rather we must invest our time in that which is urgent, and you know, by the grace you receive, that the emergencies will grow and increase.
I am here because of the responsibility that I have toward you and that you have toward Me. But it is not a commitment that comes only from the period while I was present on Earth. They are very remote commitments unknown to you.
I only come to ask you for what I need you to give Me, but I will not oblige you to do so, nor demand anything from you.
My apostles from the past went through the same school, but it was a more demanding and immediate school. It was a very great responsibility because your Master and Lord, among so few, had to achieve a very great victory, and through Grace and Divine Mercy, this occurred.
I know that the human being is fragile and sometimes tepid, but the Love that I give you and have given you for so long must ignite within you, in the fire of My Love and of My Truth.
I come to ask you to be aware of what will come in the near future, in which you will not only experience personal situations or realities of the nations. Now My Work will expand to continental situations, as is Africa.
In Africa there are those who suffer most and yet give the most to Me, because they offer Me their hearts, which is what I need from you so that you may recognize the Grace that you have received, and still receive, and the care provided to you by the Hierarchy over the course of time, without lacking anything.
For you, Africa will be a school of the love of sacrifice and of the possibility of recognizing that, in the great and extensive misery, there are souls that love God unconditionally. And it is this love that nourishes them spiritually rather than physically, that quenches their spiritual thirst and thus satiates their physical thirst.
I do not ask you to be the same as them, because everyone has their school and their lessons. I need you to inwardly be like them, that you are aware of the possibility and of the opportunity that you receive in this time.
Within a process of planetary emergency, sometimes hearts need to be straightened out, so as to not lose the path toward God, for one must never forget humility, which is the great master-key of your liberation.
Today I have seen that you have drawn even closer to gratitude, to a spontaneous and sincere gratitude that touched My Heart. Thus, I have decided to speak to you to bring you awareness and wisdom, so that each one may recognize within themselves the effort that they still have to make, not only for Me, but for your Celestial Father, which is Who placed you upon this path and in this mission so that you may accompany Me.
Thus, today I again surrender to take in your miseries and for you to know that the Light of My Mercy can transform and redeem all things when a heart sincerely opens and pleads, without letting its resistances control or dominate.
When a heart spontaneously opens, miracles can happen. Faith is the great Light that bathes the consciousness and redeems it; it has the Grace, as a group consciousness, of being able to implore to God, to help the world and humanity, to help in very serious and sorrowful situations that this race experiences at this time.
You must never forget that Our task is planetary rather than personal; that it is a task with the Hierarchy and by the Hierarchy, for the advent of the energy of Grace and compassion within the world.
Today you face the opportunity of reflecting upon many things because of love and trust in My Heart, because times of greater challenges will come and projects that will seem impossible will come, but who is united with Me will do it, as they have done many things over the course of time, through this mission of carrying Love and Peace to souls that most need it, and to the nations that most need it.
While I am here, I take care of humanity at this moment, and I carry everyone within My Heart, the most miserable and the sinners that have need of spiritual relief and healing.
Everything that is done at this moment and through this Work is for the healing of humanity and so that love may be established in the human heart, and so that this love may allow you to become free and live your spiritual mission with Me.
My Heart is full of graces and pity for all. And the support that Adoration provides you with will be the great defense weapon for the coming times and for the next missions.
I am thankful for the sincere and loving effort of everyone, because not everything is error or failure. You must raise your eyes to the horizon to contemplate the victories that I have given everyone, spiritual victories.
In the strengthening of this union and of this alliance with Me, beyond all adversity or darkness, nobody will be able to take away what I have given each one of you, and you must defend it and protect it from yourselves and from the world.
It is that same conviction, certainty and faith that the apostles experienced, as for example, Saint Peter, who up to the last second did not doubt what he felt and what he trusted in. Love caused him to believe in Me until the end, and thus he surrendered.
Today I come to read of the achievements and the Graces that I have given to everyone, that which you always must contemplate so as to gain inner strength from them in order to continue onward, for a time will come in which this mission will come to an end, and when that happens, everything will be unleashed. And at that moment, you must be strong and firm in everything that I have given you over the course of time, not only to support yourselves, but also your brothers and sisters, who will not have been able to build that same fortitude in themselves like that of which I have given you, through love.
This is My Message for you, because it is also a message for the world, for those who enter into the service of My Merciful Heart, for those who daily seek the path of transformation and of the elevation of consciousness because, in truth, it does not matter to Me that you not achieve it, but rather that you try, and that you try every day. And without perceiving it, one day you will reach My Glory and, on that day, you will realize that I told you the truth.
This is why I am here today, and for this reason, I pray at the Feet of My Celestial Father, because I know that many more will be able to surpass Me in Love. I trust in this and I know that it is possible.
I thank you for listening to Me and for gathering My Words up into your hearts, which are now the last for the world.
May the Light that comes from Love guide you and bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I trust in those who, from the beginning, made the commitment to fulfill the Plan, and especially in those who committed to Me in orrder to make the presence of Divine Energy possible upon the Earth, because all are already aware that if there were no apostles of faith and commitment, the Plan would not be possible, and humanity would run many risks.
For this reason, today I am reminding each one of you of what you affirmed before the Lords of the Law, which is something unarguable, for if it were, you would never have found this spiritual path of pure Christification and you would not even have met Me, and perhaps you would be feeling a personal freedom to do and carry out many things, but you know that you cannot because you would be forcing your own destiny and the inner, as well as outer consequences, would be very serious.
Nobody can put a purpose, that is really unknown to them, at risk, nor can you allow your heart to remain tepid in the face of the reality and the consciousness that the Hierarchy brings, because that also, sooner or later, has irrevocable consequences.
Maturity must not be only spiritual; maturity in light of the commitment must be manifested on the three planes: spiritual, mental and material.
When for some reason you are not consistent with Me, in truth you are not responding to the Plan, and to all that is beyond that Plan, which is something infinite and is a Grace that, through Love, brought you to be here.
Each day be more responsible and less immature, otherwise the change of the entire human consciousness in these end of times will suffer its consequences.
I thank you for meditating upon what I tell you, for Your Lord already has less time and space for talking, before all is unleashed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Once upon the eternal time, there was an infinite and loving purpose of the One; He wanted to reflect His experience through a Creation formed and constituted by many types of life.
In this way, first the universes, its galaxies, suns and stars were created, then the nebulae were created and, within them, the dimensions and the planes of consciousness had already dwelt.
Later, when this first Creation had matured, in a vibratory and spiritual sense, the Father, with all of His Love, fixed His gaze in a point of the Universe, where a planet, which had shone the most, generated a greater spiritual condition that was capable of sheltering and receiving a Project.
For this, the Father asked this treasure of the Universe, which was spontaneously expressing itself, to receive one of the most special elements and fluids of the Creation: the water element, so that that which would happen later could have the necessary support to develop and evolve.
This element would bring to the human consciousness, which was the last fulfilled Project, the inner and also material capacity to remember its origin, not only since the maternal womb, but also its superior origin.
The water element is the fundamental basis for the emotional and sentimental balance of the human being. Therefore, in the creation of the planet Earth, the Father wanted to grant to His children the greatest quantity of oceans and seas so that they would not feel the spiritual disconnection from the maternal womb.
So the human Project was accompanied since the beginning and has been the most privileged genetic Project, because this very project, in order to be corrected and redeemed, received the incarnation of the Son of God, so that the human race might find a direct path along which to return to its true essence.
In this way, other human beings offered for the Project to last and achieve the greatest degree of perfection, which was possible through everything that Christ taught, which was the path of Love and Forgiveness.
For this reason, all human beings, under any condition, have the possibility, within the whole Universe, to live and experience Love in a direct way and without great efforts. A Love that comes from the spirit, a Love that transcends errors and that makes peace, that expands the consciousness and opens the inner senses to consciously live the Plan and the Will of God.
This small blue planet, within the Creation, is the favorite school, where other universal consciousnesses can learn about how the true Love for the Creator, for the Supreme Father, can move events and grant miracles of life and of redemption.
The key lies within living it and in trusting in the power of the Greater Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When God thought of creating the humanity of the Surface, He thought of a Project, of a perfect Plan, which could emerge during the development of the entire life of the human being.
This Plan is still valid, in spite of the errors and the events lived by the human being itself.
It is a Plan broadly based upon the real experience of love and forgiveness.
The Plan predicts that all human beings will be forgiven, as after many experiences, the human being needs self-forgiveness, within the field of its consciousness, so that it can feel free from the errors committed and free from all guilt.
But this guiding thread that unites and fulfills the life of the human being is the Divine Consciousness of Christ, which even incarnated in this humanity to bring a message that should be applied within daily life. This message deepened through the surrender of Jesus Christ.
This Plan must still be expressed and fulfilled in all of humanity and, although this may seem unattainable in this cycle, the Spiritual Hierarchy gives an impulse and concretizes this Plan of Love through the groups of souls and of consciousnesses that have the commitment of manifesting this Universal Plan, in some way.
Today we are before an example of one of the Plans of God, an example that will be represented by the special Meeting of Music of today, which will mirror one of the most emblematic cultures and roots of ancient times: the African culture, which, being a part of the Project of God, also lived its clashes and decadent periods, and today, under the spirit of established fraternity and brotherhood, it will attain this inner experience with the love and forgiveness that all creatures need.
For this reason, the Meeting of Music that will be offered today will open the celestial doors so that beloved Africa may recover the original attributes and values which had once constituted it as an emblematic and sacred race.
In the loving and faithful surrender of each singer and instrumentalist, the Spiritual Hierarchy will bring toward the Earth all the principles that My children from Africa experienced.
This will benefit the soul of each child of Mine from Africa, who lives the result of traumatic and painful experiences, produced by the trafficking of persons and by the selling of their people for a profit that is outside of all laws and context.
This Meeting of Music of today will grant to Africa the reintegration of its spiritual consciousness, the matrix that once formed the origin of this race, which had the mission of being the bridge between the Material Universe and the Spiritual Universe.
By means of the offering that will be made today, the Divine Universes will intercede through the spontaneous exercise of joy and the loving offer of the Choir of Angolans. The Divinity, for the first time, has found a way to grant the ancient spiritual freedom and the healing of wounded hearts.
All this is possible through the offering of the Meeting of Music of today.
May all feel as a part of Africa, and may all recover the roots that the Celestial Father once created so that, in the values of equality and unity, all of His children might be happy.
From the deepest core of Love and of Divine Existence, I thank the choir of My children of Angola, for having ecumenically responded to this call from the Creation.
I wish you all a most beautiful musical gala, so that healing may reach all of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you, in the Love of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A Tribute to the Teacher of Love
My children,
It has been a year today since the soul of My son, José Trigueirinho, rose up to Heaven to continue his trajectory in precious schools of service and of expansion of consciousness.
After his departure, many events came forward, not only in the field of service, of instruction and of prayer, which Figueira itself was able to express, but also a great need for humanitarian help on worldwide and international levels appeared.
In this way, the Sacred Tree of Figueira, which was cared for, pruned and protected by My son, José Trigueirinho, during the last thirty years, launched new seeds of instruction and of service, which up to recent times continues to sprout and provide infinite opportunities to all those who may want to avail themselves of this Grace of living an absolute giving of self.
After thirty years, when the fertile soil of each heart and disciple was lovingly cared for by My son, José Trigueirinho, the time has come for the virtues and the talents to emerge, to be at the service of the Plan of God in order to alleviate all pain by means of love.
This is the time in which all the disciples of José Trigueirinho must take their places within the Plan and commit to the Heights, to support the Islands of Salvation that, with such love, My son José Trigueirinho protected and safeguarded with his humble consciousness.
This is the time for all members of the Light-Network, as good, dedicated and tender servers, to take up the care, the safeguarding and the maintenance of the Light-Communities, and to be more present and active, knowing that the Communities and the Light-Nuclei will be sacred spaces for the receiving and welcoming of humanitarian situations.
Now is the time to put into practice all of the legacy received and heard during the last thirty years. It is the time to bring continuity to the Work, that which the spiritual Hierarchy sowed through the Community of Figueira.
In this way, My children, you will make it possible for the Hierarchy, upon the surface of the Communities and in the Light-Nuclei, to have spaces lovingly consecrated and donated so that the Hierarchy can continue instructing and guiding souls, so that it may continue to sow seeds of light within hearts that are awakening to the great summoning.
Let us thank the Eternal Father for having sent a humble and serving Instructor to the world, who safeguarded and protected each of His children and disciples.
I thank you for having responded to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I give you My Body, for you to be nourished by the Spirit of God.
I give you My Blood, for you to justify your errors, correct them and receive pardon and Mercy.
Within this whole mystery, God surrenders completely to His children for His children to surrender to Him and recognize Him as the Father of Mercy and Kindness.
Through the Body and the Blood of Christ, souls reach every day the atonement that they need to be able to live according to what the Kingdom of God determines.
Therefore, this perfect union with the Body and Blood of Christ will grant not only important spiritual processes of redemption and healing, but will also bring to the world that which it needs in order to sanctify itself and to receive the Divine Attributes necessary for fulfilling the Plan of God.
This is the moment to discover, beyond forms, the meaning of this spiritually profound alliance with the Body and Blood of Christ because, by means of this discovery of that which is primary and fundamental, the human being will enter the true path of the sacred.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Like a sun that rises upon the horizon, today I bring the splendor of My universal Consciousness to illuminate your paths and hearts.
I come under the maternal and divine authority that the Celestial Father granted Me, from the first moment when His Servant said “yes“ to the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth.
Under all the light of the Universe, I come today to lovingly meet you, to dissipate and transmute those forces of evil that imprison and condemn nations and their peoples.
I come to offer honor and power to the Name of God, in each one of His servers and disciples of Christ. Under this powerful divine authority, I come to meet you and to make you participants in the Truth that springs forth from the Heart of the Eternal Father, to each one of My children who said “yes“ to His Will.
Thus, dear children, I come to sustain you and to console you.
I come to encourage you to renew in Christ so that you can witness the existence of Christ within your neighbor, beyond that which is human and mortal.
I come so that you may value your inner world and everything that this inner world has received from the Universe and from the experiences of life.
Children, these times will place each child of Mine before the truth, their own clear inner and personal truth so that, before the culminating moment of the planetary Armageddon, you may have resolved within you all that which separates you from God.
Therefore, We invite you not only to pray for the suffering nations of the world, we call you to sustain a time that you have never experienced nor gone through.
We are leading you toward the path of Love and of the solid Brotherhood.
Therefore, all the dark nights can be moments of light in which the flame of faith and of trust, as small as it may seem within you, will help you to change and transcend the difficult moments that the human being is facing.
But do not forget, children, that I am here, in silence, waiting for you, waiting for each one of you to call Me and to ask Me for what you need.
But know that you have ceased to be My children, now you are the new apostles of Christ, those who, with effort and sincerity, assume greater responsibilities and greater situations.
Be willing, every day, to die to yourselves, as much as it may hurt, as much as it may seem difficult. Die to yourselves, every day, in this way My Son will be in you and you will be in Him, helping to fulfill His deepest aspirations, helping redeem this sick humanity through your personal and collective redemption.
I know that it is not easy to look at yourselves, but see the Divine Light that God conceived within you and, in this powerful and inextinguishable Light, seek the union and the Peace of God.
I am by your side, I am the Mother that supports you and that understands you.
I thank you for listening to My words from your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The family is the main cell of Creation, and all the members that are part of it have a duty and something to contribute so that the family, which is the cell of the Project, can evolve and advance according to the Divine Plan.
The manifestation of the patterns of behavior that must be kept in mind in this time depend upon the family, so that the family itself may be protected from the influences that attack it or the interferences that try to dissolve it.
So, within the family, the work of prayer will safeguard it from possible and unexpected divisions, and family prayer will aid it in the face of the needs that may emerge.
Today, the family is one of the main scenarios of attack and this has repercussions in all of its members when the foundations and the patterns of behavior are not strong.
The family must be this model for God that represents the incessant work in group life, as in all the moments in which needs may exist.
The family must be a pillar of equality, of charity among its members, and of love, which surpasses all limits of consciousness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To be with Me, in this time, means an unconditional surrender that will make you capable of being with Me in any situation or for any reason. Thus, I invite you, day after day, to carry this reflection into practice so that you can see for yourselves at what point this important commitment is in.
I make you My apostles and also My servers, all the time, because the need and the emergency are at the doors of your homes, they are before your lives each day.
I can see when you truly want to be with Me or not but, as adults, I will not force you, I will just make you responsible for the concretion of My Plan, a Plan that goes beyond your consciousnesses and your reality. Thus, when you allow Me to, I give you spiritual responsibilities, which I have taken from some because of a lack of maturity and diligence.
Remember that I do not look for perfect beings, I look for imperfect beings so that, due to their unconditional love, they may serve God without exceptions or time, because a real disciple knows that the commitment to Me is not momentary.
And so, be aware in order to be mature in your commitment and in the responsibility of serving Me, according to what I want from each one of you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When you invoke My Divine Mercy and turn toward Me, I do not contemplate your miseries, but rather the potential of your virtues kept in the depths of consciousness.
Thus, I remove your structures before they harden and before nothing can make them move from the place where they are.
Thus, My Divine Plan, which is dynamic and constant, brings you an awareness of the Purpose, of the constant dynamism that you must achieve in order to continue the Redeeming Work of your Lord.
For this reason, I also send you to different peoples, so that the nations may come to Me and find Me in all those who sincerely wait for the path of reconciliation.
This is the time for Me to not only be am among you through the Sacraments, but to also be among you through My Word of Love.
This is the time to have the Virtues of God grow within you, in this way you will more consciously know the Mysteries of Heaven.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In places on Earth where Nature is protected and respected, the living elements of an ecosystem create the conditions for higher levels of consciousness to descend and establish themselves in these spaces, and that spiritual treasures of the Universe may be held there, which will be of vital importance for the future development of the next humanity.
For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy speaks a lot about the care and the protection of the Kingdoms and of the spaces such as the ecosystems so that this bridge of spiritual contact may establish that which humanity will need in order to move forward with the Plan of God.
These natural spaces will always help to change the frequency of the human being, and with reverence and love for the Kingdoms, they will be able to be united with God.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Divine Project of Redemption
Within this material Universe, and in the infinite existence of many forms of life, the Creator lovingly thought to carry forward a Divine Project of Redemption that, by means of the surrender of His Beloved Son, could recover the souls back into union with the High and especially, the spiritual communion with the Celestial Father.
This Project could not have faults. Therefore, the Eternal Father entrusted it and delivered it into the care of the Archangels Micha-El and Gabriel. And another part of the Divine Project of Redemption was under the care of Archangel Raphael.
Thus, the experience and the testimony of the love that Christ left manifested in the consciousness of the planet by means of His Passion, Death and Resurrection, the great opportunity to experience the path of redemption approached all of humanity again, in different times and stages.
This is the reason why the Divine Project of Redemption renews itself time and again, through the steps of the souls in the School of the degrees of love and of forgiveness.
Each time some consciousness takes a step within the Divine Project of Redemption, this event begins to be part of the Christic Legacy of Love that the new humanity will receive to be able to begin to truly live the Plan of God.
This Divine Project of Redemption also focuses on the history of terrestrial and spiritual, soul and cosmic life, that each consciousness brings as inner baggage.
Thus, when souls make their definition of following the path of Christ and of fraternal life, all the history of the consciousness begins to become evident or is revealed through the impulses of its spiritual and service work.
When the consciousness faces its true history, and the unknown reveals the reality of its spirit and of its soul, in most cases the consciousnesses deny the origin or the feeling of this knowledge or stories which, throughout the ages, have marked a lasting spiritual wound which has brought spiritual, internal and even physical consequences and traumas.
The Divine Project of Redemption, which was attained by the Christ Himself under the manifestation and the expression of a wise, compassionate and merciful love, is the means through which the souls will be able to liberate themselves of their errors and stories of suffering or of failures that their own consciousness feels but whose origin it does not know.
The Divine Project of Redemption promises not only the spiritual and internal healing of past facts, but this Project governed by Christ Himself aspires to place the consciousness in the school and on the path that it should follow, without interferences nor obstacles on the part of its own consciousness.
This Divine Project that is still sustained throughout the times is the Project of God which has achieved the greatest number of miracles and conversions in the last times.
All the beings on the Earth are called to remember the sacrifice of the Son of God, to be able to enter the Redeeming Project so that their past may be transformed and their future may be prepared according to the Will of God.
That this Project may fulfill the designs for the consciousness will absolutely depend on the openness of the human being to the path of transformation and of inner change.
This will make of the Project a new victory on Earth, by means of the testimony of redemption of each being.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I would like to make a special tribute on the opening day of the Sacred Week, giving My thanks and reverence to José Trigueirinho, for having opened the doors of his heart and of this Light-Community for having allowed My Presence and My Message to reach the whole world from this sacred and blessed place.
For such a spiritual and special reason, for your Master and Lord, on the opening day of this sixth edition of the Sacred Week, I come to ask the choirs to offer, from the deepest and innermost core of their hearts, the song “Breath of the Spirit”, so that the souls gathered here today in this sacred home may receive within the deepest of their inner worlds the fruits of Figueira that were harvested during this last time period, by means of the spiritual merits that their brother and instructor José Trigueirinho attained.
It will be thus, that through the song “Breath of the Spirit” we will reignite fiery devotion, love and unity, by the grace that this Light-Community of Christ received when Heaven touched the Earth.
Let us give a tribute to the serving and untiring soul of José Trigueirinho, for having dedicated his life to the manifestation of the Plan of God on Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Chalice is now in My Hands and, from now on, I prepare the Altar to celebrate again the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection of your Master and Lord.
The angles also prepare the scene where the story of the life of your Lord will be presented.
Everything is prepared inwardly so that the souls, that will arrive during the Sacred Week, may feel the impulses of the Light of My Heart.
Everything will change, everything will shift when souls again experience and feel the spiritual covenant with their Master and Lord.
Now everything is prepared, even in the smallest detail, so that the flow of Divine Mercy may be found fluid within the hearts that will open in order to recognize the sacred sacrifice of your Lord.
Everything is prepared with love and devotion so that the union between Heaven and Earth may be established, beyond everything that happens in the world.
This is the time for more revelations. This is the cycle of confirmations of the hearts for the Plan of God.
The Sacred Week is arriving. The Master, Lord and Redeemer is coming.
Open yourselves from now on and participate in the sacred meeting.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To My dear children of the Planetary Light-Network
Now that you carry the spiritual symbol of the Confraternity, of the Brotherhood and of love among beings, stamped upon your chests, may your souls definitely dare to take this last and great step toward the path of the apostolate of Christ.
May this star that confirms in you the existence of the Mission and of its fulfillment on any part of the Earth be the impulse of light that will place you selflessly at the service of others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
May the Sacred Heart of My Son, His Flame of Fire and His Holy Cross, impel you in this cycle to always say “yes” and to abandon any sign of tepidness.
Now is the time of the presentation of the apostles and of the missionaries that will build the Plan of God, first within themselves, by means of prayer, of service, of instruction, and of healing; and then to build it and share it with the rest of humanity.
Now is the time that more stars of light ignite in the firmament and begin to be part of the new Planetary Light-Network which, despite the circumstances or the events, will defend from itself any act of disobedience so that unity with the Divine Plan and the Supreme Hierarchy may finally be lived.
My children, the path of redemption is open by means of the service and the testimony that your hearts can live, in perfect union with the Hierarchy.
May this new symbol that today you carry on your chest be revered, valued and loved, in the same way that you would receive the presence of the Hierarchy in your homes.
In truth, children, it will be the spiritual Hierarchy Who, in this new cycle, will want to govern and guide you so that more and more consciousnesses may be removed from the world system and from the planetary illusion.
The Hierarchy hopes that the majority of souls can learn to live in a brotherhood that is divine, humble, powerful and unconditional in its surrender, in its service and in its constant and infinite donation.
All those who today carry on their chest the sacred symbol of the new Light-Network will be saying to the Universe that they accept the awakening of the consciousness, the transcendence of all suffering through love and the constant confirmation of aspiring to belong, someday, to the Divine Plan of the second coming of Christ.
This is the symbol of peace; it is the impulse that invites you to readiness and the absolute surrender of self so that, from now on, the Hand of God and the Flame of His Divine Grace may be upon you, which will enlighten you in these times of darkness.
May the sacred commitment and the fiery aspiration of being worthy children of God ignite within you.
I wish you a good beginning, to all of My missionary children of the Light-Network!
May the inner light of each being reach the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
What happens today in some nations of the world is the reflection of what once occurred in the Universe.
Everyone was once a participant in a very ancient history, which transcended the times until the present day.
Everyone was present and participated in an event within the Universe that changed the Plan of God, in the sense of its realization and its fulfillment.
Everyone comes from a spiritual and universal origin. In these origins, the first learnings began which, in most cases, were learnings and experiences that made you arrive here, to the Earth, to be able to someday attain forgiveness and redemption.
Each one of My children carries within themselves a history, not visible to human eyes but known to the eyes of the spirit.
This is the time in which this history, which occurred in the Universe, will close so that another stage may begin and humanity may be finally liberated from the endless chain of errors.
For this reason, children, there are certain events, still unknown to you, which are kept in the history of your spiritual being. Your spiritual being is what deeply knows all the causes and consequences that were once experienced by you in the Universe.
Everyone comes from a somewhat traumatic experience. Everyone comes from ancient wars in the Universe that only sought the conquest of space and the benefit of personal evolution, for this, having skipped the Law of the Hierarchy and the Law of Love.
This history, which is still recorded in the Universe, remains there, waiting to be purified by each of My children, in the moment and the hour that corresponds to you.
Within each one of you, this history, of great conflicts in the Universe, has greater or smaller intensity according to the experiences lived and the participation of each one within these events.
This is the time to put an end to this history because humanity, throughout the nations and throughout time, has repeated the same errors again, so similar to the most determining facts that were once lived in the Universe.
The higher planes expect that each one of My children, by means of service and of surrender, can help dissolve and repair these past events. Thus, humanity will have the grace of going into a new cycle with greater possibilities of deepening in love and in service.
In this sense, everything that was once experienced in the Universe is not only the result of the conflicts caused by the ambition of knowledge and of power but were also delicate experiences that left indelible marks in the consciousnesses.
Now that everyone can be more aware of this and can help break this chain of errors that humanity still lives and commits, you must know that prayer will be that key that will open the right door so that all of these histories of the Universe can be forgiven and the souls may have the opportunity of beginning to walk with hope.
Coming into contact with this history of the Universe, in which the majority participated in, is to return to the conscious commitment to live forgiveness, healing and redemption, beyond what has happened.
Therefore, everyone who today becomes conscious that they are not only beings incarnated on Earth, they will receive, in the name of humanity, the possibility to change the destiny of history so that finally all beings may live the great moment of redemption.
This is the time in which the history of the Universe will come to light so that the consciousnesses may also learn to redeem itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
It is when I am in silence that I am able to deeply see the inner union of My disciples with Me, and everything that the fruits of the instruction, delivered in the last times, generate within them.
I feel very eager to be close to My friends, especially now that I find Myself more retreated, after the last cycle of daily impulses.
This is the time to see flourishing, within my companions, the impulses of Light that I left well established in the interior of those who once stopped themselves in order to listen to My Words.
This is the time to contemplate in a living way the attributes that, once and again, I delivered to you so that you would be at service of love for humanity.
Now is the time to grow, to be strengthened, to assume great challenges and to concretize important projects of the Hierarchy.
All this will be for the emergence of a new humanity, more integrated to God, more alive and aware, through the spirit of faith and cooperation.
I will wait for all these impulses to be manifested in the lives of my companions, thus they will be living the Divine Plan.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
We are at the doors of a new cycle that will come with the hope of fulfilling the goals of the Plan of God. A cycle that will come with challenges to continue strengthening faith and maturing love in the hearts of My children.
A new cycle to fulfill the projects and to manifest the ideas of the Celestial Father.
A new cycle that will awaken, even more, the consciousness of humankind to everything it must change, purify and repair.
A new cycle in which Mercy will have its great and last action and intervention within hearts, in order to rescue and consecrate them.
A new cycle that will consciously bring a commitment to those who were once connected to the Redeeming Plan of Christ.
A new cycle that will place humanity in the last time of its definition.
It will be a cycle permeated by faith and full of wisdom for the hearts that completely surrender to the Lord.
It will be a cycle of great revelations and of visible concretizations.
It will be a cycle in which nothing will remain hidden anymore.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more