A Tribute to the Teacher of Love
My children,
It has been a year today since the soul of My son, José Trigueirinho, rose up to Heaven to continue his trajectory in precious schools of service and of expansion of consciousness.
After his departure, many events came forward, not only in the field of service, of instruction and of prayer, which Figueira itself was able to express, but also a great need for humanitarian help on worldwide and international levels appeared.
In this way, the Sacred Tree of Figueira, which was cared for, pruned and protected by My son, José Trigueirinho, during the last thirty years, launched new seeds of instruction and of service, which up to recent times continues to sprout and provide infinite opportunities to all those who may want to avail themselves of this Grace of living an absolute giving of self.
After thirty years, when the fertile soil of each heart and disciple was lovingly cared for by My son, José Trigueirinho, the time has come for the virtues and the talents to emerge, to be at the service of the Plan of God in order to alleviate all pain by means of love.
This is the time in which all the disciples of José Trigueirinho must take their places within the Plan and commit to the Heights, to support the Islands of Salvation that, with such love, My son José Trigueirinho protected and safeguarded with his humble consciousness.
This is the time for all members of the Light-Network, as good, dedicated and tender servers, to take up the care, the safeguarding and the maintenance of the Light-Communities, and to be more present and active, knowing that the Communities and the Light-Nuclei will be sacred spaces for the receiving and welcoming of humanitarian situations.
Now is the time to put into practice all of the legacy received and heard during the last thirty years. It is the time to bring continuity to the Work, that which the spiritual Hierarchy sowed through the Community of Figueira.
In this way, My children, you will make it possible for the Hierarchy, upon the surface of the Communities and in the Light-Nuclei, to have spaces lovingly consecrated and donated so that the Hierarchy can continue instructing and guiding souls, so that it may continue to sow seeds of light within hearts that are awakening to the great summoning.
Let us thank the Eternal Father for having sent a humble and serving Instructor to the world, who safeguarded and protected each of His children and disciples.
I thank you for having responded to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let fear transform into faith. Let the anguish of not knowing how to help a fellow being transform into the certainty of the power of prayer. Let peace flood through you and thus expand into the world and permeate the souls that are in need of it.
Let the tests of these times forge within you the strength of the surrender to God and His Plan. Let your renunciations be imprinted in the human consciousness as a step toward Christic life, because when you renounce your will, you understand that there is a Greater Will and that you are in the world to manifest a Higher Plan, rather than to satisfy human desires and aspirations, no matter how good they may be.
Take a step toward Faith and pray from the heart for the situations that you cannot solve because, where God is, there will be an experience of love, a learning that will lead beings to His Heart.
Meditate on what I tell you and keep your heart in peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a soul serves, the body gets tired, but when the heart is fulfilled in service, the spirit is gradually revealed and the being discovers the meaning of its existence, which lies in the love that it awakens while serving.
To serve may be to help someone who is tired, to comfort someone who is lacking hope, to understand the one who is not understood, to tolerate someone who is in their purification.
To serve may be to offer healing to a sick person, or to let the same love heal their heart; to feed someone who is hungry; to dress the naked; to visit the lonely; to bring joy to the one who is in darkness.
To serve may be to keep silence when the neighbor needs quietude, to pray when the neighbor needs prayer, to adore when the neighbor needs support and to make peace, because the world needs peace.
To serve is to be in this world, becoming what it truly means to be a human being, and carrying the cross of this time, which is the transformation of the human condition into the renewal of the Love of God.
To serve is to love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more