The group gathered on the Hill of Apparitions at 11:00 am to begin the attunement prayer. The praying began with the "Prayer to the Universal Mother."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us prepare, the Lady is coming.
At that moment, the choir was intoning the song "Meeting with Mary." Afterwards, there were 33 strikes of the bell, announcing the Apparition of the Celestial Mother.
Hail everyone. I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
She is touching this ground with Her Feet. At Her right there is the presence of the Archangel Gabriel and at Her left is the presence of the Archangel Michael.
She asked those who could to kneel down.
I come to announce the Third Secret of Fatima, which is even more prophetic.
At that moment, Friar Elías, in a private manner, tells Mother Shimani and José Trigueirinho Netto what the Divine Mother is revealing as a secret. While this happens, the whole group prays the "Prayer to the Universal Mother."
Some time afterward, the voice of Friar Elías is heard again.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Those who feel it, can now stand up.
Our Lady, Mary, has appeared today as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, and can be seen more clearly than on other days.
I have come here to announce to you the Light of the archangels, so you may know you can count on them when I am not present on this plane, and I am only in your hearts.
The Archangel Gabriel brings redemption, the Archangel Michael brings liberation. These are the two Father Creators Who will assist the world before the Return of Christ. This is My Good News.
Let us pray for Peace and for Light. Let us ignite the hearts that have been broken for centuries, hearts that once again are here, in this world, seeking the Light within the darkness. The time has come for the revelation; thus, I am here among you, over your consciousnesses and those of the world.
In Medjugorje, I have announced an important part of My Messages; in Uruguay, I have revealed another part; and here, in Brazil, My preferred heart of souls, I will reveal yet another part.
I Am the Messenger of Peace for the lives of those who dare to live each calvary within Me. It is time to descend from the mount and find the new path that leads you to Me, at this last hour, the hour of the end of the cycle.
I Am the Immaculate Conception, the Messenger of redemption for those who wish to listen to Me for the last time. Carry Peace in your hearts, and do not stop because of anything that happens; you know I am here, protecting you in prayer and in love.
I am here to announce that you must carry out a chain of prayer; and this House of Mine, just like the one of Fatima, must progress in the praying verb. For those who want to hear the Voice of the Heavens, this is the moment of protection through Words.
I Am an emanation of those Heavens, and I bring you My Spirit of Peace so you may feel It and open to It.
I speak the same Words I have repeated in the different Apparitions throughout the world: only prayer is Peace. Eternal Peace is the living and ardent prayer that transcends borders and opens the barriers so that all, in time, may come to Me.
I am here, in My Kingdom, waiting for you.
Let us pray for peace in the Middle East and for the love and the rescue of My beloved African community.
I Am the Queen of all places, Who carries the same Message in Her Voice so that, at the end of this time, all come to Me. I come to everybody when you open up without restrictions; for Love, which is not of this world, can do all things, a Love that nurtures the heart and brings life.
Whoever wants to go on pilgrimage on My path will be saved and victorious.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Together with Her, let us repeat the prayer "Luminous Bird."
Everybody prays some beads.
By the Power of My Immaculate Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Divine Mother is announcing She will give a blessing to those who are ill. It is important that all those who are ill approach the tree, and if it is not possible for you, remain in your places.
While we wait, let us pray the "Prayer to the Universal Mother" together with Her.
At that moment, many people who had some illness approached the tree.
I Am the Lady of Graces and reconversions of the spirit, the relief from all pain and the safeguarding from all evil. I Am the Original Virgin, the support of hearts, the flame that burns in pain, that opens the purification of faults.
Today, accept My Merciful Heart and feel at rest in Me. Do not fear, I am with you. I Am the Mother of Sacred Providence; I have been here on Earth and know how it is.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now She is opening Her Arms and stretching them downwards, She is radiating a light blue energy.
Two white rays are coming from the center of Her heart, projecting downwards, and Her Stars are also lighting up.
The tree is becoming more and more invisible, and on each side of Her appear three angels, that are opening a deep and light blue Heaven.
Now, She is embracing a Christian cross and transmitting the following Words:
I Am the Patroness Who carries the cross of redemption. Touch My Feet and feel My Fire.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Her Feet and the roses are lighting up.
I know you believe in Me. Be with Me; you will lack nothing in this Kingdom where you will find Me after this offering you have made.
Love heals and if you feel Love, you will be healed.
My time to leave has come. I will meet with you again soon.
Now, other children need Me in another part of this world. My Bird of Peace must travel there so that others may also find rest in this world in purification.
Remember Me as Mary if you want to feel Me closer to your hearts. I Am Mary, the Universal Mother. I Am the Bird that descends now from the Heavens to your hearts.
Remember, remember, remember, remember, only Peace, full Peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
She has now gone and greeted us with Her Peace.
The whole group first intones the "Hail Mary" and then the song "The Woman Who guides us."
The group, in this second day of Apparitions, gathered at 7 pm to start the prayer work. Nightfall was approaching, and once more there were no chairs. The uphill climb to the Hill of the Apparitions was very harmonious. All brought lit candles, which awakened the devotion amongst all present in a special way.
Mother Shimani, José Trigueirinho, Friar Artur and Friar Elias faced the tree where Mary, the Divine Mother had previously appeared.
There, Mother Shimani invited all to pray “Universal Mother.” After a few beads, Mother Shimani conveyed a request of the Divine Mother that invited all of the children present in the Hill to approach the tree.
Many of the children sat at the foot of the tree. All remained within a profound silence during all of the Apparition. There were no cries, even amongst the toddlers and little ones.
Some even fell asleep.
While the prayers continued, Mother Shimani sang “Hail Mary” (Ave Maria).
After the song it was asked that the sisters of the Fraternity Network for Prayer come closer. As they reached the tree, they joined Friar Elias in prayer.
Shortly after Mother Shimani sang “The Woman that guides us”(“A mulher que nos guia”.)
Friar Elias: She asks that nobody moves, and all be quiet.
In this moment, a real silence was established.
Friar Elias: Now we will explain what happened. While we prayed, a few images in the sky manifested themselves. First three angels with orandiums appeared, in prayer.
After a while, a golden triangle of light emerged in the sky, dwelling there for a long time. It seems as though, with its light, it tore the material plane by the intensity of its shine.
At another moment, two angels appeared, one in each side. They showed us a golden Christian cross, sustained by their hands.
Mary was then seen, above the tree, wearing white, surrounded by a very white light. In the center of her breast, Her Heart with the color of blood can be seen; a Heart that pulses each moment.
Later, She guided me to look to the skies, where a small planet Earth appeared; this planet was within this local universe, within this solar system. It could be seen that our planet, from outside, was being invaded by dark forces. In this moment, angelic armies emerged that came to watch the planet.
After a while, all the continents and the whole planet seemed to be surrounded by a large orandium.
Mary then tells us:
If you do not pray, you will not reach Me; will not reach the Heavens.
It was in this moment that She asked us that the children come closer and that we sing “Hail Mary” (Ave Maria). While we sang, She blessed each of them. In the silence, She observed and contemplated us.
The Divine Mother says:
Thank you for answering to My Voice, I am the Mother of Peace.
I hope that you have understood My Message, that is why I came here.
The open hearts in the invisible lights, will notice My Sacred Heart.
I have announced My Voice in many parts of the world and many children are answering me, like you all have, in Faith.
Today, I come for us to sing together “Luminous Bird” (Ave Luminosa) and so that your hearts open even more to My Heart, that shines within yours, that seeks refuge within you so that it unites to Me in this task.
Today, I come to tell you that many words were said along this day about My Divine Conception and that I am here so that you find Peace even if it is for just a few moments, for a few seconds; so that your hearts open up and feel Me, that your thoughts settle and find refuge within Me, like I seek refuge within you.
Today, I show you My stars.
Friar Elias: She is showing her crown of stars with the word MIRNA-HE.
The Divine Mother says:
This is the Immaculate Holy Spirit, of which was born in Me. I sprouted from the Source to all creatures. I am the Messenger of the Plans, which announces the Voice in the universe, like My Son, the Redeemer.
Do you want to know why I am here and why I came?
So that we pray, because it is necessary. So the doors to Heaven in this place, in this region, here in my beloved country, can open. The angel of Brazil announces to you Its´ coming, for I have recommended to it that it be present at this moment, to protect you, and support you, so that you find the shield in the immaterial, in the light of the angels.
Why do you carry this flame? Why was it asked of you? (The Divine Mother is referring to the candles of the procession).
So that you see that My Light is in your hearts, sprouting like that fountainhead that springs from the earth to satiate the thirst of the hearts that are tired and that are yet to redeem themselves.
I give you the Holy Spirit, in this moment, above your consciousness, so that you know where to return or where to refuge, in these final times.
My Voice is coming to a close in Medjugorje and will end here as well, next year.
I want both nations to consecrate to My Immaculate Heart. I know that many of you have followed me for a long time, but, more is necessary to reach My Peace; I want to give it to you before the Beast arrives, and so that it cannot find refuge in the tired hearts.
Because of this I ignite My Cell of Light in your hearts, so that you find rest and relief. Because I Am the Mother of Peace, the Protector of your souls, the one that announces the New Prophecy for the ones that want to hear. This prophecy does not come from Me, it comes from the Creator, for I announce myself to you before the Master returns in living flesh, in soul, and in spirit over this planet, within humanity.
Many will recognize Him, others will distance themselves, because it will no longer be the live Jesus; it will be the new Universal Consciousness that will bring an irradiating love for the hearts that come closer to It, even without seeing it. Therefore, first comes My Message, before He arrives.
Know that He is the Way, I have already said it, and today He has asked of Me to repeat it to your consciousnesses. I will be here, as I have already said, until the day 15, for those that are up to meet Me in the invisible, even if you cannot see all that you are receiving. But you will see it at the end of this time, when I will be here not; but will be awaiting you in prayer, so that you come closer to My Immaculate Heart, in the Kingdom that found Me to receive you and protect you.
Friar Elias: Grabbing a jar with water and wetting Her feet, she says:
This is the blessing that I want to deliver to you all. The same Source that bathed Me and washed Me since the beginning, since the origins, I want to sprout in you all, not only as a fountainhead, but also as a life attribute for the ones that live in obscurity.
You all, have lit hearts, today. Not because I am here, but because you all did this through trust in Me.
Friar Elias: Let us pray, She says. Let us repeat the prayer phrase by phrase, so that the ones that do not know it can learn it.
After we prayed “Luminous Bird” (Ave Luminosa), we intoned for a few times the phrase “Hail Mary” (Ave Maria).
Friar Elias: She says that a million and five hundred souls have been rescued.
They started to be rescued by Her in Aurora (Planetary Center in Uruguay), through prayer, and she asks of us to continue with this spirit of collaboration. According to Her, they are souls that, in this moment, are being enlightened. She says it came from the galaxy´s heart, to lift these souls.
The Divine Mother says:
Someday, you will understand what I tell you.
Friar Elias: In the moment that “Hail Mary” was sung, She lit a small flame of light above each of our heads. She showed that some lights were more alightt and others more opaque; the latter started lighting up slowly.
She says that the Holy Spirit comes to humanity in various forms. There are many faces and not all are known; it is a Spirit that makes itself known in this world, for those that in Him believe.
Says the Divine Mother:
Because it is the same spirit that permeates Me, Me and you all. First it enters in essence, makes the light sprout, and then expands itself over all of the heart, until it rises up to the consciousness, that finds a new wisdom never felt nor heard before, that had never awakened in your interior. This is the Spirit that transforms, that arrives in these times though Me, to prepare you all for the new cycle.
As in in Aurora, I want you all to build next to this tree, a large campanile (bell tower), that will announce the sign of Peace for the end of this time, close to the year 2012. So, more prophecies will be revealed to the world, for many beings that hear My Calling. This campanile will be rung by a prayerful being each week, in the same lined rhythms: at 6 o´clock, at 9 o´clock, at 12 pm, at 3 pm, and at 6 pm.
Friar Elias: She says that these times are the different moments of the day when Her Consciousness descends to the planet.
The Divine Mother says:
I want to see a strong path for the pilgrims, for all that live My brother and sisterhood, like that of all the Hierarchies, so that they can rise up to here and elevate themselves to Me, because here I will find them.
Friar Elias: She says that she will be here until the 15th and also that she will come back starting in the month of November, in the days 25 and 26 of each month, until the month of May. The day 8th of June of 2012 will be her last apparition in this region. In Aurora, the last apparition will be the 8th of August 2012.
She says that she wants both nations, Brazil and Uruguay, to be Her epicenter of prayer, that sustains the Southern Cone, that sustains Argentina, Chile and Paraguay.
She is still manifested and observes us. Behind Her appears the triangle of golden light, the same that was seen in the beginning. Two triangles that place themselves one on each side of this first triangle appears, in this way forming a line of three triangles. Moments later another two triangles together with the first three appeared, forming a cross of equal arms.
The Divine Mother says:
I am the Mother of Graces for those that open themselves to it. Superior Grace that is a Divine Grace, Grace which many of the ones here were previously touched, in another time.
To be here over this Center is a Grace and for Me to be here is a Greater Grace; I know that you do not understand it, but that yes you feel it, because once you were touched by Me.
I bless today all My children, the little ones, because they will be a strong column of My Heart for the times of chaos; and their angels, that shine, will be known to them all because these angels were sent along with them so that they fulfill a part of My Peace, even if My children, these little ones, follow other paths that are not equal to this.
Today I am here more manifested so that you can feel Me for a longer time, for I interceded for them, for the ones that do not believe. I leave over this tree My roses.
Friar Elias: She takes the golden roses from the superior part of Her feet and places them on the tree.
The Divine Mother says:
It is for this loyal companion, the tree, to guard My Maternal Energy and irradiate it for all the nooks of this Nation, the one that needs peace despite believing in Me for a long time.
I am the messenger for your hearts and, as in Medjugorje, I want to be an echo of a great voice in each interior.
Friar Elias: She ignites the Stars, the ones that are in Her Crown, of shining celestial color and one more letter appears in MIRNA-HE, the letter N in celeste, MIRNA-HEN. She explained that it means that the Holy Spirit is fulfilling the last phase of this cycle.
The Divine Mother says:
I call you because you are in time to reach the Holy Spirit through Me in your hearts; do not believe that I am here, believe in your hearts, in Light that you once reached by the exercise of prayer and of struggle. Know that I have been here as Mary, the Mother of the Messiah. I am the Bird of Universal Peace and Immaculate to all of you and to My children of all races in this world and of others.
My Bird of Light descends today over you all so that you find rest, after having walked so much in search of Light. I am found in each prayer, the one that does not resist to a Prodigious Mother. I am the Bird of Mercy and hand you My maternal and protecting energy so that you walk in the dark night.
Friar Elias: She irradiates from the center of Her Heart two rays, one pink and the other blue, and projects them over the soil.
She asks that we repeat the following prayer:
Mercy for those who have not yet been redeemed.
Mercy for those who do not live in peace.
Mercy for those who are still sleeping.
Mercy for all the Kingdoms, who are also My children.
Mercy for those who are still not open.
Mercy for the whole world.
Sacred Mother establish Your Gate of Peace.
Friar Elias: She says that she is being very compassionate and at the same time, instructing, teaching us to talk and to pray through Her Ray of Light and of Peace.
She says that many of the souls here present have questions to make and that She is willing to hear them, at first in silence.
She places her hands in the sign of prayer and says that the hour indicates to her Her return, and that tomorrow she will return here to find us renewed in faith and in trust in the Higher, in the Universe.
And at a medium tone, let us pray together with Her the “Universal Mother” prayer for a few moments.
Friar Elias: Before leaving She says that she will respond a question to three people, that She signaled. She says that we should be in tranquility and in peace. It must be a question that is really necessary, because, according to Her, it deals with a celestial opportunity. I will go in search of these three people, meanwhile we will pray the “Universal Mother,” at medium tone.
Friar Elias goes in search of these three people so that they come closer to the tree. They come closer, in silence. All the rest maintain in prayer.
Each of these people do, in a low voice, a question and Friar Elias transmits to them the response of the Divine Mother.
Friar Elias: She says that each day 15 hourly prayers should be made; with groups formed by seven people selected among the pilgrims of Figueira, praying inside the Prayer House (Casa de Oração). The groups should pray from sunrise until nightfall, until the hour of Her Apparition here, at 8 pm.
She says she called these three people so that they comprehend how Her Grace is and that God, also, permitted that each of the present write in paper a question. Of all these questions three more will be extracted, that will be read by Mother Shimani so that She answers. Mary asks us that they be questions essential to life.
The Divine Mother says:
I am interceding with something larger, which has never been permitted by the Universe.
Friar Elias: Until the day 15 She will answer three questions per day. She says it would be important as well that all who have questions, ask them in prayer, in order to give the opportunity so that others write their real urgencies.
The Divine Mother says:
I elevate and leave today My Heart so that you sleep with It, an Immaculate Heart that comes from the Heavens so that you find the Peace in the way that you travel.
I am founding herea new Universal Consciousness, not a Church; the campaniles are for the devotees of the cosmic Heavens, for the ones that want to receive the Light of the stars, of which irradiate the rays that come from the Source through My presence here and of the Redeemer.
Thank you for responding to My Call.
Friar Elias: Let us close with the song “The Woman that guides us” (A Mulher que nos guia), the same that was sung in the beginning.
We can turn off the candles. Let us remain in syntony because Her Energy is still present, irradiating us.
As requested on September 5th, and answering to the call of the Divine Mather, a group of approximately fifteen hundred people went to the "Crystal Hill"(1) at 9 am.
The Hill of Apparitions is located in a wild place where almost no one goes. To get to the top of the Hill you have to go up a trail with a steep slope, surrounded by an abundant native vegetation. This day the sky was clear, without a single cloud, and the radiant sun raised the temperature by the minute.
As the call of the Divine Mother was unforeseen, the place could not be prepared to receive such a large group. The vegetation kept most people standing while a few looked for some space between the bushes and the grass to sit down. Everyone, overcoming the heat and the lack of comfort, prepared to receive the Celestial Mother.
On the other hand, a small group placed itself on the highest part of the Hill. This group was formed by Madre Shimani, José Trigueirinho, Friar Elías and some other brothers and sisters.
Madre Shimani did a small introduction, explaining what would happen and what should be the proper attitude to receive the Divine Mother.
Then, the work of prayer began and lasted for a long time. When the approximation of the Divine Mother was noticed, the female voices intoned "Hail Mary," while the male ones carried on praying.
After a few minutes, Friar Elías stood up, a sign that the Mother had appeared, and turned his gaze towards a spot in the sky. You could see him deeply concentrated and permeated in contemplating the Divine Mother.
After some time, he communicated to the small group that was with him what the Virgin was transmitting to him, and in this moment all of them walked down the top of the Hill to where the large group of people were.
Fray Elías quickly, but in profound silence and concentration, walked to a tree that was in the middle of a large group of people who were praying.
When the group reorganized itself again, around the tree, the prayer was interrupted and a profound silence fell, and in this way, everyone waited in static and reverent quietness.
Fray Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
When the Divine Mother appeared on the top of the Hill, accompanied by two angels, she said: "the Will of the Lord is that I be among all My children, therefore, I will descend."
And, in this moment, she went down the Hill and placed Herself upon this tree.
She appeared as the Queen of Peace and wrapped the tree with a great orandium.
My peace to all Brazil!
I have come to ask you to be here from the 9th to the 15th, because I will come every day at 8pm.
She also requested that, during these days, we would come in procession, with candles to enlighten the souls who were afflicted.
Now I will speak.
My dear ones, how many precious souls gathered around My Mantle! I am protecting them.
I am the Queen of Love, the Redeemer of souls, after Christ.
Today, I announce myself to you as the Queen of Peace, Protector and Guardian of the hearts, the One that hears the call of the souls and all those that wish to return to Me.
I am here to ask you to come in procession up to here; not for yourselves, but for those who are asleep and do not receive the Grace, as you receive in your hearts today.
Today, I open My Arms to sow My Heart within you.
Friar Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
She is opening Her Arms and irradiating a lot of Light towards us. In the center of Her Chest a Heart of pink Light is pulsating that She shows with Her right Hand.
See My Heart, full of thorns, It must be healed by prayers.
I have come here to found a Center of Permanent Prayer, day and night, for peace and the elevation of the world. This is My last warning, you will understand.
See that I am the Mother of all of you, Who picks you up when you fall; I specially pick up those who forget about Me and do not respond to My call because they do not see Me.
Now, I am here, among you, to welcome and accompany you, so that you may have trust in Me, so that you may follow My path of Peace and Salvation. I am calling those who have committed to Me, since ancient Nazareth up to the New Jerusalem.
We are a single voice that must rise up to the Heavens, so that the Father responds with His Graces to all of your hearts. I am here as the Intercessor of the souls.
I ask you to come here, during the night, because My Presence will be clearer and It will reflect more in your hearts.
Will you be willing to respond to an immaterial call, of My Divine Voice, during these days?
The Lord has delivered you to Me and I deliver you to the Father because this is the time. We are in the last time, a time of crossing the portal towards Light and Redemption.
I raise My Crown of Stars towards you and place it upon your beings, which symbolizes the twelve doors that will be open in this near future of the New Humanity. Each star represents a design that will descend from the Heavens upon this aching world.
Friar Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, She is showing a small orandium, that has a silver medal with a small picture of Father Pío.
Father Pio is the one who will govern your souls, a faithful companion. As I was in him, I am in you, even if you do not feel Me or hardly understand My Call.
Open your hearts, I am calling you to respond to the Greater Will, which is now descending upon this place. I wish to penetrate the broken hearts, the ones who have not felt Me for a long time and do not trust in the Mother of God. I am calling you once again, so that you may resume the path towards Christ, the Redeemer.
I have already said it: Mercy is in its last time, before the angels open the door of Divine Justice upon this world and others.
All the races that are separate will be a single people in this end of this time; because you will See me walk upon several continents, in which My Peace will be ignited among the chaos.
Now, I invite you to commune with Me, to trust My Immaculate Heart that was born in the East.
Now I am already here, guarding and protecting you with My Love from the Heavens, even though you do not see Me. I am the Mother that observes everything in each interior; even more in those who hide from Me, because they fear to trust Me.
I have come here to consecrate this place as a Center of Pilgrimage, as a Center of the Rescue of souls and opening of fallen hearts. You must be the pillars of these hearts, so that they may revive and be reborn in Christ, Who waits for them because He is still thirsty.
You must be the spring for your brothers and sisters, for those who refuse to open their hearts and have closed them, for those who suffer in their misunderstandings. For all of them, you should open yourselves to the Divine Patience, that I have lived for centuries.
I am the Mother of Mercy and I want to bring you Peace in this final time.
Much has been written in the Sacred Books, which are in the Heavens, about the Message of the Lord throughout times, times that will be united in one, for those who unite to Me in prayer and peace.
I leave you My Maternal Heart, so you may hold It in your hands in the times of tribulation and tests, because those who trust in It will be saved and will not leave the path nor My flock.
The Voice of God descends through Me because I am His Slave just like you, even though you do not believe it.
Everyone has a commitment to be fulfilled with Me and with the Lord. I elevate My Voice towards the Heavens as a great prayer so that you may find the Light and the Peace in this time.
On the last day, I will say what I want the most for this place and for this nation, which I love with predilection because I know it has responded to My Voice for a long time.
Do not fear judgment and persecutions, because the 144,000 must awaken before the 72 that I will send to this world.
Today I open My Arms to take you in.
Friar Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
She is opening Her Arms and extending them downwards. She is projecting a White Light from the palm of Her Hands and the tree is being surrounded by a brilliant white energy.
Today I ignite Myself inside of your hearts so that you may listen to Me, because it is not My Will, but the one that is beyond Me.
Fray Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now She is pointing up, where there are open skies of light-blue color.
This is my Emblem of Peace, My Sacred Heart, the one you must always long for despite everything and must look for when everything is in the dark; because you know that I will be there when you pray with Me, when you do not tire of praying and speaking to Me. This is how the darkness will pass and will not touch you, because you will be in prayer with Me perpetually.
Fray Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now She is looking up and putting Her Hands in sign of prayer and asking us to do the same.
Let us pray for the souls that are in the dark suburbs and do not receive the Grace that you are receiving.
Today you are aware of My Presence, but I must go to all those places where peace is not found and where the chains still have not been broken because My Light has not entered and will only enter through your prayers.
All the group prays a prayer that the Divine Mother had transmitted in Her Apparitions in Uruguay:
Blessed are You
among all creatures,
for You were conceived
by a Greater Grace.
During the prayer, some people from the public leave, going down the Hill.
Remember, all of those who walked away from Me, that I was here to call you.
Thank you for responding to My Call.
I am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
For the Divine Power of the Holy Spirit and the Sublime Grace of God to all the Hearts, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us sing, so that the hearts may rejoice, a song that was born in Aurora.
All the people present intone the song "La mujer que nos guía," in gratitude.
(1) The name given later by the Divine Mother to the Crystal Hill was "Hill of Apparitions."
Everybody arrived very willing to pray and follow this last day of Apparitions of the Divine Mother.
After several beads, when the rays of the sun began to light up the farmstead, Friar Elías stood up and approached where the Divine Mother had appeared.
Then a monk of the Aurora monastery was called by the Divine Mother to speak a few Words to him.
After some time passed, Friar Elías gave us an account of what had taken place.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
When the Divine Mother appeared in the heights of Heaven, there were groups of angels that were silently praying. They walked in a slow and contemplative way, forming the symbol of infinity. It was a constant and harmonious movement.
In Her right Hand She carried a golden Scepter and in Her left Hand a small Christian cross and a rose.
When She settled over the Orange Tree, a light orange-colored rose blossomed from Her Heart. A few moments later, some saints appeared, praying together with the group, and at the side of the Tree, Padre Pío appeared, also in prayer.
Then, through an intense movement of Light, the Archangel Raphael appeared, a resplendent being of Light in all his silhouette, who presented himself with a sword in his hand, and said:
"My time has come. I am the Healing Angel, the Archangel Raphael."
Saying this in a powerful and magnanimous way, he flew up into the heights of the Heavens, where a circular door of Light and with a light blue energy appeared, surrounded by several concentric golden rings.
The Divine Mother told me to look toward the center of this door, and there I saw a great open Book. The pages turned from one side to another, as if a wind moved them. In that Book appeared several Gospels written in the time of the Messiah.
The pages continued to turn rapidly, until at a certain moment, they stopped and the number 12 appeared. Then the Divine Mother said:
"Chapter 12 of the Apocalypse of John. I want you to read this chapter."
At that moment, I asked Our Lady if what I was hearing was correct and She responded 'yes'.
Afterwards, She began to pray the Hail Mary and asked that every hour a prayer should be carried out and that there be 33 strikes of the bell.
She also told us that the way of establishing the Thousand Years of Peace will be through prayer, and that it must begin to be built from this moment on. This was Her request for today.
She appeared as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, with Her light green Robe and surrounded by a Crown of golden Stars.
I Am the Lady of the Infinite and Melodious Vibration, which comes from the Heart of the Universe, from the Infinite Source of God. For this reason, music, which is divine and must be the sound of hearts, opens My channel of Peace and expands My Light. In this way, My Plan of Light is established upon the surface of the Earth.
See how the angels sing and the choirs praise Me, as it was at My Assumption into the Heavens as the Patroness of souls, the Lady of the Angels and the Archangels.
Today, remember this symbol: The Lady of the Angels and the Archangels, so you may understand the Will of God and so that your souls may recognize My Peace, which flows with Love.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, from Her Chest emerged a three-petaled flower, colorless and brilliant, like of transparent silver energy.
This is the Flower of the Conception.
After the Divine Mother communicated some Words to the brother She had called up, She asked that we all pray the prayer "Blessed Art Thou."
Finally, the Celestial Mother asked that we sing the Hail Mary.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Mother is rising up, but is still present. Gently, let us stand up to say goodbye to Her.
I love you.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Today, in the evening, I will speak with you all.
Today I have come so you may pray with Me, as you did yesterday. At every hour, may a group gather to pray in this place and it be announced with 33 bell strikes, so the essences can shine, those that must be rescued.
Today especially, the prayers will be dedicated to Africa and the Middle East, places where I will need missionaries who are able to take My Peace through prayer and share the tasks of Christ with other brothers and sisters who also will unite with My Spirit.
Today, meditate on the Presence of the Queen of Peace, and you will understand My Presence in Medjugorje. Nothing is separate, everything is a thread of Light that leads to God so that you may be reunited with Me once more.
Today, seek the faith in your hearts so that I am able to labor as the Mother of Peace in all My children, children I need to take to My Kingdom, children you do not know but that are far from the Light, especially those who distance themselves from Me because of not believing in a Maternal Mother and who draw away from the path when they are not surrounded by My Light. I come in search of them in this part of the world, in the Americas, in Uruguay.
Take My Message of Peace beyond the phenomena that will be spoken of, those you do not yet see, but which I write with My Hands in the ethers of Aurora.
May your lives be an eternal communion with Me and may you return to the Father through Me. You are in time, do not allow yourselves to be defeated. Before the bridge breaks, cross over it to Me.
I Am for you, in this place, the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Spirit of Peace, the Triune Flame of the Spirit, the Original Emanation of the Source, the Merciful Bird which comes to you to give you Love and to heal the ailing spirit.
Peace, Peace, Peace for the Earth, which is asleep.
Just like in these last few days, a significant group of people gathered to pray and sing to wait for the Message of the Divine Mother.
Shortly before the time scheduled by Her, nature began to manifest a different movement, and when the first rays of the sun touched the crown of the Tree, Friar Elías stood up and approached where Our Mother had appeared.
After a few minutes, silence was requested and all attentively listened to the account of what had happened.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
When we began to pray, a mantle of Light appeared, surrounding the Tree from the bottom upwards, which lit up with great intensity.
The Divine Mother appeared in a white Robe and a light blue Mantle, and had a golden rose in Her Hands. She prayed and prayed, smiled and prayed. Behind Her, from the Heavens, an Egyptian cross descended.
She asked us to come closer, and when we did, She began to radiate two rays of Light from the center of Her Heart.
Today, She invited us to pray more for souls and for the task She is carrying out in several parts of the world.
Today, She especially asked that it be a day totally dedicated to prayer; that groups be formed to pray hour by hour, beginning at the moment we finish this meeting with Her and until 5 p.m. She said that She wanted the collaborators of Casa Redención to pray the prayer of the Universal Mother, as a group, at the different times.
She also wants rose bushes to be planted today in Her garden; She says She is expecting it. She said that, hour by hour, while one part of the groups prays, another part is dedicated to the building of the garden, because She wants to see it finished before dusk.
She asked that today, in our prayer, we have the intention to pray for souls who are in chaos and who are wrapped in material energy, the energy of materialism; souls who, because of that energy, are very lost.
Afterwards, the Mother moved from the crown of the Tree and approached the group. I then could see Her from the back, and saw that She had a six-pointed golden star, all filled in. The star encompassed the whole Mantle, which was very pretty, and covered Her from head to toe.
When She was then beside all of you, She began to bless you. She approached each of you and touched your head. From Her Hands came a lot of Light, and that Light renewed your beings.
After the blessing, She rose up and returned to the crown of the Tree. While She was suspended in the air, She invited us to read Chapter 5 of Saint John's Apocalypse, and told us we had to study it.
At that moment, She showed something which I understood to be a prophecy about the end of times, referring to what Chapter 5 of Saint John's Apocalypse is about.
In the vision, angels battled against evil. The planet seemed to be in complete darkness, a darkness generated by an eclipse. When the planet was going through that eclipse, I was unable to identify in which hemisphere it was taking place; there were involutionary forces that were suffocating souls. Then, with the sound of some trumpets, many angelic armies were descending from the universe, being guided by many archangels.
In what would be the center of the planet, the Greenwich meridian which divides it in a vertical direction, evil was confronting the Light, and a battle was beginning. At that moment, the Divine Mother appeared in another place of the planet, trying to resolve and help in this situation. She observed from the outside, not participating. At that moment, the vision ended.
When She appeared, She said She was naming Herself the "Bird of Peace" and wrote a Message in the sky. I asked Her what the significance was because I didn't understand it very well. The Message was:
"If you come to Me and if you pray for peace, you will gain eternal life."
In that phrase She wanted to tell us that if we prayed for peace, we will gain eternal life, a promise which the Master made to us and that today She is once again making to all of us.
At the end, when She rose up, She was very resplendent, and behind Her, Christ appeared, in His Aspect of the Merciful Christ, and Saint Faustina by His side. They greeted us and then the Three disappeared.
While a group built the rose garden requested by the Divine Mother in Her morning Apparition, another group prayed under a close-by orange tree, some distance from the Orange Tree of the Apparitions. During the prayer, the Divine Mother appeared. Friar Elías stood up and transmitted some words to the gathered group.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Divine Mother appeared in Her Aspect of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. She had a stole with an equal-armed cross on each end.
She told us that today She was giving us a part of Her Meek Heart so we may sow it in our hearts.
She also told us that evil generates confusion in hearts, but that when She comes, all that is dispelled in Her children. This is a constant struggle that is experienced between two kingdoms.
She asked that this prayer, the Luminous Bird, be sung during the General Meeting at the Figueira Light-Community. That the only thing removed from this prayer is the word "amen,” which will not be sung.
She told us that She has opened Her Kingdom here, so all hearts may come, so all Her children may come, and that each will know what part of Her Message they must carry.
I am opening the door of the Heavens to sleeping hearts and those who do not trust in My Voice. Through My Words, I emit My Voice to all.
Thank you for responding to My Call and for concretizing these Works of God. Thank you for transmitting My preferred Messages, including to those who do not understand them and do not feel what is happening here.
What is important for all of you will be to remain always united in Peace, in the Communion of Christ, in the Light of My Heart, to strengthen yourselves in the face of the confrontations of evil. Know that if you are united with My prayer, My sword of Light, My sword of Peace and the silver sword of the Archangel Gabriel will be before you to safeguard you. Pray with Me, leave all that you are doing, so your hearts are illumined and thus, evil is stopped, because where I reign, the Light of the Father prevails.
Accept My Love, even if you have not felt it, and if you have not yet seen Me, here I am.
I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity, who brings you the Peace of the Heavens and the unconditional Love of the angels, cherubim and seraphim, those who received Me in the Assumption of My Body and My soul, when I reached the center of this Galaxy, to learn to live Universal Love.
As My Essence is part of a Source from which emerges the spring of life for souls that are in this and other worlds, today I give you My Peace and My Love so that they may nurture your hearts and so that you may know that when you are with Me, you are with God, you are in contact with My Source, My Source of Light, My Source of Redemption.
I Am the Lady Who brings to this Earth and to this people of Uruguay, as well as all sister nations, the motto of redemption through the Trinity and the Light of the Father in this time.
The Archangel Gabriel accompanies Me in this task and ignites the nuclei of hearts, so they may reverberate in the Love I have been radiating to them for centuries. You have known Me as Mary, the Mother of the Messiah; today you know Me as the Queen of Peace, the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Universal Mother of creatures, the Mantle of Peace, and also as the Flame of Immaculate Love.
Let no inner cloud surround you, the so-called darkness that is the chaos that suffocates the world.
Today I told you to study chapter 5 of the Apocalypse of John. That message is symbolic for your minds. Do not stop; I need you to open your senses, the inner senses, that you unite with My Love and My Light, so you may understand what all that means. That part of the story is coming in a way that hearts do not perceive, but do indeed feel it when you pray with Me.
Go in peace and gather together hearts so they may hear My Message. Gather the hearts that reside in this place and those to which Heaven is entrusting a promise that is not of the Earth, which is a divine promise that causes Light to flow to hearts so that they may recognize Greater Will.
I want to ask everybody today to listen to My Words, so you may understand what I am doing here as Mother and Lady of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
The time has come for My Heart to triumph in this place for the second time, and that the Purpose, which is not Mine, but rather comes from on High, is able to descend to your consciousnesses, to your understanding, by means of My Universal Consciousness.
In these days, Aurora has become a refuge of My Heart, and all those who follow this Work, which is Celestial and Divine, who have been here for some time, are accomplishing this Purpose and respond to My Voice as the Mother of all.
May the saints and angels, resplendent consciousnesses, beings who have learned in love and humility, come to your hearts, so that in them you may recognize the path which is one and leads you to Me, leads you to Christ, leads you to the Omnipresent Lord Who is in the Heavens.
Many will come here in search of miracles and healings, but My task here is one of redemption, to open the heart, to tear the veils that are hidden, to open you to the Light and to place Light where all is dark.
This is My task in this New Aurora; which, in this place, is the dawn through Me.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more