As Mother and Lady of Garabandal, I prepare to return and help, through you, the entire people of Spain, who have been struck by the pandemic, hit by the lack of faith and devotion, due to so many difficult events.
Once I said in Garabandal that the glass was almost full, now the glass is already overflowing.
Dear children, My return to Europe is to try, once again, to withdraw many of My children from the indifference and discrimination that they experience in this time.
I pray, day and night, and, while in vigil, your Celestial Mother prepares to begin a new stage and a new cycle with all Her children of Europe, and from Europe to the entire world, including Asia and Oceania.
Therefore, beloved children, I ask you to continue to pray with fervor for each of My intentions so that, one day, they may be converted into a reality of abundance and Mercy, for all My children.
I also ask you to pray for My Plans of salvation and peace, which the Virgin of Garabandal, the Lady of Fatima, will need to carry forward in Africa and the Middle East, through the support and the loving and fraternal collaboration of all.
The time that I will remain in Europe, sending My Messages to the world, will be long, because the northern hemisphere, including Africa, needs a lot of Mercy.
Hence, I will be grateful to you.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I return to a world in which violence, slavery and annihilation are still lived.
Today I transmit this Message from a place where thought can be elevated through devotion, through the deepest and truest prayer.
Today I transmit this Message from the French Pyrenees, where your Lord is now trying to help France in its process of purification and chaos.
In this way, I also internally help the other European nations that, in these recent times, are living and suffering what they once did in other times.
This is not punishment. Violence, slavery and annihilation is an act of the human being itself.
God thought of very good works for the humanity of the surface of the Earth, but few managed to follow them and fulfill them.
The aspiration of the Heavens is that you live in peace, it is that you practice good, it is that you propagate Mercy and fraternity.
We are at a time when unimaginable things are happening in the world and, as the pandemic advances, humanity is placed, day by day, before the portal of definition, not only of an inner definition, but also of an external definition, of whether or not being adhered to the Plan of God and, above all, to the moment of the Return of your Master and Lord.
Because this moment is approaching, as the end of times is unleashed, also the Consciousness of your Master and Lord, His Solar Consciousness, approaches.
Many will open their eyes when everything has already been already concluded. Many will realize the essence of this Message and of the other Messages when everything has already been concluded. And overnight they will see the Son of God come with His true Face, with His Glorified, Divine and Cosmic Face.
Due to all this, everything you live in these times is not only a definition but also a strengthening of your faith and of your trust in the Eternal Father. Because now I can tell you, companions, that there is no other place where you can look. You can only look toward God and supplicate to Him. Supplicate to Him for this humanity, supplicate for this planet, supplicate for those who are becoming lost, for those who do not believe, for those who suffer, for those who live violence, slavery and annihilation throughout the whole world.
Last month I talked to you about the refugees, it is something you must not forget.
Humanity must be aware that it has to mutually help, because while this does not happen, while there is no inner movement from any of you to serve the other, the fellow being, many situations will not be able to be avoided because the scales of humanity are very imbalanced. Its imbalance is ever greater because greater are the errors, the faults and the omissions, and fewer are the Graces and the Mercies that you can receive at this moment.
My Heart is the Portal for you to be able to reach the Source of God.
France must have resignation and ask for forgiveness for all it has done in other times, just as other European nations. Because still after 500 years, the same consequences are experienced, but with other faces, with other movements that are not just nor evolutionary.
So that blood is no longer shed throughout the cities of the world, they must redeem themselves, they must seek true repentance to be able to find peace and the re-establishment of the balance of humanity.
Each nation in the world knows what it must improve and, again, it is the peoples who pay the consequences of those who decide their future. This is neither a spiritual government nor a material government. We do not speak of justice nor of Mercy.
But you, companions, must not enter this dimension of conflict, of wrath nor of dissatisfaction. Because the destiny of humanity predicts many more events. Humanity wants to force normality, living a common life without responsibilities nor commitments.
Spirituality will never be far from the truth because the truth is spirituality. And when human beings understand they must turn towards the life of the spirit, they will help their higher life and enter the great circuit of cosmic life, where the Laws, the Attributes and the currents of the universe wait to be able to help them.
However, if this resignation of heart and soul does not exist, how will help come? How will blood cease to be shed? How will there be an end to the slavery of people, to the trafficking of children, to the living of social injustice among the peoples and among the nations?
Your hearts only must be united to Mine, at this moment, in order to survive. You must not stay anguished, disturbed nor desperate for what will happen. It is time, companions, for My words to become flesh within you and for you to be able to live them because it is in My Word where you will find the strength for overcoming these critical times.
Although the outlook of humanity is hostile, the doors of transmutation of the universe are open to help you.
At this moment, souls fear to cross their deserts, to live the void of self, and they especially fear to be nothing.
But what I promised you, more than 2,000 years ago, is My Love, and in order to be in My Love and to live in My Love, you have to be empty.
You have to attain being nothing and wanting nothing, because it will be the only way, companions, that the Archangels, in the greatest times of tribulation, will recognize you as instruments and not as personal wills.
And if you are empty instruments, you will be depositaries of the Supreme Source and I, as your Commander and Lord, will be able to avail Myself of your consciousnesses to bring relief to the world, to diffuse peace, although you may undergo purification and transformation.
You should not fear to cross the deserts that I offer to you, certain groups of souls are destined to live and go through this path for all of humanity.
It is the only way that I find, companions, to justify the errors and omissions that many companions of yours have made toward me in these latest months, turning their backs to My Plan without even knowing it in depth.
I am the great intercessor between souls and God, but I am still a being in evolution, and you must surpass Me, you must represent Me, you must definitively be a part of Me, of My Mystical Consciousness.
To follow My steps means determination in these times, discipline, transparency, obedience and solidarity. It will be the only way that I will find, through the instruments of God, through My companions, a way to help the world at this crucial moment. Because My shed Blood must not lose the price it has had since it was deposited upon the soil of this planet.
The blood of the innocent and of the martyrs must not keep on being shed, because humanity will enter more each day into that which is uncertain and hostile, the diversity of uncertain doors that the humanity of this time opens are many. If for a moment you think how many human beings live in this world, you will be able to perceive how many doors are open in a matter of seconds, day by day.
Who transmutes this situation? Have you asked yourselves?
The planet must be your true sacred home, not only your common home, but rather your sacred home.
The human being loses the sensitivity for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the dawn, even for the sound of the sea, because it is hypnotized by technologies, by what is artificial.
The scientific robotics of these times is leading the humans of the surface to be operated by machines, in place of them operating the machines.
You have to know how to discern, you have to know how to think in order to have wisdom in these times and not be confounded nor deceived.
You must be propagators of peace, of Mercy and, above all, of simplicity, because in simplicity you will not lose God nor the connection with the Divine Source, which is what humanity loses, day by day, because of its submerging into technological conquest, and in a conquest of the universe that is not real.
And you still want to reach other planets? To do what? The same that you have done to this world and this Creation that God gave you?
But the true time is now descending, the Real Time is uniting to your chronological time and with the passing of the coming months and of the coming years, those who have not believed anything, they will see. And what will they do when they see and feel?
Love is what will give you the strength to understand all that you will see, which will come from the universe and enter the planet. The doors of mystery will open so that everyone can recognize knowledge and that which, in spite of all this, will be arriving as a gift in these critical times, for all of humanity.
I am in prayer in the French Pyrenees, to help the consciousness of this nation that has not yet understood its path of redemption and penitence.
I come to give you inner strength so that you can sustain these times; so that My disciples, apostles and servers can sustain these times.
I will not impede upon the departure of those who do not want to be by My side. Christic Love does not retain nor control anything. Christic Love transcends, elevates, transmutes and liberates those who are just and true before My Heart.
Therefore, do not make hasty decisions. Do not let your human impulses deceive you. Be intelligent and do not let yourselves be dragged by those who do not want to follow Me and who judge My Works, because I will also return for them, to separate the wheat from the straw. And this will not be symbolic, it will be the moment when great Consciousnesses of the universe will appear to rebuild humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May peace be within you in these times of great setbacks, in which serenity and meekness are the principal keys for going through them.
Today I come from a place that some already know and that others will come to know today.
My voice echoes within a distant place of the Earth, where nothingness is present and the void fills the whole being.
My voice is heard in the inner planes, where the melody of peace and rescue for humanity resounds.
Today I come from Shambhala, in the Gobi Desert. Focus your attention upon this place; there, in the desert, lies the Voice of the Master, Who prepares His Return to humanity.
The instructions and teachings continue to be given; knowledge descends to bring more wisdom and discernment in this time.
The great decisions are carried forward and all gather in confraternity.
Shambhala brings the feeling of the sacred and the devotional to all. Its harmony and attunement awaken in the human heart the sacred melody that causes Shambhala to resound.
But Shambhala is remote, its origin unknown. Many want to access its portals, but few find them, because to reach Shambhala, the heart and the intention must be pure; in this way, you will enter the Kingdom of Shambhala.
My Message is being emitted from there, on this day of preparation for the month of August, when I will come to the world to give the last impulses and treasures to humanity.
The light of Shambhala brings peace to the contrary currents and stabilizes the forms; the human mind cannot understand what this is about. Because Shambhala is not of this world, even though it is within it. Its existence is very ancient, its legacy is very profound.
Those who draw close to Shambhala will know the sacred and the blessed; they will feel a call toward ascension and toward the elevation of consciousness, even in these critical and difficult times.
In the Kingdom of Shambhala, you will find many brothers and sisters who are not in material life, but rather in the spiritual life, who intone their songs and mantras to sustain the planet and humanity in equilibrium and harmony.
Join this chain of love and solidarity with the Confraternity of Shambhala; may its sacred spaces fill you and lead you to understand, beyond the material, the whole Plan of God.
It is thus that today Shambhala resonates as a sacred note, a primary key for this end time in which souls are called, on the inner planes, to the Sacred Chambers to meet with the Hierarchy and accompany it in fidelity and obedience.
It is thus that My Voice is emitted from the heart of Shambhala; the doors of Its Kingdom are open before the presence of the Master of Love and Humility.
May its disciples come to Shambhala to also recognize the legacy that is within each being and that for the first time was given impulse in the origins of Shambhala for this planet. Thus, the surface will be permeated with new principles that will dissolve the corrupt and transgressing forms.
The minds will be set free from the chain of bad thoughts, from destruction and cynicism, because Shambhala will be able to awaken within everyone.
In the same way that the monastics of this region of the planet perpetually intone their mantras, may the voices of prayer, supplication and pleas resound within you, because the door of My Mercy is still open to the world and to all souls, beyond their conditions or situations.
The light of Shambhala emerges on the surface of the planet. Some manage to perceive it, others are still too asleep to realize this great happening.
Shambhala emanates its silent message within souls so that they may recognize the moment of Shambhala in this time of humanity.
I want your beings to submerge in Shambhala to understand life and existence from another point within the consciousness; in this way, you will not feel blocked or imprisoned by your own human condition.
Shambhala forges the warrior; Shambhala forges the guardian; Shambhala forges the devotional soul, and constantly gives an impulse to the elevation of the consciousness toward the Sublime Universes.
The Earth is not just chaos. Shambhala, like other places, is a Sacred Chamber where you will be able to make the inner pilgrimage within yourselves, toward your origins, toward the truth. Thus, appearances will disappear, the incomprehension will dissolve; but only the pure and humble hearts enter Shambhala, one that knows, beyond itself, how to recognize the Power of God and Creation.
Shambhala opens like a fount of inexhaustible love. Souls are bathed by the light of Shambhala at this moment to again find the meaning for their existence and their missions on Earth.
Shambhala is here. This is the light of Shambhala. In reverence, be thankful and prepare your hearts for that which will come.
If Shambhala is here today, it is because of a universal, not just world importance. It reveals itself again, after its long withdrawal. Its rays and lights show the next cycle, in which everything will come to an end.
Go and seek what you need in the fount of Shambhala. The Father will always give you everything, always. And when you are in His Law, drink of this fount and your talents will awaken.
Shambhala is unchangeable. Shambhala is eternal. Shambhala is a history of great origins. That is why so many monastics come there, to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, to seek Shambhala where it seemingly does not exist.
May the light of Shambhala stabilize the spaces and consciousnesses so that harmony and peace may reign.
Shambhala is preparing for its great task and its great moment. Accompany it.
Shambhala summons you in spirit and in soul for the inner union and attunement with the Greater.
But when you walk toward Shambhala, empty yourselves completely. May your feet be washed clean of the dust, the worldwide chaos, before entering the portal so that, purified, your souls may receive what Shambhala has to give you. Accompany Me in this inner pilgrimage.
Shambhala is the essence of Truth; follow its light. It is like a great star in the firmament. Shambhala is like a great sun in the Universe. Its Kingdom is there to be recognized and loved.
Shambhala is the voice of the wisdom of the heart.
Shambhala, Shambhala, Shambhala, come to those who seek immortality and the overcoming of self. Come to those who love the Plan of God and seek It.
Before saying goodbye, and so that you remain in the light of Shambhala, I want to ask you for something special to Me, that, in this Sacred meeting with Shambhala, you close this work by singing "Solar Christ."
In this way, souls will ignite through the impulse that Shambhala will give you with its wisdom and love.
Follow in My footsteps along this pilgrimage, towards a meeting with the sacred and the devotional.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that emerges throughout space,
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that permeates all forms and archetypes,
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that transmutes the concrete and terrestrial mind:
Elevate all principles!
Transmute all currents!
Dispel all adversity!
so that the Love that comes from you
may triumph throughout Creation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The world experiences its calvary, experiences its cross, but I bring you the solution for all this.
The Rosary is your salvation, it is the powerful and unbreakable instrument of God, which your Mother and faithful Servant used for a long time while She was here on Earth.
From My Heart came the school of prayer of the heart, which is the one I need to see alive within you, may you live this inner school every day, so that My Immaculate Heart may continue to triumph in your lives and on the planet.
It is through the groups of prayer, it is through the prayerful hearts that I am able to come to the world. There is no other reason for being here at this moment.
Your prayer is the door that opens for Me, so that I may descend to the world and, while I am with you, I am able to assist those who need it in this culminating hour for humanity.
Today I come dressed in celebration, but also in peace and in hope, knowing that in the world there are many children of Mine who suffer the effects of the very illness the planet has generated.
But this will pass. I pray for you, for the nations and for all the planet, because as a Mother, I hope that humanity will learn this lesson, that it will be able to overcome it and be able to register it in its consciousness so that it does not happen again; because even though the Apocalypse must be fulfilled, I come here to intercede for you, My children, for your nations, peoples and families, because I only want the joy and the happiness of Heaven for each one of you.
Your Heavenly Mother is very simple, so simple and humble, an untiring servant who offers Herself to the Celestial Father for each of your souls, but also avails Herself of this moment, of this special anniversary, so that a planetary task may be accomplished again on the inner planes, where help and redemption are truly necessary.
I invite you to unite with Me in this chain of prayer during the month of the Holy Rosary so that, at each new day, My children, you may be able to awaken, within you and within your souls, an interest in this powerful but simple prayer.
Once again, My children, I will count on each of your beads and your prayers in each meeting of prayer that is transmitted through this Work.
I invite you, My children, to strengthen this commitment to Me as Children of Mary, as Rosary of Light groups, as all those who pray on Earth who, at this moment, need to raise their prayers and pleas to Heaven, so that not only may this pandemic end, but that nothing more come to the world that will make it suffer.
I will tell you something true, each time I descend here to the Earth, I always see the suffering of the world, of millions of souls that still suffer because of their own choices, as well as many innocent souls that suffer because of the choices of others. The suffering has to end, My children, it is possible to live in the joy and the Love of God.
So I am here as your Mother and Queen, so that you may be able to renew your vows this evening, so that the Rosary, in each day of your lives, be an essential and spiritual nourishment for you. For in this way, beloveds, you will drink of the Fount of My Grace, you will drink of the Fount of the Mercy of God; your problems will end, your faith will be strengthened, and you will be My servants, you will be a part of the Legion of Mary.
Today, on this 8th of May, in which Heaven touches Earth, in which God touches your hearts, in which the angels of the universe bow down before the Mother of God, I come to invite you and to call upon you, through the prayer of the Rosary and of your consecration to My maternal and Immaculate Heart, to become a part of the Legion of Mary, of the praying order of the Legion of Mary, a purely spiritual order of which the angels of Heaven are also a part, and many children of Mine in the world who devotedly pray to My Immaculate Heart are also part of this spiritual order.
My Son has asked Me to call you to this, invite you to this spiritual practice, in this way, your souls, your families and all your loved ones will also be contemplated by this spiritual order of the Legion of Mary.
Through the loving prayer of the Holy Rosary, I need you to spiritually carry the Marian symbol of My Heart stamped upon your chests, the "M" of Mary with the victorious Cross of Christ, surrounded by the twelve stars of My Crown.
This is the symbol of the legionnaires of Mary.
I invite you to strengthen, not only your commitment to the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, for Venezuela and for Syria, for the Middle East, for Easter Timor, for South Korea, in this case, also for Japan and China, so that the triumph of My Heart may also occur in that part of the world, just as it should occur in Africa.
All are called to remember what I once asked and requested of you. Prayer will never tire you, prayer will transmute you and uplift you.
I need to form this spiritual order in this end time. The spiritual order of the Legion of Mary was also inspired by the Templars that formed the first spiritual order of humanity, as by the holy women that were the guardians of the Relics of Christ.
I invite you, My children, to enter into this spiritual and angelic order. Your intermediaries will be your Guardian Angels. They are there in silence and in prayer, all the time, and I know that many do not call on their Guardian Angels.
All the treasures, the keys and the tools of the Hierarchy were given to you.
This is the time not only of the legionnaires of Mary, but also of the apostles of Christ. This is the time for your action, your definition and your moment of spiritual service for humanity.
If I have brought you to this point, in this definitive and culminating time of the planet, it is because, My children, you need to move forward with this spiritual mission.
This spiritual order of the legionnaires of Mary has no age limit, no requirements, but rather, three principal vows: devotion, commitment and obedience.
Today I bring to your hearts, but mainly to your souls, the spiritual symbol of the legionnaires of Mary, stamped in the very depths of your hearts so that you may receive it, revere it and accept it, at this moment, in which the servants of Christ need to prepare for what will come.
From your homes and families, you can do many works, although it may not seem to be so. There are infinite intentions in humanity, just as there are infinite needs in the four continents of this planet, that are waiting for your help and intervention.
In this month of May, the month of the Rosary, the doors of the Heavens are open for the opportunity granted to your Heavenly Mother so that the devotion to My maternal Heart may allow Graces and Mercy to descend, which many suffering souls need in this time, especially those who have lost their lives.
Today at My feet I have the world, and in it, all of humanity and the consciousnesses that are self-summoned to be a part of this Legion of Mary.
My wish is that you will be able to respond to My request through this Work, which My Son founded for an extremely important spiritual and planetary reason.
Just as you must give a response to the requests that I have now made to you in these recent days, I will receive the applications for the Legion of Mary with open arms, so that your souls may have the Grace and the experience of further living the school of prayer.
This spiritual order will be fundamental and important when your Heavenly Mother no longer comes to the world nor appears here or in any other place of the world.
The order of the legionnaires of Mary will be that which will support the last part of the planetary transition.
Those who want to enter the praying order of Mary may apply and, as a response, I will give you the spiritual symbol of this Legion through this Work.
It will be a profoundly spiritual practice of each one of you with Me, but those who apply and truly dedicate themselves to not only be My consecrated children with the Sky Blue Mantle, but also dedicate themselves to this practice that I give you today, will be with Me to help in the most culminating moment of humanity, regardless of where they may be.
Now Our Lady is praying for us. We pray inwardly with Her so that Her divine intentions may be accomplished, for the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
The prayer of the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the prayer of the legionnaires of Mary.
At the request of our Mother, we will recite this prayer a few times so that the echo of Her Voice and Her Words, of Her requests and intentions, may reach as many hearts as possible in the four corners of the Earth, while our Divine Mother opens Her arms and stretches out Her hands toward us, igniting the Light of Her Immaculate Heart to receive these prayers, that we will now recite.
And I rise up to Heaven on this evening, while listening to a special prayer that I Myself inspired, a prayer that, among many others, was born in Aurora, the Greater Center of My planetary task with humanity.
And so, receiving this prayer in My Heart and in My Soul, to Heaven I will carry the intentions of those who commit themselves to the Holy Rosary in the times that will come, and of those who will apply to be My future legionnaires.
I thank you for responding to My call.
By the blessing and by the authority, given to Me by God and My beloved Son, I re-consecrate you to My maternal and Immaculate Heart so that you may live the vows of devotion, commitment and obedience to My Marian work.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We will listen to "In a simple gaze."
The month of May, children, could be known as the month of intercession for souls and the planet.
It is the month in which the Laws of Grace and Mercy are more intensely active on Earth, through the devotion of the souls that consecrate themselves and re-consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
May is not just a chronological period, but rather the period of a spiritual cycle in which the Mirrors of the cosmos align with the Mirrors of the depths of the Earth, as well as with those that are within the heart and essence of those who pray. In this way, a network of spiritual, divine and planetary light manifests through the simple fact that souls expressed their devotion and love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Queen of all the Mirrors of Creation.
Through the prayers of Her children, the Mother and Celestial Governess manifests Portals of liberation and intercession between dimensions for the most sinful and lost souls. It is in this way that an opportunity for Grace is granted to those who repent from the heart and pray for redemption and peace on the planet.
The Kingdoms of Nature, the elements and the life that dwells on the planet are also touched by the deepest Graces that come from the Heart of your Celestial Mother.
In the universe, as well as on Earth, the angels and archangels remain attentive to the pleas of those who pray in all cultures and religions, those who sincerely cry out for peace, because in spite of their lack of understanding and ignorance, the love in the hearts of those who pray is transformed into merits for healing, redemption and the awakening of all souls.
For this reason, pray, children, and re-consecrate your lives to God in each instant. You are in a cycle of Graces, of Mercy and of intercession, even during the chaotic scene of the planet. Let your souls be in the correct position for your elevation so that you may always achieve peace.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children,
On this day, while the novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel is again taking place, I invite you to maintain your fervor, devotion and faith in the Heavens so that the planetary situation may receive the intervention of the Universe at this moment of humanity.
Meanwhile, Saint Raphael the Archangel is leading an important angelic operation for the purpose of capturing the streams of chaos that make use of suffering and the uncertainty of humanity, so that those streams may be evacuated from the planet through the angelic armies of Saint Raphael Archangel.
This whole operation will help to decompress and alleviate the planetary psychic plane, but will also extract millions of souls that are prisoners of these dissociative currents.
The powerful novena offered to Saint Raphael the Archangel acts in spaces of the planet that the human being cannot reach, but the faith and devotion, of those who fervently pray, allow that, at this critical time of the planet, a state of Grace and of spiritual atonement may be granted through the work and action of Divine Mercy.
Let us continue to pray with the spiritual conviction that all the pleas are heard by the Eternal Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
As Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, I come, children, to place this nation beneath My Mantle and within My Immaculate Heart. I come to extend My arms to you and to open the paths so that My children may be closer to Me, protected upon my lap and inspired by My Heart.
I come in a time when many nations agonize and collapse due to the stimuli of chaos and to the fruits of their own purification, because everything that used to be hidden now comes to light, and the spirits are not ready to sustain themselves and their nations without succumbing into temptation and into human impulses of rebellion and lack of control.
Today, My children, I come to establish peace in your hearts, and to only ask you to pray. Pray with your families, form groups of prayer in which your spirits may strengthen and help one another to reach God. Create ties of love with the Creator through the word that rises to Heaven.
Prayer, beloved children, will bring you Peace and will bring peace to the world; it will safeguard the sacred that dwells within it and will allow these Sacred Sites to keep assisting the planet with their presence and their peace.
Colombia, My children, is a nation blessed by God with the Kingdoms of Nature, which make all human imbalances capable of being transmuted and liberated. Thus, in spite of so many conflicts, there is still peace, meekness and love in the hearts of many of My Colombian children.
The prayer and devotion of your people have brought you this far, lifted you up at each fall and raised you to God, in spite of all the abysses that you have gone through throughout the years. And today I come to tell you, children, that prayer will keep being your nourishment but, as the trials of the planet become more acute, greater must be the time that you dedicate to prayer, more imbued in God you must be, in His Purpose, in His Presence, in His Strength and in His Peace.
Create, beloved children, networks of prayer for Peace, for the good of families, for the rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the spirits and angels of the different nations of this world.
The times of suffering must awaken in you the missionary spirit so that each day you may feel responsible for the establishment and the support of the Plan and of the Divine Will for this world.
For all that you have experienced, My children, and as you have persevered in each test, through devotion, I can call you to take a new step in prayer, to define yourselves on the path of light and not only to strengthen your own lives and your own nation, but also other lives and other nations, through sincere prayer.
I love you, bless you and thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am not only your Celestial Mother and Mother of Life, I am the Light that ardently gives impulse to the devotion of your soul toward our dear and glorious Creator.
I am the balm with the aroma of roses that cleans, purifies and sanctifies your being so that, in this time, you are encouraged to take steps in trust toward the Creator.
I am this mirror that incarnated on Earth to deliver the essence of love to the children of God, the essence of a love that may be able to regenerate inner life and erase suffering and pain forever.
I am that flower, unique and unrepeatable. I am that eternal flower that surrenders in the hands of Its children so that they can contemplate it and love it, so that this love, that has not yet arisen from within each child, can blossom and work miracles of love in the lives of those who suffer, and those who have nothing.
I am the Mother Who shelters you during the cold winters of life and Who protects you during the stormy nights.
I place all of you near my chest so that you may not only be in My arms, but so that you may also feel the love in My Heart, of a Heart that beats for each one of you.
This is the reason why I am here, for each one of My lost children and those who are not lost, believers or atheists, conscious or ignorant ones. I am for each one, to be able to take you toward My peace and so that, in My peace, My children, you may learn to live in God, in His Presence and in His Kingdom
I am that unconditional Mother, that Mother Who is consoling and relieving of human and moral suffering.
Come to Me, children, because in Me you will find God, and all of your experiences and tests will become small before the Love that comes from the Father, and this will make you free.
Children, I am the Mother Who understands and Who prays untiringly for today's world, for the humanity that is psychically and spiritually sick. Therefore, I come, because a mother would do anything for you. Only a mother is capable of feeling and of understanding, to the deepest levels, each one of her children.
Today, may the mothers of the world, terrestrial and spiritual mothers, unite to Me to cry out to the Father for humanity and for its great indifference, so that love and life may be respected, so that solidarity may be sown in the human hearts and so that everything may be repaired and healed in the innermost core of each being.
May mothers pray today so that the spirit of sacred maternity may not be dissolved from the women of the world, and so that this first contact that the mother makes with her newborn may be protected and supported by the Mother of God because, in spite of everything that humanity does today, the Project of God in family life has not been lost, so that souls find the meaning of being in unity and in family.
Pray with Me, pray, mothers of the world, and in this way My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The story of a pilgrim of peace from Aurora
His devotion had always touched My Heart because his fidelity was prayer itself, that which expressed his pilgrim heart.
His reverence, while sounding the bells, called upon all souls to awaken and, often without anybody knowing it, his love for the Most Holy Virgin made the most lost souls become saved.
Prayer was his spiritual nourishment and allowed him to fly to the high spheres of consciousness where he received the Love of the Eternal Father to share it with his brothers and sisters along the journey.
He arrived as a silent pilgrim. His love for Aurora was so strong that it allowed him to remain near and wait for the doors to open for him.
But in truth, his humbleness, resignation and service led him to consecrate his soul, mind and body to his Master and Lord.
Aurora not only had a brother and companion of Christ, Aurora had a pilgrim of peace who walked side by side with many throughout years and, in his life of simplicity, of joy and of renewal, he helped express the Light of the Kingdom of Aurora.
Today, not only did a devoted brother and pilgrim leave to Heaven; today rose to the Kingdom of Heavens the guardian of the bells of Aurora, an unerasable memory that will continue sounding within the hearts and memory of those who, someday, heard the sound of the bell of Aurora.
With joy, rejoice and be grateful, the Order founded by your Master today receives, on the Altars of Heaven, the first saint, man and pilgrim who witnessed, in his own life, that it is possible to experience Christ and be part of Christ for all of eternity.
Today, Heaven receives the triumph of a life of simplicity, of selflessness and of service, which will give an impulse to all those who stayed to fulfill and carry out the same aspiration.
Hail, Aurora! Today a star of redemption was lit in your sublime firmament, and peace reached everybody.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Prayer of the Soul Surrendered to Christ
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The treasures of Argentina that are not unveiled, which are not physical but spiritual, are held and widespread from El Calafate through San Carlos de Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, Mendoza to the precious summits of Jujuy.
Argentina is the spiritual cradle of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy, and a great confraternity silently works in these spaces in order to support humanity.
Argentina is the region of the planet with the most contact-beings present on the surface of the Earth and which, in most cases, were members of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy. The majority of those contact-beings will place themselves at the service of the spiritual Hierarchy in this acute cycle of humanity.
These suns and stars on Earth will be known by their fruits rather than their abilities and skills, because only Christic Love will awaken them, and no other movement will manage to do so.
They are consciousnesses that will come from unimaginable experiences of life and that, within themselves, hold an ardent devotion to the Hierarchy.
They will not flaunt absolutely anything about themselves and will not receive recognition nor any prominence. Their silent, anonymous and unconditional service will identify them.
In this way, Argentina will count on souls strengthened and safeguarded in prayer, which will offer their lives and their hearts at the service of the Greater Plan.
These sacred spaces, present at different points of the Andes mountain range, will be their reference and their spirituality in the most acute moments of the Earth, and these will help them to maintain their faith in the Love of Christ.
Those contact-beings will be similar or equal to the Fathers of the desert, who gave their lives to support humanity.
But they will not be isolated from society; rather, their example of love, of goodness and of service will give impulse to the occurrences and will keep hearts open so that all may survive in this final time.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is a land full of tradition and culture. It is a people that come from important indigenous roots that originate, from Tierra del Fuego to La Quiaca, to innumerable ways of relating to and communicating with God.
Thus, Argentina is one of the peoples that maintains its culture, beyond time and tendencies. In the hearts of Argentines is the memory of the Confraternity and of the Brotherhood.
Because of being a nation with a first ray temperament, Argentina has had to learn to moderate its reactions through love so that in its consciousness and in its culture may be maintained the striving effort through daily work and a particular devotion born of that strength and love that the nation holds for the Divinity.
Over time, the traditions of Argentina deviated. One of the reasons why your Lord will return to Argentina will be to reintegrate, in the consciousness of that people, the values that made it a nation strengthened in their work and devoted in their way of uniting with God.
Through the meetings that will happen in the month of August, each one of the Argentines will be presented with the opportunity of being in God and, beyond everything, of celebrating with a special victory, the return of Divine Love to their consciousnesses.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Feel within you, the light of the Center of Figueira, receive from the Father His Divine Grace, Grace that congregates you, time and again ,to be able to fulfill His holy Will.
It is this light of the Center of Figueira that brings you from ancient times to the present in order to be able to serve and live in the Son of God, to be able to proclaim and announce His advent, His arrival.
Therefore, My children, I am here with you, just as I was yesterday, during the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in which the Father felt the prayer of the children, the request of the most small and innocent ones.
His pure and eternal Heart was touched, and His Mercy and His Grace poured upon the world, upon the most innocent children that needed spiritual help.
All of this impulse and all this purpose is moved by a greater motive.
Even for an unknown reason that comes from the Eternal and invisible. It is the Father that unites and congregates you in Love to be able to serve His Son and His Work, to be able to testify to His Presence within you and in each heart of this humanity, which seeks in this time the powerful light of Christ.
Everything that has been built in the Center of light of Figueira is for love, it is for a devotion that descended from above and touched your spirits at some moment.
This is what brought you here up until now, so that in these times and in this cycle, you might open the doors to all of humanity and to the entire planet, to be able to carry the same impulse and the same conviction of being in God, and thus to announce it to your brothers and sisters, to the seekers of peace, to the seekers of good, to those who wait for Mercy.
This Center of Light of Figueira brings you the Truth, the revelation of the purpose and the manifestation of the Will.
After thirty years, everything has been a preparation for these current times and for this cycle of great events where humanity faces a definitive inner moment, in which humanity may or may not cross the doorway to the new.
From this Center of Light today, I also bring you the tools of God, His most perfect instruments that He asked to create and manifest in the Universe so that Universal Life might exist, and so that this Universal Life would reach everyone, each one at their time and moment. So that at the moment of awakening, they might discover the Sacred Knowledge and the essence that moves all of this Universe, which is the Fount of the Love of God.
This is the great Fount that permits all and that grants all, also for this current time, in which humanity undergoes its definitions and its tests, in which the union with the Heights will be what is fundamental for everyone, in order to be in the right and in the correct, to be bathed by the Wisdom and the Science that comes from God and that impels the manifestation and the concretion of His Work, not only in the Light-Communities, but also in the Nations, in the peoples, in the cultures, which must awaken just as you have done, to the light of the Center of Figueira.
Within it are still held the mysteries that, someday, humanity will know when its love and devotion for God is more profound and true. But you, who as servers and as a Work were prepared a long time ago, this is the moment to make known to the world what God has expected so much, that through the Sacred Centers and the Marian Centers, humanity may recover its innocence and purity, to be able to be again in God and in His Presence, to sustain this world that will tremble and shake, to maintain the Bases of Light on the surface of the Earth, in an absolute and sacred brotherhood, to be able to help those who need it the most, to be able to recover the values of each culture and of each people, so that neither faith nor trust in the Father may disappear.
All of this is moved by the light of the Center of Figueira, which donated itself and surrendered from the beginning for this task and that today is spiritually conscious for all. For all who once had the grace of awakening here, and through here, carrying within them this light that is moved by a Greater Purpose and that is present in this time for a greater reason.
But so that all this may be possible, My children, God chose one of His Children, who today is no longer present among you, but rather omnipresent in spirit, in essence, in love and devotion together with the Messengers of the Father and His angels.
The essence of light of the Center of Figueira embodied and manifested among you and brought to the world the opportunity of surviving and of overcoming the end of times through love for instruction and devotion to the sacred, as well as reverence for the Hierarchy.
A part of the light of the Center of Figueira came to meet you, for some it was many years ago, to others a short time ago, and to other children, recently. But many more will come, moved and attracted by his light of the Center of Figueira, that for a long time was pronounced through the word, through the knowledge and the instruction that prepared your hearts for this moment, that prepared the bases for this time and that brought to the world the opportunity of sustaining,upon the surface of the Earth, union with the Hierarchy.
This part of the light of the Center of Figueira came from a very faraway place of the Universe, just as many of you came in different moments and times.
This light of the Center of Figueira once awoke in the consciousness of José Trigueirinho so that life in community, life in brotherhood, life in service and in prayer might be built and manifested.
The past is not separate from the present. The light of the Center of Figueira manifested in the early times, when the world needed a great change in consciousness, just like in this time and in this cycle. Its bases were founded, its areas of light were built, and the souls arrived and will arrive, because everything is united in the same purpose and in the same essence.
Therefore, My children, with all this, understand the Will of God and how this Will works and manifests in humanity, and especially in those who serve the Eternal Father.
Today, July 13, the end of a synthesis is fulfilled, of the experience that Jose Trigueirinho lived and shared with you, not only as brother, but also as soul united to your group of souls. And today, after this synthesis, a new stage begins. A stage and a cycle that will also have repercussions in you and in the Work, because the fruits of Figueira are already ripe to be harvested and to be donated in service to the world and to the souls that are thirsty for true Instruction, just as you had at some moment, My children.
May the expansion of this purpose of the Center of Light of Figueira remain within you, so that not only here, but also in the world, the needed help may be received, the help that comes from the Hierarchy and which you, just as Jose Trigueirinho, may be the next testimony for the new time.
The testimony that will leave the experience of service in humanity so that, as a chain of light and of love, other souls may find the same opportunity and the same experience of being able to help and nourish themselves from the light of the Center of Figueira.
Recognize, on this day, the great Grace that you have received, although you are not totally conscious. And how this Grace, for this cycle, has expanded and been shared with the nations and with other peoples.
Today we talk of a universal Work and not of an individual work. Today we talk of a group Work and not of a personal work.
This is the time to open the doors for everyone, because all deserve to receive the opportunity for awakening and for instruction. It is time to welcome. It is time to listen. It is time to receive one’s neighbor with joy, the one who comes seeking the peace, the hope and the Love of God.
Thus, the impulses of the Hierarchy will never be missing for you, and when the great aspiration and goal has been fulfilled, you will be the heralds of this knowledge received and of this Sacred Temple that Figueira represents for humanity. And thus, its essence of light will be shared and expand in other Sacred Centers where new communities will emerge to welcome different peoples and cultures, to share and serve in fraternity.
Receive, on this day, the light of the Center of Figueira and commune with it in renewal and faith.
History must keep being written. Your brother and companion, Jose Trigueirinho, was an instrument in God’s Hands. Today, you must be the instruments in the Hands of the Father so that He may keep writing His Will.
I thank you for listening and responding to My call, and I invite you, My children, to listen to this Message again, because I have left in it the impulses that you need to keep moving forward in perseverance and in faith, in love for the purpose and in devotion for the Hierarchy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.
For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.
The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.
In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.
Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.
This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.
This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.
Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Soul and Heart are now in Angola. I am ready to take the Love of God to the innocent souls, souls poor in spirit.
My Divinity is now in Angola, as is the maternal Grace of My Heart, because My wish as a Mother is to be with My children of Africa, it is to be able to gather up within Me the love, the purity and the devotion of this people for the Mother of God.
They are My beloved and favorite children, whom I love very much and for whom I pray, every day, for their lives, in this way, keeping them under My divine protection.
Angola was the nation chosen by your Heavenly Mother to be able to open the doors to humanitarian service and religious service.
Angola is a people that is a witness to conflicts and heir of a suffering that it should have never experienced. But the end of this captivity will come and My children of Angola, as well as those of all Africa, will be able to be participants in My maternal Love.
Thus, on this special day, the consecrated life, through the Order founded by My Son, will enter the African continent to carry the love and the healing of the Sacred Hearts, with the hope that someday the Pilgrimage for Peace may visit this beloved people so that My children of Africa may feel embraced by the Mother of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Sacred Heart holds a special place for Argentina as well as for all of its people, which in this time of redemption must, through constant prayer and service, gain the impulse of Christic Light.
In each heart of Argentina a potential exists of being able to prepare and announce My Second Return to humanity.
For this reason, in this next month of August, you must have the bases prepared that your Master and Lord, through each heart of Argentina, will use to be able to come at the most acute moment of humanity.
Your Master and Lord has a special place in His Heart for Argentina, because it is a people that were greatly hurt and assaulted during the repressions of the last decades.
Because of the devotion and the faith of My servers of Argentina, in the month of August, I will also be able to intercede for the disappeared, and on the spiritual planes, carry to My Kingdom the most innocent souls which remained imprisoned in the hands of their political oppressors.
I will go again to Argentina to celebrate the victory of My Sacred Heart, in the essence of light of My companions.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Divine spiritual Blood continues to pour out upon the world as great and infinite codes of light, and the chalice of the heart of some conscious beings is offered to guard and protect the spiritual legacy of your Master and Lord.
My Divine Blood brings the great justification that humanity needs in order to be before the Creator and thus, to be able to repair all sins committed.
The humble hearts that offer themselves as chalices and recipients of the Legacy of Christ are the ones who will carry with them the experience of love and devotion that will be radiated to the entire Earth.
Therefore, it is important to follow the steps of the Lord so that within the human consciousness, everything is transformed and elevated.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Devotion: A Door to Liberation
Devotion, children, is a Gift of God in the hearts of human beings, a Divine Ray placed inside beings so that, when active and awake, it may lead you to return to the Heart of the Father.
Devotion activates in human consciousness its potential to unite dimensions, to dissolve all barriers which separate hearts from God and to open doors so that beings may be liberated from all that impedes them from reaching the Father.
Devotion is like a magnet that raises the consciousness towards God and, at the same time, purifies it so that it may reach the Father.
Devotion allows hearts to recognize the need to be in God and, when this devotion is mature and evolutionary, beings are conscious of the need to create a condition so that those who do not manage to, may also have the possibility of reaching the Father.
Devotion, which is born in the heart and rises towards the consciousness, allows beings to mature their lower nuclei and transmute them, because the energy itself allows you to understand that it is necessary to transform oneself in order to reach God.
Devotion is a door towards planetary liberation and a safe path to awaken and activate the mirrors of your hearts.
Devotion must always deepen within beings, raise their vibration and stop being an emotional process to become an experience, a spiritual and inner condition of beings.
Devotion must keep rising from the heart to the consciousness so that you always know how to open the doors to reach God.
Allow devotion to express itself in your hearts. Do not be afraid to transform yourselves and become pure before God, for this is what will make you return to the Father.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
What I most love is to be able to guide My sheep and that My sheep accomplish, in obedience and in love, all that I tell them.
That is the principal reason for being here again on Earth. There would not be any other reason, because My life exists because My sheep are present, who I love with all of My Heart, which I contemplate with devotion and reverence so that they always dare to do the good and to live for celestial peace in My Name.
But when My sheep do not listen to Me and do not trust in what I tell them, I can do nothing, only observe and wait.
In this time, I no longer want to see My sheep suffer because of their own mistakes and deceits. I promise you a fertile and fruitful soil to manifest the New Earth.
But in truth I tell you, this is the time of the definition of those who will be with Me or not, and that will depend on the trust and the faith that you give your Master and Lord.
There will no longer be any time to justify yourselves nor to place the responsibility on your brothers and sisters because of your own actions. This is the time of adulthood and of being able to see everything with maturity, without emotions or lamentations.
This is the time to give everything for Me or to retreat. It is no longer the time for the tepid of heart. I need you present in the love that surrenders without conditions nor personal benefits.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I reflect Myself, widely, by means of the Sacraments.
The Sacraments and their forms are the extensions of the Attributes and of the Graces that come from Heaven.
When the soul comes into contact with some of the Sacred Sacraments, it has the opportunity of going through the divine mystery and of uniting, essentially, to the Supreme Truth.
The Sacraments and their forms are like spiritual bridges of Light that conduct the soul toward the fulfillment of its purpose and of its mission on Earth.
The Sacraments put us in contact with the diverse Designs of God and they provide wisdom, reverence and devotion to those who live them and adopt them as standards of inner conduct.
In this sense, the Sacraments are still pouring blessings and graces on the souls so that the human beings may learn, through them, to overcome the inner duality, to live their individual and group purpose and, mainly, for all to learn to share and to live the Christian ecumenism and human fraternity.
The Sacraments are gifts, but they are also a means to live redemption. Their practice in daily life and the devotional and ardent value that we place before each one of them will allow the human being to receive the necessary protection to transit the end of times, in this moment of planetary chaos.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more