Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A King is the greatest slave of God in the universe. There is no crown that exalts him, there is no power that brings vainglory to him, there is no authority that sustains him, because a true King is a king that gives himself from the heart.

Do you now understand what My Government is?

Although I died on the Cross for many of you, and even died for those who I knew would not be consistent with Me, the King, in His celestial glory, was not crowned by powers or riches, He was received by the angels of Heaven, with the same human humility that your Master Jesus was able to live while still incarnated in the world among you.

The Power of God is so humble, that He sent His Son to Earth so that all His Creatures on this surface of the planet, regardless of any condition or situation, could learn about the power of God’s Humility.

Because He would not be able to be present in Three Persons, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, if His Humility were not the premise of His Existence. And it is the very Humility of God that is expressed by His Law, the center of universal and divine life, ruled by Love and Unity, Source and manifestation of all that was created, infinite Light that guides consciousnesses regardless of any condition.

Therefore, in this time, through My example and the living example of God, seek the humility of life. Because the world has lost the simplicity and innocence that allows it to love under any condition.

Thus, I lead you along the path that I always expect, the path of the Christs of the New Time, those who, despite everything, have clarity about the proposal of life that I offer to you at this planetary moment, in which all is in danger.

Do you now understand the importance of souls to Me?

Each one brings something precious to God, to contribute to this experience of the Earth. And this something precious which each souls brings, which is a gift and a Grace, must not remain in vain, must not be wasted or lost.

This is why My silence becomes present when My chosen ones do not understand My Ways and My Will; because you have to remember every day that I offer to you the path of sanctity, perhaps not the way you understand or comprehend it.

The path of sanctity is the path of simplicity, of being free from any or all arrogance, of any or all pride, of any or all greed that you may have in this life.

At the end of this spiritual and celestial staircase that  I have presented to you, you will see the narrow door become visible to you, that door whose time has come for it to spiritually present itself to humanity so that souls may decide what they will do with their lives.

My aspiration is for all to cross this narrow door, which nothing personal or spiritual will be able to cross, but an absolute and unique emptiness of yourselves so that, after crossing this narrow door in the universe of the unknown, you may receive what God has in store for each one of you, which is nothing material, but rather deeply spiritual, anonymous and secret. Treasures that the holy angels guard, until souls find, on their paths, this sacred and narrow door that liberates them from their own ambitions and arrogance, the narrow door of God that converts you into nothing.

As the end of times draw near, the approach of the narrow door of God will be more evident in the life of souls. It will not be long before souls find this narrow door of God before themselves. At this moment and in this hour, each one of you, before God and the infinite, will have the chance to take the step and decide the next step.

In the face of the moment of humanity and all that the planet is suffering, will souls realize that they are before the narrow door of God?

How is it possible to turn back before a wonderful mystery that awaits you? A mystery that waits to cease being a mystery, to become a revelation, through the power of the faith that sustains life and existence.

I want you to know that your Master and Lord Jesus Christ, in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the hour of His most crucial and deepest agony as a human being just like you, as a being of flesh and bones just like you, as a soul just like you and as a spirit just like you, was before the narrow door of God.

How does God place Himself before His own mystery? The Living God Himself, through His Son, before His own narrow door?

How is it possible to understand this greatness of the Love of God, who only tries to impel the souls and consciousness of the Earth to increase the degrees of their love and forgiveness?

By any chance, did God see Himself before the narrow door in the Garden of Gethsemane?

How was it possible for God Himself to drink from a Chalice that did not correspond to Him, but it was God Himself, through His angels, that was offering it to His Son in the Presence of the Living God?

What is this mystery of the Eucharist? Why commune with transubstantiated bread and wine? Why is it necessary to avail oneself of a sacrifice that has already been carried out?

Why did God give Himself to all of you through the Body and Blood of His Son?

Why did God, through His Son, justify all the errors of the world until the end of times?

What is the reason for a Guardian Angel of His Eucharistic Body on the eternal levels of Divine Life?

Why did God forgive what He had created in His image and likeness?

What is the essence of His eucharistic mystery?

Why did He come to teach you, through His Son, about Love and Forgiveness?

I have the answer, companions. The mystery of the Eucharist, of the Last Supper, including the Garden of Gethsemane, the Sorrowful Way and the Death and agony on the Cross, is the great key to the self-giving of souls, for something that you absolutely do not know and, by themselves, the souls and lives of people cannot control.

Behold the mystery of loving the absolute and the unknown. Behold the mystery that ceases to be a mystery so that the life of souls may be ruled by the Holy Will.

Thus, all the signs have been given, from the Birth of Christ to His Death and Resurrection. Just as today the signs are given to the souls that seek Christ.

In Heaven, there is no such thing as what is ideal to you. In Heaven there is only Love, Unity and Sacrifice. Heaven is where the Love of the Father is vivified, expands and multiplies infinitely for those who seek the Truth. 

For this reason, I have always told you and tell you again that the Truth will make you free. Behold the living Truth of God, materialized in the Divine and Spiritual Consciousness through the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

This is what I have to offer to you at this moment; that your beings, and above all your souls, may know how to drink from this Fountain and not waste it; because just as the Fountain of atonement springs from the Earth as an inexhaustible wellspring, in the same way the Fountain may become dry and disappear, so that souls may live the stage of their spiritual desert, just as your Master and Lord, Christ, did at each step of the Calvary.

Canada must be the country of rebirth, the spiritual rebirth for the New Humanity. I know that you will not understand this today, but it is written in the Heart of the Father, just as it is written in the Heart of the Son and just as it was written in the heart of the angel of this country, the Angel Sariel, the guardian angel of the elements that create life, the angel that protects Creation, and rules Canada.

I hope all My Words are not dissolved from your consciousnesses, and that you do not listen as you have always listened, because the time and hour has come for Me to close My task with all of you.

And at this hour and at this moment will be the great time of the apostles, those who, through their own Inner Christs, will walk to fulfill the Will of God, just as I have patiently taught you in these times.

I thank you for attentively listening to My Words.

May God bless you on this path of constant transformation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I ignite the light of the heart of believers, and, through My Mirrors, all this is possible because God had thought of it from the beginning, since before this civilization existed on the surface of the Earth.

The Celestial Father meditated it through His Holy Heart so that, at this exact planetary moment, the souls and hearts that most need it might receive the help and intervention of My Sacred Mirrors.

Today I present to you, through My Heart, the Mirror of God, expressed through Sacred Mother Nature, in which all My children can see themselves reflected in their origin, and thus they can dissolve suffering, pain and anguish from their consciousnesses. Because it is when they simply contemplate nature through the heart, that every human being on this surface has the possibility of finding again their roots and spiritual values.

For this reason, My beloved children, today I have brought you to Finland, not only so that humanity may remember the Message of finding again within itself the Heart of God; I have also brought you to Finland to establish the mysterious Peace that springs as an inexhaustible fountain from the Heart of the Eternal Father for all His Creatures. Enter into communion with this mystery.

God shows you His Truth, God shows you His Beauty and God shows you His Simplicity through nature, through Creation, which He has thought of since the beginning for all His Creatures and consciousnesses.

Return to the origin of everything, My children. This is the great call that the universe makes to this humanity because, as time, days and months go by, human beings forget that which is essential: they forget peace, love, light, they forget that they can reconcile with their own divine essence, which lives within each one and someday will grant them the healing that they need so much.

For this reason, My children, as the Lady of Finland, I bring you the Light of My Mirrors and, above all, the Great Mirror of the Heart of God, so that you may feel them reflected at this moment upon this nature of Creation which, in this final time, is also outraged and wounded by humanity.

My dear children, how is it possible, for the human being of these times, to destroy their own Creation, to outrage the Kingdoms of Nature without feelings for what is happening?

How can humanity in these times harm nature and Creation, if you have come from it since the beginning and since the origin, from the Sacred Lakes of the universe, from where your inner and divine essences have emerged?

Thus, My children, by destroying the planet and Creation, humanity destroys its own inner essence, and disconnects its spiritual consciousness from the Supreme Source.

For this reason, despite all errors committed to Creation and nature, the Lady of Finland, through the Centers of Mystery hidden in this country as well as in others, comes to grant to the world, through Higher Love, the opportunity to reconsider and amend the errors that have been committed as a civilization.

Because the planet and the surface continue to be exploited in an extreme and ignorant way, and the spiritual breach between humanity and the universe continues to open, leading many, many souls to ignorance and total illusion, world illusion. 

But I invite you, My beloved children, who have placed your faith in what is unknown and superior, to be forerunners of this Message, by first living it within yourselves, so that others may also live it someday.

I do not come to tell you, My beloved children, that the planetary situation will change overnight. Because in this final time, humanity is having an encounter with itself, living the first steps of a purification that it does not know.

But I come, in the name of Christ, as the Mother of Finland and the Mother of nature, to throw the nets of Light, which My Son once threw to rescue many lost hearts. Nets of Light that He continues to throw in these times in an invisible and anonymous way, through the hands and hearts that give of themselves to serve Him.

It is in the essence of service, it is in the mirror-heart of each human being, that the much-awaited communion between Heaven and Earth will begin to be established again.

Therefore, all the serving Hierarchies offer themselves through Their sacred tools, they offer themselves through Their Sacred Centers of Mystery so that human beings may awaken, awaken soon, and the veil of consciousness may be lifted so that they may remember again what in truth each one is in essence and spirit, to abandon this life of superficial illusion, of lack of communion with nature and Creation.

Thus, once again the Mirror of the Heart of God may reflect today upon this great lake, as essence of Peace, Love and Justice, for souls to spiritually collect the treasures that the Hierarchy offers to it, and thus internally be part of the reconstruction of the world, which will begin now, My children, as a preparation for the Sacred Return of Christ.

Feel in yourselves the reflection of this Great Mirror of the Heart of God, just as today your Heavenly Mother, Lady of Finland, reflects it to you through Her Immaculate Heart and through her helpful Hands, with the Light that I bring from the universe. This is done to bring peace to the hearts that experience wars, to remove from minds the ambition for nuclear weapons and for the tests they want to make in these times.

No one, absolutely no one on this surface, is aware of what it means to test nuclear weapons. This is the reason for being in Finland, as an emergency, so that, through the Sacred Mirror of the Heart of God projected into nature, these dark ideas of the surface may be deterred, which would otherwise only worsen and darken the planet.

This is why the Spiritual Hierarchy works through silence, not inciting confrontation or war in any plane or dimension, but rather projecting Its Cosmic Love through Its Heart, so that souls may come out of illusion and spiritual blindness, and find again the inner reason for being here on this planet and in this time.

Thus, as the Mirror of the Peace of God, today I come to carry out this task with you and the world, so that evil may be deterred on the surface and be liberated, so that the sacred tools of the Hierarchy and the projection of Its sacred spiritual treasures may neutralize the chaos of these times, dissolving it through the Love of God, which comes to give new life in abundance to the hearts open to receive this Message, so that these hearts may be converted into instruments of God and may continue to purify and transform, just as the universe purifies and transforms.


Sacred Mirror of God,
reflection of Divine Love,
reconcile the souls of this world,
bring peace to the dimensions and planes,
so that humanity may achieve healing and redemption.


I give you My Peace again, the Peace that lives in the Mirror-Heart of God, the Peace that renews all things.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the world remembers the simplicity it has lost, conflicts will dissolve and peace will return to the inner worlds of many beings.

When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will be no reason for showing off or for wars, because the Paradise of God will be able to reign, that Sacred Project that was thought of by the Father from the beginning, a Project that is part of the Sacred Creation.

When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will no longer be a reason or place for false power, impunity, conquest and the show that many consciousnesses seek in these times. Because God, called the Eternal Father, is Simplicity itself, and, being Simple, not only is He Humble, but He also expresses His Love and His Greatness through that which is poor in spirit and essence.

Simplicity was the attribute that filled the Sacred Family. Without simplicity, Mary could not have said ‘yes.’ Without simplicity, Saint Joseph could not have responded to the Call of God, to be the spiritual father of the Messiah, of That One who was born in the humble Manger of Bethlehem.

Without simplicity itself, which the Father granted to me as a Grace, I could not have been the very Christ, That One who took the risk of drinking of the chalice, Who suffered for you in silence at each step of the Cross, but in deep simplicity so that the world could have a new opportunity of Redemption and Mercy, and then reach these times.

But in these critical times, some regions of the world, that is, many human beings, suffer depression due to a of lack of simplicity because they do not allow their souls to express themselves not only in simplicity, but also in humility and in the poverty of spirit.

Therefore, I come today to tell you this, because you may have heard it many times, but it is something so essential in these times although the majority of the Children of God sometimes exchange simplicity for the showing off of material life, and many of them, in these times, do not understand why they go through certain difficult tests or experiences.

Therefore, be like God Himself, through the example of your Most Holy Mother and Her Most Holy Son, and live in simplicity so that the world may recover the principles of its Original Project, that Project that is still to be fulfilled and carried out. All of you and your brothers and sisters throughout the world are called to be postulants for this path of fulfilling the Project of God on the surface of the Earth.

This was the first thing I wanted to tell you, because all must place their gaze upon the essence of this Message, because while souls do not live in simplicity, they will not be able to understand many Mysteries of God.

He needs to see you simple so that He may see you pure of heart, pure of intention, free from errors and sin. Thus, you will be ready to learn how to love in daily life, at each step that you are called to take in these definitive times.

I Am also here today, in Rome, in Spirit and Divinity, in essence and simplicity, to make My Church, extended throughout the Earth, remember that its purpose is simplicity, so that they may be in the same Consciousness as the Eternal Father, so that in this way they may better help the world, the poorest among the poor, those who have nothing and are simple.

But all those who represent Me in the Church, priests, those of religious profession, believers, devotees and all those who follow the Steps of Christ, must be the very Mirror of God’s simplicity so that all may be ready for what will come at the end of times and thus may help people in a better way, especially those who have always showed off material life and left spiritual life behind, not only forgetting God, but also their inner worlds. Because all the people who are present on the surface of the Earth will need to recover their inner simplicity so that they may have the Grace of recovering humility.

Thus, I come here today as the Messenger of God’s Simplicity and, through this simple place that you have offered to Me today, My Christic Consciousness has been able to help Eastern Europe, beyond the borders of Ukraine, being able to close uncertain doors, being able to recover hearts that have suffered war and terror, being able to bring everyone even more toward My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy through the powerful Source of Mercy that I once opened in Poland.

In this way, companions, I place all of you before God, before His Great Spirit of Simplicity and Love. Because He patiently waits in these times so that souls may still understand His Will and thus live it as it is written.

Today, I come to place all under My Mantle, because the world needs it, and if the world needs it, it is because souls need it. Thus, I come to contemplate all needs, all intentions of good hearts, of those who try to live My Spirit of Peace, day by day.

Thus, embrace with joy the Sacred Spirit of God’s Simplicity, because in it you will find the answer you so much seek, to become strengthened in these times and to learn to strengthen your brothers and sisters of the path, all those who are around you.

I come to tell you this, because I know that you can live it, but you must not forget it. The world has its eyes on other spaces. Souls have their eyes on other places.

The Eternal Father still waits to return to the heart of His Children, to dwell and express His Light.

This is why, once again, and through all your prayers, you will be able to silently help those souls that do not have God because they do not wait for Him, because they do not love Him, because they do not adore Him. However, the Eternal Father does wait for His Children, He loves His Children and expects them to recognize Him as a Father of Love and Mercy, Pity and Compassion.

In this way, through this day and this meeting, My Sacred Heart again opens the doors of Grace, Mercy and Light, upon the whole Northern Hemisphere, to give continuity to My Work of Mercy and Redemption in those places that need My Presence and, above all, need My God.

Therefore, this stage is very important. It is very important that all may support, accompany and help it, because important and demanding tasks will come, and, as more than two-thousand years ago, these important and sacred tasks, requested by Christ Himself, were carried out by very few.

In this way, I train you and prepare you to assume with Me the planetary cross so that you may surpass Me in love, surrender, solidarity and cooperation with the Plan of Love, that Divine Plan that I hope will be fulfilled in many souls.

Therefore, once again, I come to anoint you with My Spirit, just as I promised My apostles, and today I promise to you, fulfilling it through My Word and My Presence.

My Heart still suffers for what it sees outside, but also that which it sees within My Church. For this reason, I invite you to pray for the reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for all those who are My apostles and My companions throughout the whole world. And some of them, instead of taking steps toward Me, take steps toward their own will, many times because they do not live inner simplicity.

Thus, today, through My Spiritual Anointment, receive, all of you, this Gift of God’s Simplicity, so that you may always remember that it is where God lies. He is not in material powers or in spiritual show. He is not in opulence or in wealth. God is present, once again, in the hearts of the simple and the humble, in all those who mirror His Presence with simplicity and love.

I thank you for being here with Me today, this is very significant to Me because it speaks of many inner opportunities, not only for those present, but also for other souls that also need it. For this reason, I thank you for being here, accompanying Me, following Me, seeking Me and adoring Me as your Master and Lord, the Redeemer.

And now, from the Marian Center of Figueira, in the name of Jesus Christ, let us celebrate the Spiritual Communion to begin this new stage of untiring service, of permanent sacrifice, of spontaneous donation, not only for the Work of My Mercy in the Northern Hemisphere and in the whole world, but also through the Humanitarian Missions in Angola, Poland and in other places of the world, which My Merciful Love and My Consoling Spirit must reach through the hands and hearts that give of themselves with one aim: the triumph of My Love in all of humanity.

Once again, I thank you for your prompt response to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For peace to be established in the world, feel the pulsation of the Light of My Mirrors.

For peace to be established in the world, receive the attributes of My Mirrors.

For healing to be achieved in the world, receive the codes of My Mirrors.

For Mercy to be concretized on the surface of the Earth, feel the beating of My Mirrors, which, like great hearts, ignite in Heaven and on Earth, in the oceans and in the universe, to bring humanity the spirit of redemption.

Behold the Light of all My Mirrors, those that are on the planet and those that are in the universe.

Behold the Mother of the World, who brings to Her children the revelation of the Sacred Divine Knowledge, latent in the Heart of God and in Creation.

There are Mirrors in all dimensions and planes. Feel yourself as a partaker of this spiritual impulse so that your life and the life of your  brothers and sisters may be transfigured, just as the Mother of God was also transfigured when Archangel Gabriel and his sacred hosts of Light revealed the greatness of the Sublime Mirrors to the Heart of the Heavenly Mother.

Today, I invite you to consciously enter this school, although it may seem to you unknown and unattainable. But the path for this to be possible, My children, is that your hearts become a mirror, a prayerful mirror of Love and Mercy, which may attract the attributes that are in the universe, held like treasures in higher dimensions, where the angels dwell and serve God.

Do you know, My sons and My daughters, what was the first Thought of God before Creation?

Today I come to tell it and reveal it to you: it was the expression and manifestation of the Mirrors what allowed, at the beginning and in the origin, for the manifestation of Creation, of all its spheres of consciousness, of all planes, schools, lessons and experiences, including the manifestation of life.

For this reason, think for a moment, but above all feel at this moment how, through the Light of the Mirrors of the Universe, life was created and manifested in accordance with the Will of God, just as the angels present in the Divine Thought, in the Heart of the Eternal Father, also emerged from the Mirrors of Light. They are the dwellings of which My Son speaks in the Gospel.

This is the time for your consciousnesses to expand and, by abandoning the illusion of the world, receive the revelation of the Truth kept in the Divine Knowledge of the Father and all His angels of Heaven.

For this reason, My children, God has chosen Me, God called Me, not only to be the Mother of the Messiah, of the Redeemer, but also so that, through My surrender and untiring service as the Mother of all of you, I could someday be the Mother of the Mirrors.

This is what I come to tell you today, from the innermost depths of My Immaculate Heart, because from there comes the Source of My Grace and it is through this Source, granted by the Eternal Father to the Most Holy Mother of God, that I can intercede for you and for the world.

For this reason, feel the pulsation of My Mirrors. Allow the sacred tools of God, expanded throughout Creation and present in all consciousnesses that were created in the image and likeness of the Creator, to receive, from the higher dimensions of consciousness, this divine impulse that I bring you today, through the Consciousness of the Mirrors.

But what is greatest in all of this, My beloved children, is not only the Eternal Love of God for His creatures, but also the abundance and providence of Universal Knowledge.

And it is through the Mirrors present in Heaven and on Earth, in the oceans and throughout the universe, that the souls and consciousness of you all can surrender in confidence, to recover, as a civilization and as a race, the original codes that you have lost throughout your evolution, codes that My enemy has taken out from you throughout the times.

But the moment has come not only to consciously prepare the Return of Christ, but also for your hearts and lives to open to this Higher Knowledge, which will only generate for you the good, healing, redemption and peace.

For this reason, My dear children, on this special day when we celebrate the birthday of My mirror daughter, Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, I give you, through this example, the concrete and palpable evidence of the transformation that Mirrors can make in a soul and in a consciousness.

How great is the Grace of God!

How great is His Mercy, granted to the Mother of the World, to awaken all mirror hearts!

How great is His Love, the Love of the Eternal Father, present and manifested through the Holy Spirit, through the Servant and Slave of the Lord!

How great is all this, My dear children! which no mind upon the surface of the Earth can conceive. However, a heart adhered and surrendered to the unknown will be able to receive, not only these impulses, but also the knowledge present throughout the universe, in the Sacred Treasures of Creation.

Just as today the Atlantic Ocean moves, following the rhythm of the planet and of the universe, understand, through this analogy, the sublime movement of the Mirrors, like the waves of the sea, which touch the earth, nourish and bathe all that was created, renews and restore all consciousnesses. Such is the sublime power of My Mirrors, which, at each meeting, I bring to you in the silence of My Heart.

Participate in this communion with life. Unite to this revelation that the Mother of the World brings to humanity, to remove it from the chain of suffering, from the endless circle of errors, so that all My children can be reborn in Christ.

And, being reborn in Christ, all My children can again find God, the Creator, and this is possible simply through the action of My Mirrors, which come to caress your souls like a soft breeze of God. Mirrors that come to purify your bodies like the water of the oceans, that come to heal your consciousnesses through the Love of God.

On this day, may each one of My children see the step toward redemption as something possible, ceasing to look to the past, walking firmly toward the future, toward the time of hope and reconciliation.

It is through My Mirrors present today upon these oceans, in the oceans of the whole world, that the Heavenly Mother comes to grant you peace, healing and reconciliation, giving you the atonement of all errors committed, so that the hearts of the whole world may be reborn.

Keep praying with persistence and fervor. The time of great tests will still come, but the one who is capable of loving this Divine Knowledge and making it a part of their being, praying with the heart for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan on Earth and for the sublime activity of all Mirrors, will know what to do and where to be when all happens upon the planet, and they will not fear the events because they will count, within themselves, on the Light of My Mirrors, which will remove the darkness and adversity, bringing Light to all spaces, bringing Love to all dimensions, so as to strengthen the apostles of Christ.

Now I wish, before leaving this place, that your consciousnesses may not only be in My arms, but also in My Mirrors so that, through the intercession of the Mother of God and Mother of Mirrors, the whole human race may receive the Grace of redemption and of a re-encounter with the Promised Land.

On this day, I bless the one who has been capable of following the steps of My Son. I bless and re-consecrate Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, who, loving the unknown, opening to the Mystery of God and obeying the Universal Hierarchy, has transformed and transfigured her life into a Mirror, accepting, in the silence of her heart, to live a part of the suffering of the world so that, someday, My Son can govern.

May the Light of My Mirrors keep impelling her towards the goal that My Son has proposed to her, and towards the goal that all must someday attain.

I will keep praying for you to be brave and capable of stepping out of yourselves to help the world leave illusion, so that as many souls as possible, on the surface of the Earth, may have the Grace of a communion and alliance with the Treasures of God.

I am leaving this place very grateful, because I tell you once again: God is in simplicity, just as He is, at this moment, present through the Divine Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I have come, at the indicated hour, and on this last day, together with the angels who have brought in their hands the Relics of My Passion, kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Just as I did with the apostles of the past, I come to instruct you about the coming times.

Let us prepare ourselves.

You will see the Son of Man come, through this Solar System.

The way He will return to the world is not know yet, but many of you will participate in this event in three probable ways: material, mental or spiritual.

You will not know when this moment will approach, because I will come as the night watchman and I will not tell you in advance; but if your hearts are attentive, vigilant and prayerful, you will not enter into temptation, but you will rather know how to recognize, in the depths of your beings, the moment of My arrival.

As was said in the Apparitions of Garabandal, in Spain, a signal will be given to the world, through three calls.

The first one will be an inner call, which very few will recognize, but which many could know, feel and hear if they truly had their hearts open to transformation.

The second one will be a mental call, typical of the Ultra-terrestrial Universe, which, in one way or another, your Guardian Angels will make you know, as faithful messengers of the Father, as long as you are united with them, in divinity and within your hearts.

The third call will be stronger, it will be a universal call, at the apex of the planetary crisis, a call that will be on all continents and within all peoples. It will be a real and physical planetary call, unmistakable but mysterious. Only the pure of heart will understand the message that will be seen in the sky.

I told My apostles that times of great definitions would come, and these times are now. You and humanity are going through them. Beginning this year, which rules you in your alternative calendar, everything will take place in a gradual way.

But do not fear, because beyond what you see, feel or hear, those who are united to Me and defends My Legacy from themselves will not be alone, but will rather be a part of the promise that I have made to God for the end of these times, before My Return to the world.

Today I also come to speak to you of the great changes that are still to take place in your lives, following the path of fidelity and transparency, of loyalty and, above all, of love, so that your lives may be protected from the forces of evil that will still continue being unleashed upon the surface of the planet.

Although at certain moments you may feel that the spiritual battle is very strong, never, never let go of My Hand, because I will not abandon you. But you must conquer Christic Love, the redeeming and unifying Love, the very same Love that was lived by Me, up to the Cross.

At that moment, and under that event, you will know, companions, what is your true cross and what this cross means for your lives.

Therefore, through these meetings, I come to renew your lives so that your lives may be ready for what humanity will live as definition. I cannot only speak to you, companions, of beautiful things, I must speak to you of the truth.

My coming, in this time and at this moment, in which you are now, is not a passing or fleeting moment. This is the cycle of awakening the apostles and that, just like the apostles of the past, you may give your lives for Me. Because, in this way, the whole world, still submerged in pain and ignorance, will be worthy, in the end of these times, of the spiritual treasures that My Heart guards in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

I promised to you to be with you every day until the end of times, and I am here, through this meeting, fulfilling this promise. Do you believe?

For this reason, each one of you must propagate My Message, all this must not stay only here. You can be My apostles and also My messengers, through your words you can bring My Word of life, My Word of solace.

How wonderful it is to see, how among brothers and sisters you can sustain one another, beyond your differences, feelings or ideas. In this hidden unity, which I invite you to live, in this end time, evil will not be able to enter, never forget this.

If I love you, as I have always loved you, how much more you can love one another as brothers and sisters?

You and many of your brothers and sisters throughout the world, beyond distances, can be a part of the new Essene fraternity, the one that once existed in past times and left an indelible mark within all those who had the Grace of knowing the Messiah and His whole Christic life.

This Essene fraternity must be, in this time, your aspiration to be within the Law of the Hierarchy, to live in the Hierarchy, to be like the Hierarchy.

Do not think that what I tell you is impossible or unattainable, your first step in this time is human fraternity so as to someday attain this Essene fraternity.

Remember all that I tell you now, because you have lived it before. Remember and, from the depths of your hearts, from the depths of your soul and from your essences, allow the emergence of this Essene fraternity that you shared with the Sacred Family.

Many were disciples of Saint Joseph, many were disciples of My Mother, and many were My followers throughout time.

You must only allow the heart to flood you with these principles, fill you with these aspirations and, more each day, make you good people who not only follow the Commandments but also live them in the simplicity of the heart and in the humility of life.

I come to show you the true history of your humanity. Just as I was with you, two thousand years ago, today I am again with you, after two thousand years. Can you feel what this means and how great is the wonder of God? The Grace of the Father, who, time and again, descends upon the souls, thirsty of Mercy, of Light and of Redemption.

My Name must be written within your lives, because the Name of Jesus is still a mystery to all. But this mystery will cease to be so when I return; you will come to know who Jesus was, as many others have, at some moment, have been able to come to feel who He was. Behind this Name, there are many more Names, Names that come from the Source and from the whole divine manifestation.

To this is where you must return, so that I can return to you.

Do not believe you are what you outwardly show or what you appear to be. Do not allow your lives to be ruled by these energies, allow your hearts to open, more and more, until your hearts can love all, without conditions, and learn to be fathers and mothers in spirit, brothers and sisters in the sacred Essence fraternity.

Also, in the past, the Order of the Knights Templar gave continuity to this Essene fraternity, but they were the same ones who were gathered and united around the sacred Relics of the Passion, to be able to found this new impulse that came from the universe for the new humanity to become like a seed of light within the consciousnesses.

Throughout these recent years and the latest Sacred Weeks, I have come with My own Hands bringing the Water of Life to water this inner seed that is in you so that the new life, the New Humanity, may sprout and be born. But this work is very demanding, it requires a lot of determination and bravery from My apostles so that these deep Aspirations of God may be fulfilled.

For this reason, I have brought you here, to Aurora, as well as to other places, where this seed of light may express the life of the Light-Communities and, even more, open their doors and their hearts to welcome the whole world by means of humanitarian service, in which many more seeds, in this time of seeming defeat, are being placed and sown in hearts, for one reason, that all may attain the happiness of being in God and of recognizing His Sacred Names so that this wounded humanity may be cured, so that this sick humanity may be healed, so that this indifferent humanity may become unified, so that this divided humanity may be made one, so that this humanity without hope may experience divine hope.

My promises will still keep being fulfilled in those who offer themselves as empty chalices to be depositaries of the codes of My Celestial Church, of all the merits achieved during My Birth, public life, Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension.

I do not need something difficult, I need you simply to be given, because I want My friends to live in My Love so that My friends may live in Me, as many of My friends throughout the times have lived in Me and decided to love the unknown.

When I become silent it is so that you may contemplate, meditate upon and listen to My Words, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words will remain in the empty chalices.

I will come to meet you in the coming Sacred Weeks, but this time it will be different because My time is finalizing with you. But My Gifts and My Graces will never end until your lives are the transformed Grace of God Itself.

This meeting will continue being called Sacred Week, but we will gather only at some moments during the coming Sacred Weeks: on Palm Sunday, on Holy Thursday, on Good Friday, on Holy Saturday and on Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of your Lord.

On these days, I will come to the world to give you My last Instructions, because I cannot leave here in the presence of so much planetary suffering, because I know that souls need Me.

I only ask you something, that you pray, so that these next meetings may take place.

However they are, wherever they are, but My Message will come, I give you My Word on this, and I hope that for the next Sacred Week your hearts are more decided and defined because, I want to tell you all, that there is no more time.

I do not want to force you to take a step, I want to awaken you to take a step, a step in degrees of love. This is so wonderful, that the degrees of love are infinite but so similar in all My companions.

Keep this Instruction in mind because the universe and Your King will always give you the opportunity to love. It is also a promise that you love those things that you did not believe that you could love.

But after so much Instruction, so many blessings and Sacred Weeks, I only hope that in this Easter that we are celebrating today, of the Lamb of God, immolated in sacrifice, you can say to God the Father,

“My Heart is ready
for what You wish,
for what You expect.

Father, make of my life
an instrument in Your Hands.
Transform this clay into something beautiful for Yourself,
because You, beloved Father,
will always resurrect my life.
I trust in You.”

I want to celebrate this Easter with all those present and especially with all those who are in their homes and with their families, on this Easter Sunday, in which the doors of Heaven are open upon the world so that My resurrected Spirit may resurrect all the fallen spirits, under the glory of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

In the presence of the Guardian Angels of God, in the presence of the Choirs that are closest to the Divine Source, today, before the King of the Universe, they will be witnesses that the sacred form of the Eucharist will enter, like immaterial light, into the hearts that open to receive it and, thus, the sacred Essence fraternity may be instituted, once and forever. Amen.

So that your hearts may finish purifying and prepare your inner temples to receive the Sacrament, let us prepare this ceremony for all.

I invite you to invoke the presence of your Guardian Angels so that they too may be witnesses of the celebration of this Easter of the Resurrected, of the One that resurrects time and again in the human heart, to make of each human heart a redeemed heart.

Offer to your souls the opportunity to govern this moment and may all miseries, uncertainties, doubts or sufferings be dissolved through this eucharistic celebration. For this, we will listen to a song from the Marian Center of Figueira, a very simple song that says many things, called “Empty Heart”.

I will listen, and let us celebrate in My Celestial Church.

Song: Empty Heart

Prostrated before the Celestial Church of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and King of Life, we offer, at this moment, before His Presence, our empty hearts so that, as He said, He may fill us with His Codes of Light and, in this way, all uncertainties, doubts, sufferings, pains may be dissolved by the sacred celebration of this Eucharist.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We listen to the instrumental song and we will follow, at this moment, the steps that Our Lord is indicating to us.

Today, after having resurrected from the dead and especially having resurrected in the hearts of each one of Mine, I come to share the Bread of Life and the Chalice of Salvation with all My companions of the world so that the strength of unity and faith may unify all families of the world and may make of each human heart a flame of faith in these times of darkness, so that the Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens, that lies within each one of Mine, may become present and triumph, once again. So be it.

Before, I was gathered with My apostles, today I am gathered with many more followers, and I come to give them My Life sacrament that lies within the Eucharist.

Thus, taking the bread into My Hands, I offer it to the Father, Adonai, Elohim and Abba, so that He may bless it and convert it into the glorious and resurrected Body of Christ, which today will enter in the form of Divine Light into the hearts that open to receive it in Spiritual Communion.

Thus, for the whole planet and for you, making memory of My Legacy throughout all Sacred Weeks, I break the bread once again, to offer it to you, saying, “Take it and eat it of it because this is My Body, that was given for you for the remission of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And like the Angels of Heaven, we prostrate before the presence of the divine Sacrament of the Altar, so that the most suffering souls may be repaired by the Presence of Christ, Our Lord.

Thus, I again take the Chalice into My Hands and I offer it to Adonai, Elohim and Abba, so that it may be blessed and converted into My precious and divine Blood, and I say to you again, companions, “Take it and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the new and Eternal Covenant, that was shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You

May all Kingdoms of Nature be repaired, because they cannot defend themselves from humanity. May the souls of the Earth and the human hearts awaken to the consciousness of love for all Creation so that My divine and unfathomable Mercy may descend to Earth.

With joy, bliss and love, we announce that this is the Body and the Blood of Christ. Blessed are those who avail themselves of this Sacrament in Spiritual Communion because I have promised you eternal life.

And now, I will pray, and I will ask you to pray with Me to consummate the consecration of these sacred elements. Just as I did on the Mount of the Beatitudes, let us pray meditating upon each word.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic)

Announce My Peace to the world.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady has just appeared, dressed as a Celestial Spouse. Her beauty is indescribable.

We now ask for the Mothers to position themselves behind the altar so that we may announce, together with Our Lord and Our Lady, this powerful but simple prayer of the centurion.

We contemplate the majesty of Our Divine Mother, who comes to receive, in Her Immaculate Heart, the offerings of all Her children.

“Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

Thus, today I announce that each one of those present and not present in this sanctuary are now in Spiritual Communion with Me. Let us celebrate through three bell sounds.

Today I invite all mothers of the world, in the name of all Mothers present here, to renew your vows with spiritual motherhood, inexhaustible spirit of divine protection upon all children of God.

In communion, we listen to seven bell sounds.

Today, after a long time, I feel your hearts within My Heart, and this motivates Me and impels Me to come here, to come to the world.

I thank all those who, with their hands and their time, built this Sacred Week, one of the most unforgettable for Me. I also thank all those who faithfully followed this Sacred Week. As My Mother has said to you, "I am here", and I am your Master.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Sister Amerisa come here and kneel down for a moment before Christ.

Our Lord, today, blesess you in this sacred task of motherhood as Mother Elisabeth de la Cruz.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may stand up.

 And now, companions, My time has finished and I want you to conclude by listening to a song that should be the melody of these times for the new apostles. This song is called “To Be in Your Heart”.

I bless you and give you My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We may go in Peace, let us say Thank you, God.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

At the request of our Master, we will review with you, very briefly, those things that have happened throughout this week.

Remember that Our Lord came on Palm Sunday, announcing that His Passion would have, in this last week, a greater depth, because He wanted us to prepare our hearts.

He worked with all of humanity throughout the week only to prepare our hearts so that today, Sunday, the day on which He resurrects in our hearts, we could decide to say to Him, “Lord, my heart is ready.”

And in this last sentence that He said, that our hearts would be ready to be an instrument, embracing the unknown with all confidence, is summarized our entire trajectory throughout this week. And it is the only thing that should matter to us in this time: to prepare our hearts, so that they may be ready, to embrace anything that He may need from each one of us, with total trust in all His Designs and in His Love.

His Grace and His Mercy are infinite; therefore, He will be sustaining our spirits in the Sacred Weeks to come.

We will prepare, with joy in our heart, His home, our hearts, and we will wait for Him with joy and gratitude.

We will prepare a summary for you all, that will describe all that which Our Lord carried out during this week, and we will be able to review all that we saw and heard, all that which, occultly, Our Lord did upon our planet and in our humanity, and that He granted the Grace of showing us, because we need to understand what happens in this world when He gifts us with His Presence.

“We keep preparing our hearts, Lord, to embrace all that which will come and transform this Earth, into this Aspiration of our Father, that this world, this planet and this humanity may be converted into a sacred planet.”

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us”

And united to You, King of the Universe, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Forty-fifth Poem

give me a simple heart
so that I may recognize
the immensity of God’s Love.

give me a meek heart
so that I may learn to find peace.

give me a humble heart
so that I may see Christ
reflected in the face of each brother and sister.

give me a strengthened heart
so that, before the temptations and tests,
I may only think of Christ.

give me an empty heart
so that I may be divested of self
and Christ may have a place to dwell within me.

give me a charitable and serving heart
so that I may realize
the needs everywhere.

give me a grateful heart
so that I may not fall into the test of criticism
or value judgment,
but rather that I may always be able to live gratitude,
even in the small details of life.

give me a heart filled with faith
so that I may always trust in that which is unknown,
and calmly open myself to be redeemed by Your Son.

give me a faithful heart
so that You and Christ may trust in my soul,
which will strive to fulfill its mission on Earth.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


What to do with the divine knowledge that is revealed to you?

Place each word, each impulse, each memory within the depths of your heart and, with simplicity, be thankful toward God.

In this way, in the silence of your inner world, you allow the knowledge to change into wisdom, and the wisdom to attract new Laws that will draw you closer to God and transform you, bringing you back to what you truly are.

Reflect, child, upon each word pronounced by God to your heart. Not to analyze them with your mind, but so that the vibration that was transmitted to you may be a path of return for you toward your celestial origin and, in this way, your spirit may be strengthened in its union with universal life and everything that weighs upon you in this world may be transformed.

May your eyes be illuminated by a new light that, reflected in life, will allow you to see the colors and tones that you could not see before.

May this very divine light illuminate your inner world so that, in its warmth, your soul finds peace and, in its clarity, it finds the answers for so many questions that remained within your heart.

May gratitude be the master key of all your thoughts before each questioning and before each inner search.

In this way, child, you will open the correct doors that will lead you into continuing your path of ascension.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the same simplicity as the sunrise every morning, so your own inner world illuminates, to live the Law of Transfiguration and enter the subtle world.

With the same gratitude that you feel for life, upon arriving in the sacred places, in this way you must enter them, so that you can experience healing and redemption on behalf of all of humanity.

It is in a simple way, children, that you can illuminate your cells and atoms, that you can elevate your own consciousness, not only to enter the Sacred Kingdoms that your Creator manifested within the Earth, but so that, in His time, when these Kingdoms manifest throughout the world, not only your consciousnesses but also each nucleus of your beings may be a part of this Kingdom.

The New Jerusalem not only dwells in the Divine Consciousness, in the universal, celestial and spiritual dimensions. This land, promised to the Patriarchs, to the Tribes of Juda, is also found within the Earth, split in different spaces of this planet, those known as Centers of Love. These Centers will merge someday, they will unite into one Kingdom, which will be the Kingdom of this world.

When the time of the Earth dissolves into the Time of God, the one known as the Real Time, in this moment there will be no borders, there will be no limits, there will not even be dimensions separating the human consciousness from the spiritual life that dwells within the planet.

All of this world will be sacred. And just as other civilizations of the Universe unconditionally serve all of Creation, the Earth as well, children, will be able to serve.

The time now arrives in which the veils will finish tearing. Veils that began to tear more than two thousand years ago, when the Son of God manifested Himself in this world.

He will come and He will no longer speak through symbols, He will no longer speak through parables. His Words will be clear and the signs that will come with His Presence will reveal the true life to each man and each woman of this world. We prepare you for this moment, so that you can be worthy of being face to face with the Son of God.

And let Him be like a mirror for you, which reveals the Truth to you, which for such a long time hid within your essences.

Yes, each one of you holds a mystery within yourselves. You do not even know who you are.

This truth that is much beyond your evolutionary history, much beyond the history that was written in the Universe as on the Earth, before you arrived here, before you committed so many errors and strayed from the Divine Purpose.

This original Truth, this perfect Thought of God, is still held in the depths of your essences; it still waits, silently, to be able to manifest.

Today we bring you here, as humanity, so that you may not only receive a revelation or experience a learning experience. We bring you here so that, on behalf of each being of this Earth, you can remember the true purpose of your life in this world.

Your essences pulsate before this sacred valley, because they recognize not only the billions of years of the history of humanity that is kept here. They recognize a Divine Purpose that was drawn here so that someday humanity could remember it.

At the request of God, we brought you here, to the Grand Canyon, not only for you to recognize the history of the original peoples of this land that you do not know. Not only for you to know that there have been beings in ancient times of humanity who lived the Law of Transfiguration and entered the interior of the planet, into its subtle dimensions.

We brought you here not only so that you could see a magnificent place that expresses the Love of God for humanity, when He created this perfect planet, so that the human beings could also express perfection.

We brought you here, children, because throughout all history of humanity, this sacred space kept unique human records. It kept each learning experience lived by the beings of this Earth, as a way so that some day they could heal all errors, reverse the mistakes and return to the origins of Divine Thought.

In this place, the Consciousness of God descends to place His perfect Thought.

In this place, the Divine Essence lights up, illuminating each register of the history of humanity that is kept here, in such a way as to remind all beings that the true purpose of humanity is to fulfill the Divine Will, manifest the Sacred through simplicity and express the Love that re-creates and renews the entire Creation of God.

Allow this Purpose to awaken in your essences, through My Words and My Presence, as a servant and messenger of your Creator.

Through the Portals that I open between the Celestial Universe and this world, I bring you the Light of God that illuminates all the registers of the Earth and reveals to you your purity and origins. This happens in the depths of your essences, this happens in your consciousness, in your spiritual levels.

Receive the Grace that descends upon the planet and radiates to all of humanity.

As from this new cycle, the history of each being, as well as of this Work, begins to be re-written, because you must learn to begin again through all the impulses that you have received.

Accept the forgiveness that comes from God and let all registers of errors be healed. Errors that you do not know, that do not come only from this world, but from all the history that was written in the Cosmos, before you arrived here.

Today you receive the Grace that comes from the Heart of the Creator so that this history may be renewed and so that, as consciousnesses, as a Work and as humanity, you can take a new step. This is the true purpose for you having come here.

The knowledge of the sacred life that is expressed here elevates your consciousnesses so that you may be in the correct vibration in order to receive and experience the Forgiveness of God.

The Light of your Creator illuminates this valley, illuminates the history of humanity written here, and, furthermore, permeates each human consciousness.

The moment has come, not only to awaken, not only to remember, but also to be healed.

The moment has come to feel forgiven because, as humanity lives a transition and the nations begin to live hard tests, children, you must begin to consolidate that which is Sacred, express the Centers of Love and express the very love of your hearts; a love that comes from God, from the Origins, and that dwells, silently, within each one of you.

While the old human loses its reign, oftentimes through suffering, disillusion and the disbelief that many will live, on the other hand, within you, the Plan of God must be consolidated.

You must know what is the Thought of the Creator for this humanity, what is the straight and perfect path, to return to His Heart and to make this planet sacred.

Because when despair touches the heart of humanity, they must know what path to take.

Your essences must be like beams in the purification of this Earth. For that, this clarity must illuminate your minds, your hearts and your spirits, and this takes place through simplicity.

It is through this simplicity, humility and purity, through the simple gratitude that you can express, that the most sublime Doors open, the most sincere revelations may manifest.

We brought you here so that you could meet the example of the indigenous consciousness, because it was through simplicity that they entered the subtle worlds. And each one of you must learn this same simplicity. Through it, steady your minds, this concrete mental plane that must become simple and intuitive so that, when it is before the Portals, it can enter without fear.

May ignorance, arrogance and vanity not close the doors for you, but may humility and gratitude expand, more and more.

Throughout time, we have brought you to many sacred places, and we have manifested Our Marian Centers and Light-Communities upon each one of them.

This is so not only so that you may be protected, but also so that you may someday be merged, perfectly united with the sacred that dwells beneath your feet and in that which is invisible within the hills, in the invisible of your lives, which are so often oblivious to that which is sacred.

With My words, I just want to awaken in each one of you the simplicity that leads you to Transfiguration. it is in this way that you will live the Laws. It is in this way that the Laws will live within each one of you, that not only your hearts and your spirits, but also your cells will manifest this Truth, just as some peoples were able to live it.

Receive this impulse of love through My Word and My Heart.

May each being that hears My Voice be able to remember their origins, may their essences light up so that, when the time comes, all the Graces, all the codes of light that I brought to you today may light up and be the perfect key that will allow you to enter the subtle worlds and allow these subtle worlds to be manifested within your lives.

I leave you My blessing and the deepest gratitude of the Heart of God so that it may resonate within you and make you mature as spirits and as servers of His Sacred Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


From the beginning of the manifestation of life, My children, in the most pure and profound Thought of God, when He was gestating the Project of this humanity, within it was contemplated the existence of the original peoples; those peoples are called thus not only because they gave origin to the civilizations of this world, but also because, from the origin of life, they were thought by God to maintain the union between Heaven and Earth, union among all Kingdoms of Nature, union between the surface of the planet and the subtle worlds.

The original peoples, beloved children, are those thought by God to be the doorkeepers of the sublime worlds, of the superior realities where the sacred dwells, where beings are invited to return to their Origins in the Celestial Founts.

It is in this way that, from the beginning of humanity and up to today, the Divine Hierarchy has impelled the original peoples to find their purity and return to the Purpose that God manifested for their lives at the beginning.

Upon creating this planet and each being of this Earth, which is the bearer of a particle of the divine essence, your Celestial Father created not only the Kingdoms, the elements and the human being, a fruit of the clay consecrated by His Divine Breath. God also created subtle realities, invisible to the human eyes that do not seek with sincerity the sacred within their lives.

These subtle worlds maintain, within the planet, the Divine Purpose. Within them, communion with all kinds of life is lived; within them the dimensions unite and there is no danger, because those who enter there live pure in heart and in spirit, and only aspire to fulfill the Divine Will and Purpose.

Those who enter these subtle worlds, My children, have been divested of their personal wills and from their human condition of impurity and degeneration. In this way, their hearts find the path to express purity and unity with the Divine.

These subtle worlds are safeguarded by nature, by its strength, beauty and harmony. In the invisible of the lakes, seas, deserts and mountains, they hide, not only to sustain the planet, but also so that, through the greatness of the expression of nature, those who arrive there can feel that something more dwells there; that a sacred mystery lies hidden there, and it is as if Heaven were closer to humanity and God could express Himself.

Throughout the times and the history of humanity, many were the peoples who could enter these subtle worlds with all they were because, while humanity, in other parts of the Earth,  lost its purpose, these peoples found it and deepened into it, not only through science and wisdom but, above all, through love for the sacred and divine and through respect for life and nature.

These were the Keys that allowed these peoples to live the Science of Transfiguration. And, just as My Son had once revealed It to you on Mount Tabor, they also could recognize their true face, illuminate cells and atoms and allow, not only for their heart and consciousness to vibrate in another more elevated level, but also their more material part. This part, which today seems so dense, had elevated and became transfigured in ancient times.

Through the simplicity of the heart, the original peoples discovered that the same solar essence that they contemplated and adored in the infinite sky dwelled within them. And, in this way, they lived a profound union with God, as they could understand Him.

Upon illuminating their cells and atoms, upon letting themselves be permeated by the light in their souls, these peoples attained the same vibration of the subtle worlds, and thus could not only see them, but also enter and participate in them, as representatives of humanity.

In this way, they became Guardians and Doorkeepers of these subtle dimensions, which up to today hide within the planet. Some of these peoples left upon the surface traces of their history and life, and then disappeared. But others, My children, were never known by humanity.

Today your Divine Mother comes to this place, sacred to Heaven and Earth, to reveal to you a history and, more than that, to impel your souls toward the quest for purity and for the sacred.

The time has come to unveil the hidden mysteries in the history of humanity, not only to abandon ignorance but, above all, My children, to embrace purity. And in the time to come, when the Earth will be elevated in its vibration and conducted to a new time, a new reality, may your hearts and spirits be ready, not only to see, but to participate in this sublime life.

Seek the purity of your hearts, seek union with life and nature and, just as today I reveal to you many mysteries, other truths will also be revealed in your hearts.

I bless you and thank you for coming here and for being open from the heart to the revelations that God brings to you at this time.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.

For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.

The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.

In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.

Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.

This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.

This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.

Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the end, My Work will always be fulfilled in the simple hearts, a place and enclosure where I will be able to move My Plan of Love forward and I will be able to radiate it to the ends of the Earth.

Silently, I am found in the heart of the humble, in all those capable of representing Me with humility, transparency and purity. I will always reside in those hearts, I will always be present to welcome the needy, the sick, the dying, the one who has not yet found My Light.

In the heart of the humble, I vivify My Project and, time after time, accomplish the requests of My Father.

Through the hearts of the simple, I can uplift the consciousness of humanity and sanctify those who enter My Path for the first time.

In the heart of the simple, I trustingly place My Celestial Church and have the humble hearts participate in My Gifts and in My Graces.

In the heart of the humble, I find the poverty and the void, the simplicity and the peace to be able to return and bring relief to My Spirit.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,


I do not search for transcended nor realized souls. I search for imperfect, true and simple souls, because in them I will be able to realize My Plan, as their lives are transformed into the perfect model of the Creator.

That is why, all the imperfect souls, in redemption, have a place in My Heart, because their effort and dedication to follow My principles allows them to take forward the Will of God.

I come in search of imperfect souls that do not fear to follow and realize My Will within this material plane.

The moment has come to know deeply the spirituality of the Universe in order to be in tune with the cosmic life and thus manifest it on the surface, in the sacred spaces where the Hierarchy will perform the great part of the Plan that corresponds to it, with the immediate collaboration of all.

I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


From the Heart of God, My Voice comes to the Earth of Love and Forgiveness, the sidereal school which will be the one to convert this and other Universes into a New Creation, in which the Race of Christs will flourish.

And it will be from here, from this tiny crib called Aurora, that these Christs will be born for the whole Universe.

I know that you do not understand My words, but you will soon see, My children, with the passage of time, how this humanity will give birth to the Christs of the New Time, who will impel in the Universe the changes that will give another direction to the Creation.

Today I descend as the Divine Conception of the Trinity to bring again the healing for humanity and for all of you, faithful and fraternal Children of God. I bring from the Source of Healing of the Creation this attribute that the Father wanted to place in this small place so that from here it could liberate, transmute and heal the world.

However, humanity has not understood the greatness of the Creator, although more than two thousand years ago He was placed, inside of a poor crib in Bethlehem, His own manifestation of Love through His First-Born Son.

Although more than two thousand years have passed, humanity still does not accept that, in His Infinite Humility, the Father places His Grand Will in the most sacrificed, in the poorest, in those who struggle the most every day to live true love and to honor the Truth every day.

For this reason, Aurora prepares itself like the crib of Bethlehem to give birth to the New Christs so that God can again express His Perfect Will in the small and humble.

Today the Aurora of My Heart beams in Love and Grace, placing its children in its cradle of love, of forgiveness, and of healing; today, the Aurora of My Heart offers healing and liberation to the spirits that come to offer their lives to Christ in order to be able to accompany Him in His Return.

Today, from here, I bless My crib of the end of times to all those who come with the heart in their hand and offer it to My Son and also to God so that His Divine Plan may be fulfilled.

Today, from this Aurora of My Heart, I send to all of My children in the world, to all those who are always in offering to My Son, the healing of pain and of errors, so that they can go ahead complying with their part in this Divine Miracle which is preparing the path of return of the Savior, Christ Jesus.

Today the Aurora of My Heart beams in the essences of the merciful, of the meek and the humble, of those who know sacrifice and temperance, of those who live in truth what My Son taught in simplicity.

Today I ask the Father, from My Heart of Celestial Mother, from this House of Love, that temperance, strength, and faith descend upon this place and on these hearts so that in this time, in which the presence of My Son will be in Aurora, this place may be blessed by these attributes that will consolidate the inner walls, which will sustain them during the time to come.

I love you; live in peace, the honor of serving God.

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Mother of Aurora


Welcome into your heart all the revelations of God and let your consciousness expand to other planes and realities.

Receive these impulse as if they were the last and make an inner synthesis of all the revelations that have already been announced throughout time.

Nurture your consciousness with sacred knowledge and make your life even simpler so that the Treasures of God may reflect in your actions, and every space and place may be transformed and elevated according to Divine Will.

Thus, let the revelations of God bring you closer to His Divine Simplicity so that sufficient humility  may be incarnated in you to help you understand and experience the forms that come from the Universe and give impulse to cosmic life.

Let spirits be ennobled by all the knowledge received, as from the Supreme Source, sacred impulses are emanated that will simply cause the consciousness of humanity to elevate in plane.

Any revelation is always full of the Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call and for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Now open the tabernacle of your hearts so that, during this next Nativity of the Lord, I may enter and finally be a part of your small lives.

Between you and I only a breath of Love exists. Between souls and God a powerful divine union exists.

Open the tabernacle of your hearts so that I may place My most precious gifts within you and so that those gifts, that one day will change into sacred talents, may be at the service of the Plan of God.

Simply open the tabernacle of your heart and all will be realized, and will be accomplished in your lives, according to the Will of the Most High.

Leave your inner tabernacle open so that your soul and all of your consciousness may live the preferred union with Me, through the Restorative Communion with My Body and with My Divine Blood.

I hope to enter the tabernacle of your heart so that you may receive the nonmaterial and spiritual help that you need.

Leave the tabernacle of your heart open to Me, for I wish for us to be one, so that, in perfect simplicity and love, we may be one in the Father in order to be one in Truth and in Justice.

On the eve of the rebirth of the Universal King, may your inner tabernacles be open, in vigil and in prayer, so that the Spirit of the Supreme Son may be within the Christs of the New Time.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear and beloved children,

In these severe times of purification of consciousness, know that God does not expect immediate perfection in humankind, but rather the simplicity and the truth of the heart.

God invites you to, through simplicity, let the Love of God be born in you, again and again; a Love that will comfort you, a Love that will not abandon you, a worthy and faithful Love.

Do not rest your attention only on the defects of human life because it will be through a redeemed imperfection that the new being will be born, who will be the bearer of hope and trust in God.

For this reason, My children, embrace each new stage of purification with humility and simplicity.

Through prayer, you will always have My consolation and guidance, and in the culminating moments of your purification, you will be able to count on My assistance; because I love you, and as a mother, I know the inner need of each child of Mine.

Stop feeling that emptiness that does not lead you to anything. Stop submerging yourselves in this arid desert of life.

Through My Words, I bring you the Fount that will quench your thirst.

Children, do not despair, do not be perturbed, do not punish yourselves any longer. You came to participate in a transition that has just begun.

Have faith; the power of the Love of My Heart will be your constant strength.

Today, God grants you His Forgiveness and His Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Peace is the most important key for the upliftment of the human consciousness in these times.

If peace is united to prayer and song, an extremely potent bridge of union between the material universe and the spiritual universe is built.

This bridge of union, raised and errected through the praying and the singing that fosters peace, reaches souls that have lost hope and motivates them to keep living, and touches everything that needs inner and spiritual healing.

Peace in the world can only be established through the prayer and the singing that is offered to God so that He, as a Merciful and Compassionate Father, may change the destiny of the whole human race.

Each time you offer a new prayer or a new song, you create the spiritual condition for powerful flows of grace and mercy to descend over the world and over humanity.

Singing especially opens the Heavens, because the voice is one of the greatest instruments that the Father created for His children to praise Him and, with simplicity, to unite with Him.

I encourage you, in this time, to keep deepening into this practice so that more grace and more mercy may reach humanity.

I thank you for offering your voices to God!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Third Series of Poems
Eleventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Lord, grant me
the Grace of humility
through Saint Joseph.

May my feet find this path
so that, more each day,
I may be able to serve You in joy and in surrender.

That together with Saint Joseph
I may carry out the Designs of God
so that the planet may be repopulated
with love and hope.

Lord, make me so humble
and small in all of Your Works.

Take us, my brothers and sisters and I,
along the paths of love
so that we may be blessed and touched
by Your Divine Mercy.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Third Series of Poems
Seventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Elevate my soul to Heaven, Lord,
so that it may unite to Yours
and thus commune of Your Divinity.

Make me simple and true
in daily tasks.

Deposit into my heart
the power of Your Trust
and make this life an instrument
in the Hands of God.

Allow me, Lord,
to live in the void and to witness
in each act of love
Your celestial Paradise.

Avail Yourself of my consciousness
so that the Universe
may descend to Earth
and everything, absolutely everything,
may be transformed.

Let me know
the deep meaning of Your Word, Lord.

Elevate my consciousness
as many times as necessary
so that I may be awake
before Your call.

Help me to vanquish arrogance
and spiritual pride so that,
free from any blindness,
I may receive Your blessing
to have awareness and discernment.

Keep me by Your side
and I will be able to keep in my inner world
the magnificence of what it means to be in You, Lord.

Make my life that which You so hope for.

The time has come for me to cross
the portal towards redemption,
thus I will be able to accompany You
as a servant of Yours
and as a disciple of Your Heart.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Third Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

May I become
like a child, Lord,
so that I may
always be upon Your lap.

May I become
like a child, Lord,
so that I may grow
in simplicity and in humility.

That, as a child in spirit,
I may recognize
how wonderful and sublime
it is to remain in You, Lord.

That, like a child, I may recover
the attributes of Your Heart
so that I may represent You
as Your child and as Your companion.

That now, being able to be
in Your humble Arms, Lord,
I may closely come to know
the sacred mysteries
of Your Heart and of Your Word.

May I be invaded,
beloved Lord,
by Your Divine Spirit
so that I may sincerely fulfill
the attributes of Your Consciousness.

Renew me always, Lord.

I know You accept our offering.

Receive me into Your Kingdom
of Love and Redemption
so that with the Father
we may celebrate Your celestial Glory



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

