Third Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

bathe me inside and out
with the fount of Your Grace.

Purify each aspect of my being
so that I may always be able to renew myself
through You.

Purify me of my thoughts
and of my feelings.

I ask You, our Lord,
to be part of my being.

Teach me to be patient
and persevering in every moment.

Teach me to be humble
and simple before others
so that my personality
may not seek to promote itself in anything
but rather be willing to serve
when I am needed and called.

Lord of Truth,
may my feelings be ennobled,
may my word rise in vibration
and may each prayer that I offer You
be able to be received in Heaven
as a drop of light in the vast Universe
so that the Graces of God
may continue to descend.

Teach me to offer my life to service.

Teach me to offer my heart
as an instrument of healing.

Teach me, dear Jesus,
to empty me of myself day by day
so that each step that I take
may be blessed by Your consoling Love.

May my life be guided
and protected by You, Lord,
and may the Holy Spirit descend
so that I may fulfill,
within Your majestic Work,
all the Designs that You have thought of
within Your humble Heart.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Love God and His Plan and in it you will learn to love all things.

Seek, above all things, the love for the Father and the Love of the Father, and pure will be the love that is born from your own heart.

All the truly spiritual things seem distant to you because, in truth, your heart is still distant from God.

Seek, child, the true Love in God and you will discover His simplicity and His purity. You will discover that life unveils its mysteries when your heart loves God, because the very Love within you allows your eyes to recognize the Father in all things.

Aspire to wisdom, to knowledge, and to discernment. Aspire to know the celestial mysteries and the universal truths, but today I tell you that, before all things, you must aspire to Love and look for God; you must seek the Love of the Father and His Presence, and God Himself will reveal to you His Mysteries.

Without Love there is no wisdom, there is no truth and there is no peace. Without Love, there is no mystery that will be revealed or true spiritual maturity that is born in the heart. Without Love, there is no overcoming of tests, nor how to transpose challenges.

Seek, before anything else, the Love of God, and in it you will find all things.

You have My blessings for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Third Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

what shall I do with so many
Graces within my consciousness?

I ask You, beloved Lord,
make me worthy of receiving them,
one by one.

Make my heart small and humble
so that I may have the happiness
of knowing Your Wonders.

You know, dear Jesus,
that I am not worthy
of so many mercies.

Help me to deepen into love,
as You did
in each step of Calvary.

How is it possible to love
that which would be unforgivable, Lord?

Tear out from my being
all pride and arrogance.

That in each moment,
dear Master,
I may be able to sustain myself in You
so that I may have enough bravery
to surpass
my own feelings,
my hardest resistances
and all the obstacles
that separate me from You
and from Your Truth.

May I be able to humiliate myself
as many times as needed
so that in the resignation
of my personality,
beloved Lord,
I can transform
the human condition
that has always condemned
and punished me.

Sacred Liberator of life,
Blessed Jesus!
make me nothing in every moment
and submit me to Your unchanging Will
so that any trace
of personal power may vanish
from my consciousness and thus I may be able to live
Your magnificent Will.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Second Message

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today My Words must resound in the depths of beings, so that beings may understand what is happening.

From the Great Council of the Hierarchy, today I come to visit you and to emit My message to you for the world, for all those who follow My Steps and also for those who have stopped following me.

Today I do not come to talk about anyone in particular or about any specific situation that corresponds to the planet or to humanity.

Today I come to talk about the Project of God that must be fulfilled through all those who are self-called by the Hierarchy.

As in other moments, I come from a special place where the Great Council of the Hierarchy is gathered together at this moment and for the evolution of this planet and this humanity.

We are at the doorway of a new cycle, we are at the doorway of a next August 8th, in which Heaven, the Universe, descends to Earth and to humanity to do its synthesis again and meditate upon the next steps to be taken.

Humanity has changed the events, so meditation is necessary to perceive what is really happening.

Today I come from a place in the Desert of Chilca, in Peru, where the great Councilors of the Universe are gathered to prepare for that moment.

As Master among masters, as a Guide among guides, as a Messenger among messengers of the Hierarchy, I come to announce this  important moment to you, so that you may not only be aware, but also responsible before the Plan.

Each one knows what they can give Me. Each one knows what they can contribute for the manifestation to take place.

I do not look for the perfect, nor the imperfect. I do not look for what is advanced, or modern.

I seek the truth of every human heart, of each servant of this Earth, of each of the self-summoned who has been called through the ages to serve and unite with the Hierarchy.

You must keep on the path of the next events. You must not allow leaving the Hierarchy, because the Hierarchy needs to be in these events in order to accompany humanity and the planet.

Today's times are not the same times that took place yesterday.

Day by day events change, within and outside of beings.

Day by day you face a new definition, a new step.

The spiritual Hierarchy does not ask for what is possible. The spiritual Hierarchy asks everyone for what is simple, and what is birthed by the heart, which is what helps to manifest the Work; the pillars of that manifestation must be supported by the collaboration of all.

As in the coming 8th of August, so important and decisive, the self-summoned must be where the Hierarchy is, where the Universe has chosen, the place for giving the impulses so necessary for humanity through Instruction and Grace, through Mercy and healing for all souls.

I would like to know where the attention is of those who say they are with Me.

I would like to be able to understand, beyond all things, the feeling of the human beings of this period.

You know, companions, that My Consciousness has no limits, but still, after all I have experienced on this planet and with this humanity, I am learning with you, time and again.

You must embrace the Truth that reveals the Plan of God to you; you must be sustained by this Truth in order to be able to move forward.

You must not deceive yourselves, you must not create mirages with yourselves. You must come to know that each new cycle that begins on August 8th is an opportunity for renewal rather than inertia.

The instability of these times will be transmuted by the responsibility of all, by obedience, and especially by adherence.

These are the reflections that the Councilors of the Hierarchy are studying and meditating upon, because if the knowledge in the essence of human beings is not clear, it will not be so in the manifestation.

You must learn to live as the Hierarchy lives.

The Graces of Heaven have already been given. Undeserved merits were devised for many hearts.

Now it is time to reconsider and truly know what you are participating in together with the Hierarchy.

Purification is not just a moment of pain or discomfort.
Purification forges a definition and a constant transformation in human beings.

Remember that the scale of this planet must always be in balance, who will support it?

Do not just make the effort to seek the good. Do not make the effort to seek your own convenience or your own satisfaction.

The ministry of the New Christs should be as crystalline as water and as pure as sunlight.

You must build in yourselves what the Universe needs in order to create the new race, to be able to manifest the New Humanity.

The need for consciousness is a concern of the entire Hierarchy, on the part of the human beings of these times.

The Plan of God is not something one can use because it is convenient or only as long as one needs it.

I came to teach that to My Apostles and to all those who ever listened to Me.

The legacy of the Project of God is immaculate and sublime, and we owe everything to Him, because it was He Who created us and manifested us to be present in these times.

You must forge in yourselves the determination to persist.

Many human beings in these times are surviving, but those who are with the Hierarchy do not need to survive, they need to persist, they need to build and to sustain together with the Brotherhood.

Thus, sacred knowledge will not be lacking and divine impulses will not cease to descend; because each being receives what they need, according to their moment and their time.

For this reason, companions, we are gathered together as Counselors of the Hierarchy to reflect, learn, and meditate.

The Plan must continue to manifest as foreseen, through the adherence of all, through the constancy of all, and mainly, through the love of all.

The Plan of God cannot be lived with tepidity or coolness.

You must seek in yourselves that fire that once awaken you and called upon you to serve, and in that fire you must always renew yourselves.

After all that has happened in Europe, the time has come for you to clearly hear what I have always wanted to tell you; I have waited for sixty meetings to be able to say it, so that in you could mature that seed that I once placed there when all this began.

You must place your love in what really exists, beyond all of this, of all that is physical or material.

The Universe waits for a true response to be reflected in you that is in accordance with what you have received and experienced through the intervention of the Hierarchy.

Thus, the legacy will not be in vain and there will be simple but true receptacles that will hold the essence of the Plan within themselves.

Be supported by the words I am giving you today, fortify your faith in the vibration that I bring you today, and let your hearts live temperance, just as I lived it to carry out what My Father needed to occur, when I was once present, here on Earth, together with you and for you.

The Plan of God is not a passing emotion, nor is It something that souls can reject on their own; around you there are examples of this and see how much you are unnecessarily suffering.

The consciousnesses of this world have no notion of what the Plan is, not only because of their ignorance, but also because they do not know, even though they sometimes think they know.

The Councils of the Hierarchy need your maturity and your adherence so that many more positive events that have been foreseen can occur and will not be interfered with by anyone.

My Merciful Heart waited until now to be able to tell you.

My Merciful Heart expects reflection from you rather than chaos.

Now the time has come for each one to assume their part, with transparency and maturity, without blaming anyone.

Each of you are precious pieces within this Plan and even though you do not know what that means, believe in what I tell you, because it has value and fidelity.

Know that everything that occurs is to mature consciousnesses and souls, to have them someday experience the sovereignty that exists in the Universe and in all the Brotherhood. This causes Creation to be recreated, this always leads to awareness and responsibility in the face of events.

In this Marathon, may all think about the step that is necessary to take in this time, without waiting for this to occur a long time later, because the hour has come to take that step.

I encourage you to live the Plan with greater consciousness and responsibility.

I encourage you to be part of a Spiritual Hierarchy that up to now humanity has never been a part of because of always remaining immature.

I tell you again, I do not need perfect beings, I need conscious beings who will always dare to transform everything and experience everything out of a love for God.

That will take the Plan up another step and to another level; that will bring down to Earth the treasures that have been kept for so long in the Universe and that wait to be revealed by the Hierarchy.

From the Great Council of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Desert of Chilca, we bless you and we await, as guides and masters, for your correspondence and loyalty; this will cause the Universe to entrust you with new things.

Take My Words as an opportunity for inner growth and not as a complaint, because My time among you is already ending, just as My time with My Apostles ended at some point.

Listen to My Words as many times as is necessary and extract from them all the impulses you need in order to be able to change, before everything is about to happen in humanity.

Be Mirrors of the Light of the Plan for these times.

Be what the Universe needs you to be in this cycle, because thus, everything will change.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Second Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

O My Lord!
make me patient and persevering
just as You were
in each moment of Your Passion.

May I see, reflected in everything,
the Divine Will of God,
and even if sometimes it may seem unfair to me, Lord,
allow me to always
see the purpose of the Truth
that emanates in each deed.

Small and invisible, I want to be, Lord Jesus,
just as You made Yourself small
and simple in humanity.

May my steps reflect
the absolute trust
of being able to follow You.

Elevate my consciousness
in state and vibration
so that from now on,
beloved Jesus,
I may find the meaning
of everything that could happen.

May my inner hearing
not close; may it open,
just as my heart opens
to recognize Your Presence
in my brothers and sisters.

Help me, Lord,
to understand life
beyond what it seems to be.

Help me to experience
each test or obstacle
with the importance they have
for reaching the transcendence of my being.

Liberate me from myself,
in all senses and forms.

May You, my Jesus,
be the One who acts, proceeds
and manifests the Supreme Will
in order that, someday,
I may learn to die to myself
so that You, Sacred King,
may live in me



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Second Series of Poems
Seventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Prostrated before You, Lord,
I aspire to attain Your very simplicity so that
under this sovereign and loving spirit,
I may carry out Your Designs
and Wills.

Make me capable, Lord,
of loving all,
just as You, Sweet Shepherd,
love each one of Your sheep.

Give me, in trust,
the test that You
have thought of for me
so that I can grow in love
and dispel from my consciousness
all pride and arrogance.

Make me similar to Your servants,
available in love,
surrendered in service,
open to Your Mercy and Your Forgiveness.

May You be able
to deeply heal this being
and also reach the spaces
where I do not even manage to perceive reality.

I know that You, dear Jesus,
can do all.
Accept my offer, tiny
in comparison with the offer
of the entire Universe.

Convert within me
everything that is not well
and open the secure door for me
so that my soul may submerge
into the ocean of Your Divine Consciousness.

May I never stop smiling
at the life that God has given me.

Grant me, my Lord,
the strength of Your renewal
so that humanity may be renewed
in spirit and essence,
and thus we may live the so awaited



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


The Revelation of God to Humanity

The Revelation of God to humanity, My children, is eternal and begins when the human heart is maturing and awakening more than in wisdom but, in humility.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens when the heart is simple and recognizes its own smallness, not limiting the divine wisdom and existence to its comprehension and to everything that has already been revealed.

The Revelation of God to humanity does not stop, but from the patriarchs to the present day it deepens and only culminates in the full unity of the being with God, in their return to the origin.

Humankind itself is the Revelation of God.

It is the true self-knowledge, which is not a human science, but a spiritual and divine science, that leads you to the Revelation of God Himself.

At the same time, humans beings are the closest creatures to God, yet the most distant. 

The divine presence within you and the unity that you hold as a silent potential in your essence makes you close to God. However, My children, ignorance and indifference push humankind away from themselves, from what you truly are, and consequently move you away from God and from the Truth.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens with the awakening of thirst for superior life, with the discontent of the spirit with all that life in matter offers to it, with the discontent of the spirit with its own expression in life.

When the spirit is discontent with itself and with the world, it moves within the being so that this spiritual discontentment impels the consciousness to seek superior life, to deepen in the awakening and the self-knowledge that, in truth, is the knowledge of God within you.

The Revelation of God to humanity deepens as human consciousness evolves, and what for the patriarchs was an inexplicable and incomprehensible feeling of God, and only an experience of God, without explanations; at this time it can become a profound and scientific revelation of human existence and of the existence of God.

The Creator Father is simple, and in His simplicity He keeps His Mysteries. But the human mind places barrier over barrier to know God, and few are the ones who deepen in His Presence.

This, My children, is the time of the Revelation of God to humanity, because a new cycle is coming, which will be culminating for human consciousness. 

The time has come for history to be renewed.

The time has come for the new prophets, the new apostles, the renewal of holiness and faith in the human heart, because just as God awakened and raised the prophets and peoples of pure faith in the past, in order to prepare the birth and the coming of His Son to the world, also today, My children, peoples and nations, hearts and spirits will raise to prepare again the arrival of Christ into the world.

The return of your Lord will be definitive and will mark the end of a time, because the last words of the scriptures will be fulfilled, and the Gospel that He left in the world will be renewed by the new revelations that the Son of Man will bring to the Earth.

His Word will be life and will reveal to the world the superior Truth, to which many have been blind, though it has always been here.

Before the arrival of Christ, just as in the past, the Revelation of God will be given first to the prophets of the new time, and the universal Gospel of Christ will begin to be written with the truth that is already emerging in the hearts of humankind.

The New Testament is being fulfilled at the same time that the Revelation of God to humanity is deepening, so that you can write the New Scriptures; the Laws that will dictate the new life.

Open your hearts to the Revelation of God, because everything is being said to awaken and to prepare the hearts and spirits of humanity for this new and definitive cycle.

I love you and bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Second Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

I affirm it, Lord:
I know You can do everything in me,
although sometimes indifference or arrogance
may make me fall.

I know that You, Lord, can do everything,
and someday You will break
with Your own Hands
this hard stone of the human condition,
and on this day Your Glory, Lord,
will liberate me from all evil.

Meanwhile, Lord,
You, who know our
deepest miseries and errors,
I ask You, my Beloved,
make me a partaker of Your eternal Grace
so that I may be reborn
through the intercession of Your Sacred Heart.

Do not fail to show me the truth, Jesus.
However painful it may be, it will not be similar to
the pain of the nails that You endured
in Your most pure Hands.

Make me small
among the smallest,
make me invisible, Lord,
so that my arrogance
and my pride may disappear.

Hide me, Lord,
within Your luminous Wounds
and redeem
this whole imperfect being,
inside and out.

Because I know, my Jesus,
that someday You will triumph
and You will place me with all authority
where You most need me.

The hour has come, Lord,
for me to no longer be the one who lives
wishes, aspires or hopes,
but rather, dear Jesus,
the moment has come
for You to be in me.

Let me
die within, Lord,
just as Your humble Mother
died with You in each moment
at the foot of the Cross.

Reveal to me, Lord,
the incalculable value of Your Love
so that divested of everything
I may always say “yes” to You.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
Seventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Beloved Jesus,
may my confidence, although it may be poor, unite to Yours
so that Your Presence may strengthen my heart
in the tests that I will soon go through.

Beloved Son of God,
Servant of the Unchangeable Father,
make me small and simple in everything,
let me know the deepest mysteries
of Your Heart.

Reveal to me, Lord,
the intimacy of Your Soul
and the greatness of Your redeeming Love.

O Lord of the Universe!
that in the emptiness of my being
I may find the absolute surrender of my Soul
so that some part of this imperfect being
may represent You on Earth
as a new apostle of Your Heart.

Beloved Jesus,
make me cherish and love my fellow beings,
just as You love me in an unconditional and eternal way.

Do not leave me stagnant in the shortcomings of the neighbor.

Rather, Lord, show me my shortcomings
so that according to Your Word and energy
I may be able to transform them.

I wish, Lord,
to see You reflected in the heart that suffers,
in the soul that despairs.

I wish to see You everywhere
and thus be able to participate in You
so that even the smallest gesture of my charity
may be able to quench the thirst that You feel
for the souls that do not accept You.

Give me bravery
and I will abandon myself into Your Arms.
Make me the instrument that You need.

Make me the project that You so much hope for
so that I may not interfere in anything, Lord,
but that it be You, Christ,
who works through this small life.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition on July 16, 2018, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I choose these special dates to let you know the most simple things of spiritual life, because in that which is simple you will be able to transform everything, in that which is simple you will be able to comprehend everything.

The life of the spirit is simple, but it is also wisdom.

I hope My children will achieve this state of simplicity and wisdom, not only in daily matters, but also in the inner levels, a place where everything begins and everything ends; because it is there, in that inner level, where the experience of your life on Earth and your passage through this Universe is held.

When you cannot conceive in yourselves this simplicity and this wisdom in the life of the spirit, it is because you are not doing it within your material life.

The simplicity of which I speak is not restriction or severe measures.

Simplicity will always lead you to love your neighbor just as they are and to not judge them because of their form or appearance.

My children of the world frequently forget these basic rules of life, because by living these rules, you will be able to be in God and God can be in you.

On this special day, when we celebrate, together with the Heavenly Mother, the anniversary of one of My instruments on Earth, through this I want you to see, My children, that the call of the Mother of God to Her children has always been and will always be simple.

On this path that I invite you to experience, you will also be able to find the humility you need in order to stop boasting about your lives, although sometimes you may not realize it.

Why do I tell you all this, My children?

Because the Work of God, since the beginning of all this Creation, was conceived of in the spirit of simplicity and humility. From there were born and emerged the most beautiful things in this Universe and for this whole material Universe; the spirit of each creature found a dwelling place, up to that which is most physical.

But know, My children, that everything has a correspondence and a communion between Heaven and Earth; within you and outside of you.

When you are not simple, you cannot be real, just as I need you to be, day after day.

Simplicity will not only take you to humility and truth but also to that which is most important: gratitude.

When you have no gratitude in your hearts, you cannot understand the Plan of God when it changes, time and again and from cycle to cycle, or from day to day.

If you are in this eternal gratitude, you will be able to understand the Mysteries of the Father and you will no longer be blindfolded, not knowing where to go or in what direction to walk, because in the life of the spirit, everything is clear, everything is transparent, and everything is crystalline.

I need you to not forget this, children.

When you cannot get around certain obstacles, it is because you have not conceived of the spirit of simplicity within yourselves, which will lead you into humility and eternal gratitude.

Although these words, that I speak to you today, have been heard by you many times, from My own mouth, or from Saint Joseph or from Jesus Himself, I invite you, dear children, to pay attention to the basic rules of spiritual life, because otherwise, you will be skipping the Universal Laws.

With all of this that I am telling you, My children, I do not aspire toward your perfection, but your transparency, your fellowship, generosity and collaboration.

This message serves for all of My children, because each one, according to their timing, goes through their purification and also the moment of their great surrender.

I want, My children, for you to learn to live as We do; the Sacred Hearts lived such a long time ago here on Earth, with no pretension, not wanting anything; always seeking to learn through equality, solidarity and above all, brotherhood.

Humanity, throughout recent times, has lost these principles. This is why souls become archaic and rigid and cannot manage to take their steps when they most need to take those steps toward God.

We have the authority, My children, as Sacred Hearts, of being able to dissolve all these obstacles within souls.

But, children, My children, you have already learned how to listen to Me, to feel Me and recognize Me. You know that what I tell you is true. Each one of you knows what they have to improve and perfect as a perfect offering for the Altars of God.

I am speaking to you about something profound, not something superficial. That which is superficial that may take place in your lives comes as a consequence of what happens within you when you are not in communion with the spirit, nor with the Universe.

We know that knowledge ennobles the spirit, but that is not what you need right now, My children. You need to ennoble your spirits with transparency and the loving collaboration for a fellow being, for the Divine Plan and its important manifestation on this planet.

As Lady of Mount Carmel, I invite you, My children, although you do not believe it, to live the path of redemption and your salvation, because many may believe that they are already saved, yet they are not.

My children, feel the Heart of the Mother that asks and begs to God for the awakening of Her children, even in the simple details.

All this will make the Earth and its humanity transform; it will make the Word of God triumph within you, through the examples of good and of loyalty.

I invite you, My children, to enter this school, which today with all of My Love I am offering to you.

I need you to hear My Voice, not as you always hear it. I need you to hold My words like keys that will be able to open the doors to your conscious and real transformation.

Children, there is a part that is yours to do. Everything must first begin within you so that then the Universe will be able to work and intercede.

The souls of the world, in the majority, are lost; and you know it because you have seen it everywhere you have been, together with Me, accompanying Me on this trajectory of being able to accomplish the Plan.

My wish is that on the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel, you could consider My words with sincerity.

My wish is that My Voice could touch the depths so that the Gifts might be sown that you need in order to live the next steps in this planetary transition.

My wish, My children, is that each one of you could see yourself for a moment, not to torment yourself or feel intimidated; not to judge or punish yourself. That each one of you could see yourselves, just as God sees you, just as the Father contemplates you in His Mercy and in His divine Patience.

There is still, beloved children, much to be done. I need you to understand what I am asking of you.

I have given you the Grace of being near Me, because it is what you need to be on the path of the spirit and in the living of the Plan, beyond any inner experience with the Universe or with all that is higher and even divine.

First, we must begin with that which is simple and necessary. You must not lose the basic rules of loyalty and fraternity; this closes the doors to Divine Providence. The Universe has everything for you and for humanity.

If each one of you knew, with complete awareness, what it is that I have to do to manage to be before you at each new meeting, in truth, you would consider My words and would pray on your knees to express your gratitude to God.

The Servant of God and the Mother of the Universe unconditionally offers Herself to Her children with nothing in exchange.

I want, beloved children, for you to grow, just as I grew, while I was Mary on Earth.

I know that in your inner worlds you keep known and unknown experiences; spiritual and also inner traumas. But everything can be dissolved in the Mercy of God and in the action of His Divine Grace.

I do not want you, My children, to leave My path.

I do not want you, My children, to be far from Me, serving Me in other works.

Children, I need you here, close to My Heart, in a real way rather than one that seems to be.

Sometimes I feel your hearts to be cold. Why are they that way, if everything I give you is by Grace?

I only aspire that My servers walk with loyalty and that they never, never lose brotherhood, because brotherhood will unify you with the Brotherhood of the Universe, and thus, the Divine Consciousnesses of Heaven will draw closer.

The Lady of Mount Carmel comes to offer you a true consecration so that the next doors toward the fulfillment of the Plan, in other parts of the world, may open.

We wait patiently and silently, in prayer, for that moment.

The world still waits for more Mercy and for more help.

I invite you to continue accompanying Me on this path, which will transform you.

I bless this soul, and on this special day, those who have offered themselves as instruments in My Hands, so that more instruments in this vast Universe of God can be consecrated in their real task and to their real mission.

I thank you for accompanying Me on this divine trajectory!

This is all I want to tell you today, and I have opened My Heart so that you could hear Me with sincerity and love.


Times of Forgiveness and of Mercy

With the Grace of God in My Immaculate Heart, I come to reveal to you the mystery of Forgiveness and of Divine Mercy, for which no error is eternal, no condemnation is definitive and unalterable, if souls open themselves from the heart, repentant, to come to know the power and grace of Forgiveness and Mercy.

Today, My children, I come to invite you to heal in your hearts, the wounds that have been opened by the marks left in the past, by the mistakes made against humanity and against God Himself. In His infinite Grace, the God of Love and Forgiveness is always willing to forgive and pour out Mercy upon His children.

With the same simplicity in which you pray from the heart and cry out for peace, My children, the Creator opens His Arms to radiate over you and to erase all stains from your spirits and hearts. 

To know God is to know the power of His Forgiveness and the greatness of His Mercy, and to fear to distance oneself from it, not by an eternal punishment, but by the infinite need that the heart feels for the Love of God, when it truly knows it.

No error is unforgivable when the heart is disposed to forgiveness, when in humility it surrenders at the Feet of God to tell Him: "Lord, here I am, placing at Your Feet my mistakes and my existence. Redeem my spirit, wash my heart and consecrate me to You so that I may be a witness of Your Grace in this, and in all times that will come."

Cry out for the Mercy that flows incessantly from the Heart of God, and do not let this river of eternal Love pass through your lives without drinking from its Graces.

The only eternal condemnation, My children, is the one imposed by the human heart itself, which, out of its ignorance, pride and indifference, prefers to be tied to its sicknesses and sufferings than to launch itself surrendered at the Feet of God and to recognize that it had been lost, and that it needs to find itself again.

The Creator of all things, who has launched the seeds of life in the vast Universe of His Creation, aspires to collect the fruits of the growth of His children; fruits that have grown overcoming challenges and that will become strong, not for their beauty, but for what they keep inside.

Mistakes make you grow in humility and understanding, they make you recognize that by yourselves you will not be able to reach a true purpose, and that you will become prisoners of your own illusions when you do not surrender to the Love of God and His eternal and unfathomable Truth.

My children, lose the fear of being loved by an unknown and immense Love.

The Love of God cannot be compared at all to the love of humans, not because human beings cannot love like God, but simply because they have not yet opened themselves to love like God.

This love begins when you allow yourself to be loved, transformed and healed by His Presence. And it is after you have been blessed that you will be able to multiply what you have received.

Listen with love to what I tell you and open your hearts to a new time and a new cycle, for the time has come to receive Forgiveness and Mercy, while these Sources still spill forth on the Earth.

I love you, bless you and thank you for listening to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

Adonai, Eli, Olam intercede for your children at this moment. Intercede for the world and its humanity. Intercede for those who are not part of Your Mercy yet. Allow them to know the sacred values of Your Spirit. This is why I come here to show it, presenting Your Second Person to humanity. 

I come to a land where many wounds were caused, where many martyrdoms were lived, stronger situations than My Passion. 

For this innocent blood that was shed, for those that moved away from love and caused many sequelas, today I bring the Holy Chalice in My Hands so that in this redeeming Supper, Germany may receive the atonement it needs, so that the power of Your Creator Heart triumphs. 

In this Sacred Chalice that I bring today from South America, where it is preciously kept and protected, I bring the spiritual Blood of the Lamb, that was immolated by the injustice of humankind; the Lamb of God that offered Himself to put an end to the evil of humanity. 

And even though many generations did not understand this message, and evil continued being generated in humanity, it was the same error of the beings of this land that caused great outrages in the civilization of the Earth itself. 

But through the codes and the merits of My Passion, I have the joy of arriving in Germany with the Mother of God, to grant souls and essences the rehabilitation that they need on the spiritual level. And thus, once again, I will be able to renew everything within and outside humankind, in the essence and in the expression of this race. 

With the authority that My Father has conceded to Me since the beginning, I come to put an end to the past, I come to erase with My Light the suffering lived, and by means of My Mercy, I come to offer you My Heart of Peace so that the men and women from Germany and from the world may recognize the value of the Love of this Heart, that from time to time offers Itself to the world to be able to supply it with the Love of God and heal it with the essence of His Heart. 

This is the Heart of Jesus, the Christ, that has been offended by humankind and that in Its innermost holds the flame of His Love that comes to be poured out upon the world and humanity so that it may be redeemed and forgiven. 

Before the Celestial Universes, today My Presence is upon Germany and the Hands of the Son of God write, in the Book of Light of the Father, a new story that today will begin to flourish in the most intimate of the souls that by means of this meeting have responded to the call of the Son of God, of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. 

Germany has always been in My Sacred Heart. Germany must find its spiritual path to be able to rise as a redeemed civilization that awakens to the values of fraternity and love, of hospitality and hope. 

I do not want you to remember the suffered Germany. I want you to remember the renewed Germany that must fulfill its mission before the Celestial Father.

Just as My Heart has offered Itself to consecrate many nations of the world, such as Ecuador, today I offer My Heart to consecrate Germany to the divine Plans of God that will be gestated and created by very few, but that just like two thousand years ago, with only twelve people, this Plan of God in Germany will be able to flourish and silently awaken in many hearts. 

Today before My Presence I bring you the spiritual archetype of this nation, the one which God thought since the beginning, since its conception. 

May this principle awaken in the hearts that listen and, by means of the Sacred Chalice of the Lord, may the codes infused by the Mercy of God, the codes infused by Divine Grace, the codes infused by sublime healing, erase the suffering generated throughout the times, and may the joy of serving God, of fully living Him in Heaven as on Earth, be reborn in hearts. 

For this you must work much, but My Trust will strengthen you because what I expect from Europe is very big and everything will begin in the small so that afterwards this may be reflected in the big. 

Commit yourselves to live of the Blood of the Chalice of God's Lamb so that your inner codes may be renewed through the Sacrament of Communion that today I will offer you so that the times may be renewed and so that the spirits may renew themselves in My Grace. 

With special dedication and with a spirit of consolation, today My Heart reflects Its Rays upon Germany, and very unknown and profound experiences are dissolved. 

Souls, in their spiritual universe, receive by means of My Intercession, the help they need for liberating themselves from the chains of errors, and for living the Will of God, by means of the balm of Love of My Heart. 

I have chosen Cologne because you have opened the door to Me. And when just one single soul opens the door to Me, this soul will open the door to many more souls. 

Look around and you will understand what I tell you. 

I draw to My Mercy those who need it the most. 

I draw to My Light those who live in a deep darkness. 

And by means of the most suffering souls, I renew the times and recreate the Project of God in all those who answer Me. 

For the Lord of the Universe it has been a great universal and spiritual movement to be able to arrive at this moment, at this hour and under this circumstance. 

But see that when the Love of God is present, nothing is impossible, because the Love of God is what conducts hearts and does not separate them from Me, on the contrary, it merges them with My Spirit so that My Spirit may feel the eternal joy of living in communion with souls. 

This is why today I will raise this Spiritual Chalice in the name of Germany and the world, and I will take you all to My Divine Mercy so that you may live in My Divine Mercy and so that you may learn to find it at each moment. 

In this hour, when My Heart fully expands Itself to the world and to all the souls of the Earth, I will offer this plea to our Creator, not only for Germany but for all those who listen, so that they may be invaded by the intimate Spirit of God, and the profound flame of love may sprout again in the simple hearts, in the hearts that are open to reencounter the essence of love in their lives. 

Let us offer this moment for those we know and do not know, for the unveiled mysteries and not yet unveiled, so that the energy of Divine Grace acts and proceeds according to the Divine Will. 

May today this whole scenery be converted into an altar so that more souls may enter it and submerge themselves in the fountain of My Grace. 

For this reason I have not asked you to come up on it, because it will already be blessed for when the Queen of Heaven and Mother of the whole Earth comes. 

I want you to know My profound simplicity because the Lord of the Universe is simple and His simplicity is to be found in the essence of love, which is what renews everything from time to time. 

And now we will reach the most culminating momento of this day, in which souls and God will unite, in which Heaven will descend to Earth by means of the consecration of this offertory. 

Today this sacrifice that is renewed by all humankind of the Earth and by means of the Body and the Blood of Christ, is preciously offered for the inner and spiritual healing of all Germany. 

More than two thousand years ago I taught you something very simple but very great. And today I ask you again to innerly imitate Me and unite to Me by means of the Spiritual Chalice of the Lord that  I have brought today with all My Love so that this sacred teraphim may radiate to you. 

When I was among My ones in the Last Supper, in the profound opening of My Heart that emanated love to all the beings of Earth, I asked the Father to bless the bread and His Spirit descended upon it, and I told them: Take and eat all from it, for this is My Body that will be delivered by humankind for the forgiveness of sins. 

And thus, the apostles ate from My Body and the Wisdom of God entered their souls for them to carry the testimony of My Presence until the end of times. 

And today I offer this material chalice in the name of the spiritual Chalice, that today has specially come from South America to make the boat of the Hope of God, which no one will be able to stop, flaunt among the continents. 

The Father blessed the Chalice with His Spirit and the wine was converted into the Blood of the Lamb and I said to My apostles: Take and drink all from it for this is the Chalice of My Blood that will be shed by humankind and today especially upon Germany, for the remission of sins and healing of every wound in the innocent hearts. 

This is the Son of God present in Body and Blood that sheds His Mercy from time to time to offer humankind the profound testimony of His Love. 

In the end, the mission that I have come to fulfill in Germany has been consummated and will continue forward by the response that souls may give Me. 

Now I will be able to return to Heaven to carry in My Heart this feeling of love that hearts have given Me and thus show it to the Father so that He may rejoice His offended Heart. 

Most Beloved Lord of Creation, infinite and sublime Spirit, make Your Mercy spring in the hearts of Germany so that all may recognize their filiation with You and thus Your divine Project of Love may be fulfilled. Amen.

Before leaving to the Universe from whence I will come to Earth for a second time, I would wish you to bid Me farewell with a song that moves My Heart, so that your hearts are moved for rediscovering the path of deep union with the Primordial Source. 

I want Germany  to listen to this song as one single voice. I wish all those who know it to sing it so that more souls may be moved by the power of My Spirit, which renews you and gives you redemption. 

The song is called: “The reason of my existence.” 

I thank you. 

Vigils of Prayer
Apparition of the Virgin Mary during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil; to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I come in the name of My Son to give you thanks for your pleas through the novena you are doing to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

I have come from the Cosmos to tell you this so that you know that your Heavenly Mother is with you, as She is with the world, in so much need of Love and of Light.

I come to make your lives shine through prayer, so that you may become pillars of Light for this world and carry that Light to the world where It is most needed, where they cry out the most.

I thank you for this novena, because the doors are opening and hearts are managing to be sincere.

Even though you do not understand in depth the Purpose of God, your Heavenly Mother, through Her Love, will make you understand all things with simplicity and humility.

For that reason, continue praying until the end of the Novena of Saint Joseph so that the Most Chaste Heart may also bestow His Graces on Europe and Africa.

The planetary needs are great, and the emergencies in these times are many.

I ask you, My children, to continue praying for Peace in the nations, as you have been doing: week after week, bead by bead, and heart with heart, igniting that Light of My Love in the world through the powerful Rosary.

With all of this, I ask you to continue forward, so that you may continue renewing yourselves through the times, in spite of the very serious things that occurr in the world.

My trust, children, is in you, in each moment of prayer that you offer to My Immaculate Heart, so that deep and inner wounds may be dispelled from the Heart of you Mother, and thus, from the heart of Her children who seek peace.

I come to meet you with all the stars of the Cosmos. I come to visit you with great angelic consciousnesses to untie the knots of these times, so that souls may find peace, live the spirit of solidarity and of cooperation with their peers, knowing that everything may be overcome through Love. There is no other path.

While the world does not learn to love, there will be no peace. The more you dare to practice the exercise of the love of the heart, the greater the possibilities that will exist for millions of souls to learn to live the path of Love.

Through this school of prayer that you live with Me every day, especially in the prayer for Peace in the nations, all the beads that are counted and offered grant inexplicable Graces to the whole world; things that perhaps you will not see in this time, but you will see occur in the near future, when your Heavenly Mother is no longer at your side to visit you and is only in Heaven, ardently desiring that you live My instruction, the instruction of My Son and that of Saint Joseph, so that this Work may continue forward, as it is written in the Heart of God.

Meanwhile, My children, I invite you to continue to truly love, to put love into practice in each detail, as with each sibling that approaches your lives, seeking a little of the restoring love, seeking a little of the healing and consoling love, that only emerges from the Source of the Holy Spirit and from the souls that unite with Him.

The Work that will be carried out by your Heavenly Mother in Europe is important. For that reason, each collaboration is essential, no matter how small it may seem. But I know that there are souls that can help Me more and you know that what I say to you is true.

The Mother of God does not flaunt riches, but rather the good for all of Her children, irrespective of their nation, religion or belief.

I want you to learn, My children, together with Me, that all can be one for, by achieving that spiritual unity, God will be in you and you will be in God, living His Kingdom; in spite of the events of these times, of the purifications or of the tests.

I invite you every day to be part of the Great Brotherhood, the Great Brotherhood that is in Heaven and also those who are in the interior of the planet and that with their silence, carry forward great Works in the world for the liberation of the planet and of humanity, for the redemption of souls, for Peace in all the peoples.

I invite you every day to link up with that great Brotherhood and to continue igniting the Confederated Star in your breasts, which will lead you on the path of Light, of ascension and of the good.

Very deep and unknown Laws of the Universe may be able to transform your lives and the lives of your siblings, and it will no longer be necessary to suffer, My children. I want the pain and the suffering to stop in the world. I want souls to know the true joy of serving God. What I call spiritual happiness, that is not in this world but in the Universe, in the Universal Life and in Knowledge; in faith, in service and mainly, in gratitude.

I want to lead you, dear children, to the Kingdom of God every day, so that you may dare to bring the Kingdom of God to the Earth and many, many more things in the world may continue to be transformed.

This is the ardent desire of your Celestial Mother, of your humble and serving Mother, untiring and eternal, Who comes to call Her children throughout time so that more lives may awaken to their true spiritual life.

While this does not happen, I will continue coming to the world. I will continue giving impulse to the awakening of consciousnesses, responding to the request of Christ and of the Celestial Father; with you and in you. As a Mother, I will be able to do many more things.

There is still much to do, My children. There is much to materialize and express within this Work of planetary Love and of Redemption that is traveling through the world and the nations, simply to sow Peace and hope.

Today I bring the Ray of hope to the world so that souls may recognize it and live it. Knowing that each one of My children has so many virtues and gifts to serve God, so as to be able to awaken and recognize in themselves what not even souls fully know.

Thus, I come to give you an impulse and to motivate you, to awaken your talents, virtues and gifts. Because Christ will come to call you and He will ask you for your virtues and talents, as well as for all of your gifts, so that you may be at His service at the time of His great Return to the world.

You, My children, are being called like your Celestial Mother, to be mediators of the heart and of the word; to seek in all things and in all of your siblings the spirit of the good; to see the good in your siblings, rather than evil; that which is positive, radiant and elevated in each consciousness that holds the inner Christ within.

Promote the awakening of the inner Christ in this time and the planet will be repopulated with sublime divine energies, which will be attracted by the children of God, not only as pillars of Light, but also as mirrors of His Divine Consciousness.

I invite you, My children, to recreate this planet and this humanity together. To teach the path of Love and of Service again through the humanitarian missions, the pilgrimages, the choirs, through everything that may be able to express the Love of God in the world.

Thus, this Work is for everyone and is broader than it seems and is. You, My children, have the key of My trust in order to do it, following the steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy in obedience and in the good, so that all may remain on its path, just as I ardently hope it to be fulfilled.

I come to thank you this evening for your loving collaboration, all those that are generating the next mission of peace in Europe and Africa through prayer and collaboration.

You do not even know, My children, what will happen on that continent and all that the Divine Messengers will do in each nation They will visit, just as in each place where They will go in order to sow the Peace and the Mercy that you have had the Grace of knowing during these last times.

Through the collaboration and the building of this next mission, I invite you to continue to ardently be those who pray and are merciful with those more ignorant, that are distracted and full of illusions with everything the world offers them.

Everything you do on Earth you will also be building it in Heaven. On the last day of your lives, you will know and become aware of all that you did for the love of God.

Everything you weave on Earth you will also be weaving it in Heaven, and the Universe will keep a memory of your actions and of your works of good for humanity.

Today I will rise up to Heaven in profound serenity, knowing that My children have understood, beyond words, the call of Heaven.

Be propagators of the good that I bring you today, so that the planet may be filled with Light and with Mercy until the Divine Messengers finish completing Their Mission in humanity.

On this evening, My Children, I want your hearts to be covered in hope so that healing may be established in humanity, the good may reach many more lives in the world and be touched by the Grace of God, by His Infinite Mercy.

I come to bring Peace not only to Brazil, but also to the world. This meeting has helped this to happen.

In Love and in the Good, I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call.

May this place be always covered in hope, so that hope may transform the world and all the consciousnesses may be touched by the Ray of the Hope of God.

I thank you.


When I find your hearts open and without resistance, when I find your souls united with Me and without the interference of human aspects, when I find your spirits in communion with Me and without considerations, it is when in truth My Work of Mercy is fulfilled in you.

For this reason, companions, may this infinite Work of Mercy of God propagate first in you, and then victoriously propagate in the world.

Be this example for me, which I expect to see every day of life; just as on this day in which your hearts opened to Me with simplicity. Because it is in the same simplicity of the open hearts that I can carry forward the Work of Divine Mercy.

I invite you, companions, to be merciful in all details as in all acts; thus you will attract to the Earth the sacred Virtues of God that your humanity needs in order to be able to live the process of redemption and of forgiveness.

With an impetus of effort, of patience and of dedication, My companions, enter the supreme school of the Divine Mercy, so that the principles of love and of unity may not be lost in this humanity and hearts may be less forgetful that everything begins and ends in the greater expression of love from the heart.

I encourage you to renew the apostolate of these times by being disciples of the spiritual school of the Mercy of the Lord.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May your soul never give up seeking to find the universe of the Humility of God because thus, you will acquire discernment and wisdom.

Seek to join to humility at each moment and before any person.

Be part of that Sacred Humility of God which makes the biggest thing with something very small, that which hides in the most simple to someday become powerful.

Within the Humility of God is the entire existence.

It is thus, that you, seeking that humility, will learn to walk through it towards the destiny of total surrender and of resignation before forms.

Seek, from humility, the healthy joy of serving and of being something wonderful for God through it; and thus you will conquer, with freedom, the grades of love that will one day make this race free of itself and of great obstacles, since peace will have been achieved.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


While My son prepares Himself for the planetary work of these next days, His Heavenly Mother follows Him in silence, as it was two thousand years ago.

The event of the Passion of the Son for this planet is repeated, along with the accompaniment of His Mother, in inner silence.

The whole scene is being prepared, and in the same way the present forces of chaos are being called to penitence and surrender, to witness the new triumph of Christ within the hearts of the simple.

Once more, the history of redemption of evil repeats itself, but this time, the most chaotic darkness, the darkest kingdoms are dissolved and, thus, they will witness the glorious spiritual coming of the King.

Although everything is agitated, the new triumph of the Redeemer is approaching, and nothing invisible will be able to avoid seeing this sacred victory of Jesus, He who will bring in His right Hand the Scepter of the Light of God, and in the other, the Sword of Saint Michael, the one that will dissolve all darkness into the Light of Emmanuel.

Therefore, follow My Beloved Son in this mission. Allow that His inner suns light up with the event of the celestial victory.

May every principle, as well as every visible or invisible creature, surrender to the arrival of the Master of Love, because the Kingdom of God is approaching, and once again, Love will win.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Word of God be Heard by open and simple hearts so that the attributes of the Universe and the Gifts of Heaven may be sown within them.

May the Word of God enrich the spirit and sanctify the consciousness that attentively listens to the Decrees of God.

May the Sacred Word of God impregnate all spaces, all forms, and all principles so that the Gift of Wisdom and of Understanding may reign.

May the Word of God be present in each labor, in each work, and in each heart, so that Light and discernment may exist in everything.

May the Word of God be full within hearts and alive within consciousnesses that listen to God.

May the Word of God be recognized and valued by the nations of the world so that peace may be established.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Concentrate your attention on My Heart, which is the preferred refuge of simple and loving souls.

United to each one of them, your Master and Lord does wonders, because in the same way that good souls enter into My heart, I can commune of humble souls.

The first step is to feel yourself within My heavenly fullness.

The second step to be in My Heart is to recognize the Ocean of My Mercy, because there everything will be washed and you will be purified.

The third step is to forgive yourself or the fellow being, and establish, thus, an act of reparation capable of dissolving human suffering so that the Love of God may reign.

Enter into My Heart in trust, and there, everything will be clarified from the first moment. Feel yourself a participant of the Work of My Mercy so that, through your soul, that Work of Mercy and Redemption is reflected to the world.

Decide now, to remain in My meek Heart, and I will shelter you and protect you from the storms of the spirit.

Commune with Me on this day and feel renewed by the powerful action of the Holy Spirit.

Have much faith.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses and absolves you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Child, let the Heart of God show itself in your heart, so that you may know that you are not just this human smallness in which you entangle yourself every day without knowing how to get out.

Let the Living Heart of God show itself in your heart, not only so that you may live a spiritual experience but rather for an emerging need that you need to meet in order to manage to be on Earth.

What do you fear purifying, if you have been called to this world for this? Why do you fear acknowledging the truth about yourself, if you lived all your evolution on Earth for this moment?

You came to the world to heal your spirit, grow and be a miracle of conversion not only in the concepts of the Earth but for the whole Universe.

You already know that the Infinite waits for you. You already know that you must become something new and unknown. Why, then, do you not surrender to what God has for you?

My little child, soul in redemption, let what God has thought be fulfilled in you. And be it in humiliation or in exaltation, be it in solitude or among multitudes, embrace what He designed for your life, because everything is so that His Will may be fulfilled.

Be it among humans or alone with yourself, let the Heart of God that dwells in you emerge from your heart. Do the exercise and live the Grace of feeling the Presence of God inside of you, because it is He Who will give you the strength to be among multitudes or in the trial of Gethsemane. It is He Who will give you the humility to be acclaimed and honored and to carry the cross with the same love and the same inner emptiness.

It is God, child, in your heart, Who will live each test, as well as each triumph. It is He Who will renew Himself though your heart. But if you do not believe and do not live this, you will be alone in this world, with your human condition, without knowing where to go, even if the path reveals itself in your own inner being.

Do not want to be alone with yourself, but rather with God. Do not want to be yourself, but rather an expression of the Father.

Christ, child, achieved all that He achieved because He was One with the Father and He knew it, He lived it and He proclaimed it. He experienced being a living part of God and told you that this was the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no Way, Truth and Life outside of God.

Do not be dead, walking through this world without knowing where to go. Be born to Life; let God, who is Life itself, express Himself in you. Give to the Father the place that corresponds to Him in your heart. You just be a simple servant, His instrument in this world.

I bless you and invite you to surrender your heart to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 




Today I arrive at one of My poorest homes in the world, where the spirit of charity and of reparation are fully lived, where the Grace of God, although it may not seem so, is present there because there are simple hearts, full of love for service and for assisting those most in need.

Today I come with the ardent desire and with great aspiration that My children, who today are visiting this humble home, as well as all the Children of Mary consecrated in Ecuador and in the world, piously help in the manifestation of My first Chapel so that, within it, the first mass of giving thanks may be celebrated for this present from God.

Secondly, I desire the manifestation and the concretion of the house of the religious, and also the rest of the installations so that in a harmonious way all of the spaces can exist that are necessary to carry forward the support of the charity work with the children.

Thirdly, I desire that more collaborators help in the food and nutritional support of the children, as well as in the medical and dental assistance.

My wish is that these children that I am visiting today, as well as the consecrated religious that live here, have all that they need to be able to go through these times in which humanity must learn to live charity and mercy with their fellow beings.

If all this can be fulfilled at the end of this year, your Heavenly Mother promises to return to the Santísima Trinidad Community so that the Power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may bless all the manifestations that were carried out.

Lastly, I want to establish an oratory where the children and their parents may learn to pray the Rosary with the support of all the Children of Mary.

If all this is taken ahead in a spirit of true compromise, I assure you, dear children, that all of these children will someday have spiritual dignity and will be able to be the example for the next stage of humanity.

I am happy to be among the most simple. I am here because I love the littlest ones.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

