My dear children,
While in the world the elements of nature demonstrate the tragic reality of the end of times, the Divinity intervenes in all possible situations so that the Law of Divine Justice not be concretized in the material space of this planet.
This is why with urgency and readiness the Hierarchy works without delay to try to relieve the different realities that, moved by the action of silent uncertain doors, unite to the imbalanced planetary mental plane, aggravating the state of consciousness of the planet.
In this sense, dear children, prayer at this moment should be the priority of all, because while consciousness are not under the spirit of prayer, many more of them will be dragged by these uncertain doors, until souls become completely lost.
It is really necessary and urgent that My children recognize and perceive how the situation of the world is so that, decidedly and like mature apostles, you may walk throughout the world together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, to deter that which at this moment is becoming irreversible.
Be attentive and do not be distracted. You must offer each minute of your lives as a state of permanent prayer and elevation so that the legionaries of Christ may also be invisible and yet active through service for the redemption and healing of this humanity.
For this reason, do not be surprised when the Hierarchy changes the destiny of its pilgrimage. When this happens, as it did a few days ago, you must realize by yourselves that there is something that is not well in the region or country where the Hierarchy goes on pilgrimage with you.
The Divinity, My children, will always decidedly and attentively do all that is possible, and what is within the reach of each reality, to fulfill and concretize the spiritual and inner assistance that each space of the planet needs.
With this preamble, we will now prepare for the following stage, which is the most important, as the Three Sacred Hearts will intervene, once again, for Argentina and South America.
I thank you all in advance for your strict observance, at this very definitive moment for the coming destiny of the Argentine nation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The month of May, children, could be known as the month of intercession for souls and the planet.
It is the month in which the Laws of Grace and Mercy are more intensely active on Earth, through the devotion of the souls that consecrate themselves and re-consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
May is not just a chronological period, but rather the period of a spiritual cycle in which the Mirrors of the cosmos align with the Mirrors of the depths of the Earth, as well as with those that are within the heart and essence of those who pray. In this way, a network of spiritual, divine and planetary light manifests through the simple fact that souls expressed their devotion and love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Queen of all the Mirrors of Creation.
Through the prayers of Her children, the Mother and Celestial Governess manifests Portals of liberation and intercession between dimensions for the most sinful and lost souls. It is in this way that an opportunity for Grace is granted to those who repent from the heart and pray for redemption and peace on the planet.
The Kingdoms of Nature, the elements and the life that dwells on the planet are also touched by the deepest Graces that come from the Heart of your Celestial Mother.
In the universe, as well as on Earth, the angels and archangels remain attentive to the pleas of those who pray in all cultures and religions, those who sincerely cry out for peace, because in spite of their lack of understanding and ignorance, the love in the hearts of those who pray is transformed into merits for healing, redemption and the awakening of all souls.
For this reason, pray, children, and re-consecrate your lives to God in each instant. You are in a cycle of Graces, of Mercy and of intercession, even during the chaotic scene of the planet. Let your souls be in the correct position for your elevation so that you may always achieve peace.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the time for Mercy comes, may your heart be ready, just as the Heart of your Lord is ready to pour out Blood and Water upon the world and into the depths of the most sinful, lost and lonely souls, the most deceived and distant from Divine Truth.
Feel within yourself the need to overcome limits, tiredness, harassment or even those most important commitments of yours, so that, for an instant, your heart may contemplate in Heaven the wounded Heart of the Lord, overcoming Himself throughout the centuries, re-experiencing His surrender, renewing His Love; and then, child, beyond the Heart of Christ, may you find the Heart of the Celestial Father, attentive to each sacrifice of the Lord.
May your prayers point to Christ and, by the merits of this perpetual surrender, cry out for humanity, for the Kingdoms and for the most lost souls.
If your heart contemplates the Heart of Christ and offers It to God with love, the Lord then receives permission from His Father to pour out His Mercy upon the world.
But the yes of humanity is needed. It is necessary that you cry out and ask, that you pray and surrender before all the Graces that descend from Heaven; thus, they may enter deeply into each being and transform them.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray so that the Wisdom of God may flood your spirit, your mind and your heart.
Always seek the answer for your deepest questions, as well as for each decision you make in the simplest things of your daily life.
Create a link with the Spirit of God, called Holy Spirit, so that It may illuminate each expression of your consciousness, from your words, actions and feelings to your innermost thoughts, ideas and aspirations.
In this time of so much confusion in the world, child, it will be the Spirit of God that will guide your soul and through you many more souls that would otherwise be lost in this world.
This is the moment for taking the correct time to pray and, before each decision, unite your consciousness with Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God dwells within you and animates you from your soul to your cells. And so, you just focus your attention upon that which is real and become silent in order to hear It.
The Will of God and His designs are not far from the thought and the reach of humanity. But to be united with God and to hear Him, you need to make the proper space for the Father within you.
Thus, pray and seek His Wisdom. Become silent and listen to His Voice. In this way, you will always take the correct steps for fulfilling His Will.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a heart loves the Law and the Grace of God, it lives under His Love and His Mercy. It lives hidden in the shadow of His Presence and, even though it may infinitely fall, it knows that the Hands of its Father will be stretched out to lift it up from the ground.
When a heart loves the Will of God and believes in His Plan, it lives according to this Will and fears leaving His path. This heart, in the face of temptations, asks for help and Mercy from the Lord to keep its spirit pure and its path of the return to God straight.
A heart that chooses to leave the Law and Divine Grace is one that yields to its will, to its most human thoughts and desires, forgetting the purpose of its life and choosing to leave it behind in order to experience its most human aspirations.
This heart, children, is not fragile in the light of God; it is fragile to the world and condemns itself by believing that its soul is invincible while facing temptations, the Law and the Grace.
This heart, that does not recognize its own deviations at the right time to correct its steps, is so distant from the Law and from the Grace of God that it becomes lost and closed off to feel the Presence of its Father; it closes its eyes not to receive His Love and does not perceive Him, until His Justice begins to descend from Heaven, like rays that break its blindness and its illusion.
But in this moment, this lost soul, in its repentance and in its humiliation, will need to find a new path that will allow it to again meet the Will and the Grace of the Father.
Nothing is lost, not even for the most sinful soul, when it surrenders, humbles itself and opens in a heartfelt way before the Father. At a certain point in its lost steps, the Creator will find it and put it in a new place, where it will be able to live His Grace. But for this, children, it is necessary to surrender to the Love of God.
I do not tell you these things so that you are fearful, but rather so that you may understand that the soul that chooses the world when called by God to live His Will, spiritually leaves the Grace and the shadow of Their Lord to live under His Justice and the illusions of the world.
Despite this, all paths may be corrected. Many are the paths that lead to the Love of God and to the awakening of the consciousness. Some choose to live it through Mercy; others, in spite of being children of Mercy, choose Justice.
The laws are fulfilled according to human choices. Thus, know how to perceive that your small and large actions; your feelings and your heart, are the measure that puts you in the place you choose to be, to learn in this world.
For this reason, know how to be in the correct place.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, child, for the most lost souls that, even in the illusion of their material bodies, inwardly recognize the Light and seek for help.
Pray for those who came to the world to experience an opportunity of forgiveness and redemption and who were meanwhile confused by all the stimuli of the world and became lost.
Pray, because the souls that are today confused will no longer have other chances for evolving and growing, and they will retreat into the abysses of the world and their own inner self, simply for having chosen to be in the illusion and within deceit.
Pray so that the Heart of God may touch the hearts of His children and that you may be a light on the path of those who are blind and do not recognize the pathway upon which they must walk.
Let your heart always be full of pity and compassion for those who are lost, because this is not only the end time for the old human being; this is also the last chance for many souls.
Fill your heart with God and feel with His feeling and with His Love; think with His Wisdom and live with His actions, inspired by His Spirit, so that you may be an instrument for the encounter of souls with themselves, with their inner truth and with God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
A second stage in the desert that beings experience, during another moment in their evolution, children, is to be in the desert in the arms of the Most Holy Mary.
After having lived the inner desert, after experiencing the void and the Coming Together, after experiencing the calvary of these times, a desert will come that has still not been experienced by any soul, because it is the spiritual desert that you will cross in this moment of the planet, the desert prophesied in the Apocalypse.
Your Most Holy Mother crossed and continues to cross many spiritual deserts. She is knowledgeable about the souls and their paths. She was Who took the Words and the Gifts of Christ throughout the four corners of the world, and for this reason, She deeply came to know the human condition and all the paths that lead you to God.
Thus, children, the Most Holy Mary is She Who knows each grain of sand of the spiritual desert that leads you to God.
There, where beings become confused, get lost, desperate, your Most Holy Mother takes you into Her arms and, sure of Her path, crosses the voids and the solitude and arrives to God.
In the desert, even Her adversary is confused. It pursues souls that are lost, but does not know how to find them when they are in God. For this reason, your Divine Mother travels through the desert and takes lost souls into Her arms, one by one, to lead them to their destiny.
That is why I tell you, in these times of confusion and darkness, in the Apocalypse and in the Armageddon of the planet, seek your Celestial Mother. Allow yourselves to be found by Her and yield into Her arms, because when everything may seem lost, She will know the way; when you are no longer able to walk, She will take you into Her arms, and it is under Her protection and wisdom that you will come to God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
Today, may the spheres of light, that will be generated by instruments and voices, reach the depths of the Earth so that the hells, which corrode and contaminate lost souls, may be freed forever.
On this day of elevation of consciousness and of healing for humanity, may music, as an instrument that conducts higher Vibrations of God, penetrate these hellish spaces where suffering and war from past times and from past generations continue to be experienced.
It will be important, My children, that each space that will be offered to the Heavenly Hierarchy may be so that these sacred operations can carry forward with the support and spiritual adherence of all those who will offer, through music, to alleviate this humanity.
Today, the Divine Hierarchy will concentrate on this task and the pillar of Light that will be built between Heaven and Earth and, by means of the voices of all, will help a most potent spiritual vortex to open, to liberate and expel hells from the abysses of the Earth, for all those who have suffered persecution and spiritual suffering for ages.
This is the time, dear children, for all servers and non-servers of Christ to be more aware that the work with music and its sacred melodies are direct bridges, not only for the elevation of consciousness, but also as an opportunity to completely eliminate many primitive principles and states that keep leading humanity to hypnotism, to error, and causing it to lose its essential purity.
It is for this reason that the Meeting of Music, as from next year, will undergo important changes as, through the servers, this work must be assumed with responsibility and seriousness so that, not only those who participate, but also this part of humanity may learn to be sustained by means of ferverous devotion and a serving voice.
Up until now, everything has been a preparation.
I wish everyone a deep and heart-felt offering for this gala night where Heaven will again be able to descend to Earth.
I thank you, My children, for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray for the souls that need liberation.
Pray for the hearts that need help to disconnect from darkness and to embrace the path of light, of good and of the Love of Christ.
Pray for those who purify their past and who ignore the mud that emerges from within.
Pray for them to have the courage for standing before themselves and of tirelessly aspiring for transformation.
Pray for those who need to surrender before God and surrender your heart also.
Pray for the neighbor, always with consciousness of your miseries, so that your prayer may lead you to a humble spirit.
Pray for peace and for Grace within the hearts of your brothers and sisters.
Pray for them to achieve sanctity and to overcome themselves in love, every day.
Be a caretaker so that Grace may remain within your neighbor. Love to see the growth and evolution of others. Allow your prayer for the neighbor to be converted into your greatest service.
Who knows, maybe there are others praying for you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While your prayers rise up to the Heavens and touch the Heart of God, with their praise, the choirs of angels and archangels proclaim the redemption of souls, the past of the nations, the history of the continents, held within the human consciousness.
The love with which you pronounce your prayers to the Father builds the path towards Heaven, and the doors of the Kingdom of God open, not only to receive lost souls, but to pour upon the world the Grace and Mercy that it needs so much. The renewal which comes from the Grace of God touches the Earth and transforms it, making the ground on which beings walk sacred.
Each moment of prayer is unique and, for the companions of Christ, must be that which is most important in their lives, because it is there where a New Earth and a New Time begins to be instituted in this world.
Continue praying with love, continue crying out for peace.
Your prayers are being heard in Heaven by the Compassionate Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I come to the world, just as My Son, to grant humanity My Spirit of Peace.
Together, with My Son, I come to assist the most lost souls, the souls poorest in love, the souls empty of God.
I come to the world on this day of merciful prayer to help essences that live in their own and great hell, so that they may find the path toward freedom and be led upon the path of redemption.
I come to the world to bring more Mercy, because Mercy will grant atoning Grace to souls and, in this way, all will be reborn in the truth of this time.
I come to build the new in consciousnesses and so that souls may awaken from their deep sleep.
I come to grant Love to those who most need it.
I come as a Mediator of Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While part of the world is in a never-ending war that unleashes the wrath and evil of humanity, My Divine Mercy approaches every day at three o'clock in the afternoon to restore and heal the vices of humanity.
My Divine Mercy is mainly poured into hearts that every day revive My Holy Passion. Thus, through them, all the gifts and merits achieved by My Sacred Heart are deposited as cells of light in simple and pure hearts.
In order to attain My forgiveness it will be enough to recognize oneself as a worthy child of God, and, despite the fact that sin is great and irreparable, I have the celestial authority to absolve you from all faults. Thus your lives will become crystalline and limpid when you seek to live My Mercy, beyond professing it and confirming it in your lives.
Heaven unites in harmony and prayer, every day, at three o'clock in the afternoon in order to help balance the spiritual and material disorder of this world. Therefore, only through My Unfathomable Mercy will the most hardened and sinful souls be able to find their lifeline, and the same will be true for those who serve Me but face the game of temptations of this world.
If in truth you decide to seek the spring of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, you will be able to lessen on the world the weight of its own law, and many souls will stop being condemned to the fire of hell, so as to be recognized as rescued souls.
In this last hour of the transition of the Earth, seek the straight path to My Divine Mercy because, in these times of greater confusion, you will be left only with holding on to My Path of redemption and salvation.
I give you all that I have, I give you the possibility to re-dimension your lives through the transmuting and purifying fire of My Divine Mercy.
The time indicates a quick and decisive decision. The time has come to place yourself at the feet of the Greater Source so that you can be washed, freed from stains and redirected toward the eternal Kingdom of God.
Today I especially pray for those who will incur a spiritual union with Me in the new times. This will determine the possibility of fulfilling My redemptive Project before My return to the world.
Pray for those who persevere on the path of transformation, but also pray for those who courageously abandoned Me, forgetting about Me. I place all of them in My Sacred Heart and I hope to see them, someday, in My Celestial Glory.
I determine, in this age, that you follow only one path.
Under the supreme Grace of God, be consecrated to My Heart.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
It began with praying the "Luminous Bird." Afterwards, the "Universal Mother" was prayed and at a certain point, Mother Shimani began to intone the "Hail Mary."
Blessed be the joyful of heart, for they will inherit the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Today, I radiate the shining of My Eyes to you, so that they illuminate your hearts, and you find My Peace.
Today, I have come to tell you, for the second time, that if prayers increase and are victorious, before the end of 2012, I promise that I will intercede so the Third War does not occur nor will it be shaped in the hearts of humankind. May those who wish to believe in My call come to Me; I will gather you within My Kingdom to uplift you.
Today, I invite you to meditate with Me on the scriptures of John, for they prepare us for the new time to come. I do not want anybody to focus their thoughts on what will happen; it is more important to pray with Me to alleviate the pain of the world.
Today, I want to pour out My deep Peace upon you, so you may feel Me and recognize Me once again.
Hold in your hearts the announcement of Peace, so others can see it and be illuminated by the inner love of your hearts. Ignite the inner flame at the end of this time, so that Christ may recognize you and call on you as His instruments of Peace.
Today I have come to announce My Good News, so you may find encouragement where none exists and find calm where there is despair. I want to carry everyone toward the Kingdom of My Love so you may know how it is and where I am praying for all My children.
Today, see Me as Mary, the Mother of the Great Lord, so you know Who is here, standing before you, having come from the Heavens.
Open your hearts to forgive the past, for we are now in the time of being able to dissolve the evil of the heart. If you want to release the ties of the past, raise your prayers to Me, and I will respond according to the Will of the Lord and according to the Law.
This Law belongs to everyone and you must recognize it and be strengthened in it at the end of this time, before the eagle sings for the last time and the seven trumpets are announced to the world.
I come here to give you My Peace and My Trust. Watch over this peace, which is infinite, so your hearts may unite with Me at each moment. Unite with the Holy Spirit, which is now permeating the world, so your hearts may rise up to My Kingdom, so that there you are able to remain and drink of My Merciful Fount.
Today, I radiate the two rays of My Mercy to you, the same ones that emerged on the Cross for the world, for peace, for forgiveness and redemption.
Dear children, there is no time to lose, it is time to cross over the threshold and climb onto My ship, which is leaving. Now I call on you to pray with Me to prepare for the time to come and to help Me rescue the souls who are in darkness.
Today, you are permeated with My Light, but where will the Light that I have given you go? Could it be that you hold it within your hearts, and it does not disappear for any reason?
I want you to carry My announcement to everyone, the announcement of the new prayer which reconstructs the spirit and reverses the faults through My Immaculate Mercy. Find the answers in your hearts so that My Fountain, My source of life, may emerge.
Carry in your footsteps, My steps, so you may recognize My pathway, which I once walked in Jerusalem.
Unite to the splendor of My devotion, so you are able to support your hearts in this tribulation that is coming.
Place your faith in action, for we are already at the time of being able to penetrate the darkness through love and prayer.
Today I present Myself to you as the Queen of Peace and of Redemption, so that all may recognize My Voice and unite with this great echo of the universe which I am bringing here, to this part of the world.
Watch over your intentions daily, so they may be pure, and I am able to see and use them as instruments of peace. Each action you carry out will be a decision at this end time; for this reason, we must be vigilant in prayer, as the Lord says; in this way, nothing will disturb you and you will find the necessary clarity in these times.
I am coming as the Queen of the Sun, before Justice; a Justice that you still do not understand, but which you will see acting in this world, in this humanity, on this Earth. But in order for the angels, who are obedient, to help you, pray with them. I am leaving them with you so you can unite with this Creator Principle, this Infinite Light, this full Grace.
Hold on to My Words so that, at the end of these times, you may find your hearts to be mature, and able to take their steps toward Me, because I call you once again. I repeat My Words to you so you may remember them and recognize them.
Many are the souls lost in this world and every day they increase more; this is why it is necessary to pray for what still cannot be seen, but which you will see passing before your eyes on each coming day, at each hour of this world, in each second of this humanity.
Thus, I announce Myself to you so you may find My Peace, the Peace of My Kingdom, which the Lord has entrusted to Me from the beginning, when I was here on this ground. Thus, see the flame of My Heart, so you are able to unite with It, an Immaculate Heart that suffers as you do on seeing the pain of the world and not knowing how to alleviate it, except through the prayer that builds our faith and the firmness in God.
Hold My Peace in your hearts, so I am able to lift them up from the abysses at the moment when some may fall. We are in times of confirmation before the Lord and His Law. It is necessary that you read and know the Universal Laws that govern this world; in this way, you will be able to know what it is that I am telling you and where I want to go at this moment.
It will be important that you lift up your eyes to the bell tower which will be built here; announcing My coming, day by day and month by month, a bell tower that will bring peace when the movements occur, which will give encouragement to hearts, which will beat in the rhythm of My being, announcing My Love and My Peace to this nation and its sister nations.
Pray for those who suffer and are helpless, those that do not receive the Light of My Heart and need My reconversion so as to be able to transcend themselves to My Heavens.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now the Divine Mother is radiating the Light of Her Kingdom of the Heavens, from that plane to here, and She continues to transmit Her Message.
I give you My Kingdom of Peace so that you can always return to it. In spite of everything, do not fear, trust in Me, I Am the Redeeming Mother, the Guardian of the hearts that are awakening and the hearts that are fallen; thus, I call on you to live in My Peace and to enter into the ocean of My Source so you may be born again before the Throne of the Lord, and He may receive you into His Kingdom in this end time.
Carry My Peace and hold My inner joy within your hearts.
Today I want to consecrate a soul that, some days ago, asked a question to My Heart; I have waited, for some time, for their step of consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
Today, I want them to come here, standing before Me, so I may bless them, and they can fulfill My call of trust. Know that all are blessed because all are One, I Am One with God and God is One with Me, and thus, today I bring you My Trinity.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
The Mother asks María Sol to please come up here, to the circle.
Dear children, let criticism enter into the heart so it may be restored, elevated and redeemed. Open your hearts to find My Peace; we are all One in My Kingdom.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Mother is asking the monks of the Grace Mercy Order to put up their hoods.
María Sol, at this moment of consecration, I, the Redeeming Mother, elevate your being, free of faults, so you may begin a new path in your heart. Your pilgrimage towards Me will be long, but in the end we will meet. Remember your soul in the heart of a suffering Europe, so it may be redeemed through your steps. Thank you for responding to My call.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And now, She will radiate Her Peace. We will ask Piedad to sing the "Hail Mary."
The "Hail Mary" was intoned.
To those that are ill, may they find relief in My Heart; to those who awaken, may they find My infinite hope; to those who sleep, may they hear My call through you; may all find My Peace, being able to be reborn and be reconciled in the Lord. This is the Grace I bring to those who dare to accept it and eternally unite with Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, She says that as we keep ourselves in Her Peace, and opening our hearts, She will respond to the pleas of Her children.
Mother Shimani read the personal questions and the Divine Mother answered them.
Now, as night falls, I gather you up into My Heart so you may find rest until the new dawn. Enter into My ancient manger of Bethlehem, so you may rest there and be restored in My Heart.
Thank you for responding to My call. Let us pray.
May doubts be dispelled by the strength of My Heart, and may faith be strengthened by your prayers.
Afterwards, the "Flower of Peace" was sung.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more