Special Apparitions

It began with praying the "Luminous Bird." Afterwards, the "Universal Mother" was prayed and at a certain point, Mother Shimani began to intone the "Hail Mary."


Blessed be the joyful of heart, for they will inherit the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Today, I radiate the shining of My Eyes to you, so that they illuminate your hearts, and you find My Peace.

Today, I have come to tell you, for the second time, that if prayers increase and are victorious, before the end of 2012, I promise that I will intercede so the Third War does not occur nor will it be shaped in the hearts of humankind. May those who wish to believe in My call come to Me; I will gather you within My Kingdom to uplift you.

Today, I invite you to meditate with Me on the scriptures of John, for they prepare us for the new time to come. I do not want anybody to focus their thoughts on what will happen; it is more important to pray with Me to alleviate the pain of the world.

Today, I want to pour out My deep Peace upon you, so you may feel Me and recognize Me once again.

Hold in your hearts the announcement of Peace, so others can see it and be illuminated by the inner love of your hearts. Ignite the inner flame at the end of this time, so that Christ may recognize you and call on you as His instruments of Peace.

Today I have come to announce My Good News, so you may find encouragement where none exists and find calm where there is despair. I want to carry everyone toward the Kingdom of My Love so you may know how it is and where I am praying for all My children.

Today, see Me as Mary, the Mother of the Great Lord, so you know Who is here, standing before you, having come from the Heavens.

Open your hearts to forgive the past, for we are now in the time of being able to dissolve the evil of the heart. If you want to release the ties of the past, raise your prayers to Me, and I will respond according to the Will of the Lord and according to the Law.

This Law belongs to everyone and you must recognize it and be strengthened in it at the end of this time, before the eagle sings for the last time and the seven trumpets are announced to the world.

I come here to give you My Peace and My Trust. Watch over this peace, which is infinite, so your hearts may unite with Me at each moment. Unite with the Holy Spirit, which is now permeating the world, so your hearts may rise up to My Kingdom, so that there you are able to remain and drink of My Merciful Fount.

Today, I radiate the two rays of My Mercy to you, the same ones that emerged on the Cross for the world, for peace, for forgiveness and redemption.

Dear children, there is no time to lose, it is time to cross over the threshold and climb onto My ship, which is leaving. Now I call on you to pray with Me to prepare for the time to come and to help Me rescue the souls who are in darkness.

Today, you are permeated with My Light, but where will the Light that I have given you go? Could it be that you hold it within your hearts, and it does not disappear for any reason?

I want you to carry My announcement to everyone, the announcement of the new prayer which reconstructs the spirit and reverses the faults through My Immaculate Mercy. Find the answers in your hearts so that My Fountain, My source of life, may emerge.

Carry in your footsteps, My steps, so you may recognize My pathway, which I once walked in Jerusalem.

Unite to the splendor of My devotion, so you are able to support your hearts in this tribulation that is coming.

Place your faith in action, for we are already at the time of being able to penetrate the darkness through love and prayer.

Today I present Myself to you as the Queen of Peace and of Redemption, so that all may recognize My Voice and unite with this great echo of the universe which I am bringing here, to this part of the world.

Watch over your intentions daily, so they may be pure, and I am able to see and use them as instruments of peace. Each action you carry out will be a decision at this end time; for this reason, we must be vigilant in prayer, as the Lord says; in this way, nothing will disturb you and you will find the necessary clarity in these times.

I am coming as the Queen of the Sun, before Justice; a Justice that you still do not understand, but which you will see acting in this world, in this humanity, on this Earth. But in order for the angels, who are obedient, to help you, pray with them. I am leaving them with you so you can unite with this Creator Principle, this Infinite Light, this full Grace.

Hold on to My Words so that, at the end of these times, you may find your hearts to be mature, and able to take their steps toward Me, because I call you once again. I repeat My Words to you so you may remember them and recognize them.

Many are the souls lost in this world and every day they increase more;  this is why it is necessary to pray for what still cannot be seen, but which you will see passing before your eyes on each coming day, at each hour of this world, in each second of this humanity.

Thus, I announce Myself to you so you may find My Peace, the Peace of My Kingdom, which the Lord has entrusted to Me from the beginning, when I was here on this ground. Thus, see the flame of My Heart, so you are able to unite with It, an Immaculate Heart that suffers as you do on seeing the pain of the world and not knowing how to alleviate it, except through the prayer that builds our faith and the firmness in God.

Hold My Peace in your hearts, so I am able to lift them up from the abysses at the moment when some may fall. We are in times of confirmation before the Lord and His Law. It is necessary that you read and know the Universal Laws that govern this world; in this way, you will be able to know what it is that I am telling you and where I want to go at this moment.

It will be important that you lift up your eyes to the bell tower which will be built here; announcing My coming, day by day and month by month, a bell tower that will bring peace when the movements occur, which will give encouragement to hearts, which will beat in the rhythm of My being, announcing My Love and My Peace to this nation and its sister nations.

Pray for those who suffer and are helpless, those that do not receive the Light of My Heart and need My reconversion so as to be able to transcend themselves to My Heavens.




Blessed are You among all creatures,
For you were conceived of by a Greater Grace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Now the Divine Mother is radiating the Light of Her Kingdom of the Heavens, from that plane to here, and She continues to transmit Her Message.


I give you My Kingdom of Peace so that you can always return to it. In spite of everything, do not fear, trust in Me, I Am the Redeeming Mother, the Guardian of the hearts that are awakening and the hearts that are fallen; thus, I call on you to live in My Peace and to enter into the ocean of My Source so you may be born again before the Throne of the Lord, and He may receive you into His Kingdom in this end time.

Carry My Peace and hold My inner joy within your hearts.

Today I want to consecrate a soul that, some days ago, asked a question to My Heart; I have waited, for some time, for their step of consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

Today, I want them to come here, standing before Me, so I may bless them, and they can fulfill My call of trust. Know that all are blessed because all are One, I Am One with God and God is One with Me, and thus, today I bring you My Trinity.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:


The Mother asks María Sol to please come up here, to the circle.


Dear children, let criticism enter into the heart so it may be restored, elevated and redeemed. Open your hearts to find My Peace; we are all One in My Kingdom.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


The Mother is asking the monks of the Grace Mercy Order to put up their hoods.


María Sol, at this moment of consecration, I, the Redeeming Mother, elevate your being, free of faults, so you may begin a new path in your heart. Your pilgrimage towards Me will be long, but in the end we will meet. Remember your soul in the heart of a suffering Europe, so it may be redeemed through your steps. Thank you for responding to My call.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And now, She will radiate Her Peace. We will ask Piedad to sing the "Hail Mary."


The "Hail Mary" was intoned.


To those that are ill, may they find relief in My Heart; to those who awaken, may they find My infinite hope; to those who sleep, may they hear My call through you; may all find My Peace, being able to be reborn and be reconciled in the Lord. This is the Grace I bring to those who dare to accept it and eternally unite with Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, She says that as we keep ourselves in Her Peace, and opening our hearts, She will respond to the pleas of Her children.


Mother Shimani read the personal questions and the Divine Mother answered them.


Now, as night falls, I gather you up into My Heart so you may find rest until the new dawn. Enter into My ancient manger of Bethlehem, so you may rest there and be restored in My Heart.

Thank you for responding to My call. Let us pray.

May doubts be dispelled by the strength of My Heart, and may faith be strengthened by your prayers.

Afterwards, the "Flower of Peace" was sung.