Dear children,
Unexpectedly, I meet you in Germany, after you visited Me recently in Medjugorje. The Mother of God returns your visit at a crucial moment for humanity, in which misinformation, chaos and fear overwhelm millions of My children.
For this reason, I come from Heaven, not only for a Germany that I love with all My Heart and for which I pray, so that it recovers the Purpose of God, but I also come for all of Europe and all of Asia, for the souls subjected and persecuted in war and by the conflicts invented by humankind of the surface.
I want to tell all My children that I am the Queen of Peace, that you seek My Heart, because My Heart is for you.
Germany, throughout the last years, has been a host country for the most helpless, but this is not enough, My children, it is necessary that the other nations of Europe and the world be host countries so that everyone may live as a more inclusive, fraternal and charitable humanity.
I pray every day that the most hardened hearts may be opened so that they may feel the most helpless and poor, just as your Heavenly Mother feels for them.
If this step of fraternity is taken by the great nations of the world, humanity will not experience more pandemics, it will no longer know pain.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will always return to the world for a cause of good and forgiveness because I ardently wish for all My children to reconcile with the Celestial Father. From His supreme Source, He has His Arms open and His Hands reaching out to the world. His Heart impels all by means of Love, His Heart ignites in Compassion and Mercy.
Do not believe, My children, that all that happens in the world is caused by divine punishment, what happens today in humanity is caused by the indifference and omission of the Law, which many of My children have carried out in these times.
For this reason, I invite you to return to the Heart of God, because in the Heart of God you will understand all things. I invite you, time and again, in an untiring way, to turn your gaze towards God.
God waits for each one of you, His children. He waits to be able to embrace you and console you, He waits to be able to impel you through the Holy Spirit. Beloved children, His universe is so full of Grace and Mercy, that they can no longer fit in the Heart of the Divine Messengers.
We need to pour out upon the world the Forgiveness and Mercy of God, but there are still few hearts that open up to love this mystery, to be able to receive in their life all the Graces of Our Creator.
He is waiting at this moment, just as I wait for the people of the desert to reach the Promised Land. The New Earth that will come is the Earth of the New Humanity. I invite you, My children, to consciously postulate yourselves for this, allow your souls to walk toward this aspiration and toward this purpose. Thus, many situations will be relieved, many catastrophes will be avoided, suffering will be dissolved in the hearts if only souls turn toward God.
I come to repeat a Message similar to the one I once delivered in Fatima. Today, My Heart comes to implore to you, My children, no longer suffer, no longer live in chaos, in adversity or in battle.
My children, surrender, turn toward God. He hopes to feel your hearts and souls very close, so close that each one of you can be invaded and filled by the Love of God. The Eternal Father created your humanity so that you would always live within His Law of Love and Unity.
Beloved children, look around you, see how the world is, see how the Kingdoms of Nature are, see how the peoples and the nations are at this moment. How can the cure to this pandemic come if hearts do not turn towards God and abandon the god of modernities, of trends, or even the created god of abortion?
Beloved children, I offer My Womb of universal Light so that it may gestate in you the new Attributes of the Eternal Father, I say to you new Attributes because many have lost them.
My wish is that, through My maternal Heart, through the rays of My Heart, I can deliver to the world the same attributes and virtues that the ancient people of Israel received.
My children, do not forget that you are a part of the tribes of Israel because someday everything will return to its origin and many of My children, who today postulate themselves for the New Earth, will have the Grace of being participants in the coming experience of the Kingdom of God, in a living experience, not a mental one.
I ask you, beloved children, to avail yourselves of My Immaculate Heart, My Heart is the bridge that will always lead you to God.
How much suffering I see in this world!
How much pain I suffer, close to each one of My children of the whole world!
Who will accompany Me in this battle?
Who will raise high the torch of Christ? so that the darkness of this world may be dissipated and souls many no longer be abducted by the hells of the Earth.
Beloved children, do not fear, but this is the time of Armageddon. Open your eyes and eradicate from yourselves all indifference, may your hearts be flooded by the Love of God, because in this way the angels of the Father will descend more toward the Earth and help in the impossible causes and situations.
I have told you once that I am your Celestial Advocate. Do you believe in this, My children?
After more than thirty-six years in Medjugorje, I continue here in South America, and, from here, I deliver to the whole world My Message of Love and supplications for all the hearts that still need to be transformed through prayer.
Overcome the barriers that you have imposed on yourselves, transcend the limitations that you have put on yourselves and close the doors to evil. Within your self-giving lies the key to the strengthening of the flame of your faith. In your charity lies the key that will free you from yourselves forever.
The greater number of My children who serve in the world, the greater will be the Graces that will descend to Earth, to those who are submerged in suffering, in war and even in damnation.
But I come from Heaven, bringing at this moment the Kingdom of God for all, reconsecrating your hearts at each new meeting.
I told you last month that August is a month of renunciation and of little sacrifices. The offerings that are coming to me are still insufficient. I do not need great sacrifices, I need small sacrifices made out of love, which may move your hearts and lives away from comfort and even from routine.
Beloved children, if we do not unite, we will not be strong in Christ; but if we truly unite, together we will win in this planetary transition. The true transformation will take place in your hearts, in your lives.
Before My maternal Heart, I still contemplate all the needs of the world, especially the needs of souls, because many of them are thirsty for God, thirsty for Love and thirsty for Peace.
Now is the time for My praying armies to be whole and available for this battle. Remember that many of you are under My Mantle, I make you invisible and imperceptible by means of the power of the prayer of the heart.
May your prayers expand, may your prayers increase until you manage to feel that you are touching the Heaven of God, until you have absolute certainty that you have learned to feel the Heart of God. Beloved children, it is so simple, that many do not do it.
I invite you, by means of this Message, to renew in the commitment of prayer; in this praying school, which I offer to you throughout the times. You have the Grace to climb the steps until you can reach Heaven, by means of the experiences of the degrees of love.
Today, I come as a Mother that supplicates. Today, I come as a Mother that implores. I come as the Mother that loves you in the perfection that God has placed in each heart.
In your self-giving, you will overcome the limitations of consciousness and, overcoming these material and mental limits, you, My children, will know how to help those most in need, those who will block themselves in this time of transition.
But keep something in mind, healing and redemption are available for all, trust in this mystery that Christ delivered on the Cross by shedding Water and Blood from His Heart in order to purify the whole planet, all the consciousnesses, and, even more, the whole universe.
Whenever you need, return to the mystery of My Son's Love. His Heart is also open and exposed to all through the sacred mystery of the Eucharistic Sacrament; the more you love the Eucharist, the more you will free yourselves from all difficulties and problems because the Light of Christ will always be invincible. And even those who commune in a spiritual manner at this moment and who cannot receive the Sacred Eucharist, may they not be distressed.
By means of this portal of the Mercy of Our Sacred Hearts, God has granted the Grace and also the indulgence so that the hearts that participate in the spiritual communion, through this Work, will always be protected and supported by Our Hearts, in spite of all that they live or what they go through. I only ask you that the sacred Spiritual Communion, which is offered with effort and diligence, not to be just one more passage, but rather the most important moment of the day, when your hearts will be before Christ to receive His Love, the Love that will always strengthen you and save you.
Today, at My feet, I also receive all the intentions that you write for this Work, as well as the intentions of the hearts that, throughout the recent years, have adhered to the Work of the Divine Messengers, and, which, in their families and nations, experience difficult problems. Beloved children, offer these experiences as a great renunciation of your hearts, but also as a great sacrifice of love for My Son. Know that I am alongside each of those who need Me. I am walking by your side, I am your Mother and I will always help you because My Love must still be discovered by you.
Only when you love the mystery that I bring to you today, only when you love the Messages that I have revealed to you throughout the times, not only here, but also in other Apparitions throughout the world, I assure you, My beloved children, that you will know the Love of Mary, an untiring Love, a patient and renewing Love, a Love of a Mother that accepts, that does not judge, that welcomes, that heals, that cures, that understands and that accompanies. This is the Love that I expect from each one of My children, especially from the mothers of the Earth who suffer in these times the calvary of their children, the lack of understanding of hearts, the loss of souls in all that this world today offers to them.
But I invite all the mothers of the Earth to unite to My maternal Spirit, because at this moment, and in this time, My dear mothers, there are many children to welcome, there are many children to spiritually adopt. Through the heart of each mother of the Earth, I will always transform everything and I will strengthen the disciples of Christ, I am the Mother of the cross of this humanity.
On this thirteen of August, My Heart closes a cycle in this place, to begin a spiritually wider and more profound cycle in Europe; and I aspire for this to also be possible in Asia and Oceania, as after the Apparitions of Akita, all these peoples wait for My arrival and My return.
I will head to a challenging task, sustained by each one of My children through the fidelity in the prayer of the heart and, even more, through the fidelity of the Sacred Communion with My Son.
So that this cycle may be blessed, I come to extraordinarily celebrate the Eucharist, in the company of the angels of transubstantiation of the Celestial Church of Christ.
And before I proceed to this moment, I want to thank all those who remain firm and faithful to the Work of the Sacred Hearts, and to those who dare, day by day, to offer their experiences or even their purification for the triumph of My Son's Plan. And I also want to thank that the Kingdom of Aurora has opened the doors for My arrival so that the Mother of God, in this new stage, may come with Her Message to more places of the world, to more distant places of the Earth that I will reach, with very few, but I will be faithfully accompanied by each one of you from a distance.
After this August 8, you have entered the school of inner unity, where there is no separation, limits or borders; where there is only unity and omnipresence between the hearts.
To conclude, after the exercise of the Spiritual Communion, which will now be celebrated, I want the choir to offer My maternal Heart the Ave Maria of Gómez, as a supplication that must resound throughout this universe and, mainly, in all hearts.
May this Message resound for a long time, until each one of the souls may understand and comprehend what I need for this Plan of Salvation.
Let us offer this moment to My Son, may He anoint you with His spiritual Light, and, may the spirit of apostleship and the mission strengthen itself in all those who offer to live it faithfully. And may this spirit of apostleship and mission multiply in those who must be self-summoned for this sacred task.
Let us celebrate.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Lord Jesus, in the Presence of Your Celestial Mother, we ask that You receive this Sacrament, that You accept this offering of each heart that believes in You and that lives for You.
We ask You, Jesus, to sanctify this Altar, but to also sanctify our lives so that we can be the example that You expect, in the humility of life, in the simplicity of the heart; together with Your angels of transubstantiation, we elevate this sacrifice of the Altar, not only to remember the Passion that You lived for us, but also to give honor and glory to Your legacy, to Your legacy of Love and Redemption.
We divest ourselves, we empty ourselves and surrender, Lord, at the feet of Your Celestial Church, so that You, King of the Universe, Lord of Lords, Master among Masters, may be the One who celebrates this moment together with us, through the strength and the power of Your merciful Heart. Amen.
At the request of Our Lady, we recognize our faults in the silence of the heart and we repair them by means of the gift of forgiveness that springs from the Heart of God.
And thus, we offer this moment for the sacred task, for the Sacred Purpose of Our Lady for all of Europe and Asia, as well as for Africa.
That night, when Jesus was going to be handed over, He gathered His apostles to offer them the greatest testimony of His Love, by means of the transubstantiated bread and wine. Thus, Christ took the bread in His Hands and, raising it to God, offered it in sacrifice and in surrender, asking the Eternal Father for it to be transubstantiated into His Body.
Then, Jesus broke it, and offering it to His companions, He told them, “Take it and eat of it, because this is My Body, that will be surrendered for you, for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We adore and recognize the Sacred Body of Christ.
Before finishing the Supper, before leaving to the Garden of Gethsemane, where He would confirm His surrender before the Eternal Father, with the sweetness of His Heart and the compassion of His gaze, Jesus took in His Hands the Chalice, raised it, and offered it to the Father so that it might be transubstantiated into His Blood.
Then, He passed it to His companions, telling them, “Take it and drink of it, all of you, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world."
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We adore and recognize the precious Blood of Christ, together with the angels of transubstantiation.
Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ. Happy are those who have self-summoned to avail themselves of this Sacrament, because Christ has promised to us eternal life.
Prayer: Our Father.
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and enter each heart.
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
At this moment, brothers and sisters, united to each brother and sister of the planet who participate in this sacred meeting with Our Lady, we offer and announce the Spiritual Communion.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
Children, all has been consummated.
Now and always, I thank you for responding to My call.
I bless you, under the Light of Christ that strengthens you and encourages you to move ahead: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And we close this meeting, responding to the request of Our Mother, listening to “Ave Maria.”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Sacred Scriptures announce the coming of your Redeemer to the world for the second time, and all are called to participate in this event. Therefore, I am here today with you and in this place blessed by God, which was touched by His Holy Hand, to call souls to the conversion of their faults and to the reparation of His offended Heart.
These Scriptures, which I bring today between My Hands, reveal that the moment is coming. Not only you, but the whole world is also called to experience this. The moment is approaching, each day more, and the signs will show before the believing or unbelieving world. Therefore, be humble and meek, obedient and receptive, and you will be able to be on My path and within My Heart.
But so that this very important moment may come to humanity, many other things will happen, within and outside of you. Inexplicable inner battles will present themselves. Tests and challenges will show. But you must not lose meekness and peace because, if I have chosen you, it is because there is a project to fulfill and accomplish that you still do not know.
Therefore, liberate yourselves from conceit, from arrogance and from pride, from division, from the lack of unity, from the absence of love, from the absence of charity and of fraternity.
I silently accompany you, as at this moment I accompany the world and each one of My servers, regardless of their religion or belief, regardless of their form of filiation with God, the Celestial Father.
This is the time for the essences to unite within one purpose. Therefore, I will have you meet people similar to you who, although they live their own schools, seek the Path of Christ. Therefore, you must be attentive not to let My signs and My inner announcements pass.
In this time and during these days, not all the Sacred Hearts could be present here in Medjugorje, but your King is here, in the name of all of them, of the Messengers of God, of those who will give the impulse to humanity for the change and the transformation of consciousness.
I again tell you all these things because you must remember and practice them. If you live, day by day, the Attributes that I give to you, you will not suffer; but if you do not live them, you will resist, and the transformation will be painful and no one will be causing all this, because it will only depend on you.
In My patience, I wait for your steps. In My contemplation, I envision your transformation. But I not only talk to you, but also to the world, to those who listen to Me and to those who do not listen to Me.
Sometimes I cannot tell you all the things that I feel and see, because everything has a time and a moment, but rejoice your hearts because they know that you are on the path of redemption and of peace, and I need you totally with Me to be able to work and accomplish the Prodigies of God on Earth, in the nations and in the peoples, in those who live profound spiritual loneliness, in those who do not have love like you have every day.
It is now time to be able to express My Attributes, it is time to go beyond yourselves, and if I ask you this it is because you can do it, although it might not seem so.
Obedience will protect you until the end of times, not only you, consecrated beings, but also My servers, the collaborators of the Work that My Mother has founded in the Heart of Aurora.
Now, the times have changed and the responsibility has also changed. It is no longer mere words written in messages in order to motivate your hearts to make some change, it is a reality, it is a truth, it is a necessity.
There is still much to do and the path of surrender will be able to deepen, each day more, to the point that you resemble Me in the surrender that I made on the Cross for each one of you and your brothers and sisters. Within a great desolation and emptiness, God was there, because My Heart trusted in Him as the Father trusted in His Son, until the last moment.
What I ask of you in this time will move your structures, but I need it this way. I will ask you this, once and again, and I will wait, as I have waited for many others in other times.
The step that this Work has taken has been very important for My Celestial Mother and the Creator to support, once again, this Mission in Europe which needs so much Mercy, more than South-America. But from you, the Gift of Compassion must always be born so that it can emerge in your brothers and sisters who are here and who lived the terrible wars due to their terrible errors committed in the past.
Everything is a consequence, everything is a cause and an effect. Humanity distances itself from the Love of God, often out of fear of mistrust.
But, once again, I come to offer My Heart to the world as a fire of transforming love that can transfigure your cells and atoms, your inner worlds and souls, so that the Plan of Redemption can be fulfilled in humanity and on the whole planet.
We could not be here in public because silence and non-exposure makes the path of the apostle, so that it may be possible to rekindle the spiritual impulse that was left here in Medjugorje, so many years ago, by your Heavenly Mother. And so that this impulse can renew spiritually, time and again, in order for Eastern Europe to also receive Mercy, as you receive it, every day, when you pray and invoke the Mercy of My Heart.
You have gathered today, in My Name, where the great Portal of Light opens in the Heart of the Universe, so that you can take on more responsibilities in the name of your Master and Lord, in spite of your purifications and trials, in spite of your decisive and definitive time, for the world to receive more help and more Mercy in order that the Work may expand on Earth, and unite to other Works that come from the Lord, the Almighty.
In this way, the world will recognize that all of us are One in God.
I bring this message not only for you, but also for all of your brothers and sisters that support this moment and who are part of the Confraternity of My Heart, carrying on their chest the print of the perfect alliance with the Father by means of the Star of the Divine Brotherhood, the Star that the King David once visualized.
Thus today, once again, a principle is fulfilled. The spiritual Universe unites with the material Universe so that the Will of God may be fulfilled.
This passage through Medjugorje has been important for your Master and Lord because it is the time to also be here, in Eastern Europe, to make the Mercy of My Heart known, and the power of the transforming prayer which, for those who believe in it, opens the doors to the Heavens.
I encourage you to keep walking with Me and for Me. There is nothing that is missing for you. My Mother protects you and looks after you as She also protects this holy place, where Her kingdom of Peace made itself known to the world, just as Her Immaculate Heart in Fatima.
Celebrate this moment and this opportunity of reflection, of expansion of consciousness, this Grace of giving more of oneself to God, in surrender and in trust.
I leave here with relief in My Heart, knowing that in some part of the world, I am listened to, and My Projects, which are still unknown and come from Heaven, are fulfilled with hope.
I bless you all, in the name of Celestial Peace and in the name of Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
You have finally arrived to one of My spiritual sanctuaries of Light, a place in which I revealed to the world the aspect of the Queen of Peace, more than thirty years ago.
But I am still calling My children to the path of conversion, because conversion is not only converting to God and to My son. Conversion, My children, is to live and carry forward a new life, making notable changes and profound transformations within the consciousness.
This is why I still come to Medjugorje to request from the world that it truly changes. God hopes that this change will also be reflected in daily and spiritual life.
Many of My children have already taken the step, through Medjugorje, but few have reached the realization of the spiritual goal through the inner impulse they received.
For My children, I brought the possibility of opening the consciousness to the truth, and I gave them the path of Peace so that they might find the doorway toward Supreme Truth.
It is a joy to gather together the different visionaries, on the inner planes, under the guardianship of the Mother of God, because it is important that the instruments reflect and mirror what God is asking of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I have come from Heaven to bring you My Peace and My Hope.
This is a reason for My Joy on seeing so many children that are being consecrated to My Heart, to have My plan triumph in the world, which are the Plans of God, in this humanity and on this planet.
Today I open the doors of the Heavens for each one of you, My children, so that you can enter, in consciousness and in devotion, the Great Kingdom of Fatima that waits to awaken the original purity in you.
You know, My children, that Europe has need of this purity. This purity must be in all the hearts that live here, so that the Work of My Son can continue forward.
Do not get tired, dear children, of listening to My words, for today I bring you the sign of My star of Light, the star that indicates the new time in humanity and that I once made appear in Fatima, at the foot of My Mantle.
This star indicates that the time of the purification of hearts is coming, so that, clean of every stain, you can be able to enter into the Kingdom of God and never again be separated from the truth that dwells in the higher worlds.
Dear children, today I finish My pilgrimage through Europe. And from this moment on, I will be sowing a new cycle when I return here once again, to embrace you and console you, so that your hearts may definitely be healed and apply for this Redeeming Work that My Son offers to each human heart.
In the same way, dear children, that I am united to each one of you and, through My words, am preparing your true consecration, I am united to each of My children of the world, to each light that emerges from each Marian Center and that unites to My Heart in this moment, so that My Work can spiritually expand in the world, and in this way, in all the souls that most need it.
It is in this way, dear children, that through your souls and hearts, I am weaving this Light Network that is expanding throughout the continents of this planet, to reinforce the alliance of hearts with God and so with His Divine Purpose, which I come to lovingly offer to each one of you today.
Extending My Hands to you, I again pour out My Graces, just as I poured them out in Argentina, a Grace for each one of you; what you most need in this life and for this spiritual path that I invite you to experience with Me, through prayer and the faith that your hearts must profess today, as the greatest testimony of love of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart here in Portugal and in Europe.
I come to this city once again to tell My hearts, My little children, who have already been initiated in this spiritual task for so many years, that you must renew, that you must take the step, so that many more souls can approach here; and that not only Portugal may receive the Grace of My Heart, but all the souls that are in Europe, waiting for this awakening, for that definite step, which they came to experience in this incarnation.
It is in this way, My dear children, that My star of Light rests at the foot of My Mantle and reveals that sign to all.
The New Christs must wake up, be the new legionnaires of the Lord, live His Word, His Testimony of Love, His Purpose in each one of you. It is in this way that you will transmit to the whole planet this spiritual impulse that I bring you today through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, the hour has come for you to sign that spiritual document in the sacred book of My Heart, where your names have been written since a long time ago, so that, together with Me, united with Christ, your Lord, we may accomplish this Redeeming Work of the end of times.
I need you to leave your homes to seek the hearts that are most in need of Light; I need you to be My arms and My hands in this hour, to carry forward this Work of the Redemption of souls.
Your hearts are full of instructions, for you have received them over the years, through My faithful Son, whom I brought for you, so that you would be able to grow inwardly and learn to live in brotherhood.
Dear children, do what I ask and you will not repent (regret it). Souls must draw even closer to My Heart, to be the light in these times of darkness. For this reason, I bring and present this purpose to you, a divine purpose in the Eyes of God, which must be accomplished by each one of you.
It is thus, dear children, that My Work will not only be in the Americas, but also beyond Europe, for I wish to reach the hearts of Asia, of the Far East, who need My Voice, an Embrace, My Consolation, My Heart, My Light, to be able to continue walking in this crucial time of the planet.
You have that commitment, dear children, as European consciousnesses, to open the doors for those hearts that are so far away.
It will be the language of your hearts, the love of your spirits and souls that will open the doors for all those hearts, for there are still, dear children, many souls that must deeply know Me.
I am not only the Virgin Mary, I am the Mother of the world, I am the Greater Governor, I am the one Who rules your lives and souls, I am the shepherdess that leads the flocks of My Son toward the Temple of the Heart.
That is why I am here today, renewing your vows before leaving for the Americas, to meet all My children and unite all the hearts of South America and of the world at the Marian Center of Aurora, where the ninth year will be experienced with everyone, the anniversary on which My Consciousness definitively came into your lives.
Nine cycles will be completed and new doors will open so that hearts may be guided toward their purpose.
My wish, dear children, is that you accompany Me in this great summons that I am issuing for you to be with Me at the Marian Center of Aurora, receiving a little more inner healing for your spirits, for all your peers, for all the consciousness of the planet, which so needs servants of peace, warriors of My Heart, who in their forbearance, may achieve redemption.
Opening the doors of the Kingdom of Fatima, I congregate hearts in the Love of God and all those who join this moment, so that in this beloved Europe, peace may be experienced and professed as the purpose for these times.
Today I come as the Lady of the Great Star, to show you My Sign of Light that is still to be revealed in the simple hearts that lovingly follow My steps, with the living of prayer, of Peace, of Service, and of Love. An absolute love that fills you, renews you, redeems you, that uplifts you to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
I am that Lady of the Great Star, who brings to all the revelation of the Universe, of the true Consciousness, the One Consciousness of your Father that is still not known to the world.
Fatima is a preparation for that moment. I thus bring continuity to My Work in this time.
After having opened the doors in Medjugorje, here, dear children, I bring continuity to My spiritual Work so that souls may be consistent with God, and just as I have requested throughout time, through various visionaries, humanity may be able to accomplish what in truth it came to do, so that the New Humanity may be born.
It is through the children who are being consecrated today, just as those who have already consecrated themselves through the apparitions, month after month, time after time and cycle after cycle; I thus institute, dear children, the seeds of the New Humanity that will sprout in the next time. This is the sign that My great star brings, the promise that will, at last, be fulfilled in each one of My children, as long as you are consistent with all that I request of you.
You, dear children, are part of My celestial and worldly Work. You are pieces of this great puzzle that I come to put together again in the world, after My adversary destroyed it.
I come to concretize the true purpose for your souls in your lives, the task that you must carry out with Me in this universal summons that I issue for all today.
And this moment that you share with My Immaculate Heart will also serve for those who will be consecrated in the future, taking on their faithful commitment to Me to make all efforts to accomplish My designs, to accomplish the Will of our God, of the Most High Father.
On this tree I leave the presence of My Love for all the Kingdoms of Nature. Here I leave the sign, on this small tree, that the Kingdoms must be revered and that they also need your prayers.
You, dear children, as a single race, are here and have been here up to this time, in this planet so loved by us, because the Younger Kingdoms have generated that Grace for all.
You know that they greatly suffer the consequences of human actions, the destruction, the blasphemy, everything that humankind does against their evolution. And even so, dear children, they continue to give of themselves because of you and for you until the end of times, until My Son returns.
Tell the unjust human beings not to destroy Nature, to take care of the Kingdoms, that they do not assassinate the whales.
They, dear children, are destroying the evolution of the Creation of God and that is one of My profound pains because of the lack of consciousness, above all because of the lack of love.
Tell all of Europe, and beyond it, to take care of the Younger Kingdoms, to sow codes of light through service to each one of them. In that way, on the day of the final Judgment, you will not be judged because the Mercy of My Heart will have acted.
Have you asked yourselves at some time, dear children, why do I long so much to be over the trees? I leave you this symbol to meditate upon.
A tree represents the Wisdom of God and you, as unconscious human beings, destroy that spiritual wisdom that the Plant Kingdom reveals to the world.
Many of those who are not here today, who were forerunners of that destruction throughout time, became aware of all this after having left the Earth.
I pray for them, for the souls of purgatory, so that they may reach the Light of the Celestial Kingdom.
Let yourselves, dear children, not follow the same paths. Warn all hearts, mainly the most unjust, that they are in time to change their attitude.
The whales cry because of the consequences of humankind. Remember that I Am the Mother of the world, Mother Nature.
And when Nature is destroyed by humankind, you are destroying My Consciousness. But My Love, which is more infinite, powerful than all the errors of the world, brings the Grace of awakening your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters for this magnificent Work of Redemption of the hearts of all the beings of the Earth.
Let us pray.
Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
One more.
Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms. Amen.
Remember that the whales are the mother consciousness for the planet. In their original purity and their innocence, they embrace all the beings of the Earth; because they balance the oceans, and also all the mental consciousnesses. Remember this instruction.
And now, dear children, together with My angels, let us celebrate this moment of consecration for taking on this commitment to Me, to be carriers of My Peace and of My Grace for all of humanity that needs it so much.
And thus, I will bless the sacred objects you have brought to My Altar so that they may be given to those who most need them. In this way, you will work on your detachment, because My Grace will fill you beyond the objects.
Be merciful, as the Father is Merciful with you.
Carry peace to all those who need it and do not forget that a fellow being must be first in your lives.
Let those who will be consecrated today as "Children of Mary" come here.
While the doors are still opening, sing the hymn of your consecration.
Flowers of light are poured out...
Three Hail Marys...
My very dear children, today I leave the Grace of My Heart so that it may take shape in your lives as the greatest testimony of your change and as a response of your hearts to the call of My Son, Jesus Christ.
By the authority the Father has granted Me and from all the choirs of Lys with all the angels of Heaven, I bless each one of your hearts and families, establishing peace and the good in each one of My children, the renewal and hope of all the hearts of Europe, so that you may fulfill the purpose of following the path toward your freedom and redemption at the moment when My Son returns, glorious and victorious among the clouds.
I place My hand over your heads, praying to My Son.
I thank you for responding to My summons and for being carriers of the celestial peace that it is possible to live in these times.
I love you, bless you, and embrace you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
And now, being consecrated, proclaim this hymn in union with all the "Children of Mary" in the four corners of this world.
Go in peace.
I thank you for having helped Me to fulfill this pilgrimage and remember that I promise to return, when God so decides.
I thank you!
Today I am here with all the angels of Heaven to bless you and love you.
And although the souls are spiritually lost, My Immaculate Heart never ceases, because My promise before God is continuous and victorious.
My Plan is fulfilled in all those who hear Me and I never stop opening the doors of My Heart for those who become lost.
And although the trust in God is no longer in the lost, I recover it through My Love, My Grace, and My Light; that is why, children, you should never give up.
What I offer you in this time is unique; it will never be offered again until the next world.
My Grace allows all things and the Grace of the angels allows all things.
That is why I Am that Aurora that shines in the heart of the self-summoned to follow Me in this co-redemptive Work with My beloved Son.
I Am that Star that never ceases to shine in the spirits that believe in it and admire it, because I, dear children, do not do things for Me, but rather it is God that does them through His faithful Servant and His pilgrims.
I come from the celestial spheres to find you and love you even more each day.
I come to build in you something new that is still unknown to you. For that I am here, dear children, for you and for My children of the world.
I come with all of My kindness, to shelter you, to listen to you and respond to you, in the presence of the Light of God and of His Kingdom.
I do not want, dear children, for anybody to miss this sacred opportunity. I cannot show Myself more to you because I do not have the permission.
My Graces have already been physically placed throughout time and you have been able to ascertain this.
Now My Divine Spirit comes to you to call your spirits, which have a special mission with Me.
I am not here, dear children, to have you waste time. That is why I still come to Aurora, because God sends Me as His Messenger, again and again, until you manage to listen in the depths of your hearts.
I hope that you fulfill My designs without delay, because the times are urgent for all and especially for those who suffer and receive no Grace.
It will be through the apostles of My Son that I will be able to prepare the world for the second coming of the Master. If you do not prepare the fields where I send you to work, dear children, how will new seeds sprout in the hearts that are closed?
Each one of you has a key for My Work and I gave it to you. That is prayer.
It is prayer that will form you, it is prayer that will unite you with Our Father Who is in the Heavens and Who always waits for you with His arms open, to receive you and have you sit in His beloved Throne of Light.
How many souls do not want to see that opportunity and delay, delay a great deal, dear children!
How many hearts still do not want to change their way of life and do not accept to find the real Love of My Heart, that comes to aid you in this end time!
That is why, in this century, I need committed soldiers, decided and strong, to respond to My call.
I come to have you grow in love and in brotherhood, in unity and in the spirit of this sacred task that I entrust to you.
Each Center of Light that I have founded has a purpose, it still fulfills a mission before the Plan of God.
Just as it is in Fatima, it is here in Aurora, as it is in Medjugorje, or in Guadalupe. Each nation has a key that I have given it through My different faces, so that the peoples may learn to accept Me and to receive Me in love.
But I Am the same, dear children. I Am the Mother of Jesus, of your Redeemer.
I Am the One Who ascended to the Heavens to implore God for this world and Who will return after Her Son, opening the doors to the Kingdom of God for those who have persisted throughout the times.
I Am Who with My Son will help to resurrect the dead, to uplift spirits, and to assemble those who have become lost to live in the Love of God.
I Am the governor of the new race.
I Am the One Who ignites the flame in hearts that invoke My Presence, because it is the Presence of God in My virginal aspect.
I need you to understand and comprehend, dear children, who you are receiving!
I Am a spokesperson of the Universe, that comes to warn the world, so that it may not become lost in the darkness.
You must help Me so that evil does not triumph in any human heart.
Each time that you pray with Me, an uncertain door closes upon darkness and a soul is uplifted to the Kingdom of My Love and of My Peace.
In this way, dear children, I wander through the world to call those who are asleep; for those who have not been able to see Me, nor feel Me in their hearts.
Aurora has a fundamental task with Me, which is non-transferable. And it must be accomplished no matter what the cost, because in spite of the times of battle, I will give you the fortitude and the support through prayer of the heart.
I gave you, dear children, the great tool of humility for souls and the shield against all adversity.
Although the beasts are about to walk over humanity and among the peoples, do not be afraid. Who unites with Me becomes a great Mirror of prayer for the world and radiates peace, when they accept living it in their heart and in truth.
What I need, dear children, is for you to open your hearts to self-forgetfulness, because the world is full of itself and does not want to accept that this causes it to sink, day after day.
I need you to open to the Love of God, so that you may know the majesty of His Plan and of His redeeming Work in these times.
Count on your angels and call them all the time. They still yearn to be able to serve you in this end time. It is time, dear children, that you perceive that you are not alone in this world and that you can count on the Celestial Universe.
Each time that I come here, as in each Apparition, of Saint Joseph or of My beloved Son, or of My Heart, We open the doors of the Cosmos so that each day you may be uplifted and abandon this old matter, which corrodes the spirit and hearts.
That is why the Aurora will free you, although its presence is silent in these times.
We are a Celestial Brotherhood that calls upon you to serve the Plan of God and to manifest its designs in this time, so that more hearts may consciously participate in their redemption and rehabilitation.
I wish that you could see the Universe, just as I see it all the time.
God will not punish you for not being able to respond. But know, dear children, that today you know My Truth, which is the Truth that I wish for each child of Mine, which is the love that I need you to experience and to practice, so that humanity does not fail through its lack of love and because of its indifference.
My Eyes observe you in contemplation and in unity with the Father. My hands pour out their Light into the darkness of the Earth, in order to dispel it.
My Heart shines like a protective shield for hearts that accept it.
And the triumph of my co-redemptive work with My Son is established in the hearts that are redeemed and say "yes".
This is the message, dear children, that I want you to attentively hear today and to hear again in these next days, in order to be able to feel each one of My Words, and even more so, My Energy, which is the Energy of God, your Father Who is in the Heavens and awaits you.
In this hour, feel the embrace of the angels and their Grace, and give thanks to God every day for having awakened to My call in this end time, which is so critical.
There are souls that despair and that are tortured.
There are souls that suffer in loneliness and in silence, without anybody contemplating them.
There are souls that die without feeling love and Kingdoms of Nature that suffer the consequences of humankind.
Who will alleviate the pain of your Heavenly Mother?
Who will accept living this affliction with Me and transform it into love and light so that the Celestial Father may triumph?
I ask you, children of the world, to not close the doors to God, for He sends Me so that you may hear and accept Him.
Do not fear the tribulation, the failure. Live penitence, prayer, and repentance, and with My help, dear children, you will achieve holy humility on the last day of your lives.
And thus, when everything finishes here, in this beloved Aurora, I will lift up to the Heavens the Scrolls of Light, where your experience with Me and the offering of this sacrifice of love for humanity will be written.
There are souls that believe it is not necessary to make an effort for this suffering and lost world. Is it not so, My children, that when God sends Me, I have shown you the constancy of My Love, of My Mercy, and of My goodness towards all?
If for you I Am your whole Grace, why do you not do the same that I do for each child of the planet?
I only ask you, as My Son asked you, that each day you learn to love each other more, because who does not go through that Law will not be able to bear their purification.
I invite you to feel united all the time, through My Immaculate Heart, which is the home that opens up so that you may enter and feel peace. In this way, dear children, you will please Me, and as in other passed Apparitions throughout time, I will be able to lift up to Heaven the Scepter of the triumph of the redeemed hearts.
And again I say to you, that through this sincere effort, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you and bless your Mother here on Earth, with the breath of My Love and of My Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Our Lady, we will listen to "Meeting with Mary in the heart".
The Apostolate of Mary
My Immaculate Spirit comes from the Light of the Heart of God; from there I arose in divine and chaste essence and I arrived on Earth to fulfill a great mission, the one of being Mother of the Son of God and then of being the Mother of Humanity.
I learned in purity through holy love; from this divine love the gifts of the spirit were born, those that helped concretize the mission of the Plan of the Creator. Before the eyes of the spiritual and angelical universe I was conceived and God gestated in His Divine Thought the projection of maternal love, that untransferable love that would be able to overcome fear and the Cross.
At the age of twelve, I was already working through the living example of the Sacred Family of Anne and Joachim. The old people of Israel was conceived as the principal essence of life, it was the people that would receive the coming of the Messiah.
The angels of the Lord guided all the Purpose; in their prayers the mystery of the Faith of God expanded and in their silent works immediate service expressed itself to the whole world.
At that time, the Eternal Father accompanied the advent of Christ. For this reason, My holy womb was the purest receptacle to receive the Spirit of God.
When the Archangel Gabriel descended from the universe to meet Me, it was the first time that the most profound light of Adonai began to expand again throughout the whole Earth. Gabriel, the Archangel was the one who announced the word of salvation and redemption to the world. The Angel of the Lord brought with him the superior worlds and, in His presence before Mary, changed the laws of humanity, turning it into a redeemable race.
When Gabriel, the Archangel proclaimed My Eternal Grace, My Consciousness was at that moment the column of light that was the repository for the new consecration for all women. Mary was that one who renewed in virginity the maternal essence in all female beings and fertilized in Her womb the infinite Mercy of God.
For this, My Grace has no end; happy is that soul and that heart that proclaims My blessed name.
After the Resurrection of Jesus began the spiritual expansion of Mary’s task. My Immaculate Heart says to you that, when Christ ascended, the Mother of God, in Her Grace, took over the Work as Co-redeemer together with Her son; and since then were born the springs of Universal Mercy through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.
At that time Christ entrusted Me to the entire humanity, in order that, through Maternal Grace and Divine Love, all of the generations after Israel could recognize me as the Virgin, as the Mother of God, as the Intercessor of humanity.
Fulfilling the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel, Jesus, from the Upper Heavens, entrusted Me to guide humanity. This is why, forty years after the Ascension of Christ, My Spirit and My Body became glorified during the Assumption and later became merged with the Highest during the Universal Coronation.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit poured out the power of the gifts of the Holy Trinity, so that now the Mother of God would conquer the serpent of evil; that serpent that, since the time of the Adams and Eves, diverted the project of the Father.
For this reason, God honored His Humble Servant and crowned Her with twelve stars, in order that, from the twelve universes and from the twelve celestial choirs, She would guide the redemptive purpose of Christ for all of humanity.
Also, the Creator gave to the Mother of the World the power of His Seven Swords, in order that, through Love, Healing, Faith, Reconciliation, Forgiveness, Transmutation and Liberation, She could, by means of His Holy Grace, save humanity until the return of His Son.
Thus, God asked the Most Holy Mother to go to the world again, to reveal the secrets that would allow Redemption and Mercy and to appear in all places and times of the world to announce to humanity the warning to change.
On behalf of the Supreme Will, everything was fulfilled and, throughout the centuries and years, the Mother of God has come to the world to call all of Her children. Now the Lady Clothed with the Sun comes with Her Seven Swords, which are invincible, in order to guide the flocks of Christ toward the saving portal.
And now My Spirit is here, among you, My dear children.
Have you understood after seven continuous years why I am still here?
Have you recognized My main message and call?
In every place of the world that I have appeared, I have left a warning and a primary request. Here, in South America, after Medjugorje, I come to complete My task of the end of time and warn Uruguay and the sister nations, that they must follow the steps of God and not of humanity.
For this reason, I come in this last time in order to consecrate hearts and soldiers, those who are willing to go with Me even to hells and save all those who get lost second by second. I come to reveal to you the power of My Conception and to demonstrate to all of humanity from here what was in truth the profound wish and the Infinite Will of God for this race.
In order for these mysteries to be known by all, I come as the New Aurora, that which brings, upon Her lap, the birth of the New Humanity.
I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception, the one that reveals to you the Power, the Mercy and the Liberation, conceived by the Holy Father, the Firstborn Son and the Holy Spirit. Happy are those who attentively listened on this night to My message and kept My last words of salvation for this end of the year.
For this reason, those who are still not willing to follow Me, let them follow Me! I will only take you to Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ will bring you into the arms of Emmanuel.
May the Celestial Universes open!
May the Holy Spirit of God descend in Glory!
Let us celebrate, with joy and fullness, the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, so that the Church of Christ may not miss the call of My Voice. Times call for the unification of creeds, of peoples and of all hearts on the Earth, this will soon liberate you from all evil.
Who blesses you under the Supreme Light,
Your Holy Mother Mary, Lady of the Seven Swords and of the Southern Cone
My dear children,
With Grace and Mercy, I raise your hearts to Heaven, to offer the Celestial Father the loveliness and the beauty of your lives.
Today, for the last time, I send My Messages of Peace to the world. Today a cycle closes in which humanity should have heeded My call and listened to My warning Message.
On this evening of Graces and redemptions, I have prayed for all of you and have received your essences upon My lap, which are truly important from an evolutionary point of view to your Celestial Father.
While the world places its attention on the things of material life, I come here with the objective and with the divine mission that you take Me into your homes as co-redeemer and Mother of all hearts. In this way, you, My dear children, will allow Me to intercede for your peers so that they too may achieve the redemption of the heart.
In the name of the blessed Love of God, I ask you to carry My sacred Word to all the places you go; in this way, I too will be able to carry out My plans in the souls that day and night become lost in this world of illusion.
As Mother of the Divine Word, I announce Myself to all of you as I once announced Myself in Fatima, in Lourdes, and recently, in Medjugorje, because God has allowed Me to appear in all the places where is a real spiritual risk.
With this aim, on this evening I open My arms, I lift them up to Heaven, and I plead for all of humanity and for all Kingdoms of Nature, which are ravaged by this race. I come to remove the blindness from your eyes so that through My universal healing and My Motherhood, you can awaken to the Return of Christ, Our Lord.
My eyes will illumine your paths when you simply pray with Me for the priests and the consecrated, so that they are able to be the luminous mirror of the Face of My Son Jesus; because, beloved children, this humanity is closed to hearing what comes from Heaven to correct you and place you on the path of peace.
As Queen of the Holy Rosary, I ask you to pray with Me for My plans, before the enemy manages to convince you to live a life of material illusion.
My children, My desire is that here, as in the whole world, the apostles of love and redemption be born who will be able to bear faithful witness to the return of Christ.
Thus, I ask that you be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so you may be protected and safeguarded from all evil, because when all of you manage to open the doors of your hearts, God will be able to give you His restorative and merciful Love.
You are in a time to take up the rosary and begin to pray for peace, a peace that does not exist in humankind nor in any soul. You hold the truth in your hands. Pray with devotion, ask for forgiveness, reconcile in time and you will be worthy of experiencing the redeeming supper with My Son, the Higher Priest.
Through My Immaculate Heart, I open the doors of the Kingdom of God to you so you may quickly be elevated in spirit and dispel the codes of evil from your lives.
Through your 'yes,' My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I am grateful for the great companionship of all My children during these last three years of Graces and of conversions.
Who loves you and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all humanity
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come from the Heavens to announce to you that peace is possible in the end of times.
I gather you together, around this Source of love and redemption, so that your souls and spirits can be baptized, and being freed of all sin and fault, you resume the path of rehabilitation which you lost.
As Queen of the Holy Spirit of God, today I pour out the seven Gifts upon this place, because Argentina has the spiritual mission of manifesting the Gifts of God in the New Humanity; and that will first begin in your hearts, My beloveds.
For this reason, today God has allowed My Voice to reverberate in your essences, so that it may echo within all those who do not hear Me; because My true mission among you, My little ones, is that you achieve spiritual healing in these times.
Many of you have already taken the great step toward My Heart. Thus, on this very special day, so sacred and blessed by God the Father, the Angels of Heaven and their armies of Light assemble all your Guardian Angels so they can help you to resume the path you have lost in this cycle.
I am building a pathway of Light among the shadows and the darkness. I Am the great Sun for this world, the great Morning Star that is announced every day, emitting a Message of Peace and a call to a profound redemption of the heart.
I need you, dear children, washed and purified by the Water of Christ. This will help you to resume what you have never done, which is to accomplish your true mission for the Most High Father, Who always waits and expects you to welcome you into His Kingdom of Love and of Peace.
God has given Me the last opportunity in these times, of announcing Myself here in the Americas, to you, as well as in Medjugorje for thirty-three consecutive years. By any chance, My dear children, have you understood what I am doing among you? I am sure that your hearts understand and that your souls can feel My call.
God begs all your angels to accomplish the mission among you, the true spiritual mission, of directing you toward the pathways of peace and the good.
On this night of Graces and blessings for My children of the world, My Immaculate Heart unites with all those who pray, all those who are linked with My Marian Spirit. To all those I want to also say that they should wait with joy for the arrival of the Gifts of God; because after they take the step in their purification, they will find the Gifts of God in their lives and they will be pillars of light for My Heart, carriers of peace, messengers of My Marian Word for all the souls that are going out in the world.
Throughout the times and the Apparitions, My real promise for humanity is to consecrate it as a single family, as equal and as similar to the Family of Nazareth.
In your hearts, you hold the potential to be able to love and forgive. Do not waste time, My dear children, forgive, love, be reconciled with your brothers and sisters. Dispel the punishments and the anger from your hearts; in this way, you will be deserving of My maternal Grace, and through this point of Light within which I assemble you all, I lift you up toward the Kingdom of God, in My Heart carrying all your pleas and intentions, which are always considered by My Immaculate Heart.
This is the Center of the Holy Spirit for the Americas; here, souls must find again the path toward God. As I have said to Sister Lucía de Jesús, here the Seventh Heavens can be opened, and these will not be a mystery to you, but rather a true feeling of love and of unity with the Divine Messengers.
While My Words are being proclaimed to everybody, in your hearts and essences receive the codes of My Divinity, My feminine Presence, My healing maternal Energy. Keep these codes in the depths of your beings. The enemy will not rest and will work with its cunning to withdraw the codes from within you.
For this reason, dear children, with courage and joy, embrace the cross and the sacrifice that My Son gave you. Remember you will not be walking alone. My silent steps of a Mother accompany you. My Heart is ignited in your hearts when you open the portal of prayer in your lives. Remember that when you carry the cross, which is so heavy, you will be doing so for many more.
You belong to a single humanity, to an infinite creator principle which must be invincible in your hearts, which cannot be defeated by anybody because the project of Christ must be fulfilled in your lives.
And so, My dear children, which is the path you will choose in this cycle? I need you to choose the path of the prayer of the heart. True spirituality is to be found in service and in charity. Thus, you will be purified very lightly and will not lose any time in being able to be transformed in this era.
Walk with confidence toward My Heart and receive this Grace as a last opportunity for this suffering and sick humanity.
Dear children, in your hands you have the master key of the universe, the true symbol of peace, which wants to fly in your hearts so the victory of Christ is accomplished before His Return.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today I come to free your lives so you no longer carry the baggage of the past.
I want today to be the reason for the opening of a new cycle for each of your beings. Today, I open the doors to the redemption of your souls, which for so long have awaited this opportunity, and for this reason came to My meeting on this day.
My children, for this liberation to occur in your lives, and not be a passing act, it is necessary that you not only be reconciled with God, but with all the beings that are around you. Let there no longer be egotism in your lives, separateness and indifference, because I need your hearts to be a single heart beating on this planet.
Regardless of the history of each of your beings, I want to unite your essences so that in this place, an army of peace, an army of prayer takes shape that radiates fraternity to all those who are unable to live it.
For this, My children, I need you to study My words, that you contemplate each of them, drawing into your lives the codes I placed there.
Each time I come to the world, in My arms I bring Celestial Graces that are poured out over souls. Those Graces, My dear, will never perish, but they may be latent in the essences of those who did not open to respond to my call.
A year ago, I left an impulse in this place, which brought about results in the heart of some beings; but in others, this impulse remained latent, waiting for a new cycle to manifest.
My children, on this evening I ask that you no longer let another year go by, but rather, let the impulses, the Graces and the Gifts I place today in your lives, and which are unique in this universe, be able to come alive in each of your essences, be able to purify your cells, your atoms, your consciousnesses so that in this coming time you can become instruments of God in this world.
The past of your lives does not matter, what you experienced in this world or in others. From the Heavens I bring the opportunity for a fresh start when you simply say 'yes' to My Heart.
My children, I can turn the book of your lives to a blank page, ready for the writing of new words, the story of this humanity, the story of redemption of each of your beings. And for that, I need that you not only trust in My Presence, but that you aspire to live My Words and that, through the Ray of Will which I place in your souls, you decide on those codes growing each day and becoming pure and clear actions, thoughts and feelings, becoming a reason for change to other souls who approach you.
My children, on this day I ask that you not confuse the life of the spirit with all the false teachings that exist in this world, but rather that through your hearts, you discover the true celestial teaching that the Divine Messengers bring to the world; and you will be able to discover this truth through the experience of your hearts.
Live the Divine Words that descend to the world in this time. Discover the simplicity of these Words, the celestial treasures that God sends to the world, for in this simplicity, My children, is held infinite mysteries that humanity never discovered, but that the time has now come for the veils of ignorance to be removed from your eyes.
Do not be confused with all that humanity wants to know. Seek the Truth I placed in your essences on this day.
Cry out to the Spirit of God so that those Gifts, which today came into your lives, can manifest; and for that, work, walk, pray with the heart, and in the life of prayer find the doors to redemption and the rehabilitation of your spirits.
Do not let this Marian Center be a source from which you do not come to drink. I want your souls to quench their thirst in this place, that you not leave it empty, because Divine Graces find a dwelling place here and have need of the presence of your hearts so they can be poured out for the world.
Come and find the Water of Life here, and through your hearts, which are living testimonies of your essences, carry the Water of Life to all the places of this world in which souls suffer a thirst of spirit and of heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My sublime aromas envelop your souls in the spirit of forgiveness and of peace.
Receive from My hands the Graces of God and wait with hope for the Coming of Christ to this world so in need of forgiveness.
Today, My Soul will be glad for your song, which is an eternal song, a gift and instrument of God that opens the doors of hearts that are closed and can find through the song of God, peace.
Today, I am with you to consecrate you, because all are consecrated by My Heart. Follow the example of those who take the steps with confidence. In this way, you will manage to take the great step which God awaits towards the spiritual path, towards a Christic life, towards eternal life.
To this end, I will consecrate My children with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit of God and I will wait for each one to represent a spark of God, a light that dazzles the world and attracts other souls toward the path of conversion and of redemption.
Harmony also exists in this world. For this purpose, dear children, for all those who will be consecrated, on this blessed night when the universe unites with the Earth and its Celestial Hierarchies assemble their beings to fulfill the great mission, I will bless you with this Water of Christ, with this simple and chaste Water, through the Sign of the Cross, a glorious symbol of Christ, exorcist and liberator for the end times.
Come forward to this place to receive the Sign of the Cross, in a single line, as a unique army that hears the Voice of God in their heart.
While you are being blessed, I will be here; because I will not only consecrate your beings, but with My Light, I will also magnetize all the Kingdoms of Nature that also wait for a gesture of love and of service from you as simple as focusing your attention on them to perceive their need, and in this way, all will be able to enter into a perfect balance with all of Creation, as God expects from all of you.
Be happy, be healed, praise God forever!
I thank you for responding to My call and I will follow this meeting with all My children in the silence of the Heart; thus, God has allowed Me and all those who may want to renew their vows to the Plans of God, to do so at this moment; for My loving and maternal offer will be lifted up to the Altars of God after I am no longer here, on this sacred night.
I love you and I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am here. I have not left. Trust.
Prayer: Hail Mary and Glory.
While you are blessed, dear children, from here, on this sacred tree, I will pray for you, for the world.
Song: "Looking at You."
My dear children, Heaven will always wait for you so you can walk in search of Infinity. When someday you achieve that step, I will be able to say to the world that My Immaculate Heart has triumphed over the darkness.
I thank you for responding to My call. I bless all those present under the luminous Sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children of Mine,
As I know that you will want to know, God will grant Me to know the world after it completes ten years of continuous Apparitions. After that, many will give living testimony of My presence among you and, mainly, the Holy Father will recognize Me as the Lady of the Great Mystery, different from that which has been happening for thirty three years in Medjugorje.
For this moment, many of you no longer will be, and My task that now is in groups will be assumed by each visionary in different continents because My last call will be that they will give the world to know My final message. This final message is this, that which I am giving to you, month by month. In this way, many hearts will be prepared for the awaited return of Christ, and everything that until now seems to be a mystery will become a living revelation for the current humanity.
For this, in the final times, I will come to ask humanity for the consecration of all homes to the Immaculate Heart; when I am no longer among you My Light that comes from Heaven will be poured upon your families, and in this way, you will be protected from the three days of darkness.
When this moment arrives, I will show Myself for the last time to millions of people, and those who have not believed in the Woman Clothed with the Sun, by the luminous turning of the light of Her twelve stars upon the Earth, will be converted and receive as a final opportunity for the absolution and forgiveness of sins.
This work, as so many others that I have realized for the good and for the peace of humanity, will be recorded in the memory of all those who, through their efforts, will admire the power of My Immaculate Heart; before the great cycle of tribulation, the whole world will have more time of peace.
But now comes the time of preparation. I call you to realize in your lives the spirit of constant prayer and of charity; this will demonstrate, after a while, visible results within your hearts.
I now wish to tell you that the gift of your group is the true love of God, a love that has brought you to be among My arms of a Mother.
Dear children, this is the love which some felt in their hearts, that which has allowed Me to be here today and to reveal to you this secret of the end of time. From your fruits will be born new seeds in the future; open the doors of your inner universes so that new souls may be able to be served from the fountain of Graces that has been poured over you in these last years.
The Father always will infuse His Faith in your hearts. While the whole world passes through the cycle of its last transition, I come to ask you to be living testimonies for those who do not believe, and especially to pray every day from the heart for those who have been lost in the hands of the enemy. In this way, because of your prayers, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
On this night, I thank you for accompanying Me. These days shared with all of My praying children were celestial gifts generated for those who have not been rescued, in this way, the Plan of God is fulfilled.
I bless you and guide you.
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
It has been thirty-three years since I have come to the world through Medjugorje as Queen of Peace to diffuse the call for peace and the universal love of God among the nations.
Today on the sacred anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, I announce to you that My Immaculate Heart thanks all children who awake to My maternal call and I thank all those who work to diffuse My call in Medjugorje as well as in South America. In this way, I wish to show the world that My Marian Consciousness is omnipresent and merciful, it brings the possibility of being liberated from the evil that suffocates the hearts and that extinguishes the light in the souls.
Dear children, that today may be a day of celebration and of graces to the Eternal Father and to Jesus Christ for having permitted that one more time, I may save you and intercede for your souls, which are divine treasures to the Lord and immaterial purity to the Celestial Universe.
On this day, in which thirty-three years of Apparitions in Medjugorje are accomplished My principle message is to call you again to prayer.
For all the pleas, prayers, fasting and offers of love on the part of My dear children, your sacred planet still may remain in the Great Project of God. Humanity, especially, is being considered before the universe as a rescuable project, which was impossible before due to the serious outrages committed.
That in communion with My Son, My beloveds, the Light of the Holy Spirit may open and expand your consciousnesses, in this way you will be worthy of receiving the Kingdom of God in your dwelling places.
My children, continue to walk in the law of effort and of sacrifice for those who do not do it and for those who do not want to see God in their hearts.
On a coming day, the Lord will show the world His Mercy and His Piety; when humanity, the one who is awake as well as the one who is asleep, sees the coming among the clouds, the suns and the stars, of the glorious presence of Christ Redeemer.
Now that, after so many Graces and Instructions you are more mature, I ask you that you open your hearts more so you may recognize the Will of the Lord, in this way you will give living testimony to those who do not live in Christ, the Savior.
Prayer of the Virgin Mary on the occasion of the 33 years of
Her Apparitions in Medjugorje.
A Star of Light shone upon the hill,
it was the presence of the Queen of Peace.
An eternal legacy was given to Her children,
it was the instruction of seeking the peace of the heart.
Redemptions and conversions were poured out as Graces,
it was the ray of Reconciliation with the Kingdom of God.
A bridge of light arose from the Earth,
it was the prayers of Her Children,
those who cried out for a New Humanity.
The response of a few,
became Grace for many,
it was the Love and the intercession of the Lady of Peace.
A profound communion
proclaimed the Great Universal Heights.
The Sovereign Queen of Peace,
once again united the hearts with the King of Love.
And, for a whilw, Heaven and touched Earth.
It was the unity of all Her children with the Celestial Father.
Hail, Mother of Love!,
Hail, Queen of Peace!
The stars of Your Crown, now and forever,
illuminate our walk.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Blessings and Peace to all My children of Sorocaba.
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
While the world celebrates a night of Light, the darkness celebrates a night of shadows, but My Immaculate Heart will triumph so the Word of God may reverberate on Earth.
In this meeting today, dear children, I invite you to a true conversion. Let your hearts definitely open to My call so that I, through My hands, may untie the knots in your lives.
Convert to My Son, dear children, for in this way, you will help humanity to convert. While the Light of the Kingdom of God descends over the world on this night, My Heart proclaims the grandeur of the Celestial Kingdom.
Angels and Archangels congregate for an important mission, the Hosts of Emmanuel descend to Earth in order to liberate the earthly purgatory and all those who have condemned themselves, throughout time, to suffering and perdition, to the absence of the soul and love, to the lack of faith in God.
For this reason, the Most Holy and Powerful Mother, Who announces Herself on this night to you, brings you the great Star of Fraternity, the one which perpetually illuminated the universe and the Earth during three consecutive days in the celestial spheres of Bethlehem.
Thus, receive this symbol of confraternity so that it may be sown in your hearts and you may definitely become great suns on Earth. On this night, I have need of warriors for these definitive times. Do not waste time in conflicts, in disharmonies, in disputes; open your hearts to redemption.
The Perpetual Flame of God desires to deeply enter into your lives; thus, My Heart draws close to your hearts so you may feel the same palpitation of My maternal Light, which comes to help you, assist you and protect you in this end time.
Walk together, dear children, and carry out the proclamation of Love.
Announce to the world that I have come here, just as I have come to Medjugorje.
On these very special dates, dear children, there is a great confrontation between the Light and evil. The game is being played on the board: who will define themselves?, who will follow in My footsteps?, who will see the Light of the beyond to be able to receive God in their heart?
My Son ardently waits for the new apostles to be able to seal, in your essences, the energy of Christification, which will deeply transform you from one day to the other, overnight; so you may wake up to the new and the real, to that so perfect design which exists in the Kingdoms of God, which is unknown to many because they have disconnected from the true reality.
Thus, on this night, I come to meet you, in My Maternal Heart receiving your pleas and your intentions.
Dear children, it is truly time to awaken. The Lord wants to gather together all His flocks, for the enemy has made sure to separate you through differences and ideas that each of My children has on the Truth.
For this reason, I invite you, dear children, especially all the blessed families who are today united with Me in the depth of the heart and the spirit, to perform a true consecration, so that God may receive in His Kingdom this great offering, which all can make in this very definitive time.
Today, My Immaculate Heart shines forth. The great Star of Bethlehem reverberates in the subtle universe, sending its codes of Light to all those who may want to receive them.
Dear children, the universe and the Earth commune on this night through the Birth of My Son and the coming of My Immaculate Heart into your lives.
My Son hopes that you can really take the steps. But each one of you will know before God what you can give Me; with Grace and joy, I receive all your offerings.
Today I bring you a faithful example of My spiritual Marian task, which I have been doing throughout these years, walking by the side of My children, of the pilgrims who seek the Light of the Father in this time of darkness. But fear not, beloved children, the Light will prevail as long as you believe in it; it has an invincible power because it is an emanation of the Source of God.
Connect every day with the Highest through prayer, service and charity. God expects the best results from you on this pilgrim path, which after this life will definitely take you to Paradise.
You need to work, during this time, beloved children, for the next world that awaits you. There is nothing else to do on this Earth only pray and pray with the heart.
Open the doors to receive My Son. He waits to be truly born in you, so you can come out of yourselves and that now, at this time, redemption may reign, the infinite path to peace.
Thus, on this night, beloved children, I gather a group of My children together who have responded to My call through sacrifice and self-giving, but I expect many more to come to this meeting with My Immaculate Heart.
I am not defining merits on Earth, but rather profound Graces for your hearts; a special and spiritual state that God has granted you through this day of consecration.
For this reason, I invite you to encourage yourselves to be consecrated; each one will know how to consecrate yourself, experience this perfect communion with God because He will always wait for you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Mother is asking us to sing the song of consecration, that song which was born in the Figueira Community, and She asks for all the Children of Mary to approach so as to bless and consecrate them.
My very dear children, by the great Star of Bethlehem sent by God to the world to illumine the whole race, the future of all generations, and by the commitment My Immaculate Heart made in God and for God, I come on this night to bless you and consecrate you to the Kingdom of My Peace.
Thus, from the beginning, I asked you to dress yourselves in a light blue color so that you would carry on your bodies the protection of My Mantle, the one that covered Me during the Way of the Cross, that went on pilgrimage together with My Son, proclaiming the Word of God in those times.
Through this simple symbol, I pour out the Codes I have achieved through My life upon this beloved Earth. As the Mother of all, through this practice of consecration, I consecrate all of humanity; especially those who do not listen to God and who live far from God, separated from the Light of My Son and the true Love of My Heart.
I hope I have been able to build your sacred dwelling places in these years.
My purity is with you, My simplicity accompanies you, and My sacrifice of being in this world also accompanies you on this eternal pilgrimage to awaken wounded hearts and heal souls who are in agony throughout this world.
Dear children, placing My hands upon you, I bless you and forgive you. I give you My Divine Mercy, which My Son poured out when Blood and Water sprang forth from His Side; and may this precious spiritual Gift, this inexhaustible Source of redemption and peace be able to remain in your hearts and in your essences.
Remember, dear children, that after so many tests you have experienced, of the surrenders and efforts, better times will come for all. God never abandons those who fully trust in His Plan of Love. He wants to transform your lives and again awaken the commitment you have made to Me once in Nazareth.
As Mother, I gather you together again and I thank you all for your dedication to My Plan. Because behind all this non-material and invisible mystery there is My walking onward; the steps of Light which I take for you in the silence of My Heart, accompanying you at your side so that you not fall into those abysses the world has created, but rather that you are able to build new bridges over those abysses so that many souls, which have become lost through a lack of faith and love, are able to spiritually be revived.
Open your hearts and feel the Light of My Heart, the caress of My hands on your faces and the blessing that I give you through My Motherly embrace. Let My Immaculate Heart be the Guiding Star for your lives and those of your siblings.
I thank you, My very little and dear ones, for having always responded to My call. Remember: you will see the fruits in Paradise.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Mother is asking that the bells ring again and that we sing "Queen of Peace" (in Italian) to unite with Medjugorje and receive Christ into our heart.
Until tomorrow, dear children.
Experience a night of peace; that is what is most important for your lives.
Thank you, dear families who listen to Me and unite with Me, for having manifested the Manger, responding to the Call of My Son. This is the faithful symbol of the New Humanity.
I thank you!
Dear children,
Once more descending from Heaven, after the sacred coming of My Son, to announce My maternal Love for all those who are present and to ask that, in the next year of 2014, My Immaculate Heart may go on a pilgrimage with your help towards the Andean and Central American regions. Therefore, if you help to fulfill My requests with love, the Mother of the World aspires to descend in glory during the month of January of 2014 in Quito, Ecuador and in Lima, Perú, to bring peace.
On this Pilgrim journey together with My children of the whole world, My heart of a healing Mother would like to descend in Divine Spirit during the month of February of 2014, in Bogotá, Colombia, and in Caracas, Venezuela to bring inner peace and the love for peace that My children need to learn to cultivate it in the heart.
Thus, during the month of March 2014, My Immaculate Heart aspires, with your help, to be able to take the Love of My Son and of God to Managua, Nicaragua, and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in Central America with the purpose of uniting all these hearts to the universal call for peace and Mercy.
As in Medjugorje, for the first time in the history of this beloved and needy humanity, My Face of Queen of the Most Holy Peace of the Heart goes on pilgrimage among spaces and nations with the divine Purpose of the Father to be able to fulfill the rescue Plan.
You, My dear children, are the first self-summoned to fulfill My Marian Mission in this part of the world, to be able to consecrate at least the Americas to My Immaculate Heart.
Accept from now on the offering that I communicate to you with a fraternal collaboration in prayer and charity so that these children of the Andes and of Central America may also receive My Grace and Mercy.
As your Sacred Pilgrim Mother, I tell you that My blessed feet walk upon this world through the praying walk of the pilgrims. Thus, you will allow the world to be relieved from the perpetual pain in which it experiences.
Dear children, this is My anticipated invitation and call for all those who with love listen to My heavenly Words: may you next week cultivate a gesture of charity out of love for the fulfillment of the Plan of God on Earth.
For this, I ask you to pray with Me, so that this pilgrimage may take place according to the designs of My Immaculate Heart.
I thank you now and always for fulfilling My call for peace throughout all the corners of this humanity!
Who blesses and loves you,
Your Sacred Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
My dear children,
Blessed be Christ Jesus in your precious lives!
On this evening of Saint John, I invite you to imitate the loving example of the faithful disciple of Jesus. As Mother of the Divine Mercy, today I ask you to consecrate your beings to the perpetual and eternal Light of My Immaculate Heart. As Mother, I call you so that your lives are consecrated to the Mother of the Celestial Divine Universe on this consecrated evening to Saint John.
Dear beloved children, with joy, My maternal Heart reaches this part of Uruguay to confirm My company and My Presence on the special awakening that the Marian Center of Aurora will have during the month of August 2013.
As Queen of Peace, I invite you to tomorrow enter into My Immaculate Heart once more, on June 25, so that thus you may follow me especially on this new anniversary of the 32 years of the Apparitions in Medjugorje.
My children, during this cycle of June, you will be able to understand that Mary, Queen of Peace, returns to the world with the hope of a prompt conversion and awakening of humanity. Therefore, on this day of Vigil, I ask the Marian Centers and all pilgrims who follow Me, to unite in profound prayer for the special intentions of the Virgin Mary.
Your hearts will pray constantly during the next six months:
• For Peace to be established among nations and in the world.
• For the future mothers to love the precious coming of the children of God through birth.
• For the nuclear conflict to end and so that the only plans of human beings be peace and good for the whole world.
• For the planetary healing that emanates from the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be poured out upon the most inveterate sinners.
• For the children, youth, and adults of the whole world to awaken to the call of conversion and the true change of the attitudes of life. This will be possible when parents who are responsible for the spiritual path of all their children experience and spread the life of prayer among families and among all beings.
Today I also ask you to pray:
• For the souls that suffer and experience the martyrdom of famine and lack of water.
• For the infinite and pious Mercy to be able to touch the hardened hearts and that, under the Love of God, they be able to help those most in need.
And lastly, I ask that during these next six months you pray:
• For a larger number of souls to awaken to the vocations of the Christian path.
• For the shepherds to be guided by the footsteps of My Son.
• For the true Church of Christ to transmit, through examples, the life of the spirit, reconciliation, and unity to all souls.
Therefore, My children, My maternal Heart, by the Will of God, appeared and is appearing for 32 years in Medjugorje and for the last 6 years in Aurora, in South America, with the spiritual purpose that all the hearts that have been separated from My Son, and consequently from God, can return to My Arms, so that My Light may guide them towards the peace of heart and towards conversion.
Beloved children, in this way you will learn to contemplate how necessary it is to pray for the special intentions of My Son Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that Grace be present in the world in these times of great changes.
I thank you for responding to My requests for the peace and redemption of the world!
Who loves and blesses you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Dear children,
Praise be to Jesus in the world and in the whole universe, especially in hearts that need Him most!
With joy and rejoicing, I return to the Marian Center where My first Apparitions in the Americas originated, the Mother of Heaven returns to the hearts of the children that opened the door to Her, as in Medjugorje, so that the warm maternal Voice of the Virgin Mary may be heard.
For this reason, My Heart chose these two coming months so that those children who have been listening to My call for some years are able to receive a restoration for the continuity of My maternal Work in the Americas and in the world.
My children, during this week I ask that in your daily prayers, you concentrate those prayers on the five Wounds that My Son Jesus carried.
As a Mother, I ask that you adore those five precious signs, for if you do so, you will help all the wounds of suffering, of pain, of despair, and lack of faith and love to be closed through the infinite healing that My Immaculate Heart is able to radiate.
In this practice, may your hearts come together with the precious sign of love and redemption that My Son manifested and showed on the Cross for all of you.
My very dear children, you know that the world is without peace and that these wounds that the enemy generates with its plans, separate families, weaken the love between the most loved beings and lead a great number of souls into damnation and sin.
I ask that, through your Adoration of the five wounds of My Son, your prayer reverberate and reach the Kingdom of God, so that His Mercy and Forgiveness may be poured out as healing into the hearts of all beings on Earth.
Dear children, as Mother, I call on you to reaffirm your inner union with My Son and from your heart, deepen the living of your spiritual path; for while innumerable souls shut down their faith and devotion to God, I as the Morning Star, try to bring them as close as possible to the Heart of My Son so that they may all be out of danger and under the protection of His merciful redeeming Love.
My children, today I also come to you so that, during this pause of sixty days, you may study and read the Words that My Son is announcing; in this way, your hearts will be strengthened and freed from fear. Use the words of the Sacred Bible as instruments of prayer; gather up your strength as a single family and allow the holy protection of My Son Jesus to be among you.
Dear children, the times are rapidly changing and it is necessary to recover the practices that My Son gave you for your conversion, such as fasting, confession, the reading of the Gospel, and family prayer, for in this way, you will allow the world not to lose the true Christian culture that My Son founded out of love for all.
My children, I am with you and among you.
Once again I thank you for responding to My call.
Thank you! May Peace be with you.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
My dear children:
Today I speak to your hearts, so that united on this day in the Love of Christ we may pray for peace in the hearts.
My children, yesterday I spoke to you about the importance of supporting with the heart the workers of God on Earth, workers that help the flocks of My Son to be conducted through the path of eternity.
Dear children, today I ask you that on this day of spiritual decisions that will occur in the Church of My Son you, like true brothers and sisters of the path, renew yourselves in prayer and fraternity, supporting the important plans of My Son Jesus. The Lord, who is in Heaven, awaits your honest and humble collaboration with the designs of the Church of My Son, through the offering of your prayer.
My children, know that millions of brothers and sisters in the world will depend on the new worker of God, a worker that must feel accompanied by the fraternal hearts that radiate peace and that live the true face of the Divine Purpose.
Through prayer, you will not only be rebuilding the world, as with fasting, but you can also be loyal servers and guardians who keep vigil of the paths of many souls. This is one of the reasons for so many Marian Apparitions in Medjugorje, like now in your house, month by month.
Dear children, for this reason, My call in Medjugorje is to reignite the life of the Sacraments, such as Confession and Communion, and also the experience of fasting, of the gospel and of prayer, that I have revealed to you as the five little stones of salvation.
Now present with you for almost seven consecutive years, My Immaculate Heart calls the Christians and the believers in God so that, in fraternal unity, they support the events in the world. This task requires from you all the love, faith, and fidelity for the world not to be so spiritually harmed, as it is now.
Therefore, My children, in this specially blessed month of March, My maternal Heart will follow, as in Medjugorje and in Salta, the great spiritual and Christian moments that the Church of Christ will experience.
Here, dear ones, we will be gathering in love the flocks, as it is written in the Holy Scripture: the chaff will start to be separated from the wheat and your hearts must be ready in prayer for this moment.
If humanity listened to My call, prayed, and lived My Message, the Holy Spirit of God would convert and save the world. As My beloved Son has said, I will count on many devotees, but I will face evil to defeat it with few soldiers, so will be the Law for this time.
Who would want to risk their lives out of love for the Plan of God?
Which of My children will accept to experience it in trust and faith as the Virgin Mary experienced it?
Dear children, above all things I am in your hearts and I will be for a longer time through Apparitions until God asks Me. I love you, therefore My Love wants to be present within you all the time.
I thank My children of Figueira for having waited for me all these months because My Immaculate Heart returns home!
I thank you, dear children,
Praised be Jesus!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Children, today I keep you all in My Heart, and this means a victory of My Immaculate Heart in your hearts. My arms are open to gather within My heart the praying servers of My Son Jesus because the moment to share the life of prayer and fraternity among all the souls of the world is arriving.
Dear children, with joy, I invite you once again to the prayer of the heart. Prayer must be your constant work of love; a prayer that resounds in your hearts, that builds the goodness and peace among the groups, families and nations; a prayer that helps the souls that day by day despair due to not finding the correct path towards light and peace.
Children, as Queen of Peace, I call you to be permanently in the Kingdom of My Peace. This Kingdom, of victory and glory in the Heavens, is near your lives and homes. This Kingdom that My heart wishes so much that you are able to gestate through examples of goodness and charity, of love and brotherhood.
Children, you know that My Heart of Mother watches over all the children in the world and that the world is in a spiritual crisis due to the lack of love in the hearts of the human beings towards the Kingdoms created by My Father. They ask humanity for help and assistance; day by day souls suffer and are discouraged. This is the evil of the enemy that can take the attention of My children away from prayer.
Therefore, dear children, I still appear here, as in Medjugorje and in Salta, to sustain, with My maternal spirit, the inner chaos of humanity.
As a Mother who consoles the afflicted and in despair, I ask you that, week by week, as you have done on Tuesdays, My little ones, you embrace with love the life of prayer and, in groups, pray for the concretion of the Plans of God on Earth, pray for peace and for the conversion of all who need the Love of God.
I constantly gather the prayers of My children throughout the whole world, day by day. When you pray with Me My spirit of love is among you, within your homes, feeling the hearts and needs of each child.
Open the doors to Me! because I want to reign within your hearts, in your families, marriages and friendships. I am the Sun that descends upon the universe to heal you and finally take you to the Arms of My Son.
I share, at the time of emergency, the need of all My children; but you must continue praying for the world to reach a time of more peace, to avoid wars and persecutions.
Children, the prophetic book of yesterday is already open and all can change through your loving interest for the life of prayer of the heart.
I guide you, support you, I encourage you towards the transformation of your lives. I want you to reach, while you are on Earth, the real Kingdom of Paradise. For this to happen, you must say yes to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
God contemplates the good works of those who with love give their lives for the salvation of the world, through prayer and charity.
I am with you and thank all the groups for trusting, once again, in My urgent call for the total salvation of the world.
Who loves you, mercifully,
Mary, Queen of Peace
Do not fear, dear children, because the doors of the universe are open.
Today, God sends Me to tell you that the long-awaited cycle in this humanity is approaching. This means, dear children, that I will be closer to you during all these times.
After 2,012 years, My Consciousness will strongly take action in this world and this will extend into the next year of 2013, in which a task in Medjugorje will be completed from the unfolding of secrets. Everything will be revealed to the world in a short time. The true revelations written by the prophets of yesterday.
And today I fulfill a prophecy, among many, the coming of the Queen of Peace, of the Queen of the Universe, Who announces the coming of My Son through the solar birth; this means, dear children, that the signs will be shown.
What I am revealing to you is important; for this reason, now I will ask your permission. The hearts that are very close to Me, will better understand Me this way.
Dear children, I want to tell you that, as of now, the cycle that was written by God begins. The books open to write again in humanity, in the New Humanity so awaited by Our Lord.
Thus, do not fear the events that will occur. You were called in this time because you have already been prepared. Your hearts were prepared through My coming throughout all of this end time. That is the best sign that I show you today: that through My Presence, you practice prayer of the heart.
During all of these days, it will be important to offer God the small sacrifices your hearts are able to do, so that this new time be of appeasement, and many hearts that have need of being sheltered in Me are able to approach through the collaboration of the Guardian Angels. Your daily union with the Guardian Angel will be important; It will show you the steps you are to take during this end cycle.
As the Mercy of God is so infinite, dear children, My Maternal Heart will come to Aurora to be able to support you. And after so many events, which will happen little by little, I will return here, to Argentina, next year, beginning in March, so that you, now as adults, are able to be united with Me and help Me in this planetary task that will begin at the end of this year.
For this reason, dear children, direct your eyes to the sky so you may see the portals of Peace shine, and do not allow yourselves to be deceived by what could happen in this world. It will be the moment, dear children, to activate the powers of prayer and to hold yourselves within My Immaculate Heart so that you do not fear anything.
Today I do not come to reveal the miseries of the world to you, but rather to bring you the Grace of God, the Mercy of the Most High, so that those children who in truth want to listen to Me, are able to walk with Me, at My side.
It is time, dear children, you took My Hands, so that My Crown of Stars can surround each of you, as well as each of My children that has need of the immensity of the Light. Thus, you will be able to participate in this meeting with Me in Aurora.
And today I also want to reveal, dear children, that within My Immaculate Heart the other Communities of the Father are also kept. With this I want to say that I too will be in each one of them and will be able to be closer to each of My children when you carry out the practice of prayer; for in this way, dear children, you will be calling Me during this definitive time.
I want to leave all of My children under My Mantle. Thus, open your hearts in this definitive time, set aside differences, blame and bitterness; because if you continue in this state, you will be feeding the enemy. Thus, defeat your atavism through prayer; in this way, you will be able to transcend yourselves, and very close to My Kingdom, My Eyes of Mercy will be able to guide you.
I am calling, in this definitive time of 2012, all My soldiers of prayer, you and the rest of the soldiers that are in the world, all the Marian groups consecrated to My Heart, all those who attribute faith to the Universal Mother. Because as Mother of the World, dear children, I am calling the 144,000 flocks of Christ, that they may receive the Resplendent Redeemer, because He is very close to your lives, to this material reality.
But first, He must enter into your hearts as something living. For this to happen, My children, you have the Flame of the Holy Spirit as guide and protection.
In these hours that will take place, dear children, pray, pray without ceasing, pray so as to be very united with My Immaculate Heart. Pray so that Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste Heart, can intervene for all. Pray so that the legions of Angels of the Father are able to help the planet, and the portals of the universe can be projected toward this world so all the hosts of the Creator Fathers can come. That is My special reason for planetary prayer for December 21.
Dear children, today I must speak to you with maturity and awareness. You are not only My little children, My caring hearts of love; now, already adults, you must know the truth and take on the role that is due to each child in this time.
I am praying constantly for you and for all My children; taking care of the essences which can be deceived; the enemy will not rest until it deviates some child of Mine. Know, dear children, that in this time, everything is allowed; but with your prayer, united with My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to be united with the Divine Heart of My Son.
Unite as a single group of prayer. Let this end of year, this Christmas that is coming, not only be a reason for receiving the Redeemer, but also of uniting among yourselves as a single praying group in each nation.
Dear children, run, run to your homes and begin to pray, unite your families with the spirit of prayer. It is no longer so important that each soul not know how to pray, but rather, that it begin to practice the verb of prayer.
I promise to help all those who start on the path of prayer. And you, My dear children, can also help those who want to learn to live by prayer.
Do not think, dear children, that today I come to bring you fear, but rather to prepare you to find the truth in your heart, so your consciousnesses truly unite with the Heart of God.
The time of normalcy has now ended. It is time to go into prayer, to cry out and ask for the Presence of the Holy Spirit. My Immaculate Heart will be grateful that each one of you is able to participate in this planetary prayer.
My basket of gold will gather the flowers of your prayer. What I need, dear children, is to offer a great number of prayers to God, and your prayers will become more powerful when you are united in groups of prayer and leave this normalcy the world is living.
Know, dear children, that many of My children will not know what will happen; thus, I ask you to pray for all of them.
Your prayers will multiply when you consciously pray together with your Guardian Angels, because they will uplift the prayer to My Celestial Kingdom and My Merciful Rays will be able to act in different parts of the world. For this reason, do not be surprised, dear children, if you see Me in many places at the same time; if you see the Saints of the Father acting in this humanity, multiplied over the length and breadth of this world to aid humanity.
My Heart will intercede for all of you.
It is important, dear children, that the Light-Network be activated as a Network of the Divine Plan of God, and this will take place through your intervention in all the practices of prayer that can unite all the consciousnesses of the nations into a single one.
My Heart will be in vigil for all the children that I am in charge of and for all those who have distanced themselves from God. I will untiringly do the best until the end.
Prayer: "Hail Mary" (6 times).
We breathe in.
Dear children, I want to tell you something at this time, especially all of this beloved nation of Argentina, that you never forget that My Heart loves you deeply and that, if at some time your hearts are disturbed or if your thoughts separate from the Love of God, do not fear anything; enter into My Maternal Heart, empty your burdens at My Feet, because My Heart of Light will console you.
Remember that I Am the Lady of Graces, the Queen of Peace, Who comes with the promise of much more peace for this world. And this will be fulfilled through the love of all My children, through faith and hope.
Also always know, dear children, that you will find Me in the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, in Salta; where My Voice also spreads a Message for Peace. And the doors of My Marian Center consecrated to My Heart, which is in Uruguay, will be open, as well as the one in Brazil and the one in Cordoba. For this reason, lift up your hands to My Heart so that My Light is able to pour out My Maternal Love over your hands and you are able to feel it above all things.
Before My rise to the Heavens, I want to consecrate you with the water that I will consecrate today, as John baptized My Son Jesus. I want to carry out this very loving practice with you.
I will bless the roses that symbolize My Love for all of you, which will wet your heads with water, so that you may be protected and renewed in My Love.
May the water, which symbolizes Life for the life of souls, which is the essence of the Manifested Spirit of God, be able to deeply enter into your hearts. May the water that heals life, the water that cures wounds, the water that renews your consciousnesses and frees you of all sin and of all stains, be blessed by the power of My Immaculate Love and under the perfect union of the Most Holy Trinity, so that your hearts will shine forth in My Peace and you walk in this time under the spirit of faith and of love.
My Immaculate Love blesses this symbol created by God, this element of the nature of the universe which gives you eternal life, because it renews you and deeply heals you. May this water satiate the thirst of your hearts and nurture you with the love of My Son.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you, dear children, for answering My call.
Meditate on My Words.
Song: "Luminous Bird".
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Well, today has been an intense and special day for everybody. Our Mother made important revelations for this end of cycle, revelations to which we need to pay a lot of attention.
As never before, the Mother affirmed and confirmed this new cycle which is coming for our planet. She tells us clearly that, united with Her Immaculate Heart, we are going to be a hundred percent protected; and that there's no need to feel fear; on the contrary, we only have to do what She proposes, and we'll be under Her Mantle of Protection.
This end of year, through the Light-Communities and the Light-Network, we have scheduled a perpetual vigil of prayer. We're surprised by the response of all the groups of prayer of the world, about how people get organized in an incredible way to spend ten days constantly praying; of how the different regions and the different nations divide the hours of the day to be able to be constantly praying.
This says that our Mother has found a space in the heart of many people and the Light-Network is beginning to light up in all of South America, Central America and all of Europe.
So the response of our hearts is being loving to the request of our Mother. It's what we can offer Her after so many Graces, just gather together and pray. We will all be learning, through these praying groups, the true value and power of this prayer.
To all those who want to come to Aurora in these last days of the year, you are invited to participate, the same for Figueira Light-Community. And if we have to spend them in our homes with our families, as the Mother also invited us to do, let us invite our families to pray and let us discover a different way of living.
To everybody, we thank you very much for having accompanied us. And as Our Lady said, we will see each other in March.
And now, we will say goodbye through singing.
Song: "Give Us Your Love".
Today, as Our Lady of Garabandal, I invite you to prayer, to conversion, to penitence and fasting, so your hearts may be transformed before God.
Dear children, the reason for My visit on this day has a main goal for God and for this world; thus, I want your hearts to be open to hear Me because tomorrow you will receive a special Grace in the name of humanity.
It is necessary that your hearts listen deeply; so tell your consciousnesses to enter into your heart so they may hear My Celestial Words.
Today, I come as your Lady of Garabandal, for I Am Co-redeemer, after Christ, a Mother Who wants to convert hearts to the Light of the Lord.
On this special visit, dear children, I wish to announce to you that My Maternal Heart will be among you and among your brothers and sisters tomorrow, November 11.
Thus, out of love for God, I ask that you accompany Me in a universal task I will be carrying out tomorrow, to which your hearts will be able to attune through prayer, if tomorrow you simply wait for Me, I will be among you every three hours.
So elevate your hearts though the Holy Rosary, so that every three hours, the doors of Heaven are able to open.
My first call to this world will be at 6 a.m., and I will be in this place with you.
My second call will be at 9 a.m., when My Maternal Heart will radiate conversion.
My third call will be at 12 p.m., when the Light of My Graces will be poured out.
The fourth call will be at 3 p.m., when the Mercy of My Son will be present here.
The fifth call will be at 6 p.m., when the Light of My Heart will also be poured out.
The sixth call will be at 9 p.m., when souls will be removed from purgatory and from hell.
If all My children unite with Me in prayer, the seventh and last call will be at 12 a.m., when your hearts will gather under My Mantle, and like roses, I will place you in My Arms to offer you as a gift to God.
So, dear children, do you understand what will happen tomorrow?
This call which My Heart speaks has a special merit, especially for those who have read My Words throughout this last year and have followed My steps daily through the Messages.
Tomorrow, as the Universal Mother, I will confirm which hearts I have at My disposal.
This is a permission which God has given Me, it is a last Grace I am pouring out, as I have been doing in Medjugorje for a long time. Thus, each child in My Presence, in My monthly Apparition, must convert their heart day by day, as birds change when they fly to God, surrender to the Lord in trust, fully.
Thus, dear children, I wish for you to fly high in the end of this time and your powerful instrument is prayer.
I thank you for answering My call!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
As we do in all Apparitions, we will give a short description of what happened and try to repeat the requests our Mother made for tomorrow.
A reflection before continuing: we need to open our consciousness to understand the urgency of this planetary situation, for which our Mother has to come during a whole day every three hours. This means that She will need all of our devotion so that as representatives of humanity, we are able to follow this task.
She is trying to find out, as is God, who She can really count on. So we are going to listen to the description of Friar Elías and then we are going to need some things.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Today, the Mother taught us about the power of prayer, which goes from Earth toward Heaven, and about that perfect communication between God and His Children.
Today, the Mother truly surprised us when She appeared as Our Lady of Garabandal, because She was manifesting a very powerful, very compelling image. When She appeared, She carried the image of a scapular, hanging from an Arm.
With the other Arm, She held a child. We had the opportunity of having the Presence of Our Lady of Garabandal for a second time, and we asked Her why She manifested in this way today.
Because it is the Presence She has in order to be able to definitely convert souls, and She transmits this conversion through the scapular.
The other symbol She also uses, She said, was Her Light Blue Mantle, and we know that when She appeared as Our Lady of Garabandal, She had Her Hair uncovered, which She said was the symbol of Her Virginity.
Today, She was accompanied by the presence of the Archangel Michael, and that presence was more powerful than Her. He placed Himself beside Her like a guardian, like a great custodian angel. And while Our Lady spoke to us, He shone with Light, and with a very serene gaze, observed each one of us. As He observed us, it seemed like we were transparent to Him. It seemed like everything that was outside and inside of us was visible to that archangel, and at that moment, we understood He was making a reading of what He was seeing, and in this way, Our Lady asked us to meet tomorrow every three hours.
She said She would be carrying out an important planetary task and for that reason, it will proceed every three hours. She said that in the intermediate hours, which is to say, between those scheduled times, we need to have a period of rest. Because, She said, it will be a very intense task, and She will be doing that task, which for us is about something unforeseen, and on receiving that permission, She will carry it out together with us.
And we asked Her if, apart from that task which will happen tomorrow, we would have the Apparition on the 12th and 13th, and She responded that yes, because tomorrow will be a special task and conjunction for the planet.
In our task of prayer, She asked that above all, we should pray for the Middle East; specifically, She addressed the Lebanese nation, which we were to place in our prayers.
And we asked Her how that task would unfold every three hours. Our Lady said, you must place yourselves and pray the Rosary, and at a specific time, I will appear and deliver small Messages. She asked us to pay a lot of attention so as to be able to accompany the course of this task She was going to carry out.
And to help us, during the Apparition, She described what would happen every three hours, and in truth, we found ourselves facing a great mystery, and at that point, as She perceived this feeling, She said the following:
"It does not matter if you do not understand; you pray, because your hearts will understand." She said that everything would be very much guided.
We also asked Her if that task had to be transmitted as this task at this moment is being transmitted, and She said She would suggest the following:
"Let My Divine Mother's children leave everything as it is so the task can take place."
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Even though tomorrow we may be unable to understand the scope of what Our Mother asks of us, we will accompany Her and try to do the best we can. For this reason, you are all invited; if you cannot or do not feel you have to participate in all the Apparitions, at least accompany us in some of them.
All of Casa Redención and the whole Monastery are going to be here from 6 a.m., as She asked, until midnight, and those of us who are here and those listening to us and seeing us are all invited to accompany us.
Thank you all very much; we will be seeing you all day tomorrow.
Let' us sing "Luminous Bird" for the closing.
On the eighth day of the Apparitions of the Celestial Mother in Aurora, the group present continued to grow.
In silence, everybody arrived at the tree of Apparitions to begin with the prayer. At a certain moment, while everybody prayed, the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith, a female monastery, intoned the song "Celestial Mother".
Friar Elías and Mother Shimani stood up, contemplating the crown of the orange tree, and shortly thereafter, Friar Elías, Mother Shimani and one other sister approached the tree, to then return to the group.
Later, Friar Elías spoke about what he had perceived.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
When the sisters intoned the song, several celestial doors opened over the whole area where the group stood.
The Divine Mother appeared, holding in Her right Hand a golden Christic cross. From each end of the horizontal arm (called PATIBULUM) a golden plate was hanging, forming a scale.
At that moment, in the Heavens, choirs of angels could be seen singing and praising the Divine Mother.
Then, from the Heavens, She effected an expansion and radiation of energy over all of us. Our souls rapidly rose up to where the Celestial Mother was, and She placed them close to Her Heart. She then had them descend back to our beings.
A few moments later, She manifested two great silver-colored medals, one in each Hand. Each one of those medals had the image of Christ the Redeemer; He had His Arms open, radiating a lot of Light. At that moment, the Divine Mother repeated several times:
"Redemption, Redemption, Redemption."
Afterwards, behind Her, another much deeper Heaven opened, where there were more angelic beings very far away. At a higher point in Heaven, above the Divine Mother, Christ in His aspect of Christ the Redeemer appeared, and over Him, at an even higher place, a white dove manifested, which beat its wings as if flying, but remained always in the same place. This image emanated a lot of Light, coming from those Three Presences.
After a few minutes, the image changed. She descended to the orange tree over which a crown of roses and other flowers formed, which had the shape of an arcade, it was very beautiful and with many flowers.
At that moment, the Divine Mother, on Her Breast, manifested a great red rose, which She supported with both Hands, and She said to us:
I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.
I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.
Afterwards, the Divine Mother asked us, the two brothers and sister who were present at Her Apparitions during 2007, to come close to the tree. When we approached, She descended a little more and stretched out Her Left Foot, placing it on an orange. She asked us to touch Her Foot and that we feel Her energy. She transmitted some Words to us, and in the end, told us not to fear, for She would protect us.
After this account, Friar Elías transmitted to us that the Mother asked that we all pray the prayer of the Universal Mother.
After a few beads, Friar Elías began the transmission of the Words of the Divine Mother.
Today, I come to ask that you carry My Mystic Rose in your hearts, a Spiritual Rose that was born in Nazareth.
Between the prayer and Joseph's carpentry, devotion emerged when we accepted the chalice as parents and children; something far from our comprehension. But the light of the angels guided Us in the Purpose of fulfilling the unknown.
The Archangel Gabriel appeared to me thirty-three times after the elevation of My Son, and there, My task as the prophet of the new times began, as the Mother Who was to begin to embrace all Her children to take them toward the Father.
When I rose up, My task expanded on all levels and in all senses, levels that today you will not understand, but which are divine lights that all can welcome into their hearts.
Today, My Mystic Rose manifests before you so you may receive My Peace and My Redemption.
I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Higher Spirit that is descending into hearts at this end time.
Carry My Message of Peace with you, so that in your hearts My Immaculate Heart may emerge. Find refuge in Me, over My roses and under My Mantle, so you may walk far from the pathways of darkness which are settling first in minds and then in hearts.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now the Divine Mother is lifting up a scepter, which has a golden cross at the top.
This is the redemption of humanity, the coming of the New Christ, of a Christ even more merciful than we can understand with our intellect.
I have been here for centuries and in various parts of the world, safeguarding hearts until the coming of the Master. You already know, He is reappearing first in the consciousness, then in hearts, and in this way, He will descend to His old Earth. He will return renewed as a Sublime Heart of Peace and of Love for souls.
But first, Divine Justice will come, and the initial prophecy He has given: "The straw will be separated from the wheat," it needs to blossom through Me and then the fruit will be born.
Do not seek and do not wait for sublime meetings, but rather, more profound prayers in which you unite with Me and My Immaculate Heart, which must shine forth over your beings and over all My children who cry out for My Voice.
I Am the Queen of Love, the same Queen of Peace, Who brings the victorious Message to those who have fallen, to all those who cannot stand up and all those who must heal the profound sorrow that only I know.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Mother is lifting up Her hands to Heaven and a light blue light has begun to descend.
I lift up My Hands to Heaven so you may find refuge in each part of My Being. I will thus be able to protect you as little children who must walk in this end time.
Hold My Messages in your hearts and promise to pray for My Peace, for in this way, I will trust in each one of you and in each one of My children. Teach everybody how to pray in a simple and sincere way, defeating the limitations of this reality and opening the heart to find Me.
I Am the Resplendent Flame of the Trinity, the New Holy Spirit that descends, a Spirit that all will know and which will not be far from your realities.
A Grace descends, even while this world is purified. All will go through the door of purification, but whomever withdraws into Me will find the strength to continue forward united with My Heart, which shall shine on your path, to be able to walk without rest.
These are My Messages in these times, in which higher realities, the Heavens with the Earth, are uniting, and there, you must be prepared to find Me as the Guardian of Prayer and so we may contemplate together the mysteries which took place in Jerusalem.
We are reappearing not only at the center of this world, but also in all parts of it, so My Message of Peace may be disseminated into more hearts that suffer.
Today, you are receiving a special Grace: the Mystic Rose of My Heart, which must be spread through prayer.
If you think about My rose, you will think about Me and I will be united with you, giving out Graces to the hearts that open and understand the mysteries unknown to your realities.
Heaven is descending over this place and this is beyond consciousnesses; this is part of My Ministry of Redemption and of Rescue in this end cycle.
This place will be a Center of Prayer, the same as Medjugorje has been for a few decades; because now God has asked of Me, with you, that I place My Eyes, My Hands and My Heart, together with My Light, over this place.
This is the New Aurora which is being born and in which you must trust, a Celestial Aurora that shines in the darkness. Call for this Aurora, which is My Aurora, which is the one that rises before you to ignite the hearts that are dark through incomprehension.
If you pray with Me, I will have a preference for you, inner guides that will unite with Me through prayer, in a continuous dialogue of voice to voice.
Three principles will unite for this Earth, which are being born for the second time, for the work of My Celestial Purpose, for the Light that emerges from My Hands and is born from My Immaculate Heart for all, the sick, the healthy, the awake, the sleeping, known and still to be known, I seek you all, again and again, through My preferred prayer.
Heaven is coming over you, a Heaven you will not understand. Listen to My Voice, which is emerging in this part of the world for those who need it. Embrace and accept My Inner Flame, My preferred Fire, so you may have the strength to walk where it seems dark and unknown.
Carry My torch of Peace, as an inner flame, so it may allow more springs to emerge within your hearts, hearts that must be redeemed and forgive the past.
Hear My Voice; listen to It!
I Am the Queen of Peace, the Path of Love, the Merciful Bird that pours out Its Graces over the ones who do not deserve them.
Ignite your hearts and continue to trust in Me so as to find the correct path toward the celestial universe. All of you must return to these Heavens through My Heart which is open.
I will be here until next Friday, to continue to pour out My Light over those who do not see it and do not feel it. If you are united with Me, your lives will transform so the Calvary may be alleviated and you achieve the Light in front of your eyes. I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am one of the Sources that has been born in this world to protect it and rescue it.
Listen to My Voice, so that it may echo in your hearts and pray with Me for Peace in this world.
All together we pray the Universal Mother three times.
Next Friday, at 8 pm, you will come here and each one will light a candle that will represent the coming of Christ the Redeemer in this time. When I appear, you will put them out, because My Light will illumine you.
I will reveal something to those who remain in prayer with Me.
Sow Peace in all hearts and walk in the trust of Christ, Our Lord.
I Am the Conception that once again is being born in hearts.
By the Burning Fire which is born of the Heart of Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
She is now slowly rising up to a part of Heaven where there is a choir of angels formed in two lines, leaving a corridor between them where She is walking.
She has turned, and opening the orandium, She extends Her Hands downward and forms a small glowing pink heart.
The Mother disappears and all the images fade away.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more