It began with the prayer “Luminous Bird.”
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We inhale slowly and deeply, let us gather our energies more and more, feeling our inner selves with greater intensity and placing the Presence of the Mother that each one of us knows best, with whom we have the greatest affinity.
We will perceive Her before us as if we were praying with Her and we will place our mind and heart in Her, in Her Love. We are going to consciously unite with Her to pray for all those souls that She has asked us to accompany Her to rescue, as if we were placing on the plate of a scale each prayer bead, and thus beginning to balance this planetary process.
We are going to pray with love, because today as we are greater in number and that we know the strength of prayer, the power of prayer, we are going to unite so that this moment may become a special and unique moment, in which many souls can be rescued from dark places, souls that are lost.
And so, we are not only going to recite, but we are going to truly pray and collaborate, working with the Universal Mother. We are going to emphasize paying attention to the attributes that the Universal Mother brings us and when we repeat each attribute, we do so with the intention that it may be imprinted in our consciousness and in all the consciousnesses of our civilization.
After a while, the “Hail Mary” was sung while the “Universal Mother” continued to be prayed. Then, it began to rain and all those present remained praying without moving from their places.
Afterwards, Friar Elias prayed the “Hail Mary” three times.
Dear children, today I purify you with My Water, so that your hearts may be free of stains. I want you to receive this superior Grace so that your hearts may be meek and humble.
Imitate the Light of My Heart and you will attain My Kingdom.
Today, I am blessing the world with a special Grace: the reconversion of faults and debts; therefore, allow your faces to be wet with My Water so that the superior Light may descend and heal all evil.
I want you to find rest in My Words and not be troubled, for you are before the Lord rather than before Me.
For the Third War to be prevented, you must pray more; sincere prayers must flow from your hearts so that they may reach Me and I may intercede not only for you, but for all My children.
Keep My call in your hearts, so that you may awaken at the end of this time. I am marking the last hour of peace for all who wish to receive it; therefore, today I am pouring My Graces into your hearts so that you may trust in Me and in Christ.
Today, I am praying for this part of the world so that all may know Who I Am and Who guides you. Remember My passage as the Mother of the Messiah, for now I am your Mother, the Mother of all. Carry in your hearts the Light of My Heart so that you may be strengthened in It and not suffer in the face of the trials to come.
Today, each one of you is responding to a part of My call, but I want to make an announcement to the hardened hearts that I come in the name of the Lord to establish My immaculate Peace and the total triumph of My Heart.
I invite you to enter under My mantle, so that I may protect you and thus, united in prayer, you may, with Me, help the world with faith and peace.
Today, I come to announce to you the mystery of Fatima, which I have already announced in Medjugorje. Now, I am passing through this world for the last time for those who wish to receive Me and crown Me as their Mother. Calm your hearts, for otherwise, you will not find My Peace, a sublime Peace that you must discover in this final time.
I open My arms to all those who wish to receive Me in their hearts as the Queen of Peace. Many are the prayers that I receive day by day, but few are those that I will answer, for it is time to pray firmly to help the world and your brothers and sisters.
Await My next coming with joy, so that your hearts may welcome it and find the relief you seek. Today, I can be here among you, with this universal Presence, for those who want to believe in My Message of Peace, in a call to redemption, in the announcement of the opening of a new door for those who wish to cross it in trust with Me.
Listen, My children, the Lord is inviting us to forgive one another for there is still time; I will be the counselor of all when we unite in prayer for the world and for all those who still do not see the Light.
Today, you are receiving My Grace, but My Grace must go to all equally, also to those who are not here listening to My call. You must be spokespersons for My echo, so that it may resound in hearts through the ray of My Mercy.
Recognize that you are being saved before the world reaches its abyss, before the Law acts upon the life of the world and upon everything created; for the Lord wants to rescue you through Me, therefore, I am here announcing My Immaculate Heart.
Let us pray for the thirst that the Lord has for all souls who seek peace and the restoration of their fallen hearts. Therefore, I come here, to this nation, so that My Heart may triumph for the second time and generate, with Its echo, the diffusion in the world of My Message of Peace for the souls who have been seeking relief for centuries.
Find rest in My Words and restore in the faith I bring to you from Heaven so that you may continue on your paths toward a greater awakening to My Sacred Heart and to that of My Son.
You are being called to drink of the last remnant of Mercy, before Justice comes to settle the debts that hearts owe to the Creator and to establish harmony in the world.
Therefore, all will have to pray much before the great purification, so that your hearts may be restored in Me and find peace in the face of trials. This will be the lesson for the world: to forgive each other for the last time.
Today, I give you My Immaculate Heart so that you may carry it in your hearts and open the way for those who come after you, seeking the same inner healing that today I am giving to those who deserve it through Justice.
Therefore, I intercede before the Lord as Mother of all, so that He may hear My prayers, the prayers of this world, of the hearts that do not light up and that still do not find the Mother of Love. That is why today, I gather you so that you may listen to the voice of My Heart and find the relief you seek, which I bring you from on High.
Lift up your hearts to My Mantle, so that I may protect and guide you on this last path that all of you are traveling.
Therefore, you must not waste time in extensive thoughts, in praised ideas, in evolutionary constructions, because we must pray to quench the thirst of the world, the lack of love and peace that others are not experiencing. This is My universal task: to raise hearts to the Lord so that all may enter the Kingdom that I promise you after this world.
Listen to the echo of My Voice, so that it may resound in the depths and sow the seed of love that I bring you today. Thus, you will be able to recognize My call, the announcement of peace before everything arrives before your eyes.
Therefore, you must accept the roses of My Heart, so that all evil may dissolve in your beings and in your consciences. It is necessary to open your hearts to understand the great call that I announce to you today; thus, the Lord will be able to dissolve the faults that everyone hides, but which I see as the Mother of redemption.
Many will remain, others will walk on different paths, but you must know that the Will is one both here and on the other side of the world, which experiences its own trial of confirmation to the Light.
You must have My Merciful Heart as your emblem to illuminate your paths, paths that you must follow in mission with Me.
I await you in prayer to establish My Peace and I listen to those who deny My redeeming Voice. I open My Arms to welcome everyone; My Kingdom is open to all, to those who are here and to those who are not.
If the world prays perpetually, war will not happen. The Lord will test the world for the last time, so that all humanity may be confirmed in His Presence, unique from the origins, from Genesis, from the alpha, from the heart of Creation. This is the place from where I come as the Mother of Peace, as the Lady who responds to the afflicted and to those who seek answers in their hearts.
You shall rise up to Me, so that I may raise you up into My Kingdom of Peace. And, although you remain in this world which is living its last cycle, I will be there guarding every heart that joins Me in prayer and in My call with trust.
Let us pray, for it is urgent.
Let us pray, so that the Light may abound.
Let us pray for the religions, so that they may unite, as the prophecies of John say, which are about to be fulfilled in this final age.
Thus, you will discover that we are all One in the Lord and that each one has built their path according to their own understanding and comprehension, although we all go toward the same end: the Infinite, Who is Pious and Merciful toward humankind who has lived in this world for centuries.
Therefore, I accompany you to bring My Light, My Divine Light, which the Lord has granted Me as Intercessor of souls so that all may heal their miseries, which are deep, which I know and see. But you should not fear for what you feel; you should fear for not praying, because this is the Grace that the Lord has granted to you and to Me, as Mary the Mother of the Redeemer.
Let us awaken the flames of prayer so that all may rise and may see, shining in their hearts, My profound Peace.
I will answer prayers for I have promised, but know that if we pray we can find sublime answers that do not come from this world, but from whence I come, from the Divinity, from the Heart of the Source, from the Kingdom of My Peace for this humanity.
Remember that the New Jerusalem will come descending from on High for those who want to receive and recognize it in the mystery of My Face.
Personal questions are read and the Divine Mother answers them.
Carry the flame of My Being in your lives so that you may find a true refuge of love and peace. It is enough that we pray; this is the call.
Do not fear for what you will lose. Will you be able to give your life for others in prayer?
What else should we expect?
Let us ask our hearts about their willingness before the Work of the Lord; thus, in trust, we will find ourselves.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Mother Mary Shimani of Montserrat:
The Divine Mother asked us for the choir to sing a song for Her. Therefore, let us remain silent while the choir prepares itself, feeling all that the Mother told us.
Let us remain quiet to keep the energy, Her energy, and we are going to listen carefully to what She wants to tell us through this song.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more