It began with the prayer "Luminous Bird."
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Let us perceive what prayer does within us. Now that we have joined our energies and we are a single voice and a single mind, we are going to work with the "Universal Mother" in Portuguese, and we are going to be paying attention to each of the attributes in order to draw its energy into this place.
The prayer "Universal Mother" was prayed.
After a time, the "Hail Mary" was sung while the prayer continued.
Today, in the name of the Lord, I come to heal broken and corrupt hearts; let us pray.
The "Hail Mary" prayer was begun.
You are no longer sinners, but rather, you are rescued.
Today I come to pour out My Graces over the hearts that do not trust in My call for Peace. I come to announce that I am returning to My Kingdom and now is the moment for each heart to be confirmed before Me.
The Lord is asking us to pray for the conversion of the souls of the whole world. Today I come to announce My Good News, a new eve that will come, which I will bring you with My Message.
I want you all to know that you are in My Eternal Heart. For this reason, I ask that you calm your beings and that you gather them within Me so that you may know what the truth is that I am bringing you all through My Kingdom.
I come to announce Myself to you as did the Archangel Gabriel to Me in ancient times. You are receiving the same call which I received as the Mother of the Messiah, who gestated the Glorified Heart for the whole world, a Heart that poured out Its Blood for you; but now I have need of all of My children so that we may continue in prayer with the Lord.
Today I announce that if we do not pray, the Third War will pour out blood upon the world; and I do not wish to gather it up again with My sheets, for hearts must be redeemed according to the Will of the Lord and each one must follow their path, which leads them to My Kingdom.
It is time to activate a prodigious and merciful prayer for all souls.
Today you are receiving a special blessing from Me, which I expect you to share with your brothers and sisters. Enter into Me to understand My mystery, which I am revealing to you in light of the Trinity. The White Dove is passing through for the last time, so that hearts may open, may hear My call to Peace.
You are being prepared for great challenges, which I will not be able to reveal to you today; just trust in what I am bringing you through My Immaculate Heart. In these days which we spend together something must take place in your hearts because I am bringing you My whole Celestial Kingdom.
I leave My angels in your service, so that they may accompany you on the new paths which some of you will begin, in this life of consecration to the Lord. I want you to imitate My steps so that you may understand the consecration I am bringing you from My Heart of Light.
It is time for you to be bold in prayers for all those who have need of them; thus, I want to build soldiers of peace who trust in Me and I trust in them, for I will call them at any time to respond to My great call, which today you will not come to know, but which you will soon know about.
Listen to the echo of My Voice so that you may be born to life and awaken to the mystery of My Immaculate Spirit. In your hearts, carry the covenant of My Heart so that you are able to walk toward your own freedom, in this end time the world is experiencing.
For this reason I am here, because the Lord calls you to a complete redemption of the debts and faults committed against His Spiritual and Only Heart. If you walk towards My Heart, the whole world will walk. Not only will the Americas be consecrated, but also all of Asia and the East, when the action of the Law arrives, when Divine Justice begins to act in the hearts that do not listen. That is why I am passing through here, as a Merciful Mother, so that you may lift up your hearts into My Arms, and I will carry you into My Kingdom.
While you listen to My Words, your hearts should be burning with Love for Me. All already know Me, I Am the same as the One of Nazareth. Now I bring you the spirit of My Heart so that you may keep it in your lives.
Hold paternal silence in your minds so that you may recognize the Lord, Who is Unique and Merciful. If we trust in the good works of prayer, the world will be converted within the chaos and suffering.
Some will offer themselves to My Immaculate Heart to suffer for others and so the Law may ease the world; in this way, you will be able to understand the mystery I am presenting to you for the last time.
Many secrets will be revealed in the last cycle, but only a few know this and will wait to speak when I say so.
Know that everything is discovered through sincere works and through the souls who pray with Me, and who only wait to help the world. For this reason, I am here, as I am in Medjugorje, on this 25th day, announcing My Works of Peace for the two hemispheres of this world, which must achieve My alliance in order to aid the hearts that suffer.
You only need to allow My Love to reach your essences so you may ignite, in your hearts, the legacy of My Peace, which I am bringing you in this passage as the Mother of redemption, as the Divine Conception of the Trinity, as the Luminous Bird.
In this moment, receive the Light of My Spirit through the Dove of Peace, so that your hearts may be calmed and no longer blame yourselves.
It is necessary to make the fountain that I am giving you, with trust, spring forth at the end of this time; thus, we must pray without prejudice so that we are able to find the true values that the Lord wants to give you in this last cycle through Me and through My Son.
Wash and cleanse your countenances in the ocean of My perpetual prayer, so all may enter into My Kingdom through simple and humble steps. To understand the Heavens, you must love them. To find the mystery, you must love it, a mystery that I reveal to your hearts today through My Spirit of Peace.
It is necessary to surrender before the Lord so that your vestments fall, which you have carried for a long time and which you carry now.
Do you understand what the mystery of My Heart is like? I announce My Message in two voices so that all may listen, even more so those who have closed themselves off from Me for a long time. You only need to understand Who is making Herself present before you. I was born on your Earth and I learned, as your hearts did, eternally seeking the Lord and responding to the unknown.
This is how the human forms the world has built are transcended, first placing oneself before the Lord of the Universe. Thus, humanity must surrender to My Immaculate Heart so that I may help you forgive and redeem the past.
Remember the precepts of the Lord: love one another as you have loved Me and I love you. In this way, the bonds of evil will be severed by My sword of Peace, so hearts may be ignited and find the relief they so search for.
Many were touched during these days by the flame of My redemption and I wait for you to place your hearts in the name of all before My Face, so that I may work in the prayers that the whole world needs. The Blood of the Lord was spilled by all; but for the Good News to come, we must pray; in this way, the world will change.
I will wait for you in the second part of the day, gathered in My Heart, so that you may see My Triune Flame shine before your beings and your consciousnesses. In this way, you will redeem your faults to the Lord before the Judgment comes to humanity.
Thus, this is My final announcement of Peace for Europe and the Americas. These two great hearts are being consecrated little by little; but so that hearts do not die without having Light, others must be redeemed, because they are a part of the great beating of My Heart.
I leave you My Peace so that you may find rest and only remain vigilant in Me, in prayer. In this way, your doubts and thoughts will be dissolved, so that you may transcend yourselves toward My Kingdom, which is open to all. This is the final message of the Servant of the Lord for those that may want to see it with their eyes.
All those that hear My call for this last time, know that you are being prepared for a fast track, the same one that Medjugorje has followed for the past thirty years. But now, the times are changing and the need of hearts is greater. For this reason, you must ignite the lights of your hearts so that they may unite with Me in this universal mission.
I Am the Queen of Peace, the Immaculate Heart of redemption, so that all may hear My call in this last cycle we are passing through. Pour out your love over others, as I have done with you during these days. I wait for you to follow Me, even when I do not appear to your beings.
I leave you My redeeming Love, which I learned in Jerusalem together with the Great Master. In this way, souls see the works of the Lord, which they always had to seek as the first path of consecration. You are My children, you are the little ones of the Lord.
I forgive all those who interfere in My announcement, but know that My Love is greater than your own lives, the same that My Son taught to His disciples. In this way, you will know where Love comes from, a unique and preferred Love which the Lord has for you since He created you as essences.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Divine Mother, bowing with the orandium in Her Hands, continues to speak to us.
Reverence and redemption for those who wish to see My Light that is arriving.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Song: "Luminous Bird."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Turning into a Bird of Fire, She said goodbye to all, flying over our heads.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more