Dear children,

Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, today, I illuminate the surface of the Earth to dispel the darkness that looms over it.

Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, I can remove from spiritual and material danger all those who are facing this threat to their lives.

Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can intercede for the angels of the nations, who today are under spiritual oppression.

It is My wish, My beloved ones, that your hearts, acts and works may someday radiate as much as does the Light of My Sublime Mirrors; because when this happens, I will be able to present to the Celestial Father the testimony of your transformation, which will justify, before a suffering world, all the errors that have been committed and that offended the Heart of God.

So that your hearts, acts and works may be similar to the sublime Light of My Celestial Mirrors, you must be pure and honest in your intentions, transparent in your acts, and humble in your works, without expecting anything in return, nor any reward or merit, but rather being an instrument in the Hands of God so that, through your purity, the world may be transformed and recover the innocence it has lost.

This is a daily work, filled with patience and perseverance, with the gift of peace and neutrality. Because only in this way, dear children, will your lives be all that God expects, lives that must be the perfect mirror of the Love of God in these critical times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear child, 

Place your inner trust in Our Creator because, from the origin and the very beginning, the Heavenly Father knows and is aware of the inner existence of every essence and spirit. He knows, in the immensity of His eternal Love, the destiny, the goal and the purpose of every son and daughter of His.

Therefore, be patient, be calm, have faith so that this dark night, announced by Christ, can be experienced by you without fear of losing yourself or distancing yourself from God; because if you follow the Law of God and His Commandments with care, effort and dedication, you will be on a good path.

This is the time for every human heart to learn to become Christified in the smallest and most anonymous way, but also in the truest and most honest way that the consciousness can reflect.

Perfection can no longer be something unattainable, as if it were on the other side of the door. Perfection, which is sustained by a humble and simple life, will always come to your aid; for the humble and simple life of one who wants nothing for themself and aspires to nothing for themself, is like a star that will guide you in this challenging and unknown dark night of the spirit.

May My Heart be that inner and eternal Light in your life, may it be the Light of God that drives the disciple on the constant path of ascension, peace and service for those who suffer unjustly in this world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In this dark night of the planet, do not fear to go through your own purification, but be attentive and patient to know that each moment is to be transcended and overcome through the strength of the Love that Jesus, My Son, gives you.

Surrender yourselves definitively at the Feet of the Lord and no longer resist. Allow Him, finally, to make you His instruments of peace and good for the world.

No one will be able to reach the Father except through the Kind Heart of Christ, in Him is the answer, in Him is relief. In Christ, My Son, you will find peace again.

On this day, I have the joy of returning to My beloved and eternal Aurora, but I can return through those who today, in simplicity, open the door of their hearts to Me so that the Mother of Aurora may also have a place where She can always return to.

Today, in particular, I would like all those who have ever stepped upon the sacred ground of Aurora to know about the special stage that it is going through, through all its servants and members on the surface.

Therefore, I remind all My children that, from Aurora and through Aurora, many of you received the Grace of redemption and of peace. I would not want you to forget this.

Aurora is preparing for a new stage, thought and meditated upon by the Heart of God. I would like My children to be attentive and receptive so that they do not miss the signs that Aurora, as a Center of Love, will give to them.

Aurora is silent donation. Aurora is the Kingdom that withdraws itself and then expands through its inner Light.

Aurora is the support of those who always say yes to it and do not forget it, because Aurora will never claim what it has given. Aurora is the sacrifice of the heart that loves it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

While conflicts in the world continue to worsen and drag on, I call you to be forerunners of peace among yourselves.

While anguish, despair and suffering strike, day and night, upon the helpless and unprotected by wars, I call you to remember the essence of gratitude and to eradicate criticism and complaint.

While some nations in these coming days will define the course of their destiny and their end, I call you to value the very powerful and wise stream of Instruction so that it will no longer be placed in the background.

While the modernities of the end of these times hypnotize and inhibit the spiritual and human potential, leaving in the hands of machines the precise reasoning that God gave to humankind; I call you, children, to watch and be careful so that your souls are not absorbed by an artificial life.

While, in the world and in several nations, hunger and lack of well-being in every sense are used as a corrupt campaign to exploit the suffering of others; I call you, children, to protect the Work of God, first of all from yourselves and secondly from all superficial and arrogant attitudes.

While in the laboratories new lives are planned and sold; I call you, children, to shelter, protect and care for the poorest of the poor so that humanity may turn its gaze toward the most disadvantaged.

This and much more, My children, is a cause for perpetual and urgent prayer; for each of you must recognize that, through these My last Words, all are already warned.

May your voices and hearts be united for these causes, at this next gathering of the 1000 Hail Marys. I will be united to the plea of the heart that adheres.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


May all voices unite today in a sacred invocation to the Merciful Presence of Christ, so that, at this time, urgent causes may be assisted by the most honest and true prayers of the heart.

May the Supplicant Network embrace all souls under the Light of the Holy Spirit and may hearts receive the blessing they so long await.

In these days of perpetual prayer, may merciful hearts justify the threats that the world is experiencing so that, through the offering of the apostles of Christ, humanity may regain universal peace.

Dear children, as the Mother of Mercy, I also contemplate and accompany your inner needs.

May the prayer, offered in these days, be that sacred inner temple that allows us to receive the offerings of the hearts so that the Heavenly Father may contemplate them through the kindly gaze of the Mother of God.

May the gift of Divine Unity permeate spaces, consciences and hearts, so that in unity the Love of Christ may triumph, and in Christ, in spite of everything, souls may learn to rise again in charity, love and brotherhood.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children:

Obedience to God can never be forced.

 In My example of Woman and Mother on Earth, before the inner Call of God, through the presence of the Archangel Gabriel, I never doubted or questioned; because God, with His Obedience, had flooded My Soul, My Life and My Heart.

That is why, children, I once expressed to the Eternal Father: “Let it be done in Me according to Your Word”, because in the true Word of God the soul finds the spiritual meaning of serving God without exceptions.

Therefore, obedience to God could never be understood as a severe rule or an imposition, because it is a Law that frees the soul from the human condition.

In obedience lies the essence of peace and in peace lies the authentic expression of the love of the heart.

Children, throughout the ages, humanity has distorted the concept of obedience, because in obedience lies the protection of oneself, of all that the soul may live on Earth.

Obedience is the fundamental pillar of unity. Therefore, when the soul does not obey, it destroys the unity that must be generated in this world so that God's Plan may be fulfilled

But obedience cannot be lived as an obligatory path to be fulfilled, because in obedience is the Paternal Gaze of God; because in this sacred obedience, God deposits His most precious aspirations.

When one disobeys, the soul loses the Grace of living its own liberation, of being freed from its own chains.

Today, beloved children, I invite you to think of the obedience of Mary.

I am here to teach you, at the request of My Son.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Handmaid of the Lord


My dear children,

While your voices, once again, unite to the infinite flow of the Mercy of My Son, the celestial powers can intercede once again for the urgent causes, mainly when through the recitation of the Divine Mercy the spiritual portals remain open, and help souls and all the situations that they live, by means of an expiatory Grace that grants liberation from the chains and prisons of evil.

But this does not mean, dear children, that everything will end. Because in this time of spiritual battle, the angels of the Lord, especially the angels of Mercy, intervene so that, by the merits attained by the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, as many souls as possible may be considered as rescuable souls before God.

Dear children, understand in this way that, at each moment or instance in which you may gather to pray, you must keep in mind that not only the opportunity spiritually opens for the Kingdom of the Heavens to intercede, but also that your own inner situations may find a path of peace to be resolved.

Dear children, all this is possible by the infinite merits that My Beloved Son achieved through the inexplicable power of His shed Blood and of His Life surrendered for the redemption of all the human race.

Uniting to the flow of Mercy is liberating oneself significantly from all possible spiritual judgment, whether personal or planetary, because the merits of Christ justify the errors committed and liberate the consciousnesses from any human-spiritual condition.

This is the moment for each one of My children to understand and, above all, to live the merits that Christ has granted to humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Mercy


Let your heart be at peace, child, for you have already learned the path of union with God, you have learned to become reconciled with Him and carry with you the hearts of your brothers and sisters of the whole world.

Let your heart be at peace, child, for you already know the path of surrender and  service, you know where you are to go so as to not become lost in the temptations of the world, you know what must be done in the times of transition: simply pray, love, and serve.

Let your heart be at peace, without allowing the confusions of these times also confuse your inner self. Concentrate on the only thing necessary at this moment, which is to be everything you have learned. Focus your consciousness and your energy on the only and essential mission of keeping yourself as a pencil in the Hands of God, through which He can write the story of humanity and the triumph of His Heart.

Keep your heart at peace and do not fear the tests you see approaching humanity. In the same way that you have come this far, so you will continue onward and see emerge from your heart the tools necessary for dealing with each situation when the time comes.

Do not expect perfection from yourself, but rather be persistent and seek a constancy in the intimate and deep dialogue with God, seek instances of silence and moments of gratitude, in which you are able to value everything you have received until now and how, in spite of everything, the Gaze of the Creator has always been on your heart.

Do not concentrate your attention on the miseries of others. Rather, be an example of persistence and of transformation each day, do your part and be better in everything you are able to be so that the gift of surrender and of service, of charity and of love may be perfected in you, and your daily transformation be the greatest instrument of healing for the miseries of others, as well as for your own.

Do not look at the world with fear or judgement. Instead, project Divine Thoughts in your gaze, the Purpose God had in creating each detail of life, and simply think that, in spite of imperfections and deviations, this Purpose is hidden some place within creatures. Seek to find it.

Do not go along with that which is no longer part of your path, disguising as fellowship what still tends to be mundane within you. Understand the moment and the point where another may be, but also respect where you should be, what you should no longer do or express because it no longer corresponds to you. Then, child, do not lack love nor understanding, but also, do not lack coherence with your own spirit and with the Spirit of God who dwells in you.

Remember each day that you are a temple of God, a dwelling place of His Heart, carrier of His Purpose. And let that truth have more strength within you than any human illusion that causes you to lose your awareness of what is unreal.

Always remember that I am your father and friend, that I am walking with you, for this is the Greater Will. Let My paternal love fortify and renew you.

Know that I will always accompany you in the silence. Pray with your heart and you will feel My divine response within you.

The One Who loves you and blesses you,

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Today, I come from the inner gardens of Lys to call souls to walk the path of inner healing and reunion with peace, peace that has disappeared from various places on the planet.

As Mother of Lys, I offer you spiritually this space, where dwells the warm and maternal feminine presence that gestate in the hearts the beginning of a New Humanity.

Today, from the inner gardens of Lys, My Voice of Mother and Intercessor resounds so that My children may hear within themselves the last Words of the Divine Mother in this cycle that from the month of May, began to close.

Yes, My children, you heard well, that which was announced by the Divinity quite some time ago, today begins to materialize because it is the Will of God. The work of the Sacred Hearts will come to an end and, at that moment which is approaching, it will be the opportunity for each of My children to reflect and make definitive use of all the impulses received.

My Beloved Son Jesus will soon dictate to you how everything will continue. In the meantime, prepare yourselves, because when we finish this cycle of more than fifteen uninterrupted years of inner impulses and Graces, each heart will have to place itself in the line of the Commandos of Christ, in the line that corresponds to it to prepare for His next and long awaited Return.

Therefore, dear children, it will be necessary for you to give more importance and attention to the inner life, because it will be from it and through it that you will have the tools to learn to cope with the end times.

I will be in Heaven accompanying you and seeing how each of Our Sacred Words will be fulfilled.

August announces the final conclusion of a stage. Let us pray that everyone may be able to walk towards the goal on their own feet.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Kingdom of Lys

Weekly Messages

Receive My blessing and My Peace, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the gift of life, precious and sacred, always find worth in your little hearts.

May the gift of life, precious and sacred, always be praised in your inner world.

May the gift of life, precious and sacred, always find meaning and purpose in your consciousnesses.

Never feel that it is too late to experience something, to expand your consciousness, to experience greater degrees of Higher Love. Never think that it is too late to take another step toward the Heart of God and serve through your own surrender.

Let each new day bring the aspiration to live in gratitude: gratitude for all the limitations of the body, the mind, the emotions, and gratitude for the expansion of spirit; gratitude for all the difficulties, for all the times you feel incapable, but where the Creator can reveal that within you, He is capable of doing all things; gratitude for each new deprivation of autonomy and false freedom, for it is in this way, children, that you discover that freedom is found within yourselves, in your inner world, in your consciousness.

This is why I come to this sacred place, before this sacred valley, so that in contemplating its sunrise and its sunset, your consciousnesses may perceive that expansion happens from the inside out, that it does not depend on your feet, nor your hands, only on your heart. I come to this sacred place, in this Sacred Kingdom, not only so that you may learn to be grateful, but also to express My Divine Gratitude.

I have accompanied serving souls from the beginning of their lives, and like a father who watches each step of their children, I watch your small steps. I know you are not perfect and that many times, it is difficult to deal with you, but today I want to bring you, children, an awareness of the reality of your small essences, an awareness of the gratitude for your small lives.

Each one of you, through your sincere steps, has generated and is generating merits for the salvation of souls. The personal persistence of remembering and praying each new day, in spite of pain and illnesses, in spite of the limitations and the loneliness, all that generates the salvation of souls.

And I know you are not conscious of what you experience, I know that pain sometimes takes over your whole consciousness, and the need to be in God causes your souls to be even more alone. But today I come to tell you to receive My paternal embrace, that you recognize My Presence and that you be with Me, because I will lead you by the hand to the Heart of the Redeemer, I will teach you where to go and where not to go, and I will help you at each fall, at each step, so that you may learn to return to the Heart of God whenever you deviate from the path.

I have come here as your father and teacher, as your friend and companion of all times, so you may walk with Me to the Sacred Kingdom which dwells in the inner worlds of this place.

Today I give you the key of gratitude, so you may have it always in your heart as a master key which will always show you the correct path. At each difficulty, be grateful; on each new day, be grateful; on each new night, be grateful, and the gratitude itself will open the doors of Heaven to you, it will expand your consciousness, it will show you a greater path to follow within yourselves.

Today I come with simple words, with a simple Heart, simply to consecrate your souls and welcome them into My Heart, thus releasing the ties to the past, thus opening the way to a new future. I give you the gift of being grateful and thus open the doors to Heaven through prayer and surrender.

Bring water, incense and oil here for the blessing.

I consecrate this water to cleanse you of the past, of your limiting errors, of your deepest resistances, and reveal to you the purity that dwells within you.

I consecrate this incense to purify your souls, your minds, your bodies and your hearts, and purified, that you may live the consecration of your spirit and consciousness for a new step.

And with this oil, I anoint you, so that through My blessing, your souls may enter into this Temple of Love of which I spoke today. May you receive healing, peace and the gift of gratitude from these Greater Temples of wisdom and love.

May My Peace dwell within you and lead you to a greater peace.

My Heart of a father and intercessor only waits to lead you to God and to the Heart of Christ. As a knower of the profound mysteries of the human consciousness, I come to guide you on the path of the impossible, so you may discover that it is possible to live the potential which dwells hidden with you, that it is never too late to learn more and more about that Greater Love, and to always experience a new expansion of consciousness each new day.

Thus I bless you, I consecrate you and I thank you for being here with Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear and beloved children,

While violence, abuses and war in the world continue to worsen, on the other hand, My enemy tries to influence or tempt many priests so that the union that the priest establishes between Heaven and Earth may be interrupted.

This is one of My greatest pains, because it has consequences for hundreds of souls who are waiting for this opportunity through the loving experience of the Sacraments.

Dear children, I need the souls who have offered to pray for priests and for the priesthood in the world to continue to accompany Me in this spiritual battle.

May faithful hearts, who trust in the Presence of My Son in the Eucharist, help priests to fulfill their duty and spiritual mission.

If this does not happen, not only will more souls lose the faith that is already outraged in many hearts, but without the presence of committed and true priests of Christ, peace cannot be established.

I need My faithful praying armies on earth, united in priestly ministry, to know how to go through this fierce battle of the end times.

Dear children, My Mother's Heart seeks to protect My beloved children, the priests of the Lord, for without priests there are no Sacraments and without Sacraments there are no Graces to bestow on souls.

This is the hour for all to remember the sacrifice of My Son for you. Without this in mind, the sorrow of those who have not heard the Voice of the Lord will be great.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Contemplate, in this desert, the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and find in it all that you need to go through this moment.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and become empty of yourself, so that the codes of the Savior may convert your life into something new.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart with faith and proceed without looking in the past, but rather living in the present and waiting, in peace, for all the good that will come.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and you will be a different consciousness, permeated by the Light of all the merits achieved by the Lord.

This is the path of the aspirant and of the disciple of Christ: to contemplate the greatness of the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart so that everything may be in peace."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"May your gaze be upon the Heavens.
May your soul be in the Heavens.
May your heart be in the Heavens.
May your spirit be in the Heavens, and may you always remember that, regardless of any circumstance, God loves you as you are and wishes the good and peace to you and the world.

Make of your life an instrument of Peace.
Make of your life an action of Mercy.
Make of your being an expression of God's Love.

Let yourself be transformed, do not fear the power of My Fire; because when you conclude your experience on Earth, remember that you must shine like a star, capable of reflecting everything evolutionary and transcendent that you have lived.

May your consciousness be embraced by faith. Walk in this desert, and do not stop. I Am here always."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"I Am the Light of the world, no one can go to the Father except through Me.

Surrender with trust to that Greater Light, so that your steps in the desert may be guided by My Light. Surrender to the Light of My Heart and allow the rays of My Grace to touch your consciousness and your life.

This is the time of redemption. Leave your offering at My Feet, surrender your little heart to Me so that I may work wonders in your life.

Thirst no more, I offer you My Water of Life. Commune with My Body and drink of My Blood, let us together seal the covenant of unity and redemption, so that humanity may be liberated from all evil and all threat.

Be, in My spiritual garden, a flower of mercy and peace."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"May calm, peace and serenity fill your spirit and consciousness, so that you may learn to walk through in your own desert, without agonies or guilt. 

Draw close, once again, to My Fountain, which springs from the earth.  Drink from My Light and My Love, so that your steps may be taken with the ardent aspiration to be in Me and that I may be in you forever. Go forward!"

Christ Jesus


Dear children,

May consecrated life represent, to all those who follow this path, the beacon that illuminates the night on the face of the Earth.

May consecrated life be the bridge that unites souls to God through the experience of the Sacraments.

May the consecrated life reflect the Living Face of Christ so that those who most need love and peace will find it through the consecrated life.

Let us remember that consecrated life, in spite of going through its moment of purification, is part of the Mystical Body of Christ and that, being part of My Son, consecrated life has the joy of receiving an Extraordinary Grace from God.

May all consecrated life continue to walk, through faith, in the ardent quest to serve the Lord and to be close to His Divine Consciousness.

May consecrated life be strengthened and affirmed on this planet, so that the existence of the New Christs may soon become a reality.

I pray day and night for all consecrated life, so that it may be an instrument of peace and charity in the world, so that it may reach those who suffer the most and endure the absence of peace and love.

Through consecrated life, may My Son prepare His Return to humanity, because consecrated life will be the space where Christ will affirm His next Work of the redemption of the world.

To all those who aspire to consecrated life, may they aspire to live it, for it is in the depths of their being that Christ must govern and work for the whole world.

Consecrated life is the flame that can never be extinguished on the entire surface of the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of consecrated life


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My beloved children,

Under My Mantle, I hold today the most urgent causes of the planet, which have gravely wounded the Heart of God in this 2023, a moment when humanity is confused and lost, in which intolerance and violence prevail, rather than love, truth and justice.

Behold, under My Mantle, each one of the situations that the Hierarchy attends to, although such situations also bring it a sense of urgency.

Behold the clamor of all peoples, nations, families and those who cry out for help.

Behold, children, the great need of humanity and of the whole planet.

Today, I come here to show you this, so that you may contemplate it with Me in prayer and, even more, in supplication, because the world needs an immediate solution. And know that not only My Heart, but also the Hearts of all the Hierarchies, are attentive to each moment and each situation.

I come to hold each one of the urgent causes under My Mantle, because the world and humanity cannot find a way out, can no longer see the path of peace and harmony.

This is why, children, despite the seriousness of the situation, all those who have prayed in the year that is now concluding, have sustained, together with the Mother of God, each one of the causes of the souls that cry out and ask for help.

This is why God, the Father, once again sends His holy angels to Earth, so that, through His legions and all His commands, they may help humanity, which is losing the values of loyalty, unity and understanding, which are essential foundations for human fraternity and the common good.

I want you to know, My children, that the true prayerful beings committed in daily life and throughout the ages, have helped the Mother of God very much in all that which your Heavenly Mother attends to at this crucial moment of humanity.

My children, I am here, at the doors of the last day of 2023, so that a new year of greater love, greater justice and hope may begin, because souls, peoples and nations must no longer continue to break the Law, and thus distance themselves from the Truth and the Wisdom that God can give them.

Therefore, this is the time and the hour to sustain the bridge that is breaking, so that this union between Heaven and Earth may be re-established at every moment and in every need.

Do not allow love to die in you or in your brothers and sisters.

In the name of My Son Jesus, the King of the Universe, I tell you again to love one another as He loved and still loves you. There is no other way out, My children, because many, many among My children in the world have lost the essence of Love.

And this essence of Love, which is the essence of life and of all creation, needs to re-emerge in the hearts that have distanced themselves from God, in the hearts that have closed and do not open to listen to the Good News of the Return of Christ, because they have lost faith, because they have lost love, because they have lost hope.

Tomorrow, December 31st, the last day of 2023, I ask souls, in the inner worlds, not to forget the Higher Universes that will be attentive, once again, to the voice of supplications.

Great Mercy is needed. Souls need Grace and they need to recover love, to be reborn in Christ, who is arriving.

Children, once again I will be with you tomorrow, as the Aurora that announces what is new, as the dawn that brings life and renewal, as the Breath of God that announces the Advent of Christ.

On the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Altars of God will be open, because the angels will open their doors to welcome the offerings of hearts and, above all, of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, which will be offered for a higher goal, for a higher good, for a higher purpose.

May 2024, a year that foretells the Return of Christ, be a year of greater mercy and peace, greater fraternity and justice in the world, especially for the most innocent and for families.

Behold the Mother and Lady of the impossible causes, your Advocate, Mediator between souls and God, Consolation for the afflicted, Hope of the poor, Refuge of families, the Mirror of the Justice of God.

I wish the good for everyone. I am here and I Am your Mother, the Mother who does not stop, and does not take rest, the Queen of Peace.

I thank all those who respond to the Call of God in these critical times.

My blessing is upon the just and the unjust. My blessing is upon the servers, but also upon the sinners. My Son wants the salvation of the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.

Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:


On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.

In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.

On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.

I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,

Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:


Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.

Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.

Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.

Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and  that cries out to God, to feel peace again.

Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.

Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.

Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:


I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.

I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.

Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.

Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.

I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.

Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray for peace.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.

When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.

They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.

So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.

As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.

While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.

We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.

First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.

When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.

The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.

Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.

When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.

While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).

So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.

And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.

It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.

Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.

After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.

When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.

This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”

Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.

And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.

I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.

Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.

So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.

We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.

Thank you all very much!

We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.

Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:


On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.

In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.

On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.

I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,

Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:


Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.

Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.

Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.

Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and  that cries out to God, to feel peace again.

Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.

Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.

Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:


I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.

I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.

Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.

Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.

I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.

Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray for peace.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.

When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.

They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.

So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.

As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.

While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.

We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.

First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.

When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.

The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.

Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.

When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.

While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).

So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.

And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.

It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.

Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.

After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.

When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.

This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”

Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.

And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.

I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.

Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.

So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.

We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.

Thank you all very much!

We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God. 

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.

Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:


On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.

In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.

On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.

I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,

Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:


Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.

Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.

Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.

Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and  that cries out to God, to feel peace again.

Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.

Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.

Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:


I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.

I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.

Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.

Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.

I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.

Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray for peace.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.

When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.

They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.

So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.

As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.

While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.

We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.

First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.

When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.

The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.

Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.

When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.

While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).

So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.

And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.

It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.

Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.

After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.

When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.

This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”

Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.

And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.

I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.

Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.

So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.

We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.

Thank you all very much!

We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God. 


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
