In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain in peace while I am present, because the world needs peace.

I give thanks for the response of My children, the immediate and sensible response of all those who gather, at this moment, around the Mother of God, just as the angels of God gather at this moment.

I return to My beloved and favorite House of Figueira, because this place, blessed by My Father who is in the Heavens, has opened the doors for Me so that I might reach the whole world.

This is why today I come to relieve your wounds. I come to make your sadness disappear. I come to make your agony disappear, so that suffering may disappear from this world and this humanity, suffering that has become aggravated in these times.

This is why I again tell you, time and again, do not lose faith. I am here and I Am your Mother, who guides you and who will always guide you to the secure path, the blessed path to the Heart of God.

Although this time is unknown, despite the doubts and even the uncertainties, it is time to trust the Supreme; because I am here to open the door to the Supreme for you. I am here to lead you to the Truth, and I will not tire of doing this, My children.

This is why I come here in an untiring way, so that My children may be restored in My Heart, so that they may always know that there will be a glimmer of God’s Hope that can shine, beyond the darkness of the world, beyond one’s own inner darkness.

Be brave, and decidedly follow the steps of My Son. He needs to build a new time, through His apostles and servers. At this moment, He needs, imperatively, that there may be witnesses of His Love, for the world cannot live without the Love of God, souls cannot live without the Love from the Source.

You know that this is so, My children. This is why I come here, in the name of this Higher Love, of this Love of God, which gathered you all from the beginning to build the foundations of this Spiritual Work, formed by the Mystic Body of Christ, by means of all souls that congregate and have self-summoned to be part of the army of Christ in this time, without fearing anything.

Children, while I am here, in joy for this re-encounter with each one of you, I ask you: trust and divest yourselves, so that humanity may be divested from its conflicts, ambitions and wars.

You must take the first step yourselves, because you are more aware than others, for you have received Graces and treasures from Heaven and Earth. This is the only thing My Son asks of you: that you take the steps He needs you to take, because it is urgent that the New Christs may be present on the surface of the Earth. And this is not for tomorrow, this aspiration of Christ is for now.

Your spirits were formed through the Word of the Lord, but your consciousnesses were also forged to live transformation, purification and then redemption.

Why do you fear what you are living and going through in this time, if you are living what was already written?

The Love of God will always be greater than all things. This Higher and Divine Love will always embrace you and fill you. And if it is necessary, My Beloveds, God’s Love will make it possible for Me to hold your souls in My Arms, to teach you even more about the Love of God, the Love of God that kisses and consoles, just as a good mother kisses and consoles her children.

This is what the world needs in this time, it must not lose the sense and the path of Higher Love; because Higher Love will make you understand your neighbor, it will help you to accept all situations and conditions, however difficult they may be. The Love of God will always help you to surpass yourselves, because the Love of the Father is the faithful testimony of His Presence.

What is happening here today is a work of God’s Love. It is a Grace of My Son, the Christ. It is the maternal Love of My Heart for My children.

This is why I come today to prepare you not only for the coming times, but I also come to prepare you to live the meetings with My Son these days, knowing that they are the last meetings, in which your souls and spirits will be able to drink from this Source of Consoling and Merciful Love, which will dissolve all evil and renew you from within so that you may have life in abundance.

Do this for humanity: take the steps for those who do not take them, pray for those who need prayer, live and have a gesture of love and mercy for your neighbor.

Because My burning desire as a Mother is that you may already feel like apostles of Christ the Redeemer, living the life of the apostolate, of mission and of service, rather than seeking to be apostles, even in these critical times, because in your hearts are all the keys that My Son gave you to open the doors to greater knowledge, to understand existence and the  human condition. In this way, the human condition may not be judged or condemned, but rather understood and accepted through the Love of God, which can perpetually live in you and renew itself through each new Sacrament.

Know that each time you receive a Sacrament, you will be before the doors of Paradise. Because the Sacraments that My Son instituted are not only reparative Graces, but are also opportunities for souls to find themselves again and resume the path toward infinite Purpose.

The last thing I would like to tell you tonight, when I can feel a little of the love of each one of My children, is that you may trust in the virtues and gifts that God gave you, because each time you have listened to the Word of the Divine Hierarchy, each time you have been able to study Our Messages again to understand a little more what We tell you and all that We instruct you, you are receiving the opportunity to live the Gifts of God.

And the first school to be able to live the Gifts of God is that you may live the Love of Christ yourselves, which anoints and sanctifies you whenever you take the risk of placing your knees on the ground to ask for Forgiveness and Mercy, not only for yourselves, but also for the world.

At the doors of the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, may My children remember that they always receive Graces and blessings, in the face of the emergency of these times, while millions of souls, who live in darkness, suffering and war, cannot see the Light and Love of God.

Therefore, your offerings are important in these times so that souls may be saved, especially those who are most in need of the Mercy of Christ. And this is not only for those who are far from here, suffering in a true and, I could even say, inexplicable way, but also for the souls who need salvation that might be here among you, without you perceiving it.

For this reason, love what you live, love each new offering. This is what the Celestial Father needs, so that His Mercy may descend to the planet, and the New Humanity may be a reality.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us stand up, for the Mother will teach us a simple prayer, so that we may dare to imitate Mary.

We repeat:

Divine Mother,
consecrate my heart,
so that it may feel
how Your Heart feels.

Divine Mother,
consecrate my eyes,
so that my eyes may see
just as Your Eyes do.

Divine Mother,
consecrate my lips,
so that my lips may be like Your Lips,
which perpetually pray
for souls and for Creation.

Divine Mother,
consecrate my hands,
so that my hands may serve
with charity and mercy,
just as Your Hands serve
with charity and Mercy,
marking a gesture of Love at each step.

Divine Mother,
consecrate my feet,
so that my feet may walk
just as Your Feet walk,
incessantly seeking the path of Christ, Our Lord,
and fully trusting
in the Purpose of Our Creator.

Divine Mother,
consecrate my soul,
so that my soul may live
the same joy that Your Soul lives,
upon responding, at each step, to the Call of God.

Divine Mother,
consecrate my spirit,
so that my spirit may be united to God,
just as Your Spirit is eternally united to the Father.

Divine Mother,
divest my being completely,
just as You divested Yourself before God,
being a perpetual Slave of His Project.


 We will ask the priests to bring the elements, for the consecration of the Eucharist, which we will carry out together with the Divine Mother.

Meanwhile, we will intone the Names of God, and try to make this prayer, which Mary taught us, resonate in each part of our beings, just as it resonates in each part of our Mother, in Her Spirit, in Her Soul, and in Her whole Being.

In this way, let us make our offering, the deepest offering of our hearts, so that Christ may be among us at this moment, just as Mary brings us Her Son at this moment, in Divinity and Spirit.

Let us sing these Names of God with the Divine Mother, invoking the presence of the angels. 


To My beloved children of Argentina

Dear children:

In these recent times, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart has accompanied, step by step, the social and spiritual situation of My beloved Argentina.

Today, I want to tell you that, at each moment, I have suffered with you the regression that the country has lived in recent years and, above all, I have contemplated the needs that the most vulnerable have experienced, as well as the entire families that have been forced to abandon My beloved Argentina due to the insecurity and the lack of future.

However, many of you remained in the country and, like the apostles in the Sea of Galilee, have faced the hard storm of the country and of all its people.

Argentina is the food provider of the world, and this will never change. This is why, on this day of decisions for each one of My Argentinian children, I want to tell you that, despite the situations of wars and emergencies that the Divinity attends, My Heart of a Mother will be with each one of you, because in the last four years, which were painful to My children of Argentina, your Heavenly Mother closely accompanied the experience and anguish of each son and daughter of Mine.

This is why, once again, My beloveds, I call you on this day not only to invoke the discernment of the Holy Spirit, but I also call you to pray with Me.

Therefore, this Sunday, in a special way, I invite all prayerful beings, and especially My children of Argentina, the Light-Network of this country, to unite in prayer, by praying a Mystery of the Holy Rosary together with the visionaries of this Work.

In this way, My appeal to God will be so that Argentina and all its people may live a greater time of Peace, Justice and Grace, so that the angel of Argentina may have the necessary strength and support of all My children of Argentina so that the country may rise spiritually and materially again, so that harmony, the common good and a fraternal spirit may be the bases that allow the country to recover the hope and peace it has lost.

Today, more than ever, dear children, in prayer and supplication, I will be united to all My Argentinian children, so that you may not forget that I love you and I will lead you to Jesus, so that you may live under His Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján


My dear children,

While the world, and especially some nations, face the evil and chaos of these times, I call upon you to be bearers of My Peace.

While wars provoke fearful profits to those who promote arms and generate inexplicable suffering to the majority of My children, I call upon you to be ambassadors of My Peace.

While impunity blinds many ambitious minds and hearts, and causes pain and anguish to numerous peoples and families, I call upon you to be instruments of My Peace.

While abortion and the discarding of the newborn and the unborn become normal, indifferent and dark habits, I call upon you to be the Light of Christ's Mercy.

While entire regions dry up overnight, and cities and towns are destroyed by the fury of climate change, I call upon you to be ambassadors and protectors of Creation.

While indignation, hunger and misery undermine the gift of human and spiritual dignity, I call upon you to be representatives and guardians of the Values of God on Earth.

While souls face harsh trials and many discover their weaknesses, miseries and illnesses, I call upon you to be bridges of love and healing for this suffering humanity.

While roads, borders and oceans are closed for refugees and exiles, making the world insensitive and indifferent to the suffering of your neighbor, I call upon you to be intercessors of Peace and Mercy; because without instruments in My Hands, your Heavenly Mother will not be able to intercede.

May all voices and hearts unite in a single prayer, saying: "Lord, have Pity and Mercy."

I will always pray for you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


O, My Holy White Hummingbird,
who visits one of My Lands blessed
by the Holy Mother of God.

As a humble pilgrim,
together with all your brothers and sisters,
you come to meet Me,
at the Sacred Temple of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart,
to supplicate, in union with My Son,
for peace in the world and for the end of wars.

O, Holy White Hummingbird,
who flies high to attract to the Earth
all the Graces of Heaven,
I grant to you today the Grace that you have asked of Me
from the silence of your heart.

O, Holy White Hummingbird,
I encourage you to go ahead,
steadfastly carrying the Word of My Son,
so that hearts may continue to feel relieved
by your gestures of closeness and fraternity.

Today, I am united to You in supplication
so that the world may be converted and achieve peace.

From this Sacred Sanctuary of Fatima,
together with the Angels of Heaven,
I impart My blessing, My Love and My Peace
to the whole world.

May the Mercy of My Son
descend upon humanity again today,
so that more wounds may be healed,
and hearts may be comforted.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Today, as Mother of Mercy and before the infinite ocean of My Son's Mercy, I collect from the hearts the offers and prayers that are addressed to Christ, so that, in this time, He transforms human misery into Mercy and into Compassion.

For this reason, My children, once again, the life and spirit of each one of you is before the threshold of Divine Mercy, waiting for the Law of Atonement to act in humanity in the face of so many events that are taking place in the world.

May their souls be depositaries of the Love of My Son and of His Unfathomable Mercy.

May your acts, gestures and actions be merciful so that this civilization, of the present times, may recover its contact with the essence of Love-Wisdom, so that evil, hatred, revenge and impunity may be dissolved in the human heart, and so that each of My children may remember that they can return to God and know Him within themselves, in the depths of silence and supplicating prayer.

Dear children, Divine Mercy still must to be known in the world, it must be practiced and experienced by all; because as long as there are no merciful souls, there will be no peace in the world, the war will not stop.

Mercy is the door of salvation that My Son opened in His Side, where the tributaries of Water and Blood are mysteries of expiation and forgiveness for those who surrender to the Love of Jesus.

Children, may Mercy be the announcement of hope and peace for the wounded world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


For those who cry out, My Heart is present.

For those who live in the terrors of war, My Heart is present.

For those who are condemned and die under the impunity of the laws of this world, My Heart is present.

For those who cry out for peace, My Heart is present.

For those who are forced to live in exile and are discarded, My Heart is present.

For those who are persecuted because of their faith and their love for Christ, My Heart is present.

For those who lost the right to be born, My Heart is present.

For those who are under lies, impunity and control, My Heart is present.

For the Kingdoms that suffer in silence, that are massacred and sacrificed without awareness of what is truly happening, My Heart is present.

For those who no longer have a future, for those who lost everything overnight, their families, their homes, their hope and their joy, for all of them, My Heart prays and is present.

Where is the heart of My children at this moment?

Are your hearts present in all these situations, as is My Maternal Heart?

In order for you to have a heart present in everything, you must seek to have a mature heart, a heart capable of loving as Christ loved on the Cross, as He loved at each step.

If you have a present heart, you will know how to understand the lessons of life, you will know how to come out from yourselves, for all those who do not and who believe they are absolutely with My Son.

This is what God asks of the world today: that you be capable of having a heart present in everything, that you have a heart capable of loving and enduring the end of times.

I will pray that you may have a mature heart, present in all that, in this time of tribulation, is necessary to help.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, and Mother of the Present Heart


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of the Night, who leads all His sheep, especially those who are most lost, so that they may return to the stable of the Heart of God and drink of the Sacred Fountain of His Divine Humility. Because if humility does not live in this world, if humility does not express itself in souls and hearts, it will not be possible to avoid a third and difficult war.

This is why I Am here today, on the highest region of the Alps. Once again, I congregate you at the foot of these sacred mountains, where the Hierarchy is gathered and united to you, to implore to God for a last opportunity for this humanity, so that the nations of the world, especially the nations of Eastern Europe, may reflect the harmony and peace that is so urgent in these times.

Therefore, nothing and no one has prevented the Lord of the Night from coming here, because He has brought the whole Universe, all of Creation, with Himself. And with His Feet he steps upon all evil that exists on this planet and shows, through the Light of His Sacred Heart, the path that souls must tread during this dark night so that they may never lose sight of the Flame of the Divine Purpose, but rather, through this Sacred Immaterial Flame, souls may find within themselves the Will of God, which expresses in this material life the Purpose that has been written since the origin.

This is why, on these days of merciful prayer, I come, in the name of God, to ask you to truly pray. That each bead of the prayer of Mercy offered may be sincerely prayed to avoid a terrible third war in this world and, above all, in this Northern Hemisphere.

But do not lose faith, because you are My companions and My friends, you are My children and My daughters, and today I have all of you within the Sacred Cenacle of My Heart so that, just as more than two-thousand years ago, you may celebrate the Sacred Eucharist with Me once again, the infinite Legacy of the Love of God, which unconditionally offered itself to you through the bread and the wine.

This is why we are at a similar time as two-thousand years ago. But now you, as postulants to be New Christs of the end of times, must not only eat of My Body or drink of the Chalice of My Blood, but you also must learn to live your own Garden of Gethsemane.

And despite the darkness that reigns on this planet, despite the uncertain doors that are still open, despite the ignorance, the war, the indifference, the coldness of many hearts, despite all the sins and offenses that the Heart of God receives every day, My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, on these days of intense supplication to Divine Mercy, will gather, from each one of you, each one of the beads that you will sincerely offer to Me, not only for peace in Ukraine and Russia, for the end of war in this region of the planet and in other places of the Earth, but I will also gather your prayers as a true offering to God, because you will have the chance to again trust My Mercy.

So that you may see how great My Mercy is, today I Am again here, in this region of the planet, contemplating through My Eyes and feeling through My Heart the pain and anguish of the souls that live in war and in the conflict of the world.

Companions, I want to tell you sincerely that all Hierarchies are working a lot for this planetary situation. That each one of your steps, the steps of the servers of Christ, are being contemplated at this very moment, as a justification and atonement, in the face of all horrors and outrages of this world, of this humanity.

For this reason, companions, these days will be decisive, not only for all My servers of the Redemptive Work of Christ on Earth, but they will also be definitive for these nations of Europe, because what will happen in the coming times in this region of the planet will have repercussions in other nations of the world, and Europe is feeling the weight of the war in Ukraine.

Through His Power and Love, through His Mercy and Sacred Intercession, God could have already stopped this war. But companions, the adherence of souls with other forces of this material world compromises this intervention, which is not only spiritual, but also material.

However, trust and do not regret, trust in the power and light of the prayer of the heart. Entrust to God all your supplications, all your intentions, all that you beg for, so that the war may stop in Eastern Europe, and the current events, just as other events in the world, which are hidden from the eyes of all, may not be used as weapons of war, fostering lack, need and injustice.

Therefore, through the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart, I invite you to be with Me in this long dark night that the planet is living, without losing sight of the Light of Divine Purpose, because many souls in these times lose sight of their Spiritual Purpose.

In truth, I tell you that the spiritual task of many will be up to a very few, just as it was two-thousand years ago, when very few, united to the Master of Love, did their very best, gave their lives for the redemption of humanity, for the salvation of this school-planet.

I know that what I promise you at this moment is not wonderful, I promise you the experience of a spiritual sacrifice that you have not gone through at any other moment.

This is why, through the symbols of My Sorrowful Passion, I will be able to pour out, upon those who accept them, new experiences of Christification and growth of inner love.

Who will accept to hold the Crown of Thorns of the Lord with their own hands?

Who will accept to carry with them the nails that pierced the Hands and Feet of the Lord?

Who will accept to carry the planetary cross with Me?

Who will allow the spear to pierce their side, knowing that you do not deserve all these things and that your Master and Lord deserved them even less?

But  what led your Master, the King of the Universe, to allow Himself to experience all these things?

There is one and only reason: Love, the Love that would trust, the Love that would accept, the Love that would include, the Love that would never reject, the Love that would endure, the Love that would make Me grow as Divinity and Spirit. It was Love that made me accept the Will to live the Sorrowful Passion.

This is why I offer the opportunity of inner Christification to the simple, to the imperfect, to the sinners.

See how My Church is and how My priests are, how many wounds they cause Me by moving away from Me, by taking other paths that are not those of Christ.

This is why I avail Myself of this moment and I avail Myself of each one of you, regardless of the imperfection or difficulties, regardless of the pain or tests, so that the Heart of your Master may be relieved in silence, through the adherence of souls, through the silent sacrifice of the hearts that say ‘yes’ to Me, in which I can recline My head upon your chests, to rest and take comfort from the love of those who are Mine.

The world is not prepared to listen to this, but I committed Myself to tell you the truth, because I will always be the Way and the Life for you.

The world must surrender to My Mercy so that the Third World War does not happen, so that humanity does not keep opening the door to evil, which suffocates hearts and confuses minds by moving away from God.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy be a moment of great maturity, may it be the great moment when each one of you must ask yourselves whether you are with Me or not. The time is ending and if before the cup was almost full, it is now overflowing.

Who will prevent this from happening?

Will it be necessary for more innocent blood to be shed in this world?

God does not want the sacrifice of humanity, My Father wants from you, through Me, your eternal happiness, the joy of living and belonging to the Kingdom of God, once and for all.

I ask you again to truly pray. I will be attentively listening to the voice of your supplications and I know that I will be able to count on all of you, just as on all your brothers and sisters in the world.

In the simple, in the humble, in those who adhere, in the pure of heart, lies My Celestial Church. And through these souls, through true and simple hearts, I can consecrate and  make this world sacred, so that someday it may cease to be unfaithful so as to be faithful, so that someday the world may no longer have self will but will begin to live Divine Will, the Sacred Will of God that will always lead you to peace and to the good.

I thank you for hearing Me. I thank you for preparing this space for Me, because as much as this world offers Me hundreds of cathedrals, I could only be within them if love, transparency and surrender truly existed.

This is why, once again, God shows the world that His Presence is in the humble, that His Hand defeats the powerful, that His Word resounds in the simple and expels the selfish, even those who say they are with Me.

My Church is in the heart of My children. My Love is there. My Life is there forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the face of tiredness, I will strengthen you.

In the face of despair, I will support you.

In the face of darkness, I will always be the Light.

Before sincere surrender, I will rejoice.

In silence, I will make Myself felt.

In love, you will see Me made manifest.

Beneath those pure in heart will be the sacred soil of My Kingdom.

Upon the merciful will be the dome of My Celestial Church.

From the persevering, I will make infinite impulses spring.

From those who never become tired, My Fire of overcoming and transcendence will emerge.

My Hand will always be upon the just.

My Breath of the Spirit will guide the boat of your souls, and I will always show you the way out in the face of what seems to be a stormy sea.

From those who are surrendered, I will make the Inexhaustible Source of My Love emerge.

My Peace will embrace the simple.

Like the stars, Light will guide the path of the consecrated.

My Priesthood will be protecting those who sincerely said ‘yes’ to My Son, despite the battles.

I will never stop, regardless of what may happen in My Creation, because My Love is inexhaustible, My Mercy wishes to be the door to the redemption of all My Children.

Time and again, I renew Myself in those who are adoring Me through My Son at the altar, for in this way I will show My Victory in those who walk by My side.

Child, you can rest peacefully today, because if you seek Me, you will find Me, because if you call Me, I will always be there. Because if you trust in Me, you must fear nothing.

I made you free so that you might grow in Me. I made you pure so that you might be a testimony of My Presence.

Rest in My Arms.

Keep taking steps in mature love.

My Son is your only school.

Your Celestial Mother will embrace you with Her Mantle.

You receive a sacrament whenever you listen to Me.

You are healed whenever you are in communion with Me.

In this way, you are strengthened to learn how to be humble.

Move forward, I Am here with you.

I Am that I Am.

I Am Adonai.



My dear children, 

I am here today at the House of Christ. I can be spiritually closer to traumatized Ukraine. I can collect the prayers of all those who pray for the sacred cause of Peace.

For this reason, My Children, I am thankful, because at this time of the planet many situations must be tended to, and it is urgent for God that a celestial intercession may happen.

Therefore, when voices unite in prayer, I can intercede and, as the Mother of the World, I can once again open the doors of Heaven so that the Angels of Peace and Reconciliation may help the most lost souls, especially the ones that are in conflict and war.

Dear children, for this reason, I am here to irradiate My Love and My Light to the world, to say, My Children, to the inner worlds of God’s Creatures, to stop and listen to the cry of the planet and of the displaced families due to war, hunger and migration.

How long will this go on for?

Therefore, My Message arrives to sensitize, still within the Church of Christ, all those who do not think about the refugees or the poor.

I hope, dear children, that before everything happens, more good souls may be capable of helping balance the scale of the Law with Me, because otherwise humanity will only be hurting itself, as it has been doing up to now.

I pray that destructive ideas on the surface of the earth may no longer exist, that no other bomb may be launched upon nations as if they were meaningless. No, Children, do not do this!

Be able to perceive how far evil can go. Repent and ask for forgiveness because there is little time left.

Let us pray that the little peace left on this planet does not disappear.

I thank you for being united to Me in prayer!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace. 


My dear children,

During these days of special prayer, may your requests and prayers for Brazil come to Me with the warmest love of My children, as roses at the Feet of the Celestial Mother.

Dear children, let us unite, at this moment, to the Heart of My Son so that the Sublime Spiritual Government may fill the souls of this nation of Brazil, and thus the purpose of this country may be protected and sheltered under the luminous wings of Brazil’s Guardian Angel.

It is in this way, dear children, that through the powerful prayer from the heart, the Holy Spirit may also guide and inspire the hearts of My children so that the discernment and peace that this dear people of Brazil need may always prevail.

As your Mother, as the Lady of Aparecida, I am praying every day, together with you, and I unite My Voice of a Servant and Slave of God so that in Brazil and throughout the whole world the Will of the Eternal Father may be fulfilled.

The intention of My Motherly desire is for Brazil not to convert itself into a scenario of inconsistencies and lack of spiritual meaning.

You, my children, must proceed to allow the Lady of Aparecida to continue being the Governor of this nation, destined to be the cradle of the New Humanity.

Continue praying with fervor, allowing the Sacred Flame of Wisdom grant understanding and reason to humble hearts.

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who blesses you,

You Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It gladdens Me to meet again My faithful and beloved children, at this Sacred blue Heaven, where many experiences have been lived by you, My children. Dark nights have been gone through, moments of joy have been lived and shared and, today, you are here with Me, in fidelity and love.

I would like you to know that the times to come will not be good, but if souls repent from the heart and surrender with faith in the Immaculate Heart, all can be avoided.

Now that your feet are tired from this trajectory and this path, renew yourselves.

I Am here and I Am your Mother. The Mother that will never abandon you, the Mother that will always receive you and give you the Peace that the whole world needs so much.

Rejoice, because I Am here to grant you My Graces once again, to grant you the Pardon of God and the renewal of your lives in this definitive cycle, a cycle in which effort will be the great master key among all keys. The key that will open the door to the descent of God’s Mercy.

Therefore, My children, let your minds expand, let your hearts open much more than they are already open, so that the consciousnesses that have self-summoned may come here, as it is foreseen in the Aspiration of the Eternal Father.

Everything you have learned throughout the times has been for this moment, My children, for this definitive hour, in which you must learn to walk in sacrifice out of love for God and out of love for My Son. Because He will never give you such a heavy cross that you can carry it by yourselves.

He will give you the cross of liberation and redemption, just as He carried it in a brave manner a long time ago, for each one of you. Therefore, continue to participate in this fidelity to God and to My Immaculate Heart.

In advance and forever, I give thanks for the channel offered in this place, for Vigil and Adoration.

My children, it is time to re-build the spiritual bases of this humanity, through the important exercise of Adoration to the Eucharistic Body of My Son. Because while this does not happen, you know that souls go astray time and again. My wish is to bring all toward God, not only those you do not know, but also your families, your loved ones, all those who are close to your lives.

All need to know the Mercy of God. This mystery was revealed and given on the Cross through the Blood that was shed by My Son, in each drop that He shed for the world.

Today, for this renewal, My Graces bring you the Codes of the Blood of Christ so that, after that which was lived throughout the last years, your consciousnesses may feel healed and renewed, may assume, with maturity and enthusiasm, the cross that My Son gives you, out of love for humanity and the planet.

My children, your Heavenly Mother knows, in advance,  all that you will do to receive Me next October 13, because you have learned to serve and give of yourselves.

I would like to see not only the flowers that you always place at the foot of My Altar, which you will raise in offering to My Immaculate Heart. I would also like your lives, on the coming days and in the times to come, to be these beautiful flowers of conversion, forgiveness, love and redemption, which I will be able to pick with My own Hands to give them to God and confirm that the Plan of My Son for this world is feasible.

Today, I embrace with My Mantle all those who need it. Today, I place upon My Chest all those who need to feel the beating of My Heart, so that you may remember that the Consoling and Co-redeeming Mother is always present here, in Spirit and Divinity.

Rejoice, because the end of captivity will come not only for you, but also for the whole world. Because when My Son returns, He will renew and transform everything, by the merits achieved in His Passion, Death and Resurrection.

On this day, may your souls resurrect in spirit under the Love of God, under the Presence of the Mother of the Holy Spirit. Offer to God the best you can give Him. No matter how small it seems, let it be true and sincere. Because it is in that which is small and not in that which is big, that God works, through the souls and hearts open to His Consoling Love.

And just as I have done on these last days, in these last weeks, in this special Pilgrimage of re-encounter with My dear children, I will offer the Sacrament of the Anointment to you again. Thus, may the sign of the Cross of Emmanuel sanctify, protect, heal and accompany you in this new stage of renewal and re-founding of the bases of the Purpose of this Nucleus and of this point of Spiritual Light in this part of the planet.

Children, do not fear the cross, I Am here and I Am your Mother, the Mother of all of humanity and of the planet. Remember that here I find inner strength in those who adore, pray, watch and serve God.

Not only My Son seeks a place where He can rest and restore, also your Heavenly Mother seeks this place in the hearts that serve the Work of God on this planet.

Place your intentions at My Feet in the silence of the heart, and I will take them to God.

Pray and do not fail to do so, for your protection and the protection of your families. Unite to God through prayer.

Let us make the offering to God, from the innermost core of My Heart, at this moment.

Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

I thank you for having responded to My call in such an immediate way, because when this happens, My children, humanity ceases to suffer.

Now, let us go to the foot of the Altar of Christ, you, as His companions and apostles. Let us offer not only the bread and the wine so that they may be converted into the Body and the Blood of Christ. Offer your hearts also, so that this renewal may reach your lives and your families, through the blessing of the Holy Spirit.  

Be in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear children,

May the Peace of Jesus be within you.

Dear children, it saddens Me to know that some of My children interpret My Messages and cannot reach the essence of what I tell you.

It saddens Me to know how consecrated Children of Mary become entangled and underestimate the Word of the Hierarchy, instead of giving thanks and considering it as a guiding star.

Dear children, do not do this. Do not allow the adversary to dominate you completely and place you in mental judgments and divided from one another.

Children, have you forgotten that you are all brothers and sisters, children of the same Father, the Celestial Father?

For this reason, I call on you to remember your commitment to Me. I invite you to be peacemakers of My Son. Do not forget it.

This is the time that, by yourselves, you may become aware of the planetary situation, that you may understand and accept that a change in attitude and in the way of thinking is needed.

If this change does not happen, you will repent for not having done so, because the planet is the home of all. It is the only place where the Project of God can be carried out.

I ask you not to oppose what We tell you.

I ask you to be grateful for the Grace that you receive, because there are many children in the world who live as prisoners of evil and do not have what you receive.

Do not get used to Us. Be consistent and you will have the response that you need to move forward.

I give thanks for the union of those who sincerely follow Our Steps.

I love you and I bless you all.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day of Mercy, may your deepest prayers keep being elevated to Heaven so that the world and, above all, the nations that are most oppressed and chastised by war and conflicts may recover peace, because no human being is capable of living without peace, as peace is to be in contact with God and the universe.

My children, on this day of merciful prayer, I call upon you to pray for those places in the world where there is no peace and where chaos reigns, because, as the Queen of Peace, I need, through your prayers, to reach the spaces in this world where hundreds of My children suffer hopelessness and lack of love.

Just as, in this month of August, you will be able to feel the Heart of My Son, I would like many more children to feel My Heart, and your true prayers are the bridge that will allow Me to find My most suffering and desperate children.

For this reason, My beloveds, recognize the Rays of My Grace, the Grace that, being inexhaustible and justifiable before God, has been filling you for more than fifteen years.

It is My wish that My Graces, the Graces granted to My Maternal Heart, may reach all, especially those who have condemned themselves to hell.

I am thankful to you in advance for the bravery and effort that you might dedicate to Me through the prayer of the heart, because prayer must permeate the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through the oceans, My Consciousness is mirrored throughout humanity, and within human beings it can mirror the great state of Christic Consciousness. It is this spiritual and inner state that I have sought to implement in the entire human race throughout times, through the impulses that I bring to you in this cycle.

Today My Heart and all of My Being are now in Africa, just as your inner worlds and your prayers may also be there so as to accompany Me in this daring task of redeeming the African Continent and of generating, in all peoples of Africa, the relief of suffering and the recovery of peace.

For this reason, I Am here today, but in Spirit and omnipresence, I Am also in Africa, dealing with very important and spiritual subjects, which up to today your consciousnesses have not known.

Once again, I invite you to love mystery through the Love that I offer to you. Thus, you will be able to feel, in your inner world and in your consciousness, the impulses that I bring to you, so that you may learn to recognize My Will, the Will that is already written in the Consciousness of the Eternal Father, in all His Angels and Archangels, this Will that has been trying to establish itself from the origin of the planet, from the beginning of humanity.

For this reason, My Divine Consciousness has worked from the origins of the Earth for this human project, which was lovingly thought of by the Creator.

But you must know something important: this is the time to correct humanity, not through Justice, but rather through Mercy, so that it may again find the path toward its evolution and awakening, which it has lost.

The African Continent holds very important treasures, precious treasures unknown up to today.

It is My task, and it is also My duty, to reveal these treasures to you through the spiritual wealth that is kept in many hearts of Africa. A spiritual wealth that was not only exploited and removed in an unjust way that went unpunished, but also a spiritual wealth that was buried, silenced and enslaved by the countries and consciousnesses that unfortunately rule these nations of Africa.

In My Return, I will come with a Great Project to carry out and concretize. One of these Projects that I hold in My Heart is the re-emergence of the spiritual consciousness of Africa, what it has represented for the Eternal Father since the beginning and the whole legacy that no one has yet come to know.

These treasures about which I speak to you are not material, but rather deeply spiritual, and I might even say, super-physical.

These treasures will allow the planet, as a soul and as an inner consciousness, to regenerate, and thus allow the emergence of the New Humanity, which is not the humanity of these times, because this is a humanity in transition, in trial, it is a humanity in suffering and in agony.

Through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, I come to open the doors throughout those places where they are closed: the Doors of Light, the Doors of Consciousness, the Doors of Grace and Healing, for those consciousnesses, souls and hearts that truly need them, such as My cherished Children of Africa.

For this reason, the beginning of this mission in Angola, at this stage, will be very significant, and it will not be like previous experiences, which strengthened the spirit of missionary service.

Now is the time to allow for the emergence, and also the concretization, of what the Father needs to materialize on the surface, that which you already know as sacred Points of Light, which will benefit not only Africa, but also the whole world. And this will demonstrate to all of humanity, once again, the sacrifice of the consciousnesses of Africa who do not lose faith and hope in My Heart, who only have My Heart so as to survive.

For this reason, My Heart gives of itself, once again, just as it once did in Rwanda. Now I come for all of Africa, for all nations of Africa, for all peoples and all cultures.

The time has come for humanity to recognize the errors it has committed against Africa and to correct and mend them, not only in a material way, but also in a spiritual way.

For this, I Am here as the Advocate of God, as the Mediator and Intercessor between the just and the unjust souls. I Am here through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy and by means of the Light of My Grace to make hope re-emerge in those who have lost it and do not have anything today.

For this reason, the steps that will be taken in this cycle will be important, they will be steps that will determine the coming times, they will determine the next cycles, and I might even say, the next events.

For this reason, you must be attentive and watchful. And as My apostles, servers and missionaries, called to live the Plan of God, you must carry forward the Purpose of your Master and Lord, that of sowing Christic Love in hearts and souls, and, that of allowing suffering souls, through this unfathomable, infinite and inexhaustible Christic Love, to again find hope, faith and the joy of living in this world, and also so that, at the same time, they may again find the virtues and gifts that they do not know today.

For this reason, through the foundation of My Work in South America, a bridge of Light, of unity and brotherhood is today created between South America and Africa so that Europe may also join this purpose and so that the African Continent may no longer be used as a discard, as trash of the consciousnesses that suffer the most, but rather that Europe and the Northern Hemisphere may finally take the step to cancel out the pending spiritual debt they still have with all of Africa.

I told you, as of 2017, about the importance of reaching Africa. Some movements took place, but they were not enough. Some experiences were lived, but they were not enough. It is time for each European consciousness, each member of the Northern Hemisphere, to place their hearts, and, above all, their life, unconditionally at the service of those who most need it. This will demonstrate to your Master and Lord that you can understand My Message, and that My Message does not get lost in time nor does it end up kept only as a remembrance.

It is time to act with readiness and determination. You, suns on Earth that are already awakened, know what you must do and where you must be. Do not resist, may the Europeans not resist, but may they rather open their hearts and cancel the debts they have with Africa.

Someone must take the step and you are the ones who must do it for those who will never take the steps, for those who will never look with Mercy or even compassion upon the suffering brothers and sisters of Africa.

I invite you to reconsider your attitudes and intentions. I invite you to definitively position yourselves on the path of the concretization of the Plan.

The times now urge. For this reason, you must be attentive, so as not to lose the impulses, so as not to lose all that I Am bringing to you in these times. Africa has waited for a long time for this moment, and will not be able to wait any longer. For this reason, I Am here to remind you, to let you know, that this is the time for action.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy prepare this immediate moment that I so much want to see concretized through you. A moment for serving without conditions, for giving of oneself without conditions, for doing something without conditions for those who suffer, for the brothers and sisters of Africa.

I can no longer hear, nor keep seeing the children of Africa, who wait for hands and arms that could welcome them, that could approach and, above all, that could love and serve them. They wait for love and not just for bread.

This is why it is important that you change your concepts about what survival life is. It is important that you may understand that in the hearts of Africa there are unknown and important treasures.

If this movement of permanent service for the African Continent takes place in these times through the collaboration and donation of all, it will allow for the spiritual debt of Europe and also of other regions of the planet to be relieved, allowing for the African consciousness to be repaired and spiritually rebuilt.

You must not just have a gesture of goodwill, this is not enough for Me; you must have a gesture of concretion, of readiness and not of resistance. You have My treasures and My Graces upon you, in your hearts and souls.

For this reason, I tell My apostles: this is the time to act, and to not allow My enemy to advance in this world and, above all, in those peoples and nations conditioned by the corrupt systems of this world.

I do not ask you to do big things, I ask you to make movements and carry out actions with love. There is the key to redemption.

After this Message, and through your prayers to the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Heart, I will return to Africa to keep working, just as I have been doing throughout these days, preparing the continent for a new stage. But this new stage will take place and be concretized through collaboration, and I might even say, the enthusiasm of those who understand My Message, and not just listen to it.

Through this Marathon of Divine and unfathomable Mercy, I can tell you, My companions, that the world will live a Judgment in the face of what Africa lives and suffers today. Do not expect that those who claim to be powerful, or even those who exploit all of Africa, will change. The change, companions, begins within you, in the anonymous service for others.

This will grant the world an unknown, inexplicable amnesty, and Africa will be able to rise and re-emerge as the people and the culture it represents to God.

I will pray for you, My companions, to take the steps, especially all the members of this Work that belong to Europe. It is not enough that one, two or three consciousnesses make a movement for Africa, all are responsible for the spiritual debt.

I invite you to assume the cross, just as I assumed it for you. But I assure you that you will not experience the weight or the calvary that I experienced for you. I will always be there, by your side, to sustain you, to impel you, to transform you, to convert you into My apostles of the end times.

Be brave and do not step back. 

Do not fear the cross, nor the suffering, rather fear to be far from God and absorbed by the illusion of the world. 

You have the treasures of the Father, through Our Words and Our Apparitions, you have received these treasures; now it is time to place them at the service of others, of those who most need them, of those who have most waited for them, for such a long time.

I will be there, waiting for your definitive steps.

Now I truly return to Africa as a spiritual and divine Consciousness, hoping that more consciousnesses may assume a mature and not a passing service. Remember that Africa has a great spiritual and physical wound that has not yet healed. The presence of My apostles, of My servers and missionaries, will generate the healing of this situation, which is inexplicable to all.

Only Love will heal the pain.

I encourage you to move forward.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear children,

Have faith and never doubt, because the Sacred Plans of My Son can never be interrupted, but when something like this happens, it is a sign that the Plan is very close, very close to becoming concrete.

Learn from My Son that, together with His apostles, when in the face of the storm the boat seemed to be about to shipwreck, My Son, through the meekness and peace of His Most Sacred Heart, gave the command for the wind and the sea to stand still.

Do not lose hope and may each learning experience be a new impulse for growth.

If My Son sends you in His Sacred Name, praised be the Lord! Because the doors and the hearts will open at the right time, and all of you will be able to bear witness of this.

Dear children, this is the path of the apostleship.

This is the path of the server who never doubts in the face of hardships nor becomes afflicted in the face of adversities, because, above all, they believe in Christ and His Will.

This is the path of the apostles, of those who do not step back but rather move forward, of the apostles who are ready to respond to and serve the Lord of the Universe, because in the heart of the apostles of Christ, the trust that eradicates doubt and mediocrity comes first.

My children, My Son gave you the Holy Spirit, and with His Spirit He blessed all, because He knew that His companions would be meeting the innocent sheep, who were among the wild wolves.

See yourselves under the Rays of the Heart of Jesus. In them, never will anything against His Divine Will happen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

Each time I descend from Heaven and come to meet you, it is to renew you.

Each time you are before the Slave of the Lord, you can become better apostles of My Son. It is through the apostles of My Son that your Heavenly Mother can intercede and relieve humanity, because the apostles of My Son are on mission and at service.

May this peace, which the Mirrors of My Heart reflect today upon this lake of Light, allow  you to grow in love and unconditional service.

Today, in a special way, your Heavenly Mother offers you an act of reconciliation, especially an act of reparation for all French people who, throughout the times, had the Grace of receiving Me through different Apparitions and Revelations.

It is My wish that France may never forget that only through My sacrifice will it be able to obtain peace and forgiveness for all debts brought about since the French colonization of different peoples and cultures of the world.

May this aspiration of the Mother of God for the French people be fulfilled someday so that the consciousness of this nation and that of its Guardian Angel may manage to establish the Spiritual Government of God, which all French people need, so as to learn to govern themselves in the truth, transparency and Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My feet again touch the blessed land of Fatima to dispel the darkness that reigns in distant Europe.

I come to be with you once again so that you may listen to the voice of the Sorrowful Mother who claims for peace and the end of war.

I bring, in My Heart, the sacred flame of the Divine Purpose, so that souls who are asleep may awaken to the reality of doing something for the one who suffers and for the one who is unprotected.

I am the Light of Aurora. I am the One Who can dawn in the hearts that opens to recognize Me as their Celestial Mother.

Dear children, the stage of the great service will now begin as well as the greater effort in Europe, Africa and the Middle-East so that the scales of inequality may be balanced and the poorest among the poor may receive the Grace of the dignity that they deserve.

For this reason, the Divinity will enter the neediest spaces; but the Divinity, through the Holy Spirit, will also dialogue with those hearts that must awaken to the truth and to kindness.

I, as Mother of the refugees and of the abandoned, will be praying by the side of each missionary heart that offers, in the name of My Son, to attract justice and human dignity to the world.

For this reason, I ask for the awareness of all those who will be accompanying from a distance the works of charity and of peaceful dialogue that will take place in the Northern hemisphere, because the time has come when each prayerful being must feel responsible for the Plan of the Return of Christ to be fulfilled in this humanity, no matter what.

Let us pray every day, placing these intentions in our hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My very dear children,

As it was one hundred years ago, today I gather you again close to My Heart to ask you to pray, more than ever, for peace.

For this reason, your Heavenly Mother comes from Heaven, seeing that invasion, hatred, destruction and war between brothers has been established again in Eastern Europe.

With urgency and in supplication, I come to ask you to unite in one voice and one heart, offering to My Immaculate Heart, beginning February 28, a special Novena for Peace and the End of War in Eastern Europe.

Once again, the venom of impunity quickly expands over Europe, and the most underprivileged are forced to migrate.

The world believes it knows about control and the power of weapons.

After one hundred years, the Queen of Peace, from Fatima, cries for the scourging that is being caused to the Creator and the most oppressed families.

I ask you to unite in prayer with Me, because the blue tyrant wants to impose lack of pity and chastisement upon those who do not yield to his dark plans.

Children, unfortunately, we are reaching the expected end, a moment when the greatest and most unknown pain will come to the world.

Pray with fervor, and, in a true commitment, be together with Me in this cruel spiritual battle, when your Heavenly Mother will step upon the foolish and evil head of the serpent.

I am grateful to you in advance.

Who blesses you at this crucial moment,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

On this special day, in which the cycle of the one hundred Prayer Meetings of Mercy is celebrated, it is My wish for each one of My children that they may place their gaze within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thus, see how, on this day of victory of the Divine Mercy, His Rays of Love, Healing and Light touch and bless all souls, especially those who most need Mercy.

As prayerful soldiers of Christ, raise your banners and walk as a great army of Light toward the center of the Altar of the Lord so that, once again, the offering of each heart may be deposited at the Feet of the Redeemer, so that your inner vows may be renewed, and, as in the last one hundred Meetings of Mercy, you may contemplate the descent of God's Mercy.

Today, I also invite you to remember the moment, for each one of My children, when, for the first time, you made contact with Mercy, and this Mercy made of your life a testimonial of conversion.

Remember all the beautiful moments of praise and the prayers sustained throughout these recent years.

See, My children, for a moment, that the Will of God may be fulfilled within you.

May today, the Sacred Spirit of renewal and of the unfathomable Mercy of My Son keep healing the wounded Earth so that the Good and Peace may triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My beloved children,

Today, I come to prepare the eve of the anniversary of My Apparitions, I come to a world, confused and divided by injustice and errors.

As your Mother, who loves you, I ask you to continue on faithful to My Heart so that your lives may be the example that I need before the Celestial Father, in order to grant the world a greater time of peace.

Dear children, I am here today, just as you are here, responding to My favorite call. It is in that unconditional response of My children that allows Me to reach the world, time and again. It is what allows Me to be close to you, accompanying your steps towards the Heart of My Son.

For this reason, My beloved ones, that, on this eve, I invite you to prepare, with love and gratitude, for tomorrow, when your Celestial Mother will carry out an important spiritual intervention in the face of all the crises of these times.

I encourage you to always remain in My Peace, and may that Peace give you the necessary confidence to be able to carry forward the constant expression of the Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
