Dear children,
My beloved priests,
On this day, when you once again have the joy of meeting face to face with your Heavenly Mother; in the name of My Son, I come to ask you to continue to prepare your inner beings during this Lent for the coming of Easter.
I ask you to help souls, as many souls as you can, to understand the true spiritual meaning of this preparatory Lent, for at this final time, hearts need to be under the Protective Mantle of My Most Beloved Son so that the inner worlds may be protected from the sophisticated interferences of these times.
My Son will come before Easter as the Holy and Last Lamb, to give Himself, once again, in sacrifice for the priests, His beloved followers and apostles. And, through you, My children, Christ will again surrender to humankind.
As Mother of the Sacred Cenacle, I would like your faces to reflect the joy of this Communion with Christ, the joy of the consecrated and transubstantiated Bread that is once again broken and fully shared out of love for all creatures.
Through the praying souls, who secretly pray for the priests and profess the light of their priestly ministry, may you, My favorite children, represent Christ on Earth, a Christ within you, with open Arms to welcome those who suffer and endure the evils of these times.
As Mother of the Holy Lent, I will accompany you at every step so that, just like My Son, the offering of My priests in the world may be deep, broad and mature; mature in the Love of the Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
Forgive them, Father, I have given my life for each one of them.
Forgive them, Father, for I suffered each step of the Cross.
Father, forgive them, because you alone know
what Your Son experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Father, give them Your Forgiveness, for Your Son died on the Cross
to liberate the human race, until the end of times.
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
Forgive this humanity, for all that it lives and all that it does.
Just like two-thousand years ago, My hour draws near.
Who will wait for the Return of Christ?
Who will be attentive to recognize Him?
Who will wait for Him with open arms?
Who will give a dwelling place to the Lord?
Who will recognize Him through the signs in the sky and on Earth, at the full apex of the Armageddon?
Who, once again, will carry with the Master the heavy cross of the human race? A cross that is heavier than the one your Master and Lord carried more than two-thousand years ago?
The difficulty does not lie in the wood. The matter, My companions, lies in the willingness of My disciples, in their understanding of what this means and of how urgent it is in this acute cycle of adversity and uncertainty.
This is why My hour is drawing near. And today, together with all the Masters in the Himalayas, the Lord opens His Arms and reaches out His Hands to the world as the Redeemer, to give His blessing to those who most need it, to reach with His Light where there is the greatest darkness.
Thus, the Master of Masters prepares Himself for His hour, just as He prepared Himself for the most painful hour of His Life through the Last Supper, when the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Life and Love, at that moment, just as today, only needed to feel the closeness of brave hearts.
This is why I gather with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, as the plans have changed and a great decision must be made, for humanity of this surface still shows off power and impunity.
However, do not forget this very special month for Me and for you.
I want all My faithful mothers and women on Earth to have within their arms Christ in His Nativity.
I want the humble and serving men on Earth, My apostles, missionaries and collaborators, to radiate the inexhaustible patience of Saint Joseph in these times of tribulation, when the inner temple of hearts must be prepared for what is to come.
This is the gravest thing that is happening in the world today: hearts are not ready for what will come.
For this reason, at the coming Nativity, when the great Star of Bethlehem will reignite from the spaces of this universe, make the light of your prayers and invocations shine. Talk to the Celestial Father about this whole grave planetary situation, for all that becomes more and more out of control at each second, for what is imminent and about to come.
My thirst, just as on the Cross, is for the hearts that still do not allow Me to enter, and, thus, are not ready.
I assure you that this is the hardest hour for your Master and Lord. Once again, I muster the strength of the Spirit of God and bravery at this crucial moment, elevating before you My Holy Chalice so that, just like the apostles of the past, at this very definitive, urgent, hour, you may eat of My Body and drink of My Blood, as a wise and fair justification in the face of the errors that the world lives today.
However, do not forget that the Lord of the Light came at a moment that was very similar to this, to bring redemption to the whole human race, to open the doors to love and to the truth.
Are you really intent on following Me, although you may feel pain?
This is the same thing that, on that holy night of the Communion, I proposed to the apostles and for an instant gave light, discernment and wisdom to My companions, so that they might be ready to accompany the Passion of the Lord, although I knew they had not understood the union with My Body and with My Blood through the Holy Spirit of God.
And although they had abandoned Me, I did not hesitate to give them my best.
I come to place the Divine Will, the Love of God in hearts, so that His Project may be fulfilled in the realization of the spirit, in the transcendence of the soul, in the maturity of the consciousness for all that you must live in your incarnation.
I Am gathered with the Masters, just as I Am gathered with you, so that, in this crucial hour, you may accompany the deep feeling of the Lord, who needs you near, who needs you truthful, who needs you available so that, through Me, you may understand the emergency of these times.
Therefore, My Voice will not become silent until what the Father has requested of Me is fulfilled and carried out. And this begins with each one of your lives, because it is in your lives that God must fulfill His Will. This is still a mystery for many, but it is very perceptible for the open-hearted, because in this way they will be able to recognize the path that awaits them in this trajectory of evolution and self-surrender.
While I Am here, I bring in My Hands the offering of My sorrowful Relics of the Passion. Remember what I told you last time in Rome, when I also offered Sacred Relics to you.
This is a deeply spiritual symbol for you. You must learn to understand the spiritual meaning of assuming these Relics with Me for an end: so that this world does not end and regions of the planet do not disappear.
This is an emergency.
For this reason, the voice of all supplications sustains this planetary moment. There would be no scientific or physical explanation to understand the power of prayer and what at this crucial moment it is doing throughout the Earth. Without the faithful force of the prayerful, there would be no way to explain how the axis of the Earth has not spun out of control.
And although the world must purify itself, it is still possible to placate the events, to relieve them, if there are people aware of all that I Am telling you today, who may become different at the end of this moment with Me tonight, and who may give an evident sign of what they have understood.
For a good reason, I Am here, not only so that you may feel Me or listen to Me, but also so that you may accompany Me in this hour, when I also need My apostles to give light and strength to My outraged, wounded and defamed Church.
Remember that with the power of those who adore My Eucharistic Body, at each moment of Adoration, you are wiping the Tears of the Redeemer, you are healing the wounded Heart of the Son of God.
Behold the outraged and wounded Heart of Jesus, to which I point out at this moment, at the center of My Chest.
The angels contemplate this Sacred Heart.
May souls, at this moment, also contemplate it, as an atonement for the grave sins of the world, for the barbarity of the wars and conflicts of the world. This is so that the Wounded Heart of Jesus, which wants to be part of you so that you may be part of Me, this Sacrificed Heart of Jesus, may stop the lethal bombs.
For the blood of the innocent,
have Pity, Lord!
For the divided and martyrized families,
have Pity, Lord!
For the abandoned, aborted and discarded children,
have Mercy, Lord!
For the division of nations and peoples,
have Mercy, Lord!
For the migrant, refugees and exiled,
and especially for those who disappear in the seas of the world
without anyone to help them,
have Mercy, Lord!
For the impunity of governors
and the lies of those who think they are powerful,
have Mercy, Lord!
For those who suffer in loneliness,
for the cry of children,
for the despair of the mothers of war,
for all those who are slaves,
have Mercy, Lord!
For the Church of Christ on Earth
and the spiritual life of all priests,
so that the Love of Christ may triumph,
have Mercy, Lord!
For all the Kingdoms of Nature,
for the mistreatment they receive,
for the agony of the Lower Kingdoms,
have Pity, Lord!
For those who are ignorant,
for those who still have not awakened
and for all who denied Christ
at some moment of their life,
have Mercy and Pity, Lord!
For the Sacred Project of the Most High,
so that it may be fulfilled as it was thought of
and humanity may respond to this petition,
have Mercy and Pity, Lord!
Behold My Heart, which is slowly healed by the voice of the supplications.
Behold the Heart of Jesus, empty but filled with Love and Mercy for souls. A Heart that waits for those who are His.
At the coming Nativity, may the mature Christ be born in each one of those who are Mine, and may this Inner Christ govern the lives of those who follow My Message and the lives of all those who believe in My second Coming, for it is near.
My hour is drawing near, do not forget to prepare yourselves to recognize and receive the Lord.
I will pray for this cause so that this Message may be fulfilled in you and in your brothers and sisters, so that prophecies may no longer be necessary in this world, so that all may listen to My Voice and recognize it, and, above all, so they may feel My Love.
Together with the Masters of the Himalayas, united to the cause of redemption of humanity, for the peace and the good on this planet, we will celebrate the Spiritual Communion.
I will just ask you for something else: while I retreat to keep working on what God has requested of Me and until the moment when the Spiritual Communion begins, do not disconnect from Me, but rather accompany what the Spiritual Hierarchy is carrying out, deepening into your inner supplication.
I bless you and give you My Peace.
Raise your rosaries.
Father of the Universe,
Lord of Life,
Who through the Holy Spirit
has given Light and Knowledge to Mary
and to the apostles,
Pour out Your Light, Your Love and Your Faith
upon all those who believe in Your Word
and in Your Presence.
At this hour, when everyone
must prepare themselves,
by means of the sacred objects,
may souls have inner strength
to be brave and move forward
knowing that, through prayer,
and through union with the sacred objects,
they will always find the power of Your Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us celebrate.
My dear children,
Through the One Thousand Hail Marys, may tonight and tomorrow be dedicated to an inner state of vigil and prayer so that the souls of Brazil and especially their Guardian Angels may guide consciousnesses on the path of discernment and Divine Wisdom.
Meanwhile, My children, your Heavenly Mother, together with Christ the Redeemer, will tomorrow be accompanying, imploring to God, through the prayers of all the Angels of Heaven, that the Angel of Brazil and all of its people may be supported by following the path of faith, hope and justice.
Therefore, dear children, the day dedicated to one thousand Hail Marys will be a culminating day for Brazil.
Regardless of what may happen, My children, do not forget that I will always be your Mother, the Lady of Brazil and the Guardian of hearts.
Let us keep ignited the flame of faith.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
At this moment, as Christ the Redeemer, I bless all of Brazil so that, after the important impulse that was given through the Marathon of prayer in Manaus, all the Brazilian people may cotinue awakening and protecting the sacred Amazon so that, not only Brazil, but also the whole world may continue to count on the great green lung of the planet.
Even though the projects in the Amazon may continue moving forward, do not worry. Place your consciousness in all that is spiritual and that comes from God, because the same Kingdoms of Nature will defend themselves in the face of any intent of submission and exploitation from the human being.
The preservation of all of Brazil is also fundamental, for it is the sacred land chosen to take forward an important mission of rescue, along with Argentina.
The stability of nations depends on the true prayers of the children of God. Thus, peace will be established, as well as the continuity of these nations, together with the Kingdoms of Nature.
Do not forget to place in your hearts the sacred forest of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I make you apostles of the end of times so that you can testify within yourselves of the fruits of the Divine Word.
I make you apostles of the end of times so that you may represent your Redeemer in this critical and acute cycle of the planet.
I make you My apostles so that you may live My Will and so that you may manifest it beyond your capabilities and fears. Because by living My Will, you will achieve the spiritual freedom that you need to be able to continue taking steps toward the fulfilling of Divine Purpose.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may live in charity and in service, so that in this practice of surrender, you can be able to experience Christic Love and are able to manifest it on Earth.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that each day more, you may risk living in the emptiness of self and with the absolute trust that everything will be accomplished according to what was designated by My Father.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may inwardly prepare for My Second Return.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I still come to the world for those who love Me. And I will come to the world as many times as necessary, because I know that the love of those who follow Me is true. It is this love and this trust that makes me return to the world, beyond the happenings of life, of the harsh trials that humanity lives when moving away from God and beyond its not seeking the love of His Source.
Again the prophecy is fulfilled: The Son of God will come, a member of the family of King David. The Source of God will come to Earth, to fill it with His Gifts and Graces. And that source, so immaterial and unknown, will sow His Graces and His Virtues in the hearts that cannot even imagine.
Again the Lord will work miracles in the lives of people and they will find the love that they need to survive in these times.
Rejoice, companions, because the Love of God donates itself again to the world and the Only Begotten Son comes to meet you to reveal to you the mysterious Source of the Love of God, which will be revealed to all those who dare to enter into eternal communion, with the Sacred Kingdom of God that vibrates in the higher universes of consciousness.
From there the Angels and the Archangels will also come, as was in the past, but this time in the most acute moment of humanity. At this moment and at this time, the great ultra-terrestrial consciousnesses will be able to intervene in humanity so that at least a part of the flock of God is under the protection of the powerful Hand of the Father and of His invisible Mantle of Peace, translucent through the ever Virgin Mary.
After two thousand and eighteen years, a great event will happen again in humanity, which will awaken in the dawning of these times, like the aurora that appears on the horizon and will show its peculiar and special brightness for the souls.
There is still time to live repentance because when that sign comes, which will come from the Universe, everyone will see it; beyond their beliefs or their religions, beyond their faith or their atheism, beyond the paganism that exists in the world at this time.
Thus, will come the new Sun, which, united to the hundreds of suns of the universe, will congregate extremely powerful cosmic and superior energies, which will descend to the Earth bringing the great revelation to the spirits, this will be moments before the return of Christ to humanity, for the second time to the world.
When you see that everything is agonizing in humanity and on Earth, you will know that the time of My return is near. And beyond religions and nations, you will know the new Aspect of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe; more similar and powerful to that which He revealed on the top of Mount Tabor, by means of His divine Transfiguration.
Any living cell of the Earth, any atom that is vibrating at this moment, any being of this planet, will not be able to escape the powerful energy of the Universe, which will bring the Great Universal Sun to generate the redemption of humanity and the definitive conversion of all peoples.
When the last angel sounds the trumpet, its noise will be greater than hundreds of storms. The angel will announce the definitive hour of humanity and the seals of the Sacred Book will be revealed, so that everyone becomes aware of what truly exists beyond this planet and this local universe.
First, the Church of Christ will descend, in the Presence and in the manifestation of the blessed; of all those who throughout the history of humanity until the times that will come, have responded to the call of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe.
Immense will be the joy in Heaven, deep will be the bliss on Earth; because all those who have fought at the side of Christ, for the victory of His Celestial Kingdom, will live an immense and unknown plenitude, and thus evil will be defeated.
The head of the serpent will be destroyed and the suffering that expands on the four corners of the Earth will disappear; because Saint Michael the Archangel will come with His armies to remove the most rebellious demons on Earth, who divert My flocks from the path of Light.
On the other hand, the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, will gather through her call to all peoples and all races, which in faith have lived the religion of love. There will no longer exist divisions nor limits, there will no longer be wars or conflicts because the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of the Universe and Queen of the Earth will come with her Celestial Powers to establish the one thousand years of peace.
Great will be the bliss on Earth, sublime will be joy in the Universe, celestial spheres will descend to humanity to bring the revelation of the end times and everyone, everyone will live the joy of the Kingdom of God.
The false ones will be removed from the world and those who have not repented will repent, because the last Grace of the Primordial Source will be granted to the most rebellious hearts.
From night to day they will awaken, will recognize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness to the Universe so that the great Angel of the Lord, who will come from the twelfth plane of consciousness, writes in the Holy Book of the Universe the new signs of the times, once told by the ancient prophets and complemented by the Word of Christ, the Redeemer.
Thus, the normal time will no longer be time. A new time will enter into humanity and everyone will become aware of what has always been invisible; because those who have trusted in the Love of My Heart, let them know and remember that they will not perish, as long as they remain firm, trustworthy and true before the power of the celestial Universe.
In this way the laws will be fulfilled in their lives: matter will no longer be just matter, spirit will govern the life of the souls and the Holy Spirit of God called Holy Spirit will show itself again as in Pentecost, to pour over all peoples and on all continents the new principles of the new humanity.
In the victory of the Kingdom of Heaven may you celebrate this moment, so that your lives participate in this great event.. Always serve God with joy, always serve God with fire in the heart.
Continue praying for peace in the world and for mercy on the whole planet, because I assure you that you will become aware of all the good that you have been able to do throughout the times. And nation will no longer rise against nation, indifference, the mediocrity of hearts, and also weakened faith will no longer reign.
Because in the servants of the last times, I will build My new Church and everyone will know the Church of the Heavens; not the Church of the Earth, the true Celestial Church that I have professed to my apostles and to all those who were participants of My Gospel in the last times, because even though Heaven and Earth will pass, My Words will remain in the hearts that have made their commitment to Me for eternity.
That is why today My Eyes shine with hope upon seeing the sacrifice and sincerity of those who pray to My Heart because thus Heaven and the Universe will always bless them with their Graces, with their Mercies, with all the Gifts that they hope to make of their lives simple instruments in the Hands of God.
Turn your lives into pencils of light, so that God continues writing this story of bringing love and peace to all the nations of the world, because there are hearts that despair in their inner world and in their exterior life and that need the light of My Heart to trust in life and above all, in the Universe again.
Today, I carry your supplications in My Heart, the supplications of each one of My children, which I will give to the Father at the feet of His Celestial Universe.
In My Name you will be anointed, in My Name you will be baptized because your souls need that to learn to love My Mysteries even more; Mysteries that are simple, deep and true; Mysteries that My Heart reveals to those who open up to know it and to feel it inside.
Here is the Heart that will never tire of giving itself to mankind in spite of their errors and their difficulties. This is the Heart of the Son of God, the Glorified Heart of Jesus, which does not only comes to Austria to help the souls that need it most, but which also comes to the world in order to consecrate the nations to My Sacred Heart.
Contemplate this Heart that understands everything.
Contemplate this Heart that accepts everything and that lived for you a great sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.
May this Heart, which belongs to all, be recognized and loved by the simple love of men and women of the Earth, so that souls may vivify the wellspring of God's Love through the Heart of the Son. This is the Heart that burns with love for the just and for the unjust.
My Heart comes from the Source, to take you to the Source, so that you may be one with the Creator.
May the Lord bless all these elements that you have placed at My feet in honor of My Sacred and Glorified Heart, so that souls may be baptized by the Spirit and be anointed by the Healing Hand of God, in order for the past of the deepest wounds of the consciousness to dissolve, so that love and unity in hearts are reborn in the hearts.
Today the angels consecrate these elements. Today the angels transubstantiate the Body and Blood of Christ, so that love may be known in honor of the Greater Universe.
Today I will not ask for the incense nor the holy water, because they were already blessed by My Words and through My Word, the Source of Creation descended in your spirits and in Austria, as well as in all those who listen to My Message.
Thus I give you peace, so you take it to the world and to those who need it most; and for that peace to expand, you will give each other a greeting of peace, uniting all peoples and all races.
I bless you with My Spirit: in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for having responded to this call because thus you will never forget it; you will never forget what has happened here because it will be kept as an indelible memory in the Universe. Amen!
First Message
My Silence speaks about the truth of these times.
My Silence reminds you of the moment of My passage in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the most hard hour of the Agony; a moment in which God revealed the truth to Me and made me know it deeply, so that not only My Heart could be prepared, but also so that My Spirit could be prepared for the times that would come after My Ascension to the Heavens.
We are in the hour of this great truth.
We are before the revelation of this crucial moment that comes to the world in order to show its reality, and thus step out of blindness.
Today, your Master and Lord carries the ingratitude of the world and all offenses that the hearts commit in these times, in their profound ignorance.
It is an inexplicable feeling, it is an inextinguishable sensation, it is a very great pain to bare and, above all, to carry within My Heart.
Thus, I come to ask the world, and those who believe in Me, for the reparative adoration for five minutes, so that the Heart of the Lord may be consoled of the offenses it received and the ingratitude it felt from all those who once were by My side, but that the deceiver of the world separated from Me, for different reasons.
This is not the message I would bring you today, for your knowledge and instruction, but the Savior of humankind must reach the end, the last soul, the last corner of the world, to give help to those who need it the most, especially those who live in their ignorance or in their indifference.
In the reparative adoration of five minutes you will be able to console your Master and Lord of so many feelings and offensive attitudes that the souls of the Earth send to Me, along different paths and through different actions.
Here is the Heart, that still suffers for the world and for those who turn their backs to the Redeemer of the Universe, ceasing to correspond to Him how He needs, how He has thought and how the Celestial Father has proposed.
But let those who continue with Me not fear; repair the sorrowful Heart of the Most Beloved Lord, so that the seven main feelings that offend God may be transmuted and repaired by the merciful power of My Heart and by the adoration that souls offer to Me, for just five minutes.
Thus, you will repair the Heart of the Son and, as a result, you will repair the Heart of the Father.
You will repair the Heart of Christ for the feelings of indifference, for the feelings of ingratitude, for the feeling of denial, for the feeling of cowardice, for the feeling of negligence, for the lack of faith and, especially, for the feeling of lack of love for the Works of God, and to their fulfillment on the Earth.
For these seven feelings, you will adore the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord of the Universe and you will offer reparation, so that the souls do not keep confusing themselves.
And although the flock is agitated and the fierce wolf is stalking, the Shepherd of the Universe will not retrocede. He will not retrocede because He will come to save you, He will come to show you the path and the Light before darkness.
Companions, the time has come for definition.
The cross of this time is very heavy and who in truth is not with Me will not be able to carry it, even if they try to, even if they want to do it.
Whoever is not with Me, is not in love and might not know it.
Thus, implore to God with repentance of the heart, so that humility may be conceded to you, and your hearts may purify before the vengeance that the adversary will emit against the followers of Christ, in the end of these times.
If there is not love, nothing can be solved.
Words will not be enough. Comments and judgements of value will not be enough.
I need you to be My living example on the Earth, even if you never manage to.
You must mirror My Presence so that My Heart may be glorified in the confines of the Earth.
The moment has come to no longer deceive yourselves, and not to allow yourselves to be deceived, because many will come in My name and will affirm that others are the path, and many will believe it.
Thus, submerge in My sorrowful Heart, so that the flame of your love may console and repair it, through the adoration to My Eucharistic Heart.
The signs of the time announce great events, within and without men, within and without women of the Earth.
And there will be nothing and nobody that can detain their definition in this time, a definition that will mark the destiny of the next stage and, I might say, of the whole of your existence, until after the return of your Master and Lord to the world for the second time.
Thus, I do not talk to you of little facts or of insignificant misunderstandings, of poor adhesions or of lack of immediate unity with your brothers and sisters and fellow beings.
You are before the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
You are before a revelation that is being announced since the origins of the Earth, to the present.
Thus, I would like to know, who will drink with Me from the New Chalice that God will deliver to Me?
What will be transmuted in these times will be very different from what was transmuted in the times past, during the Presence of the Son of God on Earth.
I invite you to open the heart, even more, to hear My Words, and for them not to become transitory, neither forgotten; because My time is ending among you.
Those who cannot donate themselves totally to Me will always be in freedom, because God made you free so that you could learn to love just as He loves you, infinitely.
I am delivering the planet in your hands and in trust.
I deliver humanity to this Work; because what will come to happen in the near future will be very great and will demand responsibility and correspondence.
I do not want you to feel fear from all of this, or from all that I have told you.
I bring you the revelation of the same feeling that God placed in My Heart during My passage through the Garden of Gethsemane; a feeling and revelation that is being fulfilled at this moment, through the responses that My followers give Me, above all, those who give up on Me and let themselves be defeated.
Be intelligent and use the power of My Heart to transform everything.
Be something more than human beings, that live and breathe on this planet, that hear or speak, that feel or think.
Be, in truth, what you have come to be and do not justify yourselves, because in this way you will never change.
My Heart can no longer receive ingratitude, because the world gives it to Me daily.
My Heart only wants to receive your love and your truth.
I come to Austria for you to understand what we are working on together and the importance that this has for God in the Universe, as on Earth.
Are your feelings and restlessness not small before the true reality of humanity, and of its self-destruction?
Grow up and you will understand the Plan; you will live it, just as I live it and you will accomplish much more than I accomplish; because I told you that you would do greater things than I did a long time ago.
May My Words remain, and not fade away, because My Words, when I am no longer here, will be your remembrance to live redemption.
May the Lord bless you and illuminate you.
May the Lord give you His Temperance and His Meekness.
May you correspond and work in the Lord, so that the fragility of these times may be defeated by means of the strength of the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Second Message
Listen to the Voice of your Master and make it part of yourself at every moment.
I Am the Lord of the Universe and the Redeemer of the World who comes in this time to submerge in the internal abysses where the consciousnesses live their reality, where they must face what they have never faced, and from where they must seek the way out to My Sacred Heart.
I Am the Lord of the Universe and I come to submerge myself in the darkest abysses of the planetary consciousness and I attempt, through My disciples, to withdraw souls from perdition.
But no one is free from living their own abyss and from being able to know it at any moment of this final time.
You must dare to overcome these difficulties by means of My Merciful Love.
Because My Merciful Love is an incandescent flame that enlightens everything, that transforms and pacifies everything.
There is no other remedy you can seek but this Merciful flame of My Heart, which at this moment radiates to the world, to help it.
Then live the transition of these abysses of the consciousness and of the great abyss of humanity, in which millions of souls are submerged, without even perceiving it.
Do not be afraid of knowing this truth that the abyss of human consciousness is in. Do not be afraid to cross it.
Do not be afraid to cross this desert, where someday you will feel alone, as if nothing had meaning or answer.
The world and its humanity have never faced this abyss, in any other time or in any other era.
You are part of a definitive transition that walks towards the great awakening.
For this, you will have to transcend the obstacles, you will have to know how to overcome the tests, you will have to know how to be above the challenges.
I will not get tired of looking for you and of calling you.
Humanity is a great abyss that must be reversed by Love and Light, by the triumph of peacemaking hearts, by the absolute donation of servants, by the expression of love of the hearts, in every sense.
And although your own inner abyss may hurt, go ahead.
There is no greater abyss than the one that this world lives at this moment, from where many cannot get out, because they do not have inner strength, nor courage to do so.
The great abyss of humanity is the mirror of the planetary purification, of these such profound roots that must be removed from the soil in order for the earth to be plowed and for new seeds of Light and awakening to be sowed, for new forms of knowledge to be sowed, as well as new forms of life that humanity has not lived nor known so far.
For this reason, before the inner abyss of your consciousnesses, the inner Sun must shine, that Star that the Father gave to you, your essence, which is the principle of all Creation and of this universal life.
Hold on to the Sun of your inner essence and overcome the abysses of these times, so that, in this way, you may learn how to overcome everything and help those who will not be able to do it by themselves.
I give you the most emblematic tools so that you can do it, so that you can transcend times, first in yourselves, and then in humanity.
I give you the key of Communion with Me, every day, because it is something that becomes inextinguishable before darkness, because it is the Love that triumphs in the Body and the Blood of Christ, when every being communes with Me in humility and penance.
I give you the key of Adoration, so that you can find My Existence in the Eucharist, My Spirit and My Divinity in all that has been created, so that you may cross the portal to My Kingdom.
When your eyes contemplate My Living Body, I can renew everything, even if it seems impossible.
In that spirit of being able to overcome everything with humility and courage, do not fear to dive into the abyss of humanity, because some, in representation of the majority, will have to learn, by all means, to seek the way out to the new portal where the Sun of God will rise on the horizon to dispel the darkness and the abysses of consciousness.
By My Sorrowful Passion you already have the base to do it.
Your Master and Lord knew the abyss of human consciousness and of the planet, endured and suffered this reality, but never, never let Himself be defeated, knowing the Father had put Him before a test of great Love.
May that Love that comes from Me never be emptied in you, but rather may it increase in degrees and in steps of confidence and unity.
You are already learning to accompany your Master in a Work that is for all humanity, which does not restrict itself to a group of souls, to a community or to a spiritual center; we are talking about great and unknown things, about having the vision of the whole and not just of a single place, about expanding consciousness as God expands it to embrace His children in love and in peace.
Thus, I come to give you the same internal forces that I received during My Agony, so that you may learn to endure everything, at least for Me; so that you may learn to live everything, at least for Me, and, thus, you may, at this time, give great testimonies of love and transcendence, greater than those I lived in the past.
Because what you live at this time, as humanity and as a planet, I could not have lived it at that time, in the Gethsemane Garden, nor in the Passion.
What must be defined in this time is very big and exceeds all borders and all limits.
For this reason, the work of overcoming the inner duality will be very hard, the work of maintaining a balance will be great indeed and all this will be for a Greater Purpose that I wish to conceive in the souls of the world and in those who are awakening.
Have courage to overcome the abysses of human consciousness and to not have restrictions in asking for forgiveness as many times as necessary, because in this way your hearts will be at peace, they will be in good, they will be in My Mercy.
Do not leave to cross these abysses of the end of times, because on the other side awaits your Master and Lord to lead you towards the Light that is eternal and invincible.
Thus, I come to strengthen you with all the possible impulses so that you may give, at this time, testimony of your transformation to the world and so that it may not only be a theory, but rather a reality that motivates other hearts to live the great transformation.
May your essences be the ones that, today, are in the highest of Heaven, in the most sublime of the Universe, so that you may shine and thus your inner abysses may be closed so that peace and Light may reign.
Receive, then, My Sacerdotal Blessing, reminding you that this Marathon is a moment of great reflection for souls, in order to prepare to take a new step, although you believe you are not ready.
I bless you and give you My Mercy, to all who hear in love and in faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, in spite of a large part of the world being in its spiritual death, I will persevere in you and I will not rest until I achieve what My Father needs for this humanity and for this Universe.
And, in spite of the world not listening, not opening the ears of the heart, I will persevere in you and I will not rest until I achieve what My Father needs.
Yesterday I spoke of a mystery that many did not understand, because everything that is kept in Heaven cannot be experienced by the mind.
Only the heart, your hearts, have the capacity to understand what is not visible to all, that which vibrates and exists throughout the whole Universe.
Humanity cannot restrict itself to material life. In truth, I tell you, that material life is something secondary.
You cannot lose the union with your spirits, because it will be your spirits, your inner worlds, that will understand all that exists in the House of My Father.
Thus, the time has come for humanity, awakened or asleep, to know the reality that is kept in the Universe.
As a spiritual impulse for the redemption of the hearts, of all those who have fallen into their own abysses, I come to remove everyone from their human condition through the impulses of Light that My Heart comes to give you.
My Heart is your true treasure, because within it lies all the virtues and gifts that God constituted since the beginning of Creation.
Long before Adam and Eve, My Heart was already beating throughout the Universe as an immaterial reality, which later came to incarnate among you, to teach you how to love and remove you from error.
In My humility I tell you: you are before a powerful Heart, that not only belongs to Me, but also to My Father, because My Father is in Me, as I Am in My Father, and each one of you can be in God. When you think that this is possible, so it will be.
This is the reason why souls suffer so much: they distance themselves from the Father, they distance themselves from His Kingdom and from all His celestial treasures, which are kept as a sacred memory in His Eternal Heart.
I come to invite you, not only to commune of My Body and My Blood, because I know it is necessary for your lives to experience a physical ritual, but also a profound communion with My Heart, as a part of an inner ceremony for souls.
But today I am inviting you to avail yourselves upon My sacred table of all the gifts that God has been giving to you through spiritual impulses that will only renew, redeem and heal you of everything when you decide to take this step, each time open your consciousnesses more to all that is unknown to your material lives and to your minds.
The Laws that the Celestial Father rules are Higher and Divine Laws that humanity has never managed to follow.
A stream of these Laws, amongst all those that exist, are the Ten Commandments, the basic rules given to humanity in the beginning, through your Patriarch, Moses.
If these rules had been lived and not altered by humanity, the race would be at a different point in its awakening and evolution. Suffering would not exist in humanity.
In what you call "debts" hearts would be free if they had fulfilled the Laws of the Commandments
But as this has not happened, I had to incarnate in this humanity through the Sacred Face of Jesus of Nazareth, to teach you, in the simple things, the great mysteries of the Heart of God through the parables that are kept as keys in the Gospel, which I once preached.
Even so, companions, humanity has not reciprocated in what the Will of God has asked of you. This is also the reason, companions, that throughout time, our Sacred Hearts, of My Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Christ Himself, have come to the world to be able to instruct and correct you, so that you may follow the path that God has foreseen for you to experience.
And although this has not yet happened, My Sacred Heart brings you all these revelations.
As it was at Mount Shasta, thus I revealed at the Mount of Beatitudes, all the wonders and graces that souls, at that time, could experience.
All these rules are still current, although the majority of souls of the world are separated from this spiritual reality, and are only waiting for you to redeem and to consecrate yourselves to My Heart.
If now, at this time and through this meeting, you are afraid of all that I tell you, of the Revelations of the Consciousness of God, directly from His Source and in all He has created, like in Mount Shasta, how can you, companions, wait for me when I return with My true Face, which I revealed at Mount Tabor, in the Transfiguration?
Would you be ready to recognize My Higher Being?
I do not want you to be frightened, for My Power is not known to the world. It was only ten percent of it that descended when I was on the Cross and expired.
Temples collapsed, more rigid structures fell, the dead rose and spoke and pronounced My Name.
In that hour, everybody feared what had been done to the Son, the First Born, and although all of this happened and reverberated in the memory of a very few over the course of time, I still have to come here because I love you and hope for the best for everyone.
But it is time that you come out of your lethargy to wake up to a new consciousness that My Aspect of Glory brings for the most lost hearts in the world, for those who destroy Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature, only looking for conquest and personal power.
The time has come, companions, for preparing the inner world of humanity to bring many things to an end and to unmask what many still do not see with their own eyes.
The power of divine experience is descending from the Universe to this world, and each time it draws near, the greater the purification of hearts so that you may be free of yourselves, cleansed of everything and ready to receive the Redeemer on His second Return.
I only wish you to not be indifferent, as is the rest of humanity, that only looks to itself rather than to its fellow being, to the one who suffers, to the small animal that is unprotected, to the tree that is damaged, tied up by the chains of humankind.
Now do you understand that My Father has allowed Me to be in everything?
I am not only in humanity, but in the essence of the Kingdoms of Nature, that are the first manifestation of the Creation of the Celestial Father.
If this is becoming corrupted by the hands of humankind from the surface, how will the spiritual life of humanity not become corrupt in and of itself through what it lives and in what it feels, in what it does and practices against the Laws of God?
Forgive me, companions, but I come to tell you the truth so that you set aside the worldly dream that many consciousnesses live, without even perceiving it.
I bring you My Graces, the Graces of My Glory, so that you may be able to awaken more each day and see that the world is suffering the consequences of its own mistakes; it is something that the Father does not want to see anymore in this humanity, on this planet, and in the whole Universe.
I come to reactivate the spirit of the capacity to love in you, because it is Love that will free you. And in this way, your pleas will be heard and at the right moment, you will receive what you so much need.
Be patient hearts in truth and in love, in this way, you will help the souls that despair in the hell of their own error.
I give you the authority to love more each time, without limits, without restrictions, and without boundaries, because it is Love, as you have seen through My Passion, that will reverse everything.
This is a humanity that has achieved few degrees of love, in contrast to other Universes, where love grows day after day.
That is why you are being helped by Consciousnesses that you do not know and that perhaps you will never know, Consciousnesses at the service of Love, just like the holy angels and the holy archangels, that come to meet you each time your Master descends to the Earth; and although you may not see them, they are here to complete wounded hearts and thus open the doors to Redemption.
My hope on this sacred day was to tell you many more things, to expand the Sacred Knowledge that I brought you from Mount Shasta, as well as from other blessed places on Earth, where the keys for a New Humanity are kept.
Only when souls unite in a profound prayer will you access the celestial legacy that is kept in those places for all the hearts on Earth, such as Mount Sinai, Mount Tabor, the Desert of Shambhala, the sacred mountains of the Andes; places that are open so that souls may contemplate everything that God created for each one of His creatures.
Do you now understand, companions, the difference of being able to contemplate and not destroy?
How will you have a new world if you are hurting it?
How will a new consciousness be born?
How will the Laws of healing descend upon humanity if humanity is sick through not living the Law of the Creator?
How will the bridges of brotherhood and fraternity be established if those who pray are so few?
I am inviting those who never dared to penetrate the mystery of My Divine Mercy, so that as I have done with each one of you, I am able to change your hearts into sources of life and of renewal.
And now I prepare for something very important, in which you are participants and can be even more, if you collaborate with Me so that this mission to the United States should take place, irrespective of who will be present there, in that nation, or all that has been done, through the course of time, to other nations of the world.
Once again, under the spirit of the Faith of the Father, I invite you to place yourselves above all these things. In this way, you will be taking a sure step towards My Heart, and not towards another, where everything is empty.
Today a period ends in Mexico.
The Sacred Hearts in Central America and Mexico were able to open the doors for a sacred opportunity that will be seen in the near future.
The seeds that will form the New Earth are sown little by little, so that their fruits are born strong and give more seeds, for the new souls that will find this path towards My Heart.
Let your hearts always seek to be sincere, so that the proclamation held in this song may be heard by all those who have to open their ears to the call of the Creator.
The sincere heart is one that lives in Christ.
The sincere heart is one that seeks Christ and in spite of everything, aspires to be in Him.
The sincere heart gestates within itself the treasures of God, that will be part of the New Humanity.
The sincere heart is not indifferent, but attentive, vigilant, and solicitous to the call it comes upon on its path. Live this way, as a sincere heart, in a greater service.
The sincere heart opens to listen to the corrections of life, and without prejudice, accepts in humility what God sends it.
The sincere heart loves beyond itself and penetrates the dimensions in which the Great Love of God is kept and from where Eternal Life starts.
The sincere heart attends to the needs of the world and does not lose even a second to be able to give of itself for love of the Creator and His First-Born Child.
A sincere heart is free of itself and of all that it has believed about itself, because its own sincerity leads to its freedom from all ties.
A sincere heart is in likeness to the Lord and follows His paths until it is able to find its mission in these times.
The sincere heart pleads to its Creator, having the faith that it will achieve the best for this whole world.
A sincere heart opens the doors to the Kingdom of God with the expression of its inner love for all that was created, and so, it is in eternal communion with all the Universe and with its absolute King, the Redeemer.
The sincere heart transmutes in silence and is not bothered by all it experiences, because if humility and the capacity to love is in it, it will be living Divine Will.
The sincere heart is available to its Master of Love so as to be able to fulfill all He asks of it, deeply trusting that it is true.
The sincere heart dies to itself, so as to be able to have souls be born to the Love of God.
The sincere love is an apostle of the new time, it is the disciple of sacred renunciation and of the acceptance of all that is divine and sublime in the Kingdom of its Father.
The sincere heart serves for the fulfillment of the Plan of God in this humanity and in the whole Universe. In this way, it will concretize its part and will be on the path of Light, being permeated by My Rays, by the Light of My Divine Mercy, until My expected Return is accomplished.
The sincere heart sings to proclaim the coming of Love through the Son of God.
The sincere heart believes in the Return of Christ and waits for each minute to go by so that its Master may come to encounter it.
Be sincere hearts and you will be transformed into something you have never known.
You will come to know inner freedom and in spite of everything, you will be in the Universe of the Love of God.
With these words I bless those who will consecrate themselves in the name of many who will be touched, as in this nation, by My redeeming Light (*).
When all receive the sacrament, uncertain doors are closed and new doors to the light open, in order that hearts find again their filiation and their profound communion with the Celestial Father.
After this consecration, companions, in which your souls and these elements were blessed once again, so that you always seek to live in the Law, My Heart is now ready, just as it was in the flogging square, to enter the United States.
I thank you.
Today I want you to sing a song that will resonate in the people of God, who seek to live in hope and in communion with the Redeemer. As you once said to me: "That which I am, that I give you."
It does not matter how it is, but that it be real. Because if what you give me is real, I will always thank you because you will be sincere hearts that will give the best of themselves, in spite of what happens.
I rise up to the House of My Father, taking your pleas and the prayers of all My children in these two days.
Thus, lifting My Hand towards the Highest, asking for the Grace of God, placing My left Hand on My Heart, I bless you under the power and the authority of the Holy Cross, that redeemed souls, exorcized demons, freed hearts, and instituted the union of Heaven and Earth through the servers that live in goodwill, in hope, and in faith, opening the doors for this next mission to the United States.
I bless you and absolve you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3 x)
Do not forget that if you are in peace, there am I.
I thank you.
*The choir sings "Sincere Heart."
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am present in all hearts and tabernacles of the Earth.
Before My Glorious Presence, I again bring you the spirit of My Peace, so that your hearts can heal from all the wounds caused by the evil of My adversary. But My triumph is close within you.
Happy are those who proclaim My Name and glorify My Father who is in the Heavens. Thus the laws will be fulfilled within your lives, and your hearts will become peaceful through finding the Son of God honored and glorified in these times, walking through this orange grove, pouring out His Grace and Mercy, for a world that is very empty.
But your hearts, companions, can be worthy before Me. And in spite of the errors, imperfections and judgements, I can pour out My Divine Mercy upon you. But that Fount will cease; the time is approaching, the great time of Universal Judgement. The angels are preparing the Thrones of God to be able to sound the last trumpets. Who will hear the seventh trumpet of the Great Angel of the Lord?
But if you dwell in My Heart and allow Me to transform you as new clay, so that I may deposit My new wine, you will be protected by My Spirit, filled by My Goodness, and you will be in the Lord, because you will be in My Heart during the most difficult times of the Earth.
Today I revealed this glorious Face to you, companions, so that you may remember that Your King, the humble King before the Almighty God, presents His very simple but real Faces to the world, achieved through His Passion and His Death; and through His Victory on the Cross, and His Resurrection, and His Apparition before humanity, for these very critical times.
I will not be able to carry My Message to the whole world. Not everyone will be able to hear My Words at this very moment. But the Omnipresent Spirit of the Son of God, who is in the Heavens, speaks to all the inner worlds of the creatures, because the hour of consciousness is arriving; so that they may awaken to their realities, so that they may see their mistakes and debts, without feeling guilt, nor disturbance.
I come to show you a new path, that path that I showed the Twelve. But today I show this real and pure path to all of humanity.
Just as the heart of My Church listens to Me, extended throughout the four corners of the Earth, I wish for all hearts outside of My church to listen to Me; mainly those that have followed other paths, forgetting the Will of God and the importance of seeking the Kingdom of God.
I reach My Hands out towards you today. I pour out My Grace, My Universal Grace, which emerged after My Mercy, at the moment in which I resurrected physically and demonstrated to humanity, at that time, that the Son of God made man and consciousness, made the Living Christ in the spirit of all beings, is alive and has never died.
I showed you how to defeat death, this death that corrodes and causes your bodies to become corrupt.
But I teach you, companions, that, through the giving of My Spirit for each one of you, you will find this inner resurrection that in these so difficult times everyone is invited to live. To attain the spiritual resurrection, companions, you must first die to your debts, do not feel any fault for knowing yourselves, just as you are.
I come to reveal that which is true that exists within you, which is the gift that God placed, through My Heart, into your lives. In this way, My Stars of Light ignite in your hearts and the appeals of all the children of God throughout the planet, redeemed by Christ, Your Lord, are heard at the Thrones of Heaven.
The angels can stop the Justice of God, the Justice of the Seven Angels of the Great Lord, who are about to sound their trumpets. But now the last one will reverberate throughout the planet and echo in the Universe, in this Milky Way, in which you experience this Project of the Creator.
But I come before the great time and while the signs are shown. I come at this time to demonstrate to you the last path, so that you may know how to return to God through My Heart and not suffer the consequences of an action of a mistaken humanity, which continues to outrage the Heart of the Eternal God, of the Elohim, of the living God, resplendent and one, in the maximum expression of His celestial sphere.
Therefore, today I tell you, companions, that through My living glorification before your eyes, this part of the One Consciousness of God, manifested through Christ the Redeemer, is present here, in Aurora, receiving your spirits and your families, so that you may hear My urgent Call to the great change, the great moment of your intense purification. But if your meek, receptive and awakened hearts trust in Me, I promise that you will not suffer.
But your lives and your generations must be purified before the end time, before you will experience with Me the second Supper, after the return of Christ, Your Lord.
How will I be able to visit your homes, companions, if your hearts are not purified in the Lord?
The Messiah, the Redeemer, purified Himself in the Sacred Temple of the Lord. For this reason, companions, you must live the same Law that I lived. I bring you a renewing Law that has no suffering, but rather a deep peace of experiencing a true transformation in God and a perfect communion with His Divine Laws.
The doorways of this Kingdom present in this holy place are open as of today. Happy are those who contemplate the Spiritual Light of the Creator in these spaces blessed by the Divine Messengers, for this belongs to God and to no human of the Earth, and no one can give judgment before the Project of God.
Woe to those priests who did not listen to the Word of the Virgin Mary and who excommunicated all of My companions in the face of the injustice that this cruel world commits.
I do not come to teach you the paths of injustice. I come to teach you the path of peace, the true ecumenism of the heart, which has no boundaries, nor languages.
The real language of the one hundred and forty-four thousand will be the language of the heart, the vibration of love, unity and fraternity. In this way, you will be in communion with the Laws of the Creator and you will not become lost in superficial things.
It will be too late for those who have not believed what spiritually happened here; because there will be witnesses that will sign the Sacred Book of God, this story of the end time. Deeply embrace My Heart, and feel My Will, which wants to transform you into new flocks consecrated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
To Saint Margaret Alacoque, I revealed this mystery of My Heart, surrounded by thorns for the events that would take place in the end of times. But now I bring you My Glory, the Glory of My living Heart, which is the last offer that gives itself to your spirits so that you may live salvation and not constantly justify yourselves, but rather justify yourselves through My heart, full of Water and of Blood for this humanity that must live the Project of God.
I come to show the paths outside of My church, the paths towards the Lord for all those who lost them due to human cruelty, the lies and the deceit of the claws of My adversary. But I Am your true Sun, which descends from the Celestial Universe to bring light to the shadows and the darkness.
I come, dear companions, to open to you the fourteenth and final door, the one which is indicated in this world for the Return of Christ, your Lord.
Fourteen will be the angelic legions that will sing to the Elohim the Sacred Names of God to announce to the world that the Son of God will come among the clouds, surrounded by the Universe, bringing the message of the New Humanity. And from that moment on, everything will be consummated, and everything will begin again, with a New Humanity.
Do you yearn for that? Do you know what it means, companions, to be a part of the humanity of Christ? This mystery is unknown to the theologians. It will be truly known by those who dwell within My Heart and wants nothing for themself, for I come to guide you, I come to fulfill the promise, that one which I dictated before My Ascension.
Do you believe that this is happening now? First I must bring you My Divinity. My Glorified Body cannot show Itself to you, because of the impurities that this world lives today. But My Mercy and My Grace are part of the Breath of Spirit; It will bring everyone the opportunity of redemption.
Open the windows of this entire house, with harmony and with peace, without losing the silence that I build within you.
Those who are in the other places, outside of this house, stand up. And now come here, walking gently, like the angels do. Do not lose your concentration. It is part of the divine practice of peace. You will surround this house, and thus I will bless you in the name of the Lord.
Prepare yourselves. Come walking in peace; I guide your steps, I open the doors for those who have them closed. Keep peace.
I am present here and within those who open their hearts.
I come for all, mainly for those who are not here and who have forgotten My Redeeming Path.
I come to show you the new law, the Law of the Heart, known by very few. It is a precious mystery that comes to be revealed to the current world, so that the hearts may convert, unbind their ties, and achieve liberation through My living heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Our Lord is calling two sisters to come in His Name, to hold the sacred elements.
This will be the moment of the Universal Consecration of My living, glorified and merciful Heart, for all of humanity.
Let us stand up for the consecration.
Do you remember the prayer that I gave you in Ecuador, when you were visiting that sacred place where My Mother appeared, in Cuenca?
Do you remember what I said to you there, on top of those hills, where clear water flowed and the sky looked like it was present there, surrounding you all the time, in that experience of love with the Divinity?
In the name of the Christ of Light,
I reveal my aspirations to God,
so that He may ennoble them
and receive them into His hands.
In the name of the Christ of Light,
I offer myself to Eternal Life, to surrender,
to the dissolution of guilt, of fear and sorrows,
so that they may be converted into the Love of Christ.
In the name of the Christ of Light,
I open my heart to receive the Flame of the Holy Spirit,
so that it may be radiated to other hearts.
In the name of the Christ of Light,
I confess myself before Him
so that He may forgive my actions, my thoughts
and my debts to God.
Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:
At this moment, the Lord presents us with a golden basket of light so that each one of us may place an intention in that basket, as if it were a molecule of light, an aspiration of asking God for something, through His Son.
He asks that our intentions be true, something that until today we have not been unable to resolve.
The Lord tells us:
This is why I Am the Shepherd who loves all His sheep, despite how they are, for My Eyes of Light look into your hearts and I see the talent of peace that I placed within your essences two thousand years ago. Happy are those who walk by My side and find this communion with Me once again.
In the name of Adonai, before the angels of Heaven, the celestial choirs, before the Universal Mother, Mother of the new humanity, before the Holy Spirit, which fills you and renews you, before the blessed who achieved Christification through the absolute giving of their lives, of their missions, before the entire Universe that gathers together all the Galaxies, assembles all the stars and suns, before the Elohim, the Resplendent, the Creator Fathers called Archangels, before the Thrones of God in His seventh sacred level, before His Most Pure and Divine Spirit, in Divine Consciousness of Peace, opening My Arms and pouring out My Rays, I bless you in the holy name of the Father, in the sacred name of the Son, the blessed named of the Holy Spirit, so that the seed of the new humanity may awaken.
Before the Thrones, let us now consecrate these sacraments that will be a source of forgiveness, of hope, of peace and of relief for all those who believe in My Path, in My Truth and in My Life.
Let us sing.
Let your voice be heard before God.
Sing louder.
In this Cenacle of Redemption, I leave you peace, I give you peace, so that you may live in peace.
I thank you for having responded to this sacred request.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!
Before Mary appeared, Father Pio manifested himself before us. He brought in his hands a crown of flowers and some other loose flowers. He was praying the Rosary as he waited for Our Lady and when the portals started to open, he placed the flowers that he had in his hands on the path of Mary, and the crown of flowers, on the place where She would put Her Feet. When Mary appeared, Father Pio stood on his knees and touched with his head the feet of the Mother, remaining like that during all the time She was present. In the end of the Apparition, he took leave and left with Mary.
I Am the Mother of the lost and of the unsheltered.
I Am the Mother of the repentant, of the redeemed, of the rescued.
Come to Me the sinners, and I will sanctify you.
Come to the Me the incredulous, and I will give you absolute faith.
Come to Me the fearless, because I will build over them a fortress, and I will congregate them in My army of peace, which will overcome evil through prayer and through the love of the Creator of all things.
Come to Me the imperfect though brave ones, for you will let yourselves be molded in My Holy Hands, and you will permit that I may conduct you in My arms to the Heart of the universe, to the King of kings, to Christ the Redeemer.
Dear children, I do not call to My presence the perfect ones, because This One is already found in the Kingdom of the Heavens, at the right hand of God. I call to My side those that will allow themselves to be transformed and purified by the fire of prayer and by My most sacred presence in this world.
Today I bring before you Saint Father Pio of Pietrelcina, so that your hearts may find in him an example to be followed. This beloved saint of Mine, My children, was capable of trusting Christ, Saint Joseph, and My Immaculate Heart, above all things. He was willing to understand the mysteries of Heaven and to live in himself the sorrows of the Passion of My Son, notwithstanding all the evil that there was in the world was against the mission that he was receiving.
As I did to Father Pio, I invite each one of you to surrender to the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to not remain in the illusion of the days of this world, solely enclosed in the common living.
I invite you to transcend the human understanding and to comprehend the celestial miracles because you will experience them in yourselves.
But know, My dears, that those who are willing to follow Me must be also willing to face the world and themselves. They will have to overcome the fear that dwells in their cells: the fear of not being accepted by others; the fear of not being loved by the beings of this world; the fear of not being understood; the fear of being persecuted.
Today I tell you that the Grace that I offer you is purely interior. However, the one who may live it fully will not hesitate in denying the glory of the world and embracing sacrifice and renounce for all of the Glory that they will live in the Heavens.
My beloveds, Christ is the Path, the Truth and the Life, and He has set an example to all of how to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens: by loving without being loved; by giving without receiving anything in return; by suffering for those who persecute them; by pouring over the unjust and sinners the Mercy that was imprinted in His own blood.
And those who followed His example demonstrated again to the world that it is possible to live the transformation in Christ and to merge with Him, and even to live within themselves the mysteries of His Passion.
Come to Me the sinners and I will sanctify you.
Come to Me those who with courage will abandon the world and above all, themselves, because I will show you the Kingdom of God.
Come to Me those who do not fear renouncing and that will learn to love sacrifice, because I will show you the face of God.
This, My beloveds, is My only promise: sacrifice, surrender and prayer in order to learn to love and to forgive, in order to live redemption.
Who will extend the hands to accept what I am giving to you? Who will come to Me everyday?
Who will let themselves be guided to the Heart of Christ, beyond the purification of this world?
I wait for you, love you and guide you always
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
It has been thirty-three years since I have come to the world through Medjugorje as Queen of Peace to diffuse the call for peace and the universal love of God among the nations.
Today on the sacred anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, I announce to you that My Immaculate Heart thanks all children who awake to My maternal call and I thank all those who work to diffuse My call in Medjugorje as well as in South America. In this way, I wish to show the world that My Marian Consciousness is omnipresent and merciful, it brings the possibility of being liberated from the evil that suffocates the hearts and that extinguishes the light in the souls.
Dear children, that today may be a day of celebration and of graces to the Eternal Father and to Jesus Christ for having permitted that one more time, I may save you and intercede for your souls, which are divine treasures to the Lord and immaterial purity to the Celestial Universe.
On this day, in which thirty-three years of Apparitions in Medjugorje are accomplished My principle message is to call you again to prayer.
For all the pleas, prayers, fasting and offers of love on the part of My dear children, your sacred planet still may remain in the Great Project of God. Humanity, especially, is being considered before the universe as a rescuable project, which was impossible before due to the serious outrages committed.
That in communion with My Son, My beloveds, the Light of the Holy Spirit may open and expand your consciousnesses, in this way you will be worthy of receiving the Kingdom of God in your dwelling places.
My children, continue to walk in the law of effort and of sacrifice for those who do not do it and for those who do not want to see God in their hearts.
On a coming day, the Lord will show the world His Mercy and His Piety; when humanity, the one who is awake as well as the one who is asleep, sees the coming among the clouds, the suns and the stars, of the glorious presence of Christ Redeemer.
Now that, after so many Graces and Instructions you are more mature, I ask you that you open your hearts more so you may recognize the Will of the Lord, in this way you will give living testimony to those who do not live in Christ, the Savior.
Prayer of the Virgin Mary on the occasion of the 33 years of
Her Apparitions in Medjugorje.
A Star of Light shone upon the hill,
it was the presence of the Queen of Peace.
An eternal legacy was given to Her children,
it was the instruction of seeking the peace of the heart.
Redemptions and conversions were poured out as Graces,
it was the ray of Reconciliation with the Kingdom of God.
A bridge of light arose from the Earth,
it was the prayers of Her Children,
those who cried out for a New Humanity.
The response of a few,
became Grace for many,
it was the Love and the intercession of the Lady of Peace.
A profound communion
proclaimed the Great Universal Heights.
The Sovereign Queen of Peace,
once again united the hearts with the King of Love.
And, for a whilw, Heaven and touched Earth.
It was the unity of all Her children with the Celestial Father.
Hail, Mother of Love!,
Hail, Queen of Peace!
The stars of Your Crown, now and forever,
illuminate our walk.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Blessings and Peace to all My children of Sorocaba.
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more