Friday, November 18 of 2016

The Sacred Call

I come this evening to celebrate Communion with you, under the powerful spirit of My Father, who gathers you in this fraternity so that My Plan, which is the Plan of My Father, may be fulfilled in this humanity and on this planet, in such need of love and mercy.

As you have said, companions, I open My Arms towards you, to give you My Peace and deliver My Heart to you, as a symbol of Redemption for your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of all your brothers and sisters.

With all the angels that are with Me today, I come to bring you  good news, because the arrival of the Mother of God to Mexico and Central America was fulfilled in this third stage.

I want to tell you, companions, that the sacred task of the Messengers of God who come today to your encounter, is being fulfilled as God wrote it in His Golden Book of His Celestial Kingdom.

Each event experienced is being written by the Eternal Father Himself, so that the destiny of this planet may be able to change in time and many souls may be saved, by just awakening to My Glorified Heart, which is the living Heart of God, that can be present in each one of you, just as you have done in this prayer that you have proclaimed to My Merciful Heart.

It is a joy to be on this earth after two thousand and sixteen years. But in truth I tell you, companions, that My Heart, in the depth of It's silence, knew that this humanity existed here.

That's why, at that time, I asked the Mother of God for a special Grace for you: To leave stamped in this nation Her Celestial Presence, so that all the nations of the world would know her and would have total knowledge of the Divine Science stamped on the cloak.

Therefore, companions, with all the stars from Heaven and the Divine Consciousnesses that today are congregated in this place to pour out the Mercy of God by means of the offer of My Glorified Heart, I tell you once again, companions, that peace is possible in this time.

You should not fear what you will live. The humanity on the surface must redeem itself. It must reach the transformation of its consciousness, so that the new codes that will come from the Celestial Universe through each prayer exercised, may be present in this last phase of humanity.

Today My heart beats for Mexico, for each one of the creatures of God that today must reach the Light that My Merciful Heart offers them.

Receive from My Hands the Rays of the Mercy of God, which today I come to deposit upon this beloved nation, very protected and cared for by My Heavenly Mother.

Dear companions, I invite you on this evening, in the simplicity of the heart and soul, to be the apostles of My Love in this last planetary cycle, in which it will be necessary for decided souls to live and feel Me. Because it is through their souls and hearts that I will be able to retransmit the celestial gifts, to all the creatures who need it most.

I also come today, on this day, to alleviate the suffering that was generated in this nation from the beginning of the colonization until the present.

Therefore, I have opened the doors of the Universe, the fourteen main ones, so that the pain could be liberated, in obedience to My Celestial Father and to the service of all the angels, for the hosts of the Archangel Saint Michael who have come to remove the suffering of the spirit from the consciousness of many beings.

It is at this time, companions, where I invite you to vivify Me through the Communion that today I will consecrate for you.

Because I Am the same Jesus of Nazareth, who comes to find you so that you remember your commitment with Me, the commitment to be My ambassadors of Peace in this crucial time of humanity.

I come to deposit in you something that will flourish in the future. That is why you must persevere, even more, so that those who are on My path, because at the end of the goal is eternity,  which is where I want to take you after having served Me in this humanity and for this planet, which agonizes so much due to the ignorance of this race.

It is thus that I come to open the eyes of your hearts and to expand the consciousness of your souls so that you may be in Me.

It is a victory that Our Sacred Hearts, that of the most Blessed Mary, of Saint Joseph and My own Living Heart, are descending upon this nation.

I come to bring you the codes of Rehabilitation, something that for many is a mystery, but that forms part of the Divine Science.

These codes descend through your spirits and ultimately will materialize in your own lives by means of transformation and of redemption.

So, companions, I come to heal the great wound of the indigenous consciousness and to recover the purity that it reached when this whole Mexican people, its original people, lived in the happiness of God and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Thus I come to make a cut in time and space. I come to reconnect you with the truth that you are, with that which you reached through the generations, by way of the living devotion that emerges from your hearts with My Heart, which today receives this gratitude from each one of your souls.

This is what encourages me to continue coming to the world for all those lost souls, who day after day are immersed in the hells of humanity. I want to reach each one of them through you.

Open the doors of your hearts for me as you did today, so that I to may indicate the path and the service you must fulfill for My Heart.

It is thus that I come to sow seeds of Light in this suffering time of humanity.

And while I am with you, companions, I am with the nations of the world, mainly with America, that should not lose the opportunity to be the cradle of the new humanity.

Do not fear what human beings of the surface do. Remember in humility, that God has the power and that it is He who allows things, including the presence of My adversary in humanity; the hearts that live Me will not tremble.

I am that Source who renews all things each time that you commune with Me in love and gratitude. It is this love and gratitude of all the souls that follow Me, of all the nations of America and of the world, that has allowed Me to come here, to Mexico.

It is through My servants of peace, of each praying group, of each serving soul, that allows Me to come here, because this generates, not only for Mexico but also for the world, an inexplicable atonement, that today is poured upon this place.

You called Me once and today I am here among you to give you My Peace, My Consolation and My Grace, something that is lived profoundly in the spirit of each being.

I come to give you rest, pacification of the consciousness and the elevation of the spirit towards the Great Portal of God, through My Living Heart.

I want you to feel at this time the opportunity to love Me as I love you, beyond imperfection and error.

See around you in the eyes of your brothers and sisters the brightness of My Spirit, for the souls that have redeemed themselves by just saying "yes." And so it is that I am here to bless you.

Let us pray to the Father so that  Mexico does not lose its peace and is not conquered by the ideas of tenebrous human beings.

It is thus that My Divine Mercy first comes to prevent chaos and to establish peace in all hearts that open themselves to receive My Light and My Love. This will prevent the imbalance of the planet.

I invite you to live the changes in peace. Trust in what we tell you and never deviate from My path.

I invite you to feel things with love, for then you will be in Truth and your hearts will also be alive, alive in the Source of God by means of His glory. And His Glory will be with you and with your brothers and sisters, and My Kingdom will approach, more each time, so that I may to be able to return soon and put an end to many things.

I want you to be happy for being with Me and that you offer each small sacrifice for humanity, so that many more than you, can benefit through My last atonement, which will prepare a part of humanity for My second coming, fulfilling, thus, the prophecies of John.

We know that this moment is approaching unexpectedly. Do not forget to be vigilant. Distance yourselves from distraction and you will not lose wisdom. The times demand concentration and vigilance, so that everyone may be sheltered in My Spirit, and in spite of what happens, may know what to do and where to be.

When everything happens do not be afraid nor think of what will happen. Live in Me and you will be able to be in the eternal present and thus you will act according to the Will of God, which is simple and loving.

Now I want to see on your faces a smile for meeting me again and persisting, because in persistence is found the triumph of the Plan of Love in each one of the souls.

Let us celebrate this Communion in union with all the brothers and sisters of the planet, with all the praying people and mirrors that reflect the Love of My Heart to the world.

Smile, smile to God. He too must be consoled by His children, thus He will shed upon you the Source of His Providence and all His Grace, and many more souls will be touched by this impulse of Light.

Now adore My Heart by singing "I came to adore You."

And as two thousand years ago, once more I repeat:

Blessed are the merciful because they will attain Mercy.

Blessed are the meek of heart, because they will inherit the promised land.

Blessed are the humble of heart, because they will always find peace.

Blessed are the simple of spirit, because they will always see God.

Blessed are those who live Me, because they will always find Me.

Blessed are those who adore Me in the most Holy Sacrament, because I will wait for them in the Kingdom of God to take them with Me to Eternity.

I thank  you for having received Me, for having listened to Me and for having felt Me for only one minute, for having praised Me, for having honored Me, because everything will not come for Me but for the Creator, who is the One who loves you from the beginning to the end. From the smallest of you to the largest one, He loves everything, because in His Love is the peace and His blessing.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May peace be in you and be peace for the world.

Continue singing.

Sunday, November 6 of 2016

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Where it seems that nothing is happening, many things occur in the one who is united with My Spirit.

Thus, today I come to unite people and beliefs under one spirituality, which I taught in the past to My apostles and to My followers through the Gospel, the rule of Love. This is the spirituality for these times.

Many may proclaim My Name, but in truth, I will not be in them.

Many will carry out works through My Name, but in truth, I will not be in them.

It is the essence of My Love that allows all things in this time.

That is why today I bring closer to you the Grace of being in Me, and I in you. It is in this simplicity that I always want to see you, rather than in opulence, or power.

With My Hands, I banish those who say they govern through My Name.

I came to teach in the past so that you might learn to love, to forgive, and to understand your neighbor.

I came to be with you all, without exception. I sat at the table with the rich, I sat on the ground with the poor, I spoke with prostitutes, I converted atheists and rescued those who had committed adultery, because I came to see in you the essence of your souls, which is what  must not be lost and is what many are losing in this time.

I come to reconnect you with the commitment you made to Me a long time ago, of which you are not conscious today, only through My Grace that awakens you to this reality. So do not fear, I am present in those who live Me, in those who truly preach Me, without anything in return.

I come here, companions, so that you may recover the filiation with My Father and not waste time on the false things that the world promises. My true Kingdom is found in your hearts and I am able to be in your hearts when you open the door of your souls to Me; in this way, I will be able to purify your lives and consciousnesses, and you will be one with God, and one with Me forever.

I come to bring you a lifeline that many today do not want to experience, because they do not accept repentance.

Many things will happen in the world, although you cannot believe it. Thus, I come to prepare you in this cycle as My new apostles, so that you may live Me, so that you may testify to Me in each corner of this world.

Thus, I come to renew the Sacraments, and to give the Sacraments to those that have never received them in their lives. The Sacrament is an opportunity of purification and renewal, of sanctity and of consecration of all your spirits before the Celestial Father.

You are before a great mystery through the Sacraments; but as much as you do not understand them, I teach you to live them in simplicity, because when you open your hearts, many things will be able to happen, and inexplicable miracles will occur in each of your lives.

After so many meetings with Me, companions, you are ready to bear the end of times, and although the weariness is great, the victory of My Heart will be greater; when it works on the nations of the world, it comes to dispel the darkness of hearts and peoples, it comes to open a door of light where it does not exist, a unique and inexplicable opportunity for all. That is why I Am the Sacred and Blessed Heart.

It is the essence of My living Heart that allows all these things. So I bring you peace and the possibility of renewing hope and of confirming in each of your lives the living of My Heart in your beings, because it will be that great treasure of My Heart that will free you from all evil and all temptation.

Through My Words, which I give you today with Love, I go freeing the restraints of your consciousnesses, I untie the knots from your spirits so that the doors of redemption can open upon you; it is through this cause that I send My angels from the Celestial Universe so that not only your lives, but also your nations can receive the expiation of My Heart and so that you do not miss this opportunity of meeting Me again in this time of tribulation.

I want souls from Costa Rica in prayer for this nation and for the sister nations of Central America, so that the equilibrium of the equator may be maintained on this planet in the place that corresponds, and not in another.

So I come to speak to you about physics and true science, because in the real science of God, the spiritual and the immaterial is always present.

If you pray with devotion to My Sacred Heart, Costa Rica, although it lives in a superficial manner, will not have the doors closed to My Grace and many more will be touched by the impulse of your prayer and of your sacred invocation to My Glorious Name.

So I invite you, My friends, My friends from the past, to be aware within your consciousness to dispel the distraction and to open your eyes to the truth that the world experiences, the truth of its suffering and its pain.

I want you to be conscious souls, available for My Service, so that I can work through your lives and hearts, and that today I not only come for you, but for all the souls of Costa Rica that so much need My Divine and unfathomable Mercy.

I come to tell you, My friends, if you truly do not live love, that I Am this Source of Love for your lives that can bring you closer to God on different paths; this is why, My friends, I am uniting beliefs and peoples under one spirituality; this is the essence of My Message for this day.

What I want from Central America is that it does not lose its beautiful Eden. My Father has created it so that you could take care of it through your generations and all of your peoples. Do not let this be destroyed, because you will have no place to take refuge when the planet moves, as has been foreseen, physically.

I do not come to bring you pressure or fear, but rather awareness and truth.

I Am the living Truth for you. Your lives can be true when you simply seek Me and are in Me.

I have been able to complete part of My Work in this place, with all the prayers of your brothers and sisters who accompanied Me under the spirit of Divine Mercy.

You do not know how much relief My Heart feels for all those who pray in the world, who prayed in this Marathon in a sincere and non-mechanical way, feeling the need for the redemption and intervention of My Source of Mercy, because as I have told you, the Justice of My Father will come.

I just want you all to be saved, just as I saved you on the Cross, giving each part of My Body and of My Spirit, assuming the sins of the world up to My last breath. Do you know what this means, companions?

Remember Me on the Cross not as a dead person, but rather as the living Son of God, Who brought victory to the lives of the world, closing the darkness and all hells.

But now the world is to be found in great ignorance and indifference. Many, a great many souls ask themselves why they suffer in this time and if it is a punishment of God.

He who created you in His Image and Likeness could never punish you, because He would not be the God of Love.

He can only give you His Justice, not the justice that exists on this Earth, but the Justice that is in the Celestial Kingdom, and in this Justice, Companions, is My Divine Mercy.

Can you now understand the expansion of My Love, which is infinite, sublime, and immaterial? This is what you must not lose.

This is why I call on you to be with Me in this cycle, because I will not be able to be with you much longer. My cycle is ending and humanity must hear My Words. You must be disseminators of this Message of Mine and of all that I have said to you throughout these years.

My wish is that each one of My Words be written in a book, for humanity must recover its origin and read as God reads, and not with the modernities that affect the evolution of the spirits. Do you now understand the global hypnotism?

I come to give My Grace to all. Thus, if you read My Words in books, you will recover your intimacy with God; you will feel the vibration of My Words written on paper, rather than on screens.

This is why I use these means of communication, fulfilling the prophecy that I gave to a great spirit, a great server from the East.

By fulfilling the prophecy of this wise server, I am closing a cycle before the world and humanity experience their Judgment and the last trumpet of the angels of God sounds in the world.

I do not come to be apocalyptic, but rather true in Love, and in the essence of Spirit.

Happy are they who understand beyond what I say, because the words will have entered their hearts rather than their minds, and I will not have wasted even a gram of energy, the way humanity wastes it all the time, creating confusion, error, and wars, because of their verbiage.

Live in the silence of the Universe, look at the stars at night and ask the Father, "Adonai, who am I?" And you will thus feel peace, you will step out of chaos, and you will be able to be united with Me in prayer and in vigil.

Thus, I need you so as to be able to finish accomplishing My Works in the Americas and beyond them.

I come to leave My most cherished spiritual treasures for you, precious pearls of the immaterial life, the spiritual life, and the Kingdom of God; those same pearls that I gave in the past as Jesus of Nazareth.

For this reason, I want you to remember on this day of blessings, a message that has become a song for Me, from My favorite daughters, who make My Message resound in the world through their voice and their union with Me.

It is through this song that I will bless you on this day, and all these elements will be spirits of Grace for souls and for the neediest hearts; because when you experience a Sacrament, remember that you will be doing so for all of humanity, which suffers from the causes of its own evils and its disconnection from God.

It is that Grace of God that allows Me to be here among you.

And now, I will bless while you sing the story of My Life.

I love you and will always love you.

Even though you may fail Me someday, My Love for you is bigger than all of that. I Love the planet; the Project of God is this humanity, which must be the new Jerusalem that shines in this Universe forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Saturday, November 5 of 2016

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Our Father...

See how many armies follow Me and many do not know it.

This is the real presence of My Kingdom on Earth; a Kingdom that is united with each praying heart. And this Kingdom expands through the world in its invisible universe to reveal itself to the simple of heart.

This is the Kingdom that I promise to all, which I promised once when I was among you in My beloved Holy Land, revealing the power of My Gospel to you, the Sacred Word of God, that comes to redeem you time and again.

Today, with great happiness, I am in Costa Rica, because hearts are listening to Me, not in quantity, but in spirit, their simple spirit that unites with Mine and thus brings the Kingdom of God to a place so much in need of the presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

Seek God in all that exists, in all that He has created through Nature. There I am also, in silence and in the heights of the volcanoes, contemplating the whole planetary population, waiting for their awakening, for their great and last step towards the path of Light and of Forgiveness.

Thus you can see, companions, that I am in all places. I have come here to give you My inner Strength and My Love to have Central America rise up in its purpose and its spiritual mission, so as to fulfill the Plan of Peace of God.

Unite more, each time, and you fulfill this purpose that I am requesting of you today. Do it for all your brothers and sisters, of all the nations of Central America, who are so in need of My Divine Mercy to be able to continue forward in this final time that is approaching.

The strength of your prayer has reached beyond Central America, has embraced a great part of the planet and many condemned essences were benefited. And this was possible, companions, because of your unity with the Unity of God, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, with each of your brothers and sisters of the nations that  fervently embraced the fire of this prayer, fulfilling, in this way, the task of this day.

A great part of My armies are formed with angels from Heaven, angels that accompany you time and again, from cycle to cycle, to facilitate your evolution and the great moment of your awakening to mature.

I want you to keep these words in mind because your Guardian angels wait for you, to show you the path towards the Truth, to strengthen your spirits, and so you may find the peace that must be radiated to the whole planet.

Today I come here with the Grace of God and of His Holy Spirit. Through My Divine Mercy I bring for all, the atonement, a holy absolution of each one of your lives at this crucial moment of the planet in which many consciousnesses, a great number of souls, are in need of forgiveness and of liberation.

Through this spiritual practice, companions, and after forty consecutive meetings, you are already at another point in your awakening. And as these meetings advanced, many more souls gradually awakened to My call.

This means that there is still much to do, much to sacrifice, especially in the surrender to God, each one to the degree of their consciousness and of their inner availability.

Thus, I come to give you My Message of Peace so that you may allow it to reach your siblings of the path, your relatives, all of the people; the people of God who must return to the path of hope and the path of forgiveness, that many are still searching for and cannot find.

Therefore, today, also with open Arms, as the Redeemer, I show you My Sacred Heart, My Eternal Spirit, so that you may strongly embrace it inside of you, adopt it in your lives as the one Flame, as the true path, as the hope for your lives rather than other spirits.

These spirits have also to be redeemed. Free them, set them aside and follow My path, because I will comfort you and free you from all evil, without leaving any of My disciples behind, especially those who must return to My Path and who for a long time have forgot Me.

I come to recover My old friends in  Central America, who committed with Me to live me, to worship me, to honor me, to love me, to seek me above all things and especially to serve me in this end time, in this Work of Redemption and of transformation of the consciousness.

So It is thus that I open the doors for you to see the Light again, the invisible Light of God that comes from His Spirit, from the deepest core of His Sacred Heart. He brings you His Mercy through His Beloved Son so that you may be able to free yourselves and walk freely in Redemption.

Today I launch the nets of Light so that many more souls may be able to return to My Heart.

Today I come as the Fisher of Men once again, seeking those who are lost, those who cannot find the path, those who, until now, have not seen the way out in the face of so much darkness.

And I bless you, companions. I give you the impulse to follow me in faith and in love, confirming in your lives that if I am in you, you will be in Me, and everything will always be well, and you are not to fear anything because you will be with Me and I will be with you, in vigil and prayer.

I come to withdraw many consciousnesses from sleep. But you will see this time and again because these souls must learn to know me, must learn to find the path by means of the seed of Light that today I once again am sowing in your hearts so that you may achieve the peace of living in God and in His Divine Kingdom.

Do not lose sight of these moments.

And I tell you again, companions: feel the strength of My liberation sustained by the whole Universe, by its Divine Laws, that come to try and reshape your lives into spirits consecrated to God and to His Holy Purpose.

I also bring you My joy, because of the joy that you have transmitted to Me on this day; the healthy joy of the heart that heals and redeems souls and a great part of the planet because joy is the flower of Love and Love will lead you to a Unity with God, with all of His Consciousness.

Understand this mystery in a simple way. Joy will lead you into peace and peace can be in everybody, especially in those who most need it.

Keep peace as a great treasure for these times. Let nothing disturb or bother you.

Offer each challenge as an opportunity of humiliation and of redemption without losing anything or seeking anything in return.

And now I show you the wounds in My Hands, how millimeter by millimeter they heal when feeling the love of all My companions, of those who seek transcendence, persevere in an unwavering faith, devotion, peace, the experience of My Divine Mercy.

See how the light of your prayers heals My Wounds, bringing relief to My Heart when seeing the horrors of the world and the sins of humanity.

Adore this moment, contemplate My Heart and live it in this last moment, in which My Grace allows all things and My Mercy gives impulse to all things, so that you may be in the Kingdom of God.

Each time you go through a test or face a difficulty or illness, remember this moment in which My Wounds are healed by the light of your prayers and through this example, of this symbol of holiness, strengthen yourselves and do not allow yourselves to fall, because My offer will always be to pick you up from the ground so that you may live Me, so that you may look into My Eyes without shame, without fear, not caring what may happen, contemplating the Love that My gaze expresses for all souls.

And so, with My angels, saints, and the blessed who today help Costa Rica and Central America, we enter into communion, in union of spirits, of essences, and of souls, with the one and powerful God Who gives you eternal life.

I come to especially consecrate all you have brought to Me to the altar because I have seen, on this day, the sincere hearts praying for a just cause that I have transmitted to you in the message for this Marathon.

Understand My Words with simplicity and thus you can live them, one by one.

The sacred objects are symbols of redemption for souls and a reason for igniting the spirit in profound devotion.

So today I will also give the sacrament to each one of you, through the sacred office of priesthood by means of the Sacraments that I instituted in the past, as an inner legacy for souls and for all the consciousnesses that may want to unite with Me in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Today I see that you are experiencing the Gift of the Fear of God. For Me, this is incredible, especially at this time in which humanity is very distracted; this does not make me give up, because if I carried the Cross for you, you with Me and I with you, we will be able to carry the cross of this planet to achieve Redemption.

Offer yourselves to experience this sacrifice for the triumph of the Three Sacred Hearts in all of the Americas and the world.

Adonai, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,

Redemption, Redemption, Redemption for this planet. Amen (x 6 times)

And before consecrating all the elements, I want you to hold hands to plead together with Me to God.

Feeling your sincere hearts, we unite in peace and work for peace for the places that most need it, where chaos reigns and causes more hearts to tremble.

Adonai, Creator Father-Mother, only existence amongst all that is created, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Spirit, experience of the Sacred and of the Eternal, descend with all Your Universal Light and may Your angels open the doors that the Fathers of Creation may descend.

May the twelve archangels help in the Redemption of consciousnesses, in the Liberation of sinners.

Do not forget, Holy Father, about any created essence.

We are a likeness of Your Face. We were created in Your Image. We are impregnated by Your Divine Spirit.

Close the hells that have been opened and redeem the one who has fallen and has created all the evil.

Clear the doubts from all minds. May the power of Your Love penetrate the core of spirits so that the Power of Your Unity and of Your infinite Love may thus be established for the centuries to come. Amen.

Place your hands on your heart and now sing to the sincere heart, because it is this heart that will accompany Me up to the last days on Earth and will see, on the horizon, the coming of My Kingdom and of My Glory, establishing the thousand years of peace.

I thank you for accompanying Me on this day in each corner of this planet.

Let us continue praying, proclaiming the sincere heart. It is that heart that will unite everyone, will free you from indifference.

And so may it be.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, November 4 of 2016

Monthly Messages

Opening My Arms over the Americas, I show My Sacred and eternal Heart to all.

I unite the Americas for a sole aim and purpose, and I do not leave anybody behind, even those who have not followed Me, and who for so long have forgotten Me, knowing that I Am your King and Savior in this definitive hour of the planet.

My Heart is here today with you and with all the missionaries in Roraima.

My Heart multiplies in Spirit and in Omnipresence, and again brings an opportunity for humanity.

Today I am in Costa Rica, as I have been in other places with you; some time ago in a desert, today in an exuberant forest, which also suffers the consequences of surface humankind, without perceiving that the Kingdoms love, just as God loves you all the time.

I have come to raise those who are fallen in their spiritual essence.

I have come to bring a Light that you do not have and which you have not conceived of in this lifetime, not even through merits.

I come to bring you My Divine Mercy, because it is the lifeline that is still available to all in this short time that you have left.

Today I show you My Sacred and eternal Heart on My Breast so that you may contemplate it, so that you may remember it, and not forget it.

This is the Heart that is loved by all in differing degrees of love, but without it mattering what degree it is.

This is the Heart that vivifies in you and that brings you peace, the peace that many need.

I have sent you into the darkness so that you may proclaim My Name and may give life to the souls that do not even think of Me.

Thus you will see how the Grace of God is, which reaches this place so distant from South America, where, in truth, My Work is to be found, and that today I hold out to all My children and disciples.

I would like that in this time, companions, you could see the Works that My Immaculate Heart carries out, because My Heart is pure in God, just as is the Heart of My Mother.

The two of us come from the same Fountain of Grace that is multiplied for the whole Universe.

It is this Immaculate Spirit that allows us to be here among you, and to give you the impulse to serve the Creator.

In you, as well as in your siblings, is this seed, this seed of Light that God has left you. This seed of Immaculate Light that many here have forgotten, due to the material life and its influences.

Thus I come to rescue what is essential; because of this, My Heart is eternal besides being Sacred.

Because of being eternal, It brings that which is Immaculate and is purest for all, which is Love, which redeems and vivifies.

With this revelation, I want you to become aware that in truth humanity cannot lose its purity despite all it lives.

At least in small groups, by means of prayer and of Communion with Me, you must preserve this spirit, so that it is not erased from the planet or from your consciousness.

This is what some great nations want to cause to disappear through their actions.

Do you understand now why I am here, and why you have helped Me arrive here?

I extend to all My Gratitude and My Trust, because of your fulfilling this first stage of a great task that has just begun.

Today I come not only as your Jesus, the Nazarene, the Shepherd and Master of Love; today I come as the Consciousness that I Am.

I Am that I Am, and it is that Essence that reveals itself, that Immaculate Spirit of God, alive in His Firstborn Son, that gives impulse to consciousnesses for attaining the illumination and the redemption of their lives.

I come today with My Arms open, to open the paths of those who have them closed.

I come to take away what is not right and to place what is new and what renews, from time to time.

May this Marathon be the fire that always multiplies, that motivates souls into continuing to move ahead, in spite of what happens.

My Mother has given you these two missions, which fulfill a fundamental task in the Plan of rescue. And you, all of you, are part of this Mission.

While My Mother guides you and also accompanies you in the humanitarian Mission for Venezuela, bringing relief to human suffering and to the decay of all consciousnesses that suffer the chaos, I am also here today among you, to renew this proposal of praying and invoking Divine Mercy.

Yesterday you were the ones who needed of My Graces; today, it is your siblings who need My Intercession, My Immaculate Spirit, which will renew them and awaken them to the New.

I come in this way, to unite consciousnesses with the Kingdoms of Nature, with their origins and their principles.

I come here to ask that you not forget God, and that He is observing you, hoping that all of you look at His Heart, to find a refuge of Peace.

I come to value those who are marginalized and simple, I come to take away the power of those who believe they are more than others and that are not humble.

I come to show My Kingdom to all, and to give testimony of It among you.

I come to tell Central America and specially those who colonize it, to not intervene in this Eden, which is of God, and which is for the New Humanity the true one.

I ask all of those who visit these nations, that you not make the same mistakes that were engraved in the history between the Indigenous Consciousness and the white man. Do not do it anymore. Do not look for something that does not belong to you.

Leave the Kingdoms and those who co-inhabit with them free, because today it is My Mercy that comes to aid you, but tomorrow My Heart will give you Justice.

Love one another, that is the first rule, even for those who do not live Me, nor feel Me.

We have not reached North America, because it is still not prepared to receive Our Presences.

And even though We have been trying in other times to awaken a sleeping and so human consciousness, We watch over the souls and good hearts that are to be found there, asking for an opportunity for that entire nation.

The things that are done today will not last for very long. And this is not a warning, but rather an opportunity for correction, for alignment, and for balance.

Today I come as the Master of all that created by My Father, so that it is no longer usurped, hurt, or flagellated.

Today I come as the Shepherd of all Kingdoms, including the Human Kingdom, that so needs this to keep moving forward.

May we pray in this Marathon for those who have been sleeping for a long time, for those who are not waiting for God, and for those who do not love Him, for those who forget Him, for those who have ambitiously separated from Him.

See in this way, how My Arms are still open over the Americas, to signal the redemption.

May Love, Peace, and the Good unify you.

And I unite with each prayerful heart that, in their home, group, or nation will accompany Me in this task, to leave and to sow seeds of light that will germinate in a near future.

Thank you for being with Me, in the way you can be.

The important thing is that it be real, for the good of the planet and of humanity.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
