In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And after the dark night, the Light will return, the inner Light that was created in the Supreme Source by the Eternal Father Himself before everything existed. This inner Light will emerge in a surprising way in the moments prior to My Return to the world.

For this reason, you must sustain yourselves in Me, despite the tribulations and the current moment, because there is no heart that knows each one of you as deeply as Mine and that can console, fulfill, and sustain you in Love like Mine.

I know that today, you cannot comprehend many situations, and I understand this. Imagine how My Heart can comprehend everything that happens in the world in this time.

How much suffering is caused in many nations, peoples and families!

How God Himself, surrendering on the Cross through His Son, suffering and enduring for all of you, receives in first person the response that the world gives Him with more indifference and pain!

But I come here once again, not only to tell you, companions, that you are with Me and must be with Me even more in this cycle, because if I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who will go to the Father, if not through Me?

This is the promise that I made to God at the culminating moment of the Cross, when, after being martyrized and crucified, I said to the Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

The value of My Blood, the Precious Blood of Jesus, is still unknown, but the one who unites to it in prayer and adoration will know it because I have come to bring the precarious state of the human consciousness to an end.

However, I know you may ask Me, “Master, why does human precariousness continue to exist? Why is it that, after You Yourself have surrendered Your entire Being on Calvary and on the Cross, humanity continues to go astray and to distance itself from God?”

Companions, this is the time that was written, the time of tribulation. And you yourselves, with your own beings, will be able to go through it in two ways:\ in an evolutionary and neutral way or in an attached and imbalanced way.

With this, I Am not saying that what can be seen in this world and reality on the surface is not painful, because the Son of God Himself felt all the pain of the world, the sins and indifference in His own entrails. But remember that Love triumphed and that it is Love that renews you and gives you life and hope.

Yesterday, My Mother spoke to you about the chalices that are upon the altar served for souls. Who will take them and drink from them, knowing that in this time the great victims of My Love are to be found among those who suffer wars, famine, prison, the death penalty, abortion, and disease?

I will come to bring all this to an end because I Am the same as always: the One Who taught you on top of the Mount of Beatitudes; the One who called you at the shores of the Sea of Galilee, just as I call all of you today by your spiritual and inner names, those names that are known in the universe and vibrate in the stars, even if you do not know this.

I will come to be close to those who trust in Me until the end, knowing that after a storm the Sun shines again, and it is the Sun of My Heart that you must always seek in this time, so that the darkness of the Earth may not confuse or disturb you; because the Moon will be cloaked in blood, the Sun will become opaque, the stars will move, the events will present themselves and everyone is already living it.

This is the preamble and it is the time that announces My coming to the world, and Argentina will have a very important task for your Lord at the end of times.

Many prophecies were written about Argentina and many of them will be fulfilled, mainly those revealed by the God of the Universe Himself. Thus, prepare yourselves, do not become lost in superficial and petty things.

When will you decide to submerge into My Heart to know the great abyss of My Mercy?

My Heart does not tire of loving you and loving the world, despite the errors and sin. But here, in this Work and mainly within you, the Law must always, always be fulfilled so that you may be protected from the storms of these times, from the interpretations and confusions of the world; because this Light that God deposited, gestated and created in each one, in the innermost depths of being, is the Light that must shine so that there may be Christs in this time, Christs of the New Time, just as many times, out of love, We have announced.

May your Inner Christ be the reason for being here and for responding to the Will of God, regardless of what each one of Mine must live in these times.

My Hands and, above all My Heart, place peace today where there is pain and anguish.

My Gaze rests where there is darkness and confusion to dispel them.

My embrace sustains those who trust in Me, beyond themselves, because the time indicates that this is the time of apostolate, the apostolate of the selfless and serving heart for those who suffer, close to you and far from you.

Today My Heart is this Sun that illuminates and shines in Argentina. My Sacred Mantle extends over this nation, which has been stricken by injustice and the lack of transparency.

But the one who truly loves, despite everything, will not perish, will never perish because it will not be a self-love or a passing love; it will be a mature love that will be forged within yourselves at each step and above all in each test, at each new challenge.

May your hearts elevate themselves in trust, faith and renewing hope today, just as My Heart elevates Itself in Argentina. Because today My Sacred Mantle is the flag of this nation; the white, the sky blue and the golden colors, the expressions of the Celestial Universe and of the Mantle of the Divine Mother, Patroness of this nation and Guardian of faith.

I want you to follow me barefoot and with clean hands, purified of your own intentions, your own thoughts and your own feelings.

I want you to follow Me with an empty heart, capable of enduring and receiving everything that comes, thinking of the Passion of Christ, your Lord, at each step. Because the triumph of your Master and Lord did not happen in the debate of His Word, when He was unjustly condemned, but rather in the silence, in the solemn silence that elevates the consciousness and protects it with wisdom.

May your hearts be receptive to this moment. There is so much to do in this world! And you know it.

Argentina must not stop. Argentina must advance and this nation will advance through those who follow Christ with confidence and faith.

In the presence of the celestial choirs, the Lord blesses you, congregates and unites you in impersonal and mature Love, in the Love of the Cross, without hesitation and disagreements, in the Love that made possible going through the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the Love that allowed your Master to take each step on Calvary without retroceding, to advance toward the inexplicable goal that the Father had placed upon His path.

That the Powerful Blood which springs from My Heart as rays of Mercy, may cure, heal and renew you.

You are wayfares of time, wayfarers who have been called to fulfill a Will that cannot be erased or disappear.

Today, I Am here to impel you, to renew you, to give you My Love once again, the Love that will help you mature and grow internally.

Many among you have received the Grace of the Sacraments on these days. Can you value it and know that in them, in each Sacrament, lies the living expression of God’s Love?

Feel graced, but also feel gratitude for those who do not have it, for those who deny it, for those who are indifferent. Thus, in this gratitude that will lead you to reverence and simplicity of life, which you must perfect every day, you will keep the door open so that I may return in confidence, faith and love.

For this reason, I bless you to be able to bless all of Argentina, from North to South, from East to West, Argentina, which is the sacred enclosure for many inner relics that in this time must be at the service of souls and those who seek the true Light on their paths.

Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your adherence and your presence.

My Heart is pleased to be able to come back here and be with My brothers and sisters, and with My disciples of the end times; just as I was with My apostles many times, with Peter, John and so many others who found Me on their paths.

Remember that in My Heart lies the path, the way out, and the response that you seek within you. My Heart burns in Love and Light for those who love, adore and wait for Me, as on this day.

Thank you for the flowers you have offered to Me, because they are not for Me but rather they are glory for My Father, Who is your Father Who is in the Heavens. Because His Universe descends through the Divinity and the Spirit of His Beloved Son, Christ Jesus.

My Heart carries the commitment of your daily prayers within Itself. The world needs to be sustained and this is urgent. You already know it.

May the Light of prayer guide your steps.

May service open the doors of Mercy and Pity.

May reverence and gratitude keep the doors of Heaven open for those who seek peace, consolation and love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to a world in chaos and suffering, a world committed to the forces of evil, submerged in desperation, without finding the way out.

I come to a world in despair, with a lack of faith and fortitude.

I contemplate My children in suffering and in deep sorrow. I bring from Heaven all you need to be able to achieve redemption and live in Peace.

For this, you must surrender to the Plan of God, place yourselves at His feet to someday live in His promised Land, to live in the New World, the New Humanity.

I am in prayer for all the situations you face and experience, for the world disease you are going through, the effect of a great disharmony with the universe and the Law, generated by the life of illusion and indifference.

You must learn to leave suffering. You must learn to find the path towards the Light. You must return to the Heart of the Eternal Father, which is the Source of all life, regeneration and healing.

But you have to surrender and you also have to offer yourselves for what God wants to accomplish in each one of your lives, for what God wants to build in each of your hearts.

He patiently waits that one day you will say yes and that you will cross the portal into His Kingdom so that you will acknowledge and know about the reality that you have never seen and never known.

This is the most difficult time of all, of all the times that have already passed through this planet and this humanity. But this time is this way because humanity generates it.

Prophecies are fulfilled because humanity attracts them, concretizes them through its actions, through its thoughts and feelings.

The prophecies may not come true or be concretized, but they exist, not as a punishment, but as a warning, as an opportunity to be in time to correct the confusing paths of My children, of all beings on Earth.

The prophecy has no religion, it is part of the Sacred Word, of the Divine Word, of spiritual instruction, of the Message from the Heavens. Therefore, you should know that the prophecy might not be fulfilled if your behavior and actions become different.

If you were attuned and in union with the universe, you would transcend your material and human conditions, you would be led towards the truth and you could understand much more than what you know or think you understand at this time.

If each one of My children, on the surface of this planet, did the same, the prophecies would not be necessary.

But the prophecies are announcements that not only warn humanity but call it to be more attentive and vigilant so as not to lose the path and the universal opportunity that it is being given.

Humanity went through a year of great difficulties, uncertainties and problems, and is still experiencing it with full consciousness.

But your inner worlds can be in another attunement and at the same time in another dimension, they can be united to reality and to the Supreme Truth, and thus you will have inner tools to get through these difficult times.

Humanity has disconnected from the Source, this is why it lives suffering, this is why it lives adversity.

These are times when that divine and true connection, through prayer, is fundamental.

You cannot close the Source that gives you the Water of Life to quench your thirst in this great planetary desert. You must place yourselves, even more, you must be even more available so that this Source penetrates the depths of your consciousness and renews it.

But I know that even in what is spiritual, My children, in general, you are confused, you are disoriented, you are withdrawn from the Path that My Son, the Christ, offers for your redemption.

The signs that the Hierarchy gives are visible, unalterable and unmistakable.

What a human being can offer today on the surface of the Earth is their own condition, their own inner situation, their purification.

Therefore, you must bear in mind that not everything is from the Light. The Light is a direct source, it penetrates the depths of the being and leads it towards change, never towards convenience or towards that which is static, never towards that which is inert nor towards that which is indifferent.

The Divine Light that is unique can heal you in all senses and on all planes.

It is to that Divine Source that humanity must surrender at this time because, otherwise, healing will not come.

Humanity must make amends for its mistakes, it must rebuild what it has destroyed with its actions, not only in humanity itself, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature, in all of Creation.

I pray all the time that you can achieve this, My children, because I know that you can do it, and this is the strongest thing for the Hierarchy, because you can do so, and there are many of My children who do not do so, who do not determine it that way, who do not take the final and great step.

My Son expects that this inner construction be established in the majority of human beings, regardless of religion, but that it be a true inner construction that leads you to reflect the Supreme Source within your lives.

Thus, My Son will have His pillars upon the surface of the Earth in order to carry forward His great operation, in order to free the planet and humanity of their adverse and retrograde conditions, in order to establish the Kingdom of God in a very complex and sought after Universal Project.

But remember that you are part of a universe, of a universal life, which is not seen with physical eyes, but it is felt with the soul, with the heart, which can vibrate in the inner world of each being. From this universal life, help has always come for all races that have passed through this planet, as well as for other humanities throughout this universe.

These currents of the universe that can help humanity, and that always come to assist all life, are immutable currents. It is in them, My children, that you must place your aspiration so that your consciousnesses are more and more elevated, so that you learn not to be subjected by chaos and darkness, so that you make the Plan of Christ triumph through your lives, through your redemption.

Meanwhile, the spiritual universe mobilizes, collaborates and helps in situations unknown to humanity, with the purpose of alleviating the world and terrestrial consciousness, with the purpose of opening the doors to the cosmos so that many more may awaken and see reality, just as they knew it in other times; with the purpose that the veils of consciousness are removed so that you can remember and thus know that you are here for a Greater Will.

On this day, when the Birth of Christ is remembered and prepared for, may the families of the world be the center of prayer so that the cell of the Project of God, the most important cell, be cared for and protected from the chaos of the world.

Today the families of the world live their great banishments, exiles and crises in all forms. For if My adversary destroys them, the Project of God in the family will disappear.

But I am here, and I am your Mother, the Mother of families, the Mother of humanity, the Governess of the essences of the world.

Children, do your part, and help will come. It will not be necessary to go through suffering anymore, but necessary to find the calm of having entered into communion with Peace.

Let us pray that the angelic help rescues the world at this moment and leads humanity towards healing and peace; so that Christ, in this year, may be born in humble and simple hearts, in those who trust in His Return.

Divine Hierarchy, of Angels and Archangels,
we open the door to you, let the Light in.
In the name of humanity, we now invoke 
Your cosmic intervention. 
(repeated three times)

May the knots of consciousness be untied. Let the ties be removed from the feet of those who walk. May the pilgrims be converted into doves of light to reach the Source and merge with it in order to carry out the Plan.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


VIII - Pray without Ceasing

A soul that was awake and willing to enter the celestial mysteries, prayed every day to God and asked for His help to detach from the world and to not fear Heaven. That soul feared suffering, the transition of the times and the change on the planet, because all this was unknown to them.

So, one day, questioning the Lord, the soul said:  "Lord, I believe You are God and that beyond this life there is a greater Life. I know we are experiencing a great illusion but, immersed in it, I am not able to understand the truth. I fear the change of the times, I fear the suffering of the world and I fear everything that we are supposed to experience before the Return of Christ. Will you be able to defeat this fear in my heart?"

And contemplating this little soul with a gaze of compassion, the Lord answered:  "When a heart is within Me, it experiences everything in a different way. For them, suffering transforms into an offering and loses its weight, converting pain into a greater Love.

The transition of the times and all that humanity will have to go experienced through will be experienced in a different way by those who are within Me. Their eyes will see the confusion of the world, and within them will lie wisdom. Because I tell you, beloved soul, that it will not be the plagues, the movements of nature or the signs in the sky that will cause souls on Earth to suffer. It will be the ignorance and their disconnection with higher life that will cause them to be lost.

The foundations upon which they used to sustained themselves, tirelessly seeking a life of pleasure and comfort, will no longer exist, and this will be the greatest sorrow of humanity, the root of all suffering.

That heart that is within Me will not fear, because I will give it peace and will strengthen its faith. And the more you pray, the more you will be within Me and I will grant you wisdom. And within the confusion and darkness of the world, your souls will be like beacons showing the way, and you will thus be the salt of the Earth and the light of the world. And My Words will be fulfilled, and the fulfillment of the prophecies will also bring you peace. For this reason, do not fear, but pray and be persistent in your fidelity, because I have chosen you to be a light at the table, and this is your destiny."

May this story strengthen you, may it dispel your fears and place you in the correct direction so that you may pray and not stop praying, and thus find peace.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

While in the inner worlds, souls receive the impulses of the Source of Love of the Universe in a direct way, in the same way, human beings are being prepared to be able to definitely assume the Plan of Love in humanity so that the Divine Creative Purpose may be established on the surface of the Earth.

Through the union of souls during the meetings with My Beloved Son in this Holy Week, Your Heavenly Mother closely follows each one of Her children so that on all planes of consciousness, hearts feel included and thus, without delay, they dare to take the step toward Christ.

In this way, dear children, if this happens, humanity will be able, without delay, to face the reality it generated and transgressed for decades. In this awareness of the truth, the peoples will feel encouraged to experience repentance and redemption, and it will no longer be necessary for the Scriptures or the prophecies to be fulfilled.

Thus, this is the moment in which each of My children take the step toward all that God hopes to finally accomplish through His creatures.

For this reason, all the necessary and urgent help is being offered and given during this Holy Week so that, when this cycle of spiritual impulses comes to an end, souls will then be on another step of their individual and group commitment to the Plan of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the rising of the sun, the Light of the White Mountain will come, and this Light will be revealed to all. Any consciousness will be able to recognize it, regardless of their beliefs, religion or inner state.

This Light, which will be within the White Mountain, will come for humanity and for the planet. And other lights will come to Earth, directly from the Universe, to position themselves in certain points of the Earth and reveal to humanity that the end time has arrived.

And this will be the culminating moment of humanity, but the Light of the White Mountain will be the first to announce it: the end of an end; to be prepared for the beginning of a new stage, of a new cycle, of a new humanity.

Many will want to know what this Light that comes from the White Mountain is about, but the interpretation of humanity's discernment will not be enough because it will never reach the result of what this Light means and from where this Light comes.

These lights will come announcing the advent of the Return of Christ, the moment of the fulfillment of His promise, which will no longer be something immaterial nor spiritual, but physical.

The Light of the White Mountain will remove many aspects from humanity, and this will be revealed to all so that it can do this work that was entrusted to it.

This mystery will come directly from the Eternal Father, from His spiritual Universe. As this Light descends, among the planes of consciousness, it will materialize until it reaches the top of the White Mountain, which will be its last place of revelation, from where its mysteries will be shown to those who are united to it from the heart.

And although I know that humanity will not understand what this may mean, some will have the Grace to know the revelation of this mystery and its origin, because the Eternal Father needs for humanity to be prepared to enter another state of consciousness, not the one that it has today, which is a state that is insufficient and precarious on the spiritual, mental and material levels. A state that has affected the evolution of the race and the correct harmony with the Kingdoms of Nature.

This powerful Light that will be within the White Mountain will come through an aspect of the Eternal Father. It will be this aspect of God that will materialize through the powerful Light of the White Mountain, and there will be no science that can reveal it or any scholar that will be able to understand it, because it is a Light that will come from the inner, from that which is most profound and invisible.

It will be so similar to the sun that rules you and illuminates you, day by day, and, even more, it will have a power stronger than the very central sun of this galaxy. Its emanations will not only be ultraviolet or beyond. Its energy will transform all that it radiates towards and touches.

Many wait for the coming of this Light before the Return of Christ because it is not only a powerful and unknown Light, but it is also the great doorway to the new, to a new stage, a new time.

Many will have the Grace to detach from what they no longer need, from what oppresses them and from what has always disturbed them.

Some will become aware of what they still hold in their hearts and inner worlds, but the majority will awaken to what they have never wanted to see with their own eyes because the Universe will really become visible. And this Universe that will bring the powerful Light of the White Mountain will reveal an unknown reality that no one yet knows, only the Son of the Father and His Celestial Mother.

From this Light some movements will emerge. Many principles will emanate that which humanity needs in order to be healed and redeemed. Their actions will not be physical and will not be so invisible, because humanity needs to break its resistance and finally perceive that it has made a mistake.

Those who have cried out and asked the Heights will be helped by this powerful White Light that comes from the Mountain. And it will elevate those who have supplicated much, and many will understand what the Plan of God is, what its destiny and objectives are for the coming times and why It has existed since the Origin. 

Today I speak to you in symbolic words because all cannot yet be revealed. The mysteries come to be revealed to the humble of heart, to the simple, to the divested of self, to those who no longer want to live their own will, but rather the Will of the Eternal Father.

Therefore, the greatest and most infinite mysteries are unveiled to the poor of heart. This is how the great Will of God is fulfilled and everything begins to be transformed, according to how He thought it from the Heavens, for all of His children, for all of His creatures.

The Light of the White Mountain will bring a great announcement that will not be understood with words, but rather with symbols. These will be the signs that the Light of the White Mountain will give to the whole world. It will be shown, recorded and televised. During the three days of manifestation, until it fulfills what was requested of it, it will be shown according to what is written in the Heart of God, because this is part of the Apocalypse, it is part of the end of the Armageddon.

And, in this way, the Church that I founded through Peter will realize that it had never opened to the Universe and that the true spirituality and the true Christianity that your Master established in this world comes from something greater, and not only from words, messages or instructions; that everything is a part of a Great Confraternity, which has always watched over and accompanied this planet and its entire race and that, even if the powerful Light of the White Mountain passes by this planet, the Project of the Creator must be fulfilled and, at this moment, everyone will be before the great opportunity to transcend duality and live in eternal unity.

Today I emit this message from the White Mountain which, in its silence, holds many spiritual treasures for humanity and the planet. Thus, this White Mountain unites to all the mountains of the planet, even in South America, and also to the Himalayas, where its lights will show and be revealed to the world so that humanity may understand that it has always destroyed itself and forgotten how to love itself, as God loves humanity, in spite of all that it does.

Pray in this Marathon of the Divine Mercy so that the Universal and Divine Hierarchy may keep fulfilling the projects that are predicted in this world through the consciousness of your group, called by the Eternal Father Himself to fulfill His Will, surrendering your lives completely to service for Him and for His unconditional Love, the higher Love of the Father.

Do not miss the opportunity of what you are receiving, and welcome within your hearts the Word of the Son of God because a great part of humanity is still asleep, and it will awaken suddenly through the signs that will come from Heaven towards the Earth, and in the most inhospitable and impenetrable places of the planet, where nature is the powerful nobility of God upon the surface of the planet, and not of humanity.

Keep these keys that I deliver to you as a treasure, and pray so that your Master and Lord can carry out and fulfill what the Father has requested of Him through His apostles so that, from the priestly life to the religious life, from the inner life to the external life of service for the neediest, everything can be accomplished, and so that Love, the Love that comes from God through His children, can heal the suffering and pain.

Today a new stage for North America begins. This is why I have brought you here, as I have brought all of your brothers and sisters here, because what is truly spiritual is simple, and in what is simple is where My friends can be found, to live the void that I offer to you, going beyond your personalities and your understanding, to experience something you never understood and will never understand, just as I experienced it for you up to the Cross, without understanding it, yet all for Love.

Not all have the Grace of receiving these Words but they do have the Grace for them to be spread because, as I have told you, My task among you is finalizing, and in the years that will come, everything will happen.

This will be the great moment for each one of you to experience and practice My teachings so that, when I return, you may recognize Me and follow Me as you have done in the Holy Land. And, in this way, what once began to be written in the Holy Land, will keep being written.

The people of Israel will gather again, with different faces and garments, in another time and under different circumstances, so that they may climb the White Mountain to receive their Redeemer, in glory and humility.

By means of My Words, I am anointing all of you today, recognizing the efforts of the just, the love of those who serve, the truth of those who try to be pure every day, the surrender of those who, without delay, respond to Me when I need it. So, in the most invisible and silent, My Will is fulfilled, which is the Will of the Father within you and within your brothers and sisters.

May the power of the Love that you live and that you have for Me impel you to move forward, to overcome your own darkness and tests, and to never give up because, in this way, I will be able to reach you and you will reach Me, to then be beyond the hard times, in communion with the Heights, with the Universe, with the Brotherhood.

May the star that is held in your hearts illuminate the end of times.

May the star that is engraved within your chests ignite peace in these times, because many will need surrendered servers and beings to find relief, healing and redemption.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The Light of the Return will come from the heights of the White Mountain, and the Americas will be blessed by a Grace of liberation and peace.

That Light will then descend from the White Mountain, but it will remain within it for three days until the majority of people will have seen it and recognized it.

They will give it many names and causes, but only a few will recognize what it is.

Nobody will be able to draw close to that Light, because it will be so strong that it will dazzle the curious and the opponents.

It will bring Grace and wellbeing to the oppressed and many, indeed many will recognize their infidelity to God too late.

Those who repent in time will be touched by the Grace and wisdom of that Light, and everything will begin again.

Nobody will be able to hide that Light which will come from the Mountain, for it will not be material, although everybody will see it with their physical eyes, it will be a more impactful and revealing Light than the Star of Bethlehem. It will shine more than the Sacred Mantle of the Virgin of Guadalupe. It will have more power than all nations, which believe themselves to be powerful.

That Light will come for the just, for those who asked for Mercy, for the unfortunate, for those who cry out for peace and freedom.

And, at last, that Light will descend, and everything will be revealed. The White Mountain will be the witness of this entire occurrence.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


A second stage in the desert that beings experience, during another moment in their evolution, children,  is to be in the desert in the arms of the Most Holy Mary.

After having lived the inner desert, after experiencing the void and the Coming Together, after experiencing the calvary of these times, a desert will come that has still not been experienced by any soul, because it is the spiritual desert that you will cross in this moment of the planet, the desert prophesied in the Apocalypse.

Your Most Holy Mother crossed and continues to cross many spiritual deserts. She is knowledgeable about the souls and their paths. She was Who took the Words and the Gifts of Christ throughout the four corners of the world, and for this reason, She deeply came to know the human condition and all the paths that lead you to God.

Thus, children, the Most Holy Mary is She Who knows each grain of sand of the spiritual desert that leads you to God.

There, where beings become confused, get lost, desperate, your Most Holy Mother takes you into Her arms and, sure of Her path, crosses the voids and the solitude and arrives to God.

In the desert, even Her adversary is confused. It pursues souls that are lost, but does not know how to find them when they are in God. For this reason, your Divine Mother travels through the desert and takes lost souls into Her arms, one by one, to lead them to their destiny.

That is why I tell you, in these times of confusion and darkness, in the Apocalypse and in the Armageddon of the planet, seek your Celestial Mother. Allow yourselves to be found by Her and yield into Her arms, because when everything may seem lost, She will know the way; when you are no longer able to walk, She will take you into Her arms, and it is under Her protection and wisdom that you will come to God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Monthly Messages

When the Creator sent His children to the Earth with veils over their eyes, so that they would not remember their origin, He also created the Centers of Love and of Light, which would someday awaken in aid of humanity, to allow them to remember and return to the Heart of the Father.

The Centers of Love reveal the mysteries of God and His Love for humanity; they reveal the fondness of the Father for His children of the Earth, in spite of the vastness of the Creation.

The Centers of Love reveal that the Creator not only placed the best of Himself hidden in the hearts of humanity but also, children, in the depths and hidden layers of the planetary consciousness. Just as the Creator delivered a part of His Essence to animate human consciousness, He also deposited, throughout the entire planet, a part of the most sacred that exists in His Creation, in this and in other Universes. These are the Centers of Love.

Just as you look at the sky and see only the stars, in spite of the infinite life that dwells within them, on Earth, children, your eyes often cannot perceive the mysteries that hide, the life that offers itself, the Grace that develops and renews, time and again. But the moment has come to know it, the moment has come to experience this higher life, more than knowing about its existence. The hour has come to live the Centers of Love, just as the hour has come to experience what you truly are as children of God.

The Time of your Father, of His higher reality, now approaches the Earth, and for this moment you must be prepared. Let the revelations manifest and let them go beyond the planetary events.

For a long time, I have come to meet you to reveal prophecies that speak of the reality of the planet and about the future of the nations not only so that you, My children, could awaken to what was to come upon humanity, but also so that your consciousnesses could believe in Me, and thus could at least wonder about the celestial reality from which I come, and that, like so many other mysteries, hide from humanity.

In this cycle, I come to reveal to you something deeper, more spiritual and unknown and, just like the prophecies that I delivered to you in other times, that which I reveal to you today will also manifest.

Open your hearts, My children, to perceive the reality of the Sacred Centers, of the Centers of Love. Open your hearts for a truth that has not been unveiled by humanity.

Open your hearts to know who you are. Let the veils tear asunder. Let the Hands of God open your eyes and your consciousness because it is no longer the time to be in ignorance. But it is rather time to be strengthened by the truth, because it will not only make you worthy and noble, but it will be your only sustenance for the trials that will come.

In My Marian Centers, discover the Centers of Love. Perceive the reality that dwells beyond the churches raised by humanity. Discover the Celestial Church of God on Earth. Perceive the Founts of His Creation manifesting amidst humanity. Perceive the living silent God in everything that was created by Him.

I bless you and lead you to this celestial reality, because the moment to find it has come.

I love you and hold you in My Heart.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When the Doors of Heaven open for your Celestial Mother to come here, the Time of God unites with the time of the world and a superior reality becomes visible, transforming with its presence the layers of illusion of life on the Earth.

I bring with Me the sublime reality of Paradise so that you can feel the Grace of being in God. Each time I approach the planet, the presence of this Celestial Kingdom transforms life upon the Earth a little more and helps humanity find the Truth of higher life and live it.

I come in this time to concretize the spiritual Mission that God granted Me and to manifest the prophecies that were announced throughout human evolution, which must be lived today.

I am awakening the hearts of those who must prepare the Return of Christ to this world through prayer and the unconditional surrender of your lives, because you have come to this planet for this. Your souls, My children, have been preparing for this moment since the beginning of their creation. The time has come to manifest and live the Purpose of God for your lives, and this happens when you definitively awaken and understand the time that you are living as humanity.

I come to concede these same unfathomable Graces for the consciousnesses of nations and for the essence of the planet so that, by the intercession of a few, many may have the opportunity of returning to God.

You already know that each time I come to a nation, it is to extract, with My Holy Hands, the roots of evil, of suffering and of illusion, which for centuries have been entering the consciousnesses of humanity to stimulate them towards evil, to indifference and to the lack of love.

We are in the time of a great spiritual battle, My children, which different from the conflicts of this world, is won through love, through unity, with the heart and with persistence in the fidelity to God and to His Purpose.

This battle is deeper than what was described in the Apocalypse of John and broader than the dimensions of life on Earth. It begins in the depths of the hearts of humanity where the consciousness must struggle with itself to remain in Love and in the Divine Purpose and then, beyond the dimensions of material life, this battle acquires greater and deeper proportions, and to win it, the hearts must attain greater degrees of love, consciousness and awakening.

For this reason, I am here. I am your Celestial Mother, the One who sustained the Redeemer up to the foot of the Cross and Who, washed by His Blood, made the commitment to sustain the cross of each one of His companions until the end of the end of times. I am here, guiding your steps and sustaining your hearts and consciousnesses through My permanence in the world.

Trust in My presence, My children, because what I come to do in your lives is to manifest the Will of God and help you so that you may help this world and beyond; so that you may be predecessors of a new Love, for all Creation.

Today I would like to lead you to a deep awakening so that you may feel the Truth and the Kingdom of God. Therefore, pray with the heart, so that the Kingdom of your Father may descend here and may let you know, not only His Peace but above all His Grace, His Truth, His Wisdom and His awakening.

I bless you and thank you for responding to My call with love!

I wait for you in prayer.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Each day that the commemoration of the Passion of your Lord approaches, prepare your heart.

Prepare it with songs and prayer, prepare it with silence and with awareness knowing that Christ, with His Presence, will bring a new cycle to the Earth.

Let your heart inspire others, as well as the consciousness of the Earth itself, so that all may be prepared to face the Lord.

Today He comes in Spirit; tomorrow He will come in Glory. And soon the time will come to know His true Face, for one day the prophecies will be fulfilled, one day you will see the Lord and His mysteries, face to face.

It will be in the Presence of Christ that you will truly understand His Words, kept in the Gospels. With a simple look and with the movement of His Hands, He will reveal everything that was hidden in His teaching and, at that moment, humankind will recognize its limitations and its ignorance and will humbly open to the new life.

The Presence of Christ will speak for itself. His Gaze will remove evil from within humanity and His Heart will multiply in the hearts of those who with love have waited for Him.

Prepare your hearts to experience what I tell you and do not fear.

After all the hardships of humanity, the celestial prophecies will be fulfilled and all will be as was said.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the sun of hope shine within those who pray, so that they may never fear the future and the unknown.

May the essence of the divine prophecies pulsate within those who have faith, so that by knowing the prophecies, they will know that their triumph is certain, and also know that Grace follows after every darkness and each difficulty.

May love be born, awakened, grown and multiplied within those who try hard, every day, to imitate the steps of the Lord, and who live the cross of these times, as He did.

May the dimensions unite through the essence of those who are self-summoned for these times and may they discover, this way, the true meaning of the human existence.

May the knowledge of truth and the wisdom of universal life be the shield for the hearts that aspire to go through the transition of times peacefully. Their spirits will be sustained in the certainty that this life is a school of passage for that which is real and eternal.

Therefore, children, strengthen your inner world. Search for the truth through the knowledge we give you. Serve and be the light upon the table of this world.

Deepen yourselves in your surrender and self-giving to God, and you will see the birth, the awakening, the growth and the multiplication of love within your hearts.

Be what it really is to be a human being, and experience the real purpose of your existence.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Series - Divine Revelations of these times

From the humble cave of Bethlehem to the Temple of the Circumcision - Part II

After the physical, internal and universal events that took place in the simple cave of Bethlehem, after a few days, Saint Joseph and your Heavenly Mother prepared to present the Child God in the Temple.

This was now the second mystery that would be revealed to men, during that time, concerning what would spiritually signify the coming of the Messiah to the Earth.

At that time, the cave of Bethlehem was permeated and filled with Christic light and within each place that the Child King passed by divine attributes and codes were deposited, not only as teraphims, but also for all those who, in some way or another, participated in and knew about the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem; they received spiritual impulses that would bring them to a transformation of consciousness.

Days after the sacred Child of Israel was born, Saint Joseph had already made the preparations and finished the prayers so that He would also go through, within the Temple, the process of so-called purification.

Saint Joseph arrived in the Temple together with the Most Holy Mary and the Little Child in Her arms but during the process of the circumcision of the Little Child, as the Law of Moses requires, an unexpected fact was revealed through a humble priest called Simon.

This wise and contacted being was one of the many people on Earth that waited for the coming of the Messiah and for the fulfilling of the prophecies of the Prophets.

In this instance of the Presentation of the Little Child in the Temple and after the circumcision, Simon, inspired by the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit, shared and announced a prophecy to the Mother of God, telling Her that a sword of pain would pierce Her Heart. And, immediately, He recited one of the prophecies about the advent of Christ on Earth.

The Temple of the Circumcision was the place that not only determined the complete consecration of the Child King to the Plan of God but where the spiritual sacrifice that His Heavenly Mother would live by offering the Little Child as spiritual reparation and atonement for all the errors committed in humanity.

It was from that moment, of Jesus being in the Temple, that the fall of the evil empire, which in that time subjected and punished the Earth, oppressing the continuity of the sacred People of Israel, would begin.

The arrival of the Little Jesus to the Temple and the company of Saint Joseph and your Heavenly Mother represented that, at that very same hour, the great divine intervention would develop, the one that would bring to an end the decadence of men and of all the human degeneration, through the presence of Christ on Earth, as well as all the unconditional life that this very Child, later a Man, would give for love for all His brothers and sisters.

The act of purification in the Temple meant the passage to another stage of that perfect but silent Plan, that God Himself was carrying forward through His Beloved Son.

It was through the presentation of the Child King in the Temple that the angelic and archangelic intervention began to directly occur within all of the souls of humanity, of that time, since it was necessary for all of humankind to move away from its process of self-destruction and its ambitious power.

For that reason, since the time that Jesus had incarnated on Earth, the angelic and archangelic beings, at the request of the Mother of God, made use of the highest spiritual instruments and the purest Immaterial Rays so that the spirits on Earth may live the first steps of redemption.

In order for all of this to be possible, the Child King, still being a newborn, applied certain divine Laws that modified the spiritual condition of the Earth, but that, at the same time, opened the portals of contact and spiritual communication among the Greater Source and the inner worlds, places where the essences are.

All of the universal movements carried out, by the presence of the Sacred Family and the angelic intervention, stopped the advance of the evil powers over human consciousness, which was more primitive in that time.

All of these contrary currents, as a punishment, had to present the entire victory that was generated from the Birth of Jesus until the Death and Resurrection of Christ.

In this way, the planet and humanity were converted and redeemed by the potent voltage of Love-Wisdom.

The alliance that was achieved between Heaven and Earth defeated and overcame the projects of the adversary. But now, in this current time, and before the second Coming of Christ, humanity is in a moment so similar to that of the Birth of Jesus, a moment in which each human being will have the Grace of overcoming in love and of surpassing and transcending indifference so that Christ may triumph again in all hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Series – Divine Revelations of these times

In the Humble Cave of Bethlehem - Part I

And it was through the powerful Light of the Star of Bethlehem that your Mother and Lady, in the humble Company of Her Spouse, Saint Joseph, after having sought a simple place for the Birth of the Child King, We accepted a gift from God, which We did not expect but, at the same time, We perceived it as a visible sign during the Birth of the Child God.

It was the supreme decision that the Living God, made man and consciousness, wanted to be born in a humble manger within the caves near the village of Bethlehem.

This was so the Sacred Family, through the inner guidance of Archangel Saint Gabriel, could settle and prepare for the expected Birth of Who, throughout the times and generations, would free humankind from a possible self-destruction and a total loss of attributes and the Commandments that, as a people, in that time, united them to God.

It was for that reason that the Birth of the Messiah, the King of Israel and of the entire Earth, was prophesized and announced by the wisest contact-beings who understood, on an internal level, the cosmic vision of the local space of this Universe and, through angelic intercession, deciphered the estimated day and hour of the arrival and Birth of the Child Jesus in Bethlehem, even without previously knowing the Sacred Family.

My Husband, Saint Joseph, touched and internalized by the Birth of Christ, and by the fulfillment of the Sacred Prophecies, testified that all of His great effort and striving for the preparation of the arrival of the Little Child would be small.

Behind the Birth of Jesus, the Most Holy Mary, your Divine Mother, already knew, from the thirteen annunciations of Archangel Gabriel, that the arrival of the Child King would mean a most important Celestial, Divine and Cosmic intervention, a situation that would change and transcend all past human errors, from Eden, with Adam and Eve, up until the end of times, until the fulfillment of His second return to humanity.

This intervention, which took place in the humble and simple scenery of the cave of Bethlehem, represented the restoration of the Alliance that had been lost between humanity and God; but it also meant the re-establishment of the codes of Love-Wisdom which, from the spiritual plane, would help the material plane of the entire human race.

The first Source of Creation, which arises in the immaterial plane, lived a process of materialization of its forms and matrixes in order to contribute to the Birth of Jesus on Earth.

This movement of very high vibratory-spiritual science also meant a strong movement of cosmic and solar currents, of emanations and divine impulses which assisted so that, through the Birth of Christ, not only one of the Divine Aspects of the Trinity could descend onto the Earth, but also a state of contact between all beings who, at that time of the Birth of Christ, had total confidence about the arrival of their savior. 

For this reason, the annunciation of the angels to the shepherds and the wise interpretation and attunement of the Kings of the East generated, in all of the spiritual consciousness of the planet, the possibility of placing the Earth, once again, in a rescuable disposition.

When Jesus was born in the manger of Bethlehem many other spiritual, internal and even physical events occurred, since the descent of the immaterial energy of God embraced and encompassed many planetary events.

All of those who, with sincerity and devotion, remember the Birth of Christ, year after year, re-enter into the same cosmic and divine currents from which, more than two thousand years ago, the process of rescue and redemption of humanity was originated.

To celebrate the Birth of Christ every year is not living the past or returning to a true story, but rather it means to return to the Origin of the Origin, not only as a  planet, but also as a being, through the Birth of Christ, in order to have access to a state of spiritual atonement and to be able to regain the purpose that brought each being to the Earth, in spite of all the mistakes lived.

It is this impulse that until today enables the continuity, on the planet, of the existence of Christic beings who will generate, step by step, the fulfillment of the Plan.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The twelve songs composed and intuitively elaborated by José Trigueirinho, during the course of his thirty years of instruction, of learning and of service to the Plan of God, reflect the aspiration, the hope and the call to the manifestation of the spiritual attributes which, during his first phase as an instrument of the Hierarchy, he yearned to concretize, in this humanity, just as other spiritual and philosophic instructors that have come to the Earth to fulfill a Greater Will.

By means of these twelve songs, José Trigueirinho achieved to transmit one of the seventy seven Wills of God manifested in twelve Principles, which were literally expressed as inner messages coming from his soul. These messages reflected the aspiration of the Divine Hierarchy for the concretion of the first attributes, which would impel the awakening of the consciousness of the New Humanity.

Another main accomplishment carried forward throughout the years by José Trigueirnho, the instrument of God, was the manifestation of the Choirs-of-Light, one of the streams of the Divines Will, in this case the main stream, which would help in the descending of more and more attributes to the consciousness of humanity.

In this sense, the first choirs, which had officially formed based on the experience and the living of the collective work, by means of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, accepted to develop, little by little, the expression of the attributes that José Trigueirinho had once heard in his soul and had written on paper, as inner statements, which transmitted a message and a higher call to the Hierarchy.

This legacy, which impelled, after thirty years, the expression of the Communities-of-Light, the awakening of the groups of service, of prayer, of instruction and of healing; is renewed today for all consciousnesses, demonstrating to each one of them that the twelve main songs once written by the instrument of God were prophetic symbolic messages which were revealing, on many levels of consciousness, what would happen during the first thirty years of a Work based on love and on faith in the Hierarchy.

Therefore, today your Master and Lord asks all of the founding pioneers and the servers of the last years to offer, for the next September 25, 2018, as a closing tribute, four songs, which will be recorded only with voices, and which later, at the end of the first part of the homage that will be made to José Trigueirinho, will be transmitted worldwide, so that everyone may perceive and become aware that the prophecies have already been fulfilled.

This special ceremony of transmission will be programmed for 8:00 p.m.

May this impulse, which will gather pilgrim hearts of the Work of the Hierarchy, reignite the commitment of serving, and of loving the Plan of God, more and more each day, just as José Trigueirinho, the instrument of God, selflessly loved.

I thank you for keeping these impulses in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Apparition of the Glorified Jesus Christ during the Sacred Week, day 4, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

You will see a great sign in the sky: a Woman clothed with the Sun, crowned with twelve stars, with a Moon at Her feet, announcing the next coming of your Redeemer.

On Her right, you will see the prophet John the Baptist resume proclaiming the Word of God for the thousand years of peace to be fulfilled in the whole sphere of the Earth and in this local universe.

Afterward, you will see coming among the clouds, with a great crash of light, your Lord and Master, the Redeemer, surrounded by many legions of angels that will proclaim with their trumpets the awakening of the New Humanity.

But before this happens, the Eternal Father will come, through His Beloved Son, with all His Might, with all His Science, and with all His Wisdom He will make His small Heart shine, because the Heart that He will cause to shine, will be stronger than five million suns.

You will see the Divinity of the Father in His most beloved Son and in His beloved Lady, followed by Saint Gabriel the Archangel and by Saint Michael the Archangel, who will place His sword in the center of this world, in direction to the Earth and will signal to the tribes where they should congregate to be able to hear again, in consciousness and awakening, the Word of your Lord God Almighty through His beloved Son, the Redeemer.

Then the Judgement will come, the Universal Judgement, in which the souls will be judged according to the merits reached in their earthly life and, by all the sacrifices offered to God, many of these souls that live today on the planet this experience of love and forgiveness, will become blessed and simple, so similar to God that this sensation and this sentiment will be recognized by all the universes and beyond them.

After that, you will see the judgment of Lucifer, which will be made by the Holy Archangel Gabriel, gathering all the Lords of the Universal Judgement, he will experience the judgment in the face of the world and humanity.

And the Father, with all the power of His Mercy and Love, through Saint Michael the Archangel will make His Throne descend and will give to Saint Michael the Archangel, in one of His hands, the Scepter of Light of His Power, that will be used to defeat evil forever.

You will then see the Holy Lady of God calling Her children who are in the desert so that they can find peace again. In them, an unknown light will shine which will be handed by the Holy Father through the hands of the Archangel Raphael. This Light, that will be poured out as a rain of Graces, will be so potent and infinite that it will be seen from the universe. 

With all the strength of Love from the Father, you will see the new redeemed shining in those creatures, great mirrors of light that will give the signal, at that moment, that the last cycle of humanity is being completed.

Do not worry about the interferences, God allows them for the world to know and, above all the darkness, that the last hour is approaching to surrender oneself before the Power of the Almighty, as it was in the victory of Christ on the Cross. If I Am your Lord and King, you have nothing to fear.

I give you the prophecies for you to listen to them and do not place them in your minds but in your hearts. Let My Word sprout like a new source in your beings. And thus, as time goes by, you will be able to understand My Mysteries that are still unknown to humanity. Therefore, today I have brought here My Divine Mother and Holy Lady, and My beloved cousin John the Baptist. They represent for you the sign of a new announcement that comes, together with your King, to be proclaimed in humanity.

The prophecies do not exist to be understood, but to be humbly accepted because in this way the souls understand the Kingdom of God and His next Project for humanity. Protect these teachings so that, when you leave this Sacred Week, they do not vanish from your memories when you face evil again, that which must still be defeated in this final battle.

After the children of the Divine Lady are removed from the desert, having ignited the mirror of love and the inner sun within themselves, the beloved Son will descend to Earth, accompanied by the Archangels who will bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant between Their hands. Thus, the planet will be renewed and the spiritual and christic impulses will be experienced.

The chaff will be separated from the wheat and the souls will be like flowers, like redeemed flowers, in My celestial Garden, that I will cultivate on this planet and on the continents, with My own Hands.

You will then see your loyal Gardener sow the New Earth with new laws and principles. The angels and archangels will help the tribes of Israel, which are scattered today throughout the whole world for them to be able to congregate in a new ceremony, in the new Communion of Peace, that will be established and instituted after the Final Judgment.

The unfaithful father, the fallen angel, will be removed from the planet. With great solemnity and reverence, the most resplendent angels will prostrate their faces on the ground to ask for the Mercy of God and for the universal, cosmic, inner, soul, and spiritual atonement for all sins, for all outrages and evils committed.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: 
Our Lord is asking the choir to play "Así habló el Maestro".

When the time comes to expel Lucifer from the world, all his fallen troops will be placed in beautiful diamonds of light that the angels will elevate, with their chant and praise, to universes very similar to this one.

The living Eye of God, at that definite time, will be looking and contemplating humanity, while the tribes will gather around the Divine Lady and Glorious Mother. They will prepare themselves to receive their Master and King, in His Return to the world. Unknown lights will be ignited upon the planet, which will be seen in the East and in the West.

The ancient patriarchs of the desert and the prophets will reappear in humanity as living and resplendent beings. All the ancient councils of this humanity will follow the path of their Glorious King and with a serene and patient gaze, fixed on the horizon, they will see the Lord arriving among the clouds. They will hear within the Word and the Call of Adonai.

All will be attentive at that moment because the planet will be in a great universal movement. It will be the set and definite time in which the real-time, that time awaited by all the legions on Earth, by all the peoples of the desert, and by all the beings of goodwill, will enter into the planetary consciousness. A new sign will be given in the universe: a star brighter than the Sun, in the essence of the Holy Spirit, will shine in the firmament, very close to the Southern Cross.

The consistent will thus hear, first within themselves, the words about the return of their King. All will open their inner ears and thus will be able to recognize, in their interior, that the awaited hour is arriving.

Those indicated by the Holy Mother of God will feel bliss and unexplainable joy. After having ignited the mirror of their hearts, they will be in absolute and definite unity with the King. In this way, a profound communion will take place with the New Humanity.

The King, in the company of sages and prophets, will show the world the Tablets of the new Law, those Laws that will repopulate the new planet. All will pay attention to the new Commandments that will have as their fundamental basis to love God above all things and also love their fellow beings.

The Holy Trinity will descend. Finally, after so many mistakes and duties, the souls, in total plenitude and trust, will be in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The last trumpet, which by indication of the Archangel Gabriel will sound in the spiritual plane of the consciousnesses, will bring a new consciousness to humanity and many will recognize their sins, their actions and indifferences, and especially, the injustices committed to the sacred Kingdoms of Nature.

Out of nowhere, the souls will hear the essence of the Kingdoms. The soul group of each Kingdom will speak for itself. And this communication, that has never been able to occur between human beings and the Kingdoms, will be granted by God Himself. At the moment this happens, the New Humanity will become conscious of all the suffering caused throughout the times and centuries.

At that moment, the doors of the most sacred places will open. That which was before invisible and hidden will become visible and material to all. Nobody will believe what they will see, and this new humanity will become conscious of who has really accompanied the world from the beginning of this Human Project. They will have on their chests, written as letters of fire, the legends of the greatest sages that have accompanied humanity throughout the times and who have made it possible for this humanity, the current humanity, not to self-destruct yet.

The souls that have been congregated by the Mother of the World and by the Love of the Divine Lady will prostrate on the ground, will place their hands on their faces, and will cry because the world and the old civilization did not become aware of this, of the presence of the greatest sages in the innermost places of the Earth.

In the desert of Mongolia, a voice that has been very silent throughout the times will be proclaimed. An ancient and great Patriarch will show himself to Humanity and in his warmest and most expressive love, will show the consistent souls a divine and sacred legacy, well kept in the hearts of gold, because the souls will see the heart of that great sage shining like gold, and thus they will understand that a sacred knowledge, kept in the inner worlds, will be given as a key to those who will repopulate the Earth.

During the thousand years of peace, it will not be necessary to suffer, because in truth I tell you the New Humanity will finally have learned that it was not necessary to follow along this path and be distant from the Love of God.

At that time, the holy Divinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will be present in humanity. The Son of God will visit the Earth many times, and at that time many will know His true Aspect. They will not only see the Nazarene, but the Son of God Glorified in His most simple humility and Mercy. The hearts will feel at that moment the greatness of the Love of God and His infinite Pity.

In these times to come, everything will be more peaceful. No nation will oppose itself to another nation. The humanities will not be against the Laws of God nor the principles that lead the universes. Thus, the promised Earth will arrive, will come out alive from the Scriptures, and will be materialized on this planet, in the new congregated for peace.

And when the most sacred places are opened, as doors of light and great consciousness, to the eyes of all who deserve this, the Son of God, brighter than the sun and hundreds of stars, will be in Communion with His new people. The faults committed in the past will be erased. There will be a gap in time and space of the whole history of humanity, from the beginning of Adam to the birth of Christ, and afterward from the Ascension of Christ to the present. These times will be extirpated and this memory of your Master and Lord, in Israel, will prevail in the memory of the most humble. 

When the Holy Communion of the New Covenant between the consistent ones and Our God the Father is given, the essence of the Divine Trinity will be merged in each consciousness and all will rejoice, great joy will fill them, rejoicing, bliss, and glory will last a thousand years.

And finally, after that Holy Communion and the new covenant with the Glorified King, the Shepherd of multitudes and all races, will have all people, all nations and all languages understand themselves as they have never before understood because they will finally live in love.

The most dangerous weapons will be removed from the world. There will not be any weapon more potent than the one that God has through His Heart, which is the power of His Love.

The Earth will be free of many things in the days of the Final Judgment. The Earth will not tremble anymore, the seas will not be agitated when the Son of God comes among the clouds, lighting the entire universe upon the sleeping humanity.

I come today to give continuity to the prophecy that I once announced in the Temple. Joyful are those who believe in what I say, because times will go by, but My Words will flourish in the simple hearts. So be it.

Divine Hierarchy, of Angels and Archangels,
we open the door to you, let the Light in.
In the name of humanity,
we now invoke Your cosmic intervention. Amen.
(in Portuguese, three times)

Listen to the Voice of the Master with love, for the new codes that are being sown to enter into the consciousnesses of all, and within six months of your time, you will not recognize yourselves.

Today God wants the Son of God to be once more the Higher Priest for all the creatures on Earth and for all His followers.

May the souls be anointed by the sacred spirit of Healing, so that the Designs of God may be fulfilled in it. Amen.

Today I am pouring out the Rays of My Grace upon all the elements exhibited here so that My Grace is multiplied in all humanity. And now, not only you receive My Mercy but all races and cultures on Earth, which I am going to meet with, in a short time.

It is through the mystery of the Communion, of every bread and wine offered at My Altar, that I multiply, at this time, all the Rays of My Grace for them to reach all cultures of the world and for My Voice to be heard on all continents and languages. Remember that I still have this aspiration. Do not delay yourselves, because many souls agonize without being able to meet with the Lord again and not even being able to understand Him in their own languages.

My Message of Peace in this Sacred Week is extended throughout the whole world and, above all, on all those regions of the planet that do not live in peace but only in war and destruction.

Today I have gathered the priests and adorers because My Priests represent My disciples and the Adorers represent the peoples of God, those who listen to the Living Word that comes from the Heart of their Master.

Through these elements, companions, I am confirming that this is My Body, and this is My Blood and that My Word, the Word of God, will also reach the farthest places of the world, through the work and action of your beings in this Plan, united to your Redeemer.

Europe will have to reopen the doors for the Sacred Hearts to reach Asia and Oceania in the next cycle.

Today My Heart shows you the ardent desire to visit Japan, Thailand, South Korea, and Australia, where My Message will multiply itself for the world and for all souls that are there.

Raise your offer to God.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

Our Father (in Portuguese and Spanish)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is asking that a brother who speaks English comes here to pray Our Father in English, please, to complete this consecration.

Our Father (in English)

Be in peace, My son, My Grace is upon you. I thank you.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, dear companions, for having been with me today in this sacred proclamation of the divine Prophecy of God.

I thank you.


I come this evening to celebrate Communion with you, under the powerful spirit of My Father, who gathers you in this fraternity so that My Plan, which is the Plan of My Father, may be fulfilled in this humanity and on this planet, in such need of love and mercy.

As you have said, companions, I open My Arms towards you, to give you My Peace and deliver My Heart to you, as a symbol of Redemption for your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of all your brothers and sisters.

With all the angels that are with Me today, I come to bring you  good news, because the arrival of the Mother of God to Mexico and Central America was fulfilled in this third stage.

I want to tell you, companions, that the sacred task of the Messengers of God who come today to your encounter, is being fulfilled as God wrote it in His Golden Book of His Celestial Kingdom.

Each event experienced is being written by the Eternal Father Himself, so that the destiny of this planet may be able to change in time and many souls may be saved, by just awakening to My Glorified Heart, which is the living Heart of God, that can be present in each one of you, just as you have done in this prayer that you have proclaimed to My Merciful Heart.

It is a joy to be on this earth after two thousand and sixteen years. But in truth I tell you, companions, that My Heart, in the depth of It's silence, knew that this humanity existed here.

That's why, at that time, I asked the Mother of God for a special Grace for you: To leave stamped in this nation Her Celestial Presence, so that all the nations of the world would know her and would have total knowledge of the Divine Science stamped on the cloak.

Therefore, companions, with all the stars from Heaven and the Divine Consciousnesses that today are congregated in this place to pour out the Mercy of God by means of the offer of My Glorified Heart, I tell you once again, companions, that peace is possible in this time.

You should not fear what you will live. The humanity on the surface must redeem itself. It must reach the transformation of its consciousness, so that the new codes that will come from the Celestial Universe through each prayer exercised, may be present in this last phase of humanity.

Today My heart beats for Mexico, for each one of the creatures of God that today must reach the Light that My Merciful Heart offers them.

Receive from My Hands the Rays of the Mercy of God, which today I come to deposit upon this beloved nation, very protected and cared for by My Heavenly Mother.

Dear companions, I invite you on this evening, in the simplicity of the heart and soul, to be the apostles of My Love in this last planetary cycle, in which it will be necessary for decided souls to live and feel Me. Because it is through their souls and hearts that I will be able to retransmit the celestial gifts, to all the creatures who need it most.

I also come today, on this day, to alleviate the suffering that was generated in this nation from the beginning of the colonization until the present.

Therefore, I have opened the doors of the Universe, the fourteen main ones, so that the pain could be liberated, in obedience to My Celestial Father and to the service of all the angels, for the hosts of the Archangel Saint Michael who have come to remove the suffering of the spirit from the consciousness of many beings.

It is at this time, companions, where I invite you to vivify Me through the Communion that today I will consecrate for you.

Because I Am the same Jesus of Nazareth, who comes to find you so that you remember your commitment with Me, the commitment to be My ambassadors of Peace in this crucial time of humanity.

I come to deposit in you something that will flourish in the future. That is why you must persevere, even more, so that those who are on My path, because at the end of the goal is eternity,  which is where I want to take you after having served Me in this humanity and for this planet, which agonizes so much due to the ignorance of this race.

It is thus that I come to open the eyes of your hearts and to expand the consciousness of your souls so that you may be in Me.

It is a victory that Our Sacred Hearts, that of the most Blessed Mary, of Saint Joseph and My own Living Heart, are descending upon this nation.

I come to bring you the codes of Rehabilitation, something that for many is a mystery, but that forms part of the Divine Science.

These codes descend through your spirits and ultimately will materialize in your own lives by means of transformation and of redemption.

So, companions, I come to heal the great wound of the indigenous consciousness and to recover the purity that it reached when this whole Mexican people, its original people, lived in the happiness of God and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Thus I come to make a cut in time and space. I come to reconnect you with the truth that you are, with that which you reached through the generations, by way of the living devotion that emerges from your hearts with My Heart, which today receives this gratitude from each one of your souls.

This is what encourages me to continue coming to the world for all those lost souls, who day after day are immersed in the hells of humanity. I want to reach each one of them through you.

Open the doors of your hearts for me as you did today, so that I to may indicate the path and the service you must fulfill for My Heart.

It is thus that I come to sow seeds of Light in this suffering time of humanity.

And while I am with you, companions, I am with the nations of the world, mainly with America, that should not lose the opportunity to be the cradle of the new humanity.

Do not fear what human beings of the surface do. Remember in humility, that God has the power and that it is He who allows things, including the presence of My adversary in humanity; the hearts that live Me will not tremble.

I am that Source who renews all things each time that you commune with Me in love and gratitude. It is this love and gratitude of all the souls that follow Me, of all the nations of America and of the world, that has allowed Me to come here, to Mexico.

It is through My servants of peace, of each praying group, of each serving soul, that allows Me to come here, because this generates, not only for Mexico but also for the world, an inexplicable atonement, that today is poured upon this place.

You called Me once and today I am here among you to give you My Peace, My Consolation and My Grace, something that is lived profoundly in the spirit of each being.

I come to give you rest, pacification of the consciousness and the elevation of the spirit towards the Great Portal of God, through My Living Heart.

I want you to feel at this time the opportunity to love Me as I love you, beyond imperfection and error.

See around you in the eyes of your brothers and sisters the brightness of My Spirit, for the souls that have redeemed themselves by just saying "yes." And so it is that I am here to bless you.

Let us pray to the Father so that  Mexico does not lose its peace and is not conquered by the ideas of tenebrous human beings.

It is thus that My Divine Mercy first comes to prevent chaos and to establish peace in all hearts that open themselves to receive My Light and My Love. This will prevent the imbalance of the planet.

I invite you to live the changes in peace. Trust in what we tell you and never deviate from My path.

I invite you to feel things with love, for then you will be in Truth and your hearts will also be alive, alive in the Source of God by means of His glory. And His Glory will be with you and with your brothers and sisters, and My Kingdom will approach, more each time, so that I may to be able to return soon and put an end to many things.

I want you to be happy for being with Me and that you offer each small sacrifice for humanity, so that many more than you, can benefit through My last atonement, which will prepare a part of humanity for My second coming, fulfilling, thus, the prophecies of John.

We know that this moment is approaching unexpectedly. Do not forget to be vigilant. Distance yourselves from distraction and you will not lose wisdom. The times demand concentration and vigilance, so that everyone may be sheltered in My Spirit, and in spite of what happens, may know what to do and where to be.

When everything happens do not be afraid nor think of what will happen. Live in Me and you will be able to be in the eternal present and thus you will act according to the Will of God, which is simple and loving.

Now I want to see on your faces a smile for meeting me again and persisting, because in persistence is found the triumph of the Plan of Love in each one of the souls.

Let us celebrate this Communion in union with all the brothers and sisters of the planet, with all the praying people and mirrors that reflect the Love of My Heart to the world.

Smile, smile to God. He too must be consoled by His children, thus He will shed upon you the Source of His Providence and all His Grace, and many more souls will be touched by this impulse of Light.

Now adore My Heart by singing "I came to adore You."

And as two thousand years ago, once more I repeat:

Blessed are the merciful because they will attain Mercy.

Blessed are the meek of heart, because they will inherit the promised land.

Blessed are the humble of heart, because they will always find peace.

Blessed are the simple of spirit, because they will always see God.

Blessed are those who live Me, because they will always find Me.

Blessed are those who adore Me in the most Holy Sacrament, because I will wait for them in the Kingdom of God to take them with Me to Eternity.

I thank  you for having received Me, for having listened to Me and for having felt Me for only one minute, for having praised Me, for having honored Me, because everything will not come for Me but for the Creator, who is the One who loves you from the beginning to the end. From the smallest of you to the largest one, He loves everything, because in His Love is the peace and His blessing.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May peace be in you and be peace for the world.

Continue singing.


Dear children,

For the world to take a step towards the Kingdom of God and get out of the situation which it experiences, the hearts that dwell in it must decide to surrender definitively to the Creator.

For the victory of the Divine Light to be a reality in this world, the human hearts must raise to Heaven a plea for Mercy and be consistent with their aspirations.

My dear ones, there is already enough lamentation in this world. Many are already resigned to the suffering which they experience, and many others surrender to the darkness without realizing it and do not find the strength to open their eyes.

I come to the world in search of souls who accept to experience the awakening, souls who no longer want to live sustained by darkness but who ardently wish to open the doors and windows of their lives for the Divine Light to enter.

Today I come to ask you to no longer live the comforts that this world offers you, but to embrace sacrifice, the permanent effort to enter as humanity into the Kingdom of God.

My beloveds, if you could see the world as I see it, you would definitely understand that these are times of emergency and you would be eager to get out of where you are and become sacred instruments of God, faithful soldiers of His army of Peace.

Dear children, do not lament over the events of the world, do not cry for your own pains or the pains of others, but rise from where you are, transformed by the Grace of My Presence, and act! Live to transform these evil events because, just as everything that happens in the world is a consequence of human actions, the reversal of these facts is also the responsibility of humanity.

I have often pronounced secrets to the hearts of My children that may one day come true, prophecies that speak of the Justice of God approaching the world, and I do not say this to cause fear in your hearts; I do not want to threaten you, I want to awaken you and make you aware of what is happening in this world that your eyes cannot see or that your hearts do not allow you to feel the seriousness of these times.

I speak to all who listen to Me because each one, to a different degree, must awaken to the reality of this life. I need soldiers more and more aware of the purpose to be manifested. Awaken! Awaken every day a little more!

My dear ones, if every day you offered a small sacrifice to the Creator, a small effort on behalf of the awakening of humanity, you would collaborate so that the suffering of this world could be alleviated.

Meditate on My Words, they never reach the world in vain. Each phrase that I pronounce holds in itself a greater purpose. He who knows how to listen will be able to receive everything that God delivers to the world, through His Messengers.

Be strong and determined, humble and servant. Be tireless, just as those who descend from the Heavens to rescue humanity.

These are times of urgency, these are times of definitive awakening.

I love you and thank you for responding to My call today, even if you do not know it.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace, the bearer of the awakening of this humanity

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Mother has requested of us that She be among Her children and we will go where She indicates at this moment.

Our Divine Mother says She is with all Her Spiritual Consciousness manifested, at this moment, over Aurora.

At this moment She is closing a cycle. She has asked us to be alert to the signs of Heaven, after the coming hours.

She wants to carry out a massive spiritual healing on those who open to it. This is a state of Grace She achieved through everybody's prayers.

She manifests as the Mother of the Sun, of the Universe and of the Earth. Thus, through Her Golden Presence, She manifests the Power of God.

She said She is the Woman Clothed in the Sun and on Her breast, the Most Sacred Immaculate Heart appeared. Under Her, the world appeared, which She stepped on with Her feet. She had a scepter in Her right Hand and is crowned by the angels as Solar Queen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, I manifest to you, dear children, so that after seven years, you may understand My Prophecies.

Let us go to meet My children.


Song: Ave María (in Latin).


My dear children, by the Blessed Fruit I brought to the Earth, I was able to pour out the Peace of God, and through this Blessed Fruit, I brought Grace to humanity.

Through My paths, dear children, I have opened the doors of redemption for all, and many courageously heard My call. My Voice reverberated in the heart of all beings and My Mercy was radiated to all beings of the Earth.

I Am the Queen Who comes from the Sun and I illuminate the stars and hearts of all My children so they are able to follow the steps being pointed out on the horizon.

My Works will be done through all My children.

In these last seven years, My beloveds, I brought the Presence of God to your essences. Many souls were able to be reconciled with God, and thus, I was able to give you a lifeline.

I prayed a lot for you throughout these years, and in the eternal present, I will continue to do so for all of humanity.

Many more hearts must awaken to My call; for this reason, the time has come for you to be testimonials, that your lives reflect the Light of My Immaculate Heart so that many more souls can awaken and thus, healing can be established in simple hearts.

On this day, I gather you all together, in this Sacred Kingdom. The doors of Heaven and Earth open and you are in the middle of this inner communion, in this fusion with the Spirit of God and with all the servers of the Plan of Love.

Thus, dear children, let you hearts not stop beating. In these years, I have sown the Flame of the Holy Spirit in your lives. It is time for love to blossom in your hearts, that pure love which God sowed in your lives and gave you the supreme opportunity of being able to experience redemption through the Presence of My Son.

I gather you all together in My Immaculate Heart. My Solar Essence expressed to creatures and all spirits of goodwill are summoned so that, as flocks of Christ taught and trained by spiritual instructions of the Divine Hierarchies, all are able to prepare the Return of Christ.

Let your hearts no longer be discouraged, but rather, open the door to be able to find the inner universe, which dwells within each being.

No longer seek things outside of yourselves. Through the prayer of the heart and a supreme intonation to God, find your own inner universe; in this way, you will be able to come to know your galaxies, your stars and suns in communion with the Soul and the Spirit of God.

I prepare the way for the Return of Christ, but My hands have need of laboring hands that can join with Mine, in charity and love; in this way, together and inseparable, we will be able to unite Heaven with the Earth in a time of chaos.

Dear children, suffering will end in the world. I know, with My merciful eyes and mainly with My Immaculate Heart, the sufferings that many brothers and sisters cause other siblings. Disunity will end.

I come to announce the Good News of the Return of Christ. Thus, as He was born of My maternal womb, in My womb, in My supreme and blessed womb, I gestate all redeemed essences; which are all of your hearts and souls that will be born in the new time to fulfill the promise of Christ of being the new redeemed, apostles of love and of redemption who said 'yes' to My maternal call.

Today, I come barefoot to meet with you so you may see My humility and simplicity. My Crown is your crown, My Power is your power, but not as you know it.

Dear children, true power is born from love and unity, something that many have not known throughout the ages because of wanting to do their own inner will. But I invite you, in the last cycle, to experience a divestment of self, so your wounds may close and no sign of suffering remain in your cells.

Do not fear to live what God gives you, be brave and persevering on the path of transformation.

I Am your Mediator and Peace-keeper; as Mother of all of humanity and of the universe, I accompany all creatures that take steps toward the Lord.

My dears, what is most important is that you not forget to live the Laws of the universe. Your hearts must be transmitters of these Greater Laws.

Go deeper into living the Law of Charity, the Law of Mercy, the Law of Redemption and of Purification; thus, you will be able to be austere, simple and true, and from your hearts will be born the spring from which many need to drink, because your spirits will be nurtured by Christ.

With all of the universe over My Presence, the stars carefully greet you. Open your eyes to the spiritual life. Fuse your essences with God the Father, no longer offend Him, the world has made Him be offended. He does not want to pour out His Justice over you, because through My Infinite Pious Mercy, I want to lead you on the correct paths.

Remember the Commandments, live the Commandments. Be the living expression of My Marian Message; in this way, you will avoid My Words remaining on paper, and so they may be a divine fire in your hearts, impulses to transformation, truth, love and Mercy.

Dear children, today I present Myself to you as the Mother clothed in the Sun. Feel My Immaculate Heart, I am here with you because through you and all of humanity who respond to the Call of God, My Heart will triumph.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Let all souls once touched by My Heart come to Me. Come to Me, come, because today I open the Doors of this Kingdom to you so you may receive healing and liberation.

Let all spirits come to Me, who once lost the way, but were able to find Me so as to experience a Reconciliation with God. Come to Me, because today I am opening the doors of Heaven so you may once again unite with what is sacred, with the divine, with the aspects of your beings that represent higher life.

Let all the spirits who at this time stop My children from uniting with the Sacred be expelled. Let all the spirits who do not respond to Divine Will be expelled, because at this hour of Mercy, I allow the majestic Light of My Kingdom, the Divinity of Christ, to descend to the world, which enters each of your cells, each of your atoms, igniting the consciousnesses of those of My children who accepted responding to My call.

In this hour, receive the healing and liberation which your souls have so long awaited so as to become true missionaries, followers of Christ, proclaimers of Divine Truth. Come to Me all the souls who have distanced themselves from My heart, who allowed all the impulses I once gave you to be lost.

My children, My Voice echoes beyond this place, enters into other Kingdoms that are far from this one to summon all the souls that once were in My Presence, because in My Maternal Consciousness, I gather together all the aspects that I once presented to the world.

At this moment, I bring each of your lives, in this place, all the codes of My Consciousness, which I once brought to the world to awaken you and give you the impulse to set aside the old life, the old human that up until today degrades the planet.

My children, I come to renew your consciousnesses, to free you from all the evils that sicken your spirits and imprison your souls in a deep darkness.

My children, if in this time of profound Mercy, you lift up the cry of your hearts to the Heavens, the 'yes' of your beings, so you may be freed and forgiven of the whole past, I tell you that this Grace will descend over the world, freeing the ties of your consciousnesses, and through you, freeing many other creatures of this world.

At this time, I bring it to all the nations where My Feet have trodden, to all My children who were in the Presence of My Heart in the whole history of humanity, so that, through this act, all hearts are reignited, and those that lost the impulses I gave them can re-engage with the point where their souls remained.

My children, incomprehensible to your little consciousnesses is this great universal moment, in which all the beings of the Universe, all the blessed and the saints, all those consciousnesses that guide many spirits that move toward evolution in the Celestial Kingdom, today revere My Presence, and for an instant, stop to contemplate Me in this world, drawing redemption toward very ancient souls that are crying out in this time to find a new path, to enter into the new future promised to humanity so long ago.

My children, although it may be incomprehensible to your hearts, I want you to walk by My side, even without understanding on which path I make you walk. I guide your steps, even without your understanding on which path I lead your steps.

Today, to your beings, in this merciful hour, I bring the truth of your spirits, which is very far from this matter, but which cried out in the Kingdom of the Heavens for an opportunity to unite again, so as to feel whole in Christ, in this new cycle being offered to you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I bless the blessed fruits of the Plant Kingdom. Let us revere this sacred Kingdom for forming part of the Divine Creation of God, of Universal Thought, of the Infinite Creation of all things that exist in this world, on this planet, in the heart of humanity.

I bless all the Children of Mary, who took the steps toward My Heart. Today, I consecrate you and bless you. And all of you, My dear children, in the name of all those who are not here, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary" to please My Maternal Heart. My Ray is over you from Eternity.


Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, here are the oranges from our Lady's tree, which are harvested every year on August 8, and which our Mother blesses so that each one may take an orange.

And we're going to ask the brother and sister to present us with some comments.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At first, we were faced with a mysterious Apparition, which the Divine Mother Herself gradually revealed to us.

In the moments before the Apparition, while we were praying the Hail Mary, She gradually descended from the universe with great forcefulness and power; and the angels supported Her Mantle, which was open, and above Our Lady, Christ was crowning Her and God was giving Her a Scepter.

She was descending in this way, with that manifestation. As the moment approached when Our Lady was coming closer, to this place of Aurora, many Celestial Consciousnesses assembled during the Apparition. Somewhat inexplicable situations could be seen; it seemed like a great meeting was taking place in Heaven, and that meeting and all that energy were descending with great force over us, and our Lady was the center that channeled these celestial energies to us.

When She arrived, She remained in silence for a long time, contemplating all of humanity. From a great Heaven that was open behind Her, many celestial beings were accompanying Her, as well as blessed ones and saints. There were many, both in Heaven and here on the surface, and all of them were attentive to the movements of Our Mother.

While She was present there, from the very first moment, She manifested ever more strongly and clearly, until the moment when She named Herself as Mother of the Sun.

The vestments of Our Lady were almost palpable and Her gaze was penetrating and deep. There were moments in which it was difficult to look at Her all the time. And She showed details of Her Vestments, Her Attire, as if She held in Her Mantle many universes, which were infinite, profound and unknown.

Until, at the moment of the Apparition, after the long silence of Our Mother, She asked us to loudly ring the bell.

And I asked Her, could the bell fall?

She remained in silence, smiled, and said: "Ring the bell loudly 33 times."

As each toll of the bell rang out, She carried our consciousness to more elevated levels; and it was very intense, because She saw all our debts and difficulties. She saw the different aspects of our beings, through Her Eyes She saw all the good and all that we didn't do well; but in spite of this, through the meeting of those Celestial Consciousnesses and that grand door which was open behind Her, She gradually uplifted us all as a single group.

When She performed that symbolic and spiritual movement, She was also elevating a large part of humanity. And at that moment, She banished and deactivated many energies.

Through that action She was doing with us, when She lifted us up from dimension to dimension, which we counted as 33, all of which we entered through Her.

In this way, She slowly deactivated future events that had been foreseen for humanity, which ranged from wars to disasters. Just Her silent gaze deactivated those things, but all the time, She radiated a lot, a great deal of humility, until She asked us to draw closer to Her children, as She said, and there She continued carrying out an inner task with everybody.

We could perceive that Our Lady was placing touches of Light in some of the brothers and sisters present. In spite of Her being in Heaven, She uplifted, Her Heart transmitted rays of Light toward some brothers and sisters; and those little rays were carrying out a grand work in the spirit of those present.

And it seemed like that would never end; but Our Lady, as She seemed to perceive our inner self, by the degree of the voltage of the energy of Her Presence and of the presences that accompanied Her, She began to gather in Her energies, Her Presence. Even when She was still talking to Sister Lucía de Jesús, She continued to emit inner impulses.

And at a certain moment, at the end of the Apparition, She showed us that over some of the brothers and sisters present there were open books that some angels left with blank pages, erasing them. They were very thick books, full of writing, and they were blanking them out as if with a paintbrush of light, that's what it seemed. It was an indication that Our Mother gave them to the angels.

This is a summary.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Maybe someday we'll be able to understand, right? Perhaps, after another cycle goes by, another seven years, and we are gathered together in the auditorium of Aurora, in the real auditorium, we will be able to remember these moments and understand all the things the Divine Messengers have given us in this time.

Now, we're going to fulfill a request of Our Mother. She asked, just as She asked Her children of Brazil to put music to the prayer "Universal Mother"; She also asked Her children of Argentina for something else.

So, some are going to open and others are going to close this great event. To close this meeting, our brothers and sisters of Argentina are going to make a loving offering to Our Lady; it seems Padre Pio had something to do with it.

Special Message of Mary, Mother and Lady of All Graces, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

As Mother of the Church of My Son, Mother of that sacred spiritual doctrine that Jesus established before His Ascension, today I come to inform you that as your Mother from Heaven, I am gathering together all the soldiers of the entire world, especially those who come from different spiritual paths, in order to fulfill the prophecies of My son, the Apostle Saint John, to be able to unite in one spiritual flock the New Humanity, a humanity of service, a praying and forgiven humanity that in these times, under the intercession of My Grace, must respond to the great Call of the Most High.

Fort this reason, for those who are still asleep, pray! For those who separated themselves from My blessed maternal Heart, pray! For those who suffer physically and morally, pray! For those who do not live in God, pray! Pray for all and for all causes.

I ask you, My dear ones, that today you offer to God the prayer of the Holy Rosary so that My Immaculate Heart may implore before Him. A great moment is approaching for all My children of humanity, a moment that you call purification.

To those children who sustain with Me the banner of peace and of Divine Mercy, I promise you, as your Most Holy Mother from Heaven, that I will be able to change the events, offering God the Father My Heart for all of you.

Dear children, today I do not come to bring you restlessness or concern; today I come to bring you planetary awareness of the things that humanity still does and repeats without paying attention to the gravity of their destiny.

For this reason, strengthen your groups of prayer, strengthen your networks of fraternity, prepare as from now the way for what is to come. No longer waste time on yourselves, but rather, dedicate your time to being united to the Heavens so that, during this cycle, you are within the Kingdom of My eternal Grace.

As I have done in the past, I will do so again in the present; I will step on the evil of the world with My feet and I will liberate with My powers the hearts that simply say 'yes' to Me.

Get into the boat of salvation that My Son is sending you, and with attention, read the signs of the events.

Dear children, before the glorious coming of My Son Jesus, the world must be at another point; for this, to the few flocks that I count on, I will give guidance of where to walk until you are able to reach Heaven and Paradise.

Children, humanity is in need of much help. For this reason, in all the time available to you, offer to God your prayers and your sacrifices, offer the Father your transformation and your inner sorrows; for the world as a whole is drowning and needs to breathe freely and in its nature, as it was in the beginning of Genesis.

Dearly beloved, your planet is part of the great redemptive Project of God; the universe is paying attention to the willingness of the servers who, with love, accept to sustain and support it in the end of times.

Know this and remember this always; I am with you and in you. My Mantle protects those who strive to be in God Almighty.

We are in the time of reparation of the spirit and the soul. We are in the time of liberation and of healing for all consciousnesses.

Let us pray with our heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in Grace and Love,

Mary, Lady of All Graces

Special Apparitions

On that Apparition day, the participants arrived in pilgrimage to the House of Prayer, and then, responding to the request, the group began to pray while waiting for the meeting with the Divine Mother.

After an hour of prayer, the Presence of the Divine Mother was perceived and the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith intoned the song "Celestial Mother."

At 7:33 am, the Mother appeared, and Friar Elías stood up. After a few minutes of contemplating the crown of the tree, he gave us the following account.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the Divine Mother appeared in Heaven, there were three golden brilliant suns over Her, in a perfect triangulation, an equal-sided triangle. In the center of this triangle a golden cross joined with the letter M manifested; the cross was over the M. This symbol began to grow and expand through the area.

After a few seconds, the Divine Mother descended to the crown of the tree, accompanied by the Archangel Michael, who emerged from the triangle formed by the suns, which remained in Heaven. He took Her Left Hand and escorted Her in Her descent.

Now above the orange tree, they released Hands, and in the left hand of the Archangel Michael appeared a silver shield, at the center of the triangle of suns, engraved with the symbol of the letter M and the cross; there were also many small stars around the edge of the shield. In his right hand, Michael carried a lance.

Then, in the presence of the Celestial Mother and the Archangel Michael, some beings appeared who had experienced holiness and who had left great teachings for humanity. At the right of the Divine Mother, for a few instants, Saint Expedito could be seen, who greeted us and then disappeared. Immediately after, Saint Claire and Saint Francis appeared, who also greeted us and then disappeared.

The Divine Mother then asked that I look up and, through that symbol remaining in Heaven, in the middle of the triangle of suns (the letter M with the cross), an aspect of the Consciousness of God manifested. From the symbol emerged a great sphere of Light which positioned itself over the place where we were. I perceived that it came from a very high dimension and had descended toward us to fill us.

That image lasted several minutes, and afterwards, the Divine Mother walked over the three trees that are in front of us, and which also form a triangle, and over each of them She thrust a Christian cross, and then thrust a fourth cross over this ground. It seemed as if, with this act, She was decreeing and proclaiming the presence of the Light over this place.

She then rose up, placed Herself in Heaven over the three orange trees, and with Her Arms and Hands completely open, intensely radiated Her Light.

A few moments later, remaining in Heaven, She showed us She was writing a book. She used a small palm branch to write with and did so in Aramaic.

Then the image changed again; She descended over the crown of the Apparitions tree, and at that moment, began to open the Heavens even more to Her left, to Her right and upwards.

She then asked that we stand up because She would carry out a radiation of Light to each of us and to the whole world.

In silence, everybody stood up, and with closed eyes, prepared to receive the Light of the Divine Mother.

After a few minutes, Friar Elías continued describing what he perceived.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Heavens are open and there is a lot of Heavenly energy. There are some angelic beings that play trumpets, and a sound can be heard like deep thunder, which resounds throughout the universe.

The Mother, at this moment, is surrounded by many angels, and Her Crown of Stars can be very clearly seen, very illuminated and brilliant; among the stars the word MIRNA HE can be read, also resplendent.

The Divine Mother appears with a light blue Mantle and wears a golden cloth belt around Her waist. While She prays, She looks at us with great compassion and says:


Feel and listen to My Voice; I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


At that moment, and at the request of the Divine Mother, the female monks sang the "Hail Mary" once.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother says:


Do not fear. I Am the Queen of Redemption Who comes to eradicate evil from hearts.

The world will face a great illness in spirit and in faith if you do not join with Me in prayer.

Hear My Message; I am calling you so that Peace and Love may be established in the darkness, so that evil may be defeated and hearts be illumined through Me.

This is a moment of Peace. Be at Peace, for nothing more will happen. Everything will pass through Me.

Find refuge in Me; I have told you this time and again. Have faith in Me, feel the brilliance of My Heart, see the Light which is descending.

I Am the Queen of Redemption, the Queen of Divinity, conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Mother of the afflicted and the fallen.

I come to announce that as from today, and for 33 days, you must pray the prayer of the Universal Mother with Me, so I may rescue My children through these prayers.

Feel My Peace; I Am the Mother of Nazareth, the Guardian of prayerful silence.

The world will face suffering that will purify it, and you, My children, are to be the guardians of prayer with Me; in this way, My sword will be able to cut the ties with that which is is not of the Light.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is moving a sword horizontally through the whole space, a silver sword. Let us pray.


The group prayed the prayer: "Consecration to the Mother of Divine Mercy".

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She said that up until now we have prayed by the Son and by the Holy Spirit, and that now we must pray by the Father.


This request was accomplished by praying the same prayer.


The world will go through its damnation, but My Heart will triumph if you pray with Me and if My Heart finds lights burning in your hearts.

The battle must end with the coming of the Redeemer, the Master of the Heavens and Times, Who is allowing Himself to be seen by those who listen and respond to His Voice.

Today, I give you the Sacred Mantle that wrapped Jesus so you may wrap yourselves in it and take refuge in His Heart.

Mercy is stopping its flow and the moment is coming when Divine Justice is to flow.

At that moment, I will be the Mother of all those that wish to hear My Voice and My call.

Know that I will always extend My Arms to you so you may find My Peace and My Heart, a Heart that is emerging once again.

I leave you this Mantle so it may protect you and so you may join the commitment of Christ, of being spokespersons of His Peace and His Mercy coming from the Heavens. They are the same energies that have permeated Me as Mother of this Earth, as Guardian of the Heart of Jesus, as Disciple of His Instruction.

See My bare feet today, that have walked so far in search of souls, so they may find shelter in Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is showing Her Feet, which are of Light, and continues, saying:


Today I distribute My roses to you so you may feel My sublime aromas.

The rose is the mystery of the birth of My Heart, which was glorified after having gone through this Earth and having learned, as you are learning, about Love and Forgiveness. The rose is the resplendent essence of My Being, the Conception which God has given Me as Mother of creatures in purity and in ascension.

Today I leave My angels among you, so you may pray together with them for the rescue of souls, those that are asleep and those that have not found peace for a long time.

I am coming here as the Mother conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Messenger of Peace, the Guardian of hearts, the sincere Soul for each of you, that takes miseries into Her arms and transforms them into Love, the same Love with which I held Jesus Christ the Redeemer in My Arms. 

He gave Me to you so you may be in My Arms, as well as all My children in all ways, beliefs and thoughts. I Am the true movement of the Light, I Am the Flame of God that comes to ignite your hearts in this time of chaos and damnation.

Carry My flag of Peace in your hands so My Crown of Stars shines forth in your hearts and your souls rise up to Me, to find the new paths that seem to be dark because of so much distraction.

Go deeper into contemplative prayer; you are in time, there is no more time to lose.

What are you doing with your lives, My dears?

I am waiting to hear your calls in My Heart to accomplish the Graces that come from on High.

I Am the same Lady that instituted the Rosary, and now the Sacred Orandium, the inner connection with the great patriarchs who prayed continuously to profess the Voice of the Lord in their hearts. They, in that time, did not know of My existence nor the existence of My Son, the Redeemer.

But now, we are all in the same school, learning to open hearts that are closed. For this, I have come here, to this country, to announce My call of Peace and of Redemption.

I summon all to live in reconciliation before Divine Justice comes, and if this should pass  through you, your hearts will be open in prayer and the Law will be light upon creatures.

I come to announce, at the request of Our Most High Lord, the Omnipotent God, the Resplendent Single Mind that has created us in His image and likeness, in the image of His Love and Forgiveness, that you now open your hearts so My Heart may triumph and the legacy of Peace, which comes from My angels, is able to be established in all these nations that lack love and redemption.

I Am the Messenger of Peace, the Illumined Heart of Christ, who comes as the Mother and Protector of creatures, for those that cannot find refuge in this material world and who wait to rise up and set aside illusions.

Hear My Voice, I am calling you once again, as I have already done in other parts of the world. Feel My echo in Medjugorje, in Fatima, in Lourdes, in Guadalupe and in other places where My Message has not been formalized because of the lack of celestial understandings that affirm the presence of My Voice in all the hearts I seek.

The Kingdoms of Nature are in My Heart; they too are My children, that wait for your prayers in this time of chaos.

Who will pray for the plant that is dying? Who will have compassion for the animals that die? Do you know where your souls go?

Yes, a purgatory of the Kingdoms of Nature exists where they wait to be rescued so My Heart may exalt and lift them up to the essential Celestial Lakes, where they will be born again as lights to learn and live in this eternal evolution.

Receive the Light of My Heart today; listen and meditate on My call, pray with Me through these Words, for there you will find more keys so you may unite with Me and believe in what I am telling you.

As the Lord once said: "Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Words will remain."

I Am the Bird of Divine and Compassionate Mercy for the hearts that are cast down by wars and despair.

Have you read My Fatima prophecies?

The third war is trying to descend, a war in thought and in conflict for property; property that is an illusion of hearts that have fallen and do not listen to God.

I come here, to this place, to establish My Redemption, My Peace in hearts, Love in all consciousnesses that believe in Me and also in those who do not believe in Me, that belong to other places and movements.

In the end, you will see My Voice and My Light pass before your hearts, and there you must take shelter in My Love, which is Merciful and Divine.

Today, I await you here, in the early hours of the night, so that with Me, you ignite the Light in the hearts you are not seeing, and which are suffering and in pain.

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want to establish My Peace, on this day, in more groups of souls that hope I will extend My Heart and My Arms to them, souls that have their consciousness and mind in darkness.

My call is higher, My Voice is preferred because My announcement comes from God; it does not come from Me. I am only fulfilling the Will to scatter the Love God has given Me as Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and today as the Glorified Mother among the angels and archangels.

My Essence is open to you and to all those that dare to cross toward the portal of My Heart, which will give Peace and Redemption in this time to all hearts. I will wait for you here, in this Center of Prayer, which through My Voice and My Immaculate Presence, opens the doors to all.

Do not fear what will come; wait in prayerful silence together with Me. My Rose of Light will be poured out over your heads, so the petals cover your bodies of light.

At 7:30 pm, the first procession will begin, with flames lit and hearts open.

You really do not know what My Presence means here and why I am speaking these Words to you, which must nurture your hearts so you may find shelter and protection in Me.

This will be the first procession to light the hearts of this world. The second will be on Friday, which will close the meeting with My Motherly Light until the next moments I come to give you My Peace.

By the splendor of My Immaculate Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
