Wednesday, April 12 of 2017

Sacred Week
Apparition of the Glorified Jesus Christ during the Sacred Week, day 4, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

You will see a great sign in the sky: a Woman clothed with the Sun, crowned with twelve stars, with a Moon at Her feet, announcing the next coming of your Redeemer.

On Her right, you will see the prophet John the Baptist resume proclaiming the Word of God for the thousand years of peace to be fulfilled in the whole sphere of the Earth and in this local universe.

Afterward, you will see coming among the clouds, with a great crash of light, your Lord and Master, the Redeemer, surrounded by many legions of angels that will proclaim with their trumpets the awakening of the New Humanity.

But before this happens, the Eternal Father will come, through His Beloved Son, with all His Might, with all His Science, and with all His Wisdom He will make His small Heart shine, because the Heart that He will cause to shine, will be stronger than five million suns.

You will see the Divinity of the Father in His most beloved Son and in His beloved Lady, followed by Saint Gabriel the Archangel and by Saint Michael the Archangel, who will place His sword in the center of this world, in direction to the Earth and will signal to the tribes where they should congregate to be able to hear again, in consciousness and awakening, the Word of your Lord God Almighty through His beloved Son, the Redeemer.

Then the Judgement will come, the Universal Judgement, in which the souls will be judged according to the merits reached in their earthly life and, by all the sacrifices offered to God, many of these souls that live today on the planet this experience of love and forgiveness, will become blessed and simple, so similar to God that this sensation and this sentiment will be recognized by all the universes and beyond them.

After that, you will see the judgment of Lucifer, which will be made by the Holy Archangel Gabriel, gathering all the Lords of the Universal Judgement, he will experience the judgment in the face of the world and humanity.

And the Father, with all the power of His Mercy and Love, through Saint Michael the Archangel will make His Throne descend and will give to Saint Michael the Archangel, in one of His hands, the Scepter of Light of His Power, that will be used to defeat evil forever.

You will then see the Holy Lady of God calling Her children who are in the desert so that they can find peace again. In them, an unknown light will shine which will be handed by the Holy Father through the hands of the Archangel Raphael. This Light, that will be poured out as a rain of Graces, will be so potent and infinite that it will be seen from the universe. 

With all the strength of Love from the Father, you will see the new redeemed shining in those creatures, great mirrors of light that will give the signal, at that moment, that the last cycle of humanity is being completed.

Do not worry about the interferences, God allows them for the world to know and, above all the darkness, that the last hour is approaching to surrender oneself before the Power of the Almighty, as it was in the victory of Christ on the Cross. If I Am your Lord and King, you have nothing to fear.

I give you the prophecies for you to listen to them and do not place them in your minds but in your hearts. Let My Word sprout like a new source in your beings. And thus, as time goes by, you will be able to understand My Mysteries that are still unknown to humanity. Therefore, today I have brought here My Divine Mother and Holy Lady, and My beloved cousin John the Baptist. They represent for you the sign of a new announcement that comes, together with your King, to be proclaimed in humanity.

The prophecies do not exist to be understood, but to be humbly accepted because in this way the souls understand the Kingdom of God and His next Project for humanity. Protect these teachings so that, when you leave this Sacred Week, they do not vanish from your memories when you face evil again, that which must still be defeated in this final battle.

After the children of the Divine Lady are removed from the desert, having ignited the mirror of love and the inner sun within themselves, the beloved Son will descend to Earth, accompanied by the Archangels who will bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant between Their hands. Thus, the planet will be renewed and the spiritual and christic impulses will be experienced.

The chaff will be separated from the wheat and the souls will be like flowers, like redeemed flowers, in My celestial Garden, that I will cultivate on this planet and on the continents, with My own Hands.

You will then see your loyal Gardener sow the New Earth with new laws and principles. The angels and archangels will help the tribes of Israel, which are scattered today throughout the whole world for them to be able to congregate in a new ceremony, in the new Communion of Peace, that will be established and instituted after the Final Judgment.

The unfaithful father, the fallen angel, will be removed from the planet. With great solemnity and reverence, the most resplendent angels will prostrate their faces on the ground to ask for the Mercy of God and for the universal, cosmic, inner, soul, and spiritual atonement for all sins, for all outrages and evils committed.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: 
Our Lord is asking the choir to play "Así habló el Maestro".

When the time comes to expel Lucifer from the world, all his fallen troops will be placed in beautiful diamonds of light that the angels will elevate, with their chant and praise, to universes very similar to this one.

The living Eye of God, at that definite time, will be looking and contemplating humanity, while the tribes will gather around the Divine Lady and Glorious Mother. They will prepare themselves to receive their Master and King, in His Return to the world. Unknown lights will be ignited upon the planet, which will be seen in the East and in the West.

The ancient patriarchs of the desert and the prophets will reappear in humanity as living and resplendent beings. All the ancient councils of this humanity will follow the path of their Glorious King and with a serene and patient gaze, fixed on the horizon, they will see the Lord arriving among the clouds. They will hear within the Word and the Call of Adonai.

All will be attentive at that moment because the planet will be in a great universal movement. It will be the set and definite time in which the real-time, that time awaited by all the legions on Earth, by all the peoples of the desert, and by all the beings of goodwill, will enter into the planetary consciousness. A new sign will be given in the universe: a star brighter than the Sun, in the essence of the Holy Spirit, will shine in the firmament, very close to the Southern Cross.

The consistent will thus hear, first within themselves, the words about the return of their King. All will open their inner ears and thus will be able to recognize, in their interior, that the awaited hour is arriving.

Those indicated by the Holy Mother of God will feel bliss and unexplainable joy. After having ignited the mirror of their hearts, they will be in absolute and definite unity with the King. In this way, a profound communion will take place with the New Humanity.

The King, in the company of sages and prophets, will show the world the Tablets of the new Law, those Laws that will repopulate the new planet. All will pay attention to the new Commandments that will have as their fundamental basis to love God above all things and also love their fellow beings.

The Holy Trinity will descend. Finally, after so many mistakes and duties, the souls, in total plenitude and trust, will be in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The last trumpet, which by indication of the Archangel Gabriel will sound in the spiritual plane of the consciousnesses, will bring a new consciousness to humanity and many will recognize their sins, their actions and indifferences, and especially, the injustices committed to the sacred Kingdoms of Nature.

Out of nowhere, the souls will hear the essence of the Kingdoms. The soul group of each Kingdom will speak for itself. And this communication, that has never been able to occur between human beings and the Kingdoms, will be granted by God Himself. At the moment this happens, the New Humanity will become conscious of all the suffering caused throughout the times and centuries.

At that moment, the doors of the most sacred places will open. That which was before invisible and hidden will become visible and material to all. Nobody will believe what they will see, and this new humanity will become conscious of who has really accompanied the world from the beginning of this Human Project. They will have on their chests, written as letters of fire, the legends of the greatest sages that have accompanied humanity throughout the times and who have made it possible for this humanity, the current humanity, not to self-destruct yet.

The souls that have been congregated by the Mother of the World and by the Love of the Divine Lady will prostrate on the ground, will place their hands on their faces, and will cry because the world and the old civilization did not become aware of this, of the presence of the greatest sages in the innermost places of the Earth.

In the desert of Mongolia, a voice that has been very silent throughout the times will be proclaimed. An ancient and great Patriarch will show himself to Humanity and in his warmest and most expressive love, will show the consistent souls a divine and sacred legacy, well kept in the hearts of gold, because the souls will see the heart of that great sage shining like gold, and thus they will understand that a sacred knowledge, kept in the inner worlds, will be given as a key to those who will repopulate the Earth.

During the thousand years of peace, it will not be necessary to suffer, because in truth I tell you the New Humanity will finally have learned that it was not necessary to follow along this path and be distant from the Love of God.

At that time, the holy Divinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will be present in humanity. The Son of God will visit the Earth many times, and at that time many will know His true Aspect. They will not only see the Nazarene, but the Son of God Glorified in His most simple humility and Mercy. The hearts will feel at that moment the greatness of the Love of God and His infinite Pity.

In these times to come, everything will be more peaceful. No nation will oppose itself to another nation. The humanities will not be against the Laws of God nor the principles that lead the universes. Thus, the promised Earth will arrive, will come out alive from the Scriptures, and will be materialized on this planet, in the new congregated for peace.

And when the most sacred places are opened, as doors of light and great consciousness, to the eyes of all who deserve this, the Son of God, brighter than the sun and hundreds of stars, will be in Communion with His new people. The faults committed in the past will be erased. There will be a gap in time and space of the whole history of humanity, from the beginning of Adam to the birth of Christ, and afterward from the Ascension of Christ to the present. These times will be extirpated and this memory of your Master and Lord, in Israel, will prevail in the memory of the most humble. 

When the Holy Communion of the New Covenant between the consistent ones and Our God the Father is given, the essence of the Divine Trinity will be merged in each consciousness and all will rejoice, great joy will fill them, rejoicing, bliss, and glory will last a thousand years.

And finally, after that Holy Communion and the new covenant with the Glorified King, the Shepherd of multitudes and all races, will have all people, all nations and all languages understand themselves as they have never before understood because they will finally live in love.

The most dangerous weapons will be removed from the world. There will not be any weapon more potent than the one that God has through His Heart, which is the power of His Love.

The Earth will be free of many things in the days of the Final Judgment. The Earth will not tremble anymore, the seas will not be agitated when the Son of God comes among the clouds, lighting the entire universe upon the sleeping humanity.

I come today to give continuity to the prophecy that I once announced in the Temple. Joyful are those who believe in what I say, because times will go by, but My Words will flourish in the simple hearts. So be it.

Divine Hierarchy, of Angels and Archangels,
we open the door to you, let the Light in.
In the name of humanity,
we now invoke Your cosmic intervention. Amen.
(in Portuguese, three times)

Listen to the Voice of the Master with love, for the new codes that are being sown to enter into the consciousnesses of all, and within six months of your time, you will not recognize yourselves.

Today God wants the Son of God to be once more the Higher Priest for all the creatures on Earth and for all His followers.

May the souls be anointed by the sacred spirit of Healing, so that the Designs of God may be fulfilled in it. Amen.

Today I am pouring out the Rays of My Grace upon all the elements exhibited here so that My Grace is multiplied in all humanity. And now, not only you receive My Mercy but all races and cultures on Earth, which I am going to meet with, in a short time.

It is through the mystery of the Communion, of every bread and wine offered at My Altar, that I multiply, at this time, all the Rays of My Grace for them to reach all cultures of the world and for My Voice to be heard on all continents and languages. Remember that I still have this aspiration. Do not delay yourselves, because many souls agonize without being able to meet with the Lord again and not even being able to understand Him in their own languages.

My Message of Peace in this Sacred Week is extended throughout the whole world and, above all, on all those regions of the planet that do not live in peace but only in war and destruction.

Today I have gathered the priests and adorers because My Priests represent My disciples and the Adorers represent the peoples of God, those who listen to the Living Word that comes from the Heart of their Master.

Through these elements, companions, I am confirming that this is My Body, and this is My Blood and that My Word, the Word of God, will also reach the farthest places of the world, through the work and action of your beings in this Plan, united to your Redeemer.

Europe will have to reopen the doors for the Sacred Hearts to reach Asia and Oceania in the next cycle.

Today My Heart shows you the ardent desire to visit Japan, Thailand, South Korea, and Australia, where My Message will multiply itself for the world and for all souls that are there.

Raise your offer to God.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

Our Father (in Portuguese and Spanish)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is asking that a brother who speaks English comes here to pray Our Father in English, please, to complete this consecration.

Our Father (in English)

Be in peace, My son, My Grace is upon you. I thank you.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, dear companions, for having been with me today in this sacred proclamation of the divine Prophecy of God.

I thank you.