Special Apparitions

Hail Mary in French

Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.

Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.

(Three times)


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

I come here as the Empress of Peace, bringing in My Hand the Scepter of God so that the world may live the Purpose of the Father, so that My children may join that Spiritual Purpose before it is too late.

Therefore, this spiritual impulse of the Creative Source, I deposit it in the hearts of My children today, I pour it into the souls of God today, so that the greatest possible number of consciousnesses awaken in this time of emergency and can respond to the great need of the planet, to the emergency of humanity.

Therefore, dear children, I come here, to La Salette, once again, to remind you of My Message, the Message of the Lady of La Salette, a Message that was not fully heard or accepted.

Therefore, I come to remind you of this, because there is still a little time left for everything to be reversed and transformed in all human consciousness.

Dear children, I need you here, with Me, at My side, at the side of the Mother of God, walking through this world, following in the footsteps of Christ, serving through the tireless apostolate in the face of the great planetary need.

I grieve so much for what is happening in the Middle East! So much innocent blood is still being shed!

When will humanity stop? Do they not fear the Justice of God?

Many perhaps do not fear It, because they believe that nothing will happen to them. That is why I come here as your Advocate, as the Mother Mediator and Intercessor between souls and God, because they are in dire need of it.

Therefore, I tell you again that before it is too late, dear children, awaken to the change that I ask of you. Listen to the Word of God through His Messengers; because otherwise many more souls will live the sorrow and anguish of these times, for not having listened to the Call of God that comes through the Heart of His Heavenly Mother, the Heart of the Divine Son and the Humble Heart of Saint Joseph.

Our Three Sacred Hearts, in this very delicate and grave hour of the planet, work in unity with the Most Holy Trinity so that, through the holy angels, many more souls may be protected, may be sheltered from the horrors of these times, which all of you are participating in and seeing.

My beloved children, I come to repeat once again to stop the weapons. I come to ask you, imperatively, to stop and meditate, to no longer attack each other, to stop hurting each other, to stop invading what does not belong to you, to avoid in this time the migration of millions of souls, the exile of many families because of the terror of war or death.

I come as the Empress of Peace, to the top of the Alps, so that My children may hear the deep echo the Voice of God, so that something may change soon. That is what I need most, at this moment, besides your prayers and supplications, which I also listen to attentively. Because in this way wars are avoided, through prayer conflicts are avoided, through true prayer souls are not lost, without return.

That is why I come today with the Scepter of the Light of God ignited, drawing to Earth, once again, His Divine Purpose, so that everything may be impregnated by that Higher Light, so that hearts may find again the peace they lost. Because this is the time, dear children, that all may know My Graces, that all may receive communion from My Son so that they may feel healed, redeemed and renewed.

Therefore, I am here to intercede again, to intervene again in the emergency of these times. I would not like to see more innocents die. This hurts the Heart of God, this hurts the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, this hurts the Heart of the Divine Son.

Contemplate the Mercy of God, the universe of His Love is open to all.

Reconnect with yourselves, to be able to understand this Purpose I bring you today.

Reconcile, forgive yourselves, so that the spiritual healing may come.

I thank you for being here, with Me, and for having done everything possible to be here, at this moment, accompanying the Empress of Peace in this special task, which Her Immaculate Heart and Her Divine Life are carrying out for the good of souls, for the peace of hearts, so that wars may stop, so that there will be no more innocent blood shed on the surface of this world.

I tell you this again, dear children, because these things cannot happen. The world turns away from the Law, and loses its sense of purity and innocence. I am united with all those who pray for this cause, for the cause of the call of the Mother of God.

Strengthen prayer in your families. May your prayers multiply and expand, may the clamor and supplication as one voice and one heart reach the Heart of the Father, because He wants to be closer to His Children. Do His Children want to be closer to their Father?

I come to open this door to the Kingdom of the Love of God Love, so that all may have the Grace, one day, to be worthy in the Father, to be worthy in the Son and worthy in the Holy Spirit; because it is possible, My children.

You must not forget that you are Children of God.  All are Children of the Father, beyond creed, religion or any other situation. You must all remember this. That is why I am here to let you know, because many are forgetting it.

In that filiation you will find the happiness you need, the answer you seek so much, the consolation you so hope for, the peace to which you so aspire. Because everything is in the Kingdom of God and, again and again, His Kingdom can descend to Earth through those who open themselves to receive it within themselves and thus become part of the Divine Life, of their true origin, of their true existence, from where everything can begin anew.

Your Heavenly Mother, the Empress of Peace, withdraws Herself in these mountains to contemplate the horizon from above, as you also can contemplate it; waiting, with ardent devotion, for the coming of Christ from the Heavens, so that this world and this humanity may be rebuilt and finally live the Will of God. Because Christ, My Son, will bring His Government, but above all He will bring His Love and His Light, to bring your hearts back to His Eternal Peace.

Children, continue to pray, continue to respond to My call. I am here and I am your Mother, the Mother of humanity; and, under the Light and Love of My Son, I bless you for the courage to follow in the footsteps of Christ in this end time.

May the Love of God bless you and His Light guide you until you can reach the promised One Thousand Years of Peace, for the entire earthly sphere, for all of this wounded humanity.

I take, in My Hands, your intentions and prayers to offere them to God in reparation and for the healing of humanity, because healing is possible.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the Child Jesus in My arms, I come to ask you not to forget to light a candle for the impossible causes, for the most deeply rooted sins, for the miseries embraced by the heart of humanity, for impunity, for indifference, so that all of this, children, may be replaced by the Sacred Flame of God’s Purpose.

I no longer come to teach you how to pray, for you already know how. Throughout the last fifteen years, you were instructed about this. You were instructed by the One who constantly prays and does not tire of interceding for humanity, for this planet and for all of Creation. Because the One who once was the Mother of Jesus is not only the Mother of the Savior, but She is also the Mother of all life, all that lives and breathes.

Just as Christ, the Living God, manifested Himself on Earth through Jesus, also, children, the Womb of Creation, the Principle that gives life to all things, the Maternal Love of God, manifested Itself on Earth through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Therefore, it is now time for you to recognize this Heart and honor It as It truly deserves.

Do not limit the Mysteries of Creation to human understanding, nor to that which is written in sacred books.

I ask you today: do you believe that at that time, two-thousand years ago, any human being on Earth truly understood the Presence of Christ?

Do any of you believe that two-thousand years ago a man of the Earth was capable of narrating with perfection all that which was happening in the world through the Presence of Christ?

Yes, the Spirit of God speaks through creatures, and it was through this Holy Spirit that the apostles and disciples of Christ were able to narrate the Gospel, the New Testament, left to testify to the Presence of the Savior on Earth.

But the Spirit of God also respects the free will of humanity, its limitations, the expansion of its consciousness, the openness of its hearts. Therefore, the Word of God reaches as far as humanity can accept. This is why I once again tell you, and this time I ask you, not to limit the Greatness of the Creator to human understanding.

The time and the hour have come for the expansion of consciousness of beings, for the veils to be torn, not only in the temple, but also within beings, within the consciousness of each being of this Earth. May the veil that separates this world from universal life, from the Eternal Time, also be torn.

This will not happen according to human will. God’s Will, children, will not be based on the consent of humanity, because the time of Justice has come, and Justice is perfect. It will give and offer beings that which they deserve at this time.

Each farmer will reap according to what they have sown. Each gardener will see the emergence of the flowers that they have watered. And those who did not tend the garden will contemplate the dry land, waiting for a little green leaf to feel the breath of life.

In what role of this story do you want to be?

The time of definition is still in progress, the definition of souls takes place at every instant. At every instant, the human being has the possibility of discovering their potential and of no longer living according to the old human being but rather according to Divine Purpose. In the same way, at every instant, the adversary gives you the possibility of abandoning this Purpose and submerging into the human condition.

This is why it is time to keep vigil.

This is why it is time to pray as you have learned to do.

This is why it is time to strengthen virtues.

This is why it is time to delve into Knowledge, and for Instruction to no longer to be conditioned by human understanding, but rather for beings to open up, to delve into this infinity which God’s Creation is.

We have presented to you many things, knowledge and information that humanity does not even imagine exists. I even say to you, children, that this is a speck of sand in the desert, it is a drop of water in the ocean, it is a tiny star in the infinite cosmos.

There is a lot more to be revealed, and the revelations will come, one by one, without asking for permission from humanity. The veils will begin to be torn and the structures will break within beings, and the foundations of the religions, those built upon human concepts, will also break.

Where is support to be found?

Within the essence that moves all knowledge, all wisdom and all life.

In the essence of each religion dwells Divine Love, but it is like in a prison of human concepts, ideas, powers, wills, aspirations that come only from humanity, from its concrete, immature mind, which needs to grow at this time.

Those who can stay in this essence, who can go beyond concepts, beyond structures created by human beings, they will remain standing, and feel the freedom of their hearts when these structures break. Within them there will not be suffering, but rather joy, because they will come to know true freedom, which is not the independence that humanity seeks, but rather the spiritual freedom of delving into Divine Will and finally seeing the Father face to face, as He promised you.

This is why I come to warn you today that it is time to awaken. It is time to embrace infinity, delve into a knowledge that up to today has been hidden and that We have come to reveal to you by Divine Will.

This final year, which is the preparation for the withdrawal of the Divine Messengers, will be the last opportunity to awaken the human consciousness, so that the veils may be torn without suffering. This is why We so many times ask you to open up to Spiritual Instruction, to allow it to transform your consciousnesses and your human condition. Allow yourselves to experience Divine Love, which overflows within the beings that do not make it harder for themselves.

No longer say “I cannot,” “I am not capable,” “I cannot understand.” Say another prayer, another affirmation. Ask the Father:


Lord, that which I cannot do,
may You do it in me.
Lord, that which I am not capable of doing,
may You be capable of doing it in me.
Lord, in that which I cannot understand,
may Your Hand tear the veils of my consciousness
so that I can see, feel and experience You
in the immensity of Divine Creation.
Lord, in the face of my limitations,
may your unlimitedness present itself.
In the face of my barriers,
may Your Eternal Time show me the Truth,
May Your Voice awaken me from my dream
because I do not want to continue to sleep,
I need to awaken, rise and live Your full Will.


 Let this be your prayer.

When you are before a mystery, do not say that it does not exist. Simply acknowledge your own ignorance and allow it to be replaced by Divine Wisdom. Not only does this world holds great mysteries, but also your own beings hold them.

When the Lord told you, through His prophets, that you were created in the image and likeness of His Infinite Heart, what did you think? That God was created in the likeness of human beings? That he has a Face similar to yours?

What is God to you?

Breathe, feel life, there God is. Listen to the sounds of nature, there God is. Close your eyes, contemplate infinity, there God is.

What then is to be created in the image and likeness of the Creator?

Is there an infinity that dwells within you?

Are you capable, by any chance, of creating and re-creating as He does?

Are you capable of loving the way He does?

Can such an infinite Creator truly have given life only to this Earth? Was Divine Will really so small?

Just as you see the sky, the depths of the stars and their infinity, countless stars, so is God’s Love. The Love of the Father manifests Itself through life. Life, children, is the greatest expression of Divine Love, this is why it is not limited to this place.

And why can your eyes not see? Because your consciousness does not encompass Eternal Time.

How can you see with God’s Eyes, feel His Love, contemplate His Creation?

How not to believe that you are small, but rather discover that you are infinite?

When you love and open up to truly love, your consciousness expands, your senses expand, your heart dissolves the dimensions that separate this world from Eternal Time, which still separates humanity from the Heart of its Creator. There is no other reason for human ignorance other than the will of humanity itself to remain in it.

Therefore, allow yourselves to love, not only love one another with a human love. May this not be the goal of your love. Allow yourselves to go beyond, allow yourselves to be infinite and open your hearts to experience Divine, unlimited, infinite Love. In this way, children, when the truth emerges before your eyes, you will not fear.

When the treasures of this sacred planet are no longer hidden from your eyes, you will rejoice. When the life that dwells in the stars can finally share and learn from human life, you will be able to teach them, not about ignorance, but rather about Divine Love, because this is the reason why this Earth school was made.

This is a small school, a little flower in the Garden of Creation, a flower cultivated carefully, with care and predilection, but a tiny flower in God’s Garden. A flower that, in its smallness, must reveal the greatness of the Father for all life, its perfume must transform the whole garden, its seeds must renew the land, the land cultivated by God.

After listening to My Words, I ask you to study again all that We have told you throughout the last fifteen years. Take the Instructions you have not understood, stay before them and ask for the Grace of greater understanding, ask for the Grace of expansion of consciousness. You will perceive, children, that We have not told you just some difficult words, that We have not spoken to you with just a few symbols or parables, but rather with a deeply spiritual truth that was kept there, and that it was transmitted with a reason, with the purpose that the consciousness of humanity might be ready to live God’s Will, to again find its origin, and for you to be an example, for all of Creation, of the transformation of consciousness, redemption and Divine Mercy.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today, transmit these Words that the Creator sent to Me and, with His Son in My arms, I came to bless you and say to you that the transformation of each one of you transforms the whole human consciousness. Do not think that your steps are insignificant. None of you is insignificant before God.

May those who have fallen stand up humbly, start from scratch, re-building their inner worlds.

May those who are tired breathe, allow the Creator to renew your beings so that you may continue on.

May those who doubt, pray, ask for your consciousness to expand.

May those who have doubt about themselves trust in God, because if they are similar to Him, He will not allow them to stay in their miseries. Or do you by any chance believe that the Creator made you in His image and likeness for you to stay in your human superficiality? No, children, the Creator aspires for much more than that, and this is the time and the hour for you to live His Divine Will.

May the Sacraments, prayer, silence and service always be the foundations for the transformation of your beings. When you cannot step out of yourselves, serve, do something for others, even if it is in your own homes. When you forget what I have told you, listen to My Words again.

In the Presence of the Child Jesus, I bless you, I give peace back to you and leave you the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In this way, with the Presence of the Living God physically within you, the Divine Mystery will expand, reach your cells, your atoms, liberate the Light that dwells in them and allow your consciousness to take one more step in this awakening and in this transformation.

I bless you and thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In silence, I try to have you listen to God. The lack of silence in the world causes absence of peace and, due to the lack of peace in the world, there is no harmony.

For this reason, this is the great moment for souls to turn to their inner silence, because God has been waiting up until now to speak to His Children, to His Creatures, so that they may listen to His Call and to His Voice, so that souls may be led to the Purpose and, as a part of this Spiritual and Divine Purpose, hearts may learn to express His Divine Will, day by day.

The lack of silence in the world is what causes chaos and war. This is what causes faulty listening, and the difficulty to feel and recognize all that happens to one’s neighbor.

This is why the world and humanity are confused, lost and disturbed, because the lack of peace disorients the consciousnesses of the surface and slowly distances them from the Purpose of God.

But on this day, once again, through the doors to My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, through the Wound of My Side, I come to grant souls the opportunity to reintegrate themselves into the evolutionary path. Thus, they may not only learn to listen to God in the silence of the heart, but they may also be impelled to carry forward the preparation of My Return to the world. And although this is about to happen in humanity, very difficult things will still happen on the surface.

Through the Divine expression of My Word, through My New Gospel, which springs from the innermost depths of My Heart, I come to prepare souls for that moment.

In the meantime, I ask you to sustain yourselves in Me, because in Me you will be able to continue on despite the times of tribulation and darkness, although you may see these nations oppose one another, although people may rise against people, although indifference, for many, may be the theme of this age.

Companions, I invite you to get up and begin every day as if it were the first time, knowing that in your hearts there must emerge the ardent inspiration to fulfill My Purpose no matter what, regardless of what may happen, regardless of what is carried out in this world.

Do not seek the solution in that which is material and concrete. Seek the answer in your inner worlds and in that which is spiritual, because the one who seeks an answer on the material plane will never find it, as all of this surface needs to be redeemed and rehabilitated, from the human beings to the Kingdoms of Nature.

All of Creation waits for the great moment of redemption of the planet. All evolutionary consciousnesses of the universe are waiting for the awakening of the human being so that it may become aware, once and for all, of everything it has done to this world, of every harm it has caused to this Creation.

But from the brave and anonymous hearts will emerge this spiritual power through the love, adherence and unity of souls, which will allow the conversion of the most adamant sinners, those who have condemned themselves to the fire of hell.

There would be no other reason for My Divine Mercy to be present in this Creation but for the souls that are lost and condemned.

My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy comes to bring atonement to all. It comes to replace Justice through the presence of Grace and Compassion.

Therefore, when you see all that will happen in this world, as is happening now, strengthen within yourselves the aspiration of being in Me and of serving Me, so that I may have instruments on the surface of the Earth, of which I may avail Myself and with which I may work in these very definitive times of the planet, in which unknown and incredible situations will be lived in which your faith, the faith of each one of my disciples, must be first in the lives of all, no matter what happens, as I have said to you.

Because it will be this science of faith that will help you to love the planetary cross, and it will also help you carry your own cross and, through faith, you will learn to transcend yourselves a little more every day.

Imagine, even for one moment, what would have happened to Me if I had not had faith so as to surrender in sacrifice through the Last Supper, to be condemned, humiliated, flagellated and then crucified, as if I were less than a lamb.

What would have happened without the presence of faith!

The Living God became small and humble in an abandoned place in Bethlehem. The Living God waits, at this moment and in this time, at the eve of the Nativity of the Lord, to be born again in the hearts that wait for Him, and thus change this planetary situation, through all those who profess their faith and trust in Christ, through all those who love the science of the Sacraments.

It is in this way that, once again, that the Lord of the Night, the Lord of the Mountains, the Firstborn Child, Christ the Redeemer, comes to anoint you through His Spirit. Thus, you will dare to cross the threshold of the end of times and you will never lose sight of the Divine Purpose, the blazing flame of Peace and the Will of the Father for all His Creatures in this Creation.

This is why neither your Master and Lord nor any other Hierarchy will raise their sword although the battle is hard and difficult. On the spiritual planes of consciousness, I call all Hierarchies, just as I call you, My companions, to express Christic Love, which overcomes the errors, dissolves indifference, transcends sin, liberates suffering and opens the doors to hope and peace.

Evil does not know these attributes, or these spaces of the consciousness. And the more people live these attributes and are a source of these Christic experiences, the less long time will evil be able to sustain itself, because it will dissolve itself, as Light, Love and Unity reign.

I invite you to abandon wrath. I invite you to leave behind the planetary disconformity. It is time for you to live what I taught you with so much Love, because the Father only expects that His Children may be the Christs of the New Times.

On this second day of meeting with Me, I come to make you think about all these things because, as I told you, there is no longer time, and My Instructions must not go unnoticed.

My Instructions must be lived in plenitude and awareness so that someday you, as awakened, adhered and available beings, may be part of My Celestial Kingdom on Earth, may be the preamble to the emergence of the New Humanity, free from sin, suffering, pain, as bearers of peace.


You who look at this world with anguished Eyes,
trust those who follow My Steps in faith,
just as you trusted Your Son.

Empty the hearts so that You may enter them
and all Your Children may commune with You,
just as Your Son communed with You
at the culminating moment of the Garden of Gethsemane.

Help Your Creatures go through the end of these times,
to love the unknown more and more every day,
so that all may find the sacred promise
of belonging to Your Kingdom.


Let us keep praying for the descent of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy upon the whole world.

May these impulses that I give you be a reason to fulfill the Sacred Plan, through the surrender of your lives and essences, through your adherence to the Divine Purpose.

May My Peace be in you and in this place.

May My Peace be infused in this world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time and the hour have come for you to awaken, even when you think that you are awakened.

The time and the hour have come for you to keep vigil, because during the night, the night of the human heart, like a thief, the One who is awaited by the nations will come.

The moment when it will be most difficult to believe, the moment it will be most difficult to have hope, when just emptiness dwells in your hearts, then the One who is awaited by the nations will come.

When you look at the world and only see chaos, when you look at yourselves and only find confusion, when the mind of humanity cannot elaborate even one thought and discernment looks scarce or non-existent in human consciousness, wisdom will descend upon those who pray.

In the darkness of the world, when beings seem to walk blindly, and the blind try to guide one another, the light will descend upon those who pray.

When it is hardest to forgive, because the errors committed by humanity will be unforgivable, compassion will descend upon those who pray.

When fear takes the place of the fear of God, and beings doubt the existence of the Father, He will manifest Himself in those who pray.

Many did not give importance to all the times in which the Messengers of God asked them for prayers. Have you wondered, children, why we form so many Rosaries of Light? Why we ask for so many prayers for peace in the nations? Why we always invite you to pray? Might it be because you do not have anything else do and we need to fill your time? Or is it because the time has come, the time to awaken?

And it is through prayer that you will find balance, that you will awaken the virtues and the gifts, that you will confirm yourselves day by day in the expression of your Lineages, and that which is Sacred will find room to go through Its expansion.

If you are awed by what you see in the world, I tell you that this is just the beginning of the end of times.

I do not want to cause you terror, I do not come to cause fear in your hearts. I come to strengthen you so that you can look at chaos and know that there is a life beyond, a life that dwells within you, just as it dwells within the planet, in the firmament of the universes, in the invisible dimensions that share the Earth. But the eyes of humanity, covered with veils, still cannot see this.

When you pray, the Wisdom of God is capable of revealing the reality that exists on Earth, in the Universe and within beings. To this reality I want to lead you, so that you do not mistake that which is real for the illusion of the world.

I do not say, children, that suffering is illusion. I do not say that the end of times will be an illusion, but it is just a bridge, a door for you to cross and find a new life, a life that has always dwelled within you, a life hidden and silent within beings, a life for whose awakening the Creator patiently awaits.

Even with all that you know, even with all that you have gone through, it will be difficult to look at the world and not become confused. It will be difficult to face pain and not be able to identify yourselves. It will be difficult to become sick and not feel death as something that destroys life. But today I want to tell you that there is life beyond life.

The path of the Calvary of these times is a little longer than the one that the Lord lived two-thousand years ago. Slowly, your feet will walk along this Calvary and, at each step, will transform the human condition. At each step, the Creator within you gradually overcomes the old person and expands beyond disease, beyond chaos, beyond suffering, beyond pain, beyond confusion, beyond war and conflict, beyond the wars within families, beyond the wars of parents against their children and children against their parents.

Much beyond this, those who pray will find peace, they will know how to see through the window of suffering and find in it a bridge to a new life.

Suffering will not have the same weight for those who are awakening, because greater than that will be the proportion of Truth within you. Thus lived the martyrs, and this is why they were able to endure, because the Truth went beyond human frailty and it was revealed within themselves, even within their physical cells, this Spiritual and Higher Life.

I know that this seems impossible to you. You look at the life of the martyrs and turn your eyes back to your own lives: how far you are from loving God with that fervor, from surrendering your lives for Christ as He surrendered it for you. But this thought is part of the illusion that you still live.

To awaken, children, is to understand life with eyes of wisdom, not to compare yourselves with the past, because now is another time, different are the human difficulties and, although there is one same Truth which you must attain, it will be attained in a different way. But all those who believe, pray and strive, will find that way.

The battle today is against the distractions, against indifference, against selfishness, against pride and against self-will. This is why it is more difficult, because it is fought in the invisible of your hearts, there where you think no one can see.

The martyrdom of these times is the constant stimuli that humanity receives in their minds and emotions to separate them from God. And it is against this, children, that you must battle in these times, through prayer, adoration, through a sincere, true and real contact with God.

It is more difficult to ask you to overcome the distractions, indifference and pride today than it was to ask you to surrender your lives two-thousand years ago.

This is why the Lord told you that you would do greater things than those He did. Because He knew the roots that would grow in the hearts of humanity, in their minds and in their souls, and how difficult it would be to uproot and pluck them from their inner worlds so as to renounce all that for Divine Life.

Today I would like to open the Heavens to you, so that you could all see that which is invisible to your eyes. So that everyone could contemplate the sacred place upon which your feet are standing. This time will still come, but until then, children, pray.

Pray from the heart, enter into dialogue with God. Open the doors of your lives so that He may have a space, so that He may govern, so that He may indicate each one of your steps.

Include the Creator in your decisions, in your days, in your thoughts, and little by little His Presence will expand within you. Thus you will be strengthened and capable of facing the times to come without losing peace, without losing hope, being true servers of a humanity that is agonizing. You will not be like the blind who guide the blind, but rather you will be like light at the table of the world, illuminating this sacred house so that those who are lost may see the way.

Therefore, you must tread the path of renunciation, of solitude, of emptiness, and discover in this emptiness the plenitude that cannot be found in the world, the joy that goes beyond human happiness, the divine realization that goes beyond human realizations, when God realizes Himself in you.

Who will reflect on what I am telling you?

Who will take these Words into their own lives?

Who will be capable of saying, “I will live this?”

Thus, children, when the portals of the inner world open up on Earth and sublime realities manifest themselves before the eyes of humanity, you will not fear, but you will rather find your place in the Lineage that corresponds to you, together with the Heart of the Hierarchy.

And when the vibration of the Mirrors resounds, your voices will resound together.

And when the shout of the Guardians and Vigilantes rises, your sword of light will also ignite.

And when the knees of the Contemplatives open the doors to Heaven so that Mercy may descend upon those who do not deserve it, then your prayer will also cross the dimensions.

And when the Governors attract the Law for the establishment of a new life and a new world, then you will also know how to make of these Laws manifested life.

And when wisdom fills the human heart, then the Instructors will know how to give explanations to the souls that are lost and guide them.

And when the Kingdoms of Nature need a true example so as to also cross the dimensions and find a new evolution, there the Kingdomists will be, pointing out the way.

Where will you be? Confused before the life that manifests itself? Or serving with the Hierarchy in the construction of this new life?

Have you asked yourselves this?

Where do I want to be?

Will I be the bride that fell asleep and stayed outside? Or will I be the one who entered, together with Christ, into a new life, to share with Him a new evolution?

Is my lamp lit? Or did I light it up but let my oil run out?

Ask yourselves, children:

Where is my consciousness, my aspiration, my will?

Where does my heart dwell?

Who dwells within me?

I leave you with these reflections because it is time to deepen, it is time to awaken the consciousness, it is time to be at the place that suits each one of you, because all will be fulfilled, just as has been foreseen since the beginning, and you have the Grace of an Instruction that no church, no religion, no spiritual group has ever received.

Be grateful and consistent. You have My blessing for this.

Today I would like to offer the Sacrament of the Foot-washing to some families that are important to Me so that they may renew their paths and again find the purpose of being a family in these times, so that they may find strength in each other.

You are together to strengthen one another, to grow in spirit and manifest patterns of behavior that humanity does not know. And when there is no peace in the families of the world, the peace that dwells between you will be a service that will generate merits for the salvation of the families that are lost.

Therefore, I would like to wash your feet, so that you may begin a new cycle, a cycle of inner consecration for each one of you to God, in which each family will know what virtues and gifts it must offer as a family group in these times.

I will accompany you and, under the blessing of My Gaze, I will guide you always.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May peace be in this place, this nation and in the heart of all beings.

While ignorance permeates the hearts of humanity, I come to the world to continue to call it to an awakening.

While chaos becomes established within and outside of beings, I come to call you to live a state of peace.

While humanity closes its eyes not to see the reality of the planet, to not perceive the times it lives and the steps it should take, I come to call you, children, to be different, to begin to transform yourselves from the inside out.

I come to call you to open your eyes, your physical eyes, the eyes of consciousness, the eyes of the heart, so that you may see the reality of the world beyond appearances and superficiality.

Remember that you are in times of the Armageddon, times of purification, of transition between the old and the new human being.

Nothing will remain the way it is. Each aspect of the human consciousness will be purified and transformed so that a new reality may be established in the world, so that you may be worthy of being part of a new Confederation which walks toward the fulfillment of Divine Will, which lives that which is Sacred, Love, Christic Love, unknown to most beings, although it seems so ancient in this world.

Therefore, do not cling to the old human being, do not cling to that which you are, to that which you appear to be. Do not cling to this world either, because it will also pass. Each one, each space of this planet will be transformed.

For a moment it will seem that chaos will dominate all places, all hearts, but it will not be so, children, for those who decide to live peace within themselves. The Kingdom is within your hearts. In it, the King of the Universe rules, in it, His Will manifests itself, and nothing will happen in your lives that is not His Divine Will.

Despite the chaos, the confusion, the evil that permeates the world, I call upon you to live peace, I call upon you not to enter into conflicts with one another, I call upon you to respect each other so that you may understand the Laws that rule the universes, so that you may allow these very same Laws to manifest themselves in life upon Earth.

Ignorance takes over the hearts of humanity more and more, and if you do not learn to look within, to find God within yourselves, you will also go astray, children, in this confusion that the adversary tries to establish in humanity, so that parents quarrel with their children, so that nations rise against nation, so that there not be peace within anyone.

This spiritual battle can be won through prayer, through the transformation of lives and the retrograde patterns of humanity. This battle is won through silence in face of arrogance, humiliation, the lack of love and fraternity. This battle is won through examples.

Where there is lack of love, may your hearts go beyond and manifest love.

Where there is ignorance, arrogance, indifference, may your hearts manifest fraternity, wisdom and silence.

The planet will not escape its purification. While you walk in the calvary of these times, do not think that the Plan of God has failed just because it did not manifest itself the way you expected. Just as Christ was capable of seeing beyond, even on the Cross, be capable of seeing beyond the calvary of these times and, at each opportunity of sacrifice, renew the Love of God within your hearts. In each apparent defeat in life, decree within yourselves the establishment of the Will of God and make, of each lesson, opportunities to renew love, to strengthen the consciousness, to transform the human condition and be new.

Do not have greater wills than the Divine Will. Do not have better ideas than the Thought of God. Meditate, reflect, feel, within your hearts, each step that you must take and trust that, in the trajectory with the cross of these times, triumph is lived from inside out.

It is not the reality of the planet that dictates the triumph of God in your lives. It is not what you appear to live. It is not what the world sees, but rather what God sees, only He sees, within you.

Many times, children, not even yourselves will perceive that God is triumphing within you, and His Will manifests itself little by little in those who persevere, His Love grows little by little in those who are persistent, in those who look at the world and, in spite of what they see, do not give up, just as Christ did not give up in the face of the human condition.

There was nothing more retrograde or worst than the humanity of two-thousand years ago. Even so, the Redeemer placed His Eyes upon the world, upon the imperfect, and made of them His companions, just as today He hopes to renew all things. His Gaze continues to be upon the Earth, going beyond human imperfection and finding the essence of beings, hidden within them, the essence of each one of you, essences called to imitate Christ, to live Christic Love.

Raise your voice to pray. Just rise as if it is on the cross, the cross of these times, which does not mean suffering, but rather overcoming, overcoming of superficialities, overcoming of appearances, to live a new love, which transcends all things.

This is to be on the cross: being capable of looking at one’s neighbor and not paying attention to their appearance, but rather recognizing their heart, their soul, the divine perfection hidden within them, nourishing in the other the best they have, their virtues, their gifts, so that they may grow. May you look at the suffering of your neighbor and not place your own suffering on the scales but rather be able to overcome indifference to reach your hands out and serve. This is what the new human being is all about.

May you be capable of listening. May you be capable of welcoming. May you be capable of overcoming yourselves and not trying to prevail over everyone. This is what the new human being is all about.

I am here, children, to establish a Spiritual Government in this place, through the descent of Divine Will. And through the opening of the heart of each one of you, may this Government and this Will permeate each space of this nation so that, beyond appearances, the Will of God may triumph, from inside out, in the hearts of the consistent.

The manifestation of the Plan of God is not about numbers but rather about truth. The transformation of humanity two-thousand years ago took place with the ‘yes’ of twelve imperfect men that accepted to follow the steps of Christ, who accepted to live His Will and, although they did not perceive it, they accepted to transform their human condition, multiply the disciples, carry the Good News, establish peace, live sacrifice, renunciation, humiliation, emptiness.

Today you are called on to be apostles, disciples, companions, making of your lives the harbinger of a New Humanity. This is why I came here, to call you by your names and lead you to Christ, to open the path for the Lord, just as I did two-thousand years ago.

I just warn you: know how to see beyond appearances, know how to understand that the triumph happens within beings, and do not lose hope, regardless of what may happen in the four corners of this world.

So that the Celestial Government may descend here, I call you to prayer, I call you to pray for peace, to strengthen the channel of Light that We have opened in this city, in this state, in this country, through your prayers.

Here We have established a sacred place, dedicated to the Kingdoms of Nature, a point of Light amidst darkness. I call on you, children, to strengthen this place, so that it may be a representation of the entire Brazilian consciousness, of its Kingdoms, of its people, and, through prayer, you may allow the Higher Laws to be those which will lead the manifestation of the events.

Brazil has a special place in God’s Heart, just like every nation. From the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the Creator hopes to renew His Love in this sacred place for the entire planet. Each nation holds within itself a Divine Will, and it is in the Will of the Father that a New Humanity may be born from the heart of Brazil and of South America, and expand to the whole planet.

How will that happen? Through you.

The new human being will not manifest itself in others who will be born in the world. The new human being is born from the transformation of each being that lives on the planet today. This transformation into Christ must happen through you.

Who will be a postulant to live it, to believe that God triumphs beyond their imperfections?

Who will offer their smallness so that God may manifest His Greatness?

Who will give their own strength so that God may manifest His Power?

Who will be capable of believing in the Father more than in themselves, just as Christ did when He carried the Cross?

He did not believe in Himself, but rather in the One who sent Him. You are being called to live this today. Do not think of your own capacities, do not measure the manifestation of the Plan of God by your own forces, but rather by the Gift of Faith. Trust in Divine Will.

Meditate on My Words, keep them in your hearts, feel and perceive that to which God summons you today.

This is all that I have to tell you. And I give you My Peace, I give you the Gift of Healing, Rehabilitation, Restoration, so that those who came to seek may receive what they are asking of God.

Through prayer and peace, may your sick cells be healed, may your consciousness be healed of all fear, all pain, all superficiality, because God calls you to something greater.

Why do you seek healing?

Why do you aspire to continue on living?

What will you do with your lives if you are healed?

Make each second in this world count, allow God to triumph within yourselves. You have My blessing for this.

Commune with My Peace and with the Sacrament that I leave you so that the One who sends Me may enter you and manifest His Grace within your bodies.

I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I Am the Lady of the Star of Carmel of Garabandal, and today, after such a long time, I Am here to give continuity to My Message after it was neither heard nor accepted.

But this Message that I once brought to Garabandal, to this blessed place of God, keeps resounding, keeps reverberating within the hearts that believe in Me.

Because you know, My children, that My intention is to guide and lead you toward God. My intention is not to cause you fear nor any disturbance. My intention is that you may be aware and responsible, that you may be capable of recognizing the Call of God and fulfilling it, just as I once tried to do here in Garabandal.

After these important events that the visionaries experienced here with Me in this village, your Heavenly Mother returns, at the request of Christ, as the Lady of the Star of Carmel of Garabandal, so that a divine and inner union may take place between souls and God, between Heaven and Earth, between what is known and what is unknown.

This was the main intention of your Heavenly Mother, not only to warn the Church of the imminent danger that it was going through at that time.

The Warning of God was so that it could awaken you and, when you became awakened, you could correct it, but many denied it because they did not have the heart nor the door open to hear Divine Truth, which stirred many hearts of the Church, to the point that they wanted to bury My Presence here in this place.

Now that, throughout the times, the Message of Garabandal has become known and must keep being known by many more hearts of the whole world, this is the reason why I Am here, because it is urgent for Me that this Message be fulfilled, a Message that calls you to repentance, to a true correction, not only of life, but also of the feeling of the heart, a call that brings you the impulse toward ascension, toward the discovery of the Immaterial Laws that, in this humble place of Garabandal, acted and avoided many things.

For this reason, the events in Garabandal were so impactful and, as I told one of My visionaries, this contrary movement that took place here, of denying the Presence of the Mother of God and of the Archangel Michael, and also of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, would bring to many consciousnesses the energy of denial, even after having seen all they had seen.

It was something similar to what My Son lived when, at the doors of Jerusalem, He was received, honored and recognized just for a moment; as many of those who recognized and glorified Him then denied Him afterward, hurt Him and even spat on Him.

Do you now understand, beloved children, the feeling of the Mother of God, what Her Immaculate Heart feels about Her children who, having lived the events of Garabandal, left them behind, forgotten and lost in time and space?

For this reason, I Am here to relive the Message, and, although the events in the world have changed since 1961, there are situations that still have not been solved within the Catholic Church.

The attempt of correction has been made many times through the intervention and help of the current Pope, who also had difficulties to revive this Church, as it has been marked and hit by the last events of these times, which were also announced here, in Garabandal, by the very Lady of the Star of Carmel, and which, at that time, were neither heard nor recognized.

Can you now understand how My Heart feels?

I Am the Mother of the priests, of all priests throughout the world, not only of the Catholic priests. Priesthood is something vaster, not only in Theology, it is something deeper within the spirit, in the true consciousness that knows how to reconnect with God.

A consciousness that prays, a heart that adores, a soul that communes with the Body and Blood of Christ lives an exercise of inner priesthood, and this is why this exercise is  persecuted so much, and hit by My enemy.

Through Garabandal, and above all through My last Message that I left here in Garabandal, that if true repentance were not to come to be within the Church, a division would take place. This is nothing new for God, and I believe that it is nothing new for any of you.

I do not come with a Message to create division, dissent or separation, I come to tell you what is truly happening so that someone may internally take charge of this, because My Son has asked me for this, and it is not sufficient for this situation of the Church to be transmuted or liberated with only the current Pope.

Those who claim to be more consecrated to the Heart of My Son, in the different degrees of consecration and union with God, are those who always need divine help the most. For this reason, I Am here, once again in Garabandal, so that My Voice may be heard, My Presence may be recognized, My Love may be felt by all.

And now that the times urge, and that the Message of Garabandal has been fulfilled by a lack of more repentance, I invite you, My beloved children, to place this situation in your prayers, because My enemy wants to continue hitting the priestly life throughout the world, to the point that he also wants to hit and interfere with the devoted hearts, faithful to My Son, who live their inner life through the priests, because then, in that case, they would lose faith in the priests, because what is lived in priestly life is disproportionate to what truly happens in the hearts of My priests.

For this reason, I invite you to pray with greater fervor so that, in spite of the sorrow of the Mother of the World for what Her own eyes see at this moment, may this situation be healed and relieved, may the souls of the priests and of the believers be strengthened so that they never lose true union with God.

For this reason, your shelter and refuge will always be in the Sacraments and especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in which your hearts, souls and spirits will be able to empty themselves on communing with Christ through a true Confession that may purify your hearts, so that the planet may be purified and those forces of evil, which dominate the planet and the human consciousness of the Earth, may be liberated at this moment, and the doors of the Light may keep opening so that souls  may cross them and, thus, become a part of the Kingdom of God.

In Garabandal, since 1961, the Lady of the Star of Carmel of Garabandal has come with the aim of avoiding this situation that is taking place today because from the moment that My Word and My Presence were denied, an obstacle was put for the Mother of God, which was not an impediment for Me to carry out My task, but rather it was the great moment, beyond what happened in this humble place, so that each one of My children might hear My deep silence, so that, through the silence of My Heart, they might realize that they were far from God.

For this reason, what exists here in Garabandal, in its simplicity, but also in its beauty, remains alive through the light of the hearts that come here to pray with Me and that keep in their memory all that was lived in Garabandal, which is not limited to this place or this village, but rather the impulse brought by My Universal Heart have opened great inner, angelic and divine doors, so that assistance might come for humanity.

I aspire that someday Garabandal may keep flourishing as the Marian Center that it represents, and so that more souls can come to receive the Laws of Healing that your Heavenly Mother left deposited here with the loving and obedient assistance of the angels.

For this reason, when you come to Garabandal, or when you unite to Garabandal through the prayer of the heart, wherever you may be, know that you will be received by the angels so that your souls may live the healing that they so much need and the reconciliation that they so much expect.

Today, I come here in a modest way. Today, I come here in a simple, humble way, close to My children, because these are the times of emergency.

My arrival in the world, through the different Apparitions, has a greater cause, and Garabandal must not be just one more Apparition on this planet, because the Divine Hierarchy and all the universe do not waste the impulses of the universe, especially those that come directly from the Divine Source.

Do you now understand the vastness of the task of Garabandal, which has not finished being concretized nor being carried out?

It will always be through the pilgrim hearts, through the simple and humble souls, that the Message of Garabandal will remain alive in the inner worlds, and this will grant that the task of Garabandal may keep being fulfilled, that the Angels of the Mother of God and all Her Celestial Hosts may keep intervening and helping humanity, from what Garabandal represents for the whole world.

If anyone, at this moment or in this crucial time, needs to make a decision that might change their life, let them feel the Light of Garabandal.

If anyone is before an obstacle without a way out, with an unresolved disease, in a vast, arid and painful crisis, let them feel in their heart the Light of Garabandal.

If anyone has still not managed to recognize within themselves the simplicity of life, the necessary humility and unconditional service, let them feel in their heart the Light of Garabandal.

If anyone has not yet understood the Message of the Divine Hierarchy throughout the times and if their mind is an obstacle or a prison, let them feel within their heart the Light of Garabandal. Because Garabandal, just like other holy places that I have visited, will lead you not only to peace, but will also lead you to cross the portal of forgiveness and reconciliation that the world needs.

If your hearts position themselves before Garabandal in penance, I assure you, My children, that Garabandal will work through you and the Angels of God will help you.

May the Stars of the Virgin of Carmel illuminate your paths so that you may always find the truth within, and thus your lives may be the extension and the living expansion of the Message of Garabandal.

Be brave and follow the path of the Call, for all those children of Mine who do not do so nor live it, especially for those who deny the Mother of God.

I leave you My blessing, and invite you to be forerunners of the Message of Garabandal.

You do not know how much I thank you for this moment, for all those who unite to this moment in spite of the distance, because this allows My Immaculate Heart to triumph internally and keep as many souls as possible under My Mantle.

Let the Light of Garabandal always shine in those who believe in it, because by loving the unknown, you will someday be blessed to receive the revelation of Garabandal, which must still be fulfilled.

Go in Peace, in the Peace of My Son, so that the Message of Garabandal may be fulfilled within you, and the reconciliation of souls may be a reality on the surface, so that reconciliation, repentance and penitence may justify the grave errors of the world, especially those that take place through wars, through those who are displaced, who are oppressed, the elderly people, those forgotten, the miserable and those who are discarded throughout the whole world.

I thank you for responding to My call, you who are filled today with the blessing of Garabandal, of the Lady of the Star of Carmel.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am the Mother of the World, I am the Mother of the Mountains.

And today you are here, in this place, as a part of this humanity, representing the entire race, all souls and consciousnesses that are at some point of this climbing of the mountain; a moment when the climbing becomes harder and more difficult for all, because this is a moment of inflection, when a change, not only in the consciousness, but also in what is material, has to take place.

But while the world, that is, the human race, does not silence and go inwards, the Plan of Rescue will not be fulfilled.

At the end of this year, I not only come with all the Grace of God to again bless you  and be with you, but I also come with a warning Message, but also with a Message of awakening. This is the time to cross the great portal of salvation and rescue that the Hierarchy is presenting to you.

We know that not all listen to Our Words, that not all practice Our Messages, that very few are the example of a Christic and fraternal life upon the surface of the Earth. But today, I do not come to point out your mistakes, your faults or your traumas. Today, I come to ask you to keep climbing up this mountain, because at the top lies your liberation.

There you will find My Son, the Resurrected, the Resplendent, the True Christ that up until now no one has known. At the top of the mountain you will recognize His true Face, and you will deeply know where He comes from and what was the reason for Him to be created.

He used an image for everyone to be able to understand, but, in His Heart, and, above all, in His Spirit, in His Divinity, God was there. It was so that the world might understand His Message of salvation and the announcement that the Kingdom of God lives and dwells within each being.

Now, all religions must also be rescued and elevated again, because, in these times of tribulation, the consciousnesses lose the sense of their spirituality.

I call you to be attentive, I call you to be vigilant, I call you to be collaborators of peace and of good within this humanity. Even if the acts carried out are small and insignificant, I invite you and call upon you to keep doing them.

All the good that can be generated in this human race will relieve the chaos of these times and will allow the Armageddon, the great door of the Apocalypse, to be more transitory for all, and not more painful, as it has been up until today.

In this way, those who take advantage of the marginalized, those who take advantage of the poorest, extracting the goods that God sends to them so that they may survive and remake their lives, cause them to live in global injustice. Therefore, the Hierarchy gathers, at this moment, to also work upon those very material situations, although it does not seem to be so.

But the state of consciousness, of the awakening and discernment of each being, will give them the wisdom they need to continue forward.

I come here, once again, as a Messenger of God, because, together with you, I am climbing this sorrowful mountain, which is the corrupt consciousness of humanity, it is this planetary calvary that all are going through, some with greater impact, and others with greater relief, but if you join My Marian Spirit, My Spirit of Love and Fraternity, many more souls will be touched so that they can awaken and realize that, up to today, they have been asleep.

I also come as the Servant of My Son, the Christ. I come in His Name and at His request, to tell you this Message: do not let yourselves be pushed, at this moment, by the adversities of the world, by all that which the governments do, by the conditioning that souls live in this cycle, although they are submerged and pressed by a global system, but rather, keep moving forward.

May your faith lead you to transcend all these situations.

May your love for the Plan of God lead you to overcome all these situations.

And may you be capable of, at this moment, loving as My Son loved you, up until the Cross, until each moment of His martyrdom, of His flagellation, of His sorrow and of His pain.

Who will offer themselves as a great server of the world, a great humble and peaceful server, to help My Son transmute and internally liberate this planetary situation?

This is why I ask you, My beloved children, not to remain in what is superficial, not to remain in what is material, to be free from yourselves, from the comments, from the judgments, from all that you see, observe and contemplate in this world. Do not be just another weight for the soul of this planet. Relieve the consciousness of nature and all the Lower Kingdoms; because, in this way, justice will be lighter for all.

In this way, the planetary birth is drawing near, the consciousness of the planet shakes and trembles, because it is the time of the awakening, but it is also the time for the purification of this world, of all its evils, adversities and errors that were committed by this race and by all previous civilizations.

For this reason, the Great Celestial Brotherhood is here, in the invisible and silent planes, where peace, sovereignty and truth reign, to guide as many consciousnesses as possible, especially the most asleep and most ignorant.

For this reason, opening up My arms and extending My Hands towards you, I beg you, beloved children, to follow the path of the inner truth. Do not let yourselves be confused and influenced by the spiritualities of these times, you already know and have heard that there is only one Truth, which is My Son. He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is the Life, for each one of you.

What do you most need at this moment?

Keep rowing at this planetary moment, because the boat of My Son must reach a good haven. This boat is formed by all the serving consciousnesses of the world, regardless of their religions or even of their belief.

I need you at another level of consciousness. I need you at the top of the mountain, to be able to glimpse and understand the reality of the world, because if you are at the foot of the mountain, you will be submerged by evil.

Open your eyes, and, above all, open your hearts, so you can feel what I am telling you, because this is a time of great transition, the end of a year that culminates with many defeats, in the consciousness of this world, in the consciousness of humanity, but Faith, Peace, Love, the Light and the Mercy of God have not ceased to descend upon this world.

If these attributes had ceased to descend to the world for the souls that truly pray and make a commitment with Me, day by day, what would have happened, My beloved children?

For a moment, think of all that I am telling you. May My Words not be carried by the wind, as they were many times before. May My Words remain in the heart of each one of you and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, because in the Word of the Hierarchy, you will find the power for overcoming, the power for the transformation, for the transcendence of these times.

We do not come to ask you for something impossible or unattainable, we come to ask you for what is real and for what is possible, which is a thorough change in your lives.

You have received many gifts, you have received many spiritual treasures, you have received many Graces, and, I could even say, many amnesties and atonements. This is the time for the apostles of My Son, the companions of My Son, to be defined and to live and fulfill what they have come to do in this world.

These are no longer times of theories, these are times for the Teaching to be in the practice, in each detail, in each step taken, day by day.

Thus, you will acquire a mature consciousness, in a quick and surprising way, because My Son needs it to be so. My son needs the virtues and the talents that He left to us so that He can return.

In this way, you will allow, My beloved children, the Work of God to be strengthened in this world, and even in what is insignificant, in order for this humanity to be transformed.

I come with a goal, I come with a purpose, that, more each day, you may grow internally, that in the availability and self-giving of your lives, there may be healing for this world, because, as has happened to many servers throughout the times, someone will always have to give their life for others, give their life for the Plan of God.

At the end of this year, this is what each one is called to think about and meditate upon, to reflect and feel My Words within their heart, Words that only have the mission of elevating you, transcending you, making you ever-more aware and awakened before the reality of this cruel and difficult world.

I know that many times you have thought that your lives and your paths would be different. I am not saying that in your lives happiness or the joy of serving is lacking, even the sharing as a family or as brothers and sisters, I am talking about the inner attitude, the attitude that each one of My children must have at these times. While this is not happening, while this is not fulfilled, while this is not carried out, the Graces will remain kept in Heaven.

You must keep opening the doors of the universe because there are consciousnesses that have decided that they do not want to change, and this is something that only My Son will be able to solve when He returns.

I impel you to enter this coming year of 2022 under the spirit of Divine Wisdom, which leads, guides and concretizes the Aspirations of the Father in the three planes: spiritual, mental and material. May this important network of souls, this important network of light, of love and service, formed by you, expand and nourish as many hearts as possible, which wait for an opportunity.

I leave you My Light and My Peace at this moment, thus blessing in this way the whole world on this day, on the last day of 2021, so that not only the spiritual principles may be respected by humanity, and also valued and recognized, but also so that the material principals, human dignity, the common good, fraternity and love for your neighbors, the help for the needy, may be the keynote that may motivate the consciousnesses so that the great debt of this world may be placated by the service, love and peace of those who truly give of themselves, and may this also help the religions to give more, and even the non-believers to give, so that they may realize they are children of the Source.

I thank you for having the bravery of listening to My Words, and of making your attention hang on each one of My Words, in each part of My Message.

I am the Mother of the World, the Mother of the New Humanity, the Queen of Aurora.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Take refuge in Me. 

I am a part of your breath and of all your senses, and, even more, of all your inner senses.

Do not fear, dare to cross the oceans of My Consciousness.

You have emerged from a space that is blessed and sacred to Me, which you must aspire to remember.

Do you know this? 

Have faith, because I will always sustain you. 

You are like a little harmless bird upon My Hands. 

I caress you and comfort you with the Light of My Eternal Heart.

Awaken, child! It is time for you to open yourself internally to come to know My deepest mysteries. Do not doubt what I say, be brave and you will manage to do so.

All that I have given you was for you to make Me happy. Each part of My Creation was perfectly thought of to please you and make you feel very close to Me.

In the silence, there I am. In each Lower Kingdom of Nature, there I am. And in the elements, there I am. I ask you: seek Me and you will find Me.

I am beyond what is concrete. I am very close to you, closer than you can imagine.

Draw near to My Creation. All that you see, on this planet and throughout the whole universe, has open arms to receive you.

Be strong, but also be patient. 

Like no other, your Celestial Father knows about the moment that you and His other children are going through.

But where My Love is, there lies My Creation. 

Open your mind and imagine Me. I am something more than what has been written about Me.

My Science is Wisdom and I give this Wisdom to My creatures so that they can imagine Me.

My Love is Compassion. I give My Mercy to My creatures so that they can forgive themselves and others.

You must know that I am not far from all that this humanity and this planet live. 

I also suffer the sorrow of My creatures, but many of My children have moved away from My Love, and, as they moved away from My Love, they moved away from My Truth.

I still have my arms open, and, in silence, I wait for each one of My children so that they may be by My side, together with a Father who has always loved them, with a Love that does not change, with a Love that leads them towards the Truth. 

Today, I am emitting this Message to the inner universe of all My children, because all are My children, without distinction.

This is the time to prepare the arrival of My Beloved Successor, the Christ. 

In Him, I gave you Life. I taught you the Path and I gave you the supreme Truth of the Heart.

Children, do not let yourselves be confused by the world, look within yourselves. 

I am there because that is where My Church is. 

I am in this sacred space to hear you, I am there to attend to you, I can see you, I can feel you, I know about each one of your thoughts.

Do not be afraid, empty yourselves a little more so that My Love and My Light can govern you.

Blessed are those who suffer injustice because they will be comforted.

Blessed are those who are enslaved, exploited and exiled, because, on the final day, they will be recognized and called “blessed saints of the Father."

Those who receive My Mercy, let them rejoice, because the chains and the prisons will break, and the Light of Emmanuel will win.

May your hands always be in prayer with Me so that, beyond everything, we may be in communication, in spirit.

Come to Me, those who feel hopeless, come to Me, the oppressed and those who are tired; because I will console you and bless you with My Spirit, just as My blessed Son Jesus was blessed in the River Jordan.

May your life aspire to be a new sacrament. I offer My reconciliation to you so that you may know that I am Peace.

Walk, with your feet, aware that you follow the path of return to the House of your Father, who art in Heaven, and, within you.

Quench your thirst in My Divine Fount. 

Here is My Name, praised and exalted, so as to raise from the ruins the consciousnesses of My children.

Stay in Me, because I listen to your words.

Your Celestial Father, 


Reserved Apparition of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the universe opens up before your eyes, never lose peace. My Peace will always comfort you and give you an understanding about these times.

This universe opens up so that you may know it, so that you dare to deepen into it and thus you can find the meaning and the reason for existing within this Creation.

In these universes, there are various realities, and that is where I want to take you, because the world must raise its consciousness. Humanity must transcend its fears and, in this way, find confidence in what exists, in the unknown.

From the universe I bring My Message to all today, because humanity still has to listen to the Word of God, this Word that comes to strengthen you and give you new values so that your souls may be in communion with the universe and with Higher Life.

In order to arrive here, I have crossed many planes of consciousness; you must always keep this in mind. So that I can come to the world and speak to humanity, the universes have to open, the portals have to be expressed and the great path of Light must be built so that I can come to the Earth and present Myself.

It is because of all that happened during August that I, as Mother and Guardian of Faith, come to talk to humanity again. Because there are still children of Mine who do not listen to the Word of God, they only hear it, and this is not enough.

In these times of purification, your consciousnesses must be united with universal life. Thus, the currents of the universe will help you and give you the inner strength you need in order to overcome yourselves.

Everything that is material must be purified. Therefore, this is the time, My children, for you to experience this transcendence, day by day.

This is why I bring the universe to you, so that first you can recognize it within yourselves and then you can express it, even while being in material life, even while living on this planet and within this humanity.

Therefore, your consciousnesses must return to the origin. Not to the origin of errors, of blame, of the incomprehension that perhaps you have lived in the universe or within this school-planet.

You must return to the origin of your truth, to the origin of your essence. There, nothing can be corrupted, because if you are in God, God will be within you and His Word will be fulfilled.

These times are not only definitive times, times of tests, times of confirmation, they are times in which the universe gathers and unites, and so do the hierarchies, in order to help humanity.

The Commands in the universe are very broad, the challenges for humanity are very great. But there is only one reason and motive that keeps everyone here, which is the love for the Project of God. A Project that declined many times and has been distorted throughout the times.

Therefore, My children, now this is not important. What is important is your awakening, and in your awakening will be the evolution of your consciousnesses. And this evolution of your consciousnesses will only be attained through love and surrender.

My Son taught you how to do it. His Instruction is in force and timeless. Whether it wants it or not, humanity must walk towards the portal that will lead you to the Land of the New Christs. And this, My children, is not a theory, it is a reality, it is an aspiration of God, it is a goal.

The more who give up, the less possibilities you will have that all may reach this portal that the universe opens in the consciousness of humanity, and that someday will lead you to an encounter with the Land of the New Christs.

The Love of My Son will allow you to know this path, It will allow you to understand this goal and this aspiration of God.

After August 8, the Eternal Father has not given up, and He will not give up, although the majority of His children have their consciousnesses busy with an inferior and indifferent reality.

The tests come to teach all of you, My children, that it is time to change something, which cannot only stay within the mind as information or part of memory, but that you must practice and apply it within the life of these times.

This is why the universe mobilizes itself and works untiringly. Its cosmic currents, its mirrors of light, its Hierarchies, its universal, mental and divine doors, they all intertwine and interrelate, and through the Rays, they help humanity.

My children, there is a part that the Hierarchy cannot do for you, and it is up to you to do this part.

Your faith in these times must be strengthened just like your confidence in the Plan of God, these are times of incredible situations, never seen before.

But you must not stay in it, in that which is superficial, you must aspire toward that which is non-material, although you do not know it, although you do not understand it, although you do not experience it.

From there will come the help from the Source, just as the non-material Source helps the whole universe, the rest of Creation.

You are in a time that no other humanity has lived. Do you understand now the importance of this moment?

Your lives must be the very message fulfilled, the Word of My Son manifested through redemption and surrender to God.

This will justify, at this moment, all the errors that the world commits, and that humanity carries out, even within a pandemic.

Do not let the Law of Mercy move away, cry for the Mercy of God and trust.

I come to the world to deepen into the awakening, knowing that the universe is there, waiting for those who are self-summoned and for those who stepped back on the path of My Son.

The commitment of each being does not dissolve, as much as their lives change, as much as they move away from the path, because it is an essential commitment, it is something that you carry within yourselves, within your essence, brought by the Non-material Source.

Do you now understand the meaning of this responsibility?

To be with My Son is not a passing or emotional moment; Our Words must be fulfilled in you, because God gives them to you out of love and wisdom.

This will recreate the Creation, and your lives must always undergo a metamorphosis, a constant change, a permanent transformation, because this is where Christ works and carries forward His Plan.

We do not ask you for the impossible, but rather for what is possible, what comes from the heart and renews life.

On behalf of all Hierarchies of the Divine and Universal Plan, I sanctify you and I bless you at this moment so that, stepping out of yourselves, more each day, you may attain the supreme reality, while still living material life.

It is not impossible, it is just a matter of aspiring and wanting it. Higher Life will be there, calling at the doors of your consciousnesses, leading you to awaken and understand the Plan, beyond everything.

May your faith be renewed, may the commitment be remembered by everyone, may the Virtues and the Gifts of God be fulfilled on the surface of the Earth so that the New Humanity may be born.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


XXXI - Feeling the Love of God is a Matter of Choice

A converted soul, repentant of its deepest sins, questioned the Lord, saying:  "Lord, here I am, trusting in the greatness of Your Love and discovering the Grace of Your forgiveness. Tell me, O Father, how I can be forgiven and loved, and more than this, how can I feel in my heart that I have been touched by Your forgiveness?"

And the Lord responded: "Beloved you are, little soul, since the first breath of your consciousness, since My Spirit alighted upon you and gave you breath and life. Since then, you have been deeply loved.

Forgiven you are, when you embrace forgiveness and understand that it is not I Who deprives you of it but rather it is you who passes by and does not see it; it is you who does not reach out your hands to it due to being occupied with ignorance and sin.

When you awaken and open your eyes to My infinite Love, you can be touched by My Holy Hands. My Spirit again lifts you up into purity and peace, and it is there where you can find My forgiveness and understand that, in truth, I have always been here.

So let your anguish and uncertainty give way to My Love for you, soul of Mine, and see that My forgiveness is before your eyes, knocking at the door of your heart. Let it enter and transform your inner dwelling."

May this dialogue, children, teach you that staying in sin or in ignorance, or being embraced by Love and Forgiveness, are simply a choice of each being. You are beloved from the beginning: children awaited by your Creator. Now you just have to open your eyes and see that before you, with patience and hope, dwells the Love of God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


XIX - To Serve God and Fulfill His Will

A soul, sensitized to the urgency for the awakening of humanity, to the urgency to transform and serve, prayed to God, asking Him for more opportunities to serve, more responsibilities and possibilities for acting in His Plan of Love, saying:  "Lord, here is my heart, my spirit, soul, mind, body and feelings. Use me for the manifestation of Your Plan. Give me more possibilities for serving, more responsibilities for carying out the manifestation of Your Will on Earth. God, do not leave me simply observing the dormant state of humanity, but rather bring me to those places where I am able to serve Your Heart ever more."

And knowing the sincere momentum of this soul for serving and surrendering, the Lord responded with love:  "Little soul, do not seek just to serve more; seek to serve better. Do not look for opportunities to manifest My Work in great things, because I do not want you to be a martyr in the history of humanity; I do not want you to be a revolutionary soul that will be remembered in the books of this world. I call on you to transform the human condition from the inside out.

I do not call upon you to serve more; rather, I call upon you to serve better, to polish what separates you from Me in each instant of your life. I do not call you to be memorable to humankind, but rather to all of Creation, because My Project is fulfilled when It triumphs within beings, in their consciousnesses, in their souls and in their spirits.

When you serve better in the small things, in the excellence of your surrender, in your love for the neighbor, in the sincerity of your prayer, in the transparency of your expression in life, in the living of the Gifts of My Spirit, it is then, little soul, that great work is accomplished.

When you serve better, you will naturally serve more; because the very energy of life will lead you to greater responsibilities, which will not always be material, but many times, it will be internal, hidden and invisible to the eyes of humankind, because the attention of human beings is on that which is done in the essence of humankind, for in this way, My Plan is manifested.

Thus, little soul, let your momentum of serving always be alive, leading you to serve better, more deeply, more sincerely, in a pure and transparent way, in a service that occurs within your heart, between your heart and Mine; and My Will shall be fulfilled in you."

May this dialogue teach you, children, to fulfill the Will of God in a sincere and complete way, and to serve Him ever better, from the inside out.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God shows His Heart to humankind, a part of them dissolves into unity with the Divine. The essence wakes up and begins to remember; the soul expands and from within it, the most ancient records of love emerge and transmute what was dark in their consciousness.

When God shows His Heart to humankind, the inner world is shaken, the individuality seeks meaning and all that humanity always defended, as to the expression of each being separate from the All, begins to fall apart. The structures of deceit begin to crumble and the veils of illusion begin to tear. The Kingdom of God expands from the outside inward and, with the same power, it is revealed from the inside outward in all His creatures.

Nothing remains as it is.

Souls rejoice, minds can find no explanation, feelings lose their human foundation for they do not recognize the emotions that are caused by the whole and perfect Presence of God through His Son.

It is a moment of revelation and inner deconstruction.

It is a moment of being new clay in the Hands of the Potter.

It is a moment of being water transformed into wine.

It is a moment of being nothing in the Hands of your Lord.

Today, children, God shows His Heart to humankind. Allow this revelation to happen, the transformation to be carried out and unity to manifest.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

On this day, we settle into prayer and introspection in the vicinity of the city of Jerusalem, in preparation for accompanying Our Lord during the important moment of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Like stripped servants and apostles of Christ, we place ourselves at the Feet of the Master to express our love and unconditional support for Him upon facing the spiritual and divine task that will be done during Holy Week.

With a mature and adult attitude, we commit to following in the footsteps of the Shepherd so that we are able to closely follow the sorrowful Passion of the Lord, and spiritually united to Him, may we be moved into finding the spiritual and occult meaning of His entire experience in those times.

Through an act of devotion, let us recognize our filiation with the Eternal Father through the Presence of His Son and, in this way, we may affirm, within and outside of ourselves, the fulfillment of the Redemptive Work of Christ on Earth so that more souls and hearts may be withdrawn from the worldwide illusion and achieve the great awareness of an awakening.

Let us pray so that the beloved Lord may move forward with His Plan of Salvation and of Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The light of the mysteries will emerge upon the surface of the Earth and the consciousnesses of humanity will come to know Truth.

A Truth that has always been there, latent but silent, waiting to emerge to the surface so that the race might perceive it has never been alone in this Universe.

But when this Truth emerges, with it will arrive the awareness of each being, and they will realize the wounds that many nations have brought upon the planet.

At that moment, everything will be put into evidence and the planet will show all that it has suffered throughout times, as well as all that it had to endure in silence.

Because when the Truth emerges, the prayer of the faithful devotees will make this Truth more impactful. It will take an almost physical form so that no being becomes confounded and they may understand what they will be experiencing without the need for anyone to interpret these events. 

The Truth that will emerge upon the Surface will bring many revelations with it. Humanity will realize all its faults upon becoming aware of the essence of its purpose as beings and as members of humanity.

This Truth will open the eyes of those who have always aspired to know what is beyond this world, but the impact of this Truth will have repercussions in the knowledge and the beliefs that each one has about reality.

While Truth emerges to the Surface, God will send a stronger impulse so that the whole Earth may have the Grace of being able to surrender and recognize its faults, and in this way all may be repaired.

At this moment, many inner worlds will be able to take back what they left pending in the Universe, and they will make themselves available to carry out that which the Plan of God so much expected.

The Earth will be restored from the abuses and the diseases that the human being has imposed upon it for decades.

Thus, nature will be healed and no longer lose the space that has corresponded to it since the beginning of Creation.

This moment will finally come after the planet itself has purged what causes adversity and pain to it.

This time and this moment are arriving, therefore we must pray so that more souls may have the Grace of not losing the emergence of Truth, a moment in which no one will be able to hide from it, there will be no earthly weapon that can destroy it, no nation that can impose itself upon it or terrestrial power that can dissolve it because Truth is one and above any material reality.

Be prepared for this moment.

It is time to know that the final awakening will come, and all religions will have to recognize that they have become stuck in their theories and become stagnant in their dogmas because the love that will come from the Truth will change everything forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Welcome the tests your Lord sends you with love and gratitude and, through each one of them, discover the perfect path for your healing, your awakening and your redemption.

Child, sometimes God allows you to experience an illness so that, through it, you may experience a profound spiritual healing. The illness shows you the fragility of your human being when it is only supported by human forces and the laws of this world.

When you surrender from the heart and place your life in the Hands of He Who created it, and Who is the only One capable of leading it perfectly, you will then understand that the illness comes to heal you of yourself, to defeat your deepest resistances, to place you before God, just like a fragile lamb in the Arms of its Shepherd.

Perceive the illness as a warning coming from Heaven, that is calling you to go deeper into your surrender and resignation to God, in your yielding in the face of His Will, so that you may understand that He is the only One capable of guiding your steps.

While you have strength, He has Power.

While you have knowledge, He has Wisdom.

While you seek truth, He is the Truth.

For this reason, child, remain standing before God within yourself, to give thanks while He seeks to open your eyes, revealing to you your fragility.

Go deeper into the sense of surrender, of yielding and of obedience. Go deeper into the sense of faith, of gratitude and of humility in the light of God. Because, in this way, your illness will be for you a healer and your spirit will be freed.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Knowledge that comes from God touches your consciousness, allow it to reach your heart and be transformed into wisdom.

When the Knowledge that comes from God touches your consciousness, allow it to awaken within you that which was half asleep and forgetful of Higher Truth, of its origin, not only celestial but also cosmic, forgetful of the purpose of your life and the true goal of your soul.

This is the cycle of the revelation of Divine Knowledge, because for the Time of God to come to the world and reveal His hidden Kingdom on Earth, at least a part of humanity must be aware of this spiritual and subtle, planetary and divine Kingdom.

And so, allow the Knowledge that comes from God to transform, awaken and prepare you for the cycles that will come, in which your inner fortitude must be founded upon faith, as well as upon wisdom.

And when everything is fulfilled, your consciousness will be ready to enter into greater realities, into the Kingdom that transcends this world and which unites you with God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May each Child of Mary today elevate their gaze and their hearts toward the Heavens, not to plead but to give thanks, to recognize how many Graces and Mercies the Creator has poured out upon their lives and how much there is still to be lived within this walk in God, toward the Infiniteness of His Love and of His Creation.

May each Child of Mary today elevate their gratitude toward the Father for the Love He constantly emanates from the Immaculate Heart, for the Peace that comes from Mary and floods the souls, transforming them and consecrating them to God.

May each Child of Mary raise their gratitude to the Father for the awakening, for the revelation of His mysteries, for the veils that were torn and will be torn, for the life that is consecrated and re-consecrated in each new prayer.

May gratitude be the eternal prayer of all the Children of Mary because it will be only in Heaven, children, after this trajectory of transformation and love, that you will understand how blessed your lives were.

Gratitude will open the doors for you toward Eternity.

Gratitude will make fruitful all the Graces received.

Gratitude will make you instruments in the hands of Mary for the re-consecration of the whole world to Her Immaculate Heart.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The beginning of a new cycle has come for each being of this Earth, and, above all, children, for this Work of Love that the Creator is building with His own Hands since the origin of your lives. 

This cycle that begins will be permeated not only by awakening or purification but also by the maturity and the inner growth of your beings.

The time has come to consolidate the link of your hearts with God, and, after all that you have received in the name of humanity, to take a new step in the surrender of your lives, a new step toward your own inner self, a new step toward the Infinite that is held in your own heart.

The cycle of knowing the Forgiveness of God, through His Love and His infinite Grace, has arrived, so that, in this way, you may be true bridges between the hearts of humankind and your Creator.

This is the cycle to begin building what characterizes you as a race and as children of God, which is the deep union with Him through knowledge, not only of His mysteries but, above all, of His Love.

For this, you must constantly seek Him, feel Him and allow His Presence, although silent, to speak to your heart, and may it be with silence, with His Grace or with His Peace.

This is the cycle to experience God within yourself and, in this way, children, you may finally begin to unite the dimensions and attract a new time for this world.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I come from Heaven, bringing a profound interior jubilee within My Heart; a joy that comes not only from that which My Chaste Heart feels, but that comes from the Heart of God, the result of His Mercy, His Pity and, above all, children, the result of His great Love for Humanity.

I come to offer My Chaste Heart to the world, just as I offered it to God so that, in this way, the hearts of humankind may renew, awaken and have the strength and faith to continue onward in the calvary of these times.

Just as the Creator had once sent the Most Holy Mary to help His Son stand up at Calvary, and by means of the deep Love of the Immaculate Heart, your Lord renewed His strength. So, children, the Creator sends Us into the calvary of these times to look into the eyes of those who are tired, humiliated, those who are without hope, who have lost their faith; so that they may understand the essence of the Cross of these times; so that they may overcome the weight of their faults, weaknesses, miseries, and may overcome the weight of the human condition, which is transmuted in their consciousnesses as well as in their cells. In this way, know that, from all this, a greater love is born, greater mercy is born, the true human being is born.

I come to touch your faces, dry your tears and help you to discover the power of sacrifice.

It is not that My words over the last few years were insufficient; rather, I come in this way, children, to reveal to you the Love of God.

And so that you may know and experience that renewing the Love of God is not just carrying the cross and walking towards calvary, it is also to feel His Love and be loved by Those He sends to assist you, and thus, to see this new love become born within you.

Let us then walk for a renewal, for the Love of God and, above all, let us thank the Father for the revelation of His infinite and unfathomable Mercy.

I bless you today and always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Creator thought of the human Project, He contemplated from the start upon the possibility of His making of Himself a creature among His creatures.

The human beings were created among so many other beings and civilizations of the Universe, to express something that none of them had expressed.

They were created to unite dimensions, to express the love that overcomes the limits of all existence, and this allows beings to unite with God. They were created to express the essential likeness with the Father of all life.

The human purpose is great, and for this reason, My children, it is not attained in a simple way, although everything can occur with the awakening of consciousness and the firm decision of loving without conditions and surrendering everything for this purpose of entering the divine mysteries within one’s own heart, like in the infinite Cosmos.

Living the human potential seems to be something impossible, because most beings have not opened to truly experience the Love of God, which they are capable of finding and feeling within themselves.

I have taught you to pray, so that in this way you might cross the doors of your own heart and, little by little, you might discover the possibility of uniting with God, to feel Him and experience Him.

When a being truly lives the Love of God, My children, even for an instant, this is enough to lead them to understand that any sacrifice, effort or renunciation, of things of the world and of human illusions, is small to attain the Eternity within this Divine Love.

God, knowing that His children were lost in their evolution and that they increasingly moved away from their purpose and truth, and in order not to allow humanity to again go astray, as had happened so many times, your Creator Father decided He would Himself come to the world and show them the way.

So immense and merciful was the impulse of God for humanity, an impulse never before given to any creature, neither in Heaven nor upon Earth, that the whole existence placed its eyes, heart and hope in this world.

Mystery upon mystery is the evolution of humanity, beloved children, where the errors of the past and the history of ancient universal consciousnesses stop, so that a story of redemption and the revelation of the Love of God for all life may begin.

No being of this Earth, while being alive, has yet been capable of understanding themselves and entering both into their origin and into the true potential of their essence. Only after this life were those, who received from God the possibility of living the experience of love in this world, capable of perceiving the opportunity they received.

But today, My children, you are called to live the greatest miracle of this time and of all times, the miracle of the awakening of consciousness; the miracle of the union of time; the miracle of understanding what you were before coming to this world and what is the essence and the purpose of your lives. You are called to live the miracle of Science and the Divine Wisdom, to communicate to the world His Truth, not only with the word but, above all, with your own lives.

More than two thousand years ago, at the request of your Creator, I gathered the disciples and companions of Christ so that the Consoling Spirit might pour out upon them. Its mission was to announce the Good News of the arrival of the Messiah and to manifest, in the consciousness and in the history of humanity, the presence and the example of God amidst humanity.

Today, I gather you so that the Consoling Spirit may give you strength, may awaken in you the Gift of Science, which becomes wisdom and discernment. Science to awaken, beloved children; science for you to know what to do and how to become responsible, not only for your own redemption, but also for sustaining this world in transition.

While My last words echo throughout the world, I pour upon you Graces amid Justice, I bring you Gifts among corrections, because it is necessary that you are corrected, but it is also necessary that you awaken and fulfill the Purpose of God.

Just as the Creator came to the world while humanity was straying from its purpose, and He showed them the Way, the Truth and the Life, He will come again, My children, to show you the revelation of Love within chaos, to show you the awakening of Truth during the apex of the illusion of human suffering; He will come so that you may know how to unite the times and the dimensions, and thus you may do it, not only in this world, but in all of Creation, because not only does the Earth need redemption, all life must learn to return to God, and this will happen through the fullness of your lives and the expression of what you truly are.

I love you, bless you and, with the deep humility of My Immaculate Heart, I thank you, so that you may learn that, through gratitude, Heaven opens and the Creator touches all hearts of the world.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
