In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the Child Jesus in My arms, I come to ask you not to forget to light a candle for the impossible causes, for the most deeply rooted sins, for the miseries embraced by the heart of humanity, for impunity, for indifference, so that all of this, children, may be replaced by the Sacred Flame of God’s Purpose.

I no longer come to teach you how to pray, for you already know how. Throughout the last fifteen years, you were instructed about this. You were instructed by the One who constantly prays and does not tire of interceding for humanity, for this planet and for all of Creation. Because the One who once was the Mother of Jesus is not only the Mother of the Savior, but She is also the Mother of all life, all that lives and breathes.

Just as Christ, the Living God, manifested Himself on Earth through Jesus, also, children, the Womb of Creation, the Principle that gives life to all things, the Maternal Love of God, manifested Itself on Earth through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Therefore, it is now time for you to recognize this Heart and honor It as It truly deserves.

Do not limit the Mysteries of Creation to human understanding, nor to that which is written in sacred books.

I ask you today: do you believe that at that time, two-thousand years ago, any human being on Earth truly understood the Presence of Christ?

Do any of you believe that two-thousand years ago a man of the Earth was capable of narrating with perfection all that which was happening in the world through the Presence of Christ?

Yes, the Spirit of God speaks through creatures, and it was through this Holy Spirit that the apostles and disciples of Christ were able to narrate the Gospel, the New Testament, left to testify to the Presence of the Savior on Earth.

But the Spirit of God also respects the free will of humanity, its limitations, the expansion of its consciousness, the openness of its hearts. Therefore, the Word of God reaches as far as humanity can accept. This is why I once again tell you, and this time I ask you, not to limit the Greatness of the Creator to human understanding.

The time and the hour have come for the expansion of consciousness of beings, for the veils to be torn, not only in the temple, but also within beings, within the consciousness of each being of this Earth. May the veil that separates this world from universal life, from the Eternal Time, also be torn.

This will not happen according to human will. God’s Will, children, will not be based on the consent of humanity, because the time of Justice has come, and Justice is perfect. It will give and offer beings that which they deserve at this time.

Each farmer will reap according to what they have sown. Each gardener will see the emergence of the flowers that they have watered. And those who did not tend the garden will contemplate the dry land, waiting for a little green leaf to feel the breath of life.

In what role of this story do you want to be?

The time of definition is still in progress, the definition of souls takes place at every instant. At every instant, the human being has the possibility of discovering their potential and of no longer living according to the old human being but rather according to Divine Purpose. In the same way, at every instant, the adversary gives you the possibility of abandoning this Purpose and submerging into the human condition.

This is why it is time to keep vigil.

This is why it is time to pray as you have learned to do.

This is why it is time to strengthen virtues.

This is why it is time to delve into Knowledge, and for Instruction to no longer to be conditioned by human understanding, but rather for beings to open up, to delve into this infinity which God’s Creation is.

We have presented to you many things, knowledge and information that humanity does not even imagine exists. I even say to you, children, that this is a speck of sand in the desert, it is a drop of water in the ocean, it is a tiny star in the infinite cosmos.

There is a lot more to be revealed, and the revelations will come, one by one, without asking for permission from humanity. The veils will begin to be torn and the structures will break within beings, and the foundations of the religions, those built upon human concepts, will also break.

Where is support to be found?

Within the essence that moves all knowledge, all wisdom and all life.

In the essence of each religion dwells Divine Love, but it is like in a prison of human concepts, ideas, powers, wills, aspirations that come only from humanity, from its concrete, immature mind, which needs to grow at this time.

Those who can stay in this essence, who can go beyond concepts, beyond structures created by human beings, they will remain standing, and feel the freedom of their hearts when these structures break. Within them there will not be suffering, but rather joy, because they will come to know true freedom, which is not the independence that humanity seeks, but rather the spiritual freedom of delving into Divine Will and finally seeing the Father face to face, as He promised you.

This is why I come to warn you today that it is time to awaken. It is time to embrace infinity, delve into a knowledge that up to today has been hidden and that We have come to reveal to you by Divine Will.

This final year, which is the preparation for the withdrawal of the Divine Messengers, will be the last opportunity to awaken the human consciousness, so that the veils may be torn without suffering. This is why We so many times ask you to open up to Spiritual Instruction, to allow it to transform your consciousnesses and your human condition. Allow yourselves to experience Divine Love, which overflows within the beings that do not make it harder for themselves.

No longer say “I cannot,” “I am not capable,” “I cannot understand.” Say another prayer, another affirmation. Ask the Father:


Lord, that which I cannot do,
may You do it in me.
Lord, that which I am not capable of doing,
may You be capable of doing it in me.
Lord, in that which I cannot understand,
may Your Hand tear the veils of my consciousness
so that I can see, feel and experience You
in the immensity of Divine Creation.
Lord, in the face of my limitations,
may your unlimitedness present itself.
In the face of my barriers,
may Your Eternal Time show me the Truth,
May Your Voice awaken me from my dream
because I do not want to continue to sleep,
I need to awaken, rise and live Your full Will.


 Let this be your prayer.

When you are before a mystery, do not say that it does not exist. Simply acknowledge your own ignorance and allow it to be replaced by Divine Wisdom. Not only does this world holds great mysteries, but also your own beings hold them.

When the Lord told you, through His prophets, that you were created in the image and likeness of His Infinite Heart, what did you think? That God was created in the likeness of human beings? That he has a Face similar to yours?

What is God to you?

Breathe, feel life, there God is. Listen to the sounds of nature, there God is. Close your eyes, contemplate infinity, there God is.

What then is to be created in the image and likeness of the Creator?

Is there an infinity that dwells within you?

Are you capable, by any chance, of creating and re-creating as He does?

Are you capable of loving the way He does?

Can such an infinite Creator truly have given life only to this Earth? Was Divine Will really so small?

Just as you see the sky, the depths of the stars and their infinity, countless stars, so is God’s Love. The Love of the Father manifests Itself through life. Life, children, is the greatest expression of Divine Love, this is why it is not limited to this place.

And why can your eyes not see? Because your consciousness does not encompass Eternal Time.

How can you see with God’s Eyes, feel His Love, contemplate His Creation?

How not to believe that you are small, but rather discover that you are infinite?

When you love and open up to truly love, your consciousness expands, your senses expand, your heart dissolves the dimensions that separate this world from Eternal Time, which still separates humanity from the Heart of its Creator. There is no other reason for human ignorance other than the will of humanity itself to remain in it.

Therefore, allow yourselves to love, not only love one another with a human love. May this not be the goal of your love. Allow yourselves to go beyond, allow yourselves to be infinite and open your hearts to experience Divine, unlimited, infinite Love. In this way, children, when the truth emerges before your eyes, you will not fear.

When the treasures of this sacred planet are no longer hidden from your eyes, you will rejoice. When the life that dwells in the stars can finally share and learn from human life, you will be able to teach them, not about ignorance, but rather about Divine Love, because this is the reason why this Earth school was made.

This is a small school, a little flower in the Garden of Creation, a flower cultivated carefully, with care and predilection, but a tiny flower in God’s Garden. A flower that, in its smallness, must reveal the greatness of the Father for all life, its perfume must transform the whole garden, its seeds must renew the land, the land cultivated by God.

After listening to My Words, I ask you to study again all that We have told you throughout the last fifteen years. Take the Instructions you have not understood, stay before them and ask for the Grace of greater understanding, ask for the Grace of expansion of consciousness. You will perceive, children, that We have not told you just some difficult words, that We have not spoken to you with just a few symbols or parables, but rather with a deeply spiritual truth that was kept there, and that it was transmitted with a reason, with the purpose that the consciousness of humanity might be ready to live God’s Will, to again find its origin, and for you to be an example, for all of Creation, of the transformation of consciousness, redemption and Divine Mercy.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today, transmit these Words that the Creator sent to Me and, with His Son in My arms, I came to bless you and say to you that the transformation of each one of you transforms the whole human consciousness. Do not think that your steps are insignificant. None of you is insignificant before God.

May those who have fallen stand up humbly, start from scratch, re-building their inner worlds.

May those who are tired breathe, allow the Creator to renew your beings so that you may continue on.

May those who doubt, pray, ask for your consciousness to expand.

May those who have doubt about themselves trust in God, because if they are similar to Him, He will not allow them to stay in their miseries. Or do you by any chance believe that the Creator made you in His image and likeness for you to stay in your human superficiality? No, children, the Creator aspires for much more than that, and this is the time and the hour for you to live His Divine Will.

May the Sacraments, prayer, silence and service always be the foundations for the transformation of your beings. When you cannot step out of yourselves, serve, do something for others, even if it is in your own homes. When you forget what I have told you, listen to My Words again.

In the Presence of the Child Jesus, I bless you, I give peace back to you and leave you the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In this way, with the Presence of the Living God physically within you, the Divine Mystery will expand, reach your cells, your atoms, liberate the Light that dwells in them and allow your consciousness to take one more step in this awakening and in this transformation.

I bless you and thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time and the hour have come for you to awaken, even when you think that you are awakened.

The time and the hour have come for you to keep vigil, because during the night, the night of the human heart, like a thief, the One who is awaited by the nations will come.

The moment when it will be most difficult to believe, the moment it will be most difficult to have hope, when just emptiness dwells in your hearts, then the One who is awaited by the nations will come.

When you look at the world and only see chaos, when you look at yourselves and only find confusion, when the mind of humanity cannot elaborate even one thought and discernment looks scarce or non-existent in human consciousness, wisdom will descend upon those who pray.

In the darkness of the world, when beings seem to walk blindly, and the blind try to guide one another, the light will descend upon those who pray.

When it is hardest to forgive, because the errors committed by humanity will be unforgivable, compassion will descend upon those who pray.

When fear takes the place of the fear of God, and beings doubt the existence of the Father, He will manifest Himself in those who pray.

Many did not give importance to all the times in which the Messengers of God asked them for prayers. Have you wondered, children, why we form so many Rosaries of Light? Why we ask for so many prayers for peace in the nations? Why we always invite you to pray? Might it be because you do not have anything else do and we need to fill your time? Or is it because the time has come, the time to awaken?

And it is through prayer that you will find balance, that you will awaken the virtues and the gifts, that you will confirm yourselves day by day in the expression of your Lineages, and that which is Sacred will find room to go through Its expansion.

If you are awed by what you see in the world, I tell you that this is just the beginning of the end of times.

I do not want to cause you terror, I do not come to cause fear in your hearts. I come to strengthen you so that you can look at chaos and know that there is a life beyond, a life that dwells within you, just as it dwells within the planet, in the firmament of the universes, in the invisible dimensions that share the Earth. But the eyes of humanity, covered with veils, still cannot see this.

When you pray, the Wisdom of God is capable of revealing the reality that exists on Earth, in the Universe and within beings. To this reality I want to lead you, so that you do not mistake that which is real for the illusion of the world.

I do not say, children, that suffering is illusion. I do not say that the end of times will be an illusion, but it is just a bridge, a door for you to cross and find a new life, a life that has always dwelled within you, a life hidden and silent within beings, a life for whose awakening the Creator patiently awaits.

Even with all that you know, even with all that you have gone through, it will be difficult to look at the world and not become confused. It will be difficult to face pain and not be able to identify yourselves. It will be difficult to become sick and not feel death as something that destroys life. But today I want to tell you that there is life beyond life.

The path of the Calvary of these times is a little longer than the one that the Lord lived two-thousand years ago. Slowly, your feet will walk along this Calvary and, at each step, will transform the human condition. At each step, the Creator within you gradually overcomes the old person and expands beyond disease, beyond chaos, beyond suffering, beyond pain, beyond confusion, beyond war and conflict, beyond the wars within families, beyond the wars of parents against their children and children against their parents.

Much beyond this, those who pray will find peace, they will know how to see through the window of suffering and find in it a bridge to a new life.

Suffering will not have the same weight for those who are awakening, because greater than that will be the proportion of Truth within you. Thus lived the martyrs, and this is why they were able to endure, because the Truth went beyond human frailty and it was revealed within themselves, even within their physical cells, this Spiritual and Higher Life.

I know that this seems impossible to you. You look at the life of the martyrs and turn your eyes back to your own lives: how far you are from loving God with that fervor, from surrendering your lives for Christ as He surrendered it for you. But this thought is part of the illusion that you still live.

To awaken, children, is to understand life with eyes of wisdom, not to compare yourselves with the past, because now is another time, different are the human difficulties and, although there is one same Truth which you must attain, it will be attained in a different way. But all those who believe, pray and strive, will find that way.

The battle today is against the distractions, against indifference, against selfishness, against pride and against self-will. This is why it is more difficult, because it is fought in the invisible of your hearts, there where you think no one can see.

The martyrdom of these times is the constant stimuli that humanity receives in their minds and emotions to separate them from God. And it is against this, children, that you must battle in these times, through prayer, adoration, through a sincere, true and real contact with God.

It is more difficult to ask you to overcome the distractions, indifference and pride today than it was to ask you to surrender your lives two-thousand years ago.

This is why the Lord told you that you would do greater things than those He did. Because He knew the roots that would grow in the hearts of humanity, in their minds and in their souls, and how difficult it would be to uproot and pluck them from their inner worlds so as to renounce all that for Divine Life.

Today I would like to open the Heavens to you, so that you could all see that which is invisible to your eyes. So that everyone could contemplate the sacred place upon which your feet are standing. This time will still come, but until then, children, pray.

Pray from the heart, enter into dialogue with God. Open the doors of your lives so that He may have a space, so that He may govern, so that He may indicate each one of your steps.

Include the Creator in your decisions, in your days, in your thoughts, and little by little His Presence will expand within you. Thus you will be strengthened and capable of facing the times to come without losing peace, without losing hope, being true servers of a humanity that is agonizing. You will not be like the blind who guide the blind, but rather you will be like light at the table of the world, illuminating this sacred house so that those who are lost may see the way.

Therefore, you must tread the path of renunciation, of solitude, of emptiness, and discover in this emptiness the plenitude that cannot be found in the world, the joy that goes beyond human happiness, the divine realization that goes beyond human realizations, when God realizes Himself in you.

Who will reflect on what I am telling you?

Who will take these Words into their own lives?

Who will be capable of saying, “I will live this?”

Thus, children, when the portals of the inner world open up on Earth and sublime realities manifest themselves before the eyes of humanity, you will not fear, but you will rather find your place in the Lineage that corresponds to you, together with the Heart of the Hierarchy.

And when the vibration of the Mirrors resounds, your voices will resound together.

And when the shout of the Guardians and Vigilantes rises, your sword of light will also ignite.

And when the knees of the Contemplatives open the doors to Heaven so that Mercy may descend upon those who do not deserve it, then your prayer will also cross the dimensions.

And when the Governors attract the Law for the establishment of a new life and a new world, then you will also know how to make of these Laws manifested life.

And when wisdom fills the human heart, then the Instructors will know how to give explanations to the souls that are lost and guide them.

And when the Kingdoms of Nature need a true example so as to also cross the dimensions and find a new evolution, there the Kingdomists will be, pointing out the way.

Where will you be? Confused before the life that manifests itself? Or serving with the Hierarchy in the construction of this new life?

Have you asked yourselves this?

Where do I want to be?

Will I be the bride that fell asleep and stayed outside? Or will I be the one who entered, together with Christ, into a new life, to share with Him a new evolution?

Is my lamp lit? Or did I light it up but let my oil run out?

Ask yourselves, children:

Where is my consciousness, my aspiration, my will?

Where does my heart dwell?

Who dwells within me?

I leave you with these reflections because it is time to deepen, it is time to awaken the consciousness, it is time to be at the place that suits each one of you, because all will be fulfilled, just as has been foreseen since the beginning, and you have the Grace of an Instruction that no church, no religion, no spiritual group has ever received.

Be grateful and consistent. You have My blessing for this.

Today I would like to offer the Sacrament of the Foot-washing to some families that are important to Me so that they may renew their paths and again find the purpose of being a family in these times, so that they may find strength in each other.

You are together to strengthen one another, to grow in spirit and manifest patterns of behavior that humanity does not know. And when there is no peace in the families of the world, the peace that dwells between you will be a service that will generate merits for the salvation of the families that are lost.

Therefore, I would like to wash your feet, so that you may begin a new cycle, a cycle of inner consecration for each one of you to God, in which each family will know what virtues and gifts it must offer as a family group in these times.

I will accompany you and, under the blessing of My Gaze, I will guide you always.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May peace be in this place, this nation and in the heart of all beings.

While ignorance permeates the hearts of humanity, I come to the world to continue to call it to an awakening.

While chaos becomes established within and outside of beings, I come to call you to live a state of peace.

While humanity closes its eyes not to see the reality of the planet, to not perceive the times it lives and the steps it should take, I come to call you, children, to be different, to begin to transform yourselves from the inside out.

I come to call you to open your eyes, your physical eyes, the eyes of consciousness, the eyes of the heart, so that you may see the reality of the world beyond appearances and superficiality.

Remember that you are in times of the Armageddon, times of purification, of transition between the old and the new human being.

Nothing will remain the way it is. Each aspect of the human consciousness will be purified and transformed so that a new reality may be established in the world, so that you may be worthy of being part of a new Confederation which walks toward the fulfillment of Divine Will, which lives that which is Sacred, Love, Christic Love, unknown to most beings, although it seems so ancient in this world.

Therefore, do not cling to the old human being, do not cling to that which you are, to that which you appear to be. Do not cling to this world either, because it will also pass. Each one, each space of this planet will be transformed.

For a moment it will seem that chaos will dominate all places, all hearts, but it will not be so, children, for those who decide to live peace within themselves. The Kingdom is within your hearts. In it, the King of the Universe rules, in it, His Will manifests itself, and nothing will happen in your lives that is not His Divine Will.

Despite the chaos, the confusion, the evil that permeates the world, I call upon you to live peace, I call upon you not to enter into conflicts with one another, I call upon you to respect each other so that you may understand the Laws that rule the universes, so that you may allow these very same Laws to manifest themselves in life upon Earth.

Ignorance takes over the hearts of humanity more and more, and if you do not learn to look within, to find God within yourselves, you will also go astray, children, in this confusion that the adversary tries to establish in humanity, so that parents quarrel with their children, so that nations rise against nation, so that there not be peace within anyone.

This spiritual battle can be won through prayer, through the transformation of lives and the retrograde patterns of humanity. This battle is won through silence in face of arrogance, humiliation, the lack of love and fraternity. This battle is won through examples.

Where there is lack of love, may your hearts go beyond and manifest love.

Where there is ignorance, arrogance, indifference, may your hearts manifest fraternity, wisdom and silence.

The planet will not escape its purification. While you walk in the calvary of these times, do not think that the Plan of God has failed just because it did not manifest itself the way you expected. Just as Christ was capable of seeing beyond, even on the Cross, be capable of seeing beyond the calvary of these times and, at each opportunity of sacrifice, renew the Love of God within your hearts. In each apparent defeat in life, decree within yourselves the establishment of the Will of God and make, of each lesson, opportunities to renew love, to strengthen the consciousness, to transform the human condition and be new.

Do not have greater wills than the Divine Will. Do not have better ideas than the Thought of God. Meditate, reflect, feel, within your hearts, each step that you must take and trust that, in the trajectory with the cross of these times, triumph is lived from inside out.

It is not the reality of the planet that dictates the triumph of God in your lives. It is not what you appear to live. It is not what the world sees, but rather what God sees, only He sees, within you.

Many times, children, not even yourselves will perceive that God is triumphing within you, and His Will manifests itself little by little in those who persevere, His Love grows little by little in those who are persistent, in those who look at the world and, in spite of what they see, do not give up, just as Christ did not give up in the face of the human condition.

There was nothing more retrograde or worst than the humanity of two-thousand years ago. Even so, the Redeemer placed His Eyes upon the world, upon the imperfect, and made of them His companions, just as today He hopes to renew all things. His Gaze continues to be upon the Earth, going beyond human imperfection and finding the essence of beings, hidden within them, the essence of each one of you, essences called to imitate Christ, to live Christic Love.

Raise your voice to pray. Just rise as if it is on the cross, the cross of these times, which does not mean suffering, but rather overcoming, overcoming of superficialities, overcoming of appearances, to live a new love, which transcends all things.

This is to be on the cross: being capable of looking at one’s neighbor and not paying attention to their appearance, but rather recognizing their heart, their soul, the divine perfection hidden within them, nourishing in the other the best they have, their virtues, their gifts, so that they may grow. May you look at the suffering of your neighbor and not place your own suffering on the scales but rather be able to overcome indifference to reach your hands out and serve. This is what the new human being is all about.

May you be capable of listening. May you be capable of welcoming. May you be capable of overcoming yourselves and not trying to prevail over everyone. This is what the new human being is all about.

I am here, children, to establish a Spiritual Government in this place, through the descent of Divine Will. And through the opening of the heart of each one of you, may this Government and this Will permeate each space of this nation so that, beyond appearances, the Will of God may triumph, from inside out, in the hearts of the consistent.

The manifestation of the Plan of God is not about numbers but rather about truth. The transformation of humanity two-thousand years ago took place with the ‘yes’ of twelve imperfect men that accepted to follow the steps of Christ, who accepted to live His Will and, although they did not perceive it, they accepted to transform their human condition, multiply the disciples, carry the Good News, establish peace, live sacrifice, renunciation, humiliation, emptiness.

Today you are called on to be apostles, disciples, companions, making of your lives the harbinger of a New Humanity. This is why I came here, to call you by your names and lead you to Christ, to open the path for the Lord, just as I did two-thousand years ago.

I just warn you: know how to see beyond appearances, know how to understand that the triumph happens within beings, and do not lose hope, regardless of what may happen in the four corners of this world.

So that the Celestial Government may descend here, I call you to prayer, I call you to pray for peace, to strengthen the channel of Light that We have opened in this city, in this state, in this country, through your prayers.

Here We have established a sacred place, dedicated to the Kingdoms of Nature, a point of Light amidst darkness. I call on you, children, to strengthen this place, so that it may be a representation of the entire Brazilian consciousness, of its Kingdoms, of its people, and, through prayer, you may allow the Higher Laws to be those which will lead the manifestation of the events.

Brazil has a special place in God’s Heart, just like every nation. From the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the Creator hopes to renew His Love in this sacred place for the entire planet. Each nation holds within itself a Divine Will, and it is in the Will of the Father that a New Humanity may be born from the heart of Brazil and of South America, and expand to the whole planet.

How will that happen? Through you.

The new human being will not manifest itself in others who will be born in the world. The new human being is born from the transformation of each being that lives on the planet today. This transformation into Christ must happen through you.

Who will be a postulant to live it, to believe that God triumphs beyond their imperfections?

Who will offer their smallness so that God may manifest His Greatness?

Who will give their own strength so that God may manifest His Power?

Who will be capable of believing in the Father more than in themselves, just as Christ did when He carried the Cross?

He did not believe in Himself, but rather in the One who sent Him. You are being called to live this today. Do not think of your own capacities, do not measure the manifestation of the Plan of God by your own forces, but rather by the Gift of Faith. Trust in Divine Will.

Meditate on My Words, keep them in your hearts, feel and perceive that to which God summons you today.

This is all that I have to tell you. And I give you My Peace, I give you the Gift of Healing, Rehabilitation, Restoration, so that those who came to seek may receive what they are asking of God.

Through prayer and peace, may your sick cells be healed, may your consciousness be healed of all fear, all pain, all superficiality, because God calls you to something greater.

Why do you seek healing?

Why do you aspire to continue on living?

What will you do with your lives if you are healed?

Make each second in this world count, allow God to triumph within yourselves. You have My blessing for this.

Commune with My Peace and with the Sacrament that I leave you so that the One who sends Me may enter you and manifest His Grace within your bodies.

I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.


By the power that God has conceded to Me, as an intercessor of this world and a few others, today I open the doors of this Kingdom to the souls that suffer, so that they may receive such Grace as you have received during the last days.

By the awakening of your hearts and the "yes" that you have sent to God, responding to the call of Christ, you have generated merits so that many others who are unaware, may receive the Mercy that emanates from the Mirrors of this Kingdom to the whole planet.

Today, more than speaking to you, I come to pray with you for this world, for the children who must grow and populate the New Earth; I come to pray for the Kingdoms that suffer so much due to human indifference.

I come to pray for the angels of the nations who try, day and night, to sustain the planet and to attract to each nation the Divine Principle that it must manifest.

On this day, I come to deepen the awakening of your consciousnesses for you to definitely become servers of the Plan of God. May the love for this Plan be greater than the love for your own lives, for in this way you can be a triumph of God in the world.

Today I come to show to your hearts a reality that is still unknown.

I ask you to close your eyes so that I may show you that which I see as an intercessor of this world.

Travel with Me around the planet with the eyes of your heart. Contemplate My Presence, My brown tunic, My red-colored mantle representing the Blood of Christ that is still poured over innocent souls.

In My right hand, today I carry a staff, representing that besides being an intercessor, today I come to lead your souls to a new purpose, just as My Son did.

My bare feet symbolize My resignation before God; they symbolize My will united to the Will of the Father, and that I shall follow His paths through all eternity.

Contemplate behind Me a great portal through which I conduct you to the planet. I wish you to know the East to share the Wounds of God and repair them.

Kneel with Me on the ground of this land that one day was sacred and that must become sacred again, because just as your Lord and King shall walk through the West, He shall also walk through the East, and those who denied Him and who did not accept Him from the beginning shall bow before Him, beat their chests and repent, but it will be late.

Today I come to share with you one of the biggest Wounds of God, which is the human indifference for the Sacrifice of His Son.

When Jesus was little, He taught Me to pray the Our Father, a prayer He brought from Heaven, that He had learned from His Father so that all souls could unite to Him. Today I ask you to pray that sacred prayer with Me to intercede for the souls that must enter My Kingdom, which is your home and Mine.

Contemplate in the sky of the East a great door of light which radiates a golden and bright light; through that portal, the Voice of the Creator echoes to all of His children.

In the name of humanity, answer to His calling and, clamoring, speak to God:

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


Now, with your hearts even more united to the Heart of the Father, pray for the children, those who suffer unfairly.

For the sake of the Grace that God conceded to Me of having the Child Jesus in My arms, today I offer all children of the world to the Father and, along with you, I beg to God:

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


For the sake of the Grace that God conceded to Me of having the Holy Virgin Mary as my Spouse and Companion, as a Light on My Way, who has led Me to understand the Presence of God in My Heart, today I offer all women who suffer unfairly so that they do not lose their purity due to the outrages of this world. Along with you, I beg to God:

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


For the sake of the Grace that God conceded to Me to be a simple, serving and humble man, of fulfilling His Designs and today to be at His side, I offer to the Father all men on this Earth who are blind, who do not understand Him, who do not seek God, who do not find the Sacred within their hearts. Let us beg to the Father:

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


For the sake of the Grace that God conceded to Me to understand the presence of the Kingdoms on the Earth, of loving them and of revering them so that they may accomplish their mission, today I pray to God for all animals, minerals, plants, for all of the devas, for all of the elements that, in the deserts of the world, contemplate the atrocities caused by humankind; elements which, in the forests, rivers, mountains, cities, homes, and in all places, suffer the atrocities caused by the ignorance of the human heart.

Father, today I pray to You for all Kingdoms so that, through this prayer, humanity may understand that it is Your own Heart and the Heart of the Holy Virgin Mary that are outraged when the Kingdoms suffer and ache in this world. Along with Your children, I beg to You:

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


With this prayer, let us tell the Lord our God that we wish to begin a new cycle, so that now, children, you do not think so much of yourselves, but rather you contemplate the needs of the planet, of the Plan of God for It to be manifested, for this Earth to become sacred.

Whenever you think of yourselves and believe that you suffer too much, remember that portal I opened in your hearts for you to contemplate the biggest Wound in the Heart of the Creator, and do not be indifferent concerning the Sacrifice of Christ as others are.

Now return here with Me, but never forget the children who suffer, the women, the men, the Kingdoms that need your prayers. Christ has given a great Grace to you and it was not only for you; it was meant for you to respond to His call, abandoning the pettiness of your lives in order to contemplate a Higher Will and to finally recognize that the time has come to fulfill the Plan of God because, if humanity does not awaken, life on the planet may be extinguished.

Do not allow, children, another Wound to open in the Heart of God. Be worthy of everything you have received and multiply these blessings for the whole planet and for the whole universe, which is waiting for you to respond to the Call of God and for you to experience it.

Today I have come to pray with you because My Heart cannot contemplate the world any longer without feeling the grief of the souls that suffer.

After recognizing the greatness of the Father, of His Kingdom, and of all Kingdoms similar to His, which are hidden within the Earth, I cannot contemplate the human suffering without feeling the grief of souls in My Heart.

I cannot contemplate the atrocities that the Kingdoms experience without feeling in My Heart the great grief that human ignorance causes Me for not understanding the true mission of nature on the planet.

For that reason I have come to pray with you today and to only offer to the Father the merits generated by our hearts united in His Name, so that His companions may one day reach Asia, responding to His Plan, causing His Heart to triumph.

The bread consecrated by Christ has already entered your essences as a seed of light which is starting to fecundate, to sprout, and to grow, in order to become the tree of a new life. May each Communion that the Creator offers you by the means of His Messengers nurture that seed, strengthen it and make it more powerful than any human aspect, so that you may awaken the Divine Essence in your little hearts.

Pray once again with Me, now in Aramaic, as My Son has taught us, in order to open the doors of Heaven and so that all souls, all Kingdoms, and the very spirit of this Earth may commune of the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Prayer: the Our Father in Aramaic.

Let the children come here, let them commune for all children of this world, and above all let the new life be sprouted within them; may they be worthy of living in the New Jerusalem, the Kingdom of God manifested on Earth. Sing while they come here.

Oh! Saint Joseph,
we clamor to You for the salvation
of all souls of the world.
Mercy, Mercy.
Oh! Saint Joseph, Mercy.
Oh! Saint Joseph,
we clamor to You for the salvation
of all souls of the world.
Mercy, Mercy.
Oh! Saint Joseph, Mercy.
Oh! Saint Joseph,
we clamor to You for the salvation
of all souls of the world.
Mercy, Mercy.
Oh! Saint Joseph, Mercy.
Oh! Saint Joseph,
we clamor to You for the salvation
of all souls of the world.
Mercy, Mercy.
Oh! Saint Joseph, Mercy.

Today I leave My blessing over all children and over all families. May every father and mother receive from My Chaste Heart the inspiration to educate and to raise their children. I ask you to be strong and to not allow the influences of this world to enter your homes, those which separate the families and make them unhappy.

Today I leave a seed of the new life in you so that, wherever you go, you may sow it in many other hearts that are not here today.

For the sake of the Grace that God conceded to Me of living among the most Sacred Family that has been in this world, today I bless you and thank you for being here and for allowing the new child to flourish in your children.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and overcome the challenges of this life with peace.

I thank you.


Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you, a Kingdom that has always accompanied you from the beginning of this evolutionary walk and although you have been on this walk for so long, very few know it.

Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you that remains on the planet, in the spiritual worlds, where the eyes of matter do not see it, but hearts feel it.

The time has come for you to know this Kingdom upon which you have your feet, so that, the moment it emerges like a seed of the New Humanity, like a door to the New Jerusalem, you can recognize it and do not fear entering it.

Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you where My Divine Consciousness dwells and also the Universal Love of God; I want you to feel that love in your hearts, so that you dissolve all the fear of knowing the truth about life on Earth.

This planet, just like your hearts and all of Creation, holds many mysteries within itself, many truths that humanity has not known, because its eyes were in darkness, its minds in illusion, and its hearts closed to the life of the spirit.

After so much time with your feet walking on sacred ground, the time has come for your spirits, your souls and your consciousnesses to finally be able to enter into it; the time has come for the planet, My children, to recognize that the sacred dwells within it, to recognize the grandeur of the spiritual life held within it, and to awaken to that life, so that it does not only exist on the levels of the spirit.

May this sacred life exist here, on the surface of the planet. May your feet not only be on sacred ground, but may everything you touch, each space in which you live be sacred; may your beings become sacred, may the sacred emerge in your essences, converting your spirits into that which the Creator expects of each one of you.

You are My children, you are children of this Kingdom, and you must now truly become My companions, whom I can count on to build the Divine Work in this place, and, responding to the Will of God, I may send you to many other places of the world where the sacred also exists and which humanity overlooks.

I want to awaken you so that you awaken others, and in this way, you create a network in the human consciousness so that those who so much hope to, may find awakening and the meaning of their lives.

Close your eyes and enter into this Kingdom that I am introducing to you today. Its temples are not only for healing, but come to free you and awaken love for the Plan of God in you.

Light the mirror of your own heart and unite it with the Mirrors of this Kingdom; in this way, that which is purest within each of you will be able to be reflected in the Mirrors of this Kingdom for all of humanity, and will be able to grow in your consciousnesses, so that each day you may become greater servers of this Plan of Love.

This Kingdom has been waiting for you since the origin, because you made a commitment to God to manifest it on the surface of the Earth. The children that live here today are those who will build the New Jerusalem, that land that is not only a divine promise; it is a divine truth, a higher archetype that is still waiting in the Celestial Kingdom to descend upon the planet. 

I do not come to convert your spirits into sacred spirits just so that you may know a little more peace. I come, children, for a higher purpose, because for this sacred Kingdom to emerge, and for the New Jerusalem to descend, your souls must be crystaline, your hearts pure and your spirits awake to higher life. That life is not found beyond the stars; it is to be found within each one of you and must emerge from within the planet to convert life on the surface of the Earth. With all this that I am telling you, I open the door of this Kingdom for you so that you may finally enter and achieve an awakening.

Many among those who are on this sacred ground are experiencing their last opportunity, because it is a time to convert the errors of the past and awaken the heart for the manifestation of love and the fulfilling of the Plan of God, beyond personal plans.

On the ground you touch and stand on, today place your plans, your goals, your aspirations and your desires so that, with the radiation of My Hands, I can place in your essences the Divine Plan, the goal of the Father for each one of you, the aspiration of the Creator for His creatures, which is so far from all that you want for yourselves.

On this floor that you stand on, today place all material aspiration, all competition, all the need for power, of conquest, because on this afternoon you will no longer conquer anything, but rather it will be the Creator that, through the yielding of your spirits, will conquer your hearts, and will show you, children, the great truth that He has aspired you to live from the beginning.

Enter into this Kingdom, through the doorways of redemption, without fear. Let your spirits be welcomed by this Kingdom of love.

Here you will find brothers and sisters from yore that have accompanied you in the invisible of your lives.

Here you will find the Divine Consciousness that made this His Kingdom, His home, so that He could thus manifest His Plan on this planet.

The Consciousness of the Creator had one of His Faces descend to this home so that, in this way, children, it may become even more sacred, and each day, the archetype of the new life, the new humanity may emerge from it.

Enter into this Kingdom and allow yourselves to be healed. Let your spirits live redemption, and with this symbolic step, attract many more souls, which are connected through the streams of life and need you to take a step so that they too can enter into that school of love and of forgiveness.

Contemplate the doors of this Kingdom today, and recognize that behind you, there is a very long line of souls and spirits that cry out for redemption.

Take a step without fear and enter with your whole consciousness. Within this Kingdom, contemplate its lakes of light, which are reflected in the mirrors of your hearts.

In this Kingdom, contemplate its gardens of healing, of rehabilitation, which lead you to peace and unite you with the Heart of Mary, because you are deeply connected to Her Celestial Kingdom.

Contemplate its temples, enter them, feel the peace, the presence of the angels that accompany the Creator in their new mission on Earth.

Feel, children, the liberation of your lives, of your hearts, and say 'yes' to God, and that you aspire to accomplish His Plan.

Be ready of heart so that after being healed, you can serve and aid humanity, which will find a doorway to liberation here, for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the relief of the spirits that suffered in wars, in the conflicts of this world and beyond it, because it is not only here that wars exist; the whole universe experiences the duality that you face on this planet, and it is to balance this universal duality that you come to the world to awaken unity and love in your hearts.

Thus, today I have your consciousnesses before an even greater mystery, which is to transcend your lives, not only through the conversion of life on the planet, but through the life of the whole universe, because even though you may not believe, the 'yes' of your hearts has repercussions in each star that you see in the sky when the night falls. And in each of these stars, there are many eyes that contemplate you, many hearts that wait for you to say 'yes' and to convert your lives into a source of transformation for all of existence.

Enter this Kingdom and patiently endure your own purification, endure with gratitude the old human that will be uprooted from your beings, the atavisms and the commitments with evil that you were once able to make through ignorance and illusion.

Enter this Kingdom and do not resist, because its waters will wash your spirits and will renew you so that you may accomplish the Plan of the Creator.

Today I place you before this mystery and I ask you, children, to simply contemplate it, to feel it, and to not leave this place to simply experience just another day.

Leave this place with an aspiration, with the divine aspiration in your essences; leave this place with the resolve to wake up to higher life, to not doubt the existence of a Greater Plan, which transcends the mind and human understanding.

Leave here with the determination to know and to come to know your true origin; leave here with the determination to be different, knowing that there is a truth that transcends all the teachings that have already been transmitted to Earth, that even transcends the truths of the sacred books, because they hide in the symbols of the words written there.

To seal your commitment to God and definitely unite you with this Kingdom, I will give you to drink and to eat of one of the great universal mysteries, so that the conversion of these elements may also convert your consciousnesses; and with this living mystery within you, you can unveil the mystery of your own existence and know that, in the same way that this bread is not just bread and this wine is not just wine, you are not just what you see, the matter you seem to be, the emotions that you feel, the thoughts you emit, but that a hidden truth exists, and it is there where the hope of God rests.

Within this truth, this mystery, in the same way that you unveil the conversion of the bread and of the wine, you will little by little unveil the conversion of matter into what it really is, and the conversion of these houses into what they really are, the conversion of these valleys into what they are, and the conversion of this world into what it should be.

Today you will commune with the codes of a new life. Today I place these elements in the hands of those that guide you, that are responsible for this Kingdom both in matter and in spirit.

I place these elements into the hands of those that untiringly have served you since the beginning. This is a Council that represents not only this Work, but also a large part of the Plan of God on Earth.

With your hearts open, children, emanate gratitude to the Universe so that, in this way, you may heal the past and prepare a life of greater companionship for these times.

The time has come for you to be companions not only of My Chaste Heart, of the Heart of Mary or of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but that you be companions of those that guide you, so that in these times, this Work may expand and the Plan of God can count on you to encompass more spaces on the planet that are so in need; for it is not only here that there are souls that must awaken, because it is not only those that watch us in their homes that must receive this life instruction. In each corner of the planet, no matter how hidden or forgotten it is, there exists a heart that has a commitment to God, and that commitment must be fulfilled.

By the authority that My Child gave Me and by the fatherhood that I once shared with God, protecting the One Who descended from the universes to be the Son of Man, I bless and convert these elements.

Together with the priests of this Kingdom that consecrate their lives to the invisible, that serve, that pray, that contemplate and support the planet, may the elements be converted, so that your lives may be converted, and you may go two by two, expanding the Plan of God on Earth.

Feel the Presence of the Most Holy Mary, so that Her Purity and Her Divine Consciousness, still not understood by humanity, may touch your hearts and help you in the transformation and in the consecration of your lives.

By the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I convert these elements and I thank you.

Remain united with the Sacred Hearts, because a new cycle is rising and will expect from all a new consciousness, a new awakening.

I thank you.

While the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesus transmitted the Words of Saint Joseph, the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón was receiving the Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, which, at the end of the meeting of prayer, he shared with everybody.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
