Just as in My spiritual Heart I keep each soul, in the same way I keep the nations of the world, especially those that in the end of times will have an important mission.
In this sense, Argentina will be the spiritual cradle of the new times, those which will arrive full of the Grace of God and will allow certain events to be presented in order to give impulse to the awakening of souls.
Argentina is a people and a nation with many opportunities that its own inhabitants will recognize, if they live the path of redemption and of forgiveness.
Argentina is a country not only overflowing with natural beauty, but also a land that has its wounds, very difficult wounds that I Myself will heal through My Presence.
So that the healing may reach the hearts of Argentina and all its past, the Argentine people and humanity must truly invoke My Mercy so that from the heights of the Universe, the nonmaterial ray of liberation may descend and be that which transmutes and redeems the Argentine consciousness, and thus a new cycle will be able to begin.
I will be alert to the voice of the supplications of each one of My companions.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, for you and in this hour, I bring My Solar Mirrors of Mercy that, like extremely potent powerhouses of transmutation, transform deep and unknown human conditions.
These Solar Mirrors are those that, in this cycle, are drawing closer to the planet to spiritually aid humanity and assist in the balance of the consciousness of the planet.
These Solar Mirrors of Mercy are united with the different Sources of Creation and, from the Spiritual Universe, they emanate codes and impulses that lead to the awakening of the sleeping consciousness and to the search for the path of the Truth.
These Solar Mirrors also work with the aspects of the human being, helping them in the sublimation of the consciousness so that the path of redemption may be experienced according to the Will of the Father.
To contact and unite with the Solar Mirrors of Mercy, it is enough to pray from the heart at three in the afternoon. This will make it possible for there to exist, on the surface of the Earth, at least one consciousness that recognizes this special spiritual assistance and, in this way, the necessary aid may descend for this crucial time for humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Through the passage and the visit of the Divine Messengers to the nations of the world, certain ideals and projects created in the function of the human mind are deactivated so that the rest of humanity not be affected, nor interfered with.
For this reason, and also for others, the Sacred Hearts go on pilgrimage to bring souls into an awakening of the consciousness, and to encounter their greater commitment with the Heights.
In this time, the Celestial Hierarchy is present in humanity because humanity, as peoples and also as nations, easily deviate from the path of the sacred and of redemption.
And so, the strong currents of My Divine Mercy draw closer to humanity to carry them into the act of their repentance and so that within the world there may exist instruments of Christ, capable of representing Him within the phase of planetary rescue.
The Son of God comes to the world to offer souls an opportunity capable of redeeming and healing human life and, by means of Grace, granting humanity special assistance so that change may take place within them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While more souls enter My Universe of Light, more events from the past are dissolved by Christic Love, and thus I triumph again in the face of darkness, and souls recover their spiritual meaning of being here in order to stop being disoriented.
Souls walk towards the inner planes to have an encounter with your Master and Lord. Even though it may not seem so, this is what happened with the souls of Croatia and is also what may happen with the souls of Hungary, strategically imprisoned in a system of human self-destruction.
But My Mercy shall reach all those who wish to receive it, and even more.
My Mercy shall fill all spaces when My arrival is announced, just as the arrival of your Heavenly Mother to Croatia was announced through the diffusion of the heart, which was to share Christic Love.
This is the last time in which souls will unexpectedly receive the impulse of awakening directly from the Source so that each one may take on their commitment with the Celestial Father and be a part of the soldiers of Christ of the end of times.
But this impulse shall happen only once and will not be repeated.
Therefore, the more the diffusion group is aware of the work it performs on the inner planes, the greater will be the effects for the Work of the Hierarchy in the whole world.
I thank you for all the efforts made; I thank you for keeping My words and impulses in your heart.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There are aspects and states of consciousness in the human being that only love, mercy and patience can transform, because these human aspects have very relevant past histories, which interfere in the awakening toward service and absolute surrender.
When at a certain point you become aware of some of these aspects, it will not help to enter into conflict, guilt or battle. You must make use of the noble wisdom of the heart and, through the love of the spirit, transcend these moments in peace.
You must know that in the same way that surrender and service allows these aspects to be progressively redeemed, the same thing happens when the human aspects are removed from their ancient place to be dissolved by the light and the love of Divine Wisdom.
At times, you will manage to shift above these human aspects that cause you to commit failed acts. In other moments, you will fall into the prisons of these aspects, but you must not allow yourselves to be defeated nor intimidated.
The aspects are like raw wood in the human consciousness which, in the hands of the carpenter, is polished of all excess and shaped so that it may finally be turned into something beautiful.
Through My Mercy, these aspects lose force of action and independence because the Mercy of My Heart transmutes them and redeems them until the human being achieves the living of the spiritual model that God expects from each one of His children.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, My descent to the world contemplates a Venezuela outraged by extreme marginalization, wounded by the infidelity of its laws, imprisoned by the captivity generated by a few, violated by an obsessive oppression.
Oh, My dear and joyful Venezuela! May impunity no longer awaken battles, may the power that some believe they have not block your sincere spirituality.
My dear Venezuela, the justice you seek is not on the Earth; the hope you expect, you will not see in the heart of any representative.
Liberate yourself, Venezuela, from your constant pain; forgive all the evil that has been done to you; reconcile, within you, everything that was hurt and transgressed.
My dear Venezuela, do not lose the aspiration of fulfilling yourself as a people in freedom. No longer fight with weapons, for evil defeats itself.
Pray, Venezuela, pray without delay and without rest because you will see, with your own eyes, the idols
who have been erected, fall.
Pray, Venezuela, so that you may always be within the Kingdom of God. Your escape and your freedom will not be in war nor in conflicts. Your rebirth and your liberation, you will find in the power of your faith.
Venezuela, I know that you hope for a quick end to this captivity; only choose God as your Governor; only seek the greater good above all adversity, and thus you will triumph.
Venezuela, your joy will reflect again on the face of your people and the indelible love of your population will make them return to the purpose of their creation.
Venezuela, it is the time of your profound awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I know in the depths of your being; what you were, what you are and what you will be someday by the work and miracle of My Mercy.
Therefore, it is not necessary that you occupy all the time with what happens to you. It is better that you put your mind and your heart in evolutionary things, in this manner you will save time, energy and space to really be able to give yourself with trust to My Sacred Heart.
Dare to transcend the so-called human decadence. Love others as you love Me, in this way you will build inside yourself something really good, and everyone will be served of your goodness to relieve their hearts and their lives.
In simple words, you should imitate me as a model of patience and unconditionality, as well as in deeply merciful acts.
One day you will awaken and be another. All this weight will have been transmuted by your correct and elevated disposition.
Do not be afraid to conquer yourself. Follow my steps and you will attain inner peace.
I wait for you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part V
At the highest points of the House of Redemption, within the three areas constituted as Redemption 1, 2, and 3, systems must be installed to obtain alternative solar and wind energies.
For this reason, some of the consecrated and residents of the Light-Community must know how to work with these resources through an academic formation about renewable and alternative energies.
This experience in Aurora, after a while, will also allow us to perceive the different alternative energies that can be developed in the other Light-Communities.
It will be an indispensable and essential resource for the Light-Communities, in the long term, to be able to count on these means which nature and the climate offer within each region of the planet.
In this sense, the academic formation of the residents and of the consecrated, focused upon the alternative energies, will allow for further development in the field of knowledge and of intelligence, with the objective of seeking the resources to cover the needs of each Marian Center, as well as of each Light-Community.
For these coming times, it will also be necessary to have an awareness about the correct use of electric power, which supplies about 98.9% of the needs of humanity since its exacerbated consumption harms the Kingdoms of Nature and all of the ecosystems.
Bringing to conscious awareness the fact that everything necessary for living is within the Kingdoms of Nature, the human being will awaken their sleeping senses, which will help them to perceive reality without the need to harm nature.
It is time for human beings to learn to respect Creation and all its components through a more equitable and harmonious way of life.
To develop alternative energies in Aurora will require the formation of a group of brothers and sisters dedicated to academically instructing themselves, as well as for developing the necessary projects.
Aurora has the potential for the utilization of alternative energies through the Sun, the wind, and water.
I thank you for considering all of the Projects of God!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the face of the movements and events of the end of times, My Heart pacifies and neutralizes all forms so that souls may become aware and perceive what is wrong.
This is the time of the greatest challenges and of infinite tests; and there will be only one way to overcome everything, and it is through the love of the heart.
If there were enough love in the heart, and above all, in the consciousness, nothing that will happen would change the development and the awakening of the consciousness because everything would be a possibility for increasing the degrees of love and of drawing to the planet the opportunities that hundreds of souls lost through their various errors.
In this sense, the opportunity to serve and to attend to others will be expanded; sometimes it will only be necessary to listen to be able to open the inner spaces so that healing may descend.
These are times in which everything will be evaluated and nobody will be able to isolate themselves or omit this evaluation because it will be within them. This evaluation will define the next path and the next school and will not depend on the responsibility of anyone, because it will be a moment between the soul and God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus
Ninth day
There are already thorns in My Heart that have turned into flowers of love for the Lord.
This is a sign that, beyond any circumstance, the faithful love of Mine is reaching the depths of the Heart of the Shepherd and the pains are being alleviated by the prayer of those who cry out for Mercy, not only for themselves, but also for the whole world.
But that does not mean that humanity will cease to put painful thorns in the Heart of the Lord; however, the faith of those who believe in Me will allow the conversion of what seemed impossible.
Today I come to ask you that, through your prayer, you remove the ninth thorn in the Heart of your Shepherd, which is the thorn of the materialistic and lavish life.
This thorn provokes in Me immense pain, since souls, through all that is material and concrete, turn toward a life of vices and of pleasures, forgetting what is essential, what the creator Universe placed in the inner world of each being.
For this reason, ask the Celestial Father for the souls that are completely submerged and abducted by the temptations of the material life and of luxury.
You, stop for a moment and reflect, so that within you may manifest a detachment of all that is petty, superfluous and that does not build the brotherhood among beings.
Empty yourself completely and let the Fire of My Love invade you, even when you believe that nothing happens.
Pray wholeheartedly to God so that His immense and infinite Mercy may be poured out over those who are hypnotized by the world illusion, so that they may receive the impulse of the awakening and of redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Message
Children, in the silence of My Heart is heard the introspection of God, a moment in which the Universe reflects upon the coming times.
This is why My announcement is precise and cogent. My Word is clear to bring wisdom to the hearts.
We have no time to lose, there is much more to mature and grow internally.
I need you to know that the Universe contemplates this moment, above all, the beginning of this Pilgrimage in which the gathered Hierarchy will establish the new guidelines and the new principles for all those who want to adhere and be ruled by the Hierarchy.
The Universe will not stop the steps of those who may want to continue to be free, because the Father has given them freedom, has given them the conception of life, has given them the opportunity and the joy of being able to live the Creation.
The Universe contemplates the steps that the nations and all of their representatives take. This restricts the awakening of the Plan of God in the consciousness of humanity and the responsiveness of all creatures.
It is time to see duality manifest and how everything is at stake.
It is time to overcome this duality and to transcend it by means of love, a love that you have never lived, a love that you have never achieved, a love that you have not yet discovered and that you are on the way of being able to live.
While I am here, I am with this part of humanity that needs much of the Mercy of God to be able to have an opportunity of redemption so that a door may open to the conversion of hearts and the transmutation of many lives.
The Silence of My Heart represents the Silence of God, Who contemplates the whole Universe and especially this planet, which He created with so much love through the archangels and the angels as well as the great devas that today are banished by humanity through its actions and a great ignorance that corrodes the Kingdoms of Nature.
But, although all these situations occur, the Kingdoms of Nature do not fail to express themselves and demonstrate what they truly are.
When all of humanity values the Kingdoms of Nature, it will be able to find in them the regeneration of life and the healing for many illnesses.
But still, the humankind of the surface has not understood the Creation nor the system of universal life; otherwise the effects would be different and the opportunities for souls would be different.
In the meantime, the Spiritual Hierarchy tries to seek a solution that can benefit all of humanity, although in this time there are many who are present who offend God and destroy the Divine Plan with their actions, not only within the nations, but also within the societies, within everything that should be harmony and balance for humanity, order and justice, equality, solidarity and cooperation.
But humanity has not incarnated these attributes in a just way yet. It believes it lives and understands them, but in its essence it has no foundations, because humanity must still learn to evolve and grow internally in order to be able to express the Divine Will, that goes beyond ideals and forms, constitutions and laws of the Earth.
When the human being decides to live the Will of God, everything will change.
Who maintains their own will, will not be able to survive.
I am being just and clear so that there are no misunderstandings.
It is time to know that the Universe needs awakened consciousnesses that are capable of reflecting the Plan of God on Earth, that are capable of helping to correct everything that humanity has diverted throughout times and generations.
For this, much effort, surrender and sacrifice will be necessary; something that is not seen in these times, because humanity is distracted and its attention is placed on other things.
For this reason, love is what will help you to overcome this duality, and when this duality has been overcome within you, you will generate opportunities for other souls that also wait for a next step, for a next opportunity, for an extraordinary grace.
As Higher Priest, I have come to the South of Brazil to be able to correct the deviations of this part of the country which are reflected in many more souls.
For this reason, it is time to walk with the consciousness well awakened, letting yourselves be impelled by the ardent vigilance that the Hierarchy can imprint upon you through their impulses and their cosmic currents.
I come to warn that there is still time to be able to correct the path for millions of souls; that there is time to be able to unite to the Will of God and to vivify it through the plan that corresponds to each one.
When we are present, as Hierarchies, possibilities for souls and unique opportunities for consciousnesses are constructed; because what would take you years to transform can be simplified and solved in seconds by the presence of Our divine energy that comes directly from the Source to bring the energy of redemption and renewal to souls.
The deep nucleus of the Truth must awaken in the human being of these times so that they can perceive that there is something which must be changed and it is urgent.
This will help so that the Celestial Brotherhood can act in souls and on the planet; this will allow the most sacred that exists, within this humanity and within the planet, to remain alive and resplendent, as it has been from the beginning of times.
For this reason we have chosen to come to the South of Brazil, because here exists the roots of many perverted situations of the human consciousness, which only through love, and in love, will be redeemed and transformed by means of a true and sincere plea to the Kingdom of God.
This will transform everything within the beings that have been perverted; this will also change the destiny of this nation.
We have come to the South of Brazil to awaken the consciousness of wisdom and a profound reflection in the heart of each human being so that they may feel, in the most intimate, what the Universe is asking from them, and towards where the Universe is indicating for them to go forward.
In the meantime, the Silence of My Heart proclaims a wait.
My Heart is waiting for a change and a response on the part of human beings; of a response that is constructive and evolutionary, of a response that is elevated and that has discernment.
After so many impulses that the Father has given you, through so many generations and at all times, it is time to recover the treasure of the sacred that exists here so that the New Eden can manifest again as consciousness and purpose.
This is all that I wanted to say to you today, as a first instance.
The Divine Fire of transformation is touching all consciousnesses and no one will be able to oppose it, because it will reveal what in truth each being is, for the good and the glory of the Father.
I encourage you to offer this Marathon as a path of spiritual reconstruction, not only of the consciousness of the youth, but of the other part of humanity that, despite being more adult, is very immature.
That in the impulse of renewal, change may be concretized, and that in this change, life may be reconsecrated to the Greater Will.
I thank you for opening the doors of your hearts to listen because My Words must not just pass, they must remain in the consciousness, because you will need them someday.
I bless you with the Light of My Spirit and of the whole Universe.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Divine Fire that descends at these times through the action of the Holy Spirit is a stronger and immutable fire.
This Fire corrects and transmutes the contrary currents, and is capable of giving impulse to the next phases of the Plan of manifestation.
This Fire removes all that is corrupt so that, through its ascension, consciousnesses may achieve a sense of the sacred.
This Fire is capable of consuming an entire form and all of a rigid structure.
For this reason, Divine Fire must be contacted in stages, so that consciousnesses can bear its ascending voltage.
This Fire also purifies and removes all that hinders the evolution of the being.
This Fire is capable of concretizing the light of manifestation within the field of action.
This Fire eliminates the impure and reveals what is pure.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira – “From these hills”
Within this song of Figueira, we can testify and feel the expression of the gift of faith, in an aspiration to attain this profound contact with the soul.
“From these hills” is a song that reveals to us a priestly lineage, an intermediate bridge for earthly life that allows accessing contact from Above.
In this sense, the song offers harmony and also affirms the response that the Eternal Father, time and again, radiates to His children.
The state of retreat grants the deepening of this contact with the Above and with the Universe.
For this reason, the retreat facilitates this inner state of communication with the Higher Laws and allows us to place our consciousness before what will be necessary to transform in these times.
Faith is this higher gift that, day by day, strengthens our commitment with the Above. In this way, the soul, within this fortitude, will be prepared to assume responsibilities and thus carry forward the purpose of its mission.
For this reason, the song, at a moment, reveals that Figueira gives it peace. Which means that Figueira, as a sacred tree of wisdom, offers seeds of instruction and knowledge so that the consciousnesses may awaken and learn to uplift.
The song invokes harmony because under the principle of harmony lies the path of inner unity. Thus, the souls separate and liberate themselves from the superficial conflicts that lead to disharmony.
This song also attracts evolutionary principles, and, at the same time, through simple examples, it teaches how to correctly contact higher life.
By opening to this contact with the higher levels of consciousness, the soul will be able to love the First Law and, thus, be beyond itself to be able to be in the Whole.
This aspiration, to live the life of the spirit correctly, brings the consciousness to the inner encounter with the Spiritual Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Message
My Silence speaks about the truth of these times.
My Silence reminds you of the moment of My passage in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the most hard hour of the Agony; a moment in which God revealed the truth to Me and made me know it deeply, so that not only My Heart could be prepared, but also so that My Spirit could be prepared for the times that would come after My Ascension to the Heavens.
We are in the hour of this great truth.
We are before the revelation of this crucial moment that comes to the world in order to show its reality, and thus step out of blindness.
Today, your Master and Lord carries the ingratitude of the world and all offenses that the hearts commit in these times, in their profound ignorance.
It is an inexplicable feeling, it is an inextinguishable sensation, it is a very great pain to bare and, above all, to carry within My Heart.
Thus, I come to ask the world, and those who believe in Me, for the reparative adoration for five minutes, so that the Heart of the Lord may be consoled of the offenses it received and the ingratitude it felt from all those who once were by My side, but that the deceiver of the world separated from Me, for different reasons.
This is not the message I would bring you today, for your knowledge and instruction, but the Savior of humankind must reach the end, the last soul, the last corner of the world, to give help to those who need it the most, especially those who live in their ignorance or in their indifference.
In the reparative adoration of five minutes you will be able to console your Master and Lord of so many feelings and offensive attitudes that the souls of the Earth send to Me, along different paths and through different actions.
Here is the Heart, that still suffers for the world and for those who turn their backs to the Redeemer of the Universe, ceasing to correspond to Him how He needs, how He has thought and how the Celestial Father has proposed.
But let those who continue with Me not fear; repair the sorrowful Heart of the Most Beloved Lord, so that the seven main feelings that offend God may be transmuted and repaired by the merciful power of My Heart and by the adoration that souls offer to Me, for just five minutes.
Thus, you will repair the Heart of the Son and, as a result, you will repair the Heart of the Father.
You will repair the Heart of Christ for the feelings of indifference, for the feelings of ingratitude, for the feeling of denial, for the feeling of cowardice, for the feeling of negligence, for the lack of faith and, especially, for the feeling of lack of love for the Works of God, and to their fulfillment on the Earth.
For these seven feelings, you will adore the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord of the Universe and you will offer reparation, so that the souls do not keep confusing themselves.
And although the flock is agitated and the fierce wolf is stalking, the Shepherd of the Universe will not retrocede. He will not retrocede because He will come to save you, He will come to show you the path and the Light before darkness.
Companions, the time has come for definition.
The cross of this time is very heavy and who in truth is not with Me will not be able to carry it, even if they try to, even if they want to do it.
Whoever is not with Me, is not in love and might not know it.
Thus, implore to God with repentance of the heart, so that humility may be conceded to you, and your hearts may purify before the vengeance that the adversary will emit against the followers of Christ, in the end of these times.
If there is not love, nothing can be solved.
Words will not be enough. Comments and judgements of value will not be enough.
I need you to be My living example on the Earth, even if you never manage to.
You must mirror My Presence so that My Heart may be glorified in the confines of the Earth.
The moment has come to no longer deceive yourselves, and not to allow yourselves to be deceived, because many will come in My name and will affirm that others are the path, and many will believe it.
Thus, submerge in My sorrowful Heart, so that the flame of your love may console and repair it, through the adoration to My Eucharistic Heart.
The signs of the time announce great events, within and without men, within and without women of the Earth.
And there will be nothing and nobody that can detain their definition in this time, a definition that will mark the destiny of the next stage and, I might say, of the whole of your existence, until after the return of your Master and Lord to the world for the second time.
Thus, I do not talk to you of little facts or of insignificant misunderstandings, of poor adhesions or of lack of immediate unity with your brothers and sisters and fellow beings.
You are before the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
You are before a revelation that is being announced since the origins of the Earth, to the present.
Thus, I would like to know, who will drink with Me from the New Chalice that God will deliver to Me?
What will be transmuted in these times will be very different from what was transmuted in the times past, during the Presence of the Son of God on Earth.
I invite you to open the heart, even more, to hear My Words, and for them not to become transitory, neither forgotten; because My time is ending among you.
Those who cannot donate themselves totally to Me will always be in freedom, because God made you free so that you could learn to love just as He loves you, infinitely.
I am delivering the planet in your hands and in trust.
I deliver humanity to this Work; because what will come to happen in the near future will be very great and will demand responsibility and correspondence.
I do not want you to feel fear from all of this, or from all that I have told you.
I bring you the revelation of the same feeling that God placed in My Heart during My passage through the Garden of Gethsemane; a feeling and revelation that is being fulfilled at this moment, through the responses that My followers give Me, above all, those who give up on Me and let themselves be defeated.
Be intelligent and use the power of My Heart to transform everything.
Be something more than human beings, that live and breathe on this planet, that hear or speak, that feel or think.
Be, in truth, what you have come to be and do not justify yourselves, because in this way you will never change.
My Heart can no longer receive ingratitude, because the world gives it to Me daily.
My Heart only wants to receive your love and your truth.
I come to Austria for you to understand what we are working on together and the importance that this has for God in the Universe, as on Earth.
Are your feelings and restlessness not small before the true reality of humanity, and of its self-destruction?
Grow up and you will understand the Plan; you will live it, just as I live it and you will accomplish much more than I accomplish; because I told you that you would do greater things than I did a long time ago.
May My Words remain, and not fade away, because My Words, when I am no longer here, will be your remembrance to live redemption.
May the Lord bless you and illuminate you.
May the Lord give you His Temperance and His Meekness.
May you correspond and work in the Lord, so that the fragility of these times may be defeated by means of the strength of the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Even if you are not able to, walk barefoot towards Me so that I may receive you and mold your consciousness just as I had thought, even before you awakened to Me.
Therefore, in the effort of relinquishing all, you will have the impetus to renew your life, time and again, to make it more sacred and blessed each day that goes by.
Coming barefoot to Me is a great challenge, but not unattainable, it is the inner permission that you give Me so that I may turn your life into the model I once had thought.
Even if you have imperfections and still have defects, these are not impediments for Me to transform your life. The only thing I need is your most sincere love so that the Laws which come from My Consciousness may act freely in you.
Thus, cheer up, and release your being from everything, even if you sometimes cannot manage to do it.
It is worth the attempt and the effort of being able to live it and do it.
Let Me have you in My Hands as new clay, so that this Potter and Craftsman of Love may be able to make of you something unknown and never seen before.
Believe that I can do all, because the time will come for you to witness My Presence before the cruel world and thus, My Word will be fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
The redemption of forms will be the next aim of your Master and Lord so that, in this way, humanity may be liberated from the contrary commands that oppose the correct awakening and evolution.
The redemption of forms in humanity will lead to the purification of consciousnesses, which until today has lived ambiguous paths.
Therefore, that moment of the redemption of forms will cause humanity to have to adopt a new consciousness that is free from everything superfluous and archaic.
The redemption of forms will mean, to a certain degree, a process of spiritual combat, in order to unlock the process of spiritual evolution of humanity, and of the planet.
For this moment, you must also be prepared, for it will come in an unexpected way, knowing that it will represent the most acute moment for humanity.
With a spirit of determination, begin to now overcome your own ways of seeing things, your own ways of feeling things, even your own way of understanding them.
That moment will come when everything will be defined, and the choice of the next stage of the planet will knock on the door of those who are still sleeping.
Above all, seek the way to always live in God and to be within the path of His unfathomable Will.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Those who offend and embarrass My Heart by their sins, faults or omissions are not those who are beside Me and who persist; they are those who for different reasons have distanced themselves from the guidance of My Hand and of My Will in order to carry out their own.
That hurts Me more than all the sins that souls who are by My side can generate.
In truth, My Mercy expands to those most miserable and imperfect; but it is not poured out upon the traitors or the unjust because everything begins with a Law that is unchangeable and autonomous, and as all righteousness and the good comes from that Law, your Master and Lord is governed by it and cannot alter it.
The shame that My Heart feels is for those who once were with Me and now turn their backs to Me, not believing in My Words and even less in My actions.
And even though your Master already knew the destiny of those who are ungrateful, the Love of My meek Heart did not stop loving them for a moment so that some space of their consciousness may be moved to awaken and learn to truly love.
But now they are faces of clay, about to fall from their own weight.
I ask you, companions, to quickly learn from all of this so that at the most critical time nothing surprises you.
If in truth and wholeheartedly you surrender to Me, nothing will happen to you.
Do not even think about acting or doing everything like the clay-faced ones did, who left, dismissed by themselves, who cannot find a place or even manage to return.
Today I speak to you clearly because I hope this is not repeated in any of you.
Thanks to the Father, the nest of snakes have already been expelled to its own abyss since, in truth, in a proud way, they love to be there more than with Me.
I thank you for making My Words flesh in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May the last drop of Blood of your beloved Lord be poured out as spiritual Light over this planet so that all that was manifested in this humanity becomes completely redeemed.
May the last drop of Blood of the Chalice of the Lord be the end of a cycle and the beginning of another so that souls may perceive that the times have changed.
May the last drop of Blood of your Lord purify all that is manifested, especially what lives on Earth, so that it may receive an opportunity to love and to forgive the past.
To enter into the Time of the Lord is to enter the real time of the Brotherhood, where all the higher projects are carried forward so that consciousnesses may participate in the great moment of awakening.
The more codes that are poured out ,the greater the possibilities that will emerge for a sleeping humanity, and new virtues will awaken and express what consciousnesses in truth came to do.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Everything that the Universe may tell you or reveal through instruction will lead you to the Truth and your eyes will not be blind; on the contrary, through divine instruction, you will manage to see a part and a little more than what you can normally see.
In this way, you will be able to be up to the events and in a spirit of premeditation, you will know what to do and how to proceed.
Thus, knowing everything the Universe reveals to you through instruction, you will walk firmly and even though at some point that instruction may seem extreme for the life of a being and for the definition of a consciousness, you will learn to thank it every day for not being absent or far from the Truth, which only tries to place you on a new level of awakening.
Know, then, to love the instruction just as it is and you will be able to be prepared to receive and hear new revelations, which in these times will only try to place souls on the correct path of definition and surrender.
In spite of everything, humanity has been warned many times that there would come a time when the Time of God itself would separate the chaff from the wheat and that everything would be said.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who always blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
Be part of a Celestial Brotherhood formed by Beings in eternal and unconditional service to God.
This Brotherhood created in the Universe is still a veiled mystery; it is the Brotherhood of the eternal Servant Hearts, which accompanies Me day and night in order to establish the awakening of the consciousness and of the mission of each creature.
Submerge in the Spirit of that Brotherhood because, thus, you will, some day, know the purpose of your existence and, above all, the realization of the Redemptive Work on this surface.
The Brotherhood of the Universe is a principle of Love and of service to the greater Designs.
Today I present to you this ancient Brotherhood, that silently works for the spiritual protection of this planet, that responds to My commands when their Lord and Master indicates it.
Be part of this Brotherhood of humility and service, so that the same patterns of Unity that the Brotherhood lives in the Universe are built in your inner spirit; in this way, you will find the right door to go through and commune with the Sacred Spirit of the Brotherhood.
May the Brotherhood be the main message for those who awaken and for those who have already awakened; because, through the Spirit of the Brotherhood, souls will be in contact with the Universe and, thus, will be loyal collaborators in the Plan of Love and Redemption of these times.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more