Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus
Ninth day
There are already thorns in My Heart that have turned into flowers of love for the Lord.
This is a sign that, beyond any circumstance, the faithful love of Mine is reaching the depths of the Heart of the Shepherd and the pains are being alleviated by the prayer of those who cry out for Mercy, not only for themselves, but also for the whole world.
But that does not mean that humanity will cease to put painful thorns in the Heart of the Lord; however, the faith of those who believe in Me will allow the conversion of what seemed impossible.
Today I come to ask you that, through your prayer, you remove the ninth thorn in the Heart of your Shepherd, which is the thorn of the materialistic and lavish life.
This thorn provokes in Me immense pain, since souls, through all that is material and concrete, turn toward a life of vices and of pleasures, forgetting what is essential, what the creator Universe placed in the inner world of each being.
For this reason, ask the Celestial Father for the souls that are completely submerged and abducted by the temptations of the material life and of luxury.
You, stop for a moment and reflect, so that within you may manifest a detachment of all that is petty, superfluous and that does not build the brotherhood among beings.
Empty yourself completely and let the Fire of My Love invade you, even when you believe that nothing happens.
Pray wholeheartedly to God so that His immense and infinite Mercy may be poured out over those who are hypnotized by the world illusion, so that they may receive the impulse of the awakening and of redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear Child, Today I make the Star of the Celestial Brotherhood shine upon My Maternal Bosom in order to announce to the world that the moment of the great intervention is approaching and that consciousnesses will have the last opportunity for their awakening. Today I make the Star of the Celestial Brotherhood shine upon My Maternal Bosom, so that the beings of the Earth come out of the hypnotism of world illusion, become aware and value the life that the Father has granted them to be present on this planet. Today I make the Star of the Celestial Brotherhood shine upon My Maternal Bosom, so that all human beings may understand, through this symbol, that life does not end here, that after this life many more lessons will come that will be necessary to be able to uplift the spirit toward the Dwelling Places of God. Today I make the Star of the Celestial Brotherhood shine upon My Maternal Bosom because the time has come to elevate the consciousness of plane so that universal life, which will awaken the New Human, may draw closer to human beings. I thank you for responding to My call! Who blesses you, Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace |
Contemplate, in the center of the Universe, in the heart of Creation, the Creator Father in His silence. Source of all sources, Light that generated all the Lights, silence from where all sounds are born. The Heart of the Father observes the Earth, waiting for the awakening of humanity, which in majority lives indifferent to God.
The Heart of the Father silences with Love, a Love that you do not know in this world but that you are called to live.
In order to find the Love of God you need to seek It beyond your human lives; you need to stop and look within for the bridge to the Heart of Life, which is God.
Know that His silence has more meaning than all words because, even if they were uttered altogether, they would not express what the Father is.
Know that the silence of God expresses something unique for each being. It is not enough that God speaks to your brothers; He aspires to utter His silence to each heart so that they feel Him, live Him and know the existence of God and His Love through their own experience with Him.
To live God transforms you, heals you and renews you in the true sense of your existence. Therefore, children, rather than seeking philosophies and sciences, above all, seek God. In the humility of prayer and in the truth of inner silence, you will find Him. And thus, Face to face, you will fulfil with His Will and you will receive from Him the Love that you must express on Earth.
Who inspires you to seek God,
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
First Message
Children, in the silence of My Heart is heard the introspection of God, a moment in which the Universe reflects upon the coming times.
This is why My announcement is precise and cogent. My Word is clear to bring wisdom to the hearts.
We have no time to lose, there is much more to mature and grow internally.
I need you to know that the Universe contemplates this moment, above all, the beginning of this Pilgrimage in which the gathered Hierarchy will establish the new guidelines and the new principles for all those who want to adhere and be ruled by the Hierarchy.
The Universe will not stop the steps of those who may want to continue to be free, because the Father has given them freedom, has given them the conception of life, has given them the opportunity and the joy of being able to live the Creation.
The Universe contemplates the steps that the nations and all of their representatives take. This restricts the awakening of the Plan of God in the consciousness of humanity and the responsiveness of all creatures.
It is time to see duality manifest and how everything is at stake.
It is time to overcome this duality and to transcend it by means of love, a love that you have never lived, a love that you have never achieved, a love that you have not yet discovered and that you are on the way of being able to live.
While I am here, I am with this part of humanity that needs much of the Mercy of God to be able to have an opportunity of redemption so that a door may open to the conversion of hearts and the transmutation of many lives.
The Silence of My Heart represents the Silence of God, Who contemplates the whole Universe and especially this planet, which He created with so much love through the archangels and the angels as well as the great devas that today are banished by humanity through its actions and a great ignorance that corrodes the Kingdoms of Nature.
But, although all these situations occur, the Kingdoms of Nature do not fail to express themselves and demonstrate what they truly are.
When all of humanity values the Kingdoms of Nature, it will be able to find in them the regeneration of life and the healing for many illnesses.
But still, the humankind of the surface has not understood the Creation nor the system of universal life; otherwise the effects would be different and the opportunities for souls would be different.
In the meantime, the Spiritual Hierarchy tries to seek a solution that can benefit all of humanity, although in this time there are many who are present who offend God and destroy the Divine Plan with their actions, not only within the nations, but also within the societies, within everything that should be harmony and balance for humanity, order and justice, equality, solidarity and cooperation.
But humanity has not incarnated these attributes in a just way yet. It believes it lives and understands them, but in its essence it has no foundations, because humanity must still learn to evolve and grow internally in order to be able to express the Divine Will, that goes beyond ideals and forms, constitutions and laws of the Earth.
When the human being decides to live the Will of God, everything will change.
Who maintains their own will, will not be able to survive.
I am being just and clear so that there are no misunderstandings.
It is time to know that the Universe needs awakened consciousnesses that are capable of reflecting the Plan of God on Earth, that are capable of helping to correct everything that humanity has diverted throughout times and generations.
For this, much effort, surrender and sacrifice will be necessary; something that is not seen in these times, because humanity is distracted and its attention is placed on other things.
For this reason, love is what will help you to overcome this duality, and when this duality has been overcome within you, you will generate opportunities for other souls that also wait for a next step, for a next opportunity, for an extraordinary grace.
As Higher Priest, I have come to the South of Brazil to be able to correct the deviations of this part of the country which are reflected in many more souls.
For this reason, it is time to walk with the consciousness well awakened, letting yourselves be impelled by the ardent vigilance that the Hierarchy can imprint upon you through their impulses and their cosmic currents.
I come to warn that there is still time to be able to correct the path for millions of souls; that there is time to be able to unite to the Will of God and to vivify it through the plan that corresponds to each one.
When we are present, as Hierarchies, possibilities for souls and unique opportunities for consciousnesses are constructed; because what would take you years to transform can be simplified and solved in seconds by the presence of Our divine energy that comes directly from the Source to bring the energy of redemption and renewal to souls.
The deep nucleus of the Truth must awaken in the human being of these times so that they can perceive that there is something which must be changed and it is urgent.
This will help so that the Celestial Brotherhood can act in souls and on the planet; this will allow the most sacred that exists, within this humanity and within the planet, to remain alive and resplendent, as it has been from the beginning of times.
For this reason we have chosen to come to the South of Brazil, because here exists the roots of many perverted situations of the human consciousness, which only through love, and in love, will be redeemed and transformed by means of a true and sincere plea to the Kingdom of God.
This will transform everything within the beings that have been perverted; this will also change the destiny of this nation.
We have come to the South of Brazil to awaken the consciousness of wisdom and a profound reflection in the heart of each human being so that they may feel, in the most intimate, what the Universe is asking from them, and towards where the Universe is indicating for them to go forward.
In the meantime, the Silence of My Heart proclaims a wait.
My Heart is waiting for a change and a response on the part of human beings; of a response that is constructive and evolutionary, of a response that is elevated and that has discernment.
After so many impulses that the Father has given you, through so many generations and at all times, it is time to recover the treasure of the sacred that exists here so that the New Eden can manifest again as consciousness and purpose.
This is all that I wanted to say to you today, as a first instance.
The Divine Fire of transformation is touching all consciousnesses and no one will be able to oppose it, because it will reveal what in truth each being is, for the good and the glory of the Father.
I encourage you to offer this Marathon as a path of spiritual reconstruction, not only of the consciousness of the youth, but of the other part of humanity that, despite being more adult, is very immature.
That in the impulse of renewal, change may be concretized, and that in this change, life may be reconsecrated to the Greater Will.
I thank you for opening the doors of your hearts to listen because My Words must not just pass, they must remain in the consciousness, because you will need them someday.
I bless you with the Light of My Spirit and of the whole Universe.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be firm in prayer and in unity with your brothers and sisters, in the certainty that you are in the right place and that, in this time, there is no other place to be except for where the Hierarchy is, where God allows you to serve the planet and awaken love.
Silence the doubts in your heart, strengthening your faith. Pray for peace in the nations because, in this way, you will not only be clamoring for the planet but creating a network of light that, through the unity between those who pray, consolidates and protects the Work of the Divine Messengers in the world.
The Prayer for Peace in the Nations, child, was a Grace granted to you by God so that, wherever you are, you feel united to your brothers and sisters and, above all, to your Celestial Mother. In Her Divine Heart, the Most Holy Mary welcomes all the pleas and true intentions and converts them into a source of redemption and salvation for the souls and for the Kingdoms of Nature present on the planet.
Know, child, of the importance of the Prayer for Peace in the Nations in times of transition because your words, uniting with those of your brothers and sisters, overcoming borders and differences, will keep within all of you the Graces that the Father granted you; it will help you to multiply them and mature them within yourself so that they may transform you into a peacemaker in this world, which needs peace so much
If you pray, everyday, for peace in the nations and embrace this purpose as a priority in your life, you would be opening the path so that the Mercy of Christ, your Lord, would continue to pour out over the world and so that your Heavenly Mother may grant the world a greater time of peace; a peace that does not depend on all the events that accelerate on Earth, for within you it would be immutable.
Trust in what I tell you and pray for the establishment of peace, so that, just like you, other beings of the Earth may awaken and feel the Peace and the Love of God in their hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Through the Law of Transmutation, the planet is liberated.
Through the transmuters, the Earth is relieved and each server of this world fulfills a part of the Divine Will. Because while the planet is submerged in an apparent chaos, on the other hand, there are souls that offer themselves to carry the weight of all human misery, just like the saints of the last centuries offered themselves, without knowing much, so that humanity could be freed of very great errors.
For that reason, the task of transmutation is different in this time, because not only does it encompass the liberation of a specific region, but also incorporates the redemption of certain aspects of humanity that condemn the race and compromise its ascension.
Thus, in this time, the task of transmutation is a full-time service, due to the constant severity in humanity.
Through the channels of transmutation, the most ignorant of humanity are benefited to the point of receiving the opportunity of awaking and, through that awakening, have the possibility of expanding their consciousnesses to become aware of the chaotic reality of these times, and thus experience the changes so that at least something may be transformed in their consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray, not only in a moment of urgency and agony, pray for a new life, pray for the awakening of your heart and your consciousness to a new time, to a superior reality.
Pray for all nations, pray for the continents and the seas, because the time for the great trial of the Earth has come and humanity cannot be indifferent before what happens in the planet.
Pray to bring peace, pray to know how to discern and so that wisdom may permeate your spirit, mind and heart, removing from your consciousness the powers of fear and insecurity.
Find your refuge in God, child, contemplating the greatness of His Plan for the hearts of men, and pray so that this Plan, which is perfect, may descend upon the Earth and upon the human consciousness.
Pray that the hearts may know love and that love itself may give them an impulse to unity and transformation. Pray for there to be peace and that the ignorance of men may dissipate. Also pray for those who will awaken late and will need an opportunity to live their own redemption.
Pray so that in the hearts of men there always be piety and humility, so that they may know how to forgive and reconcile with their fellow beings and with God.
Pray without ceasing and without fatigue; pray because this is the tool for these times that opens the doors so that all the virtues that will sustain the Earth may descend upon you and upon the world.
Pray and do not get tired of praying.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
The healing of humanity will take place through the renovation that youth can bring through the strength of prayer, the expression of an evolutionary art and the feeling of elevated music.
The foundations of the new cycle of the planet lie in the union of each youth with the different Attributes of God and in their capacity to express them in order to generate in humanity the transcendence of human suffering and pain.
The youth have a fundamental mission, as, through the impulse of their spiritual awakening, they will be able to renew the awakening of servers and of all the collaborators of the Plan.
The spiritual awakening of the youth of these times is united to everything that represents, within themselves, the communion with the essence of universal life.
Through the Youth Festival for Peace, this foundation is spiritually built so that, through youth, the Spiritual Hierarchy is able to give the impulse to the renewal of human consciousness, with the goal of detaching itself from errors in order to achieve the so awaited healing.
This inner need of reconnecting with the Plan of the Hierarchy must awaken in the youth of today, knowing that each activity offered through music, art and universal prayer creates the necessary conditions for humanity and the planet to be liberated from suffering.
For this edition of the Youth Festival for Peace in the city of Sao Paulo, and in the face of the destiny that all the youth of Brazil have to build, in spite of the oscillations of nations, the attribute is love, which must always act first so that adversity and duality may be defeated by the love that each youth can express in this cycle.
This is the reason why the Youth Festival for Peace reaches Sao Paulo in a new edition, offered, in each detail, with the mission that love may act first.
From the Spiritual Universe, I send an impulse of love and light to each young heart, knowing that this spirit of service and of incalculable love to the sacred Kingdoms of Nature must awaken in each one.
In communion with universal life, once again, dear youth of Peace, I thank you for building this spirit of renovation!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the World
With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.
With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Divine Fire that descends at these times through the action of the Holy Spirit is a stronger and immutable fire.
This Fire corrects and transmutes the contrary currents, and is capable of giving impulse to the next phases of the Plan of manifestation.
This Fire removes all that is corrupt so that, through its ascension, consciousnesses may achieve a sense of the sacred.
This Fire is capable of consuming an entire form and all of a rigid structure.
For this reason, Divine Fire must be contacted in stages, so that consciousnesses can bear its ascending voltage.
This Fire also purifies and removes all that hinders the evolution of the being.
This Fire is capable of concretizing the light of manifestation within the field of action.
This Fire eliminates the impure and reveals what is pure.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Breathe the Breath of the Spirit of God and allow Him to transform you within, placing inside of you the first thought that God emanated in thinking of you, to create you as a living part of His Heart.
The Creator is so mysterious, His Plan so unknown, and His Love so incomprehensible, that human errors or the distance which hearts are to be found from His Sacred Heart do not matter. God, child, only expects humanity to repent, to surrender at His Feet and cry out for Mercy because in this way His Love will triumph beyond the darkness, and evil will lose its influence over souls.
The Breath of God approaches all hearts to remove them from ignorance and awaken them to a boundless Forgiveness and a Mercy whose source is eternal and abundant.
Only the one who chooses to be in darkness will remain in it, because the Breath of the Spirit of God comes to ignite the flames of the hearts that went out for not having air, for not having life.
Therefore, today believe in the renewal that comes from God, in this Grace that emanates from His Spirit, because He has the power to clean every stain, to place you at the beginning point, to reveal His perfect Love to you, and to give you everything, even if in life you did not generate merit to receive anything.
Mystery among mysteries is the Love that God invites you to receive, to live, to multiply and to share with the world today.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Songs of Figueira – “From these hills”
Within this song of Figueira, we can testify and feel the expression of the gift of faith, in an aspiration to attain this profound contact with the soul.
“From these hills” is a song that reveals to us a priestly lineage, an intermediate bridge for earthly life that allows accessing contact from Above.
In this sense, the song offers harmony and also affirms the response that the Eternal Father, time and again, radiates to His children.
The state of retreat grants the deepening of this contact with the Above and with the Universe.
For this reason, the retreat facilitates this inner state of communication with the Higher Laws and allows us to place our consciousness before what will be necessary to transform in these times.
Faith is this higher gift that, day by day, strengthens our commitment with the Above. In this way, the soul, within this fortitude, will be prepared to assume responsibilities and thus carry forward the purpose of its mission.
For this reason, the song, at a moment, reveals that Figueira gives it peace. Which means that Figueira, as a sacred tree of wisdom, offers seeds of instruction and knowledge so that the consciousnesses may awaken and learn to uplift.
The song invokes harmony because under the principle of harmony lies the path of inner unity. Thus, the souls separate and liberate themselves from the superficial conflicts that lead to disharmony.
This song also attracts evolutionary principles, and, at the same time, through simple examples, it teaches how to correctly contact higher life.
By opening to this contact with the higher levels of consciousness, the soul will be able to love the First Law and, thus, be beyond itself to be able to be in the Whole.
This aspiration, to live the life of the spirit correctly, brings the consciousness to the inner encounter with the Spiritual Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Christ is not only your Master and Lord, King of the Universes, a living part of God manifested among men. Christ is a state of Divine Consciousness, a principle of the renovation of the Love of the Father, which awakens when beings give everything of themselves for love of the fellow being, for love of the Creator and, when they think they have drained their strength, they take one more step, and another, and another, until they surpass themselves, not in their strength; they surpass themselves in love.
God sent His Son to the world to show them a Way: christification, surrender, giving of self, love for all creatures, without distinctions.
God sent His Son to the world to show them a Truth: He, the Creator of all things, dwells hidden within all beings, and all those who decide to step out of the darkness of ignorance to enter the path of love, which is beyond any science, will not only be able to know Him, but above all, live Him. Let the Father express Himself in your dwelling places, within creatures thought by Him, in order to renew and to surpass His Love.
God sent His Son to the world to reveal Life to them. Love is Life. Where there is no Love, there is no life. And although beings may walk through the world and believe that what they experience is living, they do nothing more than go through an experience permeated by illusion, without ever having known the Truth, without ever having experienced Life.
The Creator calls you to enter this Way, to know this Truth and to live this Life, which is His Son, Who is Christ.
Give yourselves always a little more. Do not leave for later the help that is necessary now.
Love, without expecting to be loved. Serve, without expecting to be served. And when it seems you have no more strength, ask the Lord to renew you and to teach you to surpass yourselves in love.
Say to Him: "Lord, my strength has reached up to here. Now, I surrender my body, soul and spirit to You, and make room for You, so that You come and, being in me, You make me surpass myself in love."
Begin by making your being available to God so that you may surpass yourselves in love, and when you have offered all of yourselves to God, it will be Him, within you, Who will surpass Himself, and like in His Son, will raise you and awaken you, in all the levels of your consciousness, in imitation of Christ, the so-called Christs of the New Time. Those who, entering the Way offered by the Lord, will come to know His Truth and will achieve the Life He thought for His children since the beginning.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the depths of your body, in the center of your atoms, lies a hidden and silent light. This is the Spirit of Life, it is the Breath of God, which dwells within you and which is the true composition of your being.
You are a living part of the Spirit of God. Thus, the Father, Omnipresent, dwells in the essence of your being. Therefore, His All-Embracing Spirit dwells in everything that is life.
Allow your consciousness to penetrate the mysteries about yourself and discover, through love, wisdom, and humility, the matter pure and full of the Glory of God, which hides in your being.
The glorification of the body is the awakening of the Truth in the most intimate of the composition of human matter. The Glory of God is in His children from the beginning of Creation, but just as His Presence remains silent in the essence of beings, His Glory and His Spirit is also silence in the most intimate of human matter.
When a being reaches full unity with the Father and gives Him the space and permission to manifest in their body, the Glory of God begins to awaken in their physical and material atoms.
All beings, just as all Life, are parts of God, dismembered from Creation and manifested in apparently individual creatures.
Today I reveal a mystery to you: everything is part of God. Everything is a divine projection and particle. But the Creator expresses in those who awaken. His Spirit speaks and lives through the humble, who recognize their ignorance and do not limit the Greatness of God, which is still so unknown and incomprehensible to the human mind.
Meditate on the life that is in you, on the life that you are, part of God, part of His Spirit, and gradually let His Glory manifest in your being so that you may understand that to resurrect is not to die in the body and return to life; to resurrect is to die to ignorance and illusion and to discover the Truth within you.
There were those who died in the body and did not find glorification in God, and there were a few, unknown to humankind, who died to their ignorance and let God show them His Truth; living without understanding the Glory and the Magnitude of the Spirit of the Creator.
This is the time in which not only a glorified being must emerge, but rather a glorified race, which dying to the illusion of a false time and a false life, may resurrect to the Truth, dismissing the retrograde life of the surface of the Earth and opening the path so that the Kingdom of God may dwell here.
Live in Christ so that He may guide you to His Glory and glorify you in Him, awakening, in everything that you are, the living presence of the Holy Spirit of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Fraternity of the Light - Part II
In the wind of the next Spring, will be thrown the seeds of Heaven that, holding gifts, talents and graces within, will sow the New Earth.
These seeds will germinate, and from them will sprout the first principles that will some day lead them to approach the Sun in order to feel from it the Fire of Love of the Universal Father.
The moment has come, after the last storm, for the purifying rain to stop, which refreshed and cleansed the earth so that, afterwards, the great radiance of the Sun of God could come out again.
Thus, the fertile soil of consciousnesses was prepared to receive the new codes.
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, announced the moment of the great spiritual intervention of the Brothers of the Stars.
The Space Gardeners gathered so that, on the plane of the spirit, souls received, for this new cycle, the necessary impulses that will liberate them from indifference and stinginess.
With the awakening of consciousness to the universal life, doors of inner communication were opened in order to remove humanity from spiritual drowsiness and thus lead it to recognize the Truth from which it had distanced itself.
After so many crises, the planet is about to give birth to the New Human, to the consciousness that is responsible and consistent with the designs of the Spiritual Universe.
And although the Earth continues to be purified and exorcized from the influences that oppress it, the servers of the light prepare themselves, finally, to assume and carry out that which, for eras, had been foreseen to happen.
In this sense, the first flashes of the Fraternity of Light begin to appear and the appearances cease to be on the first plane so that the true brotherhood among beings may be established in consciousnesses.
All this comes together with the time of the revelations, time in which each soul, open to divine impulses, recognizes its origin, its existence and, above all, its duty towards Creation.
The Fraternity of Light is forged with the maturity and the responsibility of those who are consistent, thus many more are lead to live the same experience.
In the Fraternity of Light there are no differences, privileges, nor irresponsibilities towards the development of the Plan upon the surface of the Earth.
The Fraternity of Light is formed from the integration of souls with Divine Purpose and is based on principles, which are rules that allow the awakening of the Virtues of God in the servers who gather, virtues that will lead them to understand and to concretize Divine Will by means of the Plan.
Those who form the Fraternity of Light work day and night to build within themselves this spirit of fidelity and transparency with Christ. They commit themselves to live and represent the Hierarchy in every sense. They do not try to take advantages in their tasks, nor in their works. They understand that every service is a way of achieving, even more, the absolute surrender for the neighbor, and of gestating within themselves the essence of humility.
To be in the Fraternity of Light is to learn to follow and to accompany the Law of the Hierarchy, which immediately helps in the awakening of the obedience that will counteract the planetary disobedience.
Within the Fraternity of Light there exists equality that leads to solidarity, to good and to mutual respect.
The members and the postulants of the Fraternity of Light aspire to incarnate, within themselves, the principles that will allow them to form part of the Third Order of the Brotherhood.
As it is in the Universe, the Fraternity of Light lives each principle as an attribute and a guiding star, so that the life of the server may not be an illusion, but rather, be correctly aligned with the Purpose.
The new Light-Network, a postulant of the Fraternity of Light, assumes the 33 principles that will someday lead it to be fully in the Heart of the Hierarchy.
All the postulants of the Fraternity of Light assume to:
1. Follow one God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and eliminate from their lives the "spiritual" facets that deviate souls.
2. Have as the only and true Master, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
3. Ardently aspire to be in inner communion with the stars, so as to consciously participate in Universal Life.
4. Not allow oneself to slander or destroy the Work of the Hierarchy.
5. Maintain neutrality as a constant goal for the end of times.
6. Build a spirit of solidarity and good among the brothers and sisters upon the path.
7. Demystify any idea of power, control or command, knowing that every spiritual impulse only comes from God.
8. Accept with gratitude the necessary corrections.
9. Stop justifying oneself for wanting to escape from the Truth.
10. Be a bearer of absolute and unrestricted fidelity.
11. Manifest equality and transparency in ones own life.
12. Not fear to tell the truth. Fear to be absorbed by lie and to not be able to come out of it.
13. Believe in the coming of the New and last Christs.
14. Fraternize with humanity without comming out of the rules that protect the task.
15. Be untiring in prayer, loving in service and peaceful before difficulties.
16. Dissolve from oneself any vestige of criticism or rejection.
17. Aspire to someday know the star of origin.
18. Live the present so as not to alllow oneself to be driven by the past and its decay.
19. Sustain the torch of Christ in an unchangeable way.
20. Not vacillate because of what others may say. Sustain faith through trust in God.
21. Become kindred with the Divine. To disconnect from that which is superfluous.
22. Learn to cut the chain of evil.
23. Assume the commitment and not give up because of the force of personal conveniences.
24. Remember the inner bond with Christ.
25. Divest oneself of errors, believing in the power of the Laws of Healing.
26. Help to build the planetary rescue.
27. Not waste the graces.
28. Not waste the instruction.
29. Be humble all the time. Seek in oneself the spirit of resignation.
30. Learn not to respond in order to learn how to listen.
31. Not place the responsibility on the fellow being. Assume the errors committed.
32. So as not to be imprudent, not allow oneself to be carried away by familiarity.
33. Be a light in the darkness, relief in suffering, permanent giving of self in service.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When God, the Almighty and Powerful, made Himself small and fragile within the Womb of the Most Holy Mary, He was not only paving the way to seal a new and eternal covenant with humanity, the Creator was revealing a mystery and making Truth alive, which had always been spiritual and that, at that moment, manifested as something physical and palpable for humanity.
God was revealing His presence within humanity. He was revealing that, through His Spirit, He could awaken within beings a new human being, which renews and revives humanity, which had died, even though it was alive. God was revealing the possibility of a second birth, a spiritual birth, in which those who are aware of the presence of His Spirit allow Him to manifest Himself.
Through the Birth of Jesus, the Creator awakened, revealed and gave humanity the possibility of experiencing Truth. Those who are pure of heart, humble and willing to be instruments of God, willing to fulfill His Will, above all things, are worthy of expressing within themselves the presence of the Holy Spirit and, this way, they may little by little reach the true potential of humankind.
The Creator did not create you to express what you live on Earth today. This life is the faithful mirror of the ignorance of human beings, but those who open themselves to Truth and are willing to be reborn in spirit, expressing in life the perfection of the Spirit of God, will be able to receive and live the revelation of the Truth about themselves, even if they never know for sure what it is that lives within them.
Children, open to rebirth in the Spirit of God, that you may be reborn in Him, and He, as a divine response, may awaken within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children:
The Three Sacred Hearts are working, more than ever before, in humanity and in its deep consciousness so that some spiritual principles may be maintained intact and protected.
For this reason, more than ever, the Spiritual Hierarchy makes all the necessary efforts to prevent human ignorance itself and the inordinate use of power on Earth from spiritually creating those degenerative conditions that will open the door to decadence and the risks that humanity, with no consciousness, will choose as its destiny.
Thus, silently, just like more than two thousand years ago, when this race was at the doorway of its great self-destruction, it was there that the Sacred Hearts gathered together to carry forward this complex mission of again placing the consciousness of humanity in the place it is supposed to be.
In this time, a spiritual mission similar to the previous one is being carried out, except that this time it is not only complex, but also difficult, since the human consciousness learned to destroy itself, as well as learned how to shed its own life, and transgress its society, its culture, and its faith.
At the doorway of the Apocalypse, the Sacred Hearts articulate broad strategies, so that the majority may wake up from the dream and the illusion in which they have placed themselves.
We are facing the challenge of the end times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate the Consciousness of God as a great Kingdom of infinite proportions and beauty, and each of His Aspects as a gateway to a state of consciousness of that Celestial Kingdom.
Contemplate the Aspects of God as a great path of ascension built by the Father Himself so that His children may reach Him.
Each Aspect of God is a bridge of upliftment to a higher dimension, and the gradual contact with Them causes you to return to the Source of Unity, where everything becomes One again.
Each Aspect of God, besides being a bridge, is also a Kingdom that is revealed when the heart opens to discover it.
Within the human heart lies a unique key, which opens the doors to each one of the dimensions of the Kingdom of God as this heart lives greater and higher degrees of Love.
The Kingdom of God on Earth, still unknown to humankind, is the manifestation of an Aspect of the Father that can only be revealed to hearts that love. To experience the Revelation of Life on this world and come to know what is hidden both within the Earth and in the invisible of the surface that you can see with your physical eyes, you must first learn to love that which is accessible, palpable, and visible to you.
To access a higher state and experience a Divine Revelation, you must first learn to manifest Love at the level you are on.
Manifest a Love for life, for your brothers and sisters, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the consciousness itself of the planet, and you will see how your hearts and your consciousnesses will access the dimensions of life that have always been here, but which you could never see.
You will thus find the true expression of God on Earth, a Revelation of His Kingdom and of the Sacred that Adonai manifested in material life as part of Himself, as a dimension of what He is and was given to humankind so that, in communion with the God that manifests in matter, they would be able to renew Divine Consciousness though Love.
While the world shakes, God calls upon you to wake up your consciousnesses to the true meaning of life, and through the Love that is born from your hearts, to access what is Real and transcends all knowledge, including all human wisdom.
You will be able to move beyond the times that will come only with the heart and consciousness immersed in the Truth and in the Revelation of the Kingdom of God, which lives together with life on Earth, in dimensions that hearts that do not open to Love cannot see.
All lies will come to light. Everything that seemed perfect and, however, belonged to illusion, will fall to earth and return to dust.
For the hearts that do not know how to love and that do not experience the Revelation of the Kingdom of God, there will be no life, for the foundations of their lives will crumble and they will see nothing but dust before their eyes and confusion in their inner world.
On the other hand, the hearts that awaken to Love and to the Truth and allow God to reveal His Kingdom to them and the higher life that lives in Him, will look at the dust, and behind the dust, they will see the Truth manifested.
That is why today I tell you, children, that to live, you must love, because you will only find Life when Love reveals to you that which without it, cannot be seen.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Await, with love, the Words that God pronounces to your hearts through His Messengers.
Just as He spoke to the prophets and patriarchs, who left to the world the foundations of spiritual life, today the Creator renews His teachings and makes new Revelations to the world, because, since the patriarchs, up until now, God renewed Himself and lived Revelations that came from the awakening and from the human evolution.
Even with their imperfections and limitations, former patriarchs and prophets recognized the Presence of God and respected the echo of His Voice, which was pronounced to the peoples and was followed by them.
Today the Voice of God echoes in the desert of human consciousness because indifference took hold of hearts and only a few know how to recognize the Voice of God and follow it,
In order to hear God today, you must allow the Creator to awaken within you the commitments that remained dormant and experiences of union with the Father, that do not come from this life, but are kept in the core of your beings, so that it may help you in these times.
Give God permission to touch the depths of your hearts so that, as beings and as humanity, you may remove your consciousnesses from the influence of indifference and enter into the Laws that lead you to upliftment.
When you unite your spirits with the Father, it is possible to transcend the material laws and influences in order to belong to the Laws of the Universe and be assisted by the rays and the spiritual energies, which descend to the world to give impulse to beings towards Love and evolution.
For this, it is necessary that, within you, there is the will to take this step and love God, His Words and His Plan, renewing the love and respect lived by the patriarchs, the prophets and the People of God, so that, in this way, the Father may find new ways to fulfill His promises and establish His Kingdom in this world, when the time comes.
The Kingdom of God will first be revealed in spirit, then in matter. Be attentive to the Voice of His Messengers, so that, in Their teaching, you may receive the new Revelations of the Creator.
His Kingdom will be revealed inside of you, and after finding the way to dwell in this Kingdom, with your spirits, you will build the bridges with the Universe so that the Kingdom of God may manifest on Earth.
Your Father and Companion always,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Renewal is a spiritual attribute that comes from the Heart of God. Only the Father and Creator of all things can provide the true Renewal for His children, because in this moment He restores, in your spirit, the original Principles which you have diverted from as humanity; and restores in your consciousness the part of purity and of the original essence which you have emerged from, in the Sources of the Celestial Universe.
With simple things of life, in which the human heart is filled, God acts and operates the spiritual miracles that, in so many ways, the consciousnesses seek and do not find.
The human heart is a great mystery. But more mysterious and incomprehensible than this heart is the One who has created and thought it in His Image and Likeness.
The Things of God are reached with the heart, and to awaken the human heart and unite it to the Heart of God you need to do no more than be sincere and true and make efforts to be inisde of the first and only Law, which helps you to return to your celestial Origin, which is the Love.
With simple acts, in which you make effort to come out of yourselves and offer a little of your actions to the Plan of God, this is where your spirits find the perfect opportunities to arrive to the Father.
This Creation, children, is wonderfully simple, however the minds of human beings make them feel complex and difficult and create difficulties to return to God.
God is always with you.
Remember everyday that the true acts, as much as you do not feel it and do not see it, unite yourselves to the Father; live this union in the name of all of humanity.
You are called to be precursors of the New Life, where humanity will be able to express its potential and the true reason it was created; it will be able to be permanently united to God, and this can happen in service, in prayer, in silence, when you share joy and fraternity. This can happen in any moment if you are only sincere and true.
Today I bless you and I thank you with My Heart and My Spirit for trying to build the fraternity and repair the human heart.
By the merits of your persistance, today I am here, and just as in every Collective effort, My Graces flow in your hearts, and through them, to the world.
If you want to serve in order to transform this planet, begin to serve one another, begin by caring for, with love, the Treasures that God has given you, which are the Communities-of-Light which will serve to help and support many souls in the future.
Again I thank you and I leave you My Peace in order for you to multiply it.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Collective Effort of Repairing”: a biweekly meeting of collective actitivities in the Community-of-Light Fraternidad, instituted by Saint Joseph.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more