Dear children:
After the coming of My Beloved Son to Argentina, as Mother of all and Lady of Lujan, I come to bless you for the last time.
I will continue praying for you, My children of Argentina. In this way, despite the traumatic social scenario of the country, your hearts may be comforted by the Love that My Motherly Heart offers you at this time.
My beloved children of Argentina, I wish that you carry in your hearts all the impulses you received in these last days, as part of the merciful and compassionate gesture of God for an Argentina that must already prepare itself for the Return of Christ.
Meanwhile, I encourage you, My children, to perform works of charity and good deeds, and to think that every moment of service to those who suffer, you will be doing it as a true act of reparation; thus, violence and mistreatment among the members of the human family may be eradicated from Argentina and hope, strength and faith, which has already dissolved in many hearts, may return to Argentina.
My children, your Mother and Lady of Luján asks you to be forerunners of the hope and joy that the Gospel gives you, because in this way more needy hearts in Argentina will have the Grace to be reborn in love and goodness.
I thank you, My children of Argentina, for having accompanied each of the steps of Our Sacred Hearts.
Go forward, My children of Argentina!
Who thanks you and blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Come to My Ocean of Mercy, and in faith walk upon the waters, just as I told Peter. Before His faith weakened, he walked upon the waters without realizing it.
This is what I invite you to do again today. I need the world to walk towards that which is unknown to learn to overcome the fears of everything it cannot control or retain.
I come to teach you the way, because I Am the Way. I have been with you in the Holy Land, and you have been with Me, closer than you can imagine.
How many times did you touch My tunic? How many times did you beg for My blessing in the Holy Land? On how many occasions did you listen to My Voice, preaching and teaching the Gospel? How many of you followed the steps of the Cross of the Lord to the top of Mount Calvary?
Remember all that which you once lived with Me, and have faith, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that believe in Me.
And today I Am here, upon the seas of Uruguay, because I come to fulfill My promise, the Lord is returning and with Him will return all the stars, all the suns and the entire firmament.
Happy will be those who walk with Me until the end, overcoming their own fears, transcending their own obstacles, fully trusting in the Love of My Heart.
Behold the Living Heart of the Master, which beats with Love for souls. It is a Heart thirsty for those who are lost and agonizing. However, My Mercy and the Ocean of My Love are greater than this entire ocean.
I was born for you, I lived for you and for you I died on the Cross; for you I resurrected on the third day and for you I ascended to the Heavens to be able to return to the world at some moment.
In your souls is written the story that unites us, that makes us meet time and again throughout times. I Am by the side of those who walk upon My Path, and My Hand stretches out to bless you in the Love of My Father.
Today, I come with a Message of gratitude for all Uruguayans; for those who work day by day preparing My Return; for those who expect to meet Me face to face, just as Saint Mary Magdalene met Me in the garden of the Sepulcher.
Today I call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene, to tell you that here I Am.
My Presence is unchangeable. My Love is inexhaustible. My Consciousness does not change but rather evolves, just as you can evolve, taking the steps that are needed in these times, in the face of a world wounded and outraged by conflict and war, by cruelty and wickedness.
However, I come to bring you and your brothers and sisters all the hope that exists in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and all the joy of serving God untiringly, doing one’s best until the end.
Through this moment, I come to be with you so that you may feel and recognize Me as your Master, as the One Whose Feet were washed with the tears of the holy women, as the One Who was anointed with the blessed oil of the holy women.
My sustenance was in them, and the sustenance of the holy women was in Me, and in this way the White Fraternity was manifested. Today, you are part of this same Fraternity, because we already know each other and have experienced each other. Therefore, do not deter yourselves in that which is material and concrete, nor in that which is mental.
Let your hearts grow, allow them to grow in love, kindness and mercy. May your lives be My gesture of Love for the world, despite the offenses, despite the grievances, and despite the indifferences that you may experience.
Do all in the name of My Love, so that Love may reign in the world and humanity; so that love may return to the hearts that are losing it due to suffering, emptiness, anguish and despair.
May your lives be My example in the world, the example of the untiring Presence of the Lord, Who does not deter Himself, Who does not rest. Because the Shepherd works for His flocks so that all may attain the spiritual goal that is written in the profound essence of each being.
I wish this year that begins to be a year of greater agreement, hope and peace. May you recognize one another as brothers and sisters on the same path and of the same Father Who is in the Heavens. Because I Am the Lord of Israel, and I come to remind the whole world of the Call of God.
Stop chaos, stop conflicts, dissolve disagreements.
Love one another, just as I love you.
Live just like I live, and the Truth will free you forever.
Upon these oceans, and even more, within your hearts, the Lord finds rest today. Because I want to be within you, just as I hope you want to be within Me, in communion with infinite life, in union with the entire universe.
In this Marathon, let us pray, companions, for this to be a year of greater hope, peace and justice, so that love may replace revenge, so that peace may replace hatred, so that good may replace evil, so that unity may replace indifference, so that forgiveness may replace error.
Let us pray for peace to be achieved in the world, as well as the end of war, of all wars in their different manifestations and forms, so that souls may attain relief, healing and redemption.
I gather you in the name of Grace.
I thank you for being here with Me, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit. Because there lies God, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am here. I Am the Sun of God and I come to the world to illuminate this dark night, to remove from darkness all those who suffer the injustice of these times.
I am here. I Am the Sun of God. And I come to the world to awaken healing, peace and renewal within hearts.
I am here. I Am the Sun of God. I come to give to each human heart the Love of My eternal eart so that souls may not lose hope nor joy of being present at my Return to humanity.
I am here. This is why I am the Sun of God and I bring to the world the message of the Advent of Christ, the preparation of the inner worlds for the expected Return of the Redeemer.
I know that, for many of My companions, at this planetary moment, it is difficult to live this transition, which is unknown to all humanity, but I ask you not to become desperate. I come to ask you not to give up, but rather to open your arms to receive My celestial embrace.
Many nights, when darkness reigns, when the pain is unbearable for all those who suffer in these times, not only their purification, but also this situation of humanity and the planet, I come as the Guard of the Celestial Tower, to bring to My companions the watchful consolation of My Heart, My unchangeable Presence, which is unmovable, which is non-transferable and eternal for all those who have faith in Me.
This is why I come as the Sun of God, as the Sun of the Divinity, first to announce within the inner worlds the near coming of the King of the Heavens. I also come to prepare you to keep being My apostles of the end of times so that you may learn to love My Will, and you may carry forward My Will, just as it is written within the Heart of God for each one of you.
During many nights of these times, I have heard the prayers and supplications of My children, of My servants and My prayerful beings, especially of those who have had to experience the departure of some loved being for different reasons, for various motives, and I say to you, that I have contemplated all this with My Heart, from the needs of the little ones to the situations of the more adult ones.
My Heart is here as the Sun of God, as the Eucharistic Sun of God, to again give you this eternal Communion, which is immaterial and divine, which, in essence, the impulse of My merciful Heart so that you may have inner strength, bravery and much courage; so that you may not be taken by the injustice of these times, by the incoherence of the nations, by the lack of discernment of the rulers of the world.
I ask you, be My Gospel in life. Do not just read My Gospel, be My living Gospel and, thus, you will be a part of My living Word, of My living example of Redemption, which I impel for all hearts and souls.
Remember that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Word will always remain, eternally resounding, as an impulse of light, in the hearts that trust Me. And even if to your right or to your left all may fall, stand firm, and you will not perish. Stand firm, with the firmness of the Love that I give you to face your own purification and the purification of the planet because the Sun of God is here today in Fatima, as this great sun once danced, danced in the skies of this place.
But the Sun that I bring to you today is the Sun of the Divine Source, the Sun that will always illuminate the times, situations and generations. Be brave and do not give up. When your heart aches, when your soul aches, when you no longer have strength to continue on, do not forget to say to Me: “Jesus, I trust in You”.
This is the great key, the master key that will sustain all those who believe in Me, and, even more, all those who experience the Sacraments.
These times of planetary transition have led you to strengthen your immaterial faith, in these times you have often not been able to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist physically, but this is the time for you to deepen in this union with Me, through the Spiritual Communion, because I am also present in it, when a heart simply opens up to the certainty that I am in it, and that it is in Me.
The world and humanity have not yet understood what the Father needs. Know that God, the Father who is in Heaven, suffers for all that you experience and do, for all who have moved away from Love, from the Path and the Truth. But I come to make you return to this Path. I come as the Sun of God, to give you the Love of God, and I also come here to make you live the Truth.
Being here today with you feels like more than two thousand years ago, entering the cenacle of the heart of My companions so that you may feel My Presence, feel My strength, so that you may enter My Peace because what is still to come to this humanity will be very painful, but if hearts do not forget the vow of prayer, of sacrifice and renunciation, many situations will be avoided, especially by those who adore My Eucharistic Heart.
My faith lies within them, and they will be the flames of Light for this dark world. It will be the deep inner light of the adoring hearts that I will place available, in an unconditional way, for the inner worlds that most need it, for the regions of the world that have lost peace. And these hearts, converted into flames of Light of the Adoration of My Eucharistic Light, will transmute, with Me, the incoherence of this humanity, the injustice, the offenses, the sufferings and the sorrows of many hearts, especially of the families that emigrate to other nations, seeking a new opportunity that they have not yet found.
Because the indifference of this world is so great, that you have not realized that it has been Me Who has knocked on the door of many nations, seeking refuge, relief, shelter and food to survive.
Who will be willing, in this end time, to go with Me to the hells, and to not fear evil, without challenging it, but rather confronting it, with the supreme strategy of prayer, Adoration and Eucharistic Communion with Me?
I will never give you swords for you to fight against sword, because the one who fights with a sword will be wounded by a sword.
You have to learn to live as I lived for you here on Earth. Would you be able to do what I did for you and a little more? Would you be able to act just like your Master, who, in the Last Supper, knowing all that He would live and suffer for you, did not fail to give His Love and His divine Compassion to His apostles?
I only need you to have the courage to place your heads upon My Chest when you can no longer move forward: it is so simple, that many do not dare to do it.
I come here to teach you how to surpass your own limits. I come here to teach you to transform your resistances to the point that I need, in which you can come to thoroughly live My Will.
I want to tell you that I am with the whole world at this moment, and that I carry, within My Heart, all needs, however small they seem to be, because all is important to me, even that which is most imperceptible and silent, even that which only I can see; all is considered by your Master and Lord.
But I come to teach you that, through love, everything has its time, and all that which you may be experiencing as injustice or suffering has a spiritual reason that, in this cycle, you must learn to access, to know and deepen into, so that you do not see yourselves only as victims of something, but rather as active participants in the transformation of evil into Love, in the triumph of Love in all things.
The Sun of God comes to celebrate here, with you, the first Eucharistic celebration, so that souls may live the Spiritual Communion, especially all souls that are here in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. This consecration will reach these spheres, as an act of compassion and spiritual benefit for those who most need of it.
Before this moment, I want to send a special message to a daughter of Mine in the United States, who I know has emigrated from Lebanon to this country, with her family, especially with her sick little son, who, just like many children at this moment, on each day that passes, offer themselves as victims of My Love, for the redemption and transmutation of humanity.
Little brave souls, who make great sacrifices, in the same way that the shepherds in Fatima did, so that one last opportunity may exist for all those who are already condemned to the day of Final Judgment, this is why these souls are victims of My Love.
What I want to tell this mother from Lebanon, who has recently lost her son, is that she may no longer suffer, because her son is with Me in Paradise. The little ones are those who reach My Heart the most, due to their innocence and their purity.
This is why I tell this mother from Lebanon to rejoice and offer this moment to God as an act of reparation and mercy for all that her little son has suffered at this hospital in the United States, that I have visited many times.
Jean is here with Me, be at peace.
Let us celebrate.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We offer, Lord, this incense, so that You may elevate all souls to the heart of Your Celestial Church. Amen.
We offer this water, Lord, so that You may purify our hearts and souls, so that we may be accepted and received as a model of redemption and reconciliation in the Hands of God, for the triumph of the Love of Christ. Amen.
Responding to the request of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we unite, at this moment, to His Divine Will. We ask Him to grant the inner Grace of living it every day, so that His Plan of Love may be manifested on the surface of this planet.
Before the Presence of Jesus, we unite to Him in spirit and consciousness, and we celebrate this moment under the joy of the renewal and peace that He brings us in these times.
For this, for a moment, in the silence of our hearts, we recognize our faults and ask Him for forgiveness so that His reconciling Spirit may enter within us and so that, with our hearts clean, we may live the joy of this Spiritual Communion.
O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.
On that night, before Christ was handed over, He gathered at the Cenacle to institute the Eucharist, the greatest Legacy of His Love for all humanity and the planet.
Thus, at that hour, Our Lord took the bread, raised it to God and offered it to the Father so that the bread would be converted into His Body. Then, Jesus broke it and, offering it to His apostles, said to them, “Take it and eat it, because this is My Body, which will be handed over by humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.
Then, before the Supper ended, Jesus took the Chalice in His Hands and, offering it to God so that it would be converted into His Blood, He offered it to His companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by Your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ. May the hearts that avail themselves of this Divine Sacrament rejoice so that Peace may be established.
United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we say the prayer that Jesus taught us, to consummate this consecration and this offering at the Altar.
Prayer: “Our Father.”
We announce Peace within all hearts of this planet. May the Peace and the Love of Christ descend to Earth.
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
To all our brothers and sisters throughout the whole world, we announce the Spiritual Communion with Our Lord.
The powerful form of Light enters the inner worlds of souls, so that souls may merge into Christ. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
Today, the Sun of God, in Fatima, can retreat in Peace, with the perfect conviction of having delivered the impulse to as many souls as possible.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in My Peace.
We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You,
because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.
(3 times)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Within My Heart weighs the reality of the world, the situation of the nations, the condition in which humanity is to be found.
Within My Heart weigh the difficulties of all Christians, the serious problems of the most indigent, the loneliness of the dying.
Within My Heart weighs the situation of this pandemic, which is the first crucial test of humanity in this time of planetary transition.
Within My Heart weighs the adversity in which many are submerged, and from that adversity, they cannot leave.
Within My Heart weigh those who are indifferent, those who omit the Call of God and, above all, those who received it once, and, up to today, have rejected it.
Within My Heart weigh many things, which I share with you today, which I reveal to you today, not for you to feel My grief, but rather for you to help Me transmute these situations of the world.
I come in search of those who still do not believe in Me and who have not allowed Me to enter their hearts.
I come for those who are still tepid and undecided.
I come for those who have not yet put their feet upon My Path and have not decided to find Me.
What relieves the sorrow of My Heart is a the good work, the consistency of the apostles of the last times, the sacramental life, the experience of the Gospel by means of the daily examples of life, the unceasing practice of the Commandments, the faith of the Christians and of the believers, the solidarity of those who look at the one who suffers and help them.
Those who relieve the sorrow of My Heart are also those who are consecrated and do not step back, those who remain united to Me in spite of the circumstances.
Those who relieve My Heart are those who do not doubt nor are they mistrustful, those who fulfill, step by step, what I request of them.
Those who relieve My Heart are those who decide to live their purification; those who do not get submerged in their own problems; those who do not compromise the Plan of My Father; those who understand reality, beyond themselves.
Those who live My Heart are those who serve untiringly, those who are available at any time and at any moment; those who understand the truth, beyond their ideas and feelings.
Those who make My Heart suffer are those who foster war, those who incite humanitarian crises, those who foster the displacement of the refugees.
Those who make My Heart suffer are also those who are aware and do not help, those who do not want to enter this situation and reality in order to be able to solve it.
Those who make My Heart suffer are those who govern, those who rule the nations and are out of the Law, those who no longer live the Word of Life, those who desecrate the Gospel.
Those who make My Heart suffer are those who have everything and do not share anything, those who keep their riches with fear, those who make a material illusion of their lives, those who do not care for the poorest.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who persist, those who do not always look only at themselves, those who are fraternal and try, every day, those who, in spite of their errors, continue onwards and start from scratch.
Those who rejoice My Heart are the peace-makers, not only of the word, but also through example, those who work without delay for peace.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who take refuge in Me, those who seek My Presence in the Tabernacle, those who in the Communion seek the Sacred Alliance with the Universal King.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who adore the Blessed Sacrament and who, beyond forms, understand the immaterial message that the Sacred Monstrance emits.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who are in contact with Me, those who aspire, day and night, to live in Me, those who seek My Presence and My Heart, beyond their battles.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who live in My Faith, those who seek charity anywhere, those who are open to the changes and do not fear their resistances.
Those who wound My Heart are the omissive, those who know that they can do everything and do not do so, those who justify themselves so as not to change.
Those who wound My Heart are those who have received all the treasures of Heaven and have wasted them, those who do not have gratitude, those who forget compassion.
Those who wound and hurt My Heart are the proud, those who do not invoke sister humility, those who lose their time in their own processes.
Those who wound My Heart are those who forget My Message and My Word, those who have not had enough reverence for all they have received from Heaven, those who have not yet realized the Grace that fills them abundantly.
Those who wound My Heart are those who complain all the time, those who still have not seen My Presence pass before their eyes, those who have still not yet discovered the Mystery.
Those who wound My Heart are those who hinder the Plan, those who change My ideas and My Projects, at each moment, those who forget redemption.
But My Heart feels the joy, in its very depths, for those who take steps and do not delay, for those who do not fear the unknown nor lose control, for those who surrender at My Feet the power they believe they have, for it to be transformed.
Those who bring joy to My Heart are the kind and merciful, those who not only speak, but also live My Message.
Those who bring joy to My Heart are those who commune with Me and do not forget how important this Sacrament is.
Those who bring joy to My Heart are those who rejoice in My Good News, those who wait each month for My Message, those who are thirsty for Me.
Thus, today you are getting to know the infinite mystery of My Heart, of a Heart that still feels and beats for you, of a Heart that still lives for this world and for this humanity, of a Heart that is touched by suffering because it has known it in Its own flesh, in Its own Body, of a Heart that has become divine for you and gives you Its Mercy so that you can be redeemed and so that you can forgive.
The infinite mystery of My Heart prepares you for Armageddon, to cross the doors of the Apocalypse, to continue on, in spite of what may happen.
I want you to meditate today upon everything I have told you and reflect in sincerity with yourselves, because I no longer speak to children, but rather to adults, adults in evolution and in commitment.
The Work of My Mercy must be fulfilled through the consequent and responsible souls, through those who do not fear to say ‘yes’.
May all those who truly cry out and ask for help enter My Heart so that they may be a part of this joy and bliss that touches Me, so I can be present and contemplate those who move forward, because in this way they will no longer be thorns in My Crown, but rather rays that I will scatter over the world to grant it healing and peace, to once again bring the Kingdom of God to Earth.
Be postulants to rejoice in My Heart, because, in this way, I will be able to feel that you can understand what you live with Me and the responsibility that this has before God.
I will keep walking with firm steps, marking upon the ground the Footprints of Light so that My apostles may recognize them, and, in this way, they may tread the path that the Master is showing, at the end of these times, on this planet and within this humanity.
In this way, I once again sacralize you, and, by means of My Spirit, I give you Peace, so that this Marathon of Divine Mercy may be a step further in the commitment and in the experience of this vow.
I leave you My Message as a lifeline, as a spiritual impulse to take a great leap into the void, into the void of yourselves, into the void of God, where you will find the inner unity with the Whole and, thus, with the Origin.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
May the profound Peace of Jesus be upon you, in you, and especially in the places where wars and conflicts are lived today.
After more than 2,000 years, Israel and Palestine continue to cruelly hurt each other.
These neighboring peoples are losing peace in a staggering way. Behind those who suffer and are more innocent, dark ideas are planned that only seek and fuel the use of weapons and their sales within the most fragile and hostile nations of the world.
The economies of powerful countries are sadly strengthened by all of this through disorder and the suffering of those who suffer the excessive injustice of this current humanity.
As Queen of Peace, today I come to ask you to unite fervently to all the needs of the world, but especially that you join the Prayer for Peace in the Middle East.
Humankind unconsciously plays with weapons, and this subdues and degenerates peace, imposing human orders that imprison the freedom of people and nations.
My beloved Holy Land has become a scene of horrors and blood.
For all that My Son left sown in the Gospel, but above all, through His sorrowful Passion, I come to beg you, My children, to pray very united, through the Prayer for Peace in the Middle East, so that a third war, that could have no way back, not be created nor generated. No child of Mine knows evil and its cunning.
I call upon you and summon you as My praying armies. Thus, your hands in prayer will dry the tears from the face of your Heavenly Mother from seeing the suffering and agony of those who are most innocent.
I thank you for responding immediately to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To receive at this moment the perfection of the Celestial Church of Our Lord, at His request, let us stand and intone "Ha Rishon", to receive the impulse of the Consciousness of Emmanuel.
Song: "Ha Rishon V'ha Acharon."
Welcome within you the Presence of Emmanuel, one of the great aspects of God, in My Celestial Church. It is the thinking and creator God, Who has gestated in His Spirit all that exists in Creation and in the Universe.
His Mental Universe is not only expansive, but also infinite.
From Emmanuel emanates the power of the Purpose, the concretization of the Sacred Goal.
From His creative Mind are born the forms that strengthen the expression of the Celestial Church.
Through Emmanuel, we find the path of righteousness, alignment and harmony.
His Creative Mind must act in all that exists and lives. For this reason, there is no error or mistake in His Plan; geometrically and mathematically, everything is perfect. From there are born the sacred forms, the so-called symbols of Creation, that have constituted the manifestation of the spiritual, mental and material universes.
Today, in the Celestial Church of your Master and Lord, we are standing before the Creator Source of Emmanuel, governed by the sacred Blue Ray, which expresses His infinite and pure Mind.
From Emmanuel were born the Archangels. The original Source of the Creator Fathers is in Emmanuel, and through the Creator Fathers, from the Archangels, the principles and attributes of the Divinity are born, especially for this material universe.
In its interior and at this moment, see within yourselves the great creator Nebula of Emmanuel, the powerful Mind of the Eternal Father, which from the beginning gave an impulse to the manifestation of the Will.
See within yourselves the sacred Nebula of Emmanuel, and return to the origin of the Origin, just as today the Creator Fathers, through the Sacred Celestial Church, return to the Origin together with all the good and blessed souls.
That is how, at this moment, you must find in the silence of the heart as well as in non-material life, the essence of your purpose, the reason for your creation and existence.
Meanwhile, the Father contemplates you, just as He contemplated you in His Powerful Creator Mind before you had life, before you were an essence with a creator purpose.
In the Nebula of Emmanuel lies the beginning of your beings, the origin of your emergence, the path that will again lead you to God.
Today God has wanted you to know these things, that you become aware of this mystery that goes beyond material life and up toward spiritual life.
Ask yourselves internally: Who am I? while you see within yourselves the Sacred Nebula of Emmanuel.
Who am I?
And see written within yourselves the Sacred Name of Emmanuel, the "God in Us" and in this way, you will understand that your life does not end here, that this life is a passage and it is an experience that someday will lead you to finding the truth, the truth that is within each one of you, a truth, free of appearances, errors, traumas and sufferings.
God ardently desires that you remember your essential life, the God in us, and in this way, you will overcome everything, will understand everything, and in the end, you will penetrate the mystery of the Consciousness of Emmanuel, just as the Son of God lives in the mystery of His Father, just as the Father lives in the Mystery of His Son.
What shines in you, under the Love of God, is stronger than all that is external.
See your lives in a different way, understand your paths through other symbols, because the "God in Us" is there, waiting, up until today, that you realize His aspiration.
Continue emptying and divesting yourselves so that you may understand and love the revelation of this mystery, which reaches the consciousness of the whole planet and of humanity.
While My Church emanates this impulse to the world, hearts can find the truth and the answer so longed for to understand that life does not end here, and that it is governed by a Sacred Purpose, which is written in your essences, since you emerged from the Source.
In this crucial time of humanity, the Creator Fathers resume the principles of the Source in order to be able to pour them out, and place them in all possible essences in order to generate the awakening. If that happens, and souls understand the message that comes from the universe, the end of time will not be necessary and chaos will end in humanity because millions of souls will be aware of their purpose and would be able to amend their mistakes through experiences of love and redemption.
The most pure Source of the Consciousness of Emmanuel opens through the Celestial Church in order to reach the world and try to correct its errors, under the impulse of the Divine Will, that the Creator Fathers bring.
If the offerings continued to be true, many uncertain doors would close, and souls will not suffer, for they will have found the meaning for being here on this planet, learning what they are living and experiencing, what they are feeling, in perfect union with the Creator.
But Emmanuel is not the only creative manifestation of the Father; you already know some of His Sacred Names and it must be your aspiration to know even more about the mystery of each Sacred Name, because they are vibrations that are emanated from the Supreme Source, bathing all of the spiritual, mental and material universe.
But this does not end here; the Names of God are great keys of access to the Supreme Consciousness, and to the re-encounter with the Source that generated and emanated you.
Emmanuel is the Great Restorative Power of the Universe. During the three days in the sepulcher, the power of the Light of Emmanuel restored the Sacred Son and carried Him to the resurrection. If souls knew that power, even more, they would not become lost, for who adores God in the Heavens, adores all of Creation, and all its manifestation in the planes of consciousness.
Today you are before that Nebula of the Light of Emmanuel so that the life of humanity may be restored and healing may be achieved in this moment of the planet.
Many fallen essences return to the Primordial Source through the intercession of the Creator Fathers, to recover the principles they have lost and the attributes they abandoned since they emerged from the Source, and this is possible because of the descent of the Celestial Church, and because of this physical space, offered to your Master.
Today, the inner union between the material, mental and spiritual universe occurs, and the souls of Earth carry with them a great impulse that comes from Emmanuel.
Now, placing your hands in the sign of gratitude and reception, let us ignite the essence of the Purpose in each being, intoning the sacred Name of Emmanuel.
We can begin. Everyone within the blue Nebula of Emmanuel.
Song: Emmanuel.
We bring our hands to our hearts and give thanks. We give thanks to our Creator Father.
When I was gathered with the twelve, I took the bread, in an act of gratitude I elevated it so that it would be transubstantiated by the angels of Creation, so that it would be converted into the Body of Christ. I then broke it and gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind, for the forgiveness of sins."
The Supper having ended, I took the Chalice and elevated it to Heaven in an act of thanks, so that it could be transubstantiated into the Blood of Christ by the angels of Creation. I then passed it to those of Mine, and offered it to them, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, that will be shed by the Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me.”
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, may the powers of Your creator Grace descend through this Sacrament and establish a spiritual Communion with all the devoted souls of the world.
Our Father (in Portuguese and English)
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth, under the Power of Emmanuel.
We announce at this moment, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, before the Presence of Emmanuel, the Creator Father, the establishment of spiritual Communion with all followers of Christ throughout the world, through three bells.
Celestial Father, who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of Love
so that Your Will may be done.
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
My Father, Emmanuel, was the inner power that caused Me to reach the heights of Mount Calvary, although seemingly I could never have managed it, because it was the power of His Love that changed the Cross into the Tree of Life.
Your own crosses may someday be the Tree of Life. Believe in it, because the end of the captivity is near, and all will change with My Return to the World.
Today take Emmanuel into your heart and feel within yourselves His blue Fire, so that the essence of the Purpose may incarnate in all possible souls, and just as the beloved Son, the Crucified, souls may fulfill the Will that comes from the Supreme Source.
Be in My Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At the request of Christ, at the closing of this apparition, we will listen to a song that He greatly feels and that helps each one of us, called “Make of me nothing.”
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirty-eighth Poem
Most Holy Mother of Contemplation,
Sacred Guardian of the Relics of Christ,
Messenger of Your Son’s Word of Love,
on this day, we ask You
to help us integrally live
all the teachings of Christ
so that, in this definitive time,
we may be an example of Redemption and Grace.
Most Holy Mother of Contemplation,
help us so that each Word of Christ
may resonate like an impulse of Light within us.
Through the Gospel, may we be self-summoned
to serve God without conditions,
aiming to alleviate
the wounded Heart of Christ
for everything that He observes in the world.
Most Holy Mother of Contemplation,
teach us to commit ourselves to the Path of Christ
because, in adherence, we will help to prepare His Return
through works of love.
May we never lose the joy of serving
and recognizing that we are children of God.
When we manage to be divested of self,
we ask You, Mother, to take us by the hand
towards the path of truth,
where we will continue redeeming our lives,
which will be at the service of Our Lord’s
Plan of Love
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
With love, I contemplate the Heart of God and, standing before Him, I plead for the world.
I plead for each one of His creatures so that they not only find peace but, above all, they may awaken from the illusion and the immaturity of these times.
I plead for them to know who they are, where they are and what they are called to experience in this and in all cycles.
I plead that the suffering of so many souls may move the spirit of others so that, in love and in prayer, those who know God may cry out for peace and live it, in this way, balancing the evils of this world.
I plead for the prompt manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, for the fulfilling of the scriptures and, above all, for the fulfilling of the new and eternal universal Gospel, which you do not know, in spite of the story of your souls being written within it.
I plead for the triumph of the Heart of God in each being. I ask My Lord for His Light to illuminate the eyes of humankind and show them the truth, the way and eternal life, the path of return to His Heart.
I plead with My Lord and God, Creator of life, to have compassion for lost souls, and that they may find themselves.
My Heart, small and simple, opens to share the pain that God feels because of the indifference and ignorance of humankind in the face of so many gifts given to humanity throughout the centuries and since its origin.
In the very depths of My being, I feel the Love of God for life and, moved by that Love, I plead to the Father for all beings of all the Kingdoms and I constantly cry out for His Mercy and pity, for His compassion and love, for His peace and for His living Presence in each being.
Today, children, I plead that this same feeling of love may live within you and that you thus can unite with Me, in this perpetual crying out for Creation, because the world, the Universe and all beings need it.
May the Love of God flood you and may His Word manifest in your hearts, in your thoughts and, finally, in your mouths, as a perpetual crying out of return to the Heart of the Father.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to reveal the real story of your civilization to you, not to magnify your personas, but rather to have you grow inwardly in what God needs to build for this end time of humanity.
For this reason and motive, I speak of all this information and I present all these revelations because in the coming times I will make of the apostles prophets and instructors of the Word of the Hierarchy; of the collaborators, I will make great unconditional servers, surrendered to giving their lives in any need; of those who awaken, I will make them mature available consciousnesses, with the impulse to live in service and in the absolute giving of self; of all of you and of each one, I will make something.
For the time is arriving, and the time shows the need that exists in humanity and, above all, upon this planet.
I tell you the true history of the civilizations from the past, of the most emblematic and important moments of humanity when, in ancient times, the Plan was gradually fulfilled, beyond all errors or experiences.
I tell you all of this to bring a continuity to what God needs concretized and manifested for the coming time, which is that the project of the spiritual and universal family may continue forward, just as the sacred people of Israel lived it up to a certain point and moment, while also participating, not only directly in the Graces of the Father, but also in the awakening of their virtues, talents and gifts, which God brought through the prophets and the patriarchs.
For God, everything has a deep meaning, intimate and also unknown, just ike He has for you. And so, you must fully trust in what I am doing, saying and building; placing your consciousness in the great void of God so that, in this way, you may be filled by His Wisdom, Love and Presence, in the same way as the peoples from the past were filled by the Sacred Attributes of God.
Understand, companions, about the history and the moment you are participating in and how, in the smallest details, God can write a new time in humanity, in consciousnesses and especially in the essences that participate in the call of God.
The Son of the Father, before He returns again to the world, has this mission and task; and you are participants, just as your brothers and sisters on the path are also participants.
Each one fulfills an important part within this Plan and are called, day after day, to go deeper in this commitment and surrender, just as the apostles did in the past who, by means of living a simple and austere life, surrendered into living a greater and unknown life, surrendering their families, their goods and their possessions into the Hands of the Father so that the experience of the Gospel, the Word of God, His Will, could be built in life.
It is in this way that I bring continuity to this aspiration of the Father for these critical moments in which humanity must first recognize the deviation they are living in these times and the illusion that embraces millions of souls in the world.
Like more than 2,000 years ago, I come to bring the Good News, but Good News given impulse by the nonmaterial Ray of Liberation and of Transcendence so that, in this way, the Attributes of the Father may enter into the consciousnesses that most need it, and that they thus dare to take the steps toward God.
The people who lived in the Arctic Circle and who participated in the spontaneous experience of their contact with the Universe and with God also experienced the Attributes of the Father in their consciousness and in group life.
The evolution of that civilization began to take place naturally within months until, without them perceiving it, they began to enter into the seventh dimension of consciousness. They began to participate in everything there was in the seventh dimension, beyond the fact that they lived in the material plane. Their state of purity and attunement allowed them to have these experiences.
Spiritual growth is a principle of Divine Wisdom that can fill the spirits and souls of the world so that they may be guided by the Eternal Father Himself in the designs of His Source and of His Goodness.
In this way, I bring the impulse of this civilization of North America that lived in these distant lands and in the most arduous cold of ancient times where they spontaneously came to know everything that existed in the Universe and thus understood, even on the material plane, the Will of God within His Project of the different civilizations of the Earth.
Each people, each culture that went through this planet, contributed something important to the project of humanity and, above all, to its continuity in the present. If that had not been possible, the humanity of this time would not exist.
With this, companions, understand the importance of building, in this time, this Project of God that is still to be concretized and accomplished through the inner experience and the transformation of all.
And so, I bring you the impulses held and recorded in the Sacred Books of God, which also speak about this part of the local Universe, especially of this planet and its human project accompanied and guided by the great archangels, within the diversity of life that exists in the entire material, mental and spiritual Universe.
With this awareness, you must perceive yourselves as something very small and inoffensive within the great Creation that surrounds you and that vibrates in all spaces, like a soft and sweet melody coming from the Source of Love and Unity, because God still keeps His Eyes on this race, on this humanity and planet.
It is the time of the Plan of Rescue and for this Plan to be able to develop and move forward through the redemption of consciousnesses and through the steps that these consciousnesses can take in this time so that, just like in the past, as it was for the sacred people of Israel, you may also testify to this profound change in consciousness and that maturity, so essential for this cycle, so as to prepare yourselves and prepare your brothers and sisters for the end time that is near.
And when I say near, it is because it is very near, in this material time that you live in and inhabit.
The Hierarchy brings the treasures of humanity so that they may be revealed but also, in their hands, they bring the sacred books of the Universe, to reveal all that it holds since before the origin of your essences, of your existence and of your creation.
With this, companions, understand how history is broader and deeper, and that knowledge is not measured with the mind nor with intuition, but rather with the openness of the heart of each one of My apostles and friends who trustingly drink of the Source of knowledge without boasting nor honoring themselves, because all of this has a greater purpose that is greatly unknown to you.
Thus, trust will have you stay in the void and, above all, in the gratitude of being able to receive these spiritual impulses and these Graces that come so that many can remember what they did and experienced in other times and thus dare to bring continuity to that which the Eternal Father needs.
But all of this will not only be material but also profoundly spiritual and inner. It is there, in the inner self, where the Word of the Hierarchy must resound so that after it may be built on the outer, that which God wants to materialize as aspiration and will. This is the path for understanding sacred knowledge and so that your beings can grow and express what God needs through the presence of your inner Christs.
On this day I bring you these words so that your consciousnesses may expand, so that your hearts may continue to mature in love and in surrender; in the giving of self and in the necessary conviction of serving the Creator Father in these times, as a compensation for the errors committed in this cycle by millions of souls in the world, which brings and causes the Law of Divine Justice to rapidly descend.
In this way, you will understand and comprehend that all of this and all of this purpose that I bring to you today has a broader and infinite purpose which encompasses not only souls but also other Universes and spaces of Creation that are preparing themselves before I return to the world so as to also take their great and last step.
See in the skies the spiritual and nonmaterial construction that your Master and Lord is making with the Word of God, with the Message from the Heights, with the announcement of the Good News for these times.
Be a mirror and a representation in likeness to the civilization of North America, of the people that had that experience so spontaneous and profound with Creation, which carried them into being within higher levels of consciousness and made it no longer necessary for them to be on this physical plane to continue learning to evolve and grow inwardly
It is possible to achieve an experience under other Laws, still unknown to humankind of the surface; but this is possible through the heart, a meek heart, a peacemaking heart, a trustworthy heart, a heart that believes, beyond itself, all that it does not know and has never known.
Gather up these words as My last Words, as My last impulses, as the last revelations, because it is now time to move forward with what God needs through group life and community life, so that the Will of the Father may be materialized and concretized for the purpose of carrying out and manifesting the Universal Family. And, in this way, the majority of beings and consciousnesses will be able to enter into the New Humanity.
Today, the Father accompanies Me, not only through the Word, but also through His Omnipotent and Omniscient Presence.
Adonai is here, with His children, with His heirs of Universal and Planetary Knowledge so that in recognition, courage and honor of His infinite and Cosmic Consciousness, His Nonmaterial, Spiritual and Divine Source, His Universe of Love and of Wisdom, all His children to come to Him, in the same way that this civilization of North America did, because it entered into the Consciousness of God and fulfilled a part of His Infinite Aspiration for this Material Universe, and this was reflected in the Mental and Spiritual Universe. And, in this way, all learned from that experience, from that life that once occurred upon the surface of the Earth.
Rejoice in what comes from Wisdom and drink of the Words of the Hierarchy so that you may grow in an absolute giving of self. This will make you worthy children of God.
Continue praying so that your Master and Lord can fulfill the Purpose that the Father has given Him for this time and so that His apostles can bear the powerful currents that come to assist humanity of today, before everything happens, before everything is unleashed.
All have the opportunity of entering this last ship that is passing by to gather up the self-summoned and thus, live in the Ark of the Covenant.
"Father, You Who know the importance of Your Purpose and Your Universal Aspiration, let Me feed Your children with Your Wisdom and Your Words so that, fortified by the strength of Your Spirit and Your Grace, they may have the momentum and the courage to take the great step toward the realization and concretization of Your Plan.
May these principles that come from the Source and are a part of the history of the different humanities of the Earth be able to fill hearts with that which is new and renewing so that Your Will may be accomplished, as it was accomplished in those who came through and lived upon this Planet.
May the Light of Knowledge allow them to surrender more each day to You and, in that trust, ardently fulfill what You desire, like Your Son accomplished that which You needed and aspired for, until dying on the Cross, for a great Mystery, which You then revealed to Me and had Me participate in, as a part of You.
May each being, soul and spirit be a part of You, as I am a part of You, and You are in Me, in perpetual and eternal communion. Amen."
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the coming of the New Race be accomplished.
May humanity express its archetype.
May the word be living and build Your temple.
May Your Mystery expand in us
and true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and Glorify perfect unity.
Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Starting now, child, prepare your heart, not only to re-live the Passion of your Lord, but also to receive from Him the last and most important impulses, which will prepare your consciousness and your spirit for the time that will come.
In the same way that, in Jesus, God built the strength that allowed Him to carry the Cross of the redemption of the world, now He sends His Son to strengthen and to shape the spirits that committed to Him in the renewal of His Love and in the revelation of the deepest mysteries of His Universal Gospel.
For this reason, be aware of where you are and for what you were called for, and allow your soul to deepen into the mystery of your existence through prayer and gratitude, through the daily effort to be ready, to be before Christ.
May this Lent have for you a new and definitive meaning of truly having your heart ready, as the Heart of Christ, to bear the weight of the cross of these times and to renew His Love.
Experience the cycles with attention and humility, simple, yet vigilant at heart. Everything in your life has a spiritual meaning; human evolution is a great and constant ceremony of opening paths toward God. Participate in this ceremony with your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the world and the nations get involved in chaos, My children, I call you to enter into My Heart and find peace. I call you to cross the thresholds of human indifference that exists within you, as upon the whole planet. I call you to lose fear of what is true and unknown so that, in this way, you can look at your own inner world and find what you truly are.
May you contemplate the infinite and know that this very infinite dwells within you. And just as the stars hold in their shine a great mystery that seems to be distant from your lives, within you there is also a divine essence, whose shine, My children, holds not only the mysteries about yourselves, but about that of all life, about the Plan and the perfect Thought of God for humanity and for all creatures.
In spite of all conflicts and sufferings, in spite of all stimuli that you receive, day by day, causing one to suffer, to lose hope, to live indignation and to feel the pain of injustice, I call you today to go beyond all appearances and find that which is true, although it was nearly always hidden from human eyes.
In these times, My children, nothing else will be hidden from you, and in your hearts the divine mysteries and gifts can become unveiled, you can discover your true potentials, you can know what you were created for, what is the purpose of your lives; a purpose that is beyond the experience of forgiveness and redemption, and that is held in the expression and in the manifestation of love, in that which Christic Love awakens within you, and in everything.
These are times to be conscious of the urgency of the planet, to know and perceive that the chaos announces the Apocalypse and the Laws are being fulfilled, and they manifest that which was written. But it is also time to know the correct way to deal with the planetary situation, and this, beloved children, is not written in any Sacred Book, because it is part of the Revelation of these times; it is part of that which you must live and experience in this evolutionary stage of humanity, which you were not ready to live, and not even to know about in other times.
The Keys to cross the thresholds, that separate you from the Truth and divide the cycles of the old and new human being, are found in Our words; they are found in the state that the Divine Word places you within.
Therefore, do not only listen to that which we tell you, but let yourselves be elevated. Go deep and seek within that which only silence is capable of showing you and, with this strength, you will be ready to deepen within yourself.
It is by praying and uniting your own heart to God, and to the Divine Messengers, that you will be worthy to know what makes you like your Creator. And in this way, My children, you write with your own lives the Gospel of these times; the Gospel that is the concretion of the end, but also the beginning of the new.
I leave you My blessings so that you may be beyond every internal or external conflict; so that you may be held within My Heart and, by elevating your own spirit, you may help humanity to also be freed from the ties to the slavery of ignorance and illusion.
I love you, support you and with My Love I guide you so that you may be in God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
For a soul to return to God it must receive constant impulses that inspire and guide it in its elevation in the quest for the Heart of the Father.
You will find these impulses, child, in the Living Word of your Creator, in His Gospel and in the countless instructions that He has given you through His Messengers. Feed your spirit with that which makes you search for God more. Nourish your consciousness with that which comes from the Father, for you to remember whence you came and where you have to return to.
Meditate daily on the Words of your Lord, with attention and peace in your heart, so that they enter into the depths of your human condition and from there start to transform you.
Before everything, remember your Creator, remember the Love He has for you and how He awaits your return to His dwelling.
Before everything, remember the Son of God, remember the love that He has for you and which was not only expressed on the Cross, but in all constant sacrifices that Christ makes, offering Himself as the Lamb before God to repair human faults.
Remember the Holy Spirit of God, inhabiting silently in all that you are. Allow a space for Him to be expressed. Silence your heart to listen to Him. Let the sacred that inhabits within you be able to be the true expression of your being for the world.
Live in God and emanate peace. Live in God and emanate respect, love, comprehension, charity. Let the Father demonstrate to the world that He inhabits within His children, through you.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and welcome the divine Graces with love.
Receive in your spirit and in your heart the Rays which come from the Heart of the Creator of all things. His Divine Science manifests within beings when they pray from the heart and it reveals to them what they truly are; it allows essences to recover their brightness and their celestial expression, and demonstrates to humankind the purity and the mystery which lies within you.
Let all that which happens in the silence and in the invisible of planetary existence expand to all beings, to all of Creation. Let that which the Father gives you when you pray to flow from your heart to the world, and make of your life a permanent service for human evolution.
Be a server in silence, a server from the heart, a server who lives the Gospel within themselves and transforms the human consciousness from the inside out, converting the deepest roots of your degeneration.
You are a part of a whole; you are the product of a history that did not begin on this Earth and which will not end on it; but which is defined here, within each being.
If two or more experience the transformation that the Creator needs, it will already be enough to demonstrate the greatness of the Love of God to all of Creation, and renew the evolution of all life, on this planet and beyond it.
Aspire, child, to be the one who makes the difference. Seek to be the one who experiences the transcendence of self every day. Seek to live within yourself what you aspire for humanity to manifest, and find the Will and the Design of God through your purest aspirations.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Son of Man, in His time, came to the world to renew His Church and the scriptures. He came to manifest the laws and expand them; He came to bring to life what were merely words in the mouths of men who were respected and said to be wise.
Today, children, the Son of Man will come again, outside of His Churches. And in the imperfect, as the fishermen chosen by Him, He will rebuild and expand His Gospel. And again they will be slandered and persecuted, again they will be understood only by the pure and open of heart, and rejected by those who fear to lose their false power and glory in this world.
Christ returns in spirit to prepare for His physical, mental and spiritual return to this world.
To His companions, He simply says: "Do not fear, but rather love, and overcome fear with the power of this Love that, in spite of having been revealed to you more than two thousand years ago, is still unknown to many."
Be instruments for the renovation of the Church of Christ. Let His Celestial Church remove the structures of what is old and dirty so that humankind may again be washed by His Celestial Love.
The pure of heart will unite, in spite of their beliefs and religions. The truth of the return of Christ will speak louder than the shouts of the doctrines of human beings. The strength of the love and of the unity among them will sustain them and create the bridge for the return of the Lord.
For this reason, simply love, be peace-makers and be true. This will be the testimony of the presence of God among you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Each day that the commemoration of the Passion of your Lord approaches, prepare your heart.
Prepare it with songs and prayer, prepare it with silence and with awareness knowing that Christ, with His Presence, will bring a new cycle to the Earth.
Let your heart inspire others, as well as the consciousness of the Earth itself, so that all may be prepared to face the Lord.
Today He comes in Spirit; tomorrow He will come in Glory. And soon the time will come to know His true Face, for one day the prophecies will be fulfilled, one day you will see the Lord and His mysteries, face to face.
It will be in the Presence of Christ that you will truly understand His Words, kept in the Gospels. With a simple look and with the movement of His Hands, He will reveal everything that was hidden in His teaching and, at that moment, humankind will recognize its limitations and its ignorance and will humbly open to the new life.
The Presence of Christ will speak for itself. His Gaze will remove evil from within humanity and His Heart will multiply in the hearts of those who with love have waited for Him.
Prepare your hearts to experience what I tell you and do not fear.
After all the hardships of humanity, the celestial prophecies will be fulfilled and all will be as was said.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
Today I leave to the souls and to the whole world the promises of the Rose of Peace, for those who have this holy image with them.
These promises will serve as help and protection for the hearts that have faith and hope, and they will also be a bridge of salvation for those who are in most need of light and redemption.
I give you the Twelve Promises of Mary, Rose of Peace, so that they may be the means by which the Divinity may work and intercede for the world.
The Twelve Promises of Mary, Rose of Peace
1. To protect the homes and families from any attack or war.
2. To awaken solidarity, mutual fraternity and the good amongst the peoples.
3. To sow the values of faith and of the communion with Christ based upon the principles of the Gospel and the Word of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
4. To gather the souls to be in prayer and in union with the nations, those in need and all those who suffer adversities.
5. To unify the hearts with the principle of an elevated brotherhood and peace without borders.
6. To place within the families the attributes of love and of peace based on everything taught by Christ.
7. To dispel from the human consciousness any form of danger, temptation, oppression or chastisement.
8. To learn to live together in harmony with Nature and motivate and encourage the care and protection of the Younger Kingdoms.
9. To reflect in the human consciousness the Wisdom and the Discernment of God in order to make correct decisions rather than hasty or impulsive decisions.
10. Solidarity with the poor, the dying, the orphan, the sick and all beings in moral, psychological or material suffering in order to alleviate them and bring them closer to the Mercy of God.
11. To confirm within oneself the victory of the Love of Christ and the expression of Love in its different phases of life through service, family, prayer, healing and instruction.
12. To assume the commitment and the mission that one came to fulfill on Earth, strengthening ones faith in the Mother of God, as the Guide and Advocate of all souls.
I will help you so that these promises be fulfilled in you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I promised you, as it was written by the Apostle Mathew, that I would be with you every day until the end of times. Now, and at this moment, that promise is fulfilled.
I am here with you every day of your life, and will be up until the end of times. Thus, see and believe in what is happening.
Many wait for Me to appear inside the Church but, in truth, they did not understand me.
I go to the spiritual Church that exists inside of each being; that is the Church that I seek, within the good souls that worship Me and listen to Me through these daily Messages.
Continue, then, making the promise of your Master and Lord real, every day, so that I may continue to be with you until the end of times. And, in this way, more hearts may have the happiness of knowing me and of participating in communion with Me.
Be witnesses of this important event of participating in the reappearance of Christ.
May this sacred meeting echo within the times which will come so that not only souls, but also the planet may be worthy of My Mercies.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Devotion"
"Devotion" is a song of Figueira that implores for and invokes the cosmic Mercy and a universal grace, permeated by the one and absolute Divine Creator Spirit.
"Devotion" is a call, a request of the innermost and deepest worlds of the soul of one who, in surrender and resignation, offers themselves to the Creator to be transformed, redeemed, and blessed by the Higher Law of Love.
The song "Devotion" presents itself to us as the key to access the Gifts that Christ offers, as is the spiritual Water, one of the millenary nourishments of Creation that sanctifies and quenches the thirst of humankind.
Through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, we find Christ as the principal saving model for humanity and the planet; we find Him in the inner world of each being, as the universal Redeemer and Intercessor between humanity and God.
For this reason, Christ is presented in the song "Devotion" in His true Aspect, something yet not recognized by His Church on Earth, but testified to in the different Gospels, and just like the Transfiguration of Jesus, a mystery yet to be revealed.
In this sense, the song makes an appeal for the life of the surface to be corrected from the deviation that it has lived, time and again, due to ignorance, pride, and human power.
In this way, the song invites the devotee of Christ to drink of the true and pure Fount that the Master offers to all beings, so that each soul may be completely satiated by the Redeeming Love that the Divine Person of Christ, in fusion with His Divinity, offers in this song.
The Water He offers not only purifies and cleanses, but also redeems and uplifts the consciousness in state and in plane in order to find the spiritual meaning of its existence.
Thus, the Master appeals to everyone to love one another as brothers and sisters so that there are no confrontations and struggles between beings and peoples.
In the song "Devotion," it is prophesied, in simple words, the importance that love prevails, in order to dissolve conflicts and, later on, wars.
After thirty years of the creation of these songs and poems of devotion to the Hierarchy, a warning is revealed, especially in this song "Devotion," to prevent human catastrophes.
And, in truth, the opposite took place because the human being allowed themselves to be defeated by the power and the arrogance to conquer the world, forgetting the rules of love and allowing themselves to be submerged in error.
Renewing the appeal of this sacred prophecy, expressed in this song, the last Christs will be those who will place human life again on the right pathway, a life that has been perverted, separating itself from the true reason of its existence.
The last Christs will be those who will give their lives for the rest.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Message in honor of the anniversary of the holy death of Father Pio from Pietrelcina
Let My Divine Blood flow in your veins, as it flowed through each corner of Father Pio.
Let My immaterial Life be expressed in you, as My Wounds of love and pain were marked in Father Pio.
Imitate this example of holiness and renunciation. Love the example of sacrifice and surrender for others, as Father Pío loved it at each moment.
Be this witness of renewal and faith, just as Father Pío was, who gave himself completely to Me, in each phase and in each circumstance of life.
Allow that the Breath of the Holy Spirit, that invaded and filled Father Pío, may reach your soul for it to be overwhelmed by the Christic Love of My Eternal Heart.
Find the meaning to your existence, following My Gospel and entering into the inner path that I offer to you today.
I ask you to renew yourself in Me, as Father Pío renewed himself in each Eucharist, in each moment of confession and silence.
Draw closer to the life of Father Pío so that you may become similar to him and let Me mark you with the spiritual prints of My Love, because, in this way, you will be Mine and to My Kingdom you will belong, once you have reached the expression of Merciful Love.
May, on this day of Father Pío, death not represent the end of something but the beginning of the real flight towards the infinite Heart of God, where everything will be consummated.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the twilight is about to disappear and the night arrives, this will be the most culminating moment for humanity and the planet.
Everything will have been unleashed within and outside of the beings, and upon the surface of the Earth, there will be nothing more to learn nor anything to teach.
Everyone will know the truth.
Everyone will be able to see it and participate in it, because the end of times will have been consummated and the New Earth will cease to be a promise, because the old Earth will have been purified.
But before this promise is fulfilled, which God eagerly awaits, the Earth will have yet to go through its transition. Duality will also experience its definition and fate will be changed.
After the most difficult parts have taken place, the Aurora will come, causing its Light and its Consciousness to shine forth. The Son will come and then His Mother will come, and with Them, all the angels and archangels, and the great laborers of the Plan.
The trumpets will have already been played and Truth will resound in the hearts of the righteous.
The unrighteous will be set apart and sent on to their new destiny. The chaff will have been separated from the wheat, the wolves from the sheep, the pure from the impure, the turbid from the clear, the darkness from the light.
And no one will be able to complain, no one will be able to justify themselves, because they will have received everything from Heaven and from the Universe.
The Words of the Hierarchy will no longer slip by like the wind or the breeze that can caress your faces.
The Word will be fulfilled and no one will be able to omit it.
No consciousness, no nation, no government, no one will be opposed, for opposition and duality will no longer exist, there will be no past nor will there be future.
The eternal present will descend to the Earth and the planet will enter into its new dimension, the dimension from which it was separated due to learning and experiences.
It will enter into the real dimension, into Real Time, where only the eternal exists, the visible and the invisible.
Thus, the consciousnesses that will stay and remain will no longer be far from the Truth, because the Truth will be part of them for having persisted in their tests and in their learning processes, for having believed in Christ, in His Word, for living obedience and a strict adherence to His call.
When I am no longer here among you, know that everything will be unleashed.
The walls of the resistances will no longer be personal fortresses, there will be no divisions or barriers, obstacles nor challenges, because everything will fall by its own weight.
Truth will prevail in the clean and humble hearts. The lies will be seen in the hearts that became soiled through their evil words.
The true faces will be seen. Some, full of gladness and the joy of Heaven, others full of fright, encountering Truth and repenting too late.
This is why you must always be careful with what you decide about your lives and your paths.
The Plan of God is not something transitory nor is it something that can be used to one's own advantage.
If the Son of God descended to Earth, it was because of the highest Will.
If the Son of God came to meet you, it was because of the highest Will.
Do you understand?
You cannot discard the Plan of God because it is not convenient for you or you do not feel it. Assume the responsibility of your purification and soon you will be free of yourselves.
You cannot distort the story that is being written in your hearts and lives.
You cannot turn aside the pencil of God for your faults. Reconsider and you will grow.
Do not make small what is truly grand and comes from Heaven.
Do not be like the world, which insults the Plan of God, day after day, without being aware of it.
Because when the laws strike the world, all will learn, and those at the center of the Purpose will not suffer, because the Law will not be a punishment, the actions of humankind will be their own condemnation.
You must recognize within yourselves what the Kingdom of God has given you, and do not contaminate it with your way of life.
Thus, invoke, implore and appeal for a pure heart so that your minds may be pure, so that your actions may be pure, so that your paths may be full of light rather than of suffering, the suffering that you can cause and experience for yourselves.
God aspires that all be able to live in His Joy and that nobody else condemn themselves in this humanity.
Seek to be what God really needs and everything will transform.
You cannot cease to be part of My New Gospel.
You must be part of what is descending from the Universe.
This is why, in these last days, I have brought you so many keys and so much knowledge, because it is time to live the spiritual maturity that the Father of the Universe needs to be able to continue to fulfill His Plan and His Will.
You cannot consider the Plan of God and your mission as something transitory, as if nothing mattered anymore.
Repentance will come to show some the place that they have put themselves in and from where they cannot manage to get out on their own. My Mercy does not reach there, neither does My Grace nor My Light. I cannot transgress your free choice nor your will.
I taught My apostles to be true, but also simple; to be honest and transparent in Truth, because that will always protect them.
But now is the time to place your consciousness upon the decisions in life and how that influences your evolution and mainly, your spiritual life.
Everything that has been given in these last times must be testified to on the day of the Final Judgment and after this life for all.
The treasures of Heaven will never be lost.
The treasures of Heaven must be testified to by each disciple of Mine, even though they are no longer with Me.
The signature of your commitment is your salvation and to remember this every day is also your salvation.
You must learn to perceive the reality beyond yourselves and never allow yourselves to harm the Plan.
You cannot let time go by as if nothing will happen. You know, better than I, that the planet is suffering and is very wounded.
This is why it is in the most culminating moment of the tribulation that I will return, and nobody will be able to escape this event, no matter how much they have denied Me, no matter how much they said I am not here.
The true Hierarchy does not have the children of God waste time. Be aware of this and reconsider.
I express this especially to those who have distanced themselves and were confused by My enemy. I pray for their repentance and their humiliation.
Human pride can be as large as a sea and drown you without you perceiving it.
The blindness of the unjust will be removed when they allow the Heart of the Master to touch them with His Light.
The lepers of spirit will be healed when they open from the heart to the divine healing and the reality of the Universe.
All of you have a place in My Heart, which you already know.
All of you have a commitment with Me and that is unforgettable, because the time has come for assuming the reality and not setting it aside on your paths as if it did not exist.
Learn from My Sacrifice and you will survive.
Be capable of truly and warmly loving.
Be true ambassadors of peace for these critical times, for in this way you will gladden My Heart which has many anxieties and a great many sorrows, caused by those who have not understood Me through this medium.
Now the Light will come for those that want to live it and want to participate in it.
That Light that I will propagate will protect you and you will love each step of your purification for Me.
Re-live your commitment that you once signed in the Cosmos and enter into the true dimension of the Brotherhood.
The locks of the Sacred Books have already been opened to begin to pronounce the great revelation of all times and of all eras.
Universal Life will become present in the hearts that cry out for it, for in this way the Plan will be vivified.
Do not waste time in what is transitory.
Accept carrying the planet upon your backs, for it cries out for relief.
Have the Star of loyalty and Confraternity stamped upon your chests. Re-ignite that inner Sun that must never die or go out.
Let what you truly are shine and you will be able to step out of superficial things.
Because what is small-minded will cease to be small-minded, pride will be purified, and arrogance will die so that the light of the spirit may emerge, which will always fill you and lead you toward peace.
I thank you for cooperating.
I thank you for listening and for bringing relief to the Heart of God.
May the Purpose be accomplished in you and may it always be remembered so that in the moments of greatest tribulation you do not doubt in following My Path, in this way, you will free yourselves of the confusion and the appearances that are around you.
Embrace this cross that I offer to you and, in this way, the seed of a New Humanity will be sown.
I do not ask the impossible of you. I only ask that after so many experiences in Heaven and on Earth, you learn to live Truth and, in simplicity, that which will cause you to find the great Ocean of My Love, of My infinite and expansive Love.
Re-experience all these impulses that I have given to you these days, because I know that you cannot manage to remember them.
You must pay attention to what I say to you because My Words will not be repeated.
Be good students, dedicated and disciplined, in this way you will defeat inertia.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more